Ranetki jam - the best recipes for making delicious sweets. Homemade ranetka jam

Boil the Ranetki until soft small quantity water, making sure that they do not burn (the consistency of the finished puree depends on the amount of water). Then the ranetki are rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added and brought to a boil again with constant stirring! Sugar to taste, but of course it’s better not to add a lot; you can add it for direct consumption. Place in sterile jars and seal. We use in pure form or with the addition of cream (beat with a mixer, blender). It’s delicious, you won’t be able to put it down by the ears.

Ranetka puree. Option 2

I made puree, it turned out very tasty, especially if you have small children. Better than store bought.

  1. You pour the unpeeled ranetki into a pan of water and boil for minutes. 10.
  2. Then you rub them through a combine (if you have one) or a sieve. (Waste can be thrown away or left for compote in winter)
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass: 1 liter. 300-400g, boil for another minute. 10-15.

That's all. In my opinion it is not difficult and fast. Good luck to you.

Jam from ranetki

We wash the ranetki, place them entirely on a baking sheet and in the oven, approximately 150 degrees. Simmer until they become soft. Then we wipe it on a sieve, we use Moulinex. Weigh the clean mass. The proportion is for 1 kg. 1 kg of mass from the ranetki is taken. 200 gr. sugar, you can add 0.5 cups of water. Cook until the drop (dropped on the saucer) stops spreading much. It's about an hour. Pour the hot mixture into jars, cool at room temperature and in the cold. I close with plastic or screw-on lids. It turns out to be a thick jam. Whether for sandwiches or for baking. I did the same for the pears. Delicious.

Compote from ranetki

I’ve been doing this for many years: I fill a jar with ranetkas one-third full (we don’t eat them in compote, that’s why there’s so little), pour boiling water, drain, +300 grams of sugar, heat the syrup until the sugar dissolves, fill the ranetki with it again, roll it up and under the “fur coat.” . Stored at room temperature. The compote with chokeberry is especially tasty, and the color is amazing!

Jam from whole ranetkas

  1. We take 1 kg of ranetki, select whole ones (not cracked or wormy), wash them, do not tear off the tails!!!, prick them with a toothpick
  2. In an enamel bowl, cook the syrup: 1-1.2 kg of sugar (depending on which ranetki, sour or sweet), 0.25-0.5 tbsp. water (again, depending on what kind of ranetkas are, some give little juice, some give a lot).
  3. We wait for the syrup to boil and throw in the ranetki, mix gently and wait for it to boil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat, cover with a clean towel and set for 6-12 hours
  4. After 6-12 hours, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil again, remove from the stove.

Sometimes I let it stand 2 times (in this case, after the 2nd cooking, we pour it into sterilized jars), sometimes 3 times. The difference is that after 2 times the inside of the ranetki seems to be dampish-sour, after 3 times it is completely saturated with sugar syrup.

Ranetki jam

Pierce the Ranetki through with a needle or awl (depending on the size), add cranberries or lingonberries per 1 kg 200 grams and add a little lemon cut into small cubes. For 1 kg of contents 1 kg of sugar. Pour the rackets with the berries and let them sit for half a day, stirring. Then bring to a boil on a low burner, stirring occasionally, boil for about 15 minutes. Leave until the morning, then boil again for about 25 minutes, let cool, put into jars and close.


Jam from ranetki

Jam from ranetki

In these recipes you will learn how to make ranetka jam at home for the winter. The smallness of the fruit does not affect the taste of the product, and it is in no way inferior to apple. Here you will find two popular recipes- classic and with the addition of lemon; they have similarities and differences - find out which ones.

Every housewife during the period winter preparations is faced with the need to process wrinkled, damaged fruits, which are mostly recycled into pureed jams and confitures. However, this does not mean at all that making jam from beautiful apples of paradise prohibited.

Jam- This is a pureed vegetable, fruit or berry mass boiled together with sugar.

The amount of granulated sugar during cooking must be adjusted depending on the type of ranetki used. Varieties of paradise apples suitable for preparing the preparation are sweet and sweet and sour, with soft skin. The most important thing is that there is no astringency in the fruit pulp.

Ranetka jam for the winter - a classic recipe

For most women, the most popular is classic way cooking, which results in a thick jam, like in a store according to GOST. This option is the simplest and takes the least amount of time to complete.


- ripe ranetki - 1 kg

- granulated sugar - 3 cups.

- water or juice - 2 cups.

