Cooking delicious meat in a frying pan. Fried meat - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook fried meat.

Even experienced housewives fried cow meat often turns into an unchewable and difficult to cut “sole”, or into an unappetizing “crumb”.

However, cow fillet itself is very tasty and makes excellent dishes; the main thing is to know how to properly fry beef in a frying pan and be able to do it skillfully. It is this “granite” of culinary science that we will “gnaw” today, having studied in detail the tips and three excellent step-by-step recipes for preparing a delicious meat dish.

How to fry beef in a frying pan

  1. Meat should only be fried room temperature and under no circumstances should it be frozen, especially if you are frying large pieces of beef. Why? The thing is that when frying a cold fillet, the top part of the meat will cook faster than the middle. By the time the heat reaches the inner layers of the steak, the surface of the steak will begin to burn. The result is meat that is burnt on top and raw inside.
  2. You need to defrost beef correctly: place a piece of meat in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, and then move it to the kitchen table, where the piece will warm up to 20 degrees, and only then you can start cooking directly.
  3. Before you start frying the meat, the piece of beef should be rinsed from blood and dirt before slicing, then dried with paper towels to remove excess moisture.
  4. Cutting the meat depends on what kind of dish you intend to cook. If your plans for dinner include beef stroganoff or any other dish made from small pieces, then you need to cut the fillet along the grain into thin oblong pieces. If you want to cook steak, medallions, beefsteak, rump steak, then you need to cut pieces of the required thickness across the grain.

5. The meat should be placed in a very well-heated frying pan with hot oil. You first need to fry it for 5 minutes over high heat (until a crispy golden brown crust forms), stirring constantly, then reduce the heat to medium and cook the dish until cooked for 10-15 minutes.

6. To preserve juiciness as much as possible large piece meat, you need to fry the beef in a very hot frying pan for 3-5 minutes on each side. As the chefs assure, this time is enough to get a perfect, medium-rare, soft juicy steak. In general, the readiness of a steak can be checked with a culinary thermometer by measuring the temperature inside the piece. So:

  • At 50°C you will get a rare steak;
  • At 55°C - medium rare steak;
  • At 60°C - steak medium roasted - “medium”;
  • At 65°C – the steak is almost cooked – “medium well”;
  • At 71°C – fully cooked steak – “well done”;
  1. There are 2 ways to grill steak. The first is to fry the meat for 3-5 minutes on each side, and the second is to turn the pieces over every 30 seconds and fry them (on average, this procedure should last 10 minutes). Majority foreign chefs they choose the second roasting option, they assure that this way the steaks turn out evenly fried, and in general they cook faster.
  2. After the fried piece of meat is removed from the frying pan, the cooking process does not end there, because in its own heat the beef will cook for another 5 minutes. Therefore, the finished steaks should be wrapped in foil and left for 3-5 minutes, and only then served.

How to fry a beef chop in a frying pan


  • — 500 g + -
  • — 40 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • Breadcrumbs— 200 g + -
  • - 1/2 tbsp. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -

How to cook fried beef in a frying pan

Chop meat is an incredibly tasty dish and every housewife should learn to cook it with her own hands. We are offering to you great recipe the most tender beef V air batter with a breathtakingly delicious crust.

  1. We cut meat medallions no more than 1.5 cm thick across the grain, then sprinkle each slice with pepper, salt and beat lightly with a hammer. The meat should become soft, but not too thin.
  2. After this, grease all the pieces with a thin layer of mustard on both sides and leave to rest for 90 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, we begin to prepare the batter and breading. For the batter, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, and use a mixture of crackers and grated cheese as the breading.

4. Place a frying pan over medium heat and pour oil into it. Once the container is thoroughly warmed up, dip each slice. beef chop into the egg, and then roll in breading and place in hot oil.

Fry the chops for 3-5 minutes on each side.

How to grill beef tenderloin on a grill pan

A real steak does not require a lot of seasoning, because this dish is already tasty in itself and a win-win in any case. You can cook a soft and juicy steak with your own hands very easily, the main thing is to choose good piece beef and follow our recipe step by step.

