Fresh raspberry pie recipe. Baking with frozen raspberries: simple recipes for buns in the oven

“The raspberry berry beckoned us…” – this is how Valentina Legkostupova sings about the tasty and aromatic summer berry. And can you argue with that? How many recipes can you count that have raspberries as an ingredient? A lot of? Certainly! After all, this is a very popular berry in the summer. It is especially widely used for preparing a wide variety of baked goods. Fresh raspberry pie is known in many countries. Housewives prepare it not only as a simple homemade treat, such pastries successfully decorate any festive feast. The versatility of the berry and its pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness it gives such a field of activity that sometimes you can get confused. After all, you can use almost any dough: unleavened, yeast, shortbread, and biscuit. Place the berries both inside the pie and decorate the surface with it. Well, isn’t this a holiday for any housewife, as the most important experimenter in the kitchen? Sponge cake with raspberries takes pride of place in this “modest” list. Do you know why? Not every housewife will boldly take on making a biscuit. This is a rather specific baked goods. But it’s very tasty. And this is precisely why this pie is very popular, because sponge cakes are the basis for almost all known cakes, even the most expensive ones. In general, all the complexity is only at first glance. In fact, if you strictly follow the instructions at first, you can easily and simply prepare raspberry sponge cake. And over time, this simple recipe will become a favorite and unpretentious one.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2.5 tbsp. flour;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 300 g fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 2 tbsp. starch (preferably corn starch).

A simple recipe for raspberry pie

1. First, let's deal with the berries. We sort through the raspberries, removing spoiled specimens that can ruin the result. Next, rinse the raspberries under a weak stream of cool water, remove excess liquid with a paper towel, or let it dry. Now place the berry in a suitable container and fill it with half a glass of sugar. Shake to mix everything. Raspberries are a delicate berry, so we do this as carefully as possible. Let it sit for a while to drain off any juice that will be released. Next, add starch to the raspberries and gently shake again until it is evenly distributed. During the baking process, it should absorb excess liquid and prevent the future biscuit from getting too wet.

2. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and add sugar according to the recipe.

3. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar until foamy. After all, the airier the dough, the tastier and more tender the raspberry sponge cake itself will be.

4. Now we begin to enter wheat flour. Carefully, slowly, pour in a spoon or two, mix, lifting the dough from the bottom. We also introduce baking powder for the dough.

5. When all the flour has been added, stir it with a mixer at medium speed. The readiness of the dough will be indicated by the bubbles formed on the surface.

7. Mix with a mixer. As soon as the dough begins to come together on the beaters, it means it is ready. Its consistency is exactly what you need. The dough should be slightly thicker than sour cream or plain biscuit dough for the cake.

8. Ready dough pour into a baking dish. It is better to use silicone. There is no need to lubricate it. Ready pie It's pretty easy to get out of it.

9. Place the raspberries, which were previously mixed with starch, on top of the dough in the mold.

10. If the berry still releases a lot of juice, then you can lightly sprinkle the top of the pie with starch or flour. This will absorb excess liquid and the cake will not be soggy on top. Place the mold in the oven preheated to 180°C for 35-40 minutes.

11. Check the readiness of the pie with a wooden skewer. If it is dry, the baked goods are ready. It is advisable to remove the fresh raspberry pie from the mold when it has cooled slightly.

12. Sponge cake with raspberries is ready! The baked goods turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic. During the cooking process, the berry gives off such a smell that you have to count every minute until the door opens. oven. Raspberry pie is essentially a very simple recipe. homemade baked goods, but the result exceeds all expectations. Bon appetit!

You have raspberries, but what to cook with them? Our selection of recipes includes the most relevant, uncomplicated ones, with step-by-step photos!

As you guessed from the name, the trick of this jam is that it does not need to be boiled. Simply grind the raspberries in a meat grinder or manually using a mortar, add sugar and place in the refrigerator. In this case, the raspberries are not subjected to unnecessary heat treatment, so they retain all useful material, which strengthen human immunity.

