Egg category d1. Eggs in weight loss diets

What to look for when buying chicken eggs? What is the difference between dietary and canteens? How long are eggs stored and how to avoid salmonellosis? 9 answers to the most popular questions about this product.

1. How to read a stamp on an egg?

The letter "d" or "c" means, respectively, a dietary or table egg. The first sign on the stamp denotes the date - the day and month of the "birth" of the egg, the second - the category (and hence its size).

2. What is the difference between a dietary egg and a table one?

A dietary egg (with a red stamp) differs from a table egg by its freshness. It must be implemented within 7 days from the date of birth. Then, after a week, the egg goes into the dining room category. If initially the egg is doomed to a long life, long-term realization and, possibly, storage at a negative temperature - a stamp is applied to it with blue ink.

3. How long can an egg be stored?

A table egg can be stored at room temperature for up to 25 days from the moment of "birth" and up to 90 days in the refrigerator.

4. Which category of eggs is the best?

  • Third category- the smallest eggs (35-44.9 g).
  • Second category- medium (45-54.9 g).
  • First category- large (55-64.9 g).
  • Selected(denoted by the letter "o") - the largest (65-74.9 g).

By the way, in culinary recipes, an egg weighing 40 g is taken for one egg, that is, an egg of the third category.

5. White or dark?

Experts have no disagreement on this matter: the color of the eggs is just a tribute to the breed of chicken. This is a purely aesthetic moment that does not affect the quality of the product in any way.

6. What are enriched eggs?

More and more often “smart” eggs with iodine, “fitness” eggs with selenium, and “vitamin” eggs appear in stores. Eggs are enriched with various microelements by adding appropriate preparations to the feed for laying hens. Whether such a product is useful for you or not is an individual question - if you do not know the level of iodine in your body, it is better not to experiment with eggs enriched with this element.

7. What does the label “organic” mean on the egg packaging?

Abroad, the appearance of this word on product packaging is strictly regulated. It means that these are eggs from chickens that have the ability to freely walk in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural food rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - with seaweed. In our country, although a resolution on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products was adopted (in the summer of 2008), verification for compliance with the declared standards has not yet been carried out.

It only remains to express gratitude to those manufacturers who themselves send their products for voluntary laboratory tests, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In general, read the labels on the packaging carefully.

8. How to protect yourself from salmonellosis?

  • Cracked eggs should not be eaten.
  • Eggs should be washed with soap or baking soda before eating (dried droppings are not at all a sign of an "organic" egg, but rather a consequence of poor hygiene at the poultry farm).
  • Always wash your hands with soap and water if you touch eggs.
  • Do not eat raw eggs or add them to meals.
  • It is recommended to cook eggs for at least 10 minutes.

9. What are the storage conditions for eggs?

Store eggs in a cool place, away from strong-smelling foods and away from raw meat. The optimum temperature is 0-5 ° C. Use a sealed tray to protect them from foreign odors. Experts advise storing eggs with the pointed end down - otherwise, the yolk located in the egg's air chamber will dry out faster.

How to cook eggs in the microwave


First, get a suitable microwave-safe bowl. It should not be too large and not too small. Lubricate with oil.


Beat 1 to 3 eggs into it, add a pinch of salt and a little of your favorite spices and beat with a fork until smooth.

Picvario /

How to choose eggs in the store

Have you ever wondered why chicken and quail eggs are sold everywhere, but, say, turkey or pheasant eggs are not found in the store? Or here are duck eggs: in Asia you can buy them without any problems, in our country it is not.

What kind of eggs are there?

“There are only ten bird species in the world from which you can get an egg,” Albert Shtele, professor of the poultry department of the Russian State Agricultural University-Moscow Agricultural Academy, told me. K. A. Timiryazeva. - Chickens and quails lay best of all, so their eggs are produced on an industrial scale. Geese and ducks suffer from salmonellosis five to six times more often than chickens and lay ten times less often, so their eggs are not produced for sale in our country ”.

Quails have the most powerful immunity, so their eggs are the least likely to be infected with something. Plus, quail eggs contain more trace elements and B vitamins than any other. “However, for almost 30 years now, quails have been raised in the same way as chickens,” says Albert Stele. - And the differences between these eggs began to fade, because the quality of the eggs depends on the feed by 70-80%. However, in terms of microelements, the quail egg is still the champion - it contains 4.5 times more phosphorus, iron and potassium than a chicken egg ”.

In terms of health benefits, quail eggs are not inferior to ostrich eggs. “It’s better to make an omelet from them,” says Tatyana Vostrikova, director of the Russian Ostrich company. “One egg can feed eight to ten people, because in its raw form it weighs more than a kilogram.” The largest edible egg can be ordered from April to October, when the ostriches lay.

