Quitting coffee and tea: personal experience. Quitting coffee and tea is a small step towards health

Members and trainers in the Coach.me community have shared research data and their experiences about how much healthier and happier life can be if you give up coffee and other caffeinated drinks.

It’s easy to give up coffee – just set a goal for yourself and choose something that will replace it (water, freshly squeezed juice, Herb tea...). But many people don’t understand: why do this? Therefore, let's understand a little about our physiology.

How caffeine works

Caffeine is one of the world's most popular legal drugs. When you take a sip of coffee, tea or cola, caffeine molecules enter the bloodstream and with it into the brain, where they block adenosine receptors. Adenosine causes drowsiness, which is why caffeine is a great stimulant.

The more caffeine you consume, the more receptors are blocked, and so on until the body notices strong interference from the outside and creates new receptors to replace the blocked ones. Therefore, an increase in consumption is inevitable, because over time, more and more caffeine is required to achieve the same effect.

Six Benefits of Quitting Caffeine

1. Greater productivity

While caffeine obviously helps you concentrate, it kills your creativity. It is needed to generate ideas and manage multiple information flows. If you need to solve a new problem, your caffeine habit can work against you. One study even found that caffeine reduces motivation and productivity in self-motivated people who achieve great things without external incentives.

2. Greater flexibility

Psychological flexibility is good control over one's own emotional state and the ability to cope with external stress and unexpected situations without a noticeable decrease in productivity.

If you consume caffeine, your productivity and concentration depend in part on your next dose. What happens when you miss Morning coffee, afternoon tea or a can of Red Bull at the end of a hard day? Your efficiency will decrease. When you give up caffeine, you will be able to achieve high productivity and control your condition without external stimulants.

3. Less anxiety

The main advantage of caffeine is that it improves concentration for a while. But too much caffeine can cause anxiety, irritability, inattention, and even physical symptoms like trembling hands.

4. Savings

How much did you spend on caffeinated drinks this week? Let's calculate the expenses for the year.

  • Takeaway coffee: 70 rubles per glass * 7 days * 52 weeks = 25,480 rubles.
  • Average quality tea bags: 3 rubles per serving * 7 days * 52 weeks = 1,092 rubles.
  • 0.33 liter can of Coca-Cola: 32 rubles * 7 days * 52 weeks = 11,648 rubles.

With that kind of money you could go on a nice vacation or get good interest by putting it in the bank.

5. Weight loss

Studies that claim that caffeine speeds up metabolism do not take into account the fact that 65% of coffee and tea consumers regularly add sugar and/or creamer to their coffee.

Sweet tea and coffee, energy drinks, soda “cost” 100-300 kcal per serving. This can lead to weight gain of 3 to 12 kg per year if these calories are excess.

6. Better sleep

Caffeine ruins your sleep. It has been proven that people who consumed 400 mg of caffeine six hours before bed ( average portion espresso) slept an average of 41 minutes less than the control group. It was because of this that they experienced drowsiness during the day and a great need for a new portion of coffee.

How to Quit Caffeine

You have two options: do it gradually or abruptly.

If you decide to stop consuming caffeine all at once, there is a good chance that you will experience headaches, difficulty concentrating, and irritability within two to twenty days. The duration and intensity of symptoms depend on how much caffeine you consumed. The body will need time to cleanse and reconfigure its systems.

Gradual withdrawal is less painful, but longer. Start with replacement energy drinks for plain soda, and coffee for green tea. They still contain caffeine, but much less. After some time, you will be able to switch to water and herbal tea with almost no consequences.

Imagine for a couple of minutes that you have given up your favorite coffee. Oh God! Do you think life will begin to crumble and everything will turn to decay? You guessed it wrong, everything will be completely different...

Coffee has many benefits:

  • Firstly, it is fragrant and can wake you up in the morning with its smell.
  • Secondly, coffee gives us energy throughout the day: in many countries they drink coffee not once or twice a day, but once every half hour!
  • Thirdly, coffee perfectly unites the team and helps to establish pleasant contacts. Have a nice time with a friend, girlfriend, loved one over a cup of coffee. What would it be like without him?

Unfortunately, there is one “but”: coffee is not the best healthy drink for good health. Abuse of the drink (more than three cups a day) has serious consequences for the body. Harm of coffee to health:

  • Dependence equivalent to a drug;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Hypertension and many other health disorders.

Besides. caffeine washes out of the body and interferes with the absorption of such important microelements as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, as well as vitamins B1, B6.

So, let's imagine what will happen after giving up coffee...

1. Feeling unwell

Yes, it is likely that without caffeine your body will begin to malfunction, especially if you were previously addicted to this drink. For some time it will seem to you that the world is a sleepy kingdom, and you do not have the strength to live in this swamp. You may feel irritated for a while, sometimes falling into apathy.

