Lamb pilaf in a slow cooker: recipes for real gourmets. Recipe for delicious and aromatic Uzbek lamb pilaf in a slow cooker

Our simple recipe for lamb pilaf in a slow cooker will certainly be appreciated by meat lovers. Dish Uzbek cuisine It is prepared in a lightweight version, and therefore it can easily be included in the everyday menu.

The composition of the products will not differ in any way from the selection of ingredients for traditional pilaf in a cauldron. The only thing is that a little less seasoning will be used.

So, we need: selected lamb pulp with fat, steamed long grain rice, onion and young garlic, as well vegetable oil odorless, barberry berries, coriander peas, salt and a mixture of peppers.

Let's start preparing lamb pilaf directly from preparing the meat. It needs to be washed well and dried. Frozen is not an option for us. We use chilled selected lamb. Cut into small cubes of equal size.

Onions must be peeled and chopped into any shape.

Heat the multicooker in the “Frying” mode for a minute, and then add vegetable oil to the main multicooker bowl, continuing heating for another two minutes. Place the onions in a heated container, and after 5 minutes, add the lamb. Brown the ingredients well until half cooked. Salt the meat after the liquid has evaporated.

After the onions and lamb, carrots chopped into strips or cubes are sent into the multicooker bowl. Continue cooking meat and vegetables in the “Frying” mode for another 5 minutes.

While zirvak (the correct name for frying meat for pilaf) is being prepared, let’s start with the spices. Coriander should be crushed in a mortar and then mixed with barberry and pepper.

Then season the boiling zirvak with the resulting spicy mixture.

Fill the rice layer with boiling salted water to the 2 liter mark. Switch the equipment to the “Stew” or “Pilaf” mode for 40 minutes and close the lid.

During the cooking process, you need to add cloves to the rice. young garlic right in the peel. Ready pilaf from the lamb remains in a closed slow cooker and comes to condition right before serving.

In the slow cooker, the lamb pilaf turned out crumbly, aromatic and very tasty.

When is that incomparable dish gets on your plate, it will no longer be possible to distinguish it from pilaf cooked traditional way. Shall we check it?

A slight hint of green coriander flavor would be very welcome. Bon appetit!

If the rice is not steamed, but long-grain or medium-grain, then fill it with warm water and set aside. Turn on the multicooker, set the “Frying” mode, pour in the oil. By the way, the oil must be refined, since pilaf is prepared on high temperatures and unrefined oil will simply burn and smoke. Cut the lamb into medium pieces.

As soon as the fat is as hot as possible, add the meat. If there are bones, then we also put them in the bowl. We won’t eat bones, but zirvak on bones will be richer and tastier.

Fry the lamb until beautifully golden brown. Don’t be afraid - the meat will not dry out, since when placed in hot fat, a crust immediately forms on it, and the “sealing” process occurs.

We clean the onions, cut them into half rings, add them to the meat and fry for another 4-5 minutes - the onions should also become golden.

At this time, let's take care of the carrots. We clean and chop into cubes, as in the photo. Under no circumstances should we grate it! This is very important point for pilaf, grated carrots will turn into “porridge,” but chopped carrots will retain their shape. We send the carrots to the onions and lamb, fry until all the components turn brownish and the liquid has completely evaporated.

Now add rice. If it is steamed, then just add it, and if not, then wash it well until the water is clear, let the liquid drain and send it to the meat with vegetables. Fry, stirring occasionally. 2-3 minutes is enough - the rice will change its color and become slightly transparent.

Pour in water so that it covers the rice by 1-1.5 cm. The water should just boil! Under no circumstances pour cold water - this is not good for the pilaf, nor for the multicooker bowl. Salt, add spices. Mix thoroughly - we won't do this again!

Wash the head of garlic, remove the roots, upper layer husks and insert, unpeeled, into the center of the bowl. If desired, add a broken one Bay leaf. Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “pilaf” mode.

We prepare until the end of the program. After the sound signal, do not open the lid for another 5-10 minutes. We put our fragrant crumbly real Uzbek pilaf on a dish, throwing away the unnecessary bones, and invite everyone to the table!

A unique kitchen appliance, the multicooker allows to the modern housewife prepare dishes of any complexity in the shortest possible time. Thanks to this wonderful device various side dishes, soups and baked goods will turn out excellent even for a person far from cooking. The fact is that this kitchen appliance is so easy to use and “smart” due to built-in programs that it is almost impossible to spoil food.

You can also easily and simply cook complex foods in a slow cooker. oriental dish- pilaf. This function is provided in almost all popular brands of the device: “Vitek”, “Mulinex”, “Panasonic”, “Polaris”, “Redmond”, “Scarlett”, “Philips” and others. They make pilaf very tasty, crumbly, like a real Uzbek side dish. You just need to set the cooking time correctly and temperature regime for each model.