Recipe for jam from ranetki through a meat grinder:

To speed up the preparation, you can use a meat grinder or blender. These are helpers without whom we can’t process a large number of fruit is quite problematic.

It is worth noting that the jam from the ranetki twisted through a meat grinder will come out with a coarser consistency, while the jam crushed in a blender will be tender and more homogeneous.

Wash the ranetkas and cut off the tails. Chop the fruits into halves and cut out the centers.

Then transfer the pieces to a food processor and chop. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan.

After this, put the pan with the crushed mass on the stove, add water or juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat, control the process and remember to stir.

Then pour out granulated sugar, mix. Place the pan on the stove again and boil the jam to the desired thickness. Be sure to stir, otherwise the mixture may stick to the bottom of the pan.

Place the finished jam into clean, sterilized jars and secure with metal lids.

For jam prepared according to this recipe, sterilization is not required. It is recommended to store canned food in a cool place to avoid mold.

If you do not have the opportunity to constantly be near the stove and stir the jam, you can cook it in a water bath. This method is ideal for novice housewives; it is much simpler, and the fruit pulp will not be able to burn on the pan.

Ranetki jam for the winter with lemon

Fragrant, more spicy compared to classic recipe, this jam will certainly appeal to lovers of fresh ones. The mass is quite thick, very tender, aromatic and tasty.


- granulated brown sugar - 2 kg

- ranetki - 2 kg

- lemon - 1 pc.

- water - stack.

Recipe for ranetki jam with lemon:

Brown sugar makes the color of the jam brighter, richer, and the taste slightly caramel. However, you can also use regular white sugar.

Clean, without wormholes, peel the ranetki, cut into pieces, discard the centers.

Then transfer the prepared pieces into a saucepan and add water.

Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, then skim off the foam. Reduce the flame.

Cook the mixture for half an hour until the fruit is soft, stirring occasionally.

After this, add lemon juice and granulated sugar. Leave on the counter for 5 - 10 minutes and then return the pan to the heat.

Boil the mixture until thickened. If you feel like the mixture is sticking to the pan, add a little water.

Ready mass Place the desired consistency in dry, pre-sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Wrap the jars in a warm blanket and leave until completely cool. You can store the product prepared according to this recipe at home, that is, in your apartment, on a shelf.

In addition to fresh apples of paradise for cooking homemade jam The pulp from a juicer or juicer can be used as a starting material. Therefore, choose only best ways and recipes and share your culinary achievements with us in the comments.

Bon appetit!

For all important questions please contact

Time: 120 min.

Servings: 2-3

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Recipe for excellent jam from sour ranetki in a slow cooker

Apple jam is an exceptional product. Spread it on a sandwich or eat it with a spoon straight from the jar; with its help you can prepare a wonderful fragrant pie, roll or bagels.

Therefore, as soon as it’s time to prepare for the winter, every housewife makes sure to make a couple of jars of jam. This product is usually cooked in large enamel bowls.

The classic recipe is this: apples are ground into puree, which is boiled with sugar until the mass reaches the desired thickness. Then the puree is poured into jars and stored for the winter.

It is clear that this process is very labor-intensive, but we are going to tell you how to make jam for the winter from small apples - ranetki - in a slow cooker.

Ranetki belong to those varieties of apples that are not for everyone. They have rich taste and aroma, but at the same time they have sourness and astringency.

But even if you don’t like to eat these fruits raw, you will definitely like ranetka jam for the winter.

This product is not only tasty, but also healthy. Apples contain ascorbic acid, which improves immunity, and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle.

In addition, ranetki practically do not cause allergies, so even children can eat them. Although it is better to give sweet jam prepared in a slow cooker to children a little at a time.

Our recipe can be implemented using any ranetki, both yellow and red. A small warning: some people praise the benefits of a multicooker so much that it may seem as if everything is cooked in this device by magic.

Indeed, many dishes can be prepared in a slow cooker much faster than on the stove. This also applies to jam, but nevertheless, you should not expect that you will simply put the food in an electrical appliance and go about your business.

Some control over the cooking process is needed, and the recipe is not so simple: it will require some effort on your part. Although, we repeat, you will be able to cook treats in a slow cooker much faster than with the traditional method.

What is the difficulty? In fact, the recipe is quite simple. But it has one nuance, which is determined by the type of our sweet treat. What makes jam different?

Its consistency. If pieces of fruit or berries float freely in the jam, then jam is fruit puree, which was boiled almost to the state of jelly.