The body experiences the absence of the usual caffeine acutely and vividly (a kind of withdrawal occurs) - try to remember everything that happened to you... then you will remember with a smile. In a few days (maximum - a week), the body will get used to living without external influxes of caffeine, and life will sparkle with bright colors again.

2. Lose a few pounds

After all, you clearly have too many of them! Together with coffee, the body receives a lot of extra calories: sugar, cookies and other baked goods go into the load with each cup. If, by increasing your daily dose of coffee, you notice unpleasant changes in your figure, this does not surprise us at all. Scientists say that with one cup of coffee, a person takes about 200 kilocalories into his body. Now multiply the number of daily cups and find out how fat appears on your thighs.

3. You need something to relieve nervous tension without caffeine.

Many people take it off with chocolates, chips, sandwiches, candies... all sorts of delicious things that are not even close to ascetic cookies. A smoker whose access to nicotine has been cut off follows the same pattern: he looks for an adequate substitute, and most often finds it in the refrigerator. Is it possible to fight this? Certainly. Just watch yourself, and every time your hand reaches out to delicious food, think, isn’t your old “coffee” habit to blame for this?

4. If you drink coffee before bed, you won't be able to sleep well.

Most likely, you will be able to sleep normally, but you will not be able to get enough sleep. The next morning you will not wake up in in better shape, and you will think about how to bring yourself to your senses. Of course with coffee! Or you could just not drink it at night. As a result, by giving up coffee completely, over time you will regain sleep and no longer need a cup of coffee in the morning. You will have the same amount of energy, maybe even more. You just need to wait a little: a week or two will be enough.

5. Calmness and self-confidence...

One of the most pleasant sensations that people constantly exchange for something secondary. Without coffee, you will be much calmer: the nervous system will not be subject to severe stress. Adrenaline, the hormone that coffee makes you secrete, forces you to make an unpleasant choice: either run or fight. There is no third option, even if you are absolutely alone in the apartment and lying in bed. The anxiety and restlessness will disappear after a while - along with the nervousness due to the lack of the usual caffeine.

6. You won’t feel like going in for sports for a while.

Adrenaline gave the necessary boost for sports, and now it’s gone... I don’t want to do anything - either I’m lazy, or there’s simply no need. It's okay: after some time you will want to go to the gym again.

7. The acidic environment in the stomach will slowly disappear

And without her everyone will breathe a sigh of relief gastrointestinal tract. A morning trip to the toilet is a common activity after coffee, but there is no benefit from this trip: the stomach is simply on strike, unable to find a worthy use for such a pleasant-tasting drink.

In order to return to normal and feel how you lived without coffee before, it is enough to hold out for 10 days. Don't want to try it? If as a result you do not give up, but at least reduce your daily dose of coffee, your body will be very grateful to you.

You will feel bad (but not for long)

If you're an avid coffee drinker, you know full well that going a few hours without a caffeine fix can cause you to experience withdrawal symptoms—and there's nothing pleasant about it. Symptoms include fatigue, headaches and mood swings. If you decide to quit caffeine, let your friends and family know in advance so that they can be understanding of your plight.

Although everyone is different, if you are used to consuming 400 to 500 ml of caffeine per day (3-4 cups of coffee), you will experience the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal in all their glory. Caffeine withdrawal typically lasts 7-10 days, but can be alleviated by cutting back on caffeine gradually rather than stopping suddenly. Every 2-3 days, slightly reduce your usual caffeine intake. Drink only half a cup at a time or mix regular coffee with decaffeinated.

You will lose weight

You probably know that caffeinated soda and coffee and confectionery drinks are a time bomb. overweight, which ticks with every sip. But even an innocent spoonful of sugar and a “drop” of cream in your coffee can give you a 200-calorie surprise. Subtract a couple of these cups of coffee from your daily diet and you'll see significant savings in calories.

...Or dial it

Caffeine, among other things, is also a temporary appetite suppressant. If you refuse it, you will feel “natural” hunger much more acutely. Additionally, according to the Mayo Clinic, caffeine can speed up your metabolism. This effect is not significant, but if you are used to drinking coffee black, then you burn calories faster, which means it will be easier for you to lose weight. Without it, you may well see “gain” on the scale for a while.

You will sleep better and become more alert

Topping up with caffeine even 6 hours before bed can seriously hurt your chances of a restful night. As a result, you will wake up feeling groggy and in need of more caffeine. It turns out to be a vicious circle. This is why people who give up caffeine sleep more deeply than those who indulge in coffee even just a little. Yes, you will feel tired in the beginning while your body adjusts to life without caffeine. But over time, you will find a source of energy, no worse than a cup of espresso.

You will become calmer

Caffeine is a stimulant, meaning it puts your nervous system on the gas pedal. Caffeine causes an adrenaline rush, unnecessarily putting you in a heightened state of “ready for anything.” In addition, caffeine narrows blood vessels, which increases your blood pressure. Give it up and you will feel calmer.