We present to your attention step by step recipe with photos and video instructions, following which you can make an amazing eastern pilaf lamb in a slow cooker. In this case, your dish will turn out no worse than cooked in a cauldron.


Servings: – +

  • lamb meat 600-700 g
  • white round rice400 g
  • carrot 3 pcs.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • Bay leaf 3 pcs.
  • spices and seasonings (cumin, black ground pepper, saffron, barberry, coriander) taste
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil3 tbsp.

Per serving

Calories: 139 kcal

Proteins: 6 g

Fats: 10.5 g

Carbohydrates: 9.8 g

30 min. Video recipe Print

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Advice: Lamb for pilaf should be fresh and have a bright red color of meat. It is better to choose the back, shoulder or breast.

Features of cooking pilaf in a slow cooker

To get excellent results you need to follow some rules.

  1. Products must be added to the kitchen appliance in stages.
  2. The standard “Pilaf” function is available in almost all types of multicookers. If one is not found, then it is easy to replace. By combining modes and adjusting time and temperature, you can create any cooking masterpiece. For example, in the "Rice" program they cook lean, dietary pilaf without meat. It is also recommended to use this function for preparing sweet pilaf with dried fruits or milk. The "Baking" mode can be used to fry vegetables and meat. Function "Porridge" - Alternative option"Pilaf" mode. Thanks to this program, the liquid is perfectly evaporated, and the ingredients are saturated with aromas and made juicy.
  3. Depending on model and power kitchen appliance, pilaf can be cooked in a slow cooker different time. The fastest way to prepare a dish is in a pressure cooker, where the process occurs under steam pressure in a hermetically sealed container.
  4. The main advantages of a smart device are uniform heating of all ingredients and a “thermos” function. Thanks to this, the food almost never burns. No need to add great amount oils for cooking various dishes. Side dishes and porridges are more dietary and lean.

The most popular pilaf in a slow cooker is with lamb. This meat is fatty and juicy, it perfectly soaks any kind of rice, and the side dish turns out deliciously rich and appetizing.

For piquancy and originality, you can add some unique “notes” to the recipe. For example, apples, raisins, and prunes would be an interesting combination with meat and rice. Especially delicious pilaf made with mushrooms, they are fried together with vegetables and meat. Main secret delicious pilaf- preparing it from quality products with imagination and love.

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Nutritious, aromatic and very tasty dish– lamb pilaf has long become a multinational dish and is welcomed by gourmets in different countries ah peace. The recipe did not go unnoticed by representatives of Russian cuisine. And an even greater advantage is the ease of preparation, especially with the use of modern kitchen appliances. So, today, with the readers of Popular About Health, we will prepare delicious lamb pilaf in a Redmond multicooker, and you will definitely need a step-by-step recipe for this more than once, and also useful tips from the article.

How to cook pilaf in a slow cooker with lamb?

Traditionally, this dish is prepared in a thick-walled cauldron. It produces crumbly, aromatic and incredibly tasty pilaf. But the recipe using the Redmond multicooker is no worse. It provides a special “Pilaf” function, but if some models do not have such a program, you can use the “Stew” mode. Experienced housewives We also learned to combine functions, using them separately for meat, rice and vegetables.

To quickly and without special effort To prepare pilaf at home, you will need the following products:

1-2 medium carrots;
- 1-2 medium onions;
- 0.5 kg of lamb meat;
- 0.5 kg of long grain rice;
- 80 ml vegetable oil;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic;
- salt and spices to taste (usually barberry, coriander, cumin, a mixture of peppers).

And the same composition of ingredients is used to prepare traditional Uzbek pilaf in a cauldron. The composition of seasonings and spices can be varied to suit your taste. It is advisable to choose fattier lamb pulp.

We start cooking by preparing the lamb. Wash the pulp well, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into equal pieces of approximately 2-3 cm.

Peel and chop the onion, preferably large cubes. Preheat the multicooker on the “Fry” function, pour vegetable oil into the bowl, wait 2-3 minutes until it warms up well. Add the onion to the oil, and after a few minutes add the meat. Fry all ingredients until golden brown crust, and add salt only after all the liquid has boiled away.

It's time to add chopped carrots to the meat and onions. For another 5-6 minutes in the same “Frying” mode, we bring our zirvak to readiness - this is the name of the meat and vegetable base for pilaf. At this time, you can do the spices. If not ready set seasonings for pilaf, choose any according to your taste.