Diet eggs

But most often we still deal with chicken eggs, it is them that we cook, fry, and therefore it is worth talking about them in more detail. The freshest are dietary eggs. They are easily recognizable by the red "D" marking on the shell. An egg not older than one week is called dietary. On the eighth day, the dietary egg turns into a table egg (blue marking "C", shelf life - up to 25 days).

The most delicious egg is made on the third or fourth day after laying - the enzymes of the protein and yolk in it are ideally absorbed by our body. It is better to let the egg "ripen" during these three to four days at room temperature.

Alas, diet eggs are now almost gone from sale. You rarely see them in Moscow, Vasily Salo, Marketing Director of the Maryinskaya Poultry Factory, told me: “Medium-size stores in the capital prefer to buy eggs in the regions, because it’s cheaper, and until the egg reaches Moscow, it will almost inevitably turn into a canteen.”

How to check the freshness of eggs

At your request, the freshness of eggs must be checked right in the store - with an ovoscope. With it, you can look through the shell at the size of the air chamber at the blunt end of the egg. The older the egg, the larger it is. For a dietetic egg, the chamber should not be more than 4 mm, for a canteen - 9 mm. By the way, this is exactly how - with the blunt end up - eggs should be stored in the refrigerator. If there is no ovoscope, just weigh the egg in your hand and look at the shell: weighty and matte - fresh, light and glossy - most likely spoiled.

The weight of the egg plays an important role. Eggs heavier than 75 g are the highest category (letter "B" on the shell), 65-75 g - selected (letter "O"). Eggs of the first category - 55-65 g (marking "1"), the second category - 55-45 g (marking "2"), the third category - 35-45 g (marking "3"). For example, the stamp “C1” means “canteen of the first category”, “D2” - “dietary of the second category”.

“The larger the egg, the better it is” is a myth. Large eggs have more water and less nutrients, they are already carried by older chickens. People are reluctant to buy eggs of the second and third categories, but in vain: such eggs are laid by the youngest hens, and they are very tasty. The most balanced in composition are the eggs of the first category.

What are enriched eggs?

Now in stores you come across enriched eggs - with a high content of carotenoids, iodine, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids. To obtain such eggs, chickens are fed with various nutritional supplements. It is impossible to determine by eye whether the egg really contains all these substances.

Fortified eggs are often sold as premium. In fact, premium eggs require strictly controlled conditions for keeping and feeding chickens, confirmed by a special certification system, which we do not yet have.

The inscriptions "bio", "organic" on the packaging are also most often a publicity stunt. Abroad, such marking means that these are eggs from free-range chickens and natural feed rich in chlorophyll. There is a decree of Rospotrebnadzor on the requirements for organic products, but there is no real certification, so the "eco" icon does not guarantee anything.

Our ranking of the best eggs that can be found in Moscow:

1. Quail eggs

Denis Bykovskikh

The eggs were produced at a poultry farm near Moscow, which means that they have the shortest path to the counter. There is information about the expiration date and composition. The packaging says that you can safely drink raw eggs for everyone, including children. It's actually better not, especially if you're allergic to chicken eggs.

I think everyone wondered what the markings on the eggs mean.
According to the current Russian standards, the marking must be on every egg produced at the poultry farm. The first character in the label means the permissible shelf life:
The letter "D" denotes a dietary egg, such eggs are sold within 7 days.
The letter "C" denotes a table egg, which is sold within 25 days.
The second character in the marking means the category of the egg, depending on its weight:
The third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g.
The second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g.
The first category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g.
Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g.
The highest category (B) - 75 g and more.
Thus, the marking "CB" is indicated on table eggs of the highest category, and "D1" - on dietary eggs of the first category.
Regardless of the category of chicken egg, producers can give it a number of interesting properties. For example, there are eggs on the market with a bright yolk and two yolks, enriched with selenium or iodine. Also, when feeding layers with special mixtures of spices, you can get the original taste of eggs.

When choosing chicken eggs in a store, customers usually focus on the shelf life and cost of the product. Few people think about the product labeling, although it is by it that the freshness and useful properties of the product can be determined. There are also folk ways to determine the quality of eggs - by lowering them into water or untwisting them on a horizontal surface. But such methods are not always convenient and affordable, especially when choosing products in a store. And knowing the decoding of the code printed on the product, you can easily evaluate and choose the highest quality and freshest eggs from the entire assortment presented.


Depending on the time that has passed since the laying of eggs, they are divided into two groups: dietary and dining. Diet are marked with a red stamp with the letter "D".

