Proper storage of parsley roots. How to store root parsley

Parsley is a plant that can be found in almost every garden. Both the leaves of this plant and its root have beneficial properties. The article will examine in more detail the properties that parsley root has. Its benefits and harm will become known to you after reading it. When used correctly, great results can be achieved.

From the history

Where were the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in the article first used? Greece can be considered the birthplace of this plant. The Greeks considered it healing and divine. They were the first to appreciate this plant growing on a rocky area. Initially, they noticed that parsley was growing every year, although no one was planting it or caring for it. It was then that the Greeks decided to check what kind of plant it was. We started using parsley leaves and roots. The benefits and harms of this plant were studied back in those days. It turned out that parsley has many healing properties. It began to be actively used in medicine. Also, parsley root was previously used by shamans to carry out their rituals.

At the same time, the plant began to be called “petroselinon”, which translated means “a plant that grows on a stone”. And later the Slavs began to use parsley everywhere, and gave it the simple name that we are used to hearing today.


Parsley is a perennial plant that has many varieties and varieties. It is also distinguished by the variety of its beneficial properties. The height of some varieties of parsley can reach about a meter, and the largest part is 5 centimeters in diameter. The plant grows vertically, like carrots. The root itself is fleshy and very similar in shape to a carrot fruit. When cut, it has a white or yellowish-white tint.

It contains a lot of manganese. It is thanks to this mineral that its taste is so specific.

Parsley root: benefits and harm

This root vegetable has a lot of benefits. If a person uses it daily, then good results can be achieved.

Parsley root has the following properties:

  • Improves appetite.
  • Improves vision.
  • Cleanses the walls of blood vessels and the liver.
  • Removes salt from the body.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Copes with gum inflammation.

Despite the fact that parsley has quite a lot of beneficial properties, the vegetable also has a number of contraindications. It is contraindicated for use by women bearing children, especially in the second trimester.

The juice of the plant is contraindicated for people with cystitis and nephritis. Parsley root should also be used with caution in case of diseases of the genitourinary system and in the presence of kidney stones. In this case, you need to consult an experienced doctor.

Parsley may also be contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to essential oils or other components included in its composition.

The plant should not be used in the following cases:

  • When using lithium preparations.
  • With oxaluria.
  • For epilepsy.
  • If there are calcium metabolism disorders in the body.

Parsley root: medicinal properties

The root of this plant contains the following vitamins:

  • B. This vitamin is involved in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • C. Parsley contains three times more vitamin C than lemon. To protect yourself from diseases and strengthen your immune system, you need to eat a bunch of greens every day.
  • Trace elements treat heart disease. It is worth noting that parsley contains more calcium than dairy products.

What else is parsley root good for? Medicinal properties of this fruit are limitless. Scientists have proven that parsley root is especially useful for people with gynecological diseases and disorders of the genitourinary system.

Other properties

In what other cases can parsley roots be used? The beneficial properties of this plant are not known to everyone. Parsley root contains large quantities of chlorophyll, which takes an active part in oxidative processes. There is also folic acid, which is simply necessary for the human body.

What are the benefits of parsley root? Its benefits include the fact that it can improve digestion. Moreover, the desired effect can be achieved almost immediately after using the “medicine”. Even when parsley is in the oral cavity, it begins to have a beneficial effect on many human organs.

How can you use parsley roots? The beneficial properties of this fruit will help overcome many diseases that medicine is powerless to overcome. In order to overcome measles and scarlet fever, you need to drink tea based on this plant. If you regularly consume parsley root, you can restore your blood sugar levels. Due to the apigenin contained in the composition, you can get rid of allergic reactions.

If you have heart problems, then you absolutely need to eat parsley root, as this miracle plant can prevent the development of heart disease.

It can also be used for injuries and wounds. Parsley root is most effective in the fight against ulcers and inflammatory processes mouth Also thanks to it you can get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth.

Storing parsley root

To extract as many beneficial substances as possible, you need to know how to choose the right parsley root. It is also very important to know how to store it. The tastiest and healthiest fruits are medium-sized ones. Also, the fruit must have a white or pale beige tint, and the presence of any damage or bulges on its surface is not allowed. Parsley leaves should be dark green in color.

