What is the difference between the categories of eggs. How to choose eggs in the store

The first thing we know about eggs is their protein source. The egg itself is already a complete dietary dish, which is used not only ready-made, but also raw. It is not for nothing that supporters of a balanced plate will certainly advise you on eggs as a substitute for meat or fish.

The egg white is almost entirely composed of albumin, and in the yolk, in addition to albumin, it additionally contains six more proteins: ovoglobulin, albumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, lysocin, and avidin.

The claim that frequent egg consumption leads to higher levels has been disproved. The amount of cholesterol in them is not enough to cause any harm to the body. This is the correct cholesterol required by the cells of the human body.

Egg yolk contains choline necessary for normal brain function. Thanks to this substance, memory and liver function are improved. The yolk of one large egg is able to provide the body with 30% of the daily need for this nutrient, a deficiency of which many feel.

One egg contains 7 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat. Together with 100 grams of eggs, you will eat only 44 calories.

At the same time, egg white is especially useful for those who want to lose weight. Indeed, without adequate protein intake, it is impossible even to talk about correct (due to fat) weight loss. And egg whites provide a whole klondike of building blocks for muscles. Egg white is good for vision because it contains substances that help prevent age-related changes in vision and stop cataracts.

How many eggs can you eat?

Among people with cardiovascular disease, there is an equal proportion of those who eat six or more eggs a week and those who eat no more than one or two eggs a week. Eating a couple of eggs a day, even on a daily basis, is not capable of significant harm to health. At the same time, if problems with the heart and blood vessels have already been diagnosed, it is better to discuss the number of eggs that you plan to consume with your doctor.

Eggs are complete constituents and are based on the consumption of a large number of foods containing protein.

Many of the trendy express diets are designed to produce results in a short amount of time. But nutrition experts are urging to give preference to diets, the use of which does not give visible results in the first days or a week. The result of the use of full-fledged diets, close to a balanced diet, will be stretched over time, but it will bring less stress to the body. And it is easier to maintain such a result after leaving the diet.

Eggs in weight loss diets

A complete diet that includes lots of eggs and other protein-rich foods can be extended over 4 weeks. The good thing is that during such a diet you will not be tormented by a feeling of hunger. The feeling of satiety will become a constant companion for you, but grams with centimeters will rapidly melt. Weight with such a diet is reduced by 300-400 grams per day. If you follow the rules for a month, you can count on a comfortable loss of 9-10 kilograms or even a little more.

Such a diet should include:

  • Boiled eggs. Chicken or quail;
  • Lean meat. Chicken, rabbit, turkey or beef. Pork is not worth eating because it is fatty meat.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat varieties;
  • also low fat;
  • Vegetables. The exception is potatoes, its use is limited because it contains a lot of simple carbohydrates;
  • Fruit. High-calorie and grapes should be excluded.

You will have to give up bakery products. The only exceptions are dietetic bread made from whole grain flour, and even then not a lot.

  1. For breakfast, a couple of eggs and fruits of the same varieties, such as citrus fruits. Eggs can be boiled, they can be steamed into an omelette.
  2. You should dine with meat or fish with vegetables. Meat and fish can be boiled, baked in the oven, or steamed. Fried foods are recommended to be avoided because the food and the amount of fat in such processing is higher. Vegetables are useful for steaming, boiling or stewing. It is good to make a salad with raw vegetables and season with natural low-fat yogurt.
  3. For dinner you can cook eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese and fruits. It is recommended to boil vegetables or eat a salad from them. You should not eat something baked in the evening.

There are a huge number of ways to prepare eggs: omelets, poached eggs, fried eggs and, of course, boiled eggs. In addition, they are components and additions to hundreds of dishes. However, with prolonged heat treatment, some of the beneficial properties of eggs are lost. The yolk of a hard-boiled egg takes about three hours to digest, while a liquid egg takes half the time.

One of the most useful ways to cook eggs is to boil soft-boiled eggs. So assimilation in the stomach lasts about one and a half hours and nutrients are absorbed by almost one hundred percent.

