The benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke for human health. For the lymphatic system

Jerusalem artichoke is a tuber that is an abundant source of benefits for the body, a vegetable that requires minimal effort to grow. Otherwise, Jerusalem artichoke is called earthen pear, bulba, or Jerusalem artichoke.

Uniqueness earthen pear is caused by a characteristic substance in the composition of the root crop - inulin.

The earthen pear contains very useful substances

Formed from fructose residues, inulin reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, removes radionuclides and toxins from the body, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. What else is contained in its composition and what are the benefits for the human body, we will consider below.

Description and features of Jerusalem artichoke

Few people today know how many diseases it can cure.


The plant has a tall straight trunk surrounded by green leaves, crowned on the crown with yellow flowers resembling small sunflowers. All parts of the plant are used, but the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are of greatest interest.

Garden Jerusalem artichoke

The root of the cultivated crop resembles a potato in appearance: the surface is smooth, yellow to brown in color.

In terms of care, the plant is completely unpretentious to humidity, soil composition and lighting.

The harvested crop is not subject to long-term storage. It is noteworthy that the quantity and quality utility value increases with the time it stays in the ground.

Wild Jerusalem artichoke

IN wild conditions The tuber grows independently, spreading throughout the territory like a weed, which it is considered to be in some European countries. The tubers of the wild plant are small and with an abundance of growths.
Wild Jerusalem artichoke grows like a weed

Features of Jerusalem artichoke

A characteristic property of the tuber is its ability not to absorb from the soil and environment radioactive elements and heavy metal components.

And when it enters the human body, healing root removes these substances from the body, which is why Jerusalem artichoke is useful.

Due to the absence of pests and diseases of the plant, it is not treated harmful substances when growing.

Composition of Jerusalem artichoke

The beneficial properties of earthen pear are determined by its composition; Jerusalem artichoke includes:

  • inulin (inulin is valuable for the body in case of diabetes, and it also helps to keep the heart muscle healthy and restore the functioning of the stomach; inulin is also a source of energy for the body);
  • proteins;
  • macro- and microelements (jerusalem artichoke contains 32 substances that are needed to maintain human health and energy);
  • vitamins (groups B, C, E, K, PP, beta-carotene);
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • amino acids (the plant contains 28 amino acids, including all those that are essential for life human body);
  • alimentary fiber.

You will learn more about the composition of Jerusalem artichoke from the video:

Jerusalem artichoke for treatment

This vegetable is useful in treating more than 70 diseases. Let's name the main medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke, and also note what contraindications it has.

Jerusalem artichoke is useful for diabetes

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for humans, due to its composition, are adequately appreciated by doctors. Thus, it has been established that Jerusalem artichoke is useful for those who suffer from diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus is a serious problem in modern medicine; it is the third leading cause of death in the world after heart disease and cancer.

Inulin is valuable because, when it enters the body, it is broken down into fructose molecules and short fructose compounds.

Fructose is a natural sugar, sweeter than sugar 2 times, and the inulin content in the root crop is about 80%. Part of the fructose, after absorption into the blood, becomes glucose, the rest enters the liver, where it is adsorbed into glycogen. Inulin and fiber in the composition of the earthen pear reduce the amount of glucose entering the body when eating, removing excess.
But you shouldn’t get carried away with fructose in large quantities.

So, for diabetes mellitus, the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke lie mainly in inulin; it regulates the level of glucose in the blood, but there is no need to exceed the fructose limit.

You will learn more about the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes mellitus from the video:

Jerusalem artichoke is good for the gastrointestinal tract

The plant contains up to 11% pectin, recognized by WHO as the most important substance that promotes detoxification of the body.

Dietary fiber, containing 4.5 grams in the plant, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, making its environment more acidic and inhibiting the growth of putrefactive bacteria.

Pear tubers are a medicinal and prophylactic agent for the treatment of adults and children from dysbiosis, accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the immune system and deterioration of bifid flora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of Jerusalem artichoke

In addition to its enormous benefits, Jerusalem artichoke can also become a source of harm to the body.
In fact, the root vegetable is not so much harmful as there are a number of contraindications and recommendations for consumption:

  • Persons who have an individual intolerance to the product, which occurs rarely, should refrain from including tubers in their diet;
  • If you have flatulence, it is better not to eat the vegetable raw; you should boil or stew it. Raw Jerusalem artichoke can cause abdominal discomfort;
  • Excessive consumption of earthen pears will not benefit anyone. Daily norm consumption corresponds to 100-150 grams, this is 2-3 small tubers.

How to eat Jerusalem artichoke

Having explained the value of Jerusalem artichoke for the body, it is worth considering the methods of its preparation. There are many ways to eat Jerusalem artichoke: you can eat it raw and boiled, infuse tea, make syrup and juice, grind into powder, prepare first and second courses.
The most commonly eaten food is, of course, the root of the plant.
It is important to know key points, affecting the preservation of beneficial properties when preparing Jerusalem artichoke root:

  • It is believed that it is healthier to eat the root with the peel containing large amounts of silicon and iron;
  • Eating the root vegetable raw will bring maximum benefit, since during heat treatment the value of the product will drop by a third.

Grated fresh Jerusalem artichoke root with fruits or vegetables, seasoned with herbs and olive oilvitamin collection, this is an example of how you can cook and eat Jerusalem artichoke raw.

