Lambert cheese composition reviews. Lambert cheese: composition, manufacturer and other secrets

Traditional Lambert Cheese, which appeared on the Russian market in 2003, is made from cow's milk, unique in its qualities, of the Altai Territory.

This cheese belongs to the semi-hard rennet cheese varieties. It has a light yellow color and a unique pronounced creamy taste, aroma and very delicate texture. A large number of small eyes-holes are rather randomly distributed over the cheese mass.

The manufacturer is a company. Wimm-Bill-Dann, Russia. This company is currently owned by the American firm PepsiCo. It should be noted that the Lambert cheese factory is located in the Altai Territory.

An important feature of Lambert is the original round shape, the production technology of which is patented by PepsiCo. Packing - 1.15 kg.

The calorie content of Lambert cheese is 377 kcal per 100 g of product, the mass fraction of fat in dry matter is 50%. There is such a variety of cheese as "Creamy", with mdzh. 55%.

As part of Lambert cheese:

  • pasteurized cow's milk
  • bacterial concentrate of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria CHOOZIT
  • milk-clotting enzyme preparation of animal origin CLERICI
  • table salt
  • natural food coloring E160b
  • preservative potassium nitrate

Useful properties of Lambert cheese

Like any cheese, Lambert contains a huge amount of calcium, which means it improves the condition of teeth, hair, nails and bones.

There are no carbohydrates in Lambert cheese, the protein content accounts for a quarter, the rest belongs to fats. This rennet cheese is very rich in phosphorus. It contains vitamins such as: vitamin A, E, vitamin D, PP, vitamin C, B1, B2, B12, as well as pantothenic acid.

Pantothenic acid, which is found in Lambert cheese, promotes the functioning of the immune system, improves the condition of muscle tissues, increases stress resistance, helps the adrenal glands, and participates in the reactions of fats and carbohydrates.

And vitamin C has a powerful antioxidant effect, improves the strength of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, favorably affects the state of the connective tissue, increases the body's susceptibility to various diseases, promotes early healing of wounds and skin ulcers.

Thanks to the rich content of vitamins, the product helps the body to grow and develop, improves brain function and restores strength after heavy physical and mental stress.

Lambert cheese in cooking

Lambert cheese, like all hard cheeses, is widely used in cooking, combined with many dishes. Included on our website.

The cheese is rather simple for a cheese plate, since it has a not very pronounced aftertaste, but it is quite possible to eat it in its pure form.

This semi-hard cheese is best for making sandwiches, baking a variety of pastries such as casseroles, adding to soups and sauces, sprinkling on spaghetti and other pasta, slicing or grating into salads.

About the Lambert brand

Lambert cheese was introduced to the market in 2003 by Wimm-Bill-Dann. The manufacturer is the market leader in dairy products in Russia and the CIS countries.

The name "Lambert" sounds like a European in Russia and inspires confidence in the product among buyers.

Lambert is a universal cheese for every day for all family members. It is good both for sandwiches and as an ingredient for preparing various dishes - grated or melted.

"Lambert" is made from milk from the Altai Territory, known for its high quality and environmental friendliness. Fat content of "Lambert" - 50%.

The delicate creamy taste of Lambert impressed consumers. Already in 2003 the brand received the title of "Brand of the Year". This inspired Wimm-Bill-Dann to develop the brand, and a new product variety - Lambert Creamy, with a fat content of 55% and a more delicate consistency, appeared on the market.

Vika (July 14, 2016)

Deterioration in quality and increase in price.
In addition to the fact that this cheese has risen steeply in price, the food additive E252 is now added to it (the use of the additive for children is categorically contraindicated) and the annatto dye, which were not there before! I don't buy it anymore :(

Victor (December 30, 2015)

Flavor quality of Lambert cheese
Bought today before the New Year a piece of Lambert cheese in the city of Gatchina in the store "Like cheese in butter". I decided to drink some tea in the evening, made a sandwich with cheese, well, I think I'll savor it now. And the cheese is bitter, half a year ago I tried Lambert cheese for the first time, the taste was amazing. I called the store where I bought it, explained what the problem was, advised me to drive up to them in the morning, promised to replace it, it was good that I kept the receipt.

