Drinks made from ginger root. Ginger drink recipe: great taste and benefits

Ginger drink is prepared based on ginger root and has very remarkable properties, and for good reason.

Ginger has long been considered healing medicine, in ancient times it was used to treat a whole range of diseases and many peoples considered it a valuable remedy against a whole list of various diseases.

Today, it should be noted that ginger root is most often used not so much in pharmacology and medicine, but in cooking. Although ethnoscience I didn’t lose sight of the ginger root for a second. Today we will look at ginger, or rather ginger drink, in more detail.

Ginger drink for weight loss

If you want to lose extra pounds, then you should definitely try a ginger drink for weight loss.

It is prepared from just two ingredients:

- water - 1 liter;

- ginger, fresh root - 2-3 cm piece.


Of course, it is best to take fresh ginger root and prepare a weight loss drink from it. Dried ginger powder, no matter how fragrant and beneficial it may be, still does not provide the same results as fresh ginger.

Moreover, it contains much more active substances and various essential oils, which accelerate the blood, warming it up, and speed up metabolism.

It is also necessary to note that you must take into account the following - you should drink this drink only at the beginning, in the first half of the day, as it is very invigorating.

Preparing a ginger drink for weight loss is very simple. You need to take ginger root, wash and peel it, and then grate it. The resulting raw material should be placed in a thermos, and then simply pour boiling water over it.

For one tea, close the thermos, let everything brew, and then just drink half an hour before meals. Important - if you want to add lemon, you can do so.

If you need to cook ginger tea When using honey, add it no earlier than the drink has cooled to 40 degrees. Don't worry, ginger drink affects metabolism and metabolism even when it has completely cooled down.

Ginger and lemon drink

Very interesting drink, both in taste and aroma. The rich smell of ginger cannot help but attract, and the lemony citrus freshness allows you to drink the spicy ginger drink both hot and cold.

In order to prepare it, you first need to take the following ingredients:

- lemon - half a lemon;

– sugar – 10 teaspoons of sugar;

– water – 1 liter;


First you need to take half a lemon and remove the zest using a grater. Prepare the root immediately - peel and grate it.

Boil water, pour in the zest, after exactly 5 minutes pour the water into a separate container and stir granulated sugar, and then cover.

As soon as the drink is infused - 15 minutes will be enough, add the juice from half a lemon and mix everything thoroughly.

This ginger drink is very tasty to drink both hot and cold, with ice.

Ginger drink recipe

A drink made from ginger with spices is very good in all respects.

For it you will need to take:

- ginger - a piece of fresh root 2 cm;

– water – 700 ml;

– honey – 2 tablespoons (optional, not required);

— cardamom – 2 boxes;

- cloves - 2 pieces;

- lemon - 2-3 mugs.


This drink is absorbed much better if it is hot. First you need to take a piece of ginger and grate it.

Some people prefer to cut the ginger into slices, but when grated, it releases much more extractives into the water.

In order to prepare such a drink, you will first need to take ginger grated on the smallest side of the grater, after that you need to take boxes of cardamom and cloves, and put it all in teapot.

After each cup you need to add a circle of lemon and serve an aromatic ginger drink with spices. You can also serve it cold, it’s also tasty and very original.

Since it uses cardamom, ginger, lemon, and cloves, such a drink can be considered simply universal remedy against colds.

Cardamom and cloves are very strong anti-inflammatory agents that perfectly relieve pain and have an aggravating effect on various pathogenic processes.

Green coffee with ginger recipe

To make green coffee with ginger, you will need the following products:

- coffee - teaspoon;

- grated ginger - teaspoon;

- brown sugar - optional.


First you need to take coffee, brew it in a Turkish coffee pot immediately with sugar, if you prefer this drink to a sweet one. Fresh ginger needs to be washed and peeled, then grated.

Once you have done all this, you just need to put the ginger-scented mass into a cup and pour it with freshly prepared green coffee, and you will need to do this in such a way that you have the opportunity to prevent sediment from getting into the cup.

This drink is drunk in absolutely tiny portions and in no case more than once a day. You should only drink it in the morning, as it is incredibly invigorating and gives you strength and vigor.

It acts almost like a nuclear mixture for getting rid of unwanted weight, and, nevertheless, it can help you cope not only with fatigue problems, but also with overweight fights very effectively.