Your workouts will suffer

The aforementioned “ready for anything” state that caffeine puts you in also has its benefits when it comes to intense running or intense workouts. The American College of Sports Medicine has unequivocally stated that caffeine improves performance and intensity during exercise. This caffeine boost can make all the difference in a marathon or in the gym.

You will lack antioxidants

Coffee is the No. 1 source of antioxidants in the American diet, according to a University of Scranton study. This may be why a study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research found that women who drink 5 or more cups of coffee per day are 57% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who drink less than 1 cup per day. And a recent study American magazine Epidemiology published a report saying that 3-5 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 21%. But antioxidants can be obtained not only from coffee - there are many of them in green tea. It's also a good idea to switch your source of antioxidants to fruits and vegetables.

The consumption of caffeinated drinks has become firmly established in our daily life. And it’s so strong that some people can’t imagine their life without another cup of caffeine. In addition to the physical dependence that caffeine causes, the procedure for taking caffeinated drinks has its own psychological implications: we associate 5 minutes spent with a mug of our favorite drink as a period of rest. This is especially true in the workplace, when you want to hide from the endless bustle and problems and give yourself a few extra minutes of rest, and the company of a hot cup of your favorite drink acts as an excuse for this.

It’s not for nothing that caffeine is considered a soft drug, and it’s hard to disagree with this after learning what properties it has:

  • Gives a surge of strength and energy;
  • Develops dependence;
  • Able to temporarily improve the condition of an individual with its tonic properties;
  • Relieves or alleviates pain;
  • Temporarily improves mental activity and brain function in general.

Moreover, when we talk about tea and coffee, we mean what is sold to us in stores under this name. And this, you see, is far from natural origin, because large enterprises are not inclined to think about the naturalness of their products and the health of the consumer - only financial gain is the driving incentive. Because when pouring boiling water over another tea bag, it’s strange to see how within a second the clear water becomes a rich dark color. Real tea doesn't behave like that. This means that unnatural ingredients are used.

However, if you try not to exceed reasonable consumption levels of tea, coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks, then special harm your habit won't bring it. Let everyone determine their own standard, hand on heart (if this is, of course, necessary for the person).

Since I have always been interested in the topic healthy image life (it just so happens that illnesses have not passed me by) I have always tried to make my life less destructive to my health. I rarely drank coffee anyway, although my family brewed it every day. It just so happened that my soul was more inclined to tea: both black and green - no matter what, I brewed it.

Having learned about the dangers of sugar, I, of course, tried to drink tea without it or replace it with honey. Gradually giving up sugar, you begin to feel the taste of tea differently. It was a long time ago, and I didn’t attach much importance to this transition - everything went naturally.

Time passed, I continued to “chifir”: I drank a day about 5-6 cups black tea - not a lot and not a little in general, although I didn’t deliberately count - there could be either more or less. It’s just that drinking tea was like a ritual of relaxation for me: when you come home, be sure to put the kettle on, when you watch a movie, make two mugs of tea and some sandwiches, if you’re tired or don’t want to work, make a cup of tea, justify your laziness, and when you’re done, drink tea with confidence. In general, a lot of tea was consumed: a box of tea with a hundred bags was “out” in 2-3 weeks.

Crucial moment

The turning point came when I started going to the gym. Naturally, I was also interested in how to make my body absorb more proteins. I didn’t use sports nutrition - the dilemma with absorption would have disappeared on its own. And then I accidentally heard a conversation about how a certain friend had not slept for a day, only because he tried some kind of tonic infusion (like ginseng tincture or something like that). As the narrator explained:

“His receptors are good; he doesn’t drink tea or coffee.” That's how he got hooked.

Thinking that “clean” receptors would not hurt me, I took note of this and gradually began to reduce the amount of tea. This was also facilitated by the fact that taste qualities my tea at that time was not enviable: a paint that stains the water, and after which even a mug is difficult to wash. Plus, the yellowness of my teeth could be compared to that of a heavy smoker. I attributed all this to the tea paint, since I was fine with brushing my teeth, and I saw the results left on the mug in the form of tea deposits.

Freedom from tea addiction

So gradually, I freed myself from tea addiction and have already been “clean” from tea for about six months. I didn’t experience any special withdrawal or anything else. There is no desire at all to drink that color that I used to love to pour into myself. And just to be natural loose leaf tea I feel complete loyalty - I can drink or I can not drink. At the same time, I began to notice that the craving for sweets was weakening - it no longer seemed so attractive, and its taste often became too sweet for me. For example, chocolates, which I loved to eat while drinking tea, and would not calm down until it was completely eaten, became too sweet for me. Such changes did not occur immediately, but only after several months. Apparently this is due to the fact that taste buds They actually became more sensitive.