Or you can prepare stewed Jerusalem artichoke, you will learn the recipe from the video:

The variety of recipes for preparing Jerusalem artichoke will allow any gourmet to eat this valuable vegetable, which brings benefits to the body, but you should not harm your health by significantly exceeding the norms for consumption of root vegetables.

Pear syrups and juices

Preparation. Drinks made from earthen pears can be purchased at the pharmacy, and can also be prepared at home; to do this, you need to peel, chop and squeeze the juice from the tubers. To obtain syrup, the juice is heated (to preserve the value of the drink, it should be heated to no more than 50 degrees), simmered on fire for 10 minutes and cooled.

It is necessary to do these steps several times until you get a thick consistency.

The prepared drink is poured into containers and stored in the refrigerator.

Benefit and harm. Syrups and juices from Jerusalem artichoke will retain the benefits of the vegetable for the functioning of the body, but can be harmful if excessive consumption. These are sweet drinks that include sucrose and inulin instead of sugar. They are nutritious and beneficial for people with diabetes.
You should drink no more than 250 ml of Jerusalem artichoke juice per day; if the volume is exceeded, the juice can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. And syrup can be added little by little to food instead of sugar.

Ground pear coffee

Preparation. Jerusalem artichoke is a plant with great potential; coffee is even made from it. To do this, you need to pour acidified boiling water over the root segments and dry them. Fry the dry parts until caramel-colored and grind in a coffee grinder. To prepare the drink, steam is added to the ground root of the plant for taste. ground grains coffee.

You will find a detailed recipe in the video:

Benefit and harm. The drink can be drunk even by people who have had a heart attack or stroke. In order for Jerusalem artichoke coffee to benefit the body and not cause harm, you need to be careful in the proportions of coffee and plant, not to increase the amount natural coffee, follow the recipe.

Benefits for children

Jerusalem artichoke can be consumed even by children:

  • Jerusalem artichoke is useful for mothers to use while breastfeeding; in this case, both mother and baby will benefit;
  • Moreover, the infants themselves can be given broth or syrup. But due to the fact that Jerusalem artichoke can increase gas formation in a child, it is mixed with dill water;
  • Jerusalem artichoke for children up to three years It should not be given raw, it is better to boil it or stew it with other vegetables;
  • Children over five years old can enjoy the healthy tuber in all variations. The sweetish-tasting vegetable will appeal to many.

Having an idea of ​​the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke and how to use it for cooking delicious dishes, it is advisable to think about including root vegetables in daily diet nutrition.

Thanks to the high concentration useful elements, amino acids and minerals, the earthen pear will serve as a source of useful materials for the functioning of the body and its normal functioning.

Similar materials

Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of which we are considering, is in wide demand. Based on it, an effective weight loss syrup is prepared, from which the volume literally melts before our eyes. Very often it is the root vegetable that is used, which is similar to sweet potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke - what is it?

Jerusalem artichoke is a tuberous perennial plant. It appeared in the vastness of our homeland in 1800, and since then its popularity has only increased. The birthplace of Jerusalem artichoke is considered North America.

Otherwise, the plant is called Jerusalem artichoke and earthen pear. The official name of Jerusalem artichoke is tuberous sunflower.

By taste qualities the tuber is similar to sweet potatoes, and according to external data it is similar to ginger root. What is noteworthy is that the above-ground part of the plant is about 1-3 m in height.

Jerusalem artichoke calorie content

Dieters often count calories. If you decide to include raw tubers in your diet, then know that the calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke per 100 grams. equals 61 Kcal.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke has both benefits and harm. Let's first consider valuable properties for the body, at the end of the article we will study contraindications.

No. 1. For weight loss

Prepared from fresh tubers sweet syrup, which is subsequently used for weight loss. It doesn’t matter in what form you take Jerusalem artichoke. Its benefits for weight loss are extensive. The root vegetable promotes the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, controls lipid metabolism, outputs excess liquid from tissues and areas between organs. Weight loss also becomes possible due to increased metabolism by 1.5-2 times and complete cleansing of stagnation.

No. 2. To lower cholesterol

The basis of the root vegetable is probiotics. They are responsible for the synthesis of triglycerides, which are responsible for processing fats and controlling lipid levels. Jerusalem artichoke is a very effective remedy for cholesterol. The plant quickly cleanses blood vessels, improving function vascular system and preventing all resulting pathologies.

No. 3. For the nervous system

The earthen pear contains so many B vitamins that just 1 tuber will cover daily requirement of an adult in these substances. B vitamins are responsible for the activity of the central nervous system. Jerusalem artichoke, or rather its benefits and harms, are obvious. Thanks to the systematic intake of syrup or tubers, the psycho-emotional environment improves, sleep problems disappear, and a person gets rid of moral fatigue.

No. 4. For the digestive system

Great amount dietary fiber, pectin, mineral compounds are present in the earthen pear. The benefits for digestion are undeniable. Constipation disappears, congestion disappears. Jerusalem artichoke acts as a brush, traveling through the gastrointestinal tract and sweeping away all decay products from the walls. The plant also enhances the digestibility of protein and eliminates painful cramps in the stomach, which is important for gastritis and ulcers.

