Switching to a raw food diet. Healthy foods, or rather not harmful

Despite the fact that I first learned about the gluten-free diet 10 years ago, and already 5 years ago specialty stores healthy foods sold various gluten-free products like bread and cookies, it was in the last year or two that there was a real explosion in the popularity of the gluten-free diet. Restaurant menus have begun to feature gluten-free options with a speed, diligence, and generality that vegans and even vegetarians can only envy. And foods that never contained gluten were suddenly labeled as “gluten-free” - eggs, for example, or peanut paste, or even vegetables and meat. When I was in Santa Fe in the summer - a small but very advanced city in New Mexico - it was simply impossible to escape the gluten-free theme. Gluten-free signs were on everything, every menu had gluten-free dishes, and cookbook shelves in cafes and stores were literally bursting with a variety of gluten-free books. It was there that I realized that the gluten-free diet had become irrevocably fashionable and entered the mainstream. And last Christmas, at communion at the Lutheran church where I went to the service, there was gluten-free bread for those who wanted it!

There have always been people who really can’t eat gluten – the protein from the seeds of cereal plants (wheat, rye, barley). This is nothing new. About 1 in 100 people have a genetic gluten intolerance. This is called celiac disease. Such genetic intolerance comes in varying degrees, but if anyone has ever met a person with celiac disease, he knows that this is not a whim. My first friend with celiac disease told me that he once put a balm on his lips, which, as it turned out, contained gluten - he had severe diarrhea for a long time. three days. One thing to be happy about for people with celiac disease is that they now have more choice than ever – in cafes, in shops, and at house parties.

However, many people claim - and write a lot about it on the Internet - that they have some sensitivity to gluten. These people have varying degrees of unpleasant digestive symptoms that improve markedly when gluten is eliminated from the diet. This is now called “gluten sensitivity without celiac disease.” Countless forums and websites also like to attribute gluten sensitivity to the familiar list of common problems of a modern person - fatigue, acne, joint pain, excess weight, headache.

The fashion for a gluten-free diet certainly exceeds all estimates of actual physical gluten intolerance among the population. It’s clear why this diet is so advertised. Eliminating gluten from your diet is not at all difficult, and by replacing regular bread, dough and pasta With gluten-free versions, you can continue to eat fatty, sweet, and basically anything in any quantity - and your health problems will magically be solved on their own because of the damned gluten. And special gluten-free products are really very expensive - a huge new industry has just exploded on them. But a gluten-free diet is not automatically a healthy diet. Despite various advertisements, eliminating gluten alone does not lead to weight loss or cure all diseases. A person without celiac disease and without true gluten sensitivity will not benefit from eliminating gluten.

You can try a gluten-free diet - it is not harmful, only expensive if you buy specialized products. If you have long-term problems with the gastrointestinal tract (what is commonly called “irritable bowel syndrome” or IBS), great. However, a recent study found that most people without celiac disease who follow a gluten-free diet to control GI symptoms experience the same “negative symptoms” from eating gluten, whey, and placebo. Also, actual gluten sensitivity was present in only 8% of people who self-identified as gluten sensitive. In other words, the vast majority of people make up their own gluten sensitivity. But you never know modern world reasons for indigestion? Food that is far from natural, a variety of medicines and vitamins, high levels stress, lack of sleep, even sitting at the computer for a long time - all this has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and health in general.

There is also a substantiated theory that in fact, many people with chronic gastrointestinal problems do not digest gluten poorly, but a group of nutrients generically called FODMAPs are fiber and carbohydrates found in grains as well as other foods—specific fruits, vegetables, dietary supplements, and dairy products. If you have IBS, you can try a diet low in FODMAPs - there is good writing about it. I will write about it in more detail another time.

The big advantage of a raw food diet is that you practically don’t have to think about gluten. Flax bread, zucchini pasta, no semi-finished products and a minimum food additives. If you are gluten intolerant, a raw food diet will be very easy for you.