In addition, it should be noted that this drink has many contraindications. It should not be used by those who often experience unreasonable feelings of anxiety, who work and worry a lot, who have a tendency to arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

Ginger drink recipe

The ginger drink is very popular for a lot of reasons; moreover, if you like hot ginger, be sure to try it together with citrus fruits.

The beneficial properties of ginger are simple great amount, and even in combination with vitamin composition With oranges and lemons, this drink simply cannot help but amaze. Try it, it’s very simple to prepare and incredibly tasty when hot.

First you need to prepare the following ingredients:

- orange - 1 piece;

– lemon – 1 piece;

- fresh mint - 5 leaves. If you don’t have fresh, you can replace it with dried – a teaspoon;

– water – 1 liter;

- ginger root - 4 cm of fresh root.


The ginger needs to be rinsed, after that you need to peel it and rub it to the very fine grater. After this, everything is grated on the smallest grater and poured with boiling water. Now all that remains is to take the mint leaves and add them to the ginger.

Let everything sit for 10 minutes. The orange needs to be washed, the lemon also needs to be washed after that, cut everything into very small slices and put it in a bowl into which you will pour everything.

All you have to do is pour the rest into the drink, and then drink everything fresh, hot, right away. Tasty and very healthy.

Ginger and honey drink

A drink made from ginger and honey is best drunk warm, not hot or cold, as it is best absorbed.

For it you need to take the following ingredients:

– ginger – ½ root;

— honey – 100 grams;

– water – 1 liter;

- lemon 1 piece.


Peel the ginger root, brew with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to infuse and cool to 40 degrees. After that you just need to add there lemon juice, first cutting the lemon into two parts.

You can now add honey, but only if everything has cooled down very well. The fact is that the fruit in a hot drink will not do you any good.

But as for a lukewarm drink, everything is exactly the opposite - you can get the most healthy drink that you can drink as a prophylactic against vitamin deficiency, as well as to stay in good shape.

A ginger drink can be not only tasty, but also very, very healthy. Especially if you want to go on a diet or stay in shape.

First you need to buy the following ingredients:

— low-calorie low-fat kefir – 250 ml;

— fiber – 2 teaspoons;

– cucumber – 1 piece;

– garlic – 1 clove small size;

- chili pepper - a small pinch;

- ginger - a teaspoon of grated ginger;

- favorite greens to taste.


This drink instantly burns calories, moreover, it is both a drink and a low-calorie dinner at the same time.

To prepare it, you first need to mix kefir and fiber with a blender into a homogeneous mass. After this, the fiber needs to sit in kefir for 15 minutes to swell.

If you want, fiber can be replaced with bran. You need to cut the cucumber into pieces, grate the ginger, peel the garlic, and beat it all again with a blender until completely homogeneous.

You can season with a small pinch of red pepper, and then drink everything. This cocktail whets your appetite and is very tonic.

How to make a ginger drink

You now know how to make a delicious ginger drink, but these are not all the recipes that may attract your attention.

Try making another very popular ginger drink, you will definitely like it.

All you need to do is take the following:

green tea- tea spoon;

- fresh ginger, grated - 1 teaspoon;

- lemon circle - 1 piece;

– water – 300 ml.


First you need to grate the already prepared ginger on the finer side of the grater. After this, you need to pour boiling water over the teapot and drain the water immediately. Place tea leaves in it to steam slightly.

At the same time, set fresh water to warm up to 90 degrees as soon as you see the first thin threads bubbles, turn everything off immediately.

Pour green tea hot water and after that, immediately pour it into a bowl where the grated ginger root is already lying. Add all other ingredients and serve the drink.

Ginger coffee drink

Recipes for making a coffee-based ginger drink are also quite popular. There are several cooking methods. The simplest one is to take ginger, coffee, and some water.

You can immediately add granulated sugar to taste if you like sweet drinks. It is brewed using exactly the same principle as any sweet coffee.

You can prepare ginger coffee in another way by adding spices.

You need to take:

- cloves - 2 pieces,

– water – 300 ml,

- ginger root - 1 teaspoon.


To prepare, you will first need to take all this, put it on the fire, and then pour this liquid into the coffee. The drink should brew well. In general, this coffee tastes better when it is cold.