If you eat greens, you need to eat them within a few days. For a little longer, about two weeks, you can use parsley root. How to store it? It's best in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, next to the carrots. Even better - wrap it in special paper or a bag with holes. But if you have prepared a salad from parsley, you can store it for no more than an hour. Since the vegetable will begin to release nitrates, which are harmful to the body.

You can also store parsley root in the cellar, for no more than six months, at a temperature of 0 to +20 degrees Celsius. But if you choose this storage method, then the vegetable must be placed in a box with sand so that it does not deteriorate and lose its beneficial properties.

The benefits and harms of parsley root for men

What else is parsley root known for? The benefits and harms for men have been described a long time ago. Our great-grandfathers also actively used it. This plant is able to cope with male problems. Parsley is effective for any urological pathology. By consuming this plant daily, you can increase your potency and revive your sexual desire. But before sexual intercourse, you should not eat the root in large quantities, as this can lead to hallucinations, and you will definitely not have a pleasant night. Parsley can safely be classified as an aphrodisiac. It is also an indispensable medicine for prostatitis. The plant is also effective for problematic and painful urination.

If you have problems related to genitourinary system, then you need to regularly eat 100 grams of parsley, and then your masculine powers will return to normal. Parsley can increase male sexuality, which is very important for any member of the stronger sex. The fact is that the bio active substances increase testosterone levels, ensure blood flow to the pelvic area, and prevent cell oxidation.

Men often suffer from hangovers, so parsley can overcome these problems as well.

There were no contraindications specifically for men.

Parsley root in medicine

Where else is parsley root used? The medicinal use of this plant was practiced hundreds of years ago. Parsley root can be used both internally and externally. In general, the plant has many properties, which is why it is widely used in medicine. It is good for digestion, helps with gynecological diseases, and relieves pain.

Parsley is widely used in folk medicine. The juice of the plant is useful in the following cases:

  • For painful menstruation.
  • For swelling.
  • For cystitis.
  • For inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • For colic.

Parsley also has laxative properties, so it can also be used for constipation. Many women value parsley because it helps them lose weight. overweight. There are many diets with the main ingredient - parsley.


Parsley is also used in this area. How is parsley root useful in cosmetology? Many women suffer from freckles, but thanks to this plant you can get rid of such a defect. To prepare the mask you will need parsley root and lemon juice. The root of the plant can whiten the skin and get rid of age spots. From it you can prepare decoctions that can be used to cover the affected areas of the skin and areas where fungus has formed.

Parsley can also be beneficial for hair. To do this, you need to prepare a mask from the root of the plant and regularly apply it to the skin. Parsley helps prevent hair loss, improve color and appearance. You can also prepare decoctions for hair. But it is worth noting that similar product may cause allergies. To do this, you need to conduct a test by moistening your earlobe.

Parsley root for the winter

In order to be in the house all year round there were vitamins, you need to take care of this in advance and prepare the vegetable for the winter. To prepare parsley root, it must be extracted from the ground in late autumn. The collected fruits must be shaken off the ground, washed well and left to dry. Then the parsley root needs to be cut into several long strips and put in the oven to dry. It can also be placed near the battery, at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees.

Keep dried parsley very simple. It can be put in a box or jar and taken, for example, to the balcony. The only condition is that the room be cool and dry.

You can also plant your own parsley. To do this, you need to plant the root of the plant and wait for it to sprout. Parsley will feel good on the windowsill.

It is worth noting that the benefits of the plant can be preserved in frozen form, but not more than one year.

Parsley root in cooking

How can you use parsley root in cooking, the benefits of which are so great? The root itself has sweetish taste And pleasant smell essential oils. It is especially often used in expensive restaurants when preparing gourmet dishes.

The root of the plant can be cooked different ways: bake in the oven, steam, fry in oil and even boil. Some people eat the vegetable raw. Parsley is used to prepare soups, salads and main courses.

Parsley root is without a doubt unique product, which can be used in different areas. But most of all its benefits have been appreciated in medicine.