Dmitry (October 30, 2015)

Lambert - excellent taste!
Yes, when it was ... excellent taste .... even before the sanctions, I preferred to buy Lambert when the store shelves were full of choice. And now ... there is only one name left .... tasteless! We don't need such cheese !!

kuska (12 October 2014)

Oh yeah! lamber super

Delicious but the price bites
We love this cheese, but the price has become high lately, so we buy this cheese less often now. Very tasty hot sandwiches with it, melts well when heated


Only he!
The cheese is above all praise for its quality and naturalness. Lambert is the gourmet's choice. With white wine or snacks, it's just a masterpiece! The price takes place to be slightly higher than cheap fakes!


And the price doesn't change.
Until this summer, the cheese tasted very good. And in appearance it is very attractive. Unfortunately, today only the appearance remains of high quality. The cheese tasted like a substitute. The taste is not stable, it tastes bitter. To the touch - a little too soft. Where is that delicious cheese that came before? And the price is still high.


about the quality of the product
We got acquainted with this cheese recently, but fell in love with it right away and now we are looking for it.


114 mg of cholesterol.

Parmesan cheese, 100 g

Contains 26 g of fat, 36 g of protein.

The amino acid composition is balanced. There is vitamin A, group B, PP, a lot of selenium and zinc. The leader in the amount of calcium - 1184 mg, and sodium - 1602 mg - this is four times more than in the Adyghe cheese (a teaspoon of salt).

68 mg of cholesterol.

One of the most popular and demanded products is cheese. It can be eaten both separately and as part of other dishes. Naturally, different types of cheese differ from each other. They have different fat content, calorie content, taste. All these properties of the product, of course, depend on the technology and features of the manufacturing process.

Lambert cheese: manufacturer and product characteristics

This product began to be produced in the early 2000s at one of the enterprises of the Altai Territory. In the area where the cheese is produced, many succulent herbs grow. They are eaten by cows whose milk is used to make products.

Therefore, according to customer reviews, Lambert cheese has an exquisite creamy taste and soft texture. The product is produced in the shape of a circle, in a polyethylene package.

As a rule, it is not cut into pieces, since the cheese can quickly lose its characteristic taste and even deteriorate. The exception is cut, packed in a box and covered with a film. This way of releasing the product makes it a good option for the holiday table. The cheese is also attractive because it has a delicate and pleasant creamy aroma. If you cut it, you can see many small holes on the surface. The product has a light yellow tint. Lambert cheese is produced by Wimm-Bill-Dann. She is also engaged in the manufacture of other products: juices, mineral waters, yoghurts and so on.

Composition and price

The product sold in stores is pre-divided into portions of 1 kg 150 g each. The "Lambert" cheese has a calorie content of three hundred seventy-seven kilocalories per hundred grams.

Many buyers are interested in the question of what components are used in the manufacture of this product. After all, it is important for consumers to make sure that natural ingredients are used in the production of goods. This largely determines whether the product is useful for the body or, conversely, is harmful. If it contains a large amount of aromatic additives, preservatives and dyes, it is undesirable to use it. Such products, most likely, will not be in demand.

So, the composition of Lambert cheese is as follows:

  1. Pasteurized milk.
  2. Bacterial concentrate.
  3. An enzyme of animal origin.
  4. Salt.
  5. Dye.
  6. Potassium nitrate.

The product does not contain carbohydrates. Cheese contains a lot of proteins and lipids.


Lambert cheese has a fat content of fifty percent. This applies to the classic variety. The manufacturing company also produces other types of cheese - Lambert Creamy and Lambert Tilsiter. The first variety contains 55 percent fat, the second 45. Most consumers prefer the classic product. However, according to customer reviews, the creamy version of Lambert cheese, although it has a high fat content, has a delicate taste and soft pleasant structure.

The variety called "Tilsiter" is preferred by few. She has a specific taste.

Beneficial features

Cheese is a food that contains a lot of elements such as calcium and phosphorus.