A red stamp applied to a diet egg

It is assumed that such eggs are fresh, and no more than seven days have passed since they were laid. Certain requirements are imposed on dietary ones in accordance with GOST: they must have a uniformly colored yolk, dense protein, an air gap of no more than 4 mm. Only single points or stripes are allowed on the shell. An ordinary consumer is unlikely to be able to assess the compliance of a particular product with all these requirements - such an assessment is carried out selectively and in a specialized laboratory.

Diet eggs are hard to find in modern stores. Indeed, it takes quite a lot of time to collect, sort, pack, distribute to warehouses and transport products, so stores prefer not to deal with such goods and buy table eggs. Such products are marked with a blue stamp and must be sold within 25 days. Thus, a freshly laid egg during the first week of storage is classified as a dietary one. Starting from the second week, it does not become spoiled (subject to storage conditions), but goes into the category of canteens.

A table egg can be identified by the blue stamp

Eggs classified as canteens can be refrigerated for up to 90 days. Unlike dietary products, products of this category allow yolk mobility, low protein density and an air gap of more than 4 mm (usually 5–9 mm). If there are spots or streaks on the shell, they should not cover more than 12.5% ​​of the total surface area.

Size gradation

The main parameter for classification is mass. On this basis, the following categories of chicken eggs are distinguished:

  1. 1. The first includes products weighing 55-64.9 g.
  2. 2. The second includes products weighing 45-54.9 g.
  3. 3. The third includes eggs with the smallest weight - from 35 to 44.9 g.

Also, there is a group called "selected" with a mass of 65 to 74.9 g. Such products are marked with the letter "O". A table egg classified in this category will be marked with a blue “C0” stamp.

Products weighing more than 75 g are marked with the letter "B" on the shell and / or on the package, which means the highest category.

In accordance with GOST 31654–2012 “Edible hen eggs. Technical conditions ", there may be no marking on the shell of each egg if the necessary information is available on the container in which the product is supplied. But this is only allowed if it cannot be opened without visible damage. Such restrictions are necessary to prevent re-grading or substitution of units of goods between different packages.

If the package can be easily opened and closed without damaging the label, then each egg should be stamped with the category.

If the products in the store are displayed in such a container, then each egg must be marked

Composition and useful properties of the product

Chicken eggs are becoming a mandatory part of the diet for many people, as they contain a large amount of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

But modern science often makes consumers doubt the benefits of such products and even begins to convince that their use is unhealthy. In order to objectively assess the need for eggs in the daily diet, you need to consider the chemical composition of the product.

Each egg consists of a shell, protein and yolk, and these, in turn, contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water. But the ratio by mass of these components fluctuates depending on the breed of chickens, diet, age, region and conditions of keeping laying hens. Younger chickens usually carry small testicles, which are categorized into categories 3 or 2.

Each unit includes the following components:

  1. 1. Vitamins and minerals. Chicken eggs contain B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc. Depending on the nutrition of the chickens, the product may contain additional nutrients. Some manufacturers mark on the packaging that their products are fortified with iodine or selenium. This means that these components were additionally introduced into the diet of the laying hens so that the laid eggs had an increased amount of beneficial properties.
  2. 2. Proteins. Each egg contains proteins such as albumin, transferrin, lysozyme, globulin. These components have various beneficial properties, in particular, antibacterial. Egg white is highly regarded by athletes as it provides a protein that is easily digestible.
  3. 3. Fatty acids. The yolk contains linoleic and linolenic, as well as oleic, palmitic, stearic acids. It also contains a component such as choline, which is one of the constituents of cell membranes. It helps to improve memory, regulate insulin levels, synthesize amino acids and remove toxins from the body.

Potential harm to eggs

Recently, there has been a debate between the supporters of adding eggs to all possible dishes and their opponents, who claim that the use of such food is harmful to health. Those who have a negative attitude to the use of such products in nutrition give the following arguments:

  1. 1. Eggs contain cholesterol. According to researchers, it promotes the formation of blood clots and clogging of blood vessels. But recently, the media began to report that there are two types of cholesterol - useful and harmful. At the same time, the one that is absorbed from food does not do any harm. And yet, for many people, the presence of cholesterol in the product becomes a reason to refuse such food.
  2. 2. The use of such products can cause salmonellosis. Scientists have long proven that if certain principles are followed, the risk of getting sick is minimized. These rules are as follows: you cannot eat eggs with damaged shells, before cooking, it is advisable to rinse them under running water, you must refuse to use the raw product and be sure to subject it to heat treatment.
  3. 3. The product has a high calorie content. There are approximately 150–160 kcal per 100 g. In certain cases, high calorie content is considered a positive property of eggs. Athletes who are interested in certain periods of training in gaining mass include their use in their daily menu. However, like any other product, they should not be overused and consumed by a dozen a day. In addition, as you can see from the following table, the calorie content of chicken eggs is not the highest in comparison with duck, goose or turkey eggs.