It is worth immediately noting that the cooking time for steak directly depends on the thickness of the piece of meat and the desired degree of frying. In that step by step recipe we are preparing the pieces marbled beef, 2-3 cm thick, medium rare"medium well".


  • Beef steaks (tenderloin) – 2 pcs.;
  • Fine salt – 1-2 tsp;
  • Finely ground dark pepper – ½ -1 tsp;
  • Fresh rosemary – 1 sprig;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Butter – 20 g;
  • Lemon - to taste;
  • Refined olive oil – 50 ml.

How to fry beef tenderloin (steaks) in a frying pan

  • If we use frozen meat or chilled fillet in vacuum packaging to prepare a dish, then in any case the meat should be removed from the film so that it can “breathe”, melt and reach room temperature.
  • After this, sprinkle each piece of meat with pepper and salt to taste on both sides. You can adjust the amount of pepper at your discretion, because some people like spicy meat, while others like it tender, with a slight peppery note in taste.
  • Now brush each steak with olive oil on all sides.
  • Heat the grill pan over the highest heat for about 5 minutes until it is very hot.

It is best to fry steaks on a grill pan. But if you don’t have such a vessel in your kitchen, you can fry the meat in a simple cast-iron frying pan.

  • We send steaks to hot frying pan and fry them for 3 minutes, after which we turn the pieces of meat over to the other side.
  • To give the meat a subtle unique aroma, tap the fried side of the meat with a sprig of rosemary. This is enough to rich aroma the herbs gave the beef a subtle taste.

Don't forget that fresh rosemary is a very strong spice and you shouldn't overdo it.

  • Then we take the garlic cloves and cut them in half, after which, with the cut side, we rub the well-fried part of the steak.
  • Next, take a piece of butter and apply it to the same fried side of the beef.
  • Another 3 minutes passed, and the second part of the steak was already fried to the desired degree. Now we take the meat out onto a plate and treat the pieces on the other side with rosemary, garlic and butter.
  • However, this is not the end of frying the steak. After we have processed the meat with aromatic ingredients, we send the pieces back to the frying pan, but now we will fry them “on the ribs”.
    If there is a layer of fat on the side of the steak, then it must be rendered. We will fry the sides for 1-1.5 minutes on each side.

  • The steaks are almost ready, and now they need to be transferred to a dish and wrapped in foil so that the meat reaches ideal condition in its heat. So the meat should sit for 3 minutes, after which you can serve the treat to the table.

How to fry beef in a frying pan in pieces

Are you planning a romantic feast for the evening? Or do you just want to treat your friends to an original dish? Our recipe is what you need. We will tell you how to prepare traditional Chinese dish fast, tasty and skillful.


  • Beef fillet – 0.6 kg;
  • Onions – 2 large heads;
  • Bell peppers different colors- 4 things.;
  • Carrots – 240 g;
  • Ginger root – 100 g;
  • Garlic – 1 large head;
  • Soy sauce – 0.2 l;
  • Granulated sugar – 40-50 g;
  • Chili pepper – 2 pods;
  • Unflavored sunflower oil – ½ tbsp.

How to fry beef in a frying pan in pieces

  1. The meat for this dish needs to be marinated, but before doing this, the fillet should be cut into thin oblong slices.
  2. Now let's start preparing the marinade. IN soy sauce add grated fine grater ginger, finely chopped chili pepper without seeds, garlic grated into a paste, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar and salt, if you feel a lack of it in the marinade.
  3. We immerse the meat in the prepared marinade and leave it there to soak for 30-40 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, the beef slices are resting in the brine, we will prepare the vegetables. Peel the onions and chop them into rings. Chop the peeled carrots and sweet peppers into strips.
  5. After 30 minutes, set to strong fire frying pan and pour into it vegetable oil. As soon as the oil is hot and starts to smoke slightly, put the marinated meat in it, but before putting the pieces of beef into the frying pan, let them drain from the marinade so that the oil does not splash when frying. Do not pour out the marinade itself, we will need it later.
  6. Fry the meat over high heat for 6 minutes, stirring constantly, until evenly browned.