No. 5. To lower blood pressure

The basis of the Jerusalem artichoke is inulin - it is a polysaccharide, a substance of organic origin. Inulin is responsible for stabilizing blood pressure during sudden increases or surges. For hypertensive patients, it is enough to include syrup or fresh tubers in your menu, and soon your blood pressure will stop bothering you.

No. 6. To cleanse the liver

Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of which have been studied many times, is valuable for the liver. It restores the filtering functions of this internal organ, cleanses the liver of toxic substances. This is extremely important for categories of people who indulge in alcohol, feast on fatty and fried food. There are many diets for cleansing the liver, which include Jerusalem artichoke as the basis.

No. 7. For the treatment of diabetes

The plant in its fresh form has the property of lowering the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream. Jerusalem artichoke promotes the production of its own insulin due to incoming inulin, thereby reducing dependence on drugs. Incoming fast carbohydrates do not stagnate in the blood, but, on the contrary, increase the sensitivity of cellular receptors to glucose. Against this background, the diabetic’s health improves.

No. 8. Prevents cancer

Some active ingredients from the composition of earthen pear are included in medications from cancer. In particular, Jerusalem artichoke prevents rectal cancer. The body begins to produce antibodies that bind and remove free radicals. For people with cancer, products with tuberous sunflower are prescribed in order to stop the flow of blood to the tumor and start its destruction.

No. 9. To relieve joint pain

Jerusalem artichoke is used in the treatment of joints; the benefits and harms in this matter have been studied extensively. The value lies in the ability of the root vegetable to break down and remove salts from the body. The plant enhances the production of joint lubrication, strengthens bone tissue and cartilage. All this leads to getting rid of deposits and reducing the risk of fractures.

No. 10. To strengthen the immune system

Inulin is a natural type of probiotic. It increases the human body's resistance to viral infections. Jerusalem artichoke syrup or tuber in fresh form should be included in the basic menu in winter, autumn, and early spring during vitamin deficiency. The bactericidal properties of the plant kill pathogenic microflora, increasing immunity by 3-5 times. This is extremely important for people who often change their place of residence, go on business trips or vacations, and also have low immune system and get sick.

No. 11. For comprehensive cleansing

Ground pear is a fully balanced root vegetable that is endowed with powerful antioxidant properties. Jerusalem artichoke cleanses tissues of toxic substances, heavy metal salts, and radionuclides. Jerusalem artichoke also expels excess water, improves metabolism, eliminates congestion and fights constipation.

No. 12. To improve hair condition

Jerusalem artichoke is rich in iron, so its benefits and harms are obvious. The mineral supplies all cells of the body and hair follicles oxygen. As a result, growth is stimulated and the hair structure is nourished. Regular use will prevent baldness.

No. 13. To prevent anemia

As mentioned earlier, the root vegetable is rich in iron. It contains up to 40% of this element. Iron saturates the entire body with oxygen and has a positive effect on the quality and clotting of blood. By systematically eating earthen pear, your immune system will be strengthened. Anemia is prevented and treated, hemoglobin increases.

No. 14. To improve skin condition

It is worth noting that the young leaves of the root vegetable are saturated with organic acids, which effectively restore damaged cells. Prepare a decoction of Jerusalem artichoke leaves and make a compress. The product has a rejuvenating and wound-healing effect. It even helps fight warts.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes

Jerusalem artichoke saturates the body of diabetics with inulin. Moreover, the benefits and harms of diabetes are studied by both folk and traditional medicine. The positive effects of earthen pear predominate.

1. When consuming Jerusalem artichoke, active compounds absorb glucose that has not entered the cells. As a result, it is eliminated from the body. Due to such processes, blood sugar levels are significantly reduced.

2. Jerusalem artichoke, the benefits and harms of which we are considering, is rich in fructose and organic acids. They cleanse the body efficiently and improve metabolic processes. Tissues are freed from toxins.

3. The advantage of consuming root vegetables is that fructose replaces glucose. It penetrates tissues without the help of insulin. At the expense of everyone complex processes that occur in the body, metabolic processes are stabilized.

4. As mentioned earlier, inulin is present in earthen pear. It helps glucose penetrate cells better. This is what lowers blood sugar levels.

5. By reducing glucose levels, the activity of the pancreas improves. As a result, the body produces more of its own insulin.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss

1. How is Jerusalem artichoke useful for weight loss? The root vegetable contains a lot of fiber. It is due to the abundance of dietary fiber that activity is stimulated gastrointestinal tract. The body can cleanse itself.

2. Because the earthen pear binds the fibers and they swell when in contact with water, the feeling of fullness is prolonged. A person consumes daily fewer products, respectively, and calories.

3. Due to the fact that Jerusalem artichoke binds fats without accumulation and processing, the body is cleansed of them. Natural weight loss occurs.

4. If you regularly consume earthen pear, blood pressure stabilizes and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates improves. Taken together, all this leads to rapid weight loss.

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke during pregnancy

2. If you want to achieve a laxative effect, the product should be consumed raw. At the same time, Jerusalem artichoke will saturate the body with calcium and a host of other valuable substances. Jerusalem artichoke is especially recommended during the lactation period.

Harm of Jerusalem artichoke

1. Ground pear is considered an almost ideal product. But it is prohibited to consume it in any form if you have been diagnosed with individual intolerance.