These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and teeth. The product also contains vitamins of groups A, D, E, B and C. Pantothenic acid in its composition strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and helps maintain good muscle condition. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to increase the body's resistance to infections, accelerates the healing of skin damage. Cheese is useful for both adults and children also because this product helps to improve health during physical and intellectual overload.

Thanks to vitamins A and D, which are contained in it, it is possible to improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

Potential harm to the product

As you know, if you abuse any food, even healthy, excess will certainly affect the work of the body. Therefore, in everything you need to observe moderation. Including eating cheese. Of course, it contains a lot of proteins, proteins and other useful substances. However, Lambert cheese contains a lot of lipids. This makes the product unsuitable for the diet of people who are overweight or those who follow the figure. Also cheese contains a lot of salt. In this regard, it does not need to be used often for those who suffer from headaches, exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, hypertension, kidney and joint diseases. Due to the substances it contains, the product can provoke sleep disorders. Therefore, it is best to use it in the morning. About Lambert cheese, customer reviews indicate that, since it contains a preservative and a dye, some do not dare to give the product to their children. After all, these substances can provoke allergies in a child.

The product contains an enzyme of animal origin. This makes it unsuitable for the diet of people who are fond of vegetarianism or eat according to the Ayurveda system.

The use of Lambert cheese in cooking

This product has a mild taste. Due to this property, it can be eaten as an independent dish, as well as in addition to various dishes. Cheese goes well with black bread. This is a healthy and healthy snack that is much better than sweets or burgers. Many argue that they use cheese to prepare not only sandwiches, but also salads, casseroles, pies, and first courses. In grated form, this product is added to pasta, various sauces, omelets.

There are many recipes that can be followed to make wonderful cheese dishes.

Customer reviews of the product

Several years ago, one of the most popular products among Russian consumers was Lambert cheese. Reviews of many buyers today indicate that the quality of the product has deteriorated significantly. However, there are consumers who continue to purchase this cheese and are satisfied with its taste and properties. They love the creamy aroma and soft texture of the product, as well as the variety of its varieties.

In addition, cheese can be used to prepare various dishes. And this is another advantage of the product.

Lambert cheese has a high price - from three hundred to five hundred rubles for half a ball. However, many consumers abandoned it not only because of the cost, but also because of significant disadvantages. For example, many are alarmed by a significant deterioration in the quality of the product: too soft consistency, bitter taste, the presence of palm oil in the composition. Consumers believe this cheese is not worth the money and is unhealthy.

Apparently, due to the fact that the goods have become poorly bought, in stores it is sometimes sold at a discount. At the same time, the price of Lambert cheese is much lower - about two hundred and fifty rubles for half a ball.

RUBTSOVSK / Altai Territory /, May 20. / Corr. TASS Ksenia Shubina /. The largest cheese producer in the Altai Territory (Rubtsovskiy Dairy Plant, a subsidiary of Wimm-Bill-Dann, owned by PepsiCo) has increased its production of cheese (Lambert brand) by 40%, and whey by 50%. Silviu Popovici, President of PepsiCo in Russia, announced this at the presentation of the new line.

"The modernization of production began in 2012. It was completed in January 2015. Until now, debugging has been going on, trial batches of cheese have been produced. With the increase in capacity, we were able to increase the production of cheese from 50 to 70 tons per day, the processing of raw milk whey increases from 600 up to 900 tons ", - said Angelina Kachesova, head of the plant's production department. She clarified that the Altai plant is the only enterprise in the Russian Federation where Lambert cheese is produced.

According to Yulia Kharevich, director of the Rubtsovsk dairy production, about 300 million rubles of the company's own funds were invested in the modernization. With the increase in capacity, the plant will be able to produce up to 24 thousand tons of cheese per year. According to the company, the cheese produced here occupies 7.4 percent of the entire Russian cheese market. For production, only local raw materials are used - milk is also purchased from peasant farms in the Altai Territory.