For example, coriander - you need to crush it thoroughly, add a mixture of peppers, barberry and cumin to it. The resulting spicy mixture is sent to the meat.

Do you feel the aroma already in your kitchen? Now we send the rice to our base in the bowl. Do not mix the ingredients, but carefully distribute the cereal on top of the meat. Pour boiling and pre-salted water over everything. The volume in the multicooker bowl should not exceed the 2 liter mark.

Switch the multicooker to the “Pilaf” or “Stew” program, close and leave for 40-45 minutes. About halfway through the cooking process, add a few cloves of garlic to the pilaf (preferably young and not peeled). After cooking, leave the pilaf in the slow cooker for some more time, so it will finally cook and be ready to serve.

It is almost impossible to distinguish the taste of a dish cooked in a slow cooker from pilaf cooked in a cauldron. Unless you feel the absence fragrant haze, as when cooking over a fire. By the way, some housewives, when using a multicooker as a device for preparing pilaf or shish kebab, put a small twig from a cherry tree into the bowl. This indescribable spicy aroma the haze fills the entire kitchen space and further enhances your appetite! Well, was the pilaf in the Redmond slow cooker a success?

Time: 70 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 4 out of 5

Recipe for delicious and aromatic Uzbek lamb pilaf in a slow cooker

At first glance, it seems that lamb pilaf in a slow cooker is a rather banal dish, and its recipe is very simple. Nothing special seems to be required, frying meat is not difficult, and do the same with vegetables.

Cooking rice is generally a piece of cake. All that remains is to mix everything. But this is a misconception to cook real pilaf, you will have to try very hard, but you need to find a suitable recipe.

This dish has three main components - rice, lamb and zirvak. Everything else is up to your taste. There are lovers of fatty pilaf, while others have their own preferences regarding spices. First, I will describe the basics of cooking delicious food, and then I’ll give you a good and detailed recipe.

To prepare delicious pilaf, you need to go through three stages.

  • First you will need to heat the vegetable oil well.
  • Next, prepare zirvak, that is, fry meat with vegetables.
  • Lastly, add rice and liquid. Well, bring the dish to readiness.

Do not rush to cover the rice with a lid immediately after boiling, let it “boil” a little. If you cook food on the stove, then first the fire should be high, then medium, and only after that turn it very low and close the lid so that the rice evaporates.

It is important to make zirvak correctly, it plays a key role in cooking and the entire recipe depends on it, and cooking begins with it. IN classic version you need to fry the meat, onions and carrots.

Please note that if you have a good quality recipe, then you will cut the carrots into small strips and not grate them.

When choosing rice, choose the long-grain variety.

You should not take Indian or Thai cereals. And there’s no need to take steamed rice. Of course, it won’t boil over, but it won’t useful substances and it no longer contains elements. It's rather perfect useless product. But your recipe will only benefit from Tajik and Uzbek varieties of rice; Italian cereals will also work.

Now let's talk about meat. Since our recipe includes lamb, we will buy it. The most suitable parts of the carcass for our dish are the breast, shoulder or rear end. Remember that you can only take fresh meat; it has a rich red color.

Before you start cooking, you must remove all fascia and tendons, wash the meat thoroughly and cut it into small slices.

But I advise you to choose spices based on your preferences. You can even use a ready-made mixture that is intended for pilaf.


Cooking technology

If all the ingredients are at hand, the vegetables and meat are washed, the rice is thoroughly washed, then you can start cooking.

As I said, the process consists of three stages.


Step 1

Not every multicooker has a “Pilaf” mode, so first we switch our unit to the “Frying” mode and set the timer for twenty-five minutes.

Step 2

The onion is cut into thin rings or half rings.

Place it in the “miracle oven” and fry for five minutes. Fry the meat into medium-sized cubes until they turn white.


Step 3

All our spices need to be thoroughly ground, this can be done with a mortar and we put them in a slow cooker. Of course you can use ready-made mixtures, but I prefer to do everything myself.

Step 4

We wait about fifteen minutes and add chopped carrots to the meat.

We wait another seven minutes. Now it's the turn of the raisins and butter. In total, frying lasts a little less than half an hour.

Add rice

Step 5

The cereal, which we have previously washed well, is poured into the multicooker bowl on top of the zirvak. After this, using circular movements, very carefully pour in hot water. Make sure that the rice is submerged one centimeter in the liquid.

Step 6

The head of garlic only needs to be washed, it is not peeled. Just put it in the center. All that remains is to switch the multicooker to the “Pilaf” or “Porridge” mode and wait about forty minutes.

Once the dish is ready, do not open the lid and let it sit for a few more minutes.

Watch another version of this dish in the video below: