Cook something tasty from the liver. Tender and juicy liver chops

And minerals, and is also well absorbed by the body. However, many people do not like liver because of its peculiar taste or because it is tough and dry. Lifehacker's advice will help eliminate all these shortcomings and turn any picky person into a liver fan.

Secrets of selection, processing and preparation

How to choose the right liver

To make the dish tasty and healthy, you need to choose high-quality and fresh liver. This is quite easy to do.

  1. pay attention to appearance product. The liver should be elastic, soft, moist and shiny, without scratches or damage. The presence of stains and blood clots is unacceptable. They may indicate a rupture of the animal's gallbladder, which automatically gives the liver a bitter taste.
  2. The color of the liver should be neither too light nor too dark. Remember: good beef liver has a hint of color ripe cherries, pork - reddish brown, color chicken liver varies from light brown to brown-red, and turkey liver is dark red.
  3. Fresh liver has a sweetish metallic aroma. Sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.
  4. There should be no excess ice on the surface of the frozen liver, and it should not have an orange tint. All this suggests that the product was either frozen several times or overfrozen.

How to cook soft liver

  1. First you need to remove all vessels, veins and films. In the case of beef liver, this is quite simple. But to make the procedure easier, you can hold it in warm water for a few minutes. The film of pork liver is thinner and more difficult to separate. Try leaving the offal in boiling water for 20 seconds, and then remove the film by picking it up by the edge with a knife.
  2. Will give additional softness to the liver sour marinade. To prepare it, either lime juice or a couple of tablespoons of vinegar are suitable. Mix one of these ingredients with water and soak the liver in it a few hours before cooking.
  3. Baking soda can also soften the liver. It is enough to sprinkle each piece with it and wait about an hour.
  4. The last method is for those who like to use physical force. To make the product softer, you can simply beat it with a hammer. Just remember to place the liver in cellophane, otherwise it will spread.

How to cook delicious liver

  1. To prevent the liver, especially pork liver, from becoming bitter, you can soak it in milk, after cutting it into pieces. The recommended soaking time is from 30 minutes to several hours. By the way, milk will not only eliminate bitterness, but also make the liver very soft.
  2. Instead of soaking, you can quickly boil the liver in lightly salted water. This trick should also rid the dish of bitterness.
  3. But to disguise the specific liver taste Products with strong, distinct aromas will help. Good choice will include onions, garlic, chili peppers and aromatic herbs such as thyme or sage.

How to cook juicy liver

  1. The main thing is not to overcook. To keep the liver juicy, just fry each side in a well-heated frying pan for 5 minutes (or less).
  2. If you dip pieces of liver in flour or batter before frying, the juice will definitely remain inside.
  3. Sour cream or cream are true friends of juicy and soft liver. It is recommended to simmer it in them for no more than 20 minutes.
  4. The last item both on the list and during cooking will be salt. It takes away moisture, so it’s better to add it at the end.

Liver dishes


  • 900 g chopped beef liver;
  • 1 ½ cups milk;
  • 60 g butter, divided into pieces;
  • 2 large sweet onions;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


Gently rinse the liver under cold water, place in a bowl and fill with milk. It should completely cover the offal: if the volume of milk specified in the recipe is not enough, increase the dosage.

The liver can only be soaked while preparing the onions, but it is best to complete this step ahead of time and let it sit for 1-2 hours.

Put half in large frying pan and melt over medium heat. Add the onion sliced ​​into rings, cook until soft and set aside on a plate.

Place the remaining butter in the same pan. Remove the liver from the milk, pat dry with paper towels and coat in the flour, salt and pepper mixture. When the butter has melted, increase the heat and add the liver pieces to the pan.

Fry the liver on both sides until golden brown crust. Return the onion to the pan, reduce the temperature to medium and keep the dish on the fire for a while.

The remaining cooking time depends on your preferences, but you still shouldn’t fry the liver too much. Enough for it to brown nicely on the outside and remain a little pink on the inside.


  • 400 g chicken liver;
  • 300 g softened butter;
  • olive oil;
  • 2 shallots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a few sage leaves;
  • 1 pinch of ground mace (nutmeg);
  • 1 small glass of brandy;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.


Place half the butter in a heatproof saucepan and place over low heat. Wait for the butter to melt: this should take about 10 minutes. Then strain the ghee into a separate bowl and set aside to cool. For the pate you only need clarified yellow butter; the light remains can be discarded.

Peel both finely and garlic. Heat in a frying pan Not a large number of olive oil. Sauté the onion and garlic over low heat until soft (about 10 minutes) and transfer to a plate.

Wipe the surface of the pan with paper towels, increase the heat and add the livers with most of the sage leaves. Fry the liver on each side for two minutes so that it is browned on the outside and remains pink on the inside. If you overcook it, it will lose its delicate texture and the pate will turn out grainy.

Add brandy. Be careful: alcohol may catch fire. Salt and pepper the liver and simmer for about a minute.

Remove the liver from the heat and transfer it, along with the onion and garlic, to food processor. Grind the ingredients until pureed, then add the mace and most of the ghee. Continue grinding until smooth.

Transfer the pate to a prepared container, sprinkle the sage leaves on top and cover with the remaining melted butter using a spoon. Place the dish in the refrigerator for an hour. After this period, the pate can be eaten. Although, if the integrity of the top layer of oil is not compromised, the liver delicacy can be stored for up to two weeks.


  • 500–600 g pork liver;
  • 3 tablespoons pork fat;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 500 g of fresh forest mushrooms;
  • 3 tablespoons olive or butter;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 sprig of thyme;
  • 2 sage leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons dry sherry;
  • 50 ml dry white wine;
  • 250 ml chicken broth;
  • 100 ml heavy cream.


Heat a large frying pan over high fire, put pork fat and when melted, add the liver. Fry it on all sides until brown.

Place the browned liver together with the chopped shallots in a saucepan and simmer for 20–25 minutes. When the liver is firm (or when a food thermometer reads 55°C at the thickest part), remove from the heat and leave in a warm place, covered.

While the liver is cooling, begin cooking. mushroom stew. Put large saucepan on medium heat, heat the oil in it and add. When they turn a little browner and excess liquid When it evaporates, add chopped onion and garlic to the pan. Continue cooking until the mushrooms soften. Then add the thyme and chopped sage leaves. Mix well and pour the sherry and white wine into the pan.

Increase the heat to high and wait until half the liquid has evaporated from the pan. Add broth and repeat the previous step. When the stew has thickened, pour the cream into the pan and stir. Taste the dish, add salt and add more seasonings if necessary.

Cut the rested and slightly cooled liver into thin pieces. Transfer them to a warm plate and top with mushroom ragu.

Bon appetit!

By content useful substances liver is superior to many meat products. It contains such important elements as: vitamin C, known for its excellent antioxidant properties, helping to increase the body's resistance to adverse effects environment; almost all B vitamins, the so-called energy drinks, are needed by all cells of the body and, above all, by the brain; thiamine supports heart function, digestive system; Vitamin A is good for vision and skin. The liver also contains a lot of minerals: iron, zinc, manganese, selenium. And this is not the whole list, which can be continued for a very long time, since this one is really valuable product contains almost all the substances we need in sufficient quantities.

But, of course, we prefer this dish not so much because of its usefulness, but because of its delicate taste and unique aroma. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly ensure that it retains maximum vitamins and bright taste. are simple and economical. It can be stewed, fried, baked, prepared a variety of pates, pancakes and even cakes.

Choose the right one.

It is advisable to choose liver from a young animal, since the taste directly depends on its age. The best option will calf liver. In appearance, a fresh, unfrozen product should be smooth, evenly reddish-brown in color, without stains, and moist at the cut points. The aroma should be pleasant, slightly sweet; a different smell indicates that the product is not fresh. You need to know that it is a little coarser than pork and is covered with a thin film. To easily remove the film, you can immerse the liver in hot water for a couple of minutes, pry it off with a knife and remove it. It is also necessary to remove large veins and vessels.

How to cook liver.

To make the liver tender and airy, you need to soak it in milk with a pinch of salt for three hours. Salt will deal with the remaining blood, and milk will soften the characteristic odor, if any. For frying, you can cut into equal pieces no more than one centimeter thick, roll in soda and leave for an hour. Then rinse well and let dry. Fry in hot sunflower oil, dipping each piece in flour or breadcrumbs. This will retain the juices, making the dish juicier.

If you are interested in how to cook liver with sour cream and mushrooms, then it is very simple. The liver, cut into small pieces, must be lightly fried, first soaked in milk and rolled in flour. You can pepper it to taste. Finely chop the mushrooms, boil them a little and fry with onions. Then add sour cream and tomato paste, mix everything and bake in the oven for about ten minutes. For 800g of liver, take 200g of mushrooms, one onion, a glass of sour cream and two tablespoons of tomato.