The role of protein in diet or weight loss is difficult to overestimate, but such a diet has pitfalls. Protein provides the body with satiety for a long time. Therefore, it is often tempting to skip lunch or dinner, but this should never be done. The intake of food in the body should be regular. At least three full meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner. If you skip a meal, hunger arises suddenly, there is a desire to eat something, but this cannot be done. If, in spite of everything, hunger still overtook, it is recommended to have a snack with such a diet with an exceptionally small amount of raw vegetables.

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Egg differences

They can be found in any home refrigerator. They tell tales and joke about them, come up with sayings and certainly mention them in the so-called “basic consumer basket”. It is both the most common ingredient and the easiest and fastest dish to serve. Chicken eggs - what could be simpler? But do we all know about them?


The chicken laid the testicle, and immediately a stamp is placed on its side. Typically, each egg produced in a poultry farm is labeled. The first sign in the marking means the shelf life, read - the age of the egg; the second is the category, that is, its size. The beginning of our cipher can be the letter "d" or "c", which means, respectively, "dietary" or "table". An egg that will not be stored at a negative temperature and must be sold within 7 days is considered a dietary one. The day of his "birth" is not counted. That is, "dietary" is not a special variety, but just a very fresh egg.

The yolk in it is motionless, the protein is dense, and the height of the space occupied by air is no more than 4 mm. Marking on a dietetic egg is applied, as a rule, in red ink and usually includes the date - the date and month of its "birth" - as confirmation of its "dieteticity". As time goes on, the protein in the egg dries up somewhat, the yolk shrinks, acquires mobility, after a week the void increases to 7-9 mm.

And the dietary egg goes into the category of canteens. Completely edible, but living by different rules. You should know that the shelf life of table eggs at room temperature does not exceed 25 days from the date of laying, in the refrigerator - no more than 90 days. On the shell of an egg, originally doomed to become a canteen, they usually put a blue stamp indicating only the category.

A competent consumer always pays attention to the expiration date and date of manufacture of the product, including eggs. If you want to buy a really dietary egg, then this is simply necessary: ​​a “red” testicle according to your passport may turn out to be “blue” by age.

The eggs themselves may not be labeled if they are packed in containers with a label containing the necessary information. But the label must be placed in such a way that we have to break it when opening the container. Now let's deal with categories - the second part of our cipher. She talks about the mass of the egg. Let's start with the smallest - from 35 to 44.9 grams - this is the third category, the second - from 45 to 54.9 grams, large eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams - the first category. The largest - weighing from 65 to 74.9 grams - fall into the category of "selected", denoted by the letter "o". Rarely, but eggs weighing more than 75 grams are found - such giants are awarded the highest giant category, they are entitled to the honorary letter "v".

When buying imported eggs, you should pay attention to the fact that the packaging must indicate: the class of the product and its weight category, the number of eggs in the package; the name and address of the establishment that packed the eggs or on whose order they were packed; conditional number of the packing box; best before date; instructions for storage or use.

S - less than 53 g

M - 53–63 g

L - 63-73 g

XL - 73 g and more

The first digit of the number on the package indicates in which EU country the eggs were packed. Most often it is Belgium (number 1), Germany (2), France (3) or Holland (6). If you buy eggs by the piece, and not in a package, the same data should be indicated on the price tag.

In recipes, usually the mass of one egg is considered equal to 40 grams, that is, we mean a small egg - the third category.

Carrying moment

A person who is accustomed to thinking about the meaning of words and concepts faces a difficult test in a modern supermarket. For example, what does the word "organic" mean on a package of eggs? Is there a new way to artificially produce eggs without the participation of a laying hen already discovered?

And isn't that what the manufacturer is hinting at us, emphasizing that it is his product that has such a distinctive feature - this egg was laid directly by a live bird? What about the prefixes "bio" and "eco"? How should we treat them? Do they contain any information about the contents of the shell, or is it just a tribute to the fashion for everything natural?

