Making pies from yeast dough. Pies made from ready-made yeast dough

Ability to cook yeast pies is both culinary science and art. In the old days, the mistress of the house was judged by the pies she prepared, they scrutinized, tasted and said: “A good housewife makes good pies.”
You can learn this art with patience and great desire. Only in this case will the dough come to life, become pliable and obedient, and the yeast pies from it will come out fluffy and rosy.

In addition to the main ingredients - flour and yeast (dry or fresh) - milk, kefir, yogurt, whey or just water are used. In addition, eggs and various fats are added to the dough. There are a wide variety of fillings for pies: potato, mushroom, cabbage, meat, fish, egg and others. Sweet yeast pies are prepared with cottage cheese, jam, fresh berries and fruits. Yeast pies are baked in the oven or fried in a frying pan.

So, yeast pies originate from dough. It can be mixed with the participation of dough, which is a mixture of water, flour and yeast, or without it. Thanks to the dough, the dough rises well and becomes fluffy. Therefore, most often with the help of dough experienced housewives preparing baked goods yeast dough for pies, and without it - dough for lean baking. The eternal debate about which yeast is best for making pies - dry or fresh - is completely resolvable: both can be used with equal success. If you need to make yeast pies quickly, dry yeast, of course, wins; you can simply pour it into the flour and that’s it.

Pies with meat, egg and herbs “Visiting Grandma”

For the test:
2.5 stacks. flour,
3 egg yolks,
4 tbsp. milk,
1 tbsp. pressed yeast,
200 g butter,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
350 g minced meat,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. sour cream,
2 onions,
1 clove of garlic,
1 bunch of parsley,
salt - to taste.

To prepare the dough, heat the milk to 35-37°C, add the yeast to it and stir thoroughly until it dissolves. Then add egg yolks, butter, salt and mix until smooth. Then add flour to the total mixture, stirring constantly. Wrap the finished dough in foil and place it in the refrigerator overnight. To prepare the meat filling, finely chop the onion and pass the garlic through a press. Place in a frying pan with vegetable oil chopped onion and fry it, add garlic, minced meat and fry for 10 minutes. Place the fried mass in a deep bowl, add chopped large pieces boiled eggs, sour cream, chopped parsley and mix well. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, let it warm up, divide into 4 parts and roll into flat cakes with a diameter of 15 cm. Place a portion of the meat filling on each flat cake and, folding it in half, pinch the edges. Brush the surface of the pies with yolk and bake them in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 20 minutes. For big family double or even triple the amount of ingredients.

Yeast pies with rice, eggs and corn

For the test:
2 stacks flour,
2 eggs,
½ cup milk,
50 g butter,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
3 g yeast,
salt - to taste.
For filling:
5 boiled eggs,
250 g canned corn,
1 stack rice,
2 onions,

Add sugar, yeast, ½ cup to heated milk. flour, mix and put in a warm place. When the dough rises, transfer it to a bowl for kneading the dough, pour in the melted butter and add 2 eggs. Stirring constantly, add flour and knead soft dough. Roll it into a ball, cover with a towel and place in a warm place. While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Chop the boiled eggs, add boiled rice, fried onions and canned corn, stir, add salt and pepper to taste. Punch down the risen dough, divide it into 12 parts and roll each part into a flat cake. Place 1 tbsp in the center of each flatbread. with the top of the filling, pinch the edges and form a pie. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, seam side down, and let stand for a while. Then brush with beaten egg and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180-200ºC.

Delicious cabbage pies

For the test:
500 g flour,
200 ml milk,
1 egg,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. salt,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1.5 tsp. dry yeast.
For filling:
500 g white cabbage,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
100 ml water,
30 ml vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper- taste.
For lubrication:
1 egg yolk.

In a large bowl, thoroughly mix all dough ingredients except flour. Then add ⅔ of the sifted flour into this mass and knead into a soft dough, then gradually add the remaining flour. Lightly sprinkle the finished dough with flour, cover with a clean towel and place in a warm place for 1 hour. When it rises, punch it down and leave for another 1 hour. During this time, prepare the filling. Chop the cabbage, salt it and rub it with your hands. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden color, add grated coarse grater carrots and cabbage. Fry for 5 minutes, then add salt and pepper to taste, add water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Divide the risen dough into portioned pieces and form into pies. Place the pies on a greased baking sheet, seam side down, and leave them to rise for 20 minutes, then brush the pies with egg and bake in an oven preheated to 200ºC for about 15 minutes.

Pies with beans and parsley

For the test:
600 g flour,
300 ml milk,
1 egg,
5 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
1 packet of dry yeast.
For filling:
2 jars of red canned beans(400 g),
2 onions,
1 bunch of parsley,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

From the above ingredients, knead the dough, roll it into a ball, cover it with a towel and let it stand for a while in a warm place so that it increases in volume. To prepare the filling, mash the beans, add diced beans and fried them. butter onion, finely chopped parsley, stir, salt and pepper to taste. Form balls from the finished dough, roll them into flat cakes, put the filling in the center of each, pinch the edges, form pies and place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Brush the pies with milk and bake in an oven preheated to 180-200ºC for 20 minutes.

Pies with mushrooms and onions

For the test:
1 kg flour,
500 ml milk,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. salt,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
11 g dry yeast.
For filling:
200 g dried mushrooms,
100 g of onion.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough until smooth, place the resulting mass in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours. To prepare the filling, boil the pre-soaked mushrooms, then fry along with the onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil. After two hours, remove the dough from the refrigerator, lightly knead it in flour, divide into equal parts, which roll into flat cakes. Place some in the center of each flatbread. mushroom filling, pinch the edges and form into pies. Place the pies on a baking sheet, brush the surface of the pies with beaten egg and bake at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes or fry them in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil.

Pies with cheese and herbs

500 g homemade yeast dough,
200 g cottage cheese,
200 g cheese,
1 egg,
parsley, dill and salt - to taste.

Divide the yeast dough prepared by any of the options suggested to you in the recipes into 10 parts, roll each part into a ball and leave for a while. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and chop the herbs. Combine cottage cheese with grated cheese, add egg, herbs and mix well. Roll out the dough balls into flat cakes, put the filling in the middle of each of them and form into pies. Place them on the prepared baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200ºC for 20-25 minutes.
Tip: When preparing the filling, pay attention to the cottage cheese. If it is too soft, use slightly dried cheese to compensate for excess moisture in the curd.

Pies with sweet carrot filling

For the test:
3.5 stacks flour,
1 egg,
200 ml milk,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
5 g yeast,
40 g butter,
⅓ tsp salt.
For filling:
2 carrots,
1 tsp butter,
2 tbsp. Sahara.
To grease the pies:
1 egg.

IN warm milk dilute the yeast until completely dissolved, add salt, sugar, egg, butter. Mix everything well, then gradually add the sifted flour. Add flour to the dough until the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Form it into a ball, cover cling film and put it in a warm place. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, pour them into a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add 2 tbsp. water and simmer until done. At the end of cooking, add butter and mix the resulting mass well. Place the risen dough on a table surface sprinkled with flour, divide it into 12 or 16 parts, roll them into balls, cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Lightly roll out the risen balls, place the filling in the middle and form a pie. Place the dough and filling on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, cover with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes to rise. Then brush the surface of the pies with beaten egg and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 15-20 minutes. Let the finished pies rest under a towel for 15 minutes.

Sweet pies with cottage cheese and raisins

For the test:
800 g flour,
500 ml milk,
2 eggs,
11 g (1 sachet) yeast,
100 g butter,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. salt,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
For filling:
150 g cottage cheese,
50 g raisins,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
5 g vanilla sugar.
For frying:
100 ml vegetable oil.

Heat half the milk, add yeast and 1 tbsp. sugar and stir. Leave the prepared dough for 20 minutes. Melt the butter and cool it. Sift half the flour into a bowl and add the remaining sugar and salt to it. Lightly beat the eggs with the cooled butter and pour into the flour. Pour in the remaining milk and the suitable dough. Mix everything and leave the prepared dough for 1 hour, covered with a towel. When the dough has risen, turn it onto a floured surface and knead, adding flour little by little, until the dough reaches the desired consistency. Your dough should be soft and elastic. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, grease them with vegetable oil. Sprinkle the resulting dough with flour, cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour to rise. Knead it a couple of times. Divide the dough that has risen a second time into portions. Roll out each piece, place a teaspoon of filling in the middle and form into pies. Fry the finished yeast pies in a frying pan with vegetable oil, on both sides, over medium heat until golden brown crust.

Yeast pies pumpkin dough with pear jam “Autumn Tale”

600 g flour,
300 g pumpkin puree,
2 eggs,
1 packet of dry yeast,
½ tsp. salt,
3 tbsp. milk in dough + 1 tsp. for greasing pies,
2 tbsp. honey,
60 g butter for the dough + 30 g for greasing the baking sheet.
For filling:
500 ml pear jam.

Mix ⅓ flour, pumpkin puree, honey, salt, 1 egg and 1 egg white, yeast and milk. Add melted butter and gradually add about ⅓ more flour. Knead soft elastic dough, cover it with a towel and place it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Then add a little more flour, knead the dough, make flat cakes out of it, put a little pear jam in the middle and form into pies. Place the finished pies on a baking sheet lined with parchment and greased with oil, let them stand for 10-15 minutes, then brush with whipped milk egg yolk. Bake the pies in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 20-25 minutes.

Pies with apples, bananas and dried fruits

For the test:
500 g flour,
300 ml water,
50 g butter,
7 g yeast,
30 g sugar,
10 g salt.
For filling:
2 apples,
3 bananas,
7 pcs. prunes,
1 handful of raisins,
sugar - optional and to taste.

Add salt and sugar, melted butter and yeast to the sifted flour. Stir, pour in warm water, knead into an elastic dough and let stand for a while until it rises. For the filling, chop and mix apples, bananas, prunes, add steamed raisins and sugar to this mixture, if desired. Roll out the dough into flat cakes, put a little filling in the middle of each and form into pies. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 25-30 minutes.

There are many more recipes for yeast dough on our website, take a look at the “Culinary School” section and find many interesting tips and subtleties.

Bon appetit and bright pie fantasies!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Step 1: prepare the filling for the pies.

To start Ground beef Take it out of the refrigerator to defrost. Next, wash the green onion feathers under running water and shake them off over the sink. excess liquid. And put it on a cutting board, chop the greens quite finely, about up to 5 millimeters thick. Next, remove the chopped ingredient into a deep plate. Peel the garlic with a knife and rinse under running water. Leave it aside for a while and move on to the next ingredient. We clean the sausage from the packaging and cut it into cubes up to about 1 centimeter in size. After this, turn on the stove to medium level, place a frying pan on the burner and pour sunflower oil into it. Next, transfer to hot oil. chopped meat and sliced ​​sausage. Fry everything approximately 8 - 10 minutes until the ingredients are browned. At the same time, using a spatula, chop the ground beef into more small pieces and stir occasionally meat ingredients so that they don't burn. Then reduce the temperature of the stove. Add our chopped onion to the pan and squeeze out the peeled garlic cloves using a garlic press. And mix everything with a spatula. Next, add the sauce, thyme, salt and ground black pepper. Fry everything approximately 3 - 5 minutes. After this, add flour and water and mix everything again. Fry until all the liquid has evaporated. Next, a frying pan with ready-made filling put it on another burner. And let's move on to the test.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Release the dough from the packaging. And transfer it to a surface previously dusted with flour. Prepare the rolling pin in the same way to prevent the dough from sticking. Using the equipment, roll out the sheet of dough to a thickness of approximately 6 millimeters. And squeeze it out round shapes for future pies. The size of your baked goods will depend on the diameter of the mold. Roll the remaining dough into a ball and roll it out with a rolling pin, then also squeeze out circles from them. After we have prepared the dough, we move on to forming our baked goods.
It is better to prepare a baking tray in advance to make it easier to work with later. Using a kitchen brush, grease the entire surface of the baking sheet with oil. And after that we move on to preparing the pies. While we were preparing the dough, our filling in the frying pan had already cooled down and could be placed on the dough circles. For these purposes, use a tablespoon. We place the filling in the center of the circles so that the edges can be connected and at the same time it would not make a hole in our dough. We pinch the edges with our hands or connect them with a fork. Place the formed pies on a baking sheet. Break into a small cup egg and beat it with a fork. We lubricate ours with it on top meat pastries, so that during baking the pies turn out beautifully golden crust. After this, you can proceed directly to baking.