What gluten-containing products are used in sulfur diet:

1. Wheat, sprouted. You can make porridge from it or eat it on its own. Unlike the traditional Western diet, wheat does not play a big role in the raw food diet.
2. – fermented drink made with sprouted wheat. It can be made with cabbage or other sprouted grains and pseudo-cereals (for example, quinoa - it turns out great, and even faster, because quinoa sprouts in one day).
3. . They sell cold-processed oatmeal that you can eat by pouring over your cereal. nut milk or water. However, oatmeal itself does not contain gluten - as a rule, it simply gets into it during milling in the same factory as wheat. Quite often, special oatmeal such as raw oatmeal can be gluten-free.
4. Shoyu soy sauce. It can be replaced not raw, but gluten-free soy sauce“tamari”.
5. Miso – some types (with wheat, barley and rye). But there is miso with rice and even with chickpeas - gluten-free.

This is all. The rest of the products on the raw food menu have nothing to do with wheat or gluten. I myself actually live on a gluten-free diet about five days a week without thinking about it at all.

Things are moving towards spring, in a couple of weeks the locals will start spring vegetables. I want to post the last one for real winter recipe– with root vegetables, citruses and pomegranate.

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As can be seen from the description, millet and the water from it for health purposes (MAINLY) are consumed thermally untreated.
Generally a good site.
The only bad thing is that most people, when they are pressed by an illness, immediately run to the pharmacy for chemistry, considering herbal medicine to be “slow”.

You have exactly as much time for treatment as you allocate for yourself.

If you want to die quickly and painfully, use medical chemistry from pharmaceutical companies.

Curiosity took over, no, it really touched a nerve: I leafed through two dozen fairly respectable, popular medical books published in large editions - there was not a word about millet in them. It’s as if it’s not medicinal at all. It’s time to turn to some cookbook, but they will only write about porridge there. And not a word about the fact that millet can treat hypertension, pancreatitis, diabetes, liver, bladder, hemorrhoids and even night blindness, not to mention some other diseases.
Yes, millet is an ancient crop, although it is far behind wheat, rye, rice, buckwheat, oats and other grains. Without much enthusiasm, Avicenna writes about it casually: “The millet knits a little and dries without drying. Millet is a good poultice to soothe pain, but if not prepared properly it produces bad blood. It is less nutritious than other grains used to make bread. The nutritional value of millet is not great: it is viscous and somewhat thinning, as some doctors say, but if you boil it in milk or in water with wheat bran, then its nutritional value is excellent, especially if it is eaten with ghee or almond oil. Millet, whether its substance or bread made from it, is slowly digested in the stomach. Millet is used to make a poultice for pain in the intestines. It drives urine."
For that matter, it contains no less protein than semolina; in terms of starch, millet is not much inferior to rice; potassium - 4 times, and magnesium - 5 times more than in rice. Only in terms of amino acid composition, millet is inferior to buckwheat proteins. But it contains a lot of nicotinic acid, it contains copper and manganese. Therefore, millet has the ability to stimulate hematopoiesis. And magnesium promotes the expansion of coronary vessels. It seems that initial information about undeservedly forgotten millet is quite enough.
A valuable property of millet is to remove residual antibiotics and their decomposition products from the body (when taking antibiotics, you need to eat daily millet porridge). The ability of millet to reduce the growth of tumors has been revealed. Its diuretic effect helps in the treatment of dropsy. You can also add that millet heals broken and strengthens damaged bones, heals wounds and promotes the connection of soft tissues, strengthens the muscular system.
As they say, the need for invention is cunning. For some diseases, when it seems like all remedies have been tried, someone remembered millet. I tried to be treated with its help - you see, it helped. I told it to a relative or neighbor, who told his friends, and there he went for a walk from mouth to mouth, a new recipe that was still unknown to anyone and had not been worn out in various medical clinics.
HYPERTENSION. Now it’s impossible to establish who was the first to think of taking 3 tablespoons of cereal, rinsing, drying, pounding in a mortar and eating it in a day without drinking water. And after a few days, bring the working pressure to normal, although recently it reached (systolic) up to 200. After three to four weeks of treatment, it was possible to “calm down” blood pressure on long time.
Flour should not be cooked for future use - it loses quality. However, for hypertension, you can brew the grain as tea - it has a similar effect.
DIABETES. It is useful to take 1 tablespoon of millet flour once a week. Use this product for a long time.
PANCREATITIS. Pour 1 cup of millet into a pan (enameled, without chips) with 2 liters of water and cook until the cereal is completely boiled. Separately, grate about a glass of pumpkin, add to the pan with millet and cook for another 20 minutes. Lightly salt, pour in 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil and eat for dinner. The duration of the treatment course is 3 weeks. After 10 days, repeat the healing dinner - the inflammatory process in the pancreas tissues decreases.
NIGHT BLINDNESS. It has been noted that millet dishes give the eyes vigilance at dusk and in the darkness of the night. Prepare in the same way as for pancreatitis.
CLOGGES IN THE LIVER AND GALL BLADDER. To remove such blockages and cleanse them, the grains that have been removed from impurities are poured with water and boiled without being cooked. The dishes are wrapped and simmered for several hours. All this brew should be eaten within 24 hours (a total of 3 4 small portions, salt is not recommended). Heating is not allowed - repeat heat treatment reduces healing effect. If necessary, you can repeat it after a week.
PROTEIN IN URINE. Rinse the millet, then pour boiling water over it and stir until cloudy. Let it sit for a bit and pour into a glass. Take the infusion in equal parts several times a day - the amount you drink does not really matter. Continue treatment until the results are received, and they will not be slow in waiting; in the near future, tests will show that the protein is normal.
CONJUNCTIVITIS. Rinse 1 tablespoon of cereal, add 1 glass of water, cook for 10-15 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Wash your eyes with the decoction before and after sleep. The treatment is also good for children.
HAEMORRHOIDS. Prepare 6-8 kg of unhulled grain per course. In a three-liter glass jar pour washed grain into a third, fill to the top boiled water, put it in a dark, cool place for 4 days - all healing compounds will pass into the water. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. While treatment is ongoing (it takes about four days), in another jar prepare a fresh infusion so as not to be interrupted. Course 20 30 days without a break. The nodes gradually dissolve and bleeding stops. If necessary, to fully consolidate the results obtained, repeat the course a week later.
CYSTITIS. Rinse half a glass of millet with slow movements just to remove dust and debris. Drain the water and transfer the millet to liter jar and pour a glass of water, raw or boiled - it doesn’t matter if it’s just room temperature. And beat vigorously with your hand and knead with your fingers. The water will turn whitish - you need to drink it all. Drink as much as you can in a day - there are no restrictions. Pain in the urinary canal and bladder stops almost instantly. Frequent urges also stop bothering me. To completely get rid of cystitis, you need to drink it for at least two weeks, and you can cook porridge from the used millet - it will only do good.
LICHEN. It is lubricated with the foam that forms when millet is cooked. It helps, especially if you do it daily.
* * *
Millet is often blamed for being bitter. The fact is that the fats contained in millet oxidize quite quickly, and the grain becomes bitter in taste. So when purchasing, ask for fresh grain rather than stale grain. With colitis, especially in older people, millet can cause constipation - this must be taken into account and the necessary measures taken. For gastritis with increased acidity Heartburn is common.

Symbol healthy eating- oatmeal. The benefits and harms of a bowl of such porridge for breakfast were not discussed only by the lazy. Most often, among ladies who care about their appearance, praise is given to this dish. Maybe common myths prevent them from assessing the real properties of the cereal? Find out what experts think about this - chemists, doctors, nutritionists.

Why are oats more valuable than other grains?

The English and Scots cannot imagine traditional cuisine no oatmeal. In our country, many follow their example, preferring oats to other cereals. They are right, because oats are richer in composition than many others cereal crops.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that oatmeal contains a high percentage of soluble fiber and protein compounds. Good cleaning digestive system, rapid absorption of the product and a morning boost of energy thanks to these components are guaranteed to you.

In addition, a whole set of useful components.

Main components of oatmeal (per 100 g):

  • 74% of daily norm manganese;
  • 10% of daily doses of B1 and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium;
  • less than 10% fluorine, iodine, sulfur, nickel, calcium, potassium, pyroxene;
  • small proportions of vitamins B6, B7, B2, K, A, PP and E;
  • 5 essential organic acids for the body.

The benefits of raw oatmeal are more pronounced because the supply of vitamins and minerals is retained in full.

The healing properties of oats: indisputable facts

Scientists report that the combination of beneficial compounds in oats has a therapeutic effect on the human body.

Useful properties of oats:

  • restores proper metabolism;
  • improves digestive process and treats constipation, colitis, flatulence;
  • relieves dermatitis and allergic rashes;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system, especially the leg plate;
  • protects against hair loss, gives hair shine and smoothness;
  • alleviates the condition of blood pathologies and of cardio-vascular system;
  • used to prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension and weakness;
  • puts things in order nervous system, thyroid gland and liver;
  • relieves muscle pain, increases endurance and immunity.

Of course, you shouldn’t count on a miracle when you’ve only had oatmeal for breakfast a couple of times. Positive changes in the body will begin only if you consume this dish systematically.

Oatmeal and weight loss

The main pitfall of eating oatmeal is its calorie content.

In 100 g of such food, milk contains 102 Kcal, and water contains 14 Kcal less.

Despite the decent calorie content, oatmeal is not the enemy of those losing weight. The proteins contained in the product act on the muscles, but do not allow the growth of the fat layer.

Also, a small plate of porridge will give you a feeling of fullness for the whole day, because this food is very nutritious. But if you are on a diet, you should forget about adding milk, sugar, butter, salt to the dish. Are you saying that this oatmeal is not a tasty breakfast? Saturation with positive emotions, which also help to lose weight, has not been canceled. You just need to know what makes porridge tastier without harming your figure.

Acceptable additives to oatmeal:

  • A handful chopped nuts;
  • 5-10 g honey;
  • a couple of tablespoons of low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  • fruit and berry mixture.

But do not overuse such natural flavor enhancers, otherwise energy value food may increase in the same way as when adding dairy products.

Not all oatmeal is healthy

No one will argue that oatmeal is healthy, but after steaming it loses most of its healing components. If you want to improve your health with oatmeal, cook porridge from whole grains - they are much less susceptible to the aggressive effects of boiling water than flakes.

Porridge made from whole grains takes much longer to cook, and not everyone is ready to devote so much time to cooking. But considering the benefits and harms of oatmeal for the body, many would agree to cook it, only faster. An alternative to a whole grain product can be coarse flakes (No. 1).

To buy quality product made from oats, you need to remember at least 5 main criteria for its quality.

5 rules for choosing quality products:

  • choose white flakes with a slight beige tint;
  • the composition should not contain additives, especially sweeteners and monosodium glutamate;
  • make sure that the packaging is not damaged;
  • the shelf life of the product cannot exceed 5 months;
  • how coarser grind, the more benefits.

Raw oatmeal: benefits and harms

Of course, oatmeal that has not been subjected to heat treatment, will bring all of the above natural resources to the body. But even if you are an “experienced” supporter of a raw food diet, do not rush to eat raw oatmeal without understanding how such food can be harmful.

Excessive "cleaning" potential

Without liquid, hard dietary fiber, which is abundant in unprocessed cereals, is a serious test for the intestines. Instead of intense cleansing, oatmeal may “reward” you with increased gas formation and bloating. To prevent this from happening, be sure to increase your drink intake.

"Insidious" phytic acid

Oats contain phytic acid. This substance is destroyed during the preparation of the product, but how will this component disappear from raw cereal? It will begin to combine with certain minerals and interfere with their absorption. The only way to reduce the number harmful acid without cooking - soaking oatmeal overnight in milk and fruit.

Harmful properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal, like any other dish, is not recommended to be consumed in unlimited quantities. If you eat too much oatmeal, the body will lose calcium (this microelement is washed out due to an overdose of oats), vitamin D and some other substances (their absorption is impaired). Such losses do not leave their mark on the bone tissue - it will become very fragile.

Celiac disease (a disease in which the digestion of grains is impossible) is a reason that forces you to refuse even one spoon of oatmeal.

Read also:

You should be happy if oatmeal is among your family's favorite foods. The health benefits and harms of this product are surrounded by myths, but now you know what to believe and what not to believe. Properly selected and well-prepared oat products, in the absence of contraindications, reduce the frequency of visits to doctors by almost half. Delicious breakfast Have a great mood!

The article belongs to the site polza-ne-vred.ru When copying, an active, indexed link to the source is required.