Here's how you can cook liver. Let's do mashed potatoes, add two eggs, salt, pepper. Place in a baking dish. Place liver cut into small cubes on top of the potatoes. chopped carrots and onions. Bake in the oven for about twenty-five minutes until browned.

There are still a great many options for how to cook liver. Traditional filling for pies, a variety of pies, soups, gourmet salads with cakes and even air soufflé, as well as all sorts of sandwiches and sandwiches will diversify your daily diet and enrich your body with the necessary nutrients. You just need to use it useful tips and turn on your imagination so that this product will delight you and your loved ones with its unsurpassed taste and usefulness every day.

Beef by-products are no less healthy than meat itself, and some even surpass it in the content of vitamins and other elements necessary for the body. These by-products include beef liver. It can become the basis of the most different dishes, including dietary ones, since it energy value not tall. It can be fried, stewed, boiled. However, before you start cooking, it doesn’t hurt to know how to cook beef liver so that it is not tough.

To keep the dish soft and juicy

The high quality of the starting products and strict adherence to the technology of their preparation invariably guarantee a good result. Knowing how to choose and prepare beef liver correctly, you will probably not spoil it, but will get a tasty and healthy dish.

  • The liver can be purchased either chilled or frozen. There will be no significant difference between the prepared dishes. However, in this case it is necessary to defrost the liver correctly: it must thaw in the refrigerator so that a sharp temperature change is not allowed.
  • Preference when purchasing should be given to the outermost rather than the central pieces of the liver, since they have fewer films and vessels.
  • Fresh beef liver has a sweetish smell. If it is sour, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.
  • Veal liver is more tender than beef liver and cooks faster. You can recognize it not only by the size of the piece, but also by its consistency and color: veal meat is slightly lighter and more loose. Liver from an old cow requires use additional measures to increase its softness.
  • During preparation, any liver must be cleaned of films, vessels and, of course, rinsed.
  • Beef liver will be softer if you soak it in milk for an hour or sprinkle it with soda, let it sit for 20 minutes, and rinse well.
  • If you overcook the liver in a frying pan or pan, it will become tough. Therefore, do not exceed the cooking time indicated in the recipe. When boiling it is usually 20–40 minutes, when frying it is 6-10 minutes, when stewing it is 10–15 minutes. Time heat treatment depends not only on the method of preparation, but also on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the product itself (size of the piece, its density, age of the cow, presence of preliminary soaking).
  • To prevent the liver from being tough, it should be salted just a few minutes before it is ready. Salt promotes better separation of moisture, so if you salt the liver at the very beginning, it will quickly lose liquid and become dry and hard.

The technology for preparing liver may have its own characteristics, depending on the chosen method of heat treatment and the specific recipe.

How to cook boiled beef liver

  • beef liver – 0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • parsley root (optional) - to taste;
  • garlic (optional) – 2 cloves;
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 10 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the liver, remove films (when preparing boiled liver, films can be removed after). Cut into 5 pieces.
  • Place the liver pieces in a saucepan with enough water.
  • Peel the carrots, cut them into 2-3 parts, put them in a saucepan.
  • Place the peeled but not cut onions there and the remaining ingredients, except salt.
  • Place over medium heat and bring to a boil.
  • Skim off the foam, reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the liver from the broth and cool.

Boiled liver is most often used to prepare salads, fillings for pancakes or pies, and pate.

Boiled liver pate

  • boiled beef liver – 0.3 kg;
  • carrots – 50 g;
  • onions – 50 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • butter – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the vegetables.
  • Prepare boiled liver according to the above recipe. Cut each piece into several more pieces.
  • Grind the liver and vegetables through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.
  • Using a blender or mixer, mix the resulting mass with butter.
  • Shape the pate into the desired shape and cool.

The pate can be eaten spread on bread. These sandwiches are perfect for breakfast or as a snack throughout the day.

How to fry beef liver

  • beef liver – 0.5 kg;
  • wheat flour - how much will be needed;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the liver, remove the film and veins. Cut into pieces of approximately the same size, 1 cm thick. The pieces should be about the same size as chops, or a little smaller.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan.
  • Sift flour (about a glass) into a large bowl. Place pieces of liver in it, roll them in flour.
  • Place the liver in a frying pan, fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. After the liver is fried on one side and turned over, it should be lightly salted and peppered.
  • Place the finished liver on a plate.
  • Cut the peeled onion into small rings or half rings. Fry them in the same frying pan in which the liver was fried until golden color. Sprinkle with onions ready liver and serve.

To fried simple recipe liver should be served as a side dish and sour cream sauce, maybe with garlic.

How to stew liver in sour cream (Stroganoff-style liver)

  • beef liver – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 150 g;
  • flour – 70 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash beef offal, clean it of films and veins, cut into bars, like meat for beef stroganoff.
  • Dredge the liver pieces in flour.
  • Peel the onions and cut into half rings.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion and liver. Fry them over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  • Add salt, pepper, and add sour cream to the pan. Stir.
  • Reduce heat, simmer covered for 7–9 minutes.

There is no need for sauce for this dish, so all that remains to prepare is the side dish.

How to stew liver in portions

  • beef liver – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • pitted prunes – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • red dry wine– 75 ml;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the onion into rings and fry in boiling oil, place on a plate.
  • Slice the liver in portioned pieces, place in a frying pan with boiling oil and fry on both sides over medium heat, giving each side 3 minutes.
  • Place fried onions and prunes soaked in water in a frying pan next to the liver.
  • Pour in the wine, add salt and pepper.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and reduce heat.
  • Simmer the liver for 10–12 minutes.

The dish is served with a side dish. Prunes help highlight delicate taste liver, so it turns out not only soft, but also very tasty.

How to cook beef liver with honey

  • beef liver – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • honey – 20 ml;
  • soy sauce – 80 ml;
  • potato starch – 30 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • tomato paste – 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • water – 125 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the liver, free it from films and vessels. Cut into bars about 5 cm long and 2 times smaller in width.
  • Roll the liver in starch.
  • Peel and cut the onion into small cubes, fry it in vegetable oil within 5 minutes.
  • Add the liver to the onion, fry it along with it, stirring occasionally, for 7–9 minutes.
  • While the liver is frying, you can prepare the sauce by mixing tomato paste, soy sauce, honey and water.
  • Pour the sauce over the liver and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Crush the garlic and add it to the dish. Salt and pepper, stir the liver.
  • Cook covered for another 2-3 minutes.

Prepared according to this recipe Beef liver is recommended to be served with vegetable salad.

Even a novice cook can prepare tasty and tender beef liver. At the same time, cooking will not take much time.

Liver dishes are rejected by many due to their seeming lack of presentation. It is often believed that offal is food for the plebeian table. And in vain! In ancient times, royalty revered liver as a delicacy. A pleasant addition to the rich vitamin composition and richness of taste can be called versatility - the list of dishes that can be prepared using liver is amazing in its length.

Beef liver cake

This is not a dessert, but an appetizer with amazing texture, taste and richness, which can become a real decoration for both festive and everyday table. Most often it is prepared from beef liver, but chicken and pork are also acceptable.

The dish, having the classic embodiment of a cake - cake layers coated with filling - can be made on the basis of a diverse set of products. Let's consider the most traditional of all options.

Ingredients for the dish:

  • 1 kg of beef liver;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 2 eggs of 1st category;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 5 onions;
  • mayonnaise;
  • oil;
  • salt and herbs.

Algorithm for creating a beef liver dish:

  1. The liver must not only be washed and cut, but also cleaned of the upper film and bile ducts. If there are doubts about the “age” of the product, it is also recommended to soak it in water, or even better, in milk, so that possible bitterness goes away and the offal itself becomes softer. Advice! When using milk for soaking, we do not use it to prepare the dish itself - the possible bitterness of the liver goes into the milk.
  2. We cut the offal into pieces and send it to grind in a blender or meat grinder. To get a more homogeneous mass, pour in milk (fresh).
  3. Mix eggs and flour into the liver. We get the dough, and it is ready to prepare pancakes for snacks. But first we check the consistency - it should be a little thicker than for pancakes.
  4. Pour a small amount of dough onto an oiled hot frying pan. The time period for frying on one side is about 1 minute.
  5. The cakes go through the cooling stage, and we begin to prepare the filling. We will make it from onions, mayonnaise and herbs. The root vegetable must be chopped and then fried.
  6. Mix the roast with mayonnaise and chopped herbs and, if desired, grind everything to a puree.
  7. We coat our cakes with the finished filling, placing them one on top of the other until the cream or liver pancakes are completely finished.

Let the appetizer stand in the cold for a while (ideally overnight) and serve it on the table.

Chicken liver fried in sour cream sauce

The dish goes harmoniously with any side dish and combines meat ingredients and sauce.

Let's prepare:

  • chicken liver – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • flour – 25 g;
  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • water – 100 – 120 ml;
  • oil – 75 ml;
  • spices - nutmeg, ground black pepper, curry.

Let's start implementing the planned chicken liver dish:

  1. Chop the onion as desired and sauté. The main condition is not to overdry it or burn it during frying. The ideal onion is soft, with a light golden-brown tint.
  2. The offal, previously washed and drained in a colander to remove liquids, is cut into two parts, removing film and fat.
  3. We send the liver to fry with the onions.
  4. Add spices when juice is released from the liver. Usually at this time the offal changes color to beige-brown. The duration of frying the liver depends on its size. It’s better to check everything in practice: cut the largest piece and look at the cut. No liquid should be released from it.
  5. Now the sauce. We make it based on sour cream (take 10 or 15%) and flour. Be sure to thoroughly mix the composition.
  6. Stir the sauce into the food in the frying pan when all the liquid, except the oil, has left it.
  7. We give almost ready-made dish warm up, while not allowing it to boil excessively, otherwise the sour cream will curdle. We simmer the mixture a little and serve with a side dish and enjoy.

By-products are sufficient useful look food. They contain a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. This type of food includes beef liver. This product can be called dietary. It is consumed fried, stewed, boiled. The sections of this article tell you how to prepare beef liver so that it retains its beneficial properties and has wonderful taste.

Choosing the right product

Many housewives do not want to include such food in their diet. They think that liver dishes are too tough, dry and bitter. However, from similar product you shouldn't refuse.

After all, he has many beneficial properties. Beef liver contains substances that are necessary to maintain good health(amino acids, vitamins A and B). Thanks to these compounds, hemoglobin levels increase, eye condition improves and nervous system, the body's defenses are strengthened. Today there are many dishes with this ingredient. Knowing how to cook beef liver correctly, you can diversify your diet with delicious dishes. Much depends on the choice of product. It should be neither too dark nor very light in color. The ideal color is the shade of ripe cherry. The presence of a large number of vessels and veins is undesirable. Therefore, it is better to purchase not the central fragment of the liver, but the outermost one. Surface quality product smooth, without dry areas or dark spots. A sweetish, but not sour, odor is acceptable.

Features of heat treatment

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to cook beef liver soft and juicy. First of all, both raw and frozen products are suitable for frying, boiling or stewing. However, the first option is preferable. Pork liver undergoes heat treatment faster than beef. As a rule, there are fewer films and veins on it. But a significant disadvantage of this product is that it contains a fairly large amount of fat.

Calf liver is lean and has enough light shade. Its structure is loose. The product obtained from an adult animal is denser. It requires more time for heat treatment. Speaking about how to cook juicy beef liver, it should be noted that you first need to rinse it and clean it of veins, and then soak it in milk for about 1 hour. Some chefs recommend sprinkling the product with baking soda. Then it will be juicier and softer. In addition, it is recommended to cook the liver for 20 to 40 minutes. However, this period of time may vary. It depends on the age of the animal, the length and thickness of the pieces.

Beef liver should be fried and stewed for 6 to 10 minutes. There is no need to exceed the heat treatment time. Otherwise, the product will turn out too dry and tough. Salt the liver a few minutes before the end of cooking. Cream and sour cream are also added to it. These components are not required to be used. However, they give the product juiciness and delicate taste.

Liver cooked with sour cream and onions

The dish contains the following ingredients:

  1. A little table salt and ground black pepper.
  2. Carrot (1 root vegetable).
  3. Half a kilo of beef liver.
  4. Onion head.
  5. 6 large spoons of sour cream with high content fat

How about this recipe?

This product needs to be rinsed. The veins are removed from it, the films are removed. The liver should be chopped into fragments about 10 millimeters thick. The pieces are placed in a deep vessel with very hot water. Hold for about 5 minutes. The onion and carrots must be peeled and rinsed. The first component is cut into round slices, the second is crushed using a grater.

How to cook soft liver beef? To do this, the surface of the frying pan must be heated. Put some on it vegetable fat. The liver is cooked on the stove until the crust appears golden brown. Then the vessel in which the product was fried must be covered with a lid. Simmer the dish for 5 minutes. You should add a little table salt and ground pepper to it. Pieces of onions and carrots are also cooked on the stove with vegetable fat. For the sauce, mix sour cream with 2 large spoons very hot water. This gravy is combined with fried vegetables. A little salt and pepper is also placed in the bowl.

Prepare the sauce on the stove until it starts to boil. Then the gravy is combined with pieces of liver. The dish needs to simmer for about five more minutes.

This dish goes well with different side dishes (boiled cereals, potatoes), as well as with vegetable salads.

A simple recipe for fried liver

The dish includes following components:

  1. Onion head.
  2. 3 large spoons of wheat flour.
  3. The same amount of melted butter.
  4. Half a kilogram beef liver.
  5. A little table salt and ground black pepper.

This is a fairly simple dish. To make it, the hostess will not need much time. How about this recipe?

This product should be rinsed. The veins are removed from it. The film also needs to be removed. The liver is chopped into small fragments. They need to be covered with a layer of wheat flour. The onion head is cut into semicircular slices. This product should be cooked on the stove with vegetable fat for about 5 minutes. Then liver fragments are placed on its surface. The food is sprinkled table salt, black pepper. It is cooked on fire for 7 minutes.

Beef liver in mustard sauce

For this savory dish The following ingredients will be required:

  1. 3 large spoons of cow's butter.
  2. A glass of milk.
  3. 2 onions.
  4. Half a small spoon of spices.
  5. A little table salt.
  6. About 700 grams of beef liver.
  7. 2 large spoons of mustard.
  8. The same amount of wheat flour.

To prepare beef liver according to the recipe with mustard sauce, this product must be rinsed. It is cleared of films and tubes and chopped into small fragments. The pieces should be sprinkled with table salt and placed in a bowl with milk for about a quarter of an hour. Wheat flour combined with spices. The liver should be coated with this mixture and cooked in a frying pan with cow butter. Then the pre-chopped onion is placed in the dish. The food should be left on the stove for some time. Then it is covered with an even layer of mustard.

After this, the liver must be kept on the fire for another two minutes.

Dish with added vegetables

The food contains the following components:

  1. 200 grams of green beans.
  2. 3 large spoons of vegetable fat.
  3. A little table salt and pepper.
  4. About half a kilo of beef liver.
  5. Onion head.
  6. Carrots (1 root vegetable).
  7. bell pepper.

How to cook beef liver in a frying pan with vegetables?

To do this, the offal is washed and cleaned. They cut it into small fragments. The onion head should be chopped into semicircular pieces. The carrots are chopped using a grater. Bell peppers should be cut into slices. The liver is cooked over fire with vegetable fat for about 3 minutes. Then it is combined with vegetables. The dish must be simmered. Add a little table salt and pepper to it. After 10 minutes, the food can be removed from the stove.

Products for the liver according to an oriental recipe

The dish contains the following:

  1. Large spoon of starch.
  2. Onion head.
  3. 2 cloves of garlic.
  4. Half a small spoon of curry spice.
  5. The same amount of paprika.
  6. 3 large spoons of soy sauce.
  7. Half a kilo of beef liver.
  8. A little table salt.
  9. A large spoonful of tomato paste.
  10. The same amount of honey in liquid form.

How to cook soft beef liver in a frying pan oriental recipe?

This is discussed in the next section of the article. In general, the food is considered quite original and interesting.

Cooking process

Beef liver should be rinsed and cleaned. The offal is chopped into small strips and beaten with a hammer. Starch must be combined with table salt, vegetable fat, spices and chopped garlic. The liver is placed in this mixture for about 15 minutes. The onion head is chopped into round slices. Soy sauce should be combined with tomato paste and honey in liquid form. Liver fragments are cooked over fire with the addition of vegetable fat. A golden brown crust should appear on the surface of the pieces. Then put the onion in the bowl and leave it on the stove for 2 minutes. Then the dish is combined with sauce. You can pour in 50 milliliters of hot water. The dish must be simmered for about 7 minutes.

There are many ways to cook beef liver. Recipes and food options are very diverse. The main thing is to follow a number of recommendations in order to select and process the product correctly. Then it will turn out tasty and will not lose its softness, juiciness and healthy qualities.