In the countries of the European Union, the United States and Japan, buyers have long been free from such speculations, because all these concepts are clearly defined and regulated by law. There are systems of standards around the world that govern the area of ​​organic food production. There are some differences in the definition of the "organic degree" of a product in America and Europe, but the general principle is universal.

Only the product, all components of which are produced and grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, bioengineering and ionizing radiation, has the right to be called organic. In organic animal husbandry, the use of growth stimulants and other hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed is prohibited; the use of vitamins, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs is strictly limited. Special requirements are imposed on the conditions of detention and water.

Only with strict adherence to these rules (which is checked by the certifying company) does the manufacturer receive a document authorizing the "organic" label. Certification companies, in turn, are regularly inspected by inspection authorities for compliance and compliance with the law.

Thus, in Europe, America and Japan, the inscription "organic" on the packaging of eggs essentially means: these are eggs from chickens that have the ability to run freely in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural natural food rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - seaweed ...

What do we have? Until mid-summer 2008 in our country, the degree of compliance of "organic" products with whatever standards were left to the mercy of manufacturers and sellers. In this situation, consumers could only count on their conscience. In July, the Rospotrebnadzor issued a decree on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products. However, the newly emerging legislative framework in this area is not yet supported by either the certification or the inspection system. In addition, according to the rules, before a field or farm can be dubbed "organic", they must undergo "purification", that is, hold out for a certain period of time without chemical fertilizers and other substances prohibited in this system.

So while the inscription "organic" on the packaging of eggs in our supermarkets does not guarantee us anything. True, there are organizations that have developed their own voluntary environmental certification systems.

However, they set standards for "organic" and "environmentally friendly" products on their own, based on their own requirements. Some of the manufacturers send their products to voluntary laboratory tests, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. What conclusion can we draw from all this?

Carefully read all the labels on the packaging, try looking for additional information about the manufacturer you are interested in. Be critical. We, alas, can not also give a recommendation to trust such marking on imported goods, because in our country at the moment their certification verification for compliance with the declared standards has not been established.

On prescription

Well, well, and in which basket should we put a variety of “smart” eggs with iodine, “country” ones with carotenoids, “fitness” eggs with selenium, “vitamin” eggs with a high acid content? Let's try the basket labeled "functional products".

According to the manufacturers, their place is there. Functional (or fortified) foods are foods that have increased or restored nutritional value. In our case, the enrichment of eggs with various additives is carried out by adding appropriate preparations to the feed for layers. For manufacturers, this can be called "creating products with specified properties."

Nutritionists do not have a common opinion about the effect of such products on the body, and our organisms are different: one is benefit from iodine or acid, and another is death. We can only conclude that in this case the egg cannot be both "functional" and "organic" at the same time.

What is more important to you - choose. And finally, when we have more or less dealt with the "formal signs", we still need to answer the question once and for all: white or dark? Which eggs are best? What does the color of the eggshell indicate? Here experts agree: the color of the shell depends only on the breed of chicken. It is a purely aesthetic choice to show preference for certain eggs based on shell color.

Let all this help you choose the best eggs in the store variety. Because all doctors and nutritionists agree that the chicken egg is a unique and wonderful product in its composition and dietary properties.

Soap protects those who are careful

Eggs are loved not only by us, but also by the causative agent of a serious infectious disease - the bacterium Salmonella. It is not so difficult to protect yourself from this uninvited guest.

Dirt and dried droppings on the shell are by no means a sign of an “organic” egg, but rather a sign of poor hygiene in the poultry farm.

Eggs with damaged shells should not be eaten.

Before use, the egg should be washed under running water and soap. Remember to wash your hands, even if you just touch the egg.

Store eggs in a cool, but not too dry place, separate from strong-smelling foods and raw meat; the best temperature is 0–5 ° С.

Eggs can be pasteurized. For pasteurization, they are washed and then broken into sterilized dishes. After combining the yolks with the whites, they are filtered and heated to +63 ° C for one minute, then quickly cooled.