Oatmeal - health benefits and harms

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Oats are a unique cereal crop. Its shell and core contain many nutrients that have a positive effect on all human systems and organs. Cereals loved by many for their special nutritional properties. Oatmeal is a great cleanser digestive tract and has many others useful qualities. Let's talk about them in order, and also consider possible harm from use.

Composition of oat flakes

Oatmeal is the most common oat-based product. Everyone has been familiar with Hercules porridge since childhood, which gives strength and energizes you for the whole day. The chemical list of elements is quite extensive.

It is worth mentioning right away that the cleaning properties of oatmeal are made possible due to the accumulation dietary fiber rough type. They gently release the intestines from stagnation and fecal stones, absorb and remove toxins.

A special place is given to vitamins from group B. They are required by the human central nervous system to normalize the psycho-emotional background and combat insomnia. Vitamins also have positive influence on skin, hair, teeth and nails.

Iodine, which oatmeal is rich in, prevents thyroid diseases, improves brain function and physical activity. If you have iodine deficiency, your mood worsens; oatmeal copes with this problem.

Ready porridge famous for its high concentration of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). These substances act as natural antioxidants, they prolong youth and are responsible for the beauty of skin and hair.

As for mineral compounds, oatmeal boasts calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and iron. There is an excess of all these substances in cereals.

People with celiac disease may benefit from knowing that oatmeal is gluten-free. The basis of the dish is complex carbohydrates (more than 60%), proteins (12%), fats (6%). Calorie content of a 100 g serving. is 323 Kcal.

benefit and harm oatmeal

The benefits of oatmeal

  1. The effect of oatmeal on the body is noticeable after the first intake. The person feels better, anxiety decreases, retreats chronic fatigue. All this becomes possible thanks to intestinal cleansing and the beneficial effects of B vitamins on the body.
  2. Oatmeal is great for constipation, including chronic constipation. Thanks to daily use, all problems with stool disorders go away. Oatmeal is indicated for pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer. Porridge restores intestinal motility and microflora, reduces the likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis.
  3. Due to the accumulation of “heart” minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, heart function improves. Oatmeal cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the circulatory system from cholesterol plaques. Cereals should be eaten by people who are prone to strokes and heart attacks.
  4. There are also some beneficial qualities of oatmeal for people with diabetes. The product normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents it from “jumping.”
  5. Thanks to the abundance of vitamins and minerals the body's protective functions improve. It is advisable to consume oatmeal in winter period when the flu epidemic begins. The dish is also recommended for those who suffer from low immunity from birth.
  6. Oatmeal helps you recover faster after an illness or a recent complex operation. Thanks to the presence of complex carbohydrates, mood improves, strength and energy increase.
  7. An extremely healthy dish for people who work hard mentally. By stimulating brain neurons, a person becomes resilient, memory and concentration improve.
  8. Traditional healers adhere to the practice of taking a decoction of finely ground oatmeal during pneumonia. It is better to prepare such a drug with milk.
  9. If you are prone to blood clots, be sure to include oatmeal in your diet. It is useful to eat porridge to cleanse the liver, remove stones and sand from the kidneys, and improve the outflow of bile.
  10. The substances that make up the flakes take an active part in the production of new blood cells. This improves its circulation and quality, and improves all vital processes in the body.
  11. If you make lotions from oatmeal, you can easily cure burns and cuts. The gruel is also used as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin particles.
  12. The porridge contains many antioxidants, which prolong youth by saturating cells with oxygen and thickening membranes. The product is famous for its diuretic properties, as a result of which you can easily get rid of edema.
  13. Oatmeal is often included in the diet of people who are obese or have problems with overweight. By increasing everyone metabolic processes cleansing and comfortable weight loss occurs.