7. As soon as the meat acquires an appetizing “tan,” remove it to a dish with a slotted spoon, and fry the onions and carrots into the empty frying pan and fry them, without reducing the heat, for 3-5 minutes.

8. Then put the meat back into the frying pan along with the pepper strips, also pour in ¼ of the marinade and cook everything together for another 3-5 minutes.

As you can see, in order to properly and tasty fry beef in a frying pan, you don’t need to have the title of chef, just use our recipes. To make the dish complete, prepare steamed rice as a side dish for the Chinese beef.

The history of cooking dates back to the times of our distant primitive ancestors, who, having acquired fire, learned to fry their prey, preparing delicious and, most importantly, hearty dishes. Among them, meat came first.

In recent years, there has been active debate about the benefits or harms of this product. But so far, few have decided to completely exclude it from the diet, believing that, alas, there is no worthy, and most importantly equally tasty, alternative. Therefore, we invite you to pamper yourself by frying a juicy, aromatic piece of properly cooked meat in a frying pan.

We must admit that the options culinary processing there are hundreds of meats. But one of the most popular is still frying. However this difficult process, requiring a certain skill, experience, and knowledge of some secrets.

U good cook There is a special frying pan for this purpose. In addition, much depends on the variety and type of product: lamb, pork, beef. Knowing what subtleties and tricks will allow you to enjoy excellent dish, we will be happy to tell you in this article. So, how to fry meat in a frying pan?

Exact time

The first question that arises for a person who is still learning the intricacies of cooking is: how long to fry meat in a frying pan? The common belief that the thickness of the piece is taken into account is somewhat incorrect.

Almost always this is a matter of individual preference and taste. Therefore, remember that there is no rule for an exact, specific time. The task is to cook the meat so that it remains soft inside, retains its juice, and is covered with a delicate, golden crust on top.

Place the frying pan on fairly intense heat, heat it up, and add a sufficient amount of oil. Add the finely chopped head to the cooking process. onions, but then, noticing that the meat has browned, we deftly remove this ingredient.

Difficult? Believe me, everything comes with experience, and after several attempts you will masterfully learn to determine the cooking time.

After freezing

Now we’ll learn how to properly fry meat stored in the freezer in a frying pan. Teach what heat treatment This product requires a little more time. In order to speed up the process and not keep the meat in the pan for a long time, you can pre-marinate it and baste it.

For the marinade you will need a lemon, from which the juice, salt and spices are squeezed according to personal preference. If it is problematic to buy citrus fruit, then replace it with citric acid. Now about the features of frying frozen meat itself.

The pieces should not be placed too tightly (one next to the other) in the pan. With such “crowding” they will steam rather than fry. We adjust the fire to the possible limit - it should be quite intense.

At the same time, make sure that the meat does not burn, and a proven method will allow you to check its readiness: pierce one of the pieces with a wooden skewer or fork. If the juice that comes out is clear, it means it’s time to serve your dish.

Paired product

How to deliciously fry meat in a frying pan using the highest quality and fresh product, called paired. Meat that has not been “tested” by cold can be cooked quickly. You can do without oil by placing the pieces in a frying pan, but preheat it. In this case, add pepper and salt when we notice blood clots on the crust of the portioned pieces.

First, add some salt on one side, and then, almost removing it from the heat, on the other. Please note that such a dish will be a little dry, but the top will be covered with a brilliant crust.

It is important to remember that when frying meat, do not cover the pan with a lid. The pieces are placed when the fat or oil is hot enough, otherwise you will not get that legendary golden crust, the meat will absorb excess fat and lose its main charm- delicious meat juice.

Remember that experienced chefs never make unnecessary movements, and do not turn over or rearrange pieces of meat being cooked in a frying pan unless absolutely necessary. The algorithm for their actions is simple: first let the meat fry thoroughly on one side, then on the other.

Dinner with a brilliant recipe

Do you have an important event today - a party or an intimate dinner? So what will be on the menu? Now that you know how to properly fry meat in a frying pan, this a win-win, is not it? From the products we will need:

  • half a kilogram of veal or lean pork;
  • a third cup of olive oil and a little butter;
  • greens: parsley, dill, without restrictions;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • carnation.