To prepare another drink, which is often referred to as a weight loss drink, you need to take:

— cinnamon — 1 stick;

- fresh ginger root - 1 centimeter;

– water – 250 ml;

- honey - to taste.


A cinnamon stick is placed in a teapot. Ginger is also added there. Afterwards, all that remains is to add boiling water and add honey and lemon to taste, as soon as the drink is thoroughly infused.

Refreshing ginger drink

To prepare a refreshing ginger drink, you will need the following products:

— ginger – 300 grams;

— granulated sugar – 220 grams;

— lemon – 1.5 pieces;

- a little cloves, if you like;

— carbonated drinking water – 1.5 liters;

- fresh culinary mint - a small bunch.


First you need to peel the ginger root, then cut everything into thinner slices. The lemons need to be washed, then carefully grate the zest and squeeze out the juice from the lemons.

Add ginger and granulated sugar to the pan, as well as cloves and zest. We also send lemon juice and water there and heat until the sugar dissolves. Do not bring it to a boil under any circumstances.

Then immediately add mint. We wait until everything cools down room temperature, and filter. Let cool in the refrigerator and serve after an hour.

This drink is simply amazing in every way - tasty, fresh, pleasant. If there is not enough sugar, you can add a little more, but this amount is optimal.

In general, no matter what ginger drink you decide to prepare, remember that this drink has exactly the same contraindications as ginger root.

If you have problems with the gallbladder, cholecystitis and other similar diseases, then a ginger drink is contraindicated for you.

The Arab merchants who brought this root to Europe in the Middle Ages claimed that it grew at the edge of the world and was guarded by terrible monsters. In India, which is still the main supplier of this plant around the world, it is used as a mandatory seasoning for all dishes, even tea and desserts.

Vedic medicine carefully preserves various recipes with this root, which dates back more than three thousand years. And most of you today are familiar with it as a seasoning that is always served in combination with wasabi in restaurants serving Japanese cuisine.

Yes, it's all ginger. A truly unique plant, with a rich composition and mass useful properties. Today, ginger root has crossed the boundaries of cooking and has firmly established itself in cosmetology and medicine. A variety of healing drinks with ginger, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation, can compete even with modern medicines.

Of course, ginger contains many macro- and microelements and vitamins. However, its main value lies in substances called cingibirene and gingerol. It is they who give the root that special spicy-hot taste, as well as the ability to relieve pain and inflammation, speed up metabolism and slow down the aging process.

In addition, 100 grams of ginger root contains:

  • Ascorbic acid – 12 mg, the quantity of which can compete with citrus fruits.
  • Retinol, or vitamin A, which is vital primarily for your eyes, and in addition to them is also needed for skin elasticity, silky hair and strong nails.
  • Almost the entire group of vitamins B, with the exception of B12, and in quantities covering 1/3 of daily requirement an adult in them.
  • Such important elements, like phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium.

Translated from the ancient language of Sanskrit, one of the names of ginger means universal medicine. Modern medicine describes about 20 medicinal properties of this magical plant.

Beneficial features

The ability of ginger to relieve inflammation and pain has been proven experimentally. American doctors treated patients with osteoarthritis with ginger root extract for six months. Of 247 patients, improvements were noted in 63% of cases. While in the control group taking anti-inflammatory drugs, only 50% showed improvements.

This is far from the only beneficial property of ginger. In addition to pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, this plant:

  • Helps with problems with the stomach and intestines, stimulates peristalsis, improves the production of gastric juice and relieves symptoms of indigestion. Relieves intestinal and biliary colic, copes with flatulence and disorder.
  • Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation in any joint diseases, injuries and muscle strain after intense sports.
  • Improves blood circulation, strengthens and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and also helps fight high blood pressure.
  • It has high antiviral activity and can cope not only with colds and flu, but also, for example, with such a serious viral disease as shingles.


The advantage of ginger is that it retains its unique medicinal properties both fresh and in the form of essential oil and powder into which the dried root is ground. True, in this form, ginger is more used as a seasoning.

As for essential oil, it is not only an independent healing agent, but also medicinal supplement in ointments for joints, in various cosmetical tools or into base oil for massage.

Ginger oil is also used in aromatherapy. At the same time its bright spicy aroma not only relieves nervous tension and irritability, but also disinfects the air in the room. However, the most popular treatment method is a variety of ginger drinks.