  • Fresh raspberries - 1 kilogram
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kilogram

Product yield: 3 half-liter jars
Cooking time - 40 minutes + 3-6 hours (keep in a warm place)

First we need to prepare the berries. We buy fresh raspberries at the supermarket or market; if you have a garden where raspberries grow, then this is generally wonderful. You can then be 100% sure that the raspberries are of high quality, without unnecessary chemical substances. Wash the berries and dry them on a paper towel.

You can grind the berries in a meat grinder, or you can do it manually using a saucepan and mortar. The raspberries need to be finely chopped to a homogeneous consistency.

Measure out 1 kilogram of sugar. Can you replace sugar? powdered sugar, as it will dissolve faster and the jam will be ready in just a couple of hours.
Mix crushed raspberries and sugar.

Mix raspberries and sugar until smooth and place in a warm place for 3-6 hours until the sugar dissolves.

After the specified time, our jam is ready; you should not keep it longer, because after a while it may begin to deteriorate. Pour it into steamed jars, sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on top, close it tightly with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.
Raspberry jam can be eaten immediately and makes excellent pancakes.

The jam can be stored in the refrigerator all winter; a sugar film may form on top, which can be added to tea instead of sugar.

Recipe 2: Make Simple Raspberry Wine at Home

I want to tell you how to cook Home wine from raspberries. Delicate, very sweet and incredibly aromatic! This wine, of course, is a dessert wine and is drunk young. You won't get very drunk, but it will be delicious!

This homemade raspberry wine can be made by anyone who has a little patience and is eager to try this fragrant drink. It is best to cook it and leave it somewhere in the cellar or at the dacha. I do not recommend storing and preparing young wine in an apartment, especially during the fermentation process.

  • Raspberries - 3 Kilograms
  • Water - 3 Liters
  • Sugar - 1.5 Kilograms

1. Sprinkle the raspberries with sugar (take about half of the total amount) and crush them with a masher. Add a liter of water and leave to ferment for 10 days in a warm place.

2. Next, transfer the berry mixture into a large container, add the rest of the water and sugar. Cover the top with a lid with a gas dispenser. You can use a medical glove with a hole for these purposes.

3. After fermentation is complete (the water seal does not allow bubbles, sediment is noticeable at the bottom), strain the raspberry wine, carefully squeezing the berries, and pour it into clean bottles for storage.

4. Next, seal the bottles hermetically and store the wine in the cellar for about a year before opening. It will take on a crimson hue and become increasingly transparent.

Recipe 3: make five-minute raspberry jam without cooking

Today we will make raspberry jam quickly, like a five-minute jam, but make it thicker and preserve vitamins as much as possible.

– raspberries – 5 kg (it doesn’t matter what kind of raspberries we take – yellow or red)
– sugar – 2.5 kg + 2.5 kg (that is, the general ratio of raspberries and sugar is 1:1)

So, I present to you step by step recipe preparing raspberry jam (recipe from Polina Vasilyeva):

Let's take it enamel basin(the best thing). If you don't have a basin, you can use large saucepan, also enameled or stainless steel.
Pour 5 kg of raspberries and 2.5 kg (that is, half) of sugar into a bowl. Stir and leave for two hours - this is necessary so that the raspberries give juice and so that the sugar partially dissolves in it.

2) Cook for the first time.
Place the bowl of raspberries and sugar on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally so that the sugar dissolves as quickly as possible.
Turn off and leave the bowl with the still unprepared raspberry jam on the stove so that it cools down to room temperature. Usually, many housewives leave it overnight and start preparing jam in the morning.

3) Continue cooking.
As soon as the jam has cooled (preferably in the morning), put the bowl back on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the jam is brought to a boil, turn off the heat and pour the second half of the sugar into it (in our case, 2.5 kg). At the same time, you should constantly stir the jam so that raspberry juice The added sugar would dissolve faster.

4) Pour into jars.
Once the sugar has completely dissolved, our raspberry jam can be poured into sterile jars and closed with lids. But I let the jam cool again for two to three hours. Then it infuses a little in the basin.
You can use either plastic lids or screw-on lids to store jam. This is unprincipled. It will not sour or ferment, as it contains a lot of sugar.

Attention: If the sugar does not completely dissolve, the jam may become sugary.