To get such a homogeneous consistency, it is not enough to simply boil the apples with sugar for a while. You will have to prepare puree from the ranetki, this is where the “labor” comes in.

Although in fact making puree is not such a difficult task for housewives who are accustomed to cooking various puree soups, mousses and other dishes, the recipe of which involves grinding the ingredients until smooth.

Step 1

Wash the apples thoroughly. Since we need to puree them to make jam for the winter, we first need to bring the fruits to a softened state.

The easiest way to do this is to boil the fruit in water: under the influence of steam, the pulp will become very soft. Since ranetki is a fairly small variety, the process of freeing them from peel and seeds may take a long time.

We will remember the recipe of our grandmothers - they preferred to bring the whole fruit to the desired condition. Place the washed fruits in the multicooker bowl and pour in water.

Step 2

We will need the “Baking” mode, and the time required is 20-30 minutes. A more accurate indicator depends on the ripeness and juiciness of the ranetki, so the recipe suggests checking the readiness of our main ingredient as follows: pierce the apple with a toothpick. If the stick easily enters the fruit, you can turn off the device.

Step 3

Now that the apples are soft, they can be easily pureed. The recipe offers several ways to do this.

It's paradoxical, but the most tender puree, with a light and delicate texture, can be prepared using the method that our grandmothers used: by rubbing the apples through a sieve.

Take a wooden masher and mash the fruits with vigorous movements. It is better to take a sieve with small cells.

Alternative: If you are not tempted by grinding the ranetki with a sieve, you can prepare the puree differently. Before boiling, remove peels, seeds and stems from the fruit. Pass the softened apples through a meat grinder. In this case, you will end up with more waste, and the consistency of the winter preparation will not be as tender.

Step 4

Return the fruit mixture to the bowl. The further process will take place in our slow cooker. Add sugar to the puree.

Step 5

Our next task is to boil the ranetki with sugar. It all depends on the raw materials used (ripeness and juiciness of apples), the desired consistency finished product and the power of your multicooker. Accordingly, the recipe may differ for each specific case.

At the same time, you can bring the jam in the multicooker to a boil using the “Baking” program (this will take about fifteen minutes), and only then change the mode to “Stewing”.

Stir the mixture periodically to prevent the treat from burning and to assess its degree of readiness. When the sweet contents of the bowl become thick enough, the process in the multicooker can be considered complete.

The second way - exclusively in the “Baking” mode - will take much less time. Your winter delicacy will be ready in 60-65 minutes.

The only caveat: the “Baking” program differs from the “Stewing” course in that it is more intensive temperature conditions. Therefore, you need to stir the jam in the slow cooker more often so that it does not boil over.

Place the finished preparation into jars for the winter. You can sterilize the jars while preparing jam in a slow cooker.

Roll up the filled jars with lids and wrap tightly. After cooling, the container can be moved to a storage location.

It is believed that apple jam prepared in a slow cooker can be stored at room temperature. But to be completely sure, it is better to use cooler places for these purposes.

See another version of this dish:

Ranetki are small, pretty apples, juicy and aromatic, weighing no more than 15 g. They are happily grown in many farmsteads, gardens and dachas in our country. Like regular apples they are very useful, so it is best to use them in fresh. Housewives also prepare them for the winter: they prepare compotes, dry them, make preserves, jams and marmalade.

Probably the most delicious homemade Ranetki is made into jam, thick, aromatic, tasty. It’s nice in winter to drink a cup of freshly brewed, hot tea with a wonderful, clear and thick, reminiscent of summer days apple treat.

How to properly cook jam from ranetki for the winter at home, recipe, which one to choose? Visit the Popular About Health website, where we will look at several different recipes this dessert.

Some cooking tips

To make jam at home, experienced chefs It is recommended to use sweet or sweet and sour fruits with soft skin, as they boil easily. They may be overripe, slightly broken or wrinkled. However, they should not be rotten or moldy.
- Before you start cooking, the ranetki should be soaked in warm water for 30-60 minutes, then washed thoroughly.

To make the taste of the finished product brighter and more interesting, you can add citrus fruits, cinnamon or mint during cooking. There are recipes with the addition of cocoa and nuts. Additional components add to the finished dessert original taste and aroma.

Do not reduce the amount of sugar, follow the amount indicated in the recipe. If there is not enough sugar, ready dessert May become moldy during storage.

It is better to store jam in rolled, well-sterilized jars. So it can retain its properties for at least a year. If you do not roll it up, but keep it in the refrigerator under a regular lid, the shelf life is 6 months.