It seems, what is the connection between tea and chocolate? And the connection is such that tea and coffee actively flush potassium from the body, which tries to replenish it by consuming chocolate products. It turns out to be such a vicious circle - we drink tea with chocolate, the substances of which are actively washed out of our body, and our body, without replenishing this supply, requires more and more. Thus, we can conclude that Drinking caffeinated drinks triggers sugar cravings. Although some may find this statement rather controversial, at least there is logic in this (and I also confirm this with practice). In addition, chocolate, like tea and coffee, contains caffeine, which I no longer have an addiction to. This is another factor that speaks in favor of the close connection between cocoa-containing products and caffeinated drinks. This is the theory, brothers!

Substitutes for tea and coffee

Of course, it is difficult to completely eliminate hot drinks from your life. Especially when you want to warm up, or you feel an incomprehensible “internal cold” (apparently these are the consequences of the body accustomed to hot things). I have to look for an alternative, because the “internal cold” syndrome still bothers me. Perhaps it will go away with time, but I don’t really count on it. I found a simple recipe for myself: honey, lemon, ginger root. It turns out to be a kind of Teraflu. I read on the Internet, many people recommend brewing rose hips, chicory, various herbs and berries. I haven’t tried it myself, but I’m sure that this is a worthy alternative to caffeine, both in taste and in benefits.

What's the result?

Apart from the effects described above, I have not yet noticed any other supernatural changes in my health, but I am sure that there will be more. Why? Because I haven’t been drinking enough plain water all this time and only recently started to think about it. And I consider giving up tea justified, since I consider the main destructive factor of caffeine drinks to be dehydration of the body, i.e. When drinking a glass of tea or coffee, we lose more moisture than we gained. And this cannot but affect the functioning of the body, because we still consist of 70% water. Therefore, get into the habit of drinking simple purified water, and start your day with a glass of water (see). For those who want to know more about this, I recommend the book “Your body is asking for water”. I will repeat once again the idea that I want to convey.

Along with avoiding caffeine-containing products, try to increase your consumption of plain purified water. This way you will quickly overcome chronic dehydration, which affects most people on the planet, especially coffee and tea lovers. Try to bring your water intake to 1.5 liters per day - this is the minimum that will work for our health.

P.S. The teeth still became two or three shades lighter, which is not significant by dental standards. But I didn’t put any extra effort into it and didn’t use whitening pastes, so I think that I still have the potential to whiten my teeth and in another six months I can achieve noticeable improvement.

P.P.S. I am not an ardent opponent of tea and coffee, and if somewhere I am offered to drink one of these drinks, and I want it, then I will not refuse.


I read your entire article. Very often I began to think about giving up caffeine, and therefore your post brought me close to making the right decision.

From now on I make a choice to give up caffeine. There are several reasons for this:
1. Getting rid of addiction
2. Clean teeth
3. Clean taste buds
4. Reduce cravings for sweets
5. Increased water content in the body

That's enough for me. By the way, I thought that tea and water were the same thing. Those. when I drink tea, I increase the amount of water in my body. This was the main reason I drank it.

What will I get by getting rid of addiction:
1. Better health
2. Clean teeth
3. More free time
4. Cost savings

Thanks a lot! I will keep you updated on my progress on the topic.
With good thoughts about you, Rekun Dmitry
Expert in furniture matters

“the yellowness of my teeth could be compared to that of a heavy smoker” - how is that so? Have you compared the teeth to a person? I would compare the teeth with the teeth of another person))))

How is the author doing? Is giving up tea and coffee a good idea?
I myself periodically reduce the dose of tea, but coffee is already small. The tea alternative was chosen poorly in my opinion. Ginger is quite specific, lemon is a high acid, honey is also for frequent use not suitable, in my opinion. It is difficult to replace tea; I have been accustomed to it since childhood and my body is not so much dependent on it, but has adapted to it. And tea became the most neutral drink for me. The body's adaptation to new drinks can be even more harmful. Therefore, “I wanted the best” often works the other way around.

    • Another stupidity: refusing tea. If you drink tea and not chefir, then this is only beneficial. Tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The conclusion is simple: drink tea without sugar and not very strong, like chefir, and you will benefit.

  • After giving up tea, abilities began to appear that were inexplicable from the standpoint of science. In just a month. I see clearly every night. Thought reading is triggered.
    Now I’m beginning to understand why we are all being poisoned with tea. Tobacco addiction disappeared 2 weeks after quitting tea.