Jerusalem artichoke will be an excellent addition to your daily diet. With minimal contraindications, it can be considered ideal. Systematic consumption will only have a positive effect on the body.

Let's see how this root vegetable is beneficial for the human body.

The main advantage of Jerusalem artichoke is that it contains virtually no fat or cholesterol.

Its calorie content is not quite high: 100 grams of tubers contain 61 calories:

  • proteins – 2.1 g;
  • fats – 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 12.8 g.

In addition to BJU, it contains micro- and macroelements useful for the human body:

  • group vitamins: A, B, PP, C, E;
  • macroelements: magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • trace elements: iron, aluminum, iodine, sulfur, zinc, copper, fluorine, manganese, boron, silicon.

The rich composition of Jerusalem artichoke allows it to be widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking., and also as a feed crop for animals.


What are the benefits for children?

A child is a growing organism. He needs proteins around the clock, which are building materials for cells. child's body. Jerusalem artichoke contains them in sufficient quantities and can improve most organ functions and strengthen the body.

Proper introduction of Jerusalem artichoke into a child’s diet will ensure the simultaneous development of muscle and bone tissue.

Raw fruits can be given to children from the age of five. For children younger age Root vegetables should be boiled or stewed.

Harm to children's bodies

Pay attention to the advice of doctors and try before a year Do not introduce root vegetables into the diet of children. You need to start with small portions. Like any other new product, earthen pear can cause an allergic reaction. Individual intolerance may appear a couple of days after the introduction of the product:

  • small red pimples on the baby's skin;
  • dry spots on the face;
  • upset stomach, loose stools.

If such problems arise, stop feeding and try again when the child is a little older. Combine Jerusalem artichoke with other vegetables.

Ground pear can cause flatulence and bloating in a child.

What is it good for women and how to use it?

Let's look at whether this vegetable is good for women. You can select following features Jerusalem artichoke:

Jerusalem artichoke is very useful in preventing many diseases, as well as in treating existing ones.

Can it harm women?

Jerusalem artichoke is an absolutely safe plant. Much is known about its health benefits, but negative impact and no harm to the human body has been identified. You should not take it only in one case if you have individual intolerance and allergic reactions to any component in its composition.

Ground pear can cause increased gas formation and bloating. But if the benefits of taking it are significant, then these signs can be combated with the help of others. medicines, or reduce the amount of root vegetables eaten.

Beneficial effects on the male body

Many people are interested in whether there are benefits from root vegetables for the stronger sex and, if so, what they are. Most men are concerned with maintaining their potency or restoring it. They use great amount medicinal pharmaceuticals, which settle in their body and cause great harm. But there is another option: a man only needs to eat one dish per day that contains earthen pear. With constant use of the solar root, a man will forget about his problems.

Experts also say that more Drinking 100 grams of Jerusalem artichoke juice half an hour before sexual intercourse will also benefit.

Negative consequences for men

Just like in children and women, in men only individual intolerance to Jerusalem artichoke can be noted. Eating it may cause flatulence and bloating. No other negative effects were identified.

Using earthen pear for medicinal purposes

Jerusalem artichoke contains a storehouse of vitamins. We can say that it is a natural cocktail that can heal. Not everyone will like it, of course. There are a lot culinary recipes, which make it quite “edible”. It is recommended for all people, without exception, to use earthen pear as a general tonic, to maintain immunity and for colds. Especially for residents of large cities, whose bodies contain a huge amount of toxins, salts and other things.

If you know everything about the benefits and medicinal properties, then you can correctly introduce it into your diet and maintain your health and body in good condition:

  • Jerusalem artichoke normalizes the functioning of many body systems: circulatory, nervous, immune, endocrine.
  • At breastfeeding increases lactation in women. To do this, you should take raw root vegetables, or drink Jerusalem artichoke juice.
  • It is recommended to take for liver diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis, intoxication of the body.
  • Colon cleansing.
  • Great benefit from use in the presence of diabetes and cancer prevention.

If we talk about specific diseases, then in folk medicine there are the most basic ailments for the treatment of which Jerusalem artichoke, due to its beneficial properties and qualities, is used:

  1. Colds. IN medicinal purposes All parts of Jerusalem artichoke are used, from inflorescences to tubers. In this case, we will need the flowers of the plant, crushed. For 1 tbsp. you need to take a glass of boiling water and leave for about six hours. Take one hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
  2. Anemia. Into a glass fresh juice Jerusalem artichoke you need to add 1 tbsp. honey Drink a glass in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.
  3. Diabetes and hypertension. Mix 2 tbsp pear juice with 2 tbsp. water. Take only in the morning on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink from 6-12 months.
  4. Stomach and duodenal ulcers. 100 gr. Take juice from Jerusalem artichoke tubers three times a day. This should be done before eating.
  5. Detoxification. Drink a glass of fresh juice in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.
  6. Joint pain, radiculitis. To treat this disease you will need 1.5 kg of plant leaves. Fill them with 8 liters of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about half an hour. Strain the resulting broth and take a bath with it for about 15 minutes. It is recommended to treat for about 20 days.
  7. Pancreatitis. To treat this disease you need to eat about 150 grams. The root vegetable of the earthen pear, both stewed and raw. It is better to avoid fried foods. You can prepare a decoction: add 7 tubers to two liters of water. Cook them for about 10 minutes. Take the decoction throughout the day. Repeat the procedure every other day.
  8. Hypertension. If you have high blood pressure, you can drink the juice of the plant. Dilute it with water equal proportions and drink 200 grams three times a day.

When losing weight, Jerusalem artichoke also plays a very important role: how exactly is it useful? If added to a dieter's diet, it will act as a diuretic. Removes excess fluid from the body, eliminates deposited salts.

Jerusalem artichoke is low-calorie and can cleanse the body better than other medicines. You will only benefit if you add it to your diet meals.

Jerusalem artichoke is known to many for its usefulness. Wonderful beneficial features and the almost complete absence of contraindications allow it to be taken as a medicine. Doctors recommend it for diabetics, for its high insulin content, for men and women to get in order. hormonal levels. The plant cannot cause any harm unless you suffer from individual intolerance some components. Be careful before first use.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke and precautions when using it:

Jerusalem artichoke is a plant of the Asteraceae family, also known under such names as solar root, Jerusalem artichoke, earthen pear. Its tubers contain many vitamins and other useful substances, including mineral salts, pectins, amino acids, proteins. Their presence makes it possible to use root vegetables to treat many diseases.

Jerusalem artichoke is effective means at:

  • headaches caused by high blood pressure;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • viral infections;
  • diabetes mellitus

Medicinal qualities and benefits

For diabetes

Because of high content inulin Jerusalem artichoke is indispensable for people suffering from diabetes. This polysaccharide consists of fructose, which replenishes energy hunger at the cellular level and replaces glucose in all metabolic processes of the body. Daily use The product helps prevent the appearance of gangrene of the lower extremities, the development of retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy. The root vegetable helps restore the functions of systems and organs affected by diabetes. For diabetes mellitus of the first and second types, it is recommended to eat 1 Jerusalem artichoke 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, boiled or fresh.

For the treatment of joints

It is recommended to consume the root vegetable for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for salt deposition. By including Jerusalem artichoke in your daily diet, you can reduce pain and stiffness in your joints and make them more mobile. Among the beneficial substances in the plant there is silicon, which is responsible for growth and normal development. skeletal system. Thanks to its immunomodulatory and choleretic properties, this element prevents sand deposition and the formation of stones in gallbladder and kidneys. The root vegetable is used not only internally, but also externally through baths.

For pancreatitis

Most often, the disease appears due to metabolic disorders or due to problems with blood circulation in the pancreas. The root vegetable prevents the development of the disease: eliminates inflammation, normalizes blood pressure and metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Just 150 g of Jerusalem artichoke will allow you to achieve a positive result in the treatment of pancreatitis. The product can be consumed either baked, boiled or fresh. At increased acidity stomach, it is recommended to drink Jerusalem artichoke juice mixed with carrot juice.

For weight loss

Unlike other root vegetables, Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin. This substance is not absorbed in the digestive tract, so the calorie content of the product is relatively low. Inulin does not increase blood insulin levels, unlike fructose, glucose and starch. Therefore, the vegetable is recommended not only for diabetics, but also for those who want to lose weight. It perfectly satisfies hunger and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, women often complain of problems with digestive system, which are caused by hormonal changes in the body or changes in intestinal microflora. For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract it is necessary balanced diet and eating fiber-rich foods. Jerusalem artichoke improves metabolism, relieves constipation, and slows down the absorption of cholesterol. The product also contains useful substances and amino acids necessary for the normal development of the baby.

Elena Malysheva will tell you about the beneficial properties of earthen pear:

Harm of Jerusalem artichoke

The root vegetable cannot be used if you have an individual intolerance to the product or are allergic to it. When consumed large quantity Jerusalem artichoke in its raw form causes increased gas formation in the intestines, so it is recommended to exclude it from the diet in case of flatulence.

Using the earthen pear


The yellow inflorescences of the plant help cleanse the blood, relieve headaches, normalize blood pressure, and eliminate intestinal and stomach cramps. They also relieve inflammation and remove toxins from all types of poisoning, including alcoholic poisoning.


The juice of Jerusalem artichoke tubers reduces blood sugar levels and increases the body's protective functions. This folk remedy should be used for anemia, arthritis, heart disease, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis. For cooking healthy drink you need to take fresh tubers of the plant, wash them, peel them and pass them through a juicer. The resulting natural medicine should be taken freshly squeezed and can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.


A decoction of the plant's leaves accelerates the healing of wounds, including those caused by peptic ulcer stomach, eczema and other diseases. Active ingredients rejuvenate the skin by launching cell renewal processes. If you regularly take a bath with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke leaves, you can get rid of arthritis, osteochondrosis, and bursitis.

Product storage features

Not everyone has a dacha or a vegetable garden near their home, so most often the vegetable is stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony. The best option for storing root vegetables is a glass loggia (for example, in a box filled with sawdust).

Even with slight freezing, Jerusalem artichoke does not lose its beneficial properties.

If a refrigerator is used for storage, the tubers must be washed, dried and placed in hermetically sealed bags. In this case, the vegetable will remain fresh for 2-3 weeks.

Cooking recipes

Ground pear can be cooked different ways: dry, bake, fry, boil, and also use in ground form. Heat treatment The root vegetable gives it a specific mushroom flavor.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Root vegetable syrup is useful substitute sugar on a natural basis, so it can be consumed even by people with diabetes.

  1. The tubers of the plant are thoroughly washed and peeled.
  2. Pieces of root vegetables are passed through a meat grinder or juicer.
  3. The resulting juice is filtered through cheesecloth.
  4. The liquid is heated to 50°C and kept on fire for about 7 minutes. After this, the drink is cooled. The heating-cooling procedure is repeated 4 more times until thickened.
  5. During the last heating add lemon juice.
  6. The prepared syrup is poured into a glass container with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Vegetable caviar with green tomatoes

To prepare caviar you will need:

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 300 g;
  • fresh chili pepper - 3 g;
  • salt;
  • green tomatoes - 150 g;
  • onions - ¼ onion;
  • vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  1. Jerusalem artichoke is washed, peeled, cut into small slices and placed in a saucepan with hot oil. Cook for about 5 minutes without covering with a lid.
  2. Chopped onions are added to the earthen pear and sautéed for 3 minutes.
  3. After this, add chopped pepper to the saucepan.
  4. After 5 minutes at vegetable mixture add finely chopped green tomatoes and chili peppers. Cover the container with a lid and simmer for about 15 minutes.
  5. Before completing cooking, add chopped garlic and carrots. After 5 minutes the dish is ready.

Salad “Girl Trouble”

For cooking healthy salad you will need:

  • Jerusalem artichoke - 200 g;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • honey - 0.5 tsp;
  • greens and onions - 1 bunch each;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 ml.
  1. Vegetables are thoroughly washed, peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  2. For the dressing, mix honey, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Lemon juice can be substituted cranberry juice or white wine.
  3. Root vegetables are combined with chopped herbs and dressing.


To make root vegetable jam, you will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 800 g;
  • ripe plums, apples or pears - 500 g.
  1. Fruits or berries are cut in half and the seeds are removed. The earthen pear is cut into circles of 5-7 mm.
  2. Place all ingredients in a thick-bottomed pan and pour clean water and simmer until soft. Reduce the heat as much as possible and close the container tightly with a lid.
  3. Cook for 50 minutes. Then the mass is placed on a wire rack and ground into a puree.
  4. The jam must be boiled for another 10 minutes, then add citric acid to the mixture.

Candied fruit

Sweets homemade are an excellent alternative to store-bought confectionery products. To prepare candied fruits you will need:

  • honey - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 80 g;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 100 g.
  1. Honey must be diluted in 50 ml of water (root vegetables, cut into thin slices, will be marinated in this syrup for 30 minutes).
  2. Then place the Jerusalem artichoke on a baking sheet and place it in the oven, preheated to 40°C. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the pieces, but the finished sweet should not be very dry.
  3. Candied fruits are sprinkled powdered sugar and serve the delicacy to the table.

Jerusalem artichoke, radish, pumpkin and carrot salad

For cooking vitamin salad you will need:

  • dill - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pumpkin - 120 g;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • black radish - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt.
  1. Vegetables are washed and peeled. The entire inner loose layer is removed from the pumpkin.
  2. Carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, black radish and pumpkin are grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Add a pinch to the salad ground pepper, iodized salt. Then everything is seasoned with olive oil.
  4. All ingredients are mixed and the dish is served immediately after preparation.

Cream soup with croutons

To prepare the soup you need to prepare:

  • butter - 65 ml;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 450 g;
  • potatoes, cut into slices - 180 g;
  • pepper, salt;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable broth - 1200 ml;
  • celery stalk - 1 pc.;
  • heavy cream - 300 ml;
  • basil leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - ¼ tsp;
  • fennel bulb - 1 pc.

Vegetable puree soup with pepper

For preparing tender and delicious soup you will need:

  • Jerusalem artichoke - 50 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • pepper, salt;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  1. Jerusalem artichoke, carrots and potatoes are washed, peeled, placed in a pan, filled with clean water and brought to readiness.
  2. The products are removed from the pan and ground using a sieve. The broth is left to simmer.
  3. Peppers and onions are peeled, chopped and fried in butter, then chopped peeled tomatoes are added.
  4. The whole mass is simmered for 10 minutes, mixed with vegetable puree, pepper and place in boiling broth for 10 minutes.
  5. The finished soup can be seasoned with mayonnaise.

Jerusalem artichoke cutlets

  • Jerusalem artichoke - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 1.5 tbsp;
  • baked milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground crackers - ¾ cup;
  • pepper and salt to taste.
  1. The tubers must be peeled, washed and cut into large pieces.
  2. Dilute milk with water in a ratio of 1:0.5 and bring to a boil, then add the prepared root vegetable to the pan and add salt. Cook over low heat until soft.
  3. Pour the resulting broth into another container. Place the cooked Jerusalem artichoke in a colander to drain the water. Then grind the fruit through a sieve.
  4. Mix the cooled puree with raw yolks, breadcrumbs, salt, butter, pepper.
  5. Form balls from the resulting minced meat, moisten them in raw proteins and roll in flour.

We bring to your attention a version of Jerusalem artichoke and pumpkin cutlets:

Jerusalem artichoke is a root vegetable that contains many vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology. Before consuming the root vegetable, consult a doctor, as there are contraindications.