Jam recipes

Preparations from ranetki according to the classic recipe

Us will be needed: for 2 kg of apples - 1 kg of sugar.


Wash the ranetkas, cut off spoiled or wormy areas, remove the stalks.

Fold deep enamel pan or basin, add water, simmer over low heat until soft, about 40 minutes. Cool slightly and grind the boiled apples to a puree. This can be done using a sieve or colander. This way you will get rid of seeds and thick skin.

Place the fruit mixture back into the pan, add sugar, and cook, stirring frequently, until the desired thickness. It can be checked in a known way: drop on the nail. If the drop spreads, boil a little more. If it has only slightly lost its shape, the jam is ready. It usually takes about an hour to cook.

The real thickness can only be seen after the finished product has completely cooled. When hot, even thick jam will seem slightly runny. So pay attention to this.

Hot product Place in well-sterilized jars, screw on the lids or roll up.

If you want to make very thick jam so that it can be used for filling pies, buns, and it will not spread from sandwiches, use our next recipe.

How to cook thick jam from ranetki?

Will need: 2 kg of fruits, 1 kg of sugar.


Prepare the apples as we did in the first recipe. Place in a saucepan with water and cook until soft. Remove with a slotted spoon, cool slightly, and rub through a sieve.

Place the puree back into the pan (empty, without water), add sugar, and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours. Next, everything is as before - put it in jars, screw the lids on tightly and, after cooling, place them on the shelf.

How to make jam from ranetki with oranges at home?

For this recipe Let's take more apples - 3 kg. We also need 2 kg of sugar and 1 large or 2 small oranges.


Prepare the Ranetki as we did earlier. Grind and place the mixture into a large saucepan. Pour in sugar and stir. Peel and cut the orange small pieces, add the pieces to the applesauce.

Bring to a boil over medium heat. As soon as it boils, immediately turn the heat to low. If necessary, add a little water (no more than a third of a glass). Boil until desired thickness - about an hour. Roll into jars.

Useful properties of ranetki

Ranetki, like any apples, are very useful. They contain a large amount useful substances. In particular, they are rich in pectin, carotene, glucose, and sucrose. They contain a lot of potassium, iron, B vitamins, and ascorbic acid.

It is very important that they almost never cause an allergic reaction, so they are the ones you can start feeding your baby with, starting from 3-4 months.

Their regular use strengthens the immune system, improves metabolic processes, helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. The peel of the fruit can be used externally for skin burns.

However, doctors do not recommend getting carried away with fresh apples when various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, as this can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. But heat-treated ranetki, including the jam made from them, will be useful to everyone without exception. So, cook it with pleasure and eat for your health! Write down recipes with ranetki in your cookbook.

Fragrant ranetki are often called apples of paradise. The unique, memorable taste of winter preparations fully explains the name. Ranetka jam has delicate consistency golden color. We will tell you in our article what methods exist for preparing jam and how to obtain the required thickness.

Eating fresh apples is very healthy and tasty. However, ranetki is the variety that reveals its taste benefits precisely in the form of preparations. Not all varieties of apples are able to retain their aroma, benefits and juiciness during canning. But how can you prepare fruit for the whole year without losing these properties? It is important to select and prepare the apples correctly.

Most ranetka varieties ripen early, the pulp picks up juice and becomes sweet and soft. Unripe sour fruits are not suitable for canning. If harvested I’m not pleased with the quality, don’t be upset, fruits with minor damage are suitable for making jam.

Ranetki are not suitable for cooking quick preparations. That's why experienced housewives They take a step-by-step approach to cooking. Before you start cooking, sort out the fresh apples and wash them with running water.

First of all, soak the fruit for half an hour in warm water, and then cut off the spoiled areas and damage. To make the jam tender, use for grinding apple pulp sieve. A blender or meat grinder will significantly reduce the time, but will deprive the dish of its unique consistency.

Reducing the amount of sugar from the amount specified in the recipe can lead to spoilage and mold formation on the jam.

Cooking is creativity. Each housewife can add a “zest” to her creation by adding the taste of mint, lemon, vanilla, orange or cinnamon.

On a note! Store jam only in sterilized containers.

Traditional recipe

The classic recipe for making ranetka jam for the winter is simple and does not require any special skills. A little patience and thick, tasty dish will give an unforgettable aroma.

Select one and a half kilograms of ranetka, wash it well, cut off the damaged areas and tails. Cut the fruit into quarters, remove the seed box with seeds.

