The benefits and harms of soy sauce. Healing and dangerous properties

It may be difficult to find another fragrant flavoring agent, which would have won such high recognition. Many chefs and nutritionists claim that soy sauce is an ideal replacement for traditional mayonnaise, ketchup, salt, and what’s more, it is even healthier than the beloved olive oil.

However, there are also opponents of this seasoning, who are confident that a product made from soybeans, which are not respected by some experts, can be more likely to cause harm. However, the sauce is a natural product, so it can hardly be considered unambiguously harmful or undoubtedly beneficial - in order to draw certain conclusions, it is enough to study its features, composition and method of preparation.

What is soy sauce

For many, soy sauce is a brown, salty liquid with a characteristic pleasant smell, enhancing the taste impressions of eating a particular dish. However, not everyone knows what to prepare aromatic seasoning it may take months. The birthplace of soy sauce is China. It is believed that it was there that he appeared around the 8th century BC.

Initially, the main ingredients for preparing the seasoning were soya beans, fermented fish and salt. Today, wheat grains, soybeans and salt are used for this, and production is carried out in two ways: natural fermentation and acid hydrolysis.

In the first case, the production of soy sauce is carried out in several stages:

  • Soaking and boiling soybeans in water;
  • Roasting wheat grains followed by grinding;
  • Mixing wheat and soybeans;
  • Sowing on a mixture of fungi and microorganisms: aspergillus (Aspergillus oryzae) (for natural fermentation), fungi of the genus bacilli (for a specific smell), lactobacilli (to increase acidity);
  • Treating the wort with salt or saline solution;
  • Fermentation (as a rule, the fermentation period of the mixture ranges from 1.5 months to 3 years);
  • Pressing under heavy containers;
  • Pasteurization and filtration of sauce.

As a result of fermentation, a number of processes occur: beneficial amino acids, milk sugars, and, in addition, naturally Monosodium glutamate is formed - one of the most popular and effective flavor enhancers.

To reduce the cost and speed up the sauce preparation process, manufacturers often use hydrolysis. In this case, soybeans are boiled in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, after which the resulting broth is neutralized with alkalis. In this case, the sauce can be obtained in just three days, and it is inexpensive for manufacturers. However, in this case there is no need to talk about benefits: as a result of complex multi-stage reactions, instead of a good product, a liquid containing carcinogenic substances is obtained. That is why soy sauces of various brands are subject to careful quality control.


Is soy sauce harmful?

Most often, the harm of soy sauce is due to the dishonesty of the manufacturer: made by cheap hydrolysis, with the addition of genetically modified organisms or preservatives, the product may contain a huge amount of extremely dangerous substances that can have extremely adverse effects on health.

In the case when soy sauce is made from high-quality raw materials, using natural fermentation and does not contain any synthetic additives, it can be considered rather useful. However, there are some contraindications for its use:

  • Excessive consumption. Manufacturers who claim that soy sauce is best seasoning if only because it does not contain salt, they are mercilessly disingenuous. Fermentation is started by table salt, and as a result the liquid contains a certain amount of its compounds. That is why, if you abuse soy sauce, you can encounter the same problems as in the case of sodium chloride: kidney stones or bladder stones, salt deposits in joints, high blood pressure.
  • Contained in soy sauce sodium salts and some antioxidants have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Therefore, the seasoning is prohibited for people with gastritis, peptic ulcer and other stomach ailments.
  • Soy sauce V large quantities contains protein, so its potential allergenicity is high, and pediatricians do not allow its inclusion in the diet for children under 5 years of age.
  • It is believed that a certain content of phytoestrogens in the sauce can cause miscarriage. This has not yet been officially confirmed, but doctors prescribe correction of their diet for pregnant lovers of Asian cuisine.

For healthy people Moderate consumption of high-quality soy sauce does not have any negative consequences; on the contrary, it will rather have a beneficial effect on the body.


Benefits of soy sauce

Today, nutritionists are challenging the popular belief that soybeans can cause obesity, and even more so - that the phytoestrogens in soy can even lead to infertility. On this moment the theory has been sharply criticized, but the benefits of products, including sauce, based on this plant have been known to the peoples of Asia for thousands of years.

In fact, scientists have proven that soy protein its composition is very close to human, and therefore serves as an excellent material for strengthening and maintaining normal muscle function. As for soy sauce itself, in addition to this, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • Maintaining optimal hormonal balance among women;
  • Protection against free radicals and the occurrence of malignant tumors;
  • Improving the functioning of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity;
  • Risk reduction nervous diseases;
  • Help with headaches, migraines, insomnia;
  • Maintaining normal operation immune system;
  • Helps relieve swelling and muscle spasms

And finally, the most pleasant thing for those who closely monitor their weight is extremely low calorie content soy sauce. It is completely free of fats and energy value is only 50-70 calories. So for those who are inclined to be overweight or carefully care about the beauty of their figure, this way to diversify the taste of food is simply ideal.

Composition of soy sauce

The benefits of soy sauce are primarily related to its unique composition. The product contains the following components important for the human body:

  • Almost all B vitamins, which ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems and take an active part in maintaining blood circulation.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), normalizing cholesterol levels and regulating metabolism;
  • Valine is an important amino acid that increases muscle coordination and helps the body cope with stress and depression;
  • The amino acid histidine, which promotes tissue growth and repair and hemoglobin formation;
  • Leucine is an amino acid vital for the liver and other hematopoietic organs;
  • Isoleucine is an amino acid necessary for carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Methionine – protects against liver and intestinal diseases;
  • Cysteine ​​is an amino acid vital for the formation and maintenance of skin tissue structures;
  • Lysine, which helps absorb calcium, ensuring cardiovascular health;
  • Tryptophan, which ensures normal functioning of the nervous system.

Most of the amino acids present in soy sauce are essential - this means that they are not synthesized in the human body. However, this does not detract from their role in maintaining health and vitality, and therefore consuming products containing them is simply necessary.

How to choose soy sauce

So that the sauce based on soybeans pleases not only with its pleasant taste familiar dishes, but also brought exceptional benefits, it is enough to adhere to certain rules when choosing a product. Experienced gourmets pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Conscientious manufacturers spare no expense on packaging: good soy sauce is bottled in glass bottles, which preserves the taste and unique aroma of the product. Plastic packaging can enter into chemical reactions with sauce substances, especially if it has many different artificial additives (dyes, flavors), so you should avoid purchasing such products;
  • On the package quality product The manufacturing method must be indicated. The inscription “artificial” indicates that the sauce was obtained through hydrolysis or dilution of soybean concentrate with water, and the lack of information raises suspicions.
  • Soy sauce contains only soybeans, water, wheat and salt - a high-quality seasoning never contains dyes, flavors or preservatives.
  • Protein content in good product– from 7%. A smaller quantity indicates low-quality raw materials or dilution of the concentrate.
  • Contrary to popular belief, natural soy sauce is clear and light brown in color. Very dark shades they talk about the artificial origin of the product.

Soy sauce is an excellent ingredient asian cuisine, which has deservedly gained its popularity. Its taste and lightness will delight the most capricious gourmets, and the improved well-being with correct use the product will pleasantly surprise you.

Soy sauce is an integral component of Asian cuisine, obtained from the fermentation of soybeans. It appears on our tables more and more often. What are the benefits and harms of soy sauce?

Sauce composition:

  • . Gives a pleasant salty taste, but promotes fluid retention in the body.
  • Vegetable protein. Important component diet, the amount of protein in the seasoning is sufficient, more content in meat and eggs. The proportion of protein is from five to seven percent.
  • Glutamate. Used as a flavor enhancer.
  • The hormone estrogen. Renders beneficial effect on the female body during menopause, but is contraindicated in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Probiotic. Normalizes intestinal microflora and helps to absorb valuable elements for the body.
  • Niacin. A vitamin that has a good effect on the condition of the cardiac system.

The calorie content of the dressing is low: 50-55 kcal per 100 grams. A high-quality oriental product is prepared by hydrolyzing wheat grains and soybeans.

Sauce preparation technology:

  1. The beans are soaked and boiled.
  2. Wheat is fried and ground with the addition of soy.
  3. Microorganisms are inoculated to start the fermentation process and increase acidity.
  4. Treat the mixture with salt.
  5. They are fermented for a period of one and a half months to three years.
  6. Pressing.
  7. Filtration.

Occurs chemical preparation Asian dressing, which can speed up the cooking process, but worsen the composition of the product. Is this soy sauce healthy?

What are the health benefits of sauce?

Is soy sauce harmful? If this product is used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to health. Symptoms when excessive consumption seasonings that worsen a person’s well-being:

  • Chronic kidney diseases;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increased risk of myocardial infarction;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Disturbance of the urinary system;

Soy sauce is especially harmful for men, this is due to the presence of sodium in the composition. Abuse leads to salt retention in the joints and deterioration of liver health.

Asian seasoning is contraindicated in certain diseases and conditions of the body. Who should not use the sauce?

Contraindications for use:

  • Children under five years of age;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Disease of the thyroid system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Elderly age;
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Cardiac hypertension;

Often, impurities are added to the product to improve taste qualities, preservatives, stabilizers, which are harmful to children and can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes and itching. Refueling aggravates gastrointestinal diseases.

Could the sauce be beneficial?

Studies have shown that moderation in consuming sauce can have a positive effect on human health. Oriental dressing will improve sleep, normalize digestion and relieve constant headaches. What else is soy sauce good for?

Benefits for women:

  1. Slows down the aging process;
  2. Reduces pain during menstruation;
  3. Menopause is easier;
  4. Retains calcium in bones;
  5. Relieves depression;
  6. Reduces nervous excitability;
  7. Eliminates muscle spasm and swelling;
  8. The risk of tumor formation decreases;

In adulthood, it is useful for a woman to add this product to her diet. Soy sauce is low-calorie; it can easily replace mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup and other dressings without harming your figure. Why is it useful? oriental seasoning for the opposite sex?

Benefits for men:

  • Helps reduce weight;
  • Supports the performance of the body;
  • Stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Improves the immune system;
  • Increases physical activity;
  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Also, oriental sauce useful for stool disorders, cardiovascular diseases and intolerance to animal protein. Improves attention and reduces headaches.

Soy sauce for the heart and blood vessels

The researchers concluded that soybean-based seasoning moderate consumption: increases the elasticity of blood vessels, cleanses them of sclerotic plaques, strengthens cardiovascular system body.

All this is due to the content of soy isoflavones in the seasoning.

How to properly store and choose soy sauce?

Natural dressing does not require the addition of preservatives to extend shelf life. At temperatures from 19 to 22 o the shelf life is two years. Direct sunlight on the bottle and temperature fluctuations are not recommended. Possible storage in refrigeration chamber and other cool places.

How to choose soy sauce

A large selection of sauces from different manufacturers, but are they all useful?

How to distinguish artificially prepared sauce from natural one?

  1. Color. The high-quality sauce has a light brown tint.
  2. Protein. Content of at least eight percent.
  3. Compound. Main ingredients: soybeans, wheat, sucrose and salt.
  4. Capacity. Transparent glass container.
  5. Price. A low price indicates the addition of harmful stabilizers and flavor enhancers.
  6. Consistency. The liquid is homogeneous, without foreign impurities and sediment.
  7. Preservatives. A high-quality sauce does not contain preservatives or additives labeled “E”.
  8. Fermentation. Seasoning is done by natural fermentation and natural product information about this method of preparation is indicated.

Vitamins and minerals

They say that the dose of sauce consumed per day is so small that all ingredients useful material do not affect the organs and systems of the human body. But researchers have refuted this theory; with regular consumption of an oriental product, the body absorbs macroelements, which is good for health.

Vitamin composition of the sauce:

  1. Vitamin B complex. Improves mood and promotes weight loss.
  2. Ascorbic acid. Has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Retinol or vitamin A. Improves skin condition, which prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.
  4. A nicotinic acid. Regulates the body's metabolic processes.
  5. Isoleucine. Accelerates carbohydrate metabolism.
  6. Tryptophan. Normalizes the activity of the central nervous system.
  7. Lysine. Promotes calcium absorption.

Is it possible to drink soy sauce with this composition? positive properties and macronutrients? No, the dressing serves as a complement to other dishes, and addiction will lead to undesirable consequences. Sauce consumption rate per day: one tablespoon if you add salt to your food and two if you absolutely avoid salt.

Video: the health benefits and harms of soy sauce

Soy sauce has taken root in our society so much that even kindergarten children know about it. But what do we really know about him? How is it prepared, why is it added to food, and what are the benefits and harms of soy sauce for the human body? Can't you answer these questions? Then, we want to give answers to many questions.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce - general

In order to understand the full meaning of this product, we need to understand that the sauce came to us from the kitchen eastern countries– from Japan and China. And almost no dish from these countries can do without soy sauce. But few of us have thought that soybean seasoning is not only tasty, but also the best solution for losing weight. Of course, this product has both opponents and supporters. To clarify the picture, we will look at the composition of soy sauce, as well as which sauce to choose for its effective effect.

Which sauce is better or making the right choice

Since classic soy sauce is currently found in the CIS countries, it is quite a difficult task, but a real one. First, we will look at the composition of a real, correct sauce. The absence of one or another component will already tell you about certain frauds in the manufacture of the purchased product.

Real soy sauce is rich in following components:

  • Micro-, macroelements.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Antioxidants.
  • B vitamins.
  • Iron, zinc, calcium.

Nutritional benefits of soy product:

  • 6.0 g proteins;
  • 6.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 6.6 g mono- and disaccharides;
  • 5.6 g of ash.
  • Energy indicator 50-70 kcal/100 g.

How does soy sauce affect humans?

Because in soy sauce a large number of antioxidants, this product helps the body get rid of:

Soy sauce is especially valuable for women, because regular use of this product helps women cope with menopause. It is worth paying attention to the fact that consuming soy sauce reduces the likelihood of developing diseases such as:

  • Osteoporosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Cardiovascular.

In addition, soybean sauce will be beneficial for men and women, as it has a fairly low protein content. Therefore, this seasoning is suitable for people who are allergic to animal proteins.

Of course, about the fact that there are harmful modern sauces- it's not a secret. This is due not only to the country of its origin, but also to the technology of its production, since some manufacturers, in pursuit of low cost, neglect the naturalness of the product and use flavorings, substitutes and even GMOs. All this, of course, causes enough severe harm body.

Harmful properties of soy sauce

Even if you know where to find real, natural soy sauce or can make it yourself, this does not mean that you have found the ideal elixir for your body. After all, even such a product is harmful for the following problems and diseases:

  • Related to the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Having an allergic reaction

Attention! Soy sauce is dangerous for pregnant women due to the risk of miscarriage.

Bottom line

Of course, like any product, soy sauce should be consumed in moderation and preferably of exclusively natural origin. It is also important to buy products from trusted manufacturers, and be sure to follow the recommendations for consumption and use in dishes.

Soy sauces that came to Ukraine from South-East Asia, willingly buy and add to the most different dishes. Meanwhile, prohibitive doses of the carcinogenic substance chlorpropanol have been found in many soy sauces. Such studies have been carried out for several years in Europe, but few people know about them in Ukraine.

It is believed that this is tasty and healthy seasoning must be included in the diet of a person concerned about the fight against overweight…. Well, there is no arguing about tastes, but usefulness is the question in this case!

Tops and roots

For starters - flowers. Soy sauce is a great alternative to salt, isn't it? But everything is good in moderation, even if the measure of soy sauce is a little “thicker” compared to salt. Even seemingly innocent products can be abused! Acute soy-sauce psychosis can lead to the most banal salt deposits no worse than ordinary sodium chloride.

Further more. Back in school, during biology lessons, they tried to explain to us the principles of the development of defense mechanisms in plants. Simply put, sharp spines, a vile smell and a terrible taste, poison, in the end - all this was invented by representatives of the flora out of desperation so that the representatives of the fauna would leave them alone and stop eating with such pleasure. Well, soybean didn’t make a mistake and, according to endocrinologists, it has developed a birth control mechanism of the type that “grubs” it - a kind of “oral contraceptives.” These are so-called phytoestrogens, which interact with mammalian hormones that control reproductive functions and growth of the body. In other words, they lead to a decrease in the birth rate of greedy soybean eaters and soy products, including sauce. The result is just like the great and terrible Stephen King - people are dying out like mammoths, and soybeans triumph and single-handedly rule the planet!

Trust but check!

Well, King's horror stories are, of course, too much: soybeans are not as scary as they make them out to be. But there is another unpleasant touch in this plant landscape. IN Japanese cuisine There is one dish that causes both horror and delight, both among the Japanese themselves and among numerous fans of exotic cuisine - the famous fugu fish, a dish from which can become fatally poisonous if the technology for preparing the fish is violated. In the same way, soy sauce, it turns out, can become a “cross the throat”: in 2002-2003, in Europe, Australia and the USA, soy sauce was already at the center of a large-scale scandal. One of the accusations leveled against him has become unacceptable high content chloropropanols - the strongest carcinogens, causing cancer. Chloropropanol is by-product acid hydrolysis, a method that has been used to speed up and reduce the cost of making soy sauce.

As a matter of fact, exactly modern technology production and makes one question the usefulness of such a seemingly required product. Ideally, soy sauce is prepared in the following way.

Soybeans are evaporated and mixed with roasted wheat grains, then fill with water and add salt. The resulting mass is left to ferment in the sun in special containers. And it, this mass, reaches the required “condition” in no less than a year.

In high-quality soy sauce, in addition to the ingredients mentioned above, natural extracts, for example, garlic, dill, etc., may be present in various combinations for a variety of taste.

Undoubtedly, this combination of products not only tastes good, but is also very healthy. Therefore, it is natural that Europeans, advanced in caring for their own health, began to consume soy sauce huge quantities….

The only harmless way accelerated preparation soy sauce is the addition of special microorganisms to the fermenting mass. This gives the sauce a characteristic sweetish taste and speeds up its “ripening” by about 12 times.

These two types are considered the safest and even useful. But the prices for such sauces are not affordable for everyone: from 3 to 9 dollars per bottle.

Much cheaper, 1-2 dollars per bottle, the sauce is prepared completely in an original way: soybeans are boiled with sulfur or hydrochloric acid, and then quenched with alkali. That's all. The technology is as simple as five kopecks, the time spent is scanty. In a month of work, you can fill all markets with very cheap and quickly sold out goods. And they fail, because most soy sauces on the markets are prepared this way.

It’s even easier to dilute soy concentrate with water, pour it into bottles and put it on the shelves. It's just as cheap as the previous method, but at least it's not dangerous. Accordingly, there can be no talk of benefits.

What to do? Giving up your favorite condiment? Return to the hateful and harmful, but more familiar salt? Most likely, you shouldn’t make a mountain out of a mountain - soy sauce is not such a killer maniac. The main thing is to choose correctly quality sauce, the label of which states that it is produced naturally, and, of course, not to be abused. And then this salty balance low calories And good taste won't cause you any harm.

Soy sauce for slimness

Soy sauce is the only soy product that nutritionists unanimously recommend.

Because it: does not contain cholesterol; replaces salt, seasonings, butter, mayonnaise at the same time; low in calories: per 100 g - 70 kcal.

And those who are on a diet should choose low-sodium soy sauce. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish, albeit relatively inexpensive, but good sauce from an obvious and gross fake.

How to choose a quality sauce

One bottle at a time. Any high-quality sauce is sold exclusively in glass bottles. In plastic ones, the taste and aromatic originality of the product is lost.

By composition. It should contain only natural ingredients, no dyes or flavors. IN good sauce up to approximately 8% protein.

Usually, respectable manufacturers write on the label: “produced by natural fermentation” , because this belongs to the category of product advantages. Those who dilute soy concentrate with water usually simply modestly add the word “artificial.” But those who like to poison people with acids usually do not indicate anything, because it is not in their interests.

By color. Experts recommend holding the sauce up to the light. If it is light brown in color, then there is no doubt - it is natural. But artificial and produced with the help of acid is usually dark brown, right up to black.

This product appeared on our market relatively recently. Let's find out whether soy sauce is harmful, what are the benefits and harms of the product for the body.

In the short time it has been on the market, it has managed to gain popularity because it can perfectly improve the taste of your favorite dishes. And if you use the product in moderation, it will not only not cause harm, but will also turn out to be useful to women and men.

Is the sauce healthy?

First of all, it contains some natural antioxidants. They help slow down the aging of the human body. Clinical studies suggest that regular consumption of even small amounts of soy sauce can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and other pathologies.

The presence of natural estrogens is beneficial for female body. Thanks to the presence of these substances, a woman:

  1. Later it detects the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Easier to bear pain during menstruation.
  3. Has less chance of developing postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  4. The transition to menopause is less intense.
  5. Has a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
  6. Tolerates menopause much better.

This is why gynecologists advise women after 35 years of age to comply with the principles proper nutrition consume small amounts of soy sauce.


This product is made by fermenting soybeans with the help of some bacterial cultures. Soy sauce contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron.

Quality brands, such as Kikkoman or Sensei, do not contain harmful synthetic preservatives or substitutes and have only beneficial features. Therefore, the products are not harmful to health, unless consumed in liters. But buying low-quality brands is harmful to the body, because all the raw materials on which the products are made are either Low quality, or artificial, chemically created and hazardous to health.

Effect of the product on the body

Regular use This sauce in reasonable quantities is beneficial to the human body. The benefits of fermented soybeans are:

  1. They prevent early aging of the body.
  2. Significantly reduces the risk of malignant tumors.
  3. They have a slight sedative effect.
  4. Able to combat pain in the head and neck area.
  5. Combats the negative effects of nervous tension.
  6. Prevents the development of edema and dermatitis.
  7. They support the heart and blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
  8. Reduce the risk of developing arthritis and osteoporosis.
  9. Fights the manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  10. They improve mood in the off-season and prevent the development of depression.