Keep parsley fresh and without special effort possible within 2 weeks. A bundle wrapped in a bag will lie on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and will still remain suitable for use in the kitchen. However, we are talking about longer-term storage of parsley and dill. Few people know that they can stay fresh for a long time.

So, greens cannot be washed; the leaves must remain dry. Tear them from the bunches and place them in a glass jar with a screw-on lid (it creates a vacuum effect, which cannot be said about nylon covers). Tight closed jar with the same dill it will last in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 months.

Another effective method Preparations of fresh parsley and dill for the winter - freezing. Thus, you can significantly and permanently replenish your reserves.

There are several common freezing technologies:

Which technology is the best solution is up to you to decide. In any case, modern cooking offers many variations on the theme of how to preserve parsley.

You can prepare herbs for the winter not only from leaf parsley and dill. Root parsley is quite rich in vitamins and biologically active substances. In addition, not only its above-ground part, but also its rhizome will definitely be useful in cooking. However, the question arises: parsley root - how to prepare and store it? Let's try to figure this out.

Without pre-treatment rhizomes remain usable for up to 2-3 weeks, provided that they are packed in plastic bags with holes or absorbent paper. They can also be dried in the oven. To do this, the roots are washed and cut into strips. After this kind of processing, they can be placed in various jars, bags, boxes or wrapped in cloth.

The process of harvesting and storing parsley root is not particularly complicated. One of the most common options combines several simple steps: trim the roots from the leaves and stems, and then stack them in a wooden box in several layers. In this case, each layer should be lightly sprinkled with sand. If the room in which you happen to store your greens has moderate humidity, then parsley root can be used in the kitchen throughout the winter. Remember that on the balcony in winter period maybe too much low temperature, and these are already unfavorable conditions for storing parsley and dill; they need to be removed from there.

How else can we ensure the proper conditions for long-term storage rhizomes? For example, make a slight depression in the soil, wrap a bunch of greenery with film, and then put it in the ground, sprinkling sand on top. In due time, snow will protect it from freezing, and it will be able to fully winter. As a result, it will be possible to remove fresh parsley from a secluded storage area at the end of winter, that is, at a time when the body most needs vitamins.

There are plenty of ways to prepare parsley for the winter, but they are united by common points, for example, portioning the bunches. In what containers are they best preserved? beneficial features greenery? This Silicone forms, containers made of plastic, cling film, etc. The process of preparing greens for the winter is a fairly simple way to provide yourself with a complete set of vitamins. Yes and regular dishes, to which greens are added, are perceived completely differently in the cold season. Don't forget to pamper yourself and take care of your health, because this product is indispensable in modern cooking and traditional medicine - it is a storehouse of vitamins for you and your household.

In the middle of winter human body needs support. That's why housewives start cooking in the summer different blanks and winter snacks. This is necessary to maintain general health. Greens are no exception. There are several ways to prepare parsley for the winter. The choice always remains with the housewife.

It is difficult to overestimate the degree of usefulness of greenery, since therapeutic effect on the human body is very large. The diverse influence of the constituent elements leads to an increase in overall tone.

The effects of parsley on humans are:

  • improving the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • improving metabolism;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • ensuring normal functioning of the brain;
  • improving the body’s condition in diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • stimulation of digestive enzymes;
  • stimulation of appetite;
  • feeling of satiety;
  • beneficial effects on the organs of vision;
  • strengthening gums and much more.

When using parsley in any form, do not forget about contraindications. In addition to benefits, it also brings harm. You should consult your doctor before self-medicating.

It is not advisable to use parsley for those who:

  • suffers from bladder diseases, cystitis, urolithiasis,
  • has chronic diseases of internal organs,
  • has a tendency to allergies.

Everything is good in moderation - there is no need to abuse it, and there will be no harm from using the culture.

Prepare the necessary ingredients

When collecting greens for storage, it is worth considering several rules under which parsley will retain maximum beneficial properties:

  1. The green part of the plants is collected at any time. Concentrated in leaves vitamin reserve does not change in different periods growing season.
  2. The roots are collected only in the fall, since it is at this time that they are filled maximum number useful substances.