    I’ve been drinking tea for 4 years (more than 10 cups a day until I feel bad or I don’t go to bed), and at the beginning I put 3 tablespoons of sugar - but after a year - I had up to 10 spoons of sugar in my cup - I drank tea every 30 minutes - cup after cup - I went for a smoke break and put the kettle on - (As a result, problems with the spine began - osteochondrosis (from the neck to the very lower back - pain in the wrist after exercise), fat loss on the stomach and legs) high blood pressure - it rises and falls - constantly dry tea - in the morning oral cavity dry out, mood swings - if I stop drinking tea or coffee, I become irritable - the world seems dull. And I noticed that tea causes a great craving for nicatine - I drink a cup of tea (coffee), I want to smoke - I smoked - I felt a loss of strength - I wanted tea or coffee - then I drink again and want to smoke. Now I’m trying not to drink tea or coffee at all - because all the muscles in my body crack with any movement - severe tremors - have been observed for 3 years - I think nervous system damaged - caffeine - or clogged blood vessels - and I drank cheap tea bags - and the cafes were all in a row - in short, everything that came across

    When giving up coffee and tea, I got the following results:
    1. The urge to urinate has become less frequent and the constant weakness in the bladder has disappeared
    2. My difficulty falling asleep has disappeared. Now I sleep like a groundhog.
    3. My anxiety and unjustified fear evaporated. And along with it, sweating of the palms and groin.
    4. Teeth became whiter.
    5. My normal heart rate became 10 beats slower.
    5. Sports activities are easier. No palpitations or shortness of breath.

    I only drank custard coffee in the morning milk, I love a lot of milk, but all the same, over time I began to notice that as soon as I drink, I begin to feel my heart strongly, as if it were pounding in my throat, and not where it is, an unpleasant sensation, and also cigarettes with coffee are good We’ve been walking, in fact, it’s been the third day without coffee, without tea, and I don’t feel any unpleasant heart palpitations, I want to smoke less, I drink only water from the morning until 11, I drink two liters and I feel great) Water replenishes in the body what I I washed it out with caffeine for a long time, the body asked for water, and I asked for coffee, now that I’m being born again, I want to eat exactly on schedule - by 12, a lot of vegetables and fruits - super, try to remember the simplest rule - if there are three dishes on the table - two of them must be present plant origin and you will always be fine, yes, and more greenery in everything is our strength and salvation from all bad diseases) Water, more vegetables, fruits and herbs) Health to everyone) Be happy)

    For a long time I searched on the Internet for the connection between tea and sweet cravings. And then I found it. Thank you. So I'm not the only one who noticed this. For two days now, instead of tea, I’ve been drinking just boiling water with something tasty. But there is no such dependence on sweets anymore. I recommend everyone to try giving up tea. Try cutting a piece of cake or making sandwiches and see for yourself that if you don’t throw a tea bag into boiling water, you’ll eat much less. This is the first time I’ve written a review anywhere in my 32 years, because this is truly a very relevant topic. And there is very little talk about this.

    • Yana, it’s good that you are thinking about reducing your consumption of caffeine and sweets. It's definitely a small step on the road to health. But remember: everything that is written here is only the opinion of the author, which does not pretend to be the truth, but only expresses his opinion and vision of the situation.

    Evgeniy, thank you for the truthful article! I am an avid coffee drinker myself. I have been drinking coffee for many years, I have a Turk at home and 2 coffee makers... The most important thing is that it all started with one cup in the morning... Now I take much larger doses. I am actively involved in sports. I never felt my heart knew and understood that it was fine! Now sometimes, but I feel unpleasant punctures. In the morning, take off, after lunch there is a loss of strength and other unpleasant symptoms described above are present. But I didn’t understand that all this was because of banal coffee.
    Thanks again everyone for the truth about coffee. After reading carefully, weighing all the pros and cons of this habit, I made a clear decision to give up this drink forever.

    While taking caffeine-containing products (coffee, teas: green, black, Chinese), the skin definitely dries out, the face becomes covered with a tea-caffeine crust, there is a rash on the forehead, acne on the chin (to put it mildly), there is a constant craving for nicotine, from green tea - the complexion acquires a greenish-unhealthy tint, from black - correspondingly black. All this obscurantism irritates the stomach and intestines, after which there is still a taste in the mouth that is impossible to compare with fresh breath even for a mentally retarded person. The promoted metabolism from caffeine-containing stimulants provokes a feeling of constant hunger, nutrients are absorbed to a lesser extent in the presence of caffeine/tannin, etc. in blood. At the end of caffeine intoxication (a direct analogue of narcotic intoxication), apathy sets in; people also say “coming off”, with the demand for another dose of a stimulant.
    By once giving up all this “healing” drug (the purpose of which is to make a profit by all means) - at least the fairer sex will save time, nerves and money on visits to specialists in peeling, cleansing, buying foundation, etc. to mask the symptom xD
    Good health to everyone!