Oatmeal during pregnancy and lactation

  1. During pregnancy, the fair sex needs a sufficient amount folic acid. The enzyme is actively involved in the development of the baby. Folic acid reduces the risk of developing pathologies associated with the fetal brain.
  2. A serving of oatmeal contains about 15-17% of the daily requirement of folic acid. In addition, the product is rich in B vitamins. If a woman does not have enough thiamine, tachycardia may develop.
  3. Symptoms include shortness of breath, disturbed sleep and increased irritability. A sufficient amount of vitamin B1 solves most problems with cardiovascular and nervous systems. Troubles usually begin towards the end of pregnancy.
  4. Riboflavin is necessary for the body for the normal absorption of various active ingredients. Vitamin B2 is involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Riboflavin is necessary for hematopoiesis. The substance helps avoid the development of problems with the optic nerves.
  5. Vitamin B2 is also indispensable for the formation of the fetus without deviations. Therefore, it is worth understanding that a representative of the fair sex in this position simply cannot be allowed to lack this element.
  6. The flakes are famous for the abundance of pyridoxine in their composition. Vitamin B6 helps pregnant girls avoid the consequences of toxicosis. The body needs the enzyme for the proper absorption of other B vitamins.
  7. During pregnancy, a woman is most at risk of developing anemia. Therefore, the body needs products with increased content gland. Oatmeal will become an integral part of your daily diet. The product contains 20% of the daily requirement of the mineral.
  8. Many girls face the problem of constipation during pregnancy. Systematically eating cereal-based porridge will cope with the pressing problem without any problems.
  9. In order for the baby to properly form bone tissue, the body requires a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium. The presence of iodine in the product allows you to avoid the development of pathologies associated with the brain. All necessary list microelements are contained in the flakes.
  10. After giving birth, including oatmeal in your diet should become an integral part. The product will help the body to fully recover in a short time. Oatmeal also quickly replenishes large blood losses. During the lactation period, raw materials help increase breast milk.

Possible harm of oatmeal

  1. It is forbidden to include oatmeal in the diet if you are intolerant to cereals. This disease can lead to disastrous consequences, be careful. It is important to consult a specialist in time and avoid complications.
  2. If you eat oatmeal excessively, your body will soon suffer from calcium deficiency. Cereals in large quantities wash this mineral out of tissues. In the process, osteoporosis develops and the accumulation of phytic acid increases.

Oatmeal has a number of advantages over most products. Everyone can afford raw materials. As a result of regularly eating porridge, you will improve and strengthen your health. It is important to follow the product consumption rate and take into account contraindications.

benefit and harm oat bran

Video: benefits of oatmeal


The harm of oatmeal consumed in the morning every day for human health

Oatmeal - favorite treat many people who care about their health. This dish is considered one of the healthiest. It would seem that if you eat oatmeal for breakfast you will be healthy. But everything is not as simple as it seems. The harm of oatmeal may be no less than the benefits of it.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oats are a very nutritious and healthy product. It contains many vitamins and microelements, organic acids. Oatmeal is widely used in folk medicine:

  • improves digestion;
  • strengthens hair;
  • eliminates muscle pain;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • increases the tone of the body.

However, it is worth noting that not every oatmeal is healthy: the harm to health of cereals is due to the way it is processed in industrial conditions.

Which oatmeal should you choose?

The most beneficial are whole oat grains. This is how the porridge is served in the UK. In Scotland, where oatmeal is considered national dish, cook exclusively whole grains. They contain a lot of fiber and mucous substances.

However, this dish has a number of disadvantages. The most important thing is the long cooking time. It takes 40 minutes to cook the porridge. In today's time crunch, this is becoming too much of a luxury. In this regard, many people choose oatmeal, which just needs to be poured with boiling water to be ready. But such a mess carries as much harm as good. Why is oatmeal harmful to humans? instant cooking?

“Extra” flakes are obtained from crushed oat grains. Due to industrial processing, oats lose their structure. The flakes are characterized by a high starch content and are not big amount fiber. If you consume them for breakfast every day, you can easily become obese.

The most acceptable raw material option for preparing porridge is Hercules flakes. They are not as delicate in taste as “Extra”, but they retain the integrity of the grain structure. Another advantage is the relatively little time cooking - 20-25 minutes. However, with fresh oats in its own way beneficial properties"Hercules" still can't compare.

Why is oatmeal harmful?

Contrary to popular belief, daily use Eating oatmeal for breakfast will not improve your health, but can lead to serious consequences. The harm of oatmeal every day is explained by some of its properties and chemical composition.

  • Oat groats contains phytin, or phytic acid. It leaches calcium from bones. Despite the fairly high calcium content in oatmeal itself, it will not be absorbed in the body: phytin will prevent this. The harm of eating oatmeal every day in the morning is explained by the fact that you can easily cause osteoporosis.
  • Oatmeal contains gluten, a gluten that can cause an allergic reaction. For this reason, oat porridge is contraindicated for babies under 11 months. The harm of daily oatmeal for breakfast will be that gluten sticks together the villi in the intestines and impairs digestion. As a result, celiac disease develops, a disease in which the intestinal villi become incapacitated and stop absorbing nutrients.
  • The calorie content of oatmeal makes it difficult to consume it every day. 100 g of Hercules flakes contain 350 kcal, and Extra - 380 kcal. In this regard, overeating and, as a consequence, obesity are possible.
  • Oatmeal threatens to develop diabetes mellitus. The starch they contain in large quantities is converted into sugar and increases blood glucose levels.

Why shouldn't you eat oatmeal for breakfast?

Many people believe that oatmeal is... the best option for breakfast. However, nutritionists have long rejected this opinion. Why is morning oatmeal harmful to humans?

The main role of breakfast is to charge the body with energy for the whole day and speed up metabolism. This means that meals eaten in the morning should not be digested immediately and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. These are the properties that protein foods have (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products).

Oatmeal, even cooked with milk, will give the body 300-400 kcal, which completely covers the calorie content of breakfast. However, the effect of satiety will not last long, and after a couple of hours the person will want to eat again. At the same time, he has already taken his calorie quota. It turns out that oatmeal provokes unnecessary snacking and contributes to overeating. At the same time, it is also unable to provide our body with energy for the whole day, since it does not contain protein in large quantities.

Once in the body, porridge provokes the release of insulin due to high content carbohydrates. A sharp feeling of hunger develops: a person eats, but is not satisfied.

How to eat oatmeal correctly?

Listed harmful properties oatmeal does not mean at all that from traditional dish need to refuse. Moderate consumption of a properly selected and prepared product will only benefit the body. Those who prefer oatmeal should remember a few simple rules:

  • eat no more than 2-3 servings per week;
  • To prepare porridge, choose either whole oat grains or Hercules flakes. Instant “Extra” oat flakes will do more harm than good;
  • Do not cook porridge with milk, as this combination of products worsens digestion.

Raw food porridge. When we hear this phrase, the first picture that appears before our eyes is a pile of dry wheat, rice or buckwheat. And many questions immediately arise: how to cook from raw grains delicious porridge? how to germinate grains correctly? Why train yourself to eat raw food porridge instead of the familiar boiled porridge with butter?

What are the benefits of raw cereal porridge?

Raw food porridges made from soaked grains, especially with sprouts, contain live enzymes that facilitate digestion and provide the body with the maximum amount of nutrients - proteins, microelements and vitamins.

How to soak and germinate raw grain?

Raw grains are very easy to cook - for this you need to soak them properly. The time it takes for the grain to be completely saturated with water will depend on whether the grain is ground in advance or not.

If you buy pre-crushed grains of oats, rye, wheat, they are usually very dry and require more water and more soaking time. This process usually takes several hours - until grain grinding will not become soft.

If you use a blender, coffee grinder or food processor with a flour milling attachment, please note that the grain must be ground to the state of coarse grain flour. This way, when water is added, raw food porridge will remain in the consistency of porridge, and will not turn into batter. This method requires less time for soaking - a couple of hours, because the grain does not have time to dry out much.

If you decide to soak the grains unground, then you will need to wait 1-2 days, and if you plan to eat sprouts - up to 5-7 days.

To sprout, place about a glass of grain in a large jar, fill with water and cover with gauze or a thin cloth. Leave to absorb for 24 hours in a dark place. After a day, drain the water and rinse the grains. Place them back into the container: there should be a little water so that the grains are moist, but do not sink. Put the jar back in a dark closet. Wash the grains once or twice a day for 4-7 days until sprouts appear. They can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

What grains should I use for raw food porridge?

The best ingredients for raw food porridges are oats, rye, wheat, flax and spelt. They are tasty and nutritious. The starch in all these grains becomes soft and pleasant in consistency after soaking.

Raw barley has a pronounced sour and bitter taste. Green buckwheat contains a lot of fiber, which, for all its benefits, gives a slimy texture. Corn and rice never become completely soft, even when crushed and soaked for a long time.