Step 3: bake the pies.

In a preheated oven until 180 - 200 degrees remove the pan. Meat pies will be baked for about 10 - 15 minutes. As soon as they have acquired a beautiful crispy crust, you can remove the baking sheet from the oven, helping yourself with oven mitts or towels.

Step 4: serve meat pies from the prepared dough.

In order to separate the pies from the baking sheet, just tilt it slightly and use a kitchen spatula to transfer the baked goods to a plate. Let them cool for about 5 - 10 minutes. Prepare fresh coffee or tea. And you can treat your guests delicious pastries. Believe me, your treat will leave no trace and your friends will certainly ask for more. Bon appetit!

Remember that cutting boards and knives should be different for meat and vegetables.

It is not advisable to defrost minced meat in a microwave oven; it is better to let it defrost on its own. room temperature. Well, if you want to speed up the process, you can put the bag of minced meat in a bowl and place it under cold running water. And wait until the meat defrosts.

Ground beef can be replaced with any other minced meat, such as pork or chicken.

You can use any oil for frying, such as olive oil.

if you have baking paper you can use it. In this case, the surface should also be lubricated with oil.

The amount of garlic in the recipe can be adjusted to taste. Or cook without it at all, then the taste of the dish will be less spicy.

If you don't have garlic cloves, you can chop the garlic cloves with a knife cutting board. Or grate using a fine hole grater.

You can use whatever spices you like for the meat.

Airy, light, melt-in-your-mouth baked goods and hot tea- this is something you can dream about for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner.

Puff pastry pies are not only tasty and nutritious, but also slightly high-calorie baked goods. If you think about it, it’s hard to imagine how much different options You can make such pies.

Variants of pies with different fillings

What kind of fillings have chefs come up with for pies? It can be meat filling, liver and fish, and fruits, as well as jam and nuts with honey.

The beauty of puff pastry and baked goods is that they stay with any filling. the most delicious dish due to the delicate texture of the dough itself.

The method of preparation for both options is approximately the same, but there are some nuances.

Puff pastry pies with meat

You can choose absolutely any meat for the filling. The meat must be finely chopped or minced in a meat grinder, turning it into minced meat. In addition, you need to finely chop the onion and add it to the minced meat. Next, you should add a little spices and salt to taste and mix the filling thoroughly. IN different variations meat filling can be mixed with vegetables, eggs, herbs, potatoes or rice. The dough for pies must be rolled out and cut into pieces large enough to form a pie. The filling is placed in the center of a piece of dough and, in fact, the pie is formed. Bake the pies in the oven until done.

Filling ingredients:

  • 500 g minced meat
  • one third teaspoon sugar
  • 500 g puff pastry
  • salt to taste
  • 2 small onions
  • 2 eggs.

Preparation procedure:

  1. The minced meat should be defrosted. The onions need to be peeled and finely chopped. Mix minced meat, salt, sugar, onion.
  2. Defrost puff pastry. Sprinkle the table with flour and place the dough on it. The dough layer is rolled out and cut into pieces for pies.
  3. The filling is placed in the middle of one part of the dough, the corners of the part are connected and secured in the shape of a pie. The filling must be carefully wrapped in the dough so that it does not leak out during baking.
  4. Line an oven tray with parchment paper and then place the pies on it. In a small container, beat the egg, after adding salt. Each pie is coated with this mixture. The oven is heated to 180 degrees, and then a baking sheet with pies is placed there. The pies are baked in the oven for about 20 minutes until the crust is golden brown.

The meat pies are ready and can be served.

Puff pastries with cottage cheese

The curd filling for pies is easy to prepare. The main thing here is to choose the right cottage cheese for the filling. You should take hard grainy cottage cheese, not soft, then the pies will be truly tasty.


  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • A little ground cinnamon and salt to taste.

The yolks must be ground with sugar in a container and mixed with butter, which must first be melted. Add cinnamon and salt to the mixture. The cottage cheese must be thoroughly rubbed and mixed with the egg mixture. All the filling needs to be mixed well and put in the refrigerator for a while. Next, you can take out the dough and bake puff pastries with cottage cheese according to a well-known principle.

Puff pastry pies with apples

Apple filling is a little more difficult to prepare than cottage cheese filling.


  • 1 kg apples
  • Butter
  • Sugar.

Apples are peeled and cored and cut into medium cubes. Place 2 tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, and then add chopped apples. The filling is fried for about 4 minutes, then 4 tablespoons of sugar are added to it. The filling is fried for about three more minutes and then cooled. It is necessary to drain the juice from the filling, if there is any left, and you can prepare puff pastry pies with apples directly.

Filling for pies with cabbage


  • 500 g white cabbage
  • 100 g onion
  • 100 carrots
  • half a tablespoon of turmeric
  • 5 g salt
  • 3 g pepper
  • 50 g vegetable oil
  • 100 g of water.

Cabbage, onions and carrots are washed, peeled and finely chopped. Onions are fried in 25 g of oil. When the onion becomes transparent, add carrots and fry for about 4 minutes. The cabbage must be mashed and added to the fried carrots and onions. Add salt, pepper and remaining oil. After 5 minutes, pour water into the cabbage and simmer the mixture for about 20 minutes, occasionally stirring slightly. After this, turmeric is added to the filling. The filling is simmered for about two more minutes and removed from the heat. You can start making cabbage pies.

Pies with strawberries

You need to take 250 g of fresh strawberries, 1 tablespoon potato starch and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Strawberries are carefully washed, dried on paper napkins, peeled from leaves and cut into 4-8 pieces. Starch and sugar are added to the filling, and after that it is thoroughly but gently mixed. You need to let the filling sit for a couple of minutes and you can start making puff pastries with strawberries.

Cherry pies

This filling is prepared according to the same principle as the strawberry filling. You will need 250 g of fresh cherries, starch and sugar. The cherries need to be washed, cleared of twigs and seeds, mixed with sugar and starch, and you can bake baked goods with cherries.

Dough options for pies

There are only two options for dough that can be prepared like a puff pastry. This is a yeast puff pastry and a yeast-free one.

If you want the pies to be crispy, but at the same time light, then use yeast-free dough, and if you want airy, tender and soft baked goods, then prepare the yeast.

Puff yeast dough

No recipe for puff pastry pies is complete without carefully preparing the dough itself.

Products required for this option:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 7 g dry yeast
  • 250 g milk
  • 80 g sugar
  • 250 g margarine

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Margarine must be well softened
  2. The milk is heated and yeast is added to it. The mixture is stirred until the yeast is completely dissolved.
  3. Flour, pre-sifted, is mixed with sugar.
  4. 50 g of margarine is added to the milk-yeast mass, and then the mass is thoroughly mixed.
  5. Next, flour is poured in there little by little. As the process progresses, you need to stir the mass with a spoon all the time.
  6. In the end it turns out soft light weight. She needs to be left for a while so that she can stand and come over. After some time, the dough needs to be kneaded well and put in the refrigerator.
  7. 200 g of the remaining margarine are laid out on a sheet of parchment in a thin rectangle and put in the refrigerator.
  8. After some time, the dough is taken out of the refrigerator, kneaded well and rolled out into a rectangle with a rolling pin.
  9. The cooled margarine must be placed on top of the dough layer and wrapped with dough, or rather, with its edge, and then this edge is rolled out again. This needs to be repeated several times until the entire layer of dough turns into something like a stack of bed linen.
  10. The twist of dough and margarine is cooled and the process is repeated 2 more times.