Fresh ginger is best stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator door, but not for longer than a week, otherwise it will lose healing qualities. However, it cannot be wrapped in film, but only in paper or cotton cloth.

For a cold

Perhaps, for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, ginger is truly an indispensable remedy. Moreover, you can buy it not only in a pharmacy or a specialized herbal store, but also in any vegetable shop. However, you can also buy ginger powder at the pharmacy. Although recipes for preparing drinks with ginger still recommend using fresh root.

Ginger peel contains many unique substances, so it is not necessary to peel it before using it. The main thing is to wash it well.

How to prepare a ginger drink that can relieve unpleasant symptoms and improve your well-being? For this you will need the following recipes:

  • Fresh root, approximately the size of your index finger, grate or grind in a blender. Pour 150 ml of boiling water and then heat for about 10 minutes. If you can’t get a fresh root, you can brew a dried one. Only in this case it will have to be heated for up to 20 minutes. Cool the finished broth to a comfortable temperature, add honey, a little cinnamon and the juice of half a lemon. Drink up to three glasses a day at the first cold symptoms.
  • If you don’t like its taste, you can use ginger concentrate for therapy. To do this, mix two tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed ginger juice, and it is better to take buckwheat or chestnut honey. Place the resulting concentrate in a bowl, preferably a ceramic one, and hide it in a dark place for three days. Mix a tablespoon of the prepared product with heated milk or warm tea and drink three times a day.
  • For another type of ginger drink, you will need an incomplete tablespoon of dry or crushed plant root, which needs to be poured into 150 ml hot water and brew for five minutes. You can add it to the drink if you wish. orange zest or honey, then its taste will be softer.

For immunity

Good immunity is reliable protection against many troubles, especially in winter. You can support it with the help of healing herbal remedies based on this miracle root. How to make such a medicine? The ginger drink recipe will not be difficult for you in this case either:

  • For cooking healing tea with pomegranate you need to take 15 grams, this is about three teaspoons, chopped root and 300 ml cold water, which needs to be poured over it and heated until boiling. Remove the broth, add three teaspoons of pomegranate seeds, previously crushed to extract juice. Leave for ten minutes. If you want to make the drink even tastier, add a couple of slices to it. fresh lemon and your favorite type of honey.
  • You can also drink ginger drink with cedar nuts, which also contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the immune system. To do this, mix one glass of fresh grated root with honey, taken in the same volume. This preparation can be easily stored in the refrigerator and used as needed. For a drink 10 gr. Dilute honey mixed with ginger in 0.2 liters of boiling water, leave for ten minutes, and then add a teaspoon of nuts.
  • For a tonic tea with spices, you will need two tablespoons of crushed root, chopped fresh or dried mint leaves and ground cinnamon, as well as a teaspoon of orange zest and cardamom. If you have cinnamon sticks, then you need to take 3 pieces. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water over the root, wait until the broth boils, add spices and mint to it. Let it brew for ten minutes. Drink in equal portions throughout the day.

If a pure ginger drink seems too strong to you, then you can soften its taste and aroma by adding a little green or black tea to the recipe when preparing it. At the same time, everything healing properties ginger will remain unchanged.

Against cough

Ginger root is good because it can treat any cough, both dry and wet. It is used as an addition to medications prescribed by a doctor or as an independent remedy. How to make ginger cough drink? You can use the following recipes:

  • If you are suffering from a dry, barking cough, then two teaspoons of freshly squeezed ginger and lemon juice should be mixed with a teaspoon of any kind of honey. Add two pinches of fennel seeds and pour 0.3 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for ten minutes. Drink a teaspoon for each coughing attack. In this case, the drug must be held in the mouth before swallowing.
  • For a wet cough, a drink with an expectorant effect may help. To do this, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of dry ginger powder or pre-grated root in 100 ml of hot milk. Add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of turmeric to the drink. Let it brew for ten minutes. Take four times a day warm.
  • You can make a drink that is suitable for any type of cough. To do this, mix 25 ml of onion juice with a pinch of ginger powder. Take 0.5 teaspoon every four hours.

Almost everyone is allowed to drink drinks with ginger for dry or wet cough, provided that you are not allergic to their components.