To the benefits of choice of this dish This can be attributed to the fact that cooking does not require much effort and time. So what to do? First, take a piece of meat, wash it, and dry it with a napkin or towel.

We determine the direction of the fibers and cut along them, as for beef stroganoff. Then, armed with a hammer, we beat off the pieces. Then pay attention to the spices: grind the cloves and add them to a cup of olive oil.

Now you have chef's secrets and know how to fry meat in a frying pan so that it gets the perfect crust. This means you pour the oil into the pan and wait until it starts to bubble - ready, heated!

The crucial moment is to lower the prepared pieces into the fat. The process will take about 10 minutes, but add a few more if the pieces are large. Check readiness with a toothpick.

Place the meat on serving plates, place swirls of pieces of butter next to it, and sprinkle generously with herbs. Pour the prepared clove-butter sauce over everything.

Be surprised how unusual and piquant the cooked, seemingly in the usual way meat.

The meat is very tasty and useful product. There are hundreds of recipes for its preparation, but we want to tell you how to fry meat in a frying pan.

Does a person need meat in their diet, is it beneficial or harmful? Entire scientific treatises are created on these topics and discussions are held on television and in the press. While the wise guys argue, we advise you not to deny yourself the pleasure and enjoy a piece of aromatic, well-cooked meat.

The history of cooking is a very ancient science and over all the years of its existence people have managed to create and bring to life a lot of interesting options cooking meat. We already told you earlier that everything is easy and simple, but as for meat, the process is a little more complicated. Whatever type of meat you choose - beef, pork or lamb, in each case you need to know its characteristics and take them into account when preparing. Universal method Its preparation is to fry the meat in a frying pan. This is what this article will be devoted to.

The first and, perhaps, the most important question for a novice cook is: how long to fry meat in a frying pan? We will answer this first.

The size of the pieces of meat for frying is not very important, it rather depends on your personal preferences. The pieces can be large, or they can be small. A more important question: how long to fry the meat. The main thing in this matter is to masterfully dodge and make sure that the meat does not lose its juice during frying and does not become dry. This requires high heat and enough oil. The meat must be fried with onions, which is carefully removed from the frying pan as soon as it appears on the meat golden brown crust.

Frying frozen meat

If the meat was stored in freezer, its frying time increases significantly. In order to reduce it, it is better to beat the meat and marinate it. As a marinade, you can use squeezed lemon juice with the addition of your favorite spices. Or replace the juice with the prepared solution citric acid. Do not place the pieces of meat in the pan too tightly, otherwise it will not fry, but steam. And don't forget to turn on high heat. Fry the meat until clear juice when piercing a piece with a knife. On average, this will take you 10-20 minutes.

Roasting fresh meat

Unfrozen meat cooks much faster. You can fry it without oil in a hot frying pan, and add salt and pepper only when blood appears on the surface. Turn over, sprinkle with salt and spices again, and after a couple of minutes you can remove from the stove. In this case, the meat will be dry and there will be no excess liquid, but it will be delicious crust, like the chicken we talked about cooking.

Meat should be fried in an open container and thrown into well-heated fat. This is necessary to form that golden brown crust, which prevents the loss of meat juice and prevents the meat from being saturated with excess and unnecessary fat. You shouldn’t push it back and forth in the pan; just fry it well on one side, turn it over, fry it on the other side, and the meat is ready.

Do you want to know how to deliciously fry meat in a frying pan, spending a minimum of effort and time? Pick up a pencil and write down our recipe.

Let's say you've planned a dinner for two and are wondering what to cook. The answer is simple: meat, delicious fried meat! Its preparation will not take you much time.

To implement this wonderful idea, you will need half a kilo of meat (preferably young veal or lean pork), olive oil and a little butter, herbs (parsley, dill), spices (salt, pepper, cloves).

The procedure for deliciously frying meat in a frying pan is simple:

  1. Wash the meat thoroughly and pat it dry with a napkin. We put it on cutting board. We cut into neat strips along the grain, as they do for beef stroganoff. If you wish, cut the meat like steaks. Beat the pieces with a hammer, grind the cloves and add them to the olive oil, stir and set aside.
  2. Heat the frying pan, pour in a sufficient amount of oil and heat it thoroughly, that is, put the meat in the frying pan only when the oil begins to bubble (which means it has boiled).
  3. Fry the meat for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of the pieces. After the appearance golden crust Check for doneness by piercing with a splinter or toothpick.
  4. Chop the greens. Place the finished meat on a dish, place a piece of butter next to it, and sprinkle herbs around the edges. Pour the clove mixture over the greens, meat and butter, in a word, the entire contents of the dish. Cloves with olive oil make the dish piquant and original.

We also advise you to read the article on how to fry cutlets from minced meat, which was previously published. In any case, even those who are skeptical about spices and fried meats will be pleasantly surprised by the combination of products and the aroma of your original dish. And dinner for two will end with a continuous stream of well-deserved compliments to the hostess!

Famous chefs have worked truly miracles, delighting the taste of rich and eminent hosts and guests with their preparations. fried meat.

Whole carcasses of young piglets, large and small bird. These were simple and reasonable methods of frying - the meat was placed in the oven and poured over with the released juice and fat.

Thanks to this, the Russian people’s addiction to the delicious fried crust occurred much later. Today, few people use Russian ovens for cooking, but this only increases the number of recipes.

Large fried pieces meat is used in cooking various dishes- hot and cold. Small portioned pieces should be eaten immediately, which is why they are fried shortly before eating. Pork, beef, rabbit, different kinds With the help of a frying pan or frying pan and heated fat, birds are transformed into ruddy, appetizing pieces that can satisfy any “meat eater.”

Large pieces are placed immediately in ovens, periodically pouring fat or juice; small pieces can be simply fried in a frying pan.

The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing it with a fork - red juice will tell us that the dish is not ready yet, light juice will determine full readiness. Meat “rare” is allowed only for beef or lamb; pork and veal require well-done. The pieces are placed in the frying pan in such a way that there are gaps, this way the crust is formed better and the juiciness of the meat is preserved.

Fried meat - food preparation

For frying, we take only high-quality meat, tender, without numerous films, and cut off all the tendons. The worst types of meat still remain hard and fibrous after processing; minced meat is prepared from such pieces. Important! To fry, cut the meat across the grain. The thickness is regulated by the recipe. It is customary to give a certain shape portioned pieces using a metal or wooden hammer. To get the most beautiful and aesthetic pieces, simply press them down with your hand and shape them with a knife. Only fillets are cooked in a frying pan; the Russian word for tenderloin is used.

Fried meat - preparing dishes

Meat can be fried in small quantity fat In this case, use durable metal pans and metal spatulas. Large amounts of fat can be used in pans. It should be served in a dish, which is recommended to be heated first.

Recipe 1: Fried meat in wine - sounds tempting!

Big fried whole piece The meat turns out incredibly juicy if you marinate it in white wine the night before. This is very suitable dish For festive table, decorated with a piece of carrot and sprigs of greenery, looks great and is cut right at the table.

Ingredients: beef 1 kg, carrots (1 pc.), garlic, nuts, onions (2 pcs.), Bay leaf, potato starch(1 tbsp), red dry wine- 1 partial bottle, salt, pepper, cloves, cheese with dill (50 grams), green pea(1 jar).

Cooking method:

So, we marinate the meat in the evening. Coarsely chop the onion and carrots, parsley and break the bay leaf into pieces. Place the washed and dried piece of meat in a saucepan, add vegetables, rosemary, cloves and pour wine. After a few hours, fry the meat on olive oil in the pan on all sides so that a golden brown crust forms evenly. Salt and pepper.

Strain the marinade. Peel the onion and stuff it with cloves and bay leaves. Add onions and another whole carrot to the meat, pour in the marinade and place in the oven, covered, for 2 hours over high heat.