    Good day to all. I've been addicted to caffeine my whole life and didn't realize it until recently. All those who write here that a couple of mugs of tea/coffee a day are not harmful, simply do not realize their dependence on caffeine. No matter what anyone says, caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant, and with constant use it causes mental and physical dependence with all the ensuing consequences for the body.
    Thanks to the caffeine in coffee I earned chronic pancreatitis, palpitations, irritability, insomnia, psychosis and neuroses, while considering these symptoms and diseases to be strange or natural coincidences. In case of sudden refusal, all the symptoms of withdrawal, namely weakness, drowsiness, tearfulness, severe headaches, apathy, loss of motivation. Now it’s only been a week of completely giving up caffeine, I’m drinking fruit teas, sometimes they allow themselves packaged cocoa [there is no caffeine in it], I feel much better, my sleep is deep and of high quality, I fall asleep quickly and sleep well, my mood returns to normal, my appetite in general is even the same as before pancreatitis, the only thing missing is that sharp rise in mood and motivation, but I hope over time I will become stronger and more confident in myself. I would advise drinking tea or coffee as rarely as possible, once a week/month, on holidays, no more often. Avoid drug traps and public opinion, as the majority is usually wrong. Peace for everyone!

    • All my life I drank a lot of coffee and tea. Now I am 62 years old, I suffer from back and knee problems. I noticed that my legs and knees hurt from black tea. I was a fashionista, my feet were ruined from wearing heels, but tea made everything start to hurt. Today I decided not to drink tea and took vitamins. And my leg stopped hurting by 50 percent. I have problems with my bones. I like it strong. I think I need to stop drinking, my joints hurt

    I agree that coffee is a drug. I drank a lot, at work, often for company. Now I quit abruptly. I've had withdrawal symptoms for a week now. I can barely drag my legs, I’m sweating like hail, and I have terrible headaches. I hope I can handle it.

    I also decided to give up tea and coffee, I’m holding on for the second day, the first day was very difficult, my head was only thinking about tea)), and by the evening my teeth were aching ((but I’m holding on!

    I will add my review about my experience of drinking coffee.
    I always thought that natural coffe this is a healthy drink
    I am 30 years old, height 180 cm, weight 62-65 kg (not like this heavy weight This has always been the norm for me).
    I train in the gym for 2-3 hours with jumping pull-ups, etc., a full range of cardio and physical activity.
    I specifically describe my characteristics so that if anything is not written off side effects caffeine on exercise or your body.
    About 4 years ago I started drinking natural coffee, 3-4 cups a day as some write)) before that I drank instant coffee + tea.
    For the first two years I didn’t notice anything bad at all, my mood was normal, the feeling of euphoria, physics, etc. was at the level, but as I remember now, the symptoms were still there, namely, I often wanted to sleep,
    I chalked it up to rather complicated emotional work.
    The first serious signs began to appear after I added football to my training, if figuratively, before coffee I could play football all day long and everything was fine)
    Signs: slight dizziness and shortness of breath when bending over, for example when tying shoelaces.
    Then the dizziness became more and more intense, especially during physical activity (I felt like I was going to fall, but miraculously I stood on my feet and didn’t lose consciousness))
    Signs gradually appeared, frequent tingling in the area of ​​the heart, tachycardia - this was after checking with a doctor.
    Diarrhea, belching, etc.
    Severe shortness of breath because I began to breathe frequently through my mouth, my nose was, as it were, stuffed up, as I understand it, the blood vessels dilated and breathing through the nose was blocked.
    Visually I noticed that the bone tissue in the arms (wrists) and legs in the area of ​​the shins had decreased, a general loss of weight.
    The complexion became dark and unnatural.
    The teeth became darker.
    Dry mouth began to appear, lips became dry, as did the skin on the face.
    During the day I often wanted to sleep.
    My stomach seemed to be constantly empty, but I didn’t really want to eat.
    There was a feeling of constant anxiety and became irritable.
    I am listing the signs that are visible, perhaps I didn’t pay attention to something, all the signs of deterioration did not appear immediately, during the last 2 years the body was exhausted.
    After visiting the doctors, I was sent for an MRI of the brain vessels, etc., not cheap by the way) the MRI showed everything was normal.
    Also, blood tests, etc., were normal.
    Doctors prescribed a rest/work regime)
    At that time, I stopped exercising almost completely to give my body a rest; the symptoms persisted.
    A month ago, I miraculously started reading forums about Negative influence caffeine on the body because my head couldn’t think straight at all)
    I tried to stop drinking coffee, gradually reducing the dose, 2 kr per day, after a week 1 mug per day, then stopped drinking it completely.
    The after-effects and withdrawal symptoms were quite severe in the form of headaches, wow)
    Already on the third day after I stopped drinking coffee completely, my nose began to breathe, I began to distinguish smells and breathe deeply, it was cool)
    After another week, I began to notice that my general physical condition had improved.
    The dizziness began to go away, but not immediately, and other symptoms also did not immediately begin to go away, dark color faces, weight gain, etc.
    I haven’t drunk coffee for a month, I’m in excellent condition!
    My personal opinion from the experience of drinking coffee is that in order for a person to feel good and energetic in this world, no invigorating agents in the form of caffeine, nicotine, etc. are needed at all.
    I apologize for the length of this review, everyone. wellness!