For sore throat

It’s rare to have a cold without a sore throat or sore throat. As a rule, it begins with this symptom. If you have an unpleasant sore throat, then a small piece of fresh ginger root will help you, which you just need to hold in your mouth, like cough drops, for example. You can gargle with a ginger-based decoction several times a day. You can also try a healthy ginger drink, the recipe of which looks like this:

  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water into a thermos, add 10 g. grated ginger, two whispers of black pepper and five florets dried cloves. Infuse the resulting drink for 60 minutes and drink warm.
  • Cut a fresh ginger root, weighing about 10–15 grams, into thin slices, add 150 ml of water and heat over low heat for no longer than 15 minutes. Add about a teaspoon of fresh or dried mint leaves to the broth and let it brew for another ten minutes. Take the drink up to two times a day.

Ginger drinks are not contraindicated for children over 12 years of age. But provided that they are not allergic to their components. Only the amount of root in the recipe needs to be halved.

Who is ginger contraindicated for?

Treatment with ginger root and drinks with it are excellent for many diseases. True, like any treatment with herbal preparations, the effect is not immediate. Therefore, in severe cases, they are usually supplemented with medications prescribed by a doctor. However, it also has its contraindications. These include:

  • Diseases of the stomach or intestines accompanied by inflammation, such as gastritis or ulcers, especially in the acute stage.
  • Pregnancy in the last three months of the term, as well as the period of breastfeeding.
  • Liver diseases, especially cirrhosis or hepatitis in acute or chronic form.
  • Stones in the kidneys, liver or gallbladder. Ginger drink capable of provoking their movement.
  • Tendency to bleeding, especially uterine, gastric or associated with hemorrhoids.
  • Severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, especially stroke or heart attack, even if they happened in the past.

If you have any doubts about whether you can drink ginger or use recipes with it to treat symptoms of a cold, cough or sore throat, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Ginger with lemon and honey are the three main ingredients used to make a delicious and healthy drink. It is taken not only to warm up, but also for another purpose - to strengthen the immune system, feel a surge of energy, improve mood and even lose extra pounds. A drink with these components helps maintain health during the peak of the increase in the incidence of ARVI in children and adults. There are many recipes for making ginger drink, from this article you will learn several of them, but first you should understand the benefits of the ingredients included in the composition.

Ginger with lemon and honey

Ginger, lemon and honey are a truly unique blend for health. These products collectively support immune system, help cleanse the blood and intestines, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and tone up. Let's look at the benefits of each ingredient separately.


Ginger root is quite capable of replacing a complete vitamin and mineral complex. It contains vitamins of group B (almost the entire spectrum), A, E, K, PP, and ascorbic acid in this spice is at least 5 percent. The root contains the following microelements - magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, manganese and others. This set useful substances and determines the beneficial properties of ginger root. Let's look at them:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Weight loss.
  3. Cleansing the intestines of toxins and toxic substances.
  4. Stimulation of the immune system.
  5. Blood thinning.

Ginger is able to inhibit pathogenic microflora, as well as slow down and stop the growth of tumors, including malignant ones. This product also dulls pain and acts as an antispasmodic, so it is often used by people suffering from joint diseases. The spice promotes the flow of bile - this is another beneficial property of ginger.

Ginger root

Despite all the usefulness of the product, people who have been diagnosed with stomach ulcers, acute liver disease, and allergy sufferers should use it with caution. Ginger is a highly allergenic product. That is why it is forbidden to give it to children under three years of age.


Lemon is a juicy citrus containing a lot of ascorbic acid - about 150 mg per 100 g of product! This fruit also contains other valuable components - pectin, organic acids, vitamins A, P, group B, as well as iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Lemon is extremely beneficial for the immune system - the vitamin C contained in it promotes the production of phagocytes, substances that are designed to destroy foreign microorganisms that have entered the blood.

Citrus helps remove free radicals from the body's cells, preventing them from aging. In addition, it has been established that this fruit cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and strengthens their walls. Citrus is also useful for those who have low acidity of gastric secretions.

Attention! Lemon is contraindicated if you are diagnosed with gastritis or an ulcer with increased acidity, as well as people suffering from citrus intolerance.