Periodically pour the juice over the meat. At the end, add starch and herbs to the resulting sauce. All that remains is to put it on a dish and serve it to the table.

Recipe 2: A real dish for men - pork neck steak

Do you want to be known wonderful hostess? Diversify such a favorite and familiar pork steak with help original sauce. It takes very little time to prepare, but you can perfectly feed your loved ones with their favorite dish.

Ingredients: pork neck steak, red onion (1 piece), cilantro, salt, spices, Nasharab sauce, oil for sautéing.

Cooking method

Sauté coarsely chopped red onion in oil, sprinkle generously with spices and add sauce. Heat until thickened. Separately, fry the steaks in a frying pan for three minutes on one side over high heat. Turn over, spread the resulting sauce on the meat, close the lid and fry for another 55 minutes. The dish is ready, quickly serve it to the table with sprigs of cilantro.

Recipe 3: Wiener Schnitzel

If everything is done correctly, we get thinly beaten, breaded fried meat. Minimum time delicate taste- nothing complicated.
Ingredients: pork or veal (700-800 grams), eggs (2 pcs), flour, breadcrumbs, butter (3-4 tablespoons). Salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method

We cut the washed and dried meat across the grain and cut the veins. Beat the meat well with a wooden mallet so that the layers of meat become thin, add salt and pepper.

Beat the eggs and add 2 tablespoons of water. Roll the layer of meat in flour and, dipping it in the egg, bread it in breadcrumbs. Fry in a very hot frying pan. Place the finished schnitzels on paper towels. Serve with boiled vegetables.

It is known that meat will cook better and faster if it is marinated for a while. The easiest way is to grind a little sunflower oil with crushed garlic and pepper. It is not recommended to salt it in advance, otherwise the meat juice will be released ahead of time. Salt the dish at the end of frying.
- Undercooked meat should not be turned over.
- If you overcook the meat and it becomes tough and dry, hold it over the steam of a pan of boiling water.

Among amazing recipes fried meat, requiring true skill from cooks, have come down to us incredible dishes imperial court. Their preparation required enormous experience and culinary talent. Titled persons allowed themselves to enjoy unusual tastes complex dishes, for example, “Roast imperial style”:

Remove the pit from a fleshy olive and stuff it with a piece of anchovy. Stuff a lark with similar olives and enclose it in a partridge. Then something special happens - a partridge is hidden in a pheasant, a pheasant is placed in a fattened capon, and, finally, a capon is placed in the carcass of a suckling pig. Imagine such a pig roasted on a spit! Soaked the finest aromas Olive meat juices are the star of this incredible dish.

Pork and onions are an inseparable duet that can be found in a wide variety of dishes.

But they are especially harmonious friends in a frying pan.

It is pork fried with onions in a frying pan that is loved by many and always turns out successful.

Shall we cook?

Pork fried with onions in a frying pan - general cooking principles

For frying, pork pulp or small pieces on the bone, such as ribs or loin, are used. The pulp is cut into cubes, strips, strips or cubes. If the meat has a bone, then cutting is done whenever possible.

Onions for frying are cut into strips or cubes. Mostly onion heads are used, but sometimes you can find recipes with leeks.

What else can you add:


Tomatoes or pasta;

Bell pepper, hot;


Sour cream, cream:

Spices, garlic, herbs.

The time for frying pork directly depends on the part of the carcass, the size of the pieces, and pre-processing. If the meat has been beaten or marinated, it will cook much faster. Regardless of the size of the pieces and the recipe, pork is always cut across the grain. This ensures their rapid softening, good absorption of sauces and softness of the pieces.

Recipe 1: Pork fried with onions in a frying pan “Longing for barbecue”

The recipe for very juicy and tender pork fried with onions in a frying pan, which tastes in no way inferior to kebab. And adding sugar will give the pieces of meat a very beautiful crust. For cooking it is better to use neck.


0.7 kg pork;

2 onions;

1 tsp. salt;

1 tsp. Sahara;

4 tablespoons of oil;

Pepper to taste.