Nuances of preparation

Everyone loves puff pastries, but they come not only with... with different fillings, but also baked or fried in different ways.

Cooking in the oven

Baking in the oven is the easiest option. The pies must be placed on a baking sheet covered with baking parchment and baked at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Cooking in a frying pan

Puff pastry pies in a frying pan are, according to many, the most tasty option. But there are some nuances here too. You can fry pies in butter, vegetable oil or even lard. Everyone has their own tastes, but the principle of frying is the same. The oil is heated in a frying pan until lightly sizzling, then the pies are placed there and fried over medium heat until golden brown. You should not leave the stove at this moment, as a few extra seconds may cause the pies to burn.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Everything is quite simple here. Any instructions for a multicooker tell you what time and mode the baked goods should be cooked in it. Place the pies inside, set the desired mode and time, and wait.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Greetings, friends! Today I suggest you bake pies from ready-made yeast dough. The main thing is to buy high-quality dough, then the pies will turn out delicious. I usually buy dough at the market; it’s sold by the kilogram, but this time I decided to try this store-bought yeast dough in a pack.


  • 1 kg. ready-made yeast dough (I bought frozen)
  • any thick jam or other filling to your liking
  • 1 egg
  • powdered sugar
  • some flour

Pies made from ready-made yeast dough

In general, I like pies made from the dough that we sell by weight better, but you can’t buy such dough in every city. That's why you have to use the store bought one from the package. And you can see what pies turn out from ready-made dough, which I buy by weight. There I fry them in a frying pan.

If you are using frozen dough, let it thaw, then mix it thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 1 hour to rise. I usually turn on the gas burner and place the dough close to it, so it rises faster.

When the dough has risen, we separate small lumps from it and these lumps should also be allowed to lie for about 15 minutes so that the dough rises better, roll it out a little into a flat cake, I just press the dough with my fingers and put 1 teaspoon of jam in the middle of each one.

Instead of jam, you can use absolutely any filling, for example, liver with potatoes, or cabbage, or cottage cheese, or you can use boiled eggs mixed with green onions. The pies are also delicious with dried fruits twisted in a meat grinder.

Carefully pinch the opposite edges of the cake. As if you were making dumplings, if the dough doesn’t stick together well, you can dip your fingers in flour, so everything should stick together.

Place the pies on a baking sheet with the seam down, it is better to cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, let them stand for another 10 minutes so that the pies rise again, if it is cool in your room, you may need to let the pies stand for longer than 10 minutes.

Hello, dear friends! Today we will bake pies from ready-made yeast dough with cabbage and potatoes, or rather, we will fry and bake them. We will have two types of pies - in a frying pan and in the oven. I know that fried pies- is not healthy food. But sometimes you can afford a couple of hot pies, especially now, when it’s colder and you want warmth). So this time I really wanted to bake pies with cabbage and potatoes.

Since I didn’t have time to prepare dough for pies, I bought ready-made yeast dough especially for pies; we have such dough sold by one local city bakery, where they make various pastries pastries, cakes, pies, muffins and much more.

Sometimes I buy pies from them, but this time I thought, let me bake it myself, because their dough is very inexpensive, only 50 rubles per kilo. But ready-made pies It's expensive to buy from them. And from this kilogram of dough I got 22 pies, which is quite a lot.

Buy ready dough- This perfect option, when you don’t have time or just don’t want to bother with preparing yeast dough. I think that in any city you can buy ready-made yeast dough, you can buy it in a store, I’ve already baked it from such a store, only in the oven and with sweet filling. Well, if you couldn’t buy the dough, but you still don’t want pies, you can prepare the dough according to this recipe, it’s also baked in the oven, but you can also fry it in a frying pan, depending on your preference. Or you can please everyone: fry half in a frying pan and bake half in the oven).