    I decided to give up tea and coffee not for health reasons, but just in case. I drank a lot of tea with 2 tablespoons of sugar, rarely coffee. I turned 40 in January, so I thought of at least changing something for the better in my diet after such a milestone. Weighed 110 kg at 177 cm. The refusal passed easily and unnoticed, everyone who asked me why tea and coffee said so that less sugar eat. After seven months, the results are as follows: I began to tolerate any heat very easily, I don’t get dizzy, my mouth doesn’t get dry, my heart doesn’t pound in my throat at night, my weight is 98, and I can really feel the terrible stench from the breath of smokers and coffee drinkers. Tea lovers, relax, you don't smell like anything)))

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I read it with great interest, because... For about 20 years I have been dreaming of quitting drinking... coffee)))) in fact, the desire was purely intuitive. And why deprive yourself of pleasure - there was no understanding, especially, being a severe hypotensive person, I always found an excuse: why.
    I used to smoke. A lot and with great pleasure. True, there were a lot of real and tasty cigarettes back then))) I smoked for 7 years. I liked it passionately and no plans about harm to health worked. Well... sometimes))) I cut it, switched to “low-fat”, tried to fool myself. Then I quit completely. I spat for a long time (the lungs were cleared) - such a nauseating and lengthy process that I have no desire to repeat it. Then she became pregnant and gave birth to a child. During this period I didn’t even think about it!!! A couple of years later, the company offered a cigarette. It was interesting to test myself, and I agreed. No way. No attraction, no aversion, no interest.
    I hope it will be the same with coffee.
    Thanks again! I don’t like making empty promises, I’ll say that I’ll try tomorrow))
    Best wishes!

    I also want to talk about the dangers of the tea that ordinary people drink, although you’ve already said everything about it. It is harmful because... This is tea waste. But it is located in Russia, that is, it grows and produces real tea which is absorbed by the body without harm. It grows in the mountains of Sochi and I am its producer and I also use it, but wisely. Green, yellow, red, black all from one bush, but different technologies We collect only flushes of tea, i.e. two leaves and a bud. I brew it several times, with water I do not bring to a boil. I drink all types of tea without sugar and without sweets, except black. With black tea I can allow a piece of bread with honey. Bread is usually, but not always, made from wheat and rye sprouts. I am an Orthodox Christian, so for six months fast days and thus I rarely eat sweets. I go to the gym and I don’t feel any harm from the tea I drink. I also drink water infused with silicon stones, but I practically don’t drink coffee. I wish you strength of spirit and body.

    The stage has already been passed. In the end, most likely you will all come to the same point as me. First you will drink boiling water. Then you start reading and come across Ivan Chai. Which grows everywhere and is completely free. You collect it and drink it. All the sensations from Ivan tea are exactly the opposite of Chinese/Hindu. Ivan treats tea = Chinese heals! Harvesting and fermenting it is super easy!

    Good evening I read everyone’s comments and understood one thing, apparently it’s all about the nerves and characteristics of each person, I’ve been on the road all my life fishing hunting colds cold I never raised the question of drinking tea or not drinking coffee I always drank one or the other in the morning, especially after overwork, it helps well and so almost half a century of sleep, God forbid, everyone fell and fell asleep pain in the joints from improper equipment, especially in youth when you sneeze at everything, just last year I got up in the spring and didn’t want coffee and for a month it was as if there was none. I talked to the doctor, he says that coffee sometimes need to drink suppresses cancer formation tea didn’t stop drinking then as usual in the morning I started drinking coffee of any kind a year passed and again at one point I forgot that there was coffee and now I haven’t drunk tea for three weeks and I don’t see any changes as I slept and I always sleep I had a sweet tooth, but one peculiarity: I haven’t eaten sugar for thirty years pure form I don’t like the taste, I drank everything without it or boiled marshmallows, marmalade I don’t like chocolate, only bitter chocolate once or twice a year all my life in the forests, that’s why I don’t recognize green tea as a name and don’t drink herbal tea and infusion is another matter, everything that’s not black is different in the classical sense as well as not white chocolate this is an illusion of self-deception and in our time in many areas even from clean water It’s bad if you don’t know the measures.

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    Anastasia Sergeeva

    This is why you need to give up coffee as soon as possible!

    If you are thinking about how to give up coffee, but cannot find the strength to decide to do this, then we will provide you with additional motivation and tell you in more detail about why coffee is harmful and how your well-being will change if coffee drinks disappear from your diet. of your life.

    You'll sleep better

    The harm of coffee is that the caffeine it contains significantly reduces the quantity and quality of your sleep. Remember that the half-life of caffeine is about six hours, which means that if you drink a cup of drink too late, you risk lying awake for some time, or sleeping restlessly, intermittently, and in the morning feeling exhausted and not at all rested. But it's not just a matter of drinking late: even people who usually drank coffee only in the morning before noon reported improved sleep quality when they stopped drinking it completely.