Before you start harvesting parsley, you need to separate green part from the rhizome. Sort through all the leaves, removing dry, yellowed specimens.

Wash all components and dry well. Then decide on a method for storing it in the winter. It depends on the time available to the housewife and the personal preferences of family members.

Methods for preparing parsley for the winter

For every housewife there are recipes that suit her preferences and wishes. You just have to search a little. Creating suitable home conditions for preparations is not difficult. And the resulting seasoning compensates for all the effort expended.

The entire plant is harvested for the winter; there are not many ways to accomplish this task:

  1. Drying. The roots and leaves of plants are dried in the oven or in the fresh air.
  2. Freezing. The crushed parts of the culture are frozen and stored in the freezer.
  3. Marinating or salting. Chopped greens and chopped roots are pickled or salted.
  4. Oiling. The workpiece is mixed with oil and stored in the refrigerator.

You should choose a method of preserving the culture by studying the recipes.

Dried parsley

There is nothing difficult about drying parsley. It is enough to fulfill a few requirements, and everything will work out.

The advantages of this method are that the parsley loses weight and becomes more compact. And it's easier to store it, and special conditions she doesn't demand it.

To prepare green mass or roots for future use, they are washed and dried well. Then they sort through, removing unsightly, diseased and deformed specimens. At the end of sorting, the roots are cleaned.

The greens are dried as a whole bunch, together with the lower part of the petiole, or each leaf individually.

The roots, depending on the size, are cut into circles or cubes. The prepared raw materials can only be dried. They do this in different ways.

On open air

This method takes a long time, but the effectiveness does not suffer from this. Greens are dried whole sprigs or chopped for immediate consumption.

To dry, it is placed on a plane, evenly distributed over the surface on which it is dried. The thinner the layer, the faster the raw material will dry. Lay out no more than 1 centimeter thick.

The greens collected in bunches are hung under a canopy or in another well-ventilated area. The leaves should hang down. It is advisable to exclude direct sunlight on the foliage, as it will turn yellow and lose its attractiveness.

The roots are also dried in the fresh air, cut into arbitrary shapes and covered with gauze to prevent insects. Periodically turning the pieces will speed up the drying process and eliminate scorching.

Depending on the accompanying conditions, the plant will have to dry from 5 to 20 days, not forgetting to periodically turn the raw materials to speed up the process.

In the oven

It doesn’t take much time to prepare the spice this way. The seasoning will dry out much faster than in the first case.

It is important here not to overdo it with the temperature, because the higher it is, the faster the roots and greens dry. But it suffers appearance and a complex of useful substances included in their composition.

The optimal temperature is 40-60 ⁰С. The washed and peeled roots are cut into cubes or slices and laid out on a baking sheet. The greens are laid out in sprigs or cut and distributed in a thin layer.

Dry with the door open, the approximate time spent in the oven is 5-6 hours. Finely chopped raw materials dry several times faster.

In an electric dryer

This kitchen assistant will always help out the housewife. You don’t have to do anything special, the roots need to be cut, and the green branches should be laid out whole.

Set the “For herbs” mode, and set the temperature to no more than 45 ⁰C. It is necessary to periodically monitor the process, changing places of pallets. Exact time It is difficult to indicate, it depends on related factors: air humidity, slice thickness and much more.

In the microwave

Place the parsley on a plate, preferably flat, and cover the bottom with a napkin. The power of the device is maximum. The time for which the raw materials are placed in the microwave is 2 minutes, then you should look at the appearance of the plant. If it is not dry enough, leave it for another 2 minutes. And so on until the mass reaches the desired state.

An effective way to preserve crops for the winter is to sprinkle them with salt. There are many recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to select the most suitable method.


Salting in this way is not difficult; a minimum of ingredients is used:

  • parsley – 400 grams;
  • salt 100 grams.

The greens are sorted, washed with running water and separated from coarse stems. The prepared glass container is scalded with boiling water. The twigs are mixed with salt so that it is evenly distributed. Then they put it in jars and put it away for storage. A refrigerator, balcony or other cold room will do.

The classic way in a jar

This method, proven over the years, preserves the beneficial substances that make up parsley. None additional ingredients will not need. All unusual ways require a lot of time to prepare, but this recipe is simple and no less healthy.