It is one of the main food products of the population of many countries. But despite the popularity of this product, people are often faced with the problem of their choice. It turns out that chicken eggs come in several categories, each of which has its own shelf life and many other information that is incomprehensible to most. Consider what eggs are and how to choose them.

Permissible storage period

The shelf life of a product is the first thing we usually focus on when buying. Chicken eggs are no exception. Depending on the time elapsed after being demolished by a chicken, it is customary to divide them into two types: dietary and canteens.

Diet "D"

Diet include specimens storage period of which does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day of the chicken. Moreover, they should not be at sub-zero temperatures. Moreover, this species should have a compacted white, uniformly colored yolk, as well as a height of the space occupied by air, not more than 4 mm. The shell of such testicles must be clean, a small presence of dots or stripes on it is allowed.
You can recognize this product on the counter by a red stamp on the shell with the letter "D" on it. Thus, this species is not a specific variety or species - it is just the freshest eggs.

Did you know?Laying hens produce 250-300 eggs on average in 12 months. To lay one testicle, she needs a little more than a day.

Canteens "C"

It is customary to refer to dining rooms as specimens that are stored at the temperature of the living room. no more than 25 days from the date of their sorting, not counting the day they were demolished, or stored in refrigerated chambers for no longer than 90 days. Such a product has a movable yolk, a low density of protein and a height of the space occupied by air, more than 4 mm, which, as a rule, ranges from 5 to 7 mm.
If dots and stripes are present on the shell, their total number should not occupy more than 12.5% ​​of the total surface. On the shell of each table egg, a blue stamp is put with the designation of a large letter "C" and its category.

Categories of chicken eggs and their weight

So, we all know what types of chicken eggs are and what is the difference between them. Now let's try to understand their categories. The key criterion by which eggs are assigned to a particular category is them, therefore, according to modern GOSTs, 5 main categories are distinguished.

Highest category (B)

Selected Egg (O)

Products in this category have a slightly smaller size and weight - 65 to 74.9 g... It is designated on the shell or packaging with a capital "O".

First category (C1)

Second category (C2)

The 2nd category includes those eggs that have weight from 45 to 54.9 g... Such products are usually designated by the number "2".

Third category (C3)

Did you know?Every year around 570 billion chicken eggs are consumed in the world.

Thus, if you saw a chicken egg on the counter marked "C2" on the shell, this means that it is a dining room of the second category, and the abbreviation "D1" refers to the product as a dietary one of the first category.

In addition, on store shelves you can often find products with the designation "Premium", "bio" and "organic control"... However, we advise you not to fall for this trick of manufacturers and not overpay extra money.
The thing is that abroad this designation implies that those who demolished them chickens are free-range and feed them exclusively with natural feed... However, our GOSTs do not provide for any requirements for these inscriptions, therefore the text given above does not guarantee anything to you.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer may not mark any of the above types and categories at all, if at the same time he packs the products in containers with a label that shows all the information the buyer needs.
But at the same time, the main condition is that the manufacturer must place the testicles in such packages that cannot be opened without leaving visible damage. This condition guarantees the buyer in the future that the contents of the container cannot be rearranged or replaced.

Choosing an egg: how to protect yourself from infections

After receiving the above information, it will not be difficult to choose the eggs of the desired type and category.
However, when buying, we still advise you to pay attention to the following:

  1. First of all, check the production time, which must be present on each copy or packaging.
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer, which is recommended to choose according to the distance from the factory to the counter: the less the product was in transit, the better.
  3. The next step is to check if the egg is rotten. To do this, simply bring it to your ear and shake it a little. If at the same time the yolk knocks against the wall of the shell, it is better to set it aside.
  4. The place of storage of the goods in the store is also important, since the products in question are susceptible to strong absorption of unpleasant odors. It is also worth focusing on this when buying goods in packaging: carefully check that there are no stains and mold on it.
  5. Well, the last important argument when choosing is the appearance. Make sure that the shell is free of cracks and chips, as bacteria can penetrate through them.