So, to prepare pies with cabbage and potatoes we will need:

  • Ready-made yeast dough – 1 kg.
  • Potatoes – 5-6 medium pieces.
  • Sauerkraut – 500 gr.
  • Onion – 2 heads
  • Unscented sunflower oil for frying
  • Flour - half a glass.

Pies from ready-made dough recipe with photos

I know that many people fry pies and add fried fresh cabbage to them, I don’t like it that way, my weakness sauerkraut and I cook pies only using it, it gives the baked goods a special sourness and taste. But again, this is all for everyone. If you like it fresh, fry it fresh.

Since we don’t need to prepare the dough, we will prepare the filling for the pies. Wash the potatoes, peel them, add water, and cook them like mashed potatoes. In this we peel the onion and finely chop it, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and sauté the onion over medium heat until golden brown.

Then add the cabbage, stir, cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes, then stir and cover with the lid again, I let the cabbage fry a little, but only a little. Turn off the fire.

We look at our potatoes, if they are cooked, drain the water from it, but not all of it, leave half a glass.

Mash the potatoes, adding the reserved half a glass of water. When mashing the potatoes, you can salt the potatoes a little, but if your cabbage is salty, then you don’t need to do this.

IN mashed potatoes add the fried cabbage, mix thoroughly, and be sure to let the filling cool.

While the filling is cooling, let's make the dough. Although we already have it ready, we still need to do some manipulations with it).

I had the dough in a plastic bag, I transferred it to a plastic bowl. Then she lubricated her hands with vegetable oil and squeezed out small balls (about 3-4 cm in diameter) between her thumb and forefinger. Sprinkle the table with flour and place the resulting balls, leaving for 10 minutes for the dough to rise again.

After 10 minutes, take one ball and knead it with your fingers, preparing it like a flatbread, put the filling of cabbage and potatoes in the middle of the flatbread, I laid out a large teaspoon, pinch the edges of the pie on both sides, forming a pie, if the dough diverges, wet your fingers into the flour and pinch the edges of the pie together again. Thus, we make all our remaining pies from the finished dough.

Pour 50 g into the frying pan. sunflower oil, it must be odorless so that the oil does not interrupt the taste of the filling. Heat over medium heat and add our pies.

After placing the pies in the frying pan, it is better to reduce the heat so that the pies have time to bake and are not raw inside. Fry them on both sides until golden brown. Remove from the pan, let cool a little and enjoy pies made from ready-made yeast dough with cabbage and potatoes.

As I already wrote above, from a kilogram I got 22 pies with cabbage and potatoes, although no, there would have been 23 of them, I gave one lump to my daughter, she also tried to make her own pie). In general, it is very important not to chase your child away from the kitchen when you are cooking or baking, much less sculpting something; give him a piece of dough and let him sculpt something with you.

We love to eat these pies either with sour cream or just with tea, for example. I advise you not to get too carried away with such food, because fried food is not a very healthy food, so sometimes you can cook and eat it, but not all the time.

I think you will like such fast and delicious pies from ready-made yeast dough with potatoes and cabbage. In general, you can use different fillings, for example, with onions and eggs, with cottage cheese, with jam, with liver and potatoes, with rice and eggs, in general, whoever likes with what, and there are a lot of different options. And we also love it very much. I have the recipe on my website.

Yeast pies in the oven

Next time I bought ready-made yeast dough and decided to bake the pies in the oven. I made the filling the same as for fried pies, and also decided to make some pies with apples. The entire sequence of actions is the same as you read above. But we will bake pies in the oven.

I laid out the pies on parchment paper, let them stand for 10 minutes, and then into the oven, after 5 minutes I took them out of the oven and brushed them with an egg beaten with two tablespoons of sugar, then back into the oven and baked at 180 C until golden brown.

This is how I made the apple filling for pies. I washed and peeled the apples and cut them into small cubes. When she put the filling on the dough, she also sprinkled the apples with a teaspoon of sugar and made a pie.

We liked the pies made from ready-made yeast dough in the oven and they turned out not only tasty, but also beautiful). Enjoy your meal!