According to the governor of the Altai Territory, Alexander Karlin, the development of the enterprise is of great social and economic importance for the region. "Altai Krai is a leading cheese producer in Russia. The additional capacity of the Rubtsovsk plant will increase our ability to supply high-quality Altai cheese to the country's market, contribute to the further implementation of the import substitution policy in the dairy industry and strengthen Russia's position as a food exporter," he said at the opening of the new line head of the region. He also noted that he offered the company to develop new directions in the region.

"We offer the company to enter the agricultural segment - it makes sense to create some of the raw materials at our own sites. In addition, the company creates products based on potatoes. Only in the Rubtsovsky district of our region, it is produced about 4.5 thousand tons. We are ready to supply Altai potatoes to PepsiCo, if the company responds to our proposal, as well as provide assistance in the creation of new industries, "- said the head of the region.

Rubtsovskiy Dairy Plant is one of the largest buyers of raw milk in the Altai Territory. Since 2003, Lambert cheese has been produced here - it accounts for up to 50 percent of the total volume of rennet cheeses produced in the region.

The expansion of production at branch enterprises is ongoing - in 2014, 23 projects for the reconstruction and modernization of existing enterprises were implemented in the amount of 702.95 million rubles. Enterprises investing in production are provided with state support in the form of subsidizing the interest rate on attracted loans. Production capacities were increased, among other things, by the companies "Modest", "Promotion", "Krasnoshchekovsky Dairy Plant".

In total, 37 enterprises are engaged in the production of cheese in the Altai Territory. For this, 51.9 percent of the milk received for processing is used. In addition, the region accounts for the entire volume of dry whey production in Siberia. The region for its production takes the 1st place in the country.

Cheese production in Altai

In the Altai Territory, the capacity of raw milk processing enterprises at the beginning of 2015 amounted to 2 million 4.3 thousand tons per year. The general index of dairy production in 2014 is 111.2%. The production of cheese compared to the same period in 2013 increased by 14.6%. Altai Territory consistently ranks first in Russia in terms of the amount of product produced. Every 7 kilogram of cheese in the country comes from the Altai Territory. In 2014, a historical maximum was reached: Altai producers produced 72 thousand tons of cheese and cheese products, which is 10 thousand tons more than in 2013. Now all types of cheese are produced in the region: hard, semi-hard, soft, pickled and processed. More than 70% of Altai cheeses are exported outside the region, including abroad.

November 28, 2014

Perhaps one of the most delicious dairy products is cheese. You can not only eat it just like that, with a bite, but also add it to various dishes. And in the end, to get something very tasty, which would be simply impossible without cheese. Today, you can find many imported and domestic varieties on the shelves. But one deserves special attention - this is Lambert cheese. Delicate taste and bright aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. But where is it produced? And how natural is it?

Complete composition

First of all, its composition can tell about the naturalness of the product. The Lambert cheese label contains all the detailed information. But to an ignorant person, she has little to say. Why is all this added to cheese? And is there no "chemistry" among them? So, what is Lambert cheese made of?

The manufacturer decided that only Altai milk could become the best raw material for him. Indeed, in this region, cows can graze on huge pastures located in an ecologically clean place. It is meadow grasses that first give milk and then cheese a unique taste and aroma. In addition, homemade cheese-making has been developed in Altai for a long time.

But for milk to become cheese, coagulants are needed. Lactic acid bacteria concentrate and rennet are used for production. Both products are completely natural, but since rennet is of animal origin, Lambert cheese is not fully vegetarian. In addition, it should not be eaten by those who eat according to Ayurveda. To improve the taste and presentation, calcium chloride, table salt and natural annatto dye are added to the cheese.

The nutritional value

Like any other cheese, Lambert has a high nutritional quality. There are 357 kcal per 100 grams of the product. In fact, black bread and it can make a completely full-fledged snack, and also healthy (as opposed to cakes and fast food). After all, cheese does not contain a single gram of carbohydrates and is great for a carbohydrate-free diet.

However, you should not abuse it, since an excess amount can lead over time to obesity and related diseases. There are 30 grams of fat and 24 grams of protein per 100 grams of the product. And, of course, it should not be eaten by people suffering from lactase deficiency. Otherwise, moderate consumption will help improve the overall condition of hair, nails and skin due to its high calcium content.