  • parsley – 300 grams;
  • salt 3 tablespoons.

Well-washed greens are wiped with a towel, chopped and ground with salt. The more carefully this is done, the better.

The resulting mixture is compacted into sterile jars and closed with any lids at the discretion of the housewives.

The lid should close tightly without letting air through. This will prevent signs of spoilage from appearing.

The salty seasoning stores well in the refrigerator or cellar. At room temperature Mold may develop. Any dishes and salads can be prepared with this parsley.

To pickle parsley with dill, you will need minimum set ingredients. And the benefits increase several times. The amount of greens is determined by the housewife; it is important to observe only the proportions of salt. If there are more raw materials, it’s okay.


  • equal amounts of dill and parsley;
  • salt at the rate of 200 grams per 1 kilogram of green mixture.

The green part of the plants is washed well with water and then dried. The raw materials are crushed in any convenient way.

Then all the ingredients are combined in a separate bowl, the salt is thoroughly mixed with the green mass. Then they begin compacting. If you just stack it, the greens will start to spoil. It is necessary not to add a little to the top, leaving a gap between the lid and the seasoning.

To prevent spoilage finished product, housewives pour a little more salt on top of the workpiece.

Banks are stored refrigerated. If they are small and there are few of them, then a refrigerator is quite suitable.

With celery

It is recommended that everyone try to prepare this preparation with salt. It turns out useful vitamin mixture, perfect for dressing dishes, salads and soups.


  • parsley, celery and dill - 250 grams each;
  • salt – 250 grams.

First of all, the green parts of the plants are sorted and washed, making sure to remove all unsightly specimens. Thick stems are cut out. Cut into pieces 2 centimeters long.

The celery root is peeled and cut into the same strips. Place in a separate bowl.

First, combine the herbs and salt, grind well, then add celery roots. Mix everything well and put it in jars. The workpiece should be compacted and then put in the refrigerator.

An equally effective way to prepare greens for the winter is freezing. Culture preserves the entire stock nutrients, thereby helping to support immunity in the middle of winter. Freezing plants will require very little time and effort. There are 3 ways, which one is the best, the hostess herself will decide.

In the package

All you need is parsley. Quantity is not limited. The leaves are washed well, sorted and dried.

If the greens sit for more than 30 minutes, they will begin to wilt. This will complicate the preparation process.

Drying using a towel is quick and effective. Next, you should cut it as desired or as for immediate dressing of the dish.

The finished chopped green mass is placed in bags. Should not be frozen in large volume, this is not advisable. After repeated defrosting, the leftovers will turn black and will not go into the gas station. Next, the bags should be frozen.

Cubes in ice trays

A more labor-intensive way to harvest greens in the winter. Will need boiled water and greens.

Parsley is washed several times cold water. There is no need to dry it, as it is filled with water. Chop finely, it will be easier to compact it into small cubes.

Place in molds, seal and fill with chilled water. Place in the freezer for several hours. After the cubes are frozen, take them out of the mold and put them in bags. For convenience, sign it.

In bundles

The finished bundles are wrapped in pieces of cling film or placed in a plastic bag. And they are sent to the freezer until required.

Preparing fresh parsley in vegetable oil

To properly prepare this recipe, you don’t need to do anything special. Greens are prepared in the same way as with other methods of storing for the winter.

Parsley is chopped and placed in a dry container. In this case, there is no need to compact; then poured vegetable oil and store the dressing in the refrigerator.

Parsley in marinade

The appetizer is made a little more complicated than previous recipes, as the marinade should be prepared.


  • parsley;
  • leaves of horseradish, cherry, currant;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water;
  • bay leaf, allspice;
  • 70% vinegar - 0.5 teaspoon per 1-liter jar;
  • water.

This is how you prepare for the winter: Parsley is washed and sorted, cut in any way. Place in jars with previously added leaves of cherries, currants, horseradish and garlic cloves. Prepare the brine: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Pour into prepared jars and close with lids. Sterilize for 15-25 minutes, depending on the size of the container. They are rolled up and put into the cellar for storage. Prepare this seasoning better in summer when greens are most rich in vitamins.


Preservation is one of the ways to prepare parsley for a long shelf life. Even a beginner will not have any difficulties with cooking. The main preservative in all recipes is vinegar.

To prepare the preparation you will need directly herbs, vinegar and salt.

Parsley is prepared as for all other recipes. Wash well and dry. Cut into pieces 5 centimeters long. Carefully place in jars, then prepare the brine. For 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt.

Add 2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar to the finished jars and fill with brine. Do not top up, leaving about 2 centimeters.

Place in a container for sterilization. Boiling time is approximately 10-15 minutes. When ready, the jars are rolled up and placed under a blanket or blanket until completely cooled.

Storage rules

Exemplary temperature regime for product safety – 0 ⁰- +10 ⁰С. Humidity is 80%.

Frozen greens should not be thawed or re-freezing, this will cause the mass to turn black and become unfit for consumption.

Dried herbs should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in a dark, dry place.

Seasonings prepared according to recipes long storage require a cold room. A refrigerator, glassed-in balcony or cellar will do.

Prepared greens, which, if necessary, are always at hand, are a great help in the middle of winter. In addition, it helps support the body during periods of vitamin deficiency.

Few people know, but in addition to the top of parsley, that is, the greenery, its roots also have positive properties. The root has both beautiful taste qualities, and medicinal. Main focus positive properties of this product consists of a positive effect on the digestive system, improving the immune system, as well as fighting infections different types. This article will tell you how to preserve parsley roots, and also consider preparation for storage and methods.

Parsley roots

Preparation for storage

The roots ripen much later than the top of the plant, so they will only be able to gain mass at the very end of autumn. Immediately after this, the plant must be removed from the soil. It is important to know that before directly preparing the plant for storage, it must be properly processed. First of all, the greens are separated from the very root of the plant. These two sections of one plant are stored separately. The top of the plant must be carefully sorted so that dry leaves do not end up in storage. The root also needs to be sorted out to avoid rotten ones. Next, both objects must be thoroughly cleaned. After this, it is important to dry it as well as possible. There are a lot of storage methods, but you should only store the plant if it is completely dry.

Storage methods

It is worth noting that absolutely all methods are excellent for using parsley in the future in all dishes. You can use several, or you can stop at just one, it’s up to you. Let's move on to examining these types of storage.

Dried parsley root

Let's look at drying first. After all, if the root is dry, then it is not at all necessary to store it in the refrigerator. You need to understand that the size of this vegetable becomes significantly smaller, and this type of seasoning for dishes will take up significantly less space. In order to properly dry parsley, you can resort to two direct methods.

  1. The first method is to dry outdoors. In this case, the parsley roots are cut and placed under the sun. It is important to cut this plant exclusively thin slices. They are laid on simple board or a baking sheet. You can’t just leave the seasoning in the open air; you need to cover the surface with gauze. After some time, it is better to turn the parsley over.
  2. The second method is carried out significantly faster than the first. In this case, it means using an oven or drying apparatus. You need to be extremely careful not to spoil the parsley. If you choose the oven drying method, then the temperature in it should not be more than 60 degrees, and the door of the device should be slightly open.

The next positive storage method is to freeze the product. This option can also be carried out using several methods.

  1. The first method is to use cling film. So, one small bunch of the plant is wrapped in cling film as tight as possible. If we're talking about only about the roots, then you can use a so-called vacuum bag for them. The roots, which will be stored in this form, will be suitable for preparing many hot dishes in winter.
  2. The second method involves crushing the goods into small pieces. Then small parsley is placed in special mold for ice. This storage option has its drawbacks, because when parsley gets on any dish, it will not look beautiful.

You can store parsley by adding salt, that is, by pickling. Parsley roots need to be grated, but not finely, using a coarse grater. Then the parsley and salt go into one container and mix thoroughly. The proportion in this case should be approximately five to one. This storage method implies a temperature of approximately 7 degrees above zero.