Comparison of the calorie content of eggs depending on the type of bird.

The first thing we know about eggs is their protein source. The egg itself is already a complete dietary dish, which is used not only ready-made, but also raw. It is not for nothing that supporters of a balanced plate will certainly advise you on eggs as a substitute for meat or fish.

The egg white is almost entirely composed of albumin, and in the yolk, in addition to albumin, it additionally contains six more proteins: ovoglobulin, albumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, lysocin, and avidin.

The claim that frequent egg consumption leads to higher levels has been disproved. The amount of cholesterol in them is not enough to cause any harm to the body. This is the correct cholesterol required by the cells of the human body.

Egg yolk contains choline necessary for normal brain function. Thanks to this substance, memory and liver function are improved. The yolk of one large egg is able to provide the body with 30% of the daily need for this nutrient, a deficiency of which many feel.

One egg contains 7 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat. Together with 100 grams of eggs, you will eat only 44 calories.

At the same time, egg white is especially useful for those who want to lose weight. Indeed, without adequate protein intake, it is impossible even to talk about correct (due to fat) weight loss. And egg whites provide a whole klondike of building blocks for muscles. Egg white is good for vision because it contains substances that help prevent age-related changes in vision and stop cataracts.

How many eggs can you eat?

Among people with cardiovascular disease, there is an equal proportion of those who eat six or more eggs a week and those who eat no more than one or two eggs a week. Eating a couple of eggs a day, even on a daily basis, is not capable of significant harm to health. At the same time, if problems with the heart and blood vessels have already been diagnosed, it is better to discuss the number of eggs that you plan to consume with your doctor.

Eggs are complete constituents and are based on the consumption of a large number of foods containing protein.

Many of the trendy express diets are designed to produce results in a short amount of time. But nutrition experts are urging to give preference to diets, the use of which does not give visible results in the first days or a week. The result of the use of full-fledged diets, close to a balanced diet, will be stretched over time, but it will bring less stress to the body. And it is easier to maintain such a result after leaving the diet.

Eggs in weight loss diets

A complete diet that includes lots of eggs and other protein-rich foods can be extended over 4 weeks. The good thing is that during such a diet you will not be tormented by a feeling of hunger. The feeling of satiety will become a constant companion for you, but grams with centimeters will rapidly melt. Weight with such a diet is reduced by 300-400 grams per day. If you follow the rules for a month, you can count on a comfortable loss of 9-10 kilograms or even a little more.

Such a diet should include:

  • Boiled eggs. Chicken or quail;
  • Lean meat. Chicken, rabbit, turkey or beef. Pork is not worth eating because it is fatty meat.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat varieties;
  • also low fat;
  • Vegetables. The exception is potatoes, its use is limited because it contains a lot of simple carbohydrates;
  • Fruits. High-calorie and grapes should be excluded.

You will have to give up bakery products. The only exceptions are dietetic bread made from whole grain flour, and even then not a lot.

  1. For breakfast, a couple of eggs and fruits of the same varieties, such as citrus fruits. Eggs can be boiled, they can be steamed into an omelette.
  2. You should dine with meat or fish with vegetables. Meat and fish can be boiled, baked in the oven, or steamed. Fried foods are recommended to be avoided because the food and the amount of fat in such processing is higher. Vegetables are useful for steaming, boiling or stewing. It is good to make a salad with raw vegetables and season with natural low-fat yogurt.
  3. For dinner you can cook eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese and fruits. It is recommended to boil vegetables or eat a salad from them. You should not eat something baked in the evening.

There are a huge number of ways to prepare eggs: omelets, poached eggs, fried eggs and, of course, boiled eggs. In addition, they are components and additions to hundreds of dishes. However, with prolonged heat treatment, some of the beneficial properties of eggs are lost. The yolk of a hard-boiled egg takes about three hours to digest, while a liquid egg takes half the time.

One of the most useful ways to cook eggs is to boil soft-boiled eggs. So assimilation in the stomach lasts about one and a half hours and nutrients are absorbed by almost one hundred percent.

The role of protein in diet or weight loss is difficult to overestimate, but such a diet has pitfalls. Protein provides the body with satiety for a long time. Therefore, it is often tempting to skip lunch or dinner, but this should never be done. The intake of food in the body should be regular. At least three full meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner. If you skip a meal, hunger arises suddenly, there is a desire to eat something, but this cannot be done. If, in spite of everything, hunger still overtook, it is recommended to have a snack with such a diet with an exceptionally small amount of raw vegetables.

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