New Year's gingerbread tree. Gingerbread cookies for the New Year: delicious recipes with photos

New Year holidays- this is the time when magic is in the air, the smell of tangerines and amazing delicious gingerbread. Every housewife tries to surprise her family with something unusual, not only tasty, but also beautiful. A real symbol winter holidays can be considered New Year's gingerbread. There are quite a lot of recipes for making such sweets, and some of them can rightly be called ancient. New Year's gingerbread can become not only delicious dessert, but also a wonderful gift and beautiful decoration for the Christmas tree.

What products are New Year's gingerbread made from?

To prepare New Year's sweets, they use a special gingerbread dough, which consists of flour, honey and spices. This dough is quite simple to prepare. It's easy and pleasant to work with him. If you want to make New Year's gingerbread, but have absolutely no experience in this matter, do not be afraid.

Even inexperienced housewife. Gingerbread is not just baking, it is also a huge field for imagination and activity. After all, it’s not enough to just prepare the baked goods; you also need to decorate them beautifully with colored glaze. All family members, especially children, can participate in such interesting and entertaining work.

Gingerbread with cocoa

How to bake New Year's gingerbread? There are a variety of recipes for making such sweets. In our article we want to present only a few of them so that readers can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

To prepare New Year's gingerbread with cocoa, we will need:

  1. Kilogram of flour (wheat).
  2. Half a kilogram of powdered sugar.
  3. Six eggs.
  4. Two teaspoons of cocoa.
  5. Eight tablespoons of honey.
  6. 1.5 teaspoons of spices - anise, fennel, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, lemon zest.
  7. A teaspoon of soda.

In order to prepare New Year's gingerbread with cocoa, you need to thoroughly mix the powdered spices with honey, soda, powdered sugar and eggs until smooth.

Then add about half of the available flour (you only need to use sifted flour) and knead the dough, then put it on the board and knead, adding more flour. The result should be a non-liquid dough. It may stick slightly to your hands. To make it easier to work with, the dough should be placed in the refrigerator for an hour. After that, roll it out into a thin layer (no more than 0.5 cm) and cut out the gingerbread cookies with molds. Next, place them on a baking sheet and bake in a well-heated oven at 200 degrees.

Preparing the glaze

To prepare the glaze we will need:

  1. Two eggs.
  2. Three hundred grams of powdered sugar.

The whites must be separated from the yolks and beaten with a mixer until the foam rises. Now you need to gradually introduce powdered sugar. There is one small nuance that should be taken into account when preparing the glaze. You need to understand for what purpose you need it. If it is intended for filling a mold, it should have a slightly runny consistency. This glaze can be obtained by beating the whites at low speeds, gradually adding powder.

It's a completely different matter if you need a mixture with which you plan to paint homemade New Year's gingerbread cookies. Such glaze should have a thick enough consistency so that, on the one hand, you can draw with it, and on the other, it does not spread. To get such a mixture, you need to beat the whites at high speeds, sometimes you even need an additional portion of powder. The resulting thick glaze is very convenient for painting on gingerbread cookies.

Gingerbread: ingredients

What could be better than New Year's gingerbread, which reeks of fairy tales and celebration?! You can not only give and eat them, but also decorate the Christmas tree with them. All children will love these edible decorations.

To prepare sweets we will need:

  1. Liquid honey - 0.3 kg.
  2. Sugar - 270 g.
  3. Ground ginger - 2 tsp.
  4. Butter - 0.2 kg.
  5. Ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.
  6. Wheat flour - 0.75 kg.
  7. Vanillin.
  8. Baking powder - 4 tsp.
  9. Cocoa - 2 tsp.
  10. Orange zest - 2 tsp.

Gingerbread recipe

The amount of ingredients we have given is enough to prepare gingerbread for big family. If you don't need that much baking, it may be wiser to reduce the quantity.

To prepare the dough you need to mix soft butter with eggs, honey and sugar. The dry ingredients should also be combined and added to the flour. Next, knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After time, roll out the mass into thin layers 0.5-0.6 mm thick and cut out the gingerbread cookies using cutters. Place the finished figures on a baking sheet with parchment and bake in a well-heated oven for 25-30 minutes. So the New Year's gingerbread cookies are ready. Now they need to be decorated; the easiest option is to sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Preparing icing

If you want to make the most beautiful New Year's gingerbread cookies with glaze, then you should prepare icing to decorate them. What is icing? In other words, it's icing sugar. For children, it is perhaps the most delicious ingredient in gingerbread.

New Year's gingerbread cookies with glaze are incredibly beautiful and tasty, they look festive and can become a real decoration for the Christmas tree. Icing is universal remedy for painting any baked goods. And if you use food coloring, you can get icing in a variety of shades, then the gingerbread cookies will become even more beautiful and fabulous.

So, to prepare icing for gingerbread cookies we will need the following ingredients:

  1. White of one egg.
  2. A teaspoon of lemon juice.
  3. Powdered sugar - 160 g.

To prepare the glaze you don’t need a lot of ingredients; one protein is enough to decorate a whole kilogram of gingerbread.

The egg white must be separated from the yolk and beaten at low speed with a mixer (you can also use a whisk). At this stage, our goal is not to obtain thick foam, we need to bring the protein to a homogeneous state. Next, add powdered sugar and mix everything well. Then you should add lemon juice, thanks to which the icing will shine and shimmer in the sun. Now our glaze is ready. If you need icing different colors, then it must be divided into different containers and multi-colored dyes added.

Drawing with glaze

Icing can be used to draw lines, dots, and even fill the entire surface. All of these options will require icing of varying consistency. So, for example, to fill gingerbread cookies, the icing should be more liquid. To do this, you need to add a little water to it and mix.

To make the design beautiful and clear, the outer contour of the gingerbread cookies is drawn with thick glaze, and the middle is filled with a thinner one. It is more convenient to draw lines and dots using pastry syringes or pastry bags. When working with glaze, you can show all your imagination. Even if you lack artistic talent, the gingerbread cookies will still turn out beautiful and appetizing. You can involve all family members in the drawing process; children, whose imagination is richer than adults, will especially like this work.

When the painted New Year's gingerbread cookies are ready, you need to allow the glaze to harden. As a rule, this does not require much time. The thickest icing takes about half an hour to dry, but liquid icing will take at least several hours.

Painting gingerbread cookies is a fun and exciting process. If you haven't used up all the icing, you can store it in a sealed container for a few days, as it hardens quickly when exposed to air.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we have given only a few recipes for wonderful New Year's gingerbread cookies. In fact, there are quite a lot of options for their preparation and decoration. It is simply impossible to mention them all in one article. We hope that our information will help housewives navigate this issue.

Very soon New Year, so I want to show you how you can make beautiful New Year's gingerbread cookies with glaze. Painted gingerbread cookies can then be given to family, friends and acquaintances as a nice gift. And the most important thing is that your drawing will be unique, made with your own hands and with soul, and such gifts are very much appreciated.

Today I will show you exactly how to paint gingerbread cookies in the form of Santa Claus and a snowman, and how to do it without special molds and stencils. In the same way, you can draw any other gingerbread cookies that you like. 2018 is the year of the dog, but this does not mean that DIY New Year’s gingerbread cookies should only be made in the shape of dogs. And the more and more varied you make them, the more interesting your gifts will be.

The shelf life of gingerbread can be up to a year, so you can make them in advance and not worry about them spoiling or drying out. This is very convenient, since on New Year's Eve, not everyone has a lot of time to paint.

New Year's painted gingerbread suitable for decorating any birthday cake, if you stick a long wooden skewer into a freshly baked gingerbread. This design has become popular not so long ago, but many people really like it, so I advise you to try it too. I also advise you to look again if you don’t know which one is best to make them from.


  • Gingerbread dough
  • Powdered sugar – 150 g
  • Egg white – 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 tsp
  • Food coloring – 5 colors

Painting New Year's gingerbread cookies

I don’t have stencils for New Year’s gingerbread cookies, but that’s not a problem, because I found them on the Internet desired drawing, redrew it onto paper and it’s done. Then I cut it out. Already ready dough I roll it out into an even layer, about 5 mm thick. Then I sprinkle it with a little flour, put the design on top and use a knife to cut it out along the outline.

I do the same with the second blank. You can make them in any quantity and any size.

Next, I place the pieces on a baking sheet with parchment or foil, at a distance from each other, and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees, 6 minutes or until golden brown. It is important not to overcook them in the oven, otherwise they will be hard. After baking, I remove them from the baking sheet, transfer them to a wooden board and leave to cool.

Now I’ll briefly tell you the recipe for gingerbread glaze at home. I beat one egg white into the mixer bowl, add lemon juice and powder. Then I beat it all at the lowest speed of the mixer, 2 - 3 minutes. The mass will become fluffier, whiter, but at the same time there will not be many bubbles in it that will spoil the icing. Next, I divide it into as many parts as you need for drawings. I have one White color, which I leave as is, without adding dye and 5 others. I add dyes of the desired colors to each part of the glaze and stir until smooth so that the dye is evenly distributed. The consistency of the glaze should be medium, so as to be suitable for both the outline and the fill. Run a spoon over it, this mark should disappear in 10 seconds, if it does not go away for a long time, then you need to add a little water to make it a little more liquid.

Before painting the Santa Claus gingerbread, I place a leaf on top of the gingerbread and use a toothpick to outline all the contours for filling with different colors. To do this, just pierce the leaf in the right places without moving it.

I do the same thing with the blank for the snowman, puncturing the necessary lines.

The technique of painting gingerbread cookies with glaze is not difficult and you will see for yourself now. First of all, I fill in the bottom of the coat, the beard, the lapel on the sleeves and the bubo on the hat. Never fill two adjacent parts, because they will simply merge into one.

When the white color has dried for about 10 minutes, I fill in the red color evenly, and these are the hat, sleeves, mittens, coat and panties. And I make his face beige. Be sure to remember that after filling each part, you need to shake the gingerbread to evenly distribute the filling.

When the main parts have dried a little, and this is another 15 minutes, I finish drawing all the other small details, such as the mustache, eyebrows, nose, eyes, buttons and boots. This is such a cute gingerbread Santa Claus turned out. The photo shows that all the details were filled in gradually, because there are contours and the drawing did not merge. Now I leave it to dry, and this takes from 12 hours to a day, at room temperature.

Now it’s time to paint the gingerbread snowman. First of all, I fill in white, namely the face, arms and body. But the gap between the arms and the torso must be at least 5 minutes, otherwise they will simply merge into one continuous part.

After 10 minutes, I fill in the lapel of the hat, the bubo and part of the scarf, which are in red. Let it dry again.

After that, I fill in the hat, draw a star on the tummy, then finish the scarf and carefully draw the mouth and eyes in black.

Then I make a neat carrot, and on the hat and scarf, using the thinnest paint brush, I paint snowflakes with white dye or a small amount of glaze. The gingerbread snowman is also ready, so I leave it to dry.

These are the cute New Year's gingerbread cookies with icing, I hope you liked my master class and you can also make them. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in painting with glaze; the main thing is to do the filling gradually and in parts so that the parts have time to dry a little. Good luck and more inspiration!

It is difficult to say how many gingerbread cookies you will get from this amount of ingredients, because it will depend on both the thickness of the gingerbread cookies and the size of the molds. You can see approximately how many gingerbread cookies I got in the photo at the end of the recipe.

Pour 100 grams of sugar into a thick-walled saucepan or frying pan and heat it over medium heat until the sugar melts. The sugar can be gently stirred with a wooden spatula, but it is better to simply shake the pan so that the sugar melts evenly

Carefully pour boiling water into the pan. Be careful not to get burned! Add another 100 grams of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved

Reduce heat and add butter. Mix until you get it nice caramel sauce

Remove the pan from the heat and cool. Add the egg to the cooled sauce and stir. Add sifted flour, soda, spices and knead the dough

The dough should not be hard. It will be very thick and viscous. Cover the pan cling film or silicone lid and refrigerate for several hours, or overnight

When you take the pan of dough out of the refrigerator, don't be alarmed; the dough will be very hard. Take the dough in parts and start kneading it with your hands. Due to the warmth of your hands, the dough will become soft and pliable, like plasticine. Dust your work surface with flour, roll out the first portion of dough and use cutouts to cut out the gingerbread cookies. Roll out not very thin - these are gingerbread cookies :), about 6-7 mm high

Carefully transfer the gingerbread cookies onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper or a silicone mat. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 8-12 minutes (I baked for exactly 10 minutes). Attention, this is very important, try not to dry out the gingerbread!!!

Ready gingerbread let cool slightly and remove from pan. Also bake gingerbread cookies from the rest of the dough.

For the glaze, add 2 tablespoons of water to the gelatin and let it swell for 7-10 minutes.

Pour 2 tablespoons of water over sugar and place on medium heat and wait until the sugar has completely dissolved

Remove the resulting syrup from the heat and add the swollen gelatin to it, stir

Pour the resulting transparent mass into a mixing container and beat with a mixer at high speed for 5-7 minutes until the mass turns from transparent to...

thick, snow-white glaze

Pour the glaze into cream injector, or a culinary bag, or just in a bag with a cut off corner (I have a special decorator for painting with icing). Turn on your imagination and start drawing on gingerbread cookies

I’m somehow not very good with imagination and with drawing too :), so it turned out what you see :) Thanks to my daughter Alina, who helped me with everything when preparing these gingerbread cookies. I really like this glaze, but it has one drawback - due to the presence of gelatin, it thickens quickly. Therefore, you need to draw and cover gingerbread cookies with glaze very quickly. If you see the frosting starting to thicken, add 1-2 tablespoons of milk until the consistency is the same. Additionally, for decoration, in addition to icing, I used sugar sprinkles and confectionery pencils

When the glaze dries on the gingerbread cookies, they can be stored in a tin box. There they will remain soft and fragrant for a long time. These gingerbreads are not only delicious pastries, but also a wonderful handmade gift that you can give to friends and relatives

On New Year's Eve, I want to congratulate all the readers of my favorite site and, first of all, Lenochka and her family, on the upcoming holidays! I would like to wish everyone peace, love, happiness and the fulfillment of all your wishes:) Happy New Year!

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with honey gingerbreads for the New Year and Christmas seems to be returning - more and more often on the New Year tree you can see gingerbread cookies in glaze next to the balls. And of course, making gingerbread is a great reason to spend time with children, for whom the author cookbooks and blogger Irina Chadeeva - now the book is called “Pie Science for Children.” So, let's arm ourselves step by step recipe gingerbread dough and on the weekends remaining until the New Year we bake and decorate gingerbread cookies.

Gingerbread is perhaps the oldest Russian delicacy. Ten centuries ago, gingerbread dough was mixed from honey and rye flour. Later, when spices began to be brought to Russia from the East, cinnamon, anise, cloves, cardamom and even pepper were added to gingerbread.

In the Middle Ages, gingerbread was baked not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. French is still famous gingerbread bread, Nuremberg almond cakes, Swedish gingerbread cookies.

Today, gingerbread dough is most often made from wheat flour, kneading the dough with sugar, honey, eggs and spices. Honey gives gingerbread a wonderful aroma and also protects them from becoming stale. Often molasses is used instead of honey.

For cut out gingerbread cookies The dough is rolled out to a thickness of 3–5 mm and the figures are cut out with a knife or tin molds. If such gingerbread cookies are intended to be hung on a Christmas tree, then holes for the threads must be made before baking.

Printed gingerbread cookies were very common in Russia. For printed gingerbread cookies, special wooden boards with a pattern were made - seals. This form was greased with oil, filled with dough, and then turned over on the table - and the pattern of the form was imprinted on future gingerbread cookies.

Printed gingerbread boards were quite expensive, and bakers lured each other's best carvers in order to bake gingerbread with the most complex and beautiful patterns. the boards were different - from small ones, for children’s gingerbread, to huge ones, the size of a table, for gift gingerbread. For some important celebrations, special boards were cut out - with inscriptions and drawings on the occasion of the holiday.

We will learn how to cook both carved and printed gingerbread cookies. If you don’t have a wooden mold, it doesn’t matter; shallow molds or plasticine stamps will do. Tin molds (for cut-out gingerbread cookies) can also be replaced - for example, with a small cup or sandbox molds (of course, they must be new).

Gingerbread dough is made mainly from flour, sugar and honey, adding a small amount of liquids and oils. You can knead this dough as much as you like, but it is very important not to forget to add baking powder, then the gingerbread cookies will be tender and not dense.

These gingerbread cookies can be stored for a long time, and in our family we bake ones to hang on the Christmas tree. To do this, make a hole in each gingerbread using a cocktail straw and only then put it in the oven.

Rules for working with gingerbread dough:

  • do not forget to cool the milk-honey mixture;
  • let the dough lie until it is well saturated with the aroma of spices;
  • be sure to place baking paper on the baking sheet;
  • Since the gingerbreads are dark, you may not notice that they have browned, so watch the baking especially carefully.

For the test:

  • 300 g flour (set aside 2 tablespoons from this amount)
  • 50 g sugar
  • 100 g honey
  • 50 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 40 g butter
  • 2 teaspoons ground spices (1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 3–4 crushed cloves, a quarter of grated nutmeg, 1 ground cardamom pod)
  • 1 heaped teaspoon cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  • 1 egg white
  • 220 g powdered sugar

Utensils and equipment:

  • bowl for kneading dough
  • spoon
  • rolling pin
  • molds
  • cocktail straw
  • tassel
  • baking tray lined with baking paper
  • preheat oven to 200°C

  1. Sift the flour into a large bowl, add cocoa, baking powder, spices and mix.

  1. Place butter, sugar, honey, milk in a saucepan and place over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. No need to boil. Cool the mixture to 30–40 °C.

  1. Make a well in the flour and pour it in honey syrup, add an egg. Using a spoon, knead into a fairly soft, elastic dough.

  1. Place the dough on a table sprinkled with two tablespoons of flour and knead well. Place it in the refrigerator, in a bag, for an hour or more. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for several days (and keeps getting better!).

Previously, gingerbread dough was specially kept for several months in the cold so that it acquired the necessary aroma and stickiness. Some gingerbreads could also be stored for a very long time - they, of course, became stale, but did not spoil.

  1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it rest for half an hour to warm it up and make it easier to work with. Roll out the finished dough on a lightly floured table to a thickness of 2-3 mm and cut out the cookies.

  1. Transfer cookies to a baking sheet, brushing off excess flour with a soft brush. Use a cocktail straw to make holes for the ribbons.
  2. The remaining pieces of dough can be collected and rolled out again.
  3. If you want to bake printed gingerbread cookies, grease a gingerbread board and stuff it with dough as tightly as possible. Run a rolling pin over the top and turn it over onto a floured table. Carefully remove the gingerbread cookies and place them on a baking sheet.

  1. Bake cut-out gingerbreads for 8 minutes at 200°C, and printed ones for 15 minutes at 180°C.
  2. For the glaze, beat the whites into a stiff foam (as for meringue), add half the powdered sugar and beat again, the mass will be fluid. Add the remaining powder and stir. Transfer the mixture to a bag, cut off the tip to create a very small hole, and decorate the gingerbread cookies. Let the glaze dry for a couple of hours.

Gingerbread cookies can also be decorated with melted chocolate. But painting gingerbread cookies with chocolate or glaze beautifully and neatly is a difficult task! Even from experienced pastry chef Concentration and attention are required, so first I advise you to practice on a simple sheet of baking paper. Make sure that the glaze is thick enough, in this case it is much more convenient to paint with it.

Comment on the article "New Year's gingerbread cookies step by step: a recipe for children from Chadeika"

Last year I took the recipe here, does anyone remember who gave it? Or maybe he’ll give you a link to the recipe itself... I remember that the dough is barely there. I’ve been sharing this recipe at Posideldki for many years in a row, but when kneading the dough, the dough turns out not tight, but soft, so maybe this is not the right recipe...


Gingerbread? This? looks like the description))
0.75 cups honey
1.75 cups sugar
250 g butter
6 cups flour
3 eggs
1 tsp. spoon of soda (namely soda and not baking powder!!!)
2 teaspoons ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons cloves

Heat honey with spices to a boil and add oil.
Beat eggs with sugar and combine with COOLED syrup.
Add soda and gradually, pouring through a sieve, stir in flour.

Roll out the dough into a layer of 2-3 mm, cut out the cookies and bake at 180 C for 6-7 minutes.

Christmas gingerbread recipe. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and receiving guests, choosing products. Christmas gingerbread recipe. Girls, please share. We need those that can be painted...


I made it according to the Molokhovets recipe - these are really gingerbread cookies, they don’t dry out, don’t get stale, perfect)
Melt 500 grams of sugar; when all the grains have melted, carefully pour in 200 ml of boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and add 200 grams of butter, stir vigorously until dissolved.
wait until it cools down room temperature, beat in one egg, mix.
Gradually add flour mixed with 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. ginger, 2 tsp. cinnamon, a little cloves, cardamom, pepper.
knead in bowl while mixing. then place it on a table sprinkled with flour and mix it in until the dough becomes elastic, like plasticine, and slightly sticky.
put in a bag and put in the refrigerator for at least a day.
This dough can sit in the refrigerator for a month without any damage), it only gets better.
Roll out the layer 5-7 millimeters thick. 180 degrees for 6-7 minutes. Don’t be embarrassed if the gingerbreads seem unbaked to you - that’s how it should be, they will cook in the air.
just don’t leave the baking sheet in the public domain! I baked it for gifts, left it in the kitchen overnight, and in the morning it was all eaten. I had to bake a second batch.
it’s good that at least the household walked around with a happy face all day)

12/21/2017 23:50:05, not a cook

Chairman of the Parents Committee: Guys, let's discuss what we will give to the children in the New Year? We don’t scatter too much – the budget is 200 rubles. per child, so... Magician Mom: I can make everyone a set of painted gingerbread cookies.


What a blessing, all this passed me by. My son graduated from school this year, they didn’t even discuss graduation like that, they suggested it at the meeting, everyone agreed and that’s it.

But we made it to 5th grade and everything was great in our chats, everything was to the point. No gifts for anyone, including teachers. Contributions only for additional benefits and excursions are completely voluntary. If you don't want to or can't go on an excursion, no one forces you. The main thing is to offer only one pre-agreed option.

Gingerbread recipe. Where?:). Bakery. Cooking. Cooking recipes, cooking help and tips, holiday menus, and 2/3 cup corn syrup.


from a cutlet?

Christmas gingerbread cookies
Yield approximately 180 pcs. if the cookies are about 6cm

1 + 3/4 cups sugar

6 glasses (cups) flour

2 tsp. spoons of cinnamon

2 tsp. spoons of cloves

2 tsp. tablespoons ground ginger

* (glass) = 240 ml.

Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, preferably a day.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator 1-2 hours before rolling, this makes it easier to work with.

I roll out no more than 5mm, bake for an average of 10-13 minutes at 180, but in general it all depends on the oven.
The dough is dense, the gingerbread cookies are also dense, they will not be soft like in the store, because they shouldn’t be like that, they are stored for a long time, you can safely hang them on the Christmas tree for a month and then eat them.

Sorry about your topic, I'll ask. Is it possible to freeze gingerbread dough?

From my experience: small and large muffins in rectangular tins, but do not cut thinly; package cookies in bags; the pies are not large, under New Year's Eve there are gingerbreads on a string. At my daughter’s school, it was a win-win and not cheap:) they sold pasta (like cakes)...


Think logically. Everyone there will be selling baked goods. Everyone bought everything. They want water. And you take and bring five-liter drinks with glasses and sell them at a higher price. They will buy everything, especially towards the end. When everyone is full. This is how I earned about 300 out of 100 rubles. Very profitable. we will do this every year

01/22/2019 17:13:55, Some people


Here it is!
so you can make any cookies and decorate them, these are made from gingerbread dough (I also make gingerbread houses from it)
for decorating the Christmas tree and just like that, i.e. long storage, if cookies usually harden and dry out, then these will be hard, but crumbly in moderation, but this is also not for everyone
Gingerbread cookies are not tender and crumbly, they are dense, as they were made in the old days))
but we love to chew on these)) they last for a very long time.
Christmas gingerbread cookies
Yield approximately 180 pcs. if the cookies are about 6cm
2/3 cup corn syrup. Can be replaced with liquid honey. Recipe Invert syrup(corn syrup substitute) [link-1]
but I ONLY use honey)) I just have a lot of it, although corn syrup there is also glucose syrup I have, I’m thrifty))) but honey is the best.

1 + 3/4 cups sugar
1 + 1/2 cups butter (I take 250g-300g)

6 glasses (cups) flour

1-2 tsp. I put 1 spoon of soda and still the dough rises very well, the soda reacts with honey, for the house it’s just necessary so that it doesn’t rise)) for gingerbread it doesn’t matter.
This time I didn’t put it in at all, I used baking powder.

2 tsp. spoons of cinnamon

2 tsp. spoons of cloves

2 tsp. tablespoons ground ginger

I also definitely add 1 tsp. nutmeg and cardamom
* (glass) = 240 ml.

Heat the syrup (i.e. honey in my case) with spices to a boil and add oil.
This mixture is already incredibly aromatic and tasty, I eat it drop by drop with a spoon))
Beat eggs with sugar and combine with COOLED syrup. Add soda and
gradually, pouring through a sieve, stir in flour.
Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, preferably a day.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator 1-2 hours before rolling, this makes it easier to work with.

gingerbread . Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection.

Soft glazed gingerbread with the aroma of honey and healthy spices, covered with a thin crust, like the first ice on puddles citrus- sugar icing... This is wonderful winter delicacy for tea for children and adults! The aroma of ginger and cinnamon, oranges and fresh baked goods immediately fills the House and soul with a pre-holiday, New Year's mood!

This recipe for homemade gingerbread was invented on the basis of two - honey gingerbread, which we invented, in turn, on the basis of honey cake; and gingerbread cookies. After the children really liked the custard with honey, I thought: what if we add spices to the dough - ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, turmeric?.. You should get fragrant New Year's gingerbread cookies!

And they turned out :) But, I want to warn you - the children liked just honey ones better, without spices :) So, taste and color - if you like ginger and other seasonings, then bake! And if it’s not very good, then you can add vanilla or no spices at all. It will be delicious either way!

You get a lot of gingerbreads, they remain soft for a long time, they store well (if you don’t gobble them up on the first day, of course:) So you can bake gingerbread cookies with your whole family on the weekend and then take them with you to school, college, work...


For 25-30 pieces:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 60-70 g butter;
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda(without slide);
  • 450-500 g wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger;
  • 0.5-1 teaspoon ground cinnamon(present, highest quality, how to distinguish it from a fake one, I wrote in the recipe for cinnamon rolls);
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • 1/6 teaspoon ground cloves;
  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt.

For the sugar glaze:

  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of lemon or orange juice.

How to bake:

The amount of seasonings can be reduced and their types varied to suit your taste. For example, those who are not delighted with the aroma of cinnamon can replace it with vanilla (on the tip of a knife or in a bag vanilla sugar); and instead of nutmeg you can take a pinch of cardamom!

Cooking custard honey dough.

Melt honey, sugar and butter cut into pieces over low heat or in a water bath until the butter and sugar grains melt.

Beat the eggs with soda and pour the fluffy mixture into the heated mixture.

Mix quickly, and when the mass begins to foam with such small bubbles, remove from heat and immediately begin adding the sifted flour. Add it, mix it with a spoon and look at the consistency of the dough. At first it’s liquid, you can’t knead it with your hands, and it’s also hot. Then the dough becomes thicker and becomes not so hot - yeah, you can move on to kneading with your hands. When you see that there is almost enough flour (the dough should be soft, so that it almost does not stick to your hands, but not too hard), add spices along with the last portion of flour: ginger, cloves, nuts, cinnamon and salt.

Mix. This is the dough for gingerbread: soft, warm, fragrant, and a pleasant brown hue!

Dust the table with flour and roll it out ginger honey dough 1 cm thick and cut out circles with a glass.

Place them on a baking sheet, covering it with oiled parchment, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between them, since the dough will rise during baking, and put them in the oven, preheated to 200-210C. While the first batch is baking (and this is a portion for 1.5-2 baking sheets), you can prepare the second.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, until the color of coffee with milk and light golden brown. The gingerbread cookies will rise, become twice as tall, and turn brown – it’s time to take them out! Don't keep them in the oven longer as they will harden. So that they bake and remain soft, I place a ladle of water on the bottom of the oven, and cover the finished ones with a towel for 10-15 minutes.

And you can bake treats not only in the form of circles, but in different figures! Imagine how interesting they turn out! Christmas trees, bells, stars, even deer, sleighs and bags of gifts!

This is how they come out after baking, pot-bellied (I mean, bags) – like they’re full of gifts!

These molds self made, if you like it, please contact us, we can make it to order :)

While the gingerbread cookies cool, we will make the glaze for them. Pour powdered sugar into a bowl and squeeze citrus juice and mix with a spoon until smooth.

Glaze the cooled gingerbread cookies; it is convenient to pour the glaze onto the top with a teaspoon and spread it directly with your finger. And lick it slowly while no one sees! 😀

As the glaze hardens, it becomes matte white, like store-bought ones.

And if you want to make painted ones, then make the icing a little thicker, place it in a pastry bag, cut off the very tip of the corner and... create! This is an amazingly exciting activity for the whole family; children of all ages will especially enjoy painting the treats!

After half an hour, the glaze will harden and turn white, each gingerbread will be covered with sugar patterns, like a frosty window with frost.

What a beauty! And it smells like honey, spices, home comfort and New Year! You immediately feel the festive mood. You can decorate a Christmas composition with such sweets, or you can treat your friends by giving them sweet gift self-made!

You can also cut out these homemade gingerbread cookies using cookie cutters, make holes in them, like in New Year’s cookies, and decorate them delicious Christmas tree for kids! Only, if the children are small, it is still better to use less spices and make the gingerbreads simply honey. If you need a recipe without honey, there is one, shortbread cookies, delicious and beautiful!

Enjoy your tea parties and New Year's mood!