In contact with

Jerusalem artichoke is still a rare plant in Russian gardens. Many vegetable growers are in no hurry to plant it, giving their preference to potatoes. But this attitude towards this vegetable is undeserved, because it is very useful and even exhibits medicinal qualities. Learn about such a wonderful plant as Jerusalem artichoke, its benefits and harm to the body, as well as its medicinal properties.

Jerusalem artichoke is a tall perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, the closest relative of the sunflower. This is reflected even in its official name - tuberous sunflower. Indeed, the appearance of Jerusalem artichoke resembles a sunflower, and its leaves have a similar aroma.

The homeland of Jerusalem artichoke is North America, where it still grows wild, occupying vast areas south of the Great Lakes. The plant came to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century; it came to Russia in the same century and was first used not as a vegetable, but as a medicinal plant. It was given the name “ground pear” because of the pear-shaped tubers.

Jerusalem artichoke is a highly attractive plant for vegetable growing. It is very unpretentious, capable of growing in any soil, in any climatic conditions - both in the south and north of Russia. However, in regions of risky farming it is grown for its green mass, which is used for silage.

The cultivated plant Jerusalem artichoke, depending on the variety, has 1 or several tall (up to 4 m) and powerful stems, branching in the upper part. They have many heart-shaped, elongated, rough leaves. Jerusalem artichoke flowers - small baskets with petals yellow color, reminiscent of sunflowers, only much smaller in diameter. The plant blooms in August or September, but rarely produces fruits, since they do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

The roots of Jerusalem artichoke are powerful, branched, penetrating deep into the soil. Stolons grow from the underground part of the stem, on which tubers of various colors, sizes, and, accordingly, weights are formed - from 10 to 150-200 g. They are dense and juicy, but covered with a thin and fragile skin, therefore, when extracted from the soil, they do not last long stored - after a month of storage they begin to either dry out or rot. This is precisely the main disadvantage of the earthen pear, so the tubers are dug up only in the fall and early spring, as soon as the snow has melted. There is no point in harvesting later because the tubers begin to sprout and become fibrous.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Raw pear tubers taste similar to turnips or cabbage stalks, but they have a characteristic taste and smell. IN chemical composition Jerusalem artichoke are present:

  • proteins – 2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 17.4 g (including inulin);
  • fats – 0.1 g;
  • water – 78 g;
  • organic acids – 0.1 g;
  • fiber – 1.6 g.

Vitamins are presented:

  • retinol (A) and carotene (1 μg and 0.012 mg);
  • thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2) (2 mg and 0.06 mg);
  • choline (B4) and pantothenic acid (B5) (30 mg and 0.4 mg);
  • pyridoxine (B6) and folates (B9) (0.08 mg and 13 μg);
  • ascorbic acid (C) and tocopherol (E) (4 mg and 0.2 mg);
  • niacin (PP) and phylloquinone (K) (1.3 mg and 0.1 μg).

Jerusalem artichoke also contains macro- and microelements. These are potassium and phosphorus (429 mg and 78 mg), magnesium and calcium (17 mg and 14 mg), sodium, iron (4 mg and 3.4 mg), zinc and manganese (0.12 mg and 0.06 mg) , copper and selenium (140 and 0.7 μg).

The nutritional value of the vegetable lies in easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, Jerusalem artichoke fiber, which, when entering the intestines, improves its functioning. The calorie content of an earthen pear, like all vegetables, is low - only 73 kcal. Therefore, even overweight people are allowed to eat its tubers, not to mention those who are of normal weight.

What are the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for the body?

Jerusalem artichoke is known for its ability to improve the condition of patients with many diseases. It is also valuable for the polysaccharide inulin, which regulates metabolism and is good for intestinal health. But the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke are not limited to this. It can be used in its entirety healthy people, and for those who are sick but want to improve their health.

For men

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke tubers for the male half of humanity are obvious. Zinc contained in this vegetable plays an important role in maintaining health. genitourinary system. It takes part in the production of sperm, increasing their activity and vitality, increasing potency, and preventing prostate diseases.

Potassium, which is abundant in Jerusalem artichoke, regulates water, acid and electrolyte balance, normalizes blood pressure and the processes of nerve impulses, improves heart function, and brings its rhythm back to normal. Therefore, earthen pear is useful for men with hypertension, tachycardia, vascular atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease. For introduction into the body daily value For the macronutrient potassium, it is enough to eat 300 g of tubers per day.

Thiamine is part of the enzymes of energy and carbohydrate metabolism, so consuming Jerusalem artichoke will be useful for those men who live an active life, work physically, and play sports. Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to disturbances in the functioning of nervous tissue, heart and blood vessels, digestive tract. Jerusalem artichoke tubers will also be useful for those who are engaged in mental work, as they stimulate mental activity.

For women

The root vegetables of the earthen pear will also be useful for women. Their regular use in food will help ladies avoid oncological diseases, especially tumors of the breast and uterus, problems with the genitourinary organs, obesity. Iron, which is part of the tubers and leaves of Jerusalem artichoke, prevents anemia, muscle atony, myocardiopathy, increased fatigue, and ensures the normal course of reduction and oxidation reactions in the body.

The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke include improving vision, keeping teeth, skin, nails and hair in excellent condition, increasing mental stability in stressful situations, normalizing mood, and treating endocrine and skin diseases.

The vegetable will be useful for women suffering from hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia with tachycardia, and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It will help avoid or eliminate swelling in diseases of the kidneys and heart, salt deposits, and can improve the condition of gout, rheumatoid arthritis or others autoimmune diseases and metabolic diseases. The pulp from the tubers is used to prepare masks that rejuvenate and brighten the skin of the face and body, and from the roots - to treat acne, eczema, and vitiligo.

For children

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are also useful for children, especially in autumn and winter as good source vitamins They are rich in complete protein, which is necessary for the growing body of children as a building material for tissue cells and organs. Children and teenagers who eat pear are less likely to get sick colds, they have a good appetite, but at the same time there are no problems with digestion.

In children who suffer from gastritis and colitis, Jerusalem artichoke relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa, promotes rapid healing and restoration of the mucous membrane, normalizes the acidity of its juice, eliminates heartburn and flatulence. In case of dysbacteriosis, the vegetable suppresses the growth of pathological intestinal microflora, promotes the reproduction of beneficial ones, enhances intestinal motility, eliminating constipation, and prevents waste from accumulating on their walls. With low hemoglobin, dishes made from it will help restore the level of this important protein and prevent the development of anemia. Jerusalem artichoke is believed to not accumulate nitrates, pesticides and other harmful agrochemicals, so even the smallest children can eat it.

Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss

Ground pear - low calorie product, therefore very useful for weight loss. If you eat fresh or heat-treated tubers as often as possible, you can hope that your weight will return to normal. And to lose weight at any time of the year, and not just in spring and autumn, when fresh tubers are available, you can use dried Jerusalem artichoke, the effect of which is no worse.

Is it possible to eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Jerusalem artichoke has no contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Expectant mothers can consume it in any quantity, fresh or processed. During pregnancy, earthen pear will be useful as vitamin product and a mild natural laxative. Jerusalem artichoke has the properties of stimulating the immune system, increasing resistance to infections and diseases. Has a beneficial effect on the body of mother and child.

Also Jerusalem artichoke:

  • improves intestinal function and restores its microflora;
  • reduces hunger;
  • eliminates heartburn;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.

Medicines from Jerusalem artichoke, in the absence of contraindications, can be used at any stage of pregnancy, however, only after consultation with a doctor. He will help you choose the optimal dosage of drugs.

The healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke and instructions for its use

Ground pear is well known in medicine. Thanks to her unique medicinal properties Jerusalem artichoke is successfully used in the treatment of a number of diseases and in for preventive purposes. Preparations based on it are prepared not only from tubers, but also from leaves and inflorescences of plants. Fresh or dried raw materials are taken as the starting material. At correct preparation it does not lose its value.

Jerusalem artichoke is useful for people of any type diabetes mellitus due to the inulin and fiber it contains. In the insulin-dependent form of the disease, the polysaccharide performs glucose replacement functions, thus reducing blood sugar, but at the same time fully providing the cells with the energy they require. It stimulates synthesis by the pancreas more hormone, helps remove toxic substances from the body. Inulin is contained in high concentrations in Jerusalem artichoke powder produced by industry.

Long-term use of Jerusalem artichoke also prevents the development of diabetes complications such as damage to the lower extremities, blindness, and nephropathy. In case of type 2 disease, Jerusalem artichoke has a restorative, stabilizing and regulating effect. He:

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • normalizes weight;
  • tidies up hormonal levels;
  • supports the liver, pancreas;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves well-being and increases tone.

It has also been established that Jerusalem artichoke preparations can significantly reduce insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.

To normalize blood sugar:

  • eat 1 root vegetable or drink 0.5 cups of Jerusalem artichoke juice 0.5 hours before meals 3 times a day;
  • prepare an infusion of 1 liter of boiling water and 4 tbsp. l. cut into small pieces tubers, infuse for 3 hours, use as a tea substitute, do not add sugar.

For diabetes, you can use not only fresh tubers, but also Jerusalem artichoke syrup. This is vegetable juice concentrated by evaporation, which shows the properties of an excellent sweetener. It contains no artificial sucrose, but has a sweet taste, so it can be added to drinks and desserts instead of sugar. For the treatment and prevention of diseases, you can drink 1 tbsp of syrup. l. 0.5 hours before meals.

For the same purposes, you can use Jerusalem artichoke tea. It’s very easy to prepare – you just need to take:

  • 1.5 tbsp. l. crushed tubers to a pulp, put them in a thermos and pour 0.3 liters of boiling water on top. Drink 0.1 liter 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals;
  • 1 tsp. pear powder, pour a glass of boiling water. Drink tea 2 times a day.
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves pour 0.5 tbsp. water brought to a boil. Drink 0.1 liters 3 times a day.

Jerusalem artichoke tea is a good adjuvant in the treatment of anemia, atherosclerosis, nervous diseases, salt deposits, and urolithiasis.

Harm and contraindications

Ground pear - useful plant. In most cases, it can be eaten without harm to the body and without strict dosing. Fresh root vegetables can increase gas formation in people prone to flatulence. But Jerusalem artichoke no longer possesses these properties after heat treatment. If you use the boiled product or add spices such as cumin and coriander to your dishes, there will be no problems.

Contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke and medicines made from it are:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • hypotension.

In preventive and for health purposes It is enough to consume 50-100 g of raw Jerusalem artichoke tubers 3 times a day before meals for a month.