    You will become calmer and more balanced

    Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, so it seems to press the gas pedal of your nervous system every time, causing a surge of adrenaline and contributing to the depletion of nerve cells and circulatory organs, creating a feeling of anxiety. Additionally, since caffeine is a blood vessel constrictor, it increases your blood pressure. If you experience a nervous tic or eyelid twitching, this may also be due to excessive consumption coffee. Coffee lovers also often complain of increased irritability, fatigue and drowsiness, which a cup relieves magic drink, so refusing it can make them depressed. But if you survive this period, the changes will surprise you.

    You'll look better

    For those who are concerned about their appearance, the harm of coffee is especially important: it regular use leads to dehydration of the body, which immediately affects the condition skin. The skin becomes dry and flaky, new wrinkles appear and old ones intensify, in particular, the skin on the elbows and soles of the feet becomes rough. In addition, your nails and hair become duller and more brittle, your teeth turn yellow, and if you drink hot drinks, your enamel also deteriorates.

    But as soon as you give up coffee, within a month you will notice significant changes: your complexion will become more even, fresh, circles under the eyes will disappear, wrinkles will become smaller and they will not appear as quickly, the condition of your hair, nails and teeth will also improve. Of course, not only coffee harms them, but, for example, poor diet and lack of sleep, but you will still see the effect.

    Your gut will thank you

    It is no secret that many coffee drinkers feel the urge to go to the toilet out of great need some time after drinking the drink. This is due not only to the fact that, thanks to caffeine, many processes in your digestive system accelerate, but also with the fact that coffee itself is acidic in nature, which can cause diarrhea. Therefore, by deciding to give up coffee, you will prevent many sudden and unpleasant runs to the bathroom. By the way, the diuretic effect of coffee is also widely known, so those who suffer from bladder sensitivity should be especially careful.

    You will get rid of addiction

    Not everyone agrees to admit that coffee is harmful to their health, but the fact remains: becoming addicted to this drink, you fall into the clutches of caffeine addiction. Caffeine interferes with your brain's neurochemistry and begins to create a constant need for consumption. coffee drinks: Some people simply cannot do without one or two cups a day, while others need to drink it 4-5 times a day in order to function normally or generally stay alert.

    Fortunately, caffeine addiction is not as serious as addiction to generally accepted hard drugs, therefore, if you have the desire, you can cope with it on your own. But it should not be underestimated: recently, more and more controversy has arisen about the narcotic nature of caffeine, since, like drugs, it stimulates the central nervous system, causes changes in mood, forms an addiction, and after quitting it, a person experiences the so-called withdrawal syndrome, or withdrawal - deterioration in health after stopping taking any potent substance. There is also an opinion that the popularity of coffee drinks only strengthens their lobby, so no one raises the issue of introducing restrictions on them at the legal level.

    One way or another, many people have a question about how to give up coffee as painlessly as possible. A person begins to worry: how will I manage without coffee now, since it gave me energy throughout the day, and in the morning it even helped me wake up? The fact is that coffee lovers, constantly drinking their favorite drink, unwittingly teach the body to cope with a lack of activity only with the help of a new caffeine stimulant. Your body no longer calculates energy on its own. An addiction is formed in which you drink coffee because you want to feel normal, otherwise your condition will worsen. Why not a drug?

    The same will happen when you decide to give up coffee. Taking into account how long you have been dependent on the drink, after 12-20 hours you will feel the first symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, which will intensify after a couple of days, but after a week they will begin to fade away. These symptoms mainly include headache, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, and sometimes constipation and insomnia.

    To ensure that coffee no longer harms you and you don’t relapse while experiencing these symptoms, follow our tips:

    • First, reduce your drink intake to one cup per day, then reduce the cup size until you stop drinking it altogether.
    • Start drinking tea sometimes, green or black, it also contains necessary for the body antioxidants, and the variety of flavors will delight you.
    • Sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you feel overwhelmed without coffee, then proper sleep is necessary in order to restore the body's ability to recover on its own.
    • Don't give in to temptation. Nowadays, coffee is not only a stimulant of vigor, but also a kind of socialization tool: people drink it with friends in a cafe, they drink it in the morning at work and during breaks, chatting with colleagues, even business meetings are held “over a cup of coffee.” But believe me, nothing bad will happen if you drink and order a pot of tea, juice, lemonade and just water.
    • But if ever, as an exception, you want to drink coffee, drink a little, and only strong black, without dairy additives - these are two absolutely incompatible product, according to the famous nutritionist Henri Chenot.

    Over time, it is worth thinking about completely giving up drinking tea, since it is also a source of caffeine. For more information about the dangers of tea, watch this video:

    Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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