1. Rinse pork neck and wipe dry with napkins. Then cut into shashlik pieces slightly smaller than a matchbox.

2. Heat some oil in a frying pan. Heat until smoking and immediately add the meat. It should quickly set into a crust so that all the juices inside are preserved.

3. Fry on all sides and cover. Simmer for 15 minutes.

4. While the meat is simmering, cut the onion into half rings.

5. Open the lid and pour out the half rings.

6. Fry for a couple of minutes with onions and salt. Bring the pork over medium heat until cooked through.

7. At the very end, sprinkle the pieces granulated sugar and pepper.

8. Now you can turn up the heat and fry the pieces until caramel crust. Thanks to sugar, it will appear very quickly.

Recipe 2: Fried pork with onions and carrots in a frying pan

A version of vegetable pork fried with onions in a frying pan. A lot of vegetables are added, which solves the issue of preparing a side dish. You can use the pulp from any part of the carcass.


0.5 kg pork;

3 onions;

2 carrots;

A little oil;

Spices for meat and salt.


1. Pour some oil into the frying pan and let it heat up. If the pork is very fatty, then you can only lightly grease the pan.

2. Wash the pulp and cut into one-centimeter pieces. Their length can be any.

3. Throw into a frying pan and fry over maximum heat.

4. As soon as the juice begins to stand out, turn off the heat and begin to simmer the pork under the lid. Cook until soft.

5. Peel the carrots and rub into strips Korean grater. Cut the onion into strips or half rings.

6. Add the vegetables to the pork and fry everything together for seven minutes.

7. Add meat seasonings, salt and bring until fully cooked.

Recipe 3: Pork fried with onions in a frying pan (in tomato)

To prepare this meat you will need tomato paste. But instead of it for pork you can use ready-made ketchup or sauce, but in this case you need to control the amount of spices so as not to overdo it.


0.6 kg of meat;

2 spoons of pasta;

2 onions;

1 carrot;

3 spoons of soy sauce;

Oil, spices.


1. Cut the pork into strips, pour in soy sauce and leave for at least thirty minutes.

2. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil and lay out the meat. Fry.

3. Cover and simmer until half cooked under the lid.

4. Add chopped onion and fry until transparent.

5. Throw in the grated carrots, season the pork with spices and fry until the vegetables are soft.

6. Add tomato paste, dilute a little with water. This is necessary so that the pork pieces are covered evenly on all sides with the sauce.

7. Fry for another two minutes and turn off. When serving, sprinkle the pork thickly with parsley.

Recipe 4: Spicy pork fried with onions in a frying pan

Recipe for incredibly aromatic fried pork with onions in a frying pan based on Korean motives. The meat must be marinated and kept in the dressing for at least three hours. But it's better to soak it the day before.


0.6 kg of meat;

2 onions;

1 chili pod;

2 bell peppers;

3 spoons of soy sauce;

1 spoon of lemon juice;

0.5 tsp. Korean spices.


1. Cut the pork into medium-sized cubes and place in a bowl.

2. Grind the chili pod in any way or simply with a crushed knife. Pour over the meat.

3. Add lemon juice, immediately add soy sauce and mix. Cover and leave to marinate. If the meat will be soaked the day before, then put it in the refrigerator.

4. Heat the oil and place the onion, cut into large rings, into it and fry a little.

5. Add marinated meat and cover with a lid. Cook for about fifteen minutes.

6. Open, add bell pepper, cut into strips. Fry until almost done without a lid.

7. Add Korean spices, mix and heat to maximize the aroma. Turn it off. Add garlic if desired.

Recipe 5: Pork fried with onions in a frying pan (in sour cream)

Recipe universal meat, which goes well with any side dishes from vegetables to pasta and buckwheat. This dish will require full-fat sour cream and butter.


0.5 kg pork;

0.2 kg sour cream;

1 onion;

60 grams of butter;

1 spoon of flour;



1. Cut the pork into long strips and sprinkle with any spices. You can use seasoning for meat or barbecue. It turns out delicious with Korean spices. But you can limit yourself to only black pepper. In general, season to your taste.