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Assortment range

After the Lambert cheese appeared on the Russian market in 2003, the manufacturer Wimm-Bill-Damme decided to add another product under this trademark. It got the name "Creamy". It differs from classic cheese with a more delicate taste with a delicate aroma of cream. As a result, it has a higher calorie content - 395 kcal.

And relatively recently, customers were offered another Lambert cheese - Tilsiter. It is also made from Altai milk, but it has a characteristic taste for this particular variety. Unlike the other two, it can only be purchased in 150 gram slices. And this makes it indispensable for serving on a festive table.

Original packaging

Another highlight of Lambert is its bright packaging. A head of cheese (classic and creamy) weighing about 1 kg is placed in a vacuum package made of polyethylene. It has a bright yellow or orange color and looks very attractive to the consumer. Because of this packaging, buyers made it a "ball". It is worth remembering that Lambert cheese, the price of which can be up to 700 rubles per head, is rarely sold by weight. This is due to the fact that when cutting and opening the package, it quickly deteriorates and loses its taste. And all because only natural products are used in its manufacture.



About the Lambert brand

Lambert cheese was introduced to the market in 2003 by Wimm-Bill-Dann. The manufacturer is the market leader in dairy products in Russia and the CIS countries.

The name "Lambert" sounds like a European in Russia and inspires confidence in the product among buyers.

Lambert is a universal cheese for every day for all family members. It is good both for sandwiches and as an ingredient for preparing various dishes - grated or melted.

"Lambert" is made from milk from the Altai Territory, known for its high quality and environmental friendliness. Fat content of "Lambert" - 50%.

The delicate creamy taste of Lambert impressed consumers. Already in 2003 the brand received the title of "Brand of the Year". This inspired Wimm-Bill-Dann to develop the brand, and a new product variety - Lambert Creamy, with a fat content of 55% and a more delicate consistency, appeared on the market.

Vika (July 14, 2016)

Deterioration in quality and increase in price.
In addition to the fact that this cheese has risen steeply in price, the food additive E252 is now added to it (the use of the additive for children is categorically contraindicated) and the annatto dye, which were not there before! I don't buy it anymore :(

Victor (December 30, 2015)

Flavor quality of Lambert cheese
Bought today before the New Year a piece of Lambert cheese in the city of Gatchina in the store "Like cheese in butter". I decided to drink some tea in the evening, made a sandwich with cheese, well, I think I'll savor it now. And the cheese is bitter, half a year ago I tried Lambert cheese for the first time, the taste was amazing. I called the store where I bought it, explained what the problem was, advised me to drive up to them in the morning, promised to replace it, it was good that I kept the receipt.

Dmitry (October 30, 2015)

Lambert - excellent taste!
Yes, when it was ... excellent taste .... even before the sanctions, I preferred to buy Lambert when the store shelves were full of choice. And now ... there is only one name left .... tasteless! We don't need such cheese !!

kuska (12 October 2014)

Oh yeah! lamber super


Delicious but the price bites
We love this cheese, but the price has become high lately, so we buy this cheese less often now. Very tasty hot sandwiches with it, melts well when heated


Only he!
The cheese is above all praise for its quality and naturalness. Lambert is the gourmet's choice. With white wine or snacks, it's just a masterpiece! The price takes place to be slightly higher than cheap fakes!


And the price doesn't change.
Until this summer, the cheese tasted very good. And in appearance it is very attractive. Unfortunately, today only the appearance remains of high quality. The cheese tasted like a substitute. The taste is not stable, it tastes bitter. To the touch - a little too soft. Where is that delicious cheese that came before? And the price is still high.


about the quality of the product
We got acquainted with this cheese recently, but fell in love with it right away and now we are looking for it.


best cheese
I ate different types of cheese, but it was "Lambert" that I remember most of all, since its taste is delicate, creamy and it is suitable both for a sandwich and can be grated.

When writing a review, try to describe