I would also like to note the false opinion among the people that the larger the egg, the more nutrients it contains. In fact, older chickens carry large specimens, so they contain much less nutrients than those carried by young hens. Scientists call the eggs of the first category the most optimal option for the human body.
However, even with such a careful choice, it is not always possible to avoid infection.

How to tell if an egg is fresh?

We all often buy chicken eggs, they are needed for the preparation of most dishes, and especially baked goods. But how do you identify a fresh egg? We will help you a little with our advice.

Eggs are always in demand, but before the bright holiday of Easter, its popularity is still growing - after all, they are used for Easter cakes and for dyes. And to make the holiday a success, we choose only high-quality ones!

What to look for when choosing eggs?

First, pay attention to the appearance of the eggs. Cracked, with an uneven surface, we reject immediately. Look through the egg at a bright light - there should be no microcracks on the shell.
Which egg is considered a dietary one? Diet egg expiration date.

The manufacturer also tells us the degree of egg freshness. On the packaging you can see the markings "D" and "C". If the letter "D" is indicated, it means that the egg is dietary. Such an egg is no more than 7 days old, that is, it is the freshest and healthiest, all vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it.

An egg is considered a dietary one, which is not stored at negative temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. That is, a dietary one is not an egg with fewer calories, but simply very fresh. The letter "C" means that the egg is table. And he is from 7 to 25 days old, such an egg is already less useful.

Other valuable indicators for the buyer:

  • packing date
  • egg collection date
  • best before date

The packing date can be indicated both on the eggs and on the packaging. She practically does not carry information for us. After all, it is not known how many eggs lay before packing.

The date of collection of eggs is a very different indicator. This is the day the hen laid the egg. From this date, their expiration date is counted, which cannot be more than 25 days.

Chicken eggs come in different categories

Choosing chicken eggs in a store is not easy. Eggs are not only table or dietary, but are also divided into categories. To make the right choice, you need to figure it out.

Categories of chicken eggs and their weight

In terms of size and, accordingly, weight, chicken eggs are divided into 5 categories. The marking is displayed on the shell with a number from 1 to 3 and the letters "B" and "O".

  1. "3" - eggs of the 3rd category are marked. It includes the smallest ones, which weigh about 40 grams. Customers do not like this size, but they differ in taste. Eggs of this size are usually obtained from young chickens.
  2. "2" - eggs of the 2nd category weighing 50 grams (± 5 grams). Without shell, they weigh about 40 grams.
  3. "1" - 1st category of eggs. It weighs 60 grams on average with 5 gram fluctuations in weight. More often than others, they are found in stores and are considered the most balanced in composition. They are referred to in various recipes as "1 medium egg".
  4. "O" - selected eggs are marked, the weight of which is 70 grams.
  5. "B" - this marking is displayed on eggs of the highest category. The lower limit for the weight of one egg is not less than 75 grams. The upper limit is not limited. For the price, this category of eggs is the most expensive. But their net weight is equal to a pair of 3 or 2 category eggs.

How do the categories of chicken eggs differ?

We understand - what are the differences in different categories of chicken eggs

Eggs are categorized based on weight. No more factors are involved. The shells of any category can be white or brown. Enrich eggs with various microelements. But this does not affect the categories.

Which categories of chicken eggs are best

Diet eggs are usually labeled in red. The category (for example, D1) and the date of "birth" are indicated.

After 7 days, the egg goes into the dining room category. But this does not mean that the egg has deteriorated. At room temperature, eggs are stored for up to 25 days, in the refrigerator - 90.

If eggs are supposed to be stored or transported for a long time, then a blue stamp is put on them, denoting the marking.

When choosing eggs, be sure to look at the date. Diet ones differ from canteens and have a higher price. Marking can be placed not on the eggs themselves, but on the container. In this case, the label must be positioned so that it breaks when the package is opened.

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