Honey – delicious product beekeeping, the benefits of which are known even to children. It has the following beneficial properties:

Natural honey

  1. Tones and gives strength after acute infections.
  2. Destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi.
  3. Promotes tissue regeneration.
  4. Strengthens the protective functions of the immune system.
  5. Softens irritated mucous membranes.
  6. Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  7. Improves sleep.
  8. Improves the functioning of the intestines, cleanses it of toxins.

Reference. Regular use beekeeping product in small quantity significantly increases the body's resistance to viral infections.

Although honey has many beneficial properties, it can be dangerous if you have allergies. Bee products often cause skin rashes and other unpleasant symptoms.

Cooking recipes

Ginger drink with lemon and honey will help irreplaceable benefit, if a person is cold, it will help prevent a cold. Drink it whenever you have to come into contact with people sick with ARVI at work or at home. Worth checking out general recommendations for preparing ginger drink or tea.

The product helps with chills

Principles for preparing ginger root drinks

Tonic and immunostimulating teas and drinks require proper preparation. It is worth making sure that all the ingredients included in the composition are of high quality. Choose only fresh ginger root without signs of spoilage - dark spots, mold and rot. If fresh product If you don’t have it on hand, take the dried spice in powder form. Just know that the concentration of active substances in such a product is higher. This means that less crushed ginger is added to tea or drink.

Reference. You are allowed to consume no more than 4 grams of dried crushed ginger root or no more than 15 grams of fresh root per day.

You can grind the ingredients in any convenient way - slices, plates, or on a grater. It is equally important to use high-quality water, purified through a filter or bottled. You can add other spices to ginger tea, such as cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg. Recipes for preparing healthy and delicious drinks are given below.

Tea with ginger, lemon and honey

Prepare brewing ingredients:

  • green tea without additives - 3 bags or 3 teaspoons;
  • ginger – a piece of root (5-10 grams);
  • lemon – 3 small slices;
  • honey - a tablespoon (or to taste).

Honey, ginger and lemon

Take a clean teapot and scald it with boiling water. Peel and wash the ginger root, cut into pieces with a knife. Place all the ingredients in the kettle, except honey; this product is added only after the drink has cooled to 50 degrees. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, cover the teapot with a lid and wrap it in a towel. Leave the drink to steep for at least 30 minutes. When the ginger tea has cooled, add honey to it. You can do this later, when serving. Each tea party participant can adjust the amount of honey to their taste.

Recipe with mint and lemon

Ginger drink with mint and lemon has a refreshing taste. It's quite simple to prepare, all you need are the following ingredients:

  • fresh or dried mint leaves - 5 pieces;
  • ginger root – 5 grams;
  • lemon – 4 slices.

Rinse the mint leaves with water, peel the ginger root and chop it in any way. Place the ingredients - mint, lemon slices and ginger - in a thermos, brew them with two glasses of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and wait for the drink to brew, this will take about 30-40 minutes. Pour the medicine into portions and add honey, depending on your taste.

Attention! Honey should not be added to hot tea, since when heated, the process of fructose destruction begins, as a result of which the product is enriched with carcinogens.

Tea with ginger, lemon and apples

This tea will give you real pleasure thanks to this interesting cast. Prepare necessary ingredients to prepare it:

  • cinnamon stick;
  • lemon slices – 3;
  • green apple – half of the fruit;
  • ginger root – 10 grams;

Drink with ginger, lemon and apples

Citrus must be washed and cut into fragments (quarters of rings). The ginger root should be peeled and chopped into thin slices. The apple is cut into cubes without removing the skin, because it also contains a lot of useful substances. All prepared ingredients are placed in a thermos, including a cinnamon stick, and poured with three glasses of boiling water. Screw the lid tightly. Infusion time aromatic tea- 45 minutes. You can add honey after this time or when serving the drink.


  1. For allergy sufferers.
  2. Suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.
  3. People with low blood clotting.
  4. Patients who are forced to take blood thinning medications.
  5. For those who suffer from insomnia, it is better not to drink ginger drink at night.
  6. Children under three years old.
  7. Breastfeeding women.
  8. Pregnant women should drink tea or drink with ginger root with caution.

Ginger drink with lemon and honey – effective remedy for colds and flu, for weight loss, increased performance, and improved overall well-being. In autumn and winter, you should treat yourself to such a drink, because at this time