Video: Harvesting parsley for the winter

Parsley - healthy, rich useful substances, spicy plant. Its root and leaves contain a large number of vitamin C, there are vitamins A, B, etc. The whole plant is rich minerals, including iron, calcium, valuable phosphorus. Therefore, for anemia and vitamin deficiency, experts strongly recommend including parsley in the diet.

In cooking, the leaf and root forms of the plant are usually used. We know everything very well about leafy, it’s rare that a housewife doesn’t decorate ready dish finely chopped aromatic herbs. But root parsley is a truly universal plant. Both aromatic leaves and root vegetables are used here. We will talk about it today. Or rather, let’s find out how root parsley is preserved for the winter; we’ll look at recipes for some preparations made from it. We will also discuss several recipes for dishes made from root parsley.

Use in cooking

The plant is usually used as a spice. The leaves and root have a pleasant, tart aroma and a slightly bitter taste due to high content essential oil. Parsley can be added to almost all dishes, except maybe sweets. The leaves are consumed fresh, they are also dried and salted. Root vegetables can be fresh add to salads, can be dried or pickled for the winter. The seeds of the plant are also used in cooking. They are added to dishes whole or ground first.

Storing fresh root vegetables

Usually the plant is dug out of the beds in late autumn. You can immediately place the root vegetables in a box of sand, which you place in a cellar or other cool place. This way you can store root vegetables for quite a long time.

You can use another way to preserve parsley in winter: wash the roots thoroughly, then dry them thoroughly from moisture so that they are dry. After this, fold them tightly into a strong plastic bag, place them in a waterproof container, and store them in a basement or cellar, where it is quite cool. By the way, in winter, when you really want fresh herbs, plant one root in a pot of soil and place it on the kitchen windowsill. Soon the root will sprout young parsley leaves.


Peel and wash the root vegetables thoroughly, trim them on both sides, and scrape them to remove the skin. Now cut them into cubes or circles with a sharp knife. Then cook them a little (1-3 minutes) in boiling, salted water. After this, place in a colander and immediately pour over cold water. When the water has drained, place the chopped roots in sterilized jars, pour in the marinade, and roll up.

Marinade: 4 cups of water 1 cup table vinegar(9%), half a glass of sugar, salt to taste, 4 finely chopped cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, a few peppercorns. Combine all this and boil.


To dry parsley roots for the winter, you must first wash them, dry them with a towel and cut them into thin circles or slices. Then spread them evenly on a baking sheet and dry in a low-heat oven. Well-dried roots lose volume several times. Store them in glass jars or linen bags.

Several culinary recipes

Sandwiches with roasted root vegetables

Wash the parsley root, scrape it with a sharp knife, cut it into thin slices, which you can fry on olive oil. Transfer the finished plates to a plate, and fry the cut plates in the remaining oil. onion until golden. Turn the plates over carefully so they don't fall apart.
Place the finished onion on another plate.

Now cut the Borodino bread into slices. Brush each slice with olive oil or sunflower oil, lightly salt. Place a couple of slices of parsley root and a circle of onion on top. Salt and pepper. That's it, ready-made sandwiches can be eaten. They are especially good as an addition to soup or borscht.

Boiled potatoes with parsley dressing

Here's another unusual one healthy recipe: Trim the fat and some meat from a piece of fatty pork, about 200-300 g. Pass through a meat grinder. Then chop 3-4 parsley roots in the same way. Now mix everything, put half the mixture in a frying pan and fry. Boil the potatoes, drain the water, place the potatoes in a deep plate, add salt and water hot dressing.

Place the remaining mixture in a plastic container and store in the freezer. In this way, you can prepare more of the mixture, freeze it, and take it out a little at a time as needed. It can be used for frying soups and added when preparing main courses. This is especially convenient when you don’t have enough time to cook.

Healing decoction

In the long winter, when the body so needs vitamins, prepare healing decoction from parsley root. To do this, wash the root vegetables well, grate them coarse grater. Place in a saucepan, fill with hot, slightly salted water in a ratio of 1x6. Boil, remove from stove. Leave the broth to stand for 15-20 minutes under the lid. Now pour it into a jar or jug, put 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, stir. Drink this drink slightly warm or chilled, as you prefer. Bon appetit and be healthy!