Recipe 4: make raspberry jelly for the winter

I suggest you cook delicious jelly from raspberries. Raspberries are a type of berry that does not have a very high amount of gelling substances in its composition. Therefore, before adding sugar, raspberry juice should be boiled to a certain thickness. Before rolling, leave the spilled jelly in the jars for 1-2 days so that a thick crust of raspberry jelly forms on top and only then close the lids.

  • Water 100 ml
  • Fresh raspberries 1 kg
  • Sugar 0.5 kg

Recipe 5: Make raspberry jelly!

Delicious raspberry jelly can be a decoration for a cake or act as an independent dessert.
Jelly can be made from fresh (or fresh frozen berries), juices, syrups, or jam. You can also use fresh as a basis natural wine. To improve the taste, various liqueurs are added to the jelly, as well as lemon or orange zest.

  • Raspberries 100 grams
  • Water 2 glasses
  • Gelatin 15 gr.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.

The recipe for making raspberry jelly is quite simple. First you need to sort and rinse the raspberries thoroughly. Add sugar and berries to boiling water. Boil the mixture for about 10-15 minutes.
Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Leave for 40 minutes to cool. Strain the raspberry broth. Then add gelatin into it in a thin stream. During the process, you must remember to continuously stir the mixture.
Pour the mixture into the mold and refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours.
Then remove from the refrigerator. Place the mold in warm water and carefully remove our jelly.
When serving raspberry jelly to the table, you can decorate with cream, pieces fresh fruit, berries or mint leaves.
It turns out so beautiful and delicious! Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: prepare raspberry tincture with vodka

  • Only ripe or even overripe berries are suitable for the drink. Those that have not yet ripened can be safely left on the bushes.
  • Don't grab the first alcohol you come across from the store shelf - to create delicious drink only the product will do High Quality. It's better to pay a little more than to be disappointed with the fruits of your labor.
  1. Ripe raspberries - 1 l +
  2. Vodka - half a liter +
  3. Granulated sugar white- 250 g +
  4. Filtered water - half a glass+ ( water is not ordinary boiled, but filtered)
  1. First we need to take care of the berries - the main component of our recipe. We carefully inspect each one for the presence of pests, and at the same time remove the stalks and stuck leaves.
  2. Very carefully pour the raspberries into a colander and rinse them (do not turn on the water at full power so as not to damage the delicate pulp). Place the colander on a deep plate and let the “gifts of the garden” drain thoroughly.
  3. Transfer the berries to a liter glass container and fill with vodka so that the liquid completely covers the contents of the jar. We put the tightly closed jar in the refrigerator and forget about it for a month and a half.
  4. After this period, we proceed to further preparation of raspberry tincture with vodka. To do this, separate the “raspberry” liquid from the berries and pour it into a bottle or other container (you can do this with gauze).
  5. Sprinkle the raspberries with sugar and place both containers in the refrigerator for a period similar to the previous one.

After another month and a half, we boil half a glass of filtered water and dilute the raspberry-sugar mixture with it. Decant the resulting syrup, trying not to damage the berries. Mix the viscous liquid with vodka, which has been waiting in the refrigerator, cool and... enjoy the raspberry tincture with vodka!

  • The jar with sugar and berry contents should be taken out once a week and shaken vigorously so that the mass is more homogeneous.
  • If you would like to receive less Reviver, you need to take not half a glass, but a glass of water.
  • In exactly the same way, you can make alcohol from other berries: currants, blackberries, cherries.

Recipe 7: Make a No-Bake Fresh Raspberry Cake

Ripe sweet raspberry in combination with tender cottage cheese- This is delicious! You can safely replace raspberries with fresh strawberries and it will work out Strawberry cake no baking. The cake is prepared quickly and eaten even faster.

  • Cookies “Jubilee” 300 g
  • Butter 150 g
  • Fresh raspberries 500 g
  • Sugar 5-6 tbsp.
  • Cottage cheese 400 g (I used 5% fat)
  • Cream 33-38% for whipping 200 ml
  • Gelatin 1 sachet (20 g)
  • Raspberry flavored jelly 30 g (1 sachet)

I used a 24cm springform cake pan.