The benefits of protein in sauce

No proteins human body cannot function normally. Unfortunately, some people have an individual intolerance to animal proteins.

Thanks to soy sauce, you can partially solve the problem of lack of protein in your diet. This does not mean that you can eat a lot of it: you are allowed to add only small amounts of the additive to dishes to make their taste unusual.

Sauce and vessels

Despite the fact that it contains salt, moderate consumption of the sauce has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. Even half a tablespoon of the product significantly increases blood circulation. The use of this additive in food promotes:

  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • their cleansing from cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening blood vessels.

Doctors say that regular use even small quantities soy sauce helps prevent heart attack and stroke.

When is the product indicated for use?

He may not only be delicious product nutrition, but also medicine. It is indicated to be used in such cases.

  1. Women during the natural decline of ovarian activity when it is impossible to use hormonal drugs (for example, in the case of the development of varicose veins).
  2. Intolerance to certain proteins contained in animal products.
  3. Diseases of the heart or blood vessels. Even small amounts of this product help patients recover faster after a heart attack.
  4. Obesity is a reason to have a little sauce on the table every day as an addition to your weight loss meal. The calorie content of the product is low, which makes it a means of quickly normalizing weight.
  5. As an additional maintenance therapy, the supplement can be used in food for people with diabetes.
  6. To prevent exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of soy extract to food every day.
  7. The additive is used as great alternative laxatives. And all because they have a mild laxative effect.
  8. For people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, this food supplement will be simply necessary.

In these and other cases, we may add soy sauce to food during cooking or in ready meals. Of course, the amount of additive should be within reasonable limits.

Some people wonder if this sauce can be consumed on a diet. The product is used for dietary nutrition in reasonable quantities. Reviews from people who have used it as a dietary supplement are positive.


It was said above that the sauce is healthy. Where do the claims that it is harmful come from? It's all about quantity. If you use it without measure, literally pouring it on dishes, then this will do more harm than good.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Quality products cannot be cheap. When producing it, unscrupulous manufacturers replace natural ingredients with their chemical analogues.

Soy sauce contains a large amount of salt and components that irritate the intestinal or stomach mucosa. So, persons suffering from cardiovascular pathologies should limit the content of this product.

It can only be used in limited quantities, which is what Asian chefs do. But for some reason, we have a common habit of adding it to almost all products, without exception, and even just drinking it. Due to the constant use of such “ culinary masterpiece»A person can develop the following diseases:

  • gout;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • joint inflammation;
  • arthrosis, that is, a progressive degenerative disease of the cartilage tissue of the joints;
  • chronic kidney pathologies.

The significant protein content in this product negatively affects the condition of patients with chronic kidney failure. There are cases where children developed allergic reactions precisely because of the consumption of even a small amount of soy sauce.

It contains estrogens. This product negatively affects the condition of pregnant women, because the unborn baby may be born with numerous brain pathologies. The product is contraindicated for persons with disabilities endocrine system, liver. At breastfeeding It is best to avoid this product.

It is prohibited to use the product with expired suitability.

Video: soy sauce - benefits and harm.

Is it possible to get poisoned by the sauce?

Cheap product samples may contain the following components:

  1. Artificial dyes.
  2. Flavors.
  3. Preservatives.
  4. Mineral acids.
  5. Alkaline liquids.
  6. Genetically modified organisms.

Consuming sauces in large quantities can cause allergies. The most dangerous of them is anaphylactic shock. People who abuse low-quality soy sauces develop hypertension, urolithiasis disease, joint damage.

If poisoning develops due to the consumption of a large amount of sauce, it should be treated as normal food intoxication. The patient needs to induce vomiting by first drinking a large amount of warm water and pressing on the root of the tongue. Sometimes vomiting occurs automatically after drinking liquid. Then you need to give a mild laxative and Activated carbon.

The first day after poisoning, heavy meals are not recommended. Drinking plenty of fluids (teas, fruit drinks, compotes) is recommended. On the second day, you can slightly expand the diet. In the future, food is normal, but you need to remember that overuse the product will be harmful.

Soy sauce is an excellent addition to your favorite everyday dishes. It not only changes their taste, but is an excellent remedy to strengthen the body and prevent many diseases. All its beneficial properties are relevant when a person consumes the sauce in reasonable quantities. Abuse of the additive leads to poisoning and the development of dangerous diseases.