People allergic to wheat can eat oats, rye, or spelt. In this case, it is important to protect the blender or food processor from “contamination” wheat flour and do not buy ready-made chopped oats in the store.

What do you need to know when buying grains for raw food porridge?

Try to buy grains in the department organic products. This will help you minimize your consumption of grains grown with pesticides.

Avoid buying beans in opaque bags. This way, you are less likely to acquire moldy or old grains.

When purchasing, pay attention to the contamination of grain with pebbles, specks, and seeds. Such grain is not worth buying so as not to waste time on cleaning it.

The grains should not be green, unripe, or with black spots - all this can indicate either immaturity of the grain or infection with fungi.

Keep in mind that grain stored for more than two years will not germinate well.

Raw foodists are convinced that everything should be eaten only raw. Proving this by the fact that our ancestors did not know fire for several million years and ate everything raw. This means that our intestines can cope with unprocessed food and it will be healthier for the whole body.

Real raw foodists

The most famous in this category are yoga. They claim that fatty meat foods and alcohol make a person sedentary, lazy and unable to think. And all caffeinated drinks, salt, spicy seasonings, sugar, lean meat and fish interfere with concentrating thoughts, contribute to irritability and lust. The most useful are vegetables and fruits, as well as garden herbs, dairy and cereals. They help to establish harmony in the human body - spiritual and physical.

Tibetan monks do not eat meat or sugar. Their menu includes barley cakes and butter, and they drink tea and water. The butter is made from yak milk. In summer, vegetables are added: beets, potatoes, carrots. Cereals can also include rice.

Buddhist monks from Japan achieve mental perfection by eating only plant ingredients. Cereals include rice and barley, the rest are vegetables and soybeans.

Start of raw food diet

When becoming a raw foodist, a person can simply eat everything raw and has absolutely no idea that there are certain nutritional rules. In pursuit of beautiful figure You can harm your body. Starting to load the stomach with a large amount of raw food, a person only gets worse. And the whole point is that you need to know how raw foodists eat potatoes, rice, eggplants, cereals and everything else correctly.

There are two types of sensations after switching to raw food:

  1. The stomach is full, but there is no familiar feeling of fullness and heaviness. Such unfamiliarity is stressful and sometimes gives unpleasant feelings. It seems like something is wrong.
  2. The stomach is filled with everything: vegetables, nuts, beans, etc. In this version, the usual satiety already sets in and the person is glad that everything is fine.

If we consider the first option in more detail, it turns out that it is the correct one. There should be no heaviness in the stomach after eating. A feeling of lightness means that the body has already begun to cleanse itself. But in the second case, the stomach, filled with everything, stops or the processing process in it is slowed down. This means that there is only a new accumulation of toxic substances due to rotting food.

Rules for eating raw foods

  • Cooked food should be at room temperature.
  • Ready meals should not be stored for long periods of time.
  • It is recommended to have a late and fruit-based breakfast, something light for lunch, and have an early dinner and include the main percentage of the daily diet in it.
  • Fruits and nuts are consumed before lunch, otherwise their digestion becomes difficult.
  • If you feel unwell and have a fever, it is better to abstain from food or eat a little.

Some people, switching to a raw food diet, are interested in how to eat grains. To do this, whole grains (rice, wheat, barley, etc.) are soaked until they swell or sprout, and then crushed. It should be noted that buckwheat for eating is taken green, that is, not fried.

Questions also arise about the use of eggplants. They can also be eaten raw, but first remove the skin and soak in salted water to remove bitterness. From raw eggplant the dishes are delicious.

The attitude towards potatoes is ambiguous. Some raw foodists claim that potatoes contain a lot of starch, and by spring the amount of solanine increases. This toxic substance is found in the skin, so you can get rid of it by peeling the potatoes. There is a solution for starch as well. To do this, potatoes are finely grated and filled with water. After lying in the water, it will give up most of the starch, which is drained along with the liquid. Those who don’t mind starch can eat grated potatoes without this procedure.

Nutritionists recommend using fresh food in the following proportions 50:35:10:5. Where the first number is the number of fruits and berries, the second is vegetables, but without potatoes, the third is starchy foods(including potatoes) and the fourth - concentrates (nuts, seeds, dried fruits, honey, eggs, dairy). Condiments and spices should make up about 1% of all food.