Recipe 8: prepare raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Sterilization provides an additional guarantee that the workpieces will stand long time and does not spoil, but at the same time it destroys many vitamins and minerals found in vegetables, berries and fruits, which leads to a decrease in them nutritional value And taste characteristics. I will now tell you in detail how to prepare raspberry compote for the winter.

  • Water – 3 liters.
  • Fresh raspberries – 300 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 250 grams.

We sort out fresh raspberries and remove the stems. If the raspberries are from your garden and you know that they have not been treated with anything, then you don’t have to wash them. Be sure to wash purchased raspberries.

Wash the glass jar used for preparations thoroughly in hot water with soda. Then sterilize for 20 minutes.

Also sterilize the lids in a separate container. Try to boil the lids with a rubber band tucked into the grooves. When you put the lid on the jar, do not touch the inside of the jar or the rubber ring with your hands.

Place raspberries at the bottom of a sterilized jar.

Place on top granulated sugar.

Boil water in a kettle. First of all, fill the jar with raspberries and sugar halfway with boiling water and cover with a lid. Leave in this form for 3 minutes so that the jar is completely warmed up. Then fill with the remaining boiling water.

Seal the lid of the jar using a manual seamer. After this, check the seal of the jar for tightness. To do this, lower the rolled-up jar with the lid down. If nothing leaks out of it, then its tightness is in perfect order.

Then place the jar upside down on a warm blanket or blanket, and cover the top with the second part of the blanket or blanket until it cools completely, about two to three days. It all depends on your temperature in the house. It is advisable to store cooled preserved raspberry compote in the basement for the winter.

Recipe 9: Make Frozen Raspberries!

So that the berries do not turn into a block of ice and juice, are easily separated from each other when frozen and after defrosting, and retain their color, shape, taste and even aroma, it is important to know a few nuances and simple rules.

Freezing raspberries for the winter without sugar

To freeze raspberries, use fresh, strong, not overripe berries. They should not leak juice and should not look bruised. Raspberries stored in the refrigerator for several days are not suitable: the fruits become limp, darken, and lose their shape during storage.

Raspberries for dry freezing are not washed, but simply sorted, removing specimens that are not suitable for storage. It is not washed for baking a pie, for making jam - for preparing those dishes where heat treatment is present.

The next point is the choice of storage container. The main thing with dry freezing is the absence of evaporation and condensation. Otherwise, a crust of ice and a thick layer of frost will form.

Ideally the best container will become plastic containers with an attached lid. If there are none, use thick plastic bags. Rinse containers thoroughly and dry before filling.

You should not fill the containers too tightly: if you put more than 1 liter in each, you risk crushing the delicate fruits.
Place the sorted berries into containers and seal the lid tightly. To prevent the formation of frost inside the container, pack each container in a thin plastic bag - its lid cannot be closed completely airtight.

To freeze in a bag, place the raspberries on a wide tray or dish in a fairly thin layer, cover cling film, put it in the camera. Once completely frozen, fill the bags and seal so that there is no air trapped in them.

Freezing raspberries with sugar

If you have good, but slightly overripe raspberries, you can compromise: sprinkle them with sugar. Its crystals will take on the liquid that will certainly be present when overripe fruits thaw.

When placing in a container, it is convenient to sprinkle each layer with sugar directly into the container; it is easier to place the berries already sprinkled with granulated sugar in a plastic bag.

The layers should not be mixed - the integrity of the soft fruits will be compromised. The amount of sugar is determined by eye. So, for 250-300 g of berries you will need 3-4 tablespoons.

If you are using a separate freezer compartment for storage rather than a compartment of the refrigerator, first set the mode quick freezing or usually 1-2 hours before laying. In the future, the camera will operate in storage or automatic mode.

Frozen raspberries with sugar are not stored for too long - up to 3-4 months.

A gray and dull winter, sometimes lasting six months, makes us remember warm days with sadness and nostalgia. Since this time, there has been not only a lack of sunlight, but also the main summer joy- fruits and berries. But this problem can be corrected, and today we will talk about recipes that, as if on cue, magic wand will take us back to the still distant summer months, giving us real berry pleasure, the main ingredient of which will be frozen raspberries. Pie with frozen raspberries is the main character of our article today.

Sponge cake

Sweet soft biscuit dough just goes perfectly with delicate raspberry sourness. You can see this for yourself by trying to prepare this amazing berry treat.


  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Raspberries - 300 grams;
  • Salt - a pinch;

Cooking method:

  1. defrost the raspberries and let them drain excess liquid. We subsequently drain this juice. You can make syrup from it or fruit sauce for the pie.
  2. We separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Place the whites in the refrigerator for a while, beat the yolks with sugar until thick foam. As for the amount of sugar, you can vary it according to your own taste. Those who do not like excessive sweetness can safely take half a glass + a couple of tablespoons for sprinkling raspberries.
  3. Sift the flour together with baking powder. Many people believe that this manipulation is only needed to get rid of any debris that may be found there. In fact, the task is completely different, because quality modern flour this in itself is so high that there can be no talk of any garbage here. You need to sift so that the flour is saturated with oxygen and turns the dough into a fluffy cloud.
  4. Add flour to the egg-sugar mixture in small portions and stir until smooth.
  5. Beat the cooled whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, then very carefully add this air mass into the dough. We try to knead from bottom to top. The result should be a homogeneous dough, the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. Grease the mold with butter or line it baking paper. Silicone forms You don’t have to grease them at all, since the dough won’t stick to them anyway.
  7. Distribute the dough evenly over the pan. We lay berries on top, which it is advisable to sprinkle with starch first, and sprinkle them with sugar. By the way, raspberries can be added to the dough itself.

Bake it at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden skewer: if you pierce the product and take it out dry, then you can wait golden brown crust and take it out. Serve healthy treat you need it after it has cooled down a bit.

Puff pastry pie

The easiest pie recipe using frozen raspberries. Its main advantage is that there is no need to make the dough, which is so unloved by many housewives. 15-20 minutes, and the dessert is ready (of course, subject to preliminary defrosting of all ingredients), however, first things first.


  • Ready frozen puff pastry- 1 package (500 grams);
  • Sugar - ½ cup (it all depends on taste preferences and the sweetness of the berries themselves);
  • Raspberries - 400-500 grams; Yolk of 1 egg;
  • Starch - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Butter - for greasing the pan.

When the ingredients are prepared, let's start cooking:

  1. Roll out the frozen dough into thin layers, one of which will be the base, and the second - the top.
  2. You don’t have to defrost the raspberries, but simply sprinkle them with starch so that all the berries are completely covered with it. This move will not only preserve the integrity of the berries during baking, but will also “bind” the flowing juice, turning it into an incredibly tasty jelly;
  3. grease the mold and lay out one part of the dough, making sides (their height depends entirely on the amount of dough, the higher the better);
  4. generously lay berries on top of the base and sprinkle sugar on top;
  5. on the remaining layer we make small cuts and stretch it a little so that it looks like a mesh. If time allows, you can work a little more on decorating the top by making a braid or braid. When laying out the dough, do not forget to pinch the sides.
  6. beat the yolk with a small amount water and coat the top so that our baked goods are covered with an appetizing golden brown crust.

Baking a pie with frozen raspberries at 180 degrees takes an average of 25 minutes, but start monitoring a little earlier, since ovens can work differently. Once the top is well browned, you can remove it. It is advisable to serve it already cooled, since hot berries can seriously burn you.

Multicooker recipe

Not a single kitchen can function without this assistant, but adapting recipes and understanding operating modes is not always possible. Therefore, we will tell you how to properly prepare such a pie in a slow cooker.


  • sugar - 150 grams (you can use 200 if you like it sweeter);
  • egg - 3 pieces; flour - 250 grams;
  • raspberries - 250-300 grams;
  • salt - a pinch; vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (optional);
  • baking powder - 1 sachet; starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter- for lubricating the bowl.

Let's start cooking:

  1. beat eggs with salt and sugar and vanilla sugar until the grains melt.
  2. Gradually add sifted flour and baking powder.
  3. Carefully sprinkle the frozen berries with starch so that it covers the entire surface and add to the dough. Mix thoroughly so that the berries are evenly distributed.
  4. Coat the multicooker bowl with oil and lay out the dough. Set the “Baking” mode. We wait 40-50 minutes, depending on the duration of the program.

You need to take the cake out after it has cooled, otherwise it may tear. Can be served with powdered sugar, fruit or cream sauce, a scoop of ice cream.

Video recipes

Raspberry pie recipe Every housewife should have it. This one is delicious and healthy berry saturates the taste of any baked goods. Ready to try some options? Then take a look at our selection.

Raspberry pie - recipe with photo

You will need:

Butter – 50 g
- baked milk cookies - 300 g
- cream cheese – 600 g
- granulated sugar – 140 g
- a pair of eggs
- one yolk
- raspberry berries – 300 g
- White chocolate, fat sour cream – 150 g each

Cooking steps:

Grind the cookies until fine crumbs form. Mix the melted butter with the resulting crumbs and stir. Prepare a removable form and begin compacting the mass. The crumbs should stick to the entire surface of the prepared pan. Heat the oven (temperature should not exceed 160 degrees). Place the crumbs and bake for about 10 minutes. Remove and set aside. Leave the oven on.

Place the cheese in a bowl, mix with sour cream and granulated sugar, stir with a whisk until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Beat in a couple of eggs, add the yolk, mix. Add flour and stir regularly. You should get a creamy mass. Crush white chocolate here, add berries. Set aside a few fruits for decoration. Stir everything again.

Pour the resulting cream into the cookie base. Place in the oven and bake for 50 minutes. Remove the cheesecake and cool. Remove the dessert from the mold using a knife and run along the sides of the mold. Refrigerate for 4 hours. Serve with coffee.

Pies with cottage cheese and raspberries: recipes

Recipe No. 1

For the test:

Butter – 95 g
- flour – 170 g
- a pinch of salt
- fine sugar – 55 g
- one egg

For filling:

Thick yogurt, full-fat cottage cheese - 400 g each
- vanilla
- powdered sugar
- starch – 1 tbsp. spoon
- raspberry berries
- egg – 2 pcs.


Start shortbread dough: grind all the ingredients, add flour, knead soft dough. Prepare the filling: combine cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, raspberry yogurt. The mass should become homogeneous. Beat it lightly with a mixer. Add a handful of berries, starch, stir. Grease the inner surface of the mold, lay out the dough so that the bottom is perfectly smooth. Be sure to leave the sides. Pour berries on top curd filling.

Place the baked goods in the oven, bake at 200 degrees until the filling becomes elastic. Add berries on top, place the dessert in the oven again, but now on the upper level. The bottom should not burn. Reduce heat, bake for 20 minutes. After baking the pie, cool it, sprinkle with powder, and serve. Remove, cool in the refrigerator for 4 hours and serve with whipped cream.

Recipe No. 2

You will need:

Dark chocolate – 90 g
- granulated sugar, butter - 150 g each
- a glass of flour
- egg – 2 pcs.
- cocoa - large spoon
- baking powder – 1 tsp.

For filling:

Granulated sugar – 100 g
- cottage cheese – 250 g
- egg – 2 pcs.
- a handful of raspberry berries


Melt the chocolate. Melt the butter separately and mix with sugar. Beat in the eggs and beat them. Add cocoa, beat. Mix in melted and cooled chocolate and stir. Add flour and baking powder, knead into a thick dough. Grind the curd filling with eggs and granulated sugar. 2 tbsp. spoons chocolate dough set aside for the top layer, and transfer the rest of the mixture to a baking dish. If the mold is not silicone, then the surface should be greased.

Spread the curd filling on top and the chocolate filling on top. Do this with a wooden stick to form chaotic patterns. Add the raspberries on top, pressing them in slightly. If you took frozen berries, then pre-defrosting they don't need it. Place the baking dish in the oven.

Raspberry pies: step-by-step recipes

Recipe with oatmeal

You will need:

Raspberry berries – 145 g
- chopped nuts, chocolate – 50 g each
- one egg
- butter – 90 g
- granulated sugar – 50 g
- teaspoon baking powder
- cup oatmeal
- a glass of flour
- boiled condensed milk - half a can


Prepare the dough: combine granulated sugar, oatmeal, butter and egg. Sift the flour mixed with baking powder and pour into a container. Knead into a soft, homogeneous dough. Grease the mold, place the dough in it, and smooth it out with your hands. Leave sides on the sides. Start laying out the ingredients:

1 layer – boiled condensed milk(brush the entire surface of the dough with it)
2nd layer – an even layer of berries
3rd layer – sprinkle with grated chocolate
4th layer – roasted walnuts

Heat the oven to 180 degrees, place the baked goods in it to bake for about 20 minutes. Open the oven, cover the dessert with foil, bake for another 15 minutes. Remove and serve with warm tea once cooled.

Raspberry pie simple recipe

Required Products:

For the test:

Sugar, raspberries – 200 g each
- egg – 3 pieces
- a glass of flour
- a small spoon of soda

For filling:

Raspberry berries - 190 g
- sugar – 190 g

How to cook:

Take all the raspberries and grind them thoroughly in a blender. Beat the eggs well, add soda and flour to the resulting mass, stir again. Pour half the mass of raspberries here, transfer to a greased form, place in a thoroughly heated oven. Remove the pastry and cut lengthwise into layers. Coat the resulting pieces with raspberry impregnation and place on top of each other. Decorate the dessert with fresh raspberries on top.

Bake and .

Recipe with sour cream

You will need:

Raspberry fruits – ½ kg
- sugar – 1.6 cups
- sour cream – 1.5 cups
- butter
- flour – 3 cups
- vegetable oil – 0.7 cups
- baking powder
- whipped cream
- vanilla

Cooking steps:

Beat the mixture from sugar and eggs, gradually add the remaining ingredients: baking powder, flour, vanillin, vegetable oil, sour cream. Stir it all, place on a greased baking sheet. Scatter the raspberry berries on top, slightly “drowning” them. Place in a preheated oven and garnish with whipped cream after baking.

Do and.

Frozen raspberry pie recipe

You will need:

Flour - a couple of glasses
- egg – 2 pieces
- butter – 190 g
- vanillin
- sugar – ¾ tbsp.
- teaspoon baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- slaked soda – ½ tsp.
- frozen raspberries


Place the butter in the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to become soft. After softening, beat it thoroughly with vanilla and regular sugar. Add salt to the mixture, slaked soda, eggs, flour, baking powder. The last step is to add ½ serving of berries. Distribute the second portion of berries on top, place in the oven, leave at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Readiness can be easily checked with a toothpick.

Bake and .

Frozen raspberry pie recipe with photo

Required Products:

Egg - a couple of pieces
- a glass of sour cream
- vegetable oil – 0.6 tbsp.
- a couple of cups of flour
- baking powder – 2 tsp.
- frozen raspberries – ½ kg

Cooking steps:

Thaw frozen berries a little. It shouldn't spread later. Beat the eggs well with granulated sugar, add baking powder, butter, sifted flour, vanillin, sour cream. Stir the mixture. Grease the mold with oil, place a portion of dough, make new layer berries Pour a fresh portion of batter on top and arrange the remaining raspberries, lightly dipping them into the batter. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Do and.

Raspberry pie in a slow cooker recipes


Egg – 5 pcs.
- a glass of sugar
- a glass of flour
- vanillin
- raspberry fruits – 2 cups

For sour cream:

Fat, thick sour cream
- granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking steps:

First of all, knead the dough: beat the eggs with sugar in a bowl until it becomes airy and white. Pour flour here, carefully add vanillin in portions. Stir so that the mass retains its airiness. First grease the multicooker bowl with oil and pour the dough into it. Peel the raspberries and place top layer on top of the main mass, sprinkle a little starch. Set the “Bake” function and set the time to 40 minutes. As soon as the dish is ready, turn on the multicooker for an additional 20 minutes. To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar. Decorate the dessert with grated chocolate.

Recipes shortbread with raspberries

Many housewives love shortbread dough, so we recommend paying attention to several interesting recipes.

Consider and.

Recipe for Tsvetaeva pie with raspberries


Sour cream – ½ cup
- a small spoon of baking powder
- flour - a couple of glasses
- cracked sand – 0.5 tbsp.
- butter – 145 g

For sour cream filling:

Glass of sour cream
- testicle
- sugar – 1 tbsp.
- flour - a couple of tablespoons

For fruit filling:

Frozen raspberries – 345 g


Remove the berries from freezer. Make the dough: combine sour cream and granulated sugar. Melt the butter in the microwave. After cooling, pour it into the sour cream mixture and stir thoroughly. Add flour and baking powder, knead thoroughly until it becomes elastic and pleasant to the touch. Prepare a mold with high sides, distribute the bulk, form the sides. Make the sour cream filling: combine sugar, egg, flour, beat with a mixer so that there are no lumps. Distribute raspberry fruits on top, pour sour cream filling. Place the dessert in the oven for an hour. Immediately after cooling, transfer to wide dish.

Yeast pie with raspberries recipe


Flour – 740 g
- egg - a couple of pieces
- a small spoon of granulated sugar
- milk – 280 g
- vanillin
- sachet of yeast – 40 g
- vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons
- butter – 95 g
- sugar – 3 large spoons
- egg for lubrication

Cooking steps:

Mash the yeast, add 1 tsp. sugar, add 50 ml of milk, stir, let stand for 20 minutes until the mixture begins to gurgle. Sift the flour through a sieve. Knead the dough: add milk into a bowl, beat in a couple of eggs, yeast, granulated sugar, vanillin, melted butter, stir. Add flour and knead the dough with your hands. Add to the bottom of the bowl and onto your hands vegetable oil, knead again.

Cover the mixture with a towel, move to a warm place, let stand for 1 hour. Rub it with your hands and repeat the procedure after 1.5 hours. Roll half of the dough into a circle with a rolling pin and transfer to a baking sheet. Make sides and sprinkle with sugar. Beat the egg, brush the surface, and send for baking.

Open pie " Raspberry Paradise».

Like this open pie I like to bake with raspberries in the summer, when the raspberry bushes bend under the weight of the berries. In winter, such an open pie can be baked with frozen raspberries, naturally, after defrosting them first.

We will need following products:

Margarine (softened) - 125 g;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Sugar - 2/3 cup (0.5 cup for filling and 3 tbsp for dough);

Flour - 250-300g;

Soda (quicklime) - 1 tsp;

Citric acid - 1 tsp;

Raspberries - 2 cups

In a clean, well-washed (fat-free) plastic or enamel bowl (never an aluminum one!!!), separate the whites from the yolks and put them in the refrigerator for a while. Let them cool down.

While the whites are cooling, place 125 g of softened margarine with 3 tbsp in a clean container with high edges. l. sugar and 3 yolks. Mix everything thoroughly until the sugar grains dissolve.

Mix margarine, sugar and yolks.

Add 250-300 g of flour to the resulting mixture. Mix everything very well and add 1 tsp. quicklime soda and citric acid.

Add flour.

Mix the dough. The dough should be firm but elastic.

We take out a baking dish: if it is a metal form, it must be greased with oil and sprinkled with semolina, if it is a silicone form, it is not necessary to grease it. Place the dough in a mold (I have a metal one), carefully level it along the bottom with your hands, making a slight rise (fence) at the side, about 1-1.5 cm.

Prepare the filling: take out a container with egg whites from the refrigerator, add salt on the tip of a knife so that the whites beat well. And then add 0.5 cups of sugar (you can do more if you want the filling “sweeter”) and beat until thick foam is obtained. Once again, I want to remind you that the container under the squirrels should be either plastic or enameled, but in no case aluminum. Aluminum oxidizes the protein and prevents it from whipping.

Into the whipped whites in small portions lay out the berries and mix them with a wooden spatula from bottom to top. We mix very carefully without rushing, trying not to upset protein foam. Yes, I forgot to say, if you are making the filling from defrosted berries, put it in a colander and let it stand for 15-20 minutes to allow the “juice” to drain.

Ready stuffing put it on top of the dough, bake for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. I bake at a temperature of 180-190 degrees and only 20 minutes - I have a new Gorenje stove with the “Cooking baked goods with fan heating” function. In this mode, the heating element around the fan and the fan operate simultaneously, which creates a constant movement of hot air around the food being prepared. The heating temperature and baking time with fan heating are usually lower than with classic heating.

This is what we got. My family simply loves this pie. You don’t need to put this pie on a dish, but leave it in the mold and eat it straight from the mold. Well... as you like.