Pour 600 ml of water into the pan and add the apple pieces. It is necessary to cook the ranetki over low heat for several minutes until the flesh becomes soft. Remove from heat and cool. Rub the apple mixture through a sieve.

Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for about 50 minutes. Don't forget to stir regularly. After time, add sugar (800 g), mix the apple porridge thoroughly.

Continue cooking over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and the desired thickness is achieved. Place the finished jam into jars and seal.

How to make jam from ranetka in a slow cooker

A kilogram of paradise apples must be washed, peeled and cut into several pieces. Place the resulting volume in a special multicooker bowl, add half a kilogram of sugar. If you like sweeter jam, you can increase the amount of sugar.

Set the “quenching” mode and let stand for two hours. Even in a slow cooker, do not forget to stir the mixture every half hour.

Cool the finished mixture, grind through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. The resulting puree must be re-loaded into the multicooker and continued cooking in the “baking” mode for about 10 minutes. This way you will get a thick jam with an apple aroma.

Recipe for ranetka jam with lemon

If you don't love traditional recipes and you like the lemon flavor, we recommend preparing apple jam with the addition of lemon. This dish is used not only as an independent dessert, but also as a filling for baked goods. Thanks to lemon, the jam is not so sweet, but retains its unique aroma.

Determine the amount of fruit yourself. For a kilogram of apples you will need a third of one lemon, 700 grams of sugar.

Pour half a glass of water into the prepared apples and simmer for an hour over low heat. Cool the stewed fruits and rub through a sieve. Then add sugar to the soft puree and stir. Grate the lemon zest and pulp into fine grater, add to applesauce.

Cook on low heat for 30 minutes. Divide citrus jam into jars and roll up.

Cooking jam in the oven

Cut clean ranetki into halves. Carefully remove the pits and core. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and place apples in rows on top. If the fruits are not very juicy, you can add a little water to the leaf. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 140 - 160 degrees.

Rub the baked apples through a sieve and weigh the resulting mass. Add sugar in a 1/1 ratio and simmer over low heat. It is necessary to stir constantly so that the jam does not burn. Boil the apple mass until the required thickness is obtained.

Recipe for ranetka jam without sugar

If you like natural apple flavor, then try making jam without sugar. Natural sweetness and juiciness will make the taste rich and not cloying. This dish is much healthier than other jams with added sugar.

However, we must not forget that the shelf life of such jam will be much shorter. If stored in the refrigerator, the product will be good for 6-10 months.

Boil a kilogram of chopped apples in 200 ml of water for 20 minutes. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve. Then simmer over low heat until desired thickness.

Place the finished jam into jars, cover with lids, and sterilize for about 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, roll up the lids.

Apricot-tinged jam from ranetki with dried apricots

Exquisite, light apricot aroma will give apple jam dried apricots. Dried fruits have a specific taste that harmoniously complements the jam.

Wash two hundred grams of dried apricots, pour boiling water for a quarter of an hour.

One and a half kilograms of ranetka also need to be washed and cut into quarters. When the dried apricots become softer, pass them together with the fruit through a meat grinder. Pour seven hundred grams of sugar into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.

For getting thick jam simmer over low heat for 50 minutes. The finished jam is dense and tender yellow color. Place the jam into jars and seal.

Jam with a slight tartness from ranetki and chokeberry

Adding chokeberry to jam will enhance beneficial features and will give refined taste dish. For one kilogram of apples, half a kilogram is enough chokeberry, one and a half kilograms of sugar, half a liter of water.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Dissolve sugar in water and cook syrup.
  2. Cut the washed ranetki into small segments.
  3. Blanch the rowan berries and apple slices in the syrup for five minutes in separate containers.
  4. Cool fruits and berries.
  5. Repeat the cooking procedure in syrup a couple more times.
  6. Grind the softened fruit pulp with a hand blender.
  7. Boil the mixture to the desired consistency.

Distribute the resulting product among the jars and roll up the lids.

Healthy winter jam made from ranetki with ginger

The benefits are obvious apple jam with the addition of ginger. To prepare, take a kilogram of apples, sugar (800 g), about five grams of ginger and half a liter of water.

Wash the apples and remove the peel. Boil it for about half an hour. Pour the decoction from the peel into a separate container and add sugar. Prepare the syrup and add apple slices to it.

The ginger needs to be peeled and cut into small cubes. Add it to fruit. Boil the puree until thick. Place in jars and roll up.