2. Heat the butter, evaporate all the water from it and add the meat. Fry until crusty.

3. Remove the pork strips to a bowl.

4. Place the chopped onion in the same frying pan with oil and fry.

5. Add flour and sauté for another minute.

6. Add sour cream and stir.

7. After the sauce boils, return the pieces of pork, reduce the heat and simmer under the lid. We focus on the readiness of the meat.

8. At the end, add salt, you can add more seasonings and flavor with herbs.

Recipe 6: Pork fried with onions and tomatoes in a frying pan

A common dish that fits especially well into the summer diet. For pork fried with onions in a frying pan according to this recipe, we choose ripe and dense tomatoes that can be carefully cut into pieces.


2 onions;

0.3 kg pork;

2 tomatoes;

1 bell pepper;

Spices, a little oil of any kind.


1. Cut the meat into slices. But not very thin, about a centimeter on average and beat it with a hammer. Then we chop each plate into half a centimeter wide strips.

2. Heat the oil and fry the pork until cooked. We take it out.

3. Chop the onion into strips and fry after the meat.

4. Add pepper to the almost finished onion.

5. Cut the tomatoes in half, and then each half into 4 parts. That is, each tomato will make 8 sectors.

6. Place in a frying pan with vegetables and turn up the heat.

7. After a minute, add the previously fried pork.

8. Sprinkle the dish with spices, salt, you can throw in chopped garlic. Fry for three minutes, then turn off.

Recipe 7: Pork fried with onions in a frying pan with cheese

Pork with cheese option for those who cannot use the oven or simply do not want to turn it on. It is advisable to use hard cheese that melts quickly and well.


0.5 kg pork;

2 cloves of garlic;

2 onions;

0.1 kg cheese;

80 ml cream;

Spices, a few sprigs of dill.


1. Cut the pork into 2-centimeter cubes, place in a frying pan with oil and fry for five minutes. We pick, turn off the heat and simmer for half an hour in our juice.

2. Open the pork and add the onion. We cut it into strips.

3. Combine the cream with garlic, add salt, pepper, and add chopped dill.

4. Pour the cream into the already prepared meat and let the dish simmer for several minutes, stirring regularly.

5. Taste it, add more spices and salt if necessary.

6. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the pork, cover and turn off after a minute. Let it sit for another five minutes and you can serve.

Recipe 8: Fried pork with onions and mushrooms in a frying pan

Option amazing dish of pork fried with onions in a frying pan, which can become festive. In addition to the main ingredients, champignons are used. Preliminary heat treatment This recipe does not require mushrooms.


0.8 kg pork;

0.4 kg onions;

0.8 kg champignons;

Salt and pepper;

1 tsp. khmeli-suneli;

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar;

Butter and flour.


1. Cut the pork flesh into slices the size of half a palm, five millimeters thick. We beat it lightly with a hammer.

2. Spray the meat apple cider vinegar and add suneli hops, stir, leave for an hour.

3. Pour onion boiling water, after five minutes we put it in a colander.

4. Cut the mushrooms into slices.

5. Pour a little oil into the frying pan and start frying the champignons. After about seven minutes, add the onion and fry until soft.

6. Dip the pork pieces in flour and fry in a second frying pan on both sides, like chops.

7. Transfer the pork to the mushrooms and onions, pour in 1/4 cup of water, cover and simmer until done (15 minutes). Instead of water, you can use broth or any sauce, such as mayonnaise. It also tastes delicious with the addition of sour cream or fresh cream.

Spices are delicious. But first we need to decide what we want to get. A large number of interrupts seasoning natural taste meat. For some dishes, a pinch of pepper is enough. Also, to obtain an unobtrusive taste of spices, you can add a gauze bag with mint, rosemary, coriander and other seasonings to the dish. It is held for a few minutes and then removed and thrown away.

The pork will turn out juicy and will not be dry if you rub the pieces with mustard before frying.

A loin on the bone is ideal for frying in a pan. It cooks quickly and turns out tender. But if it is not possible to purchase it, then you can fry any part and pre-marinate it.

Lean pieces always turn out drier than fatty ones. For frying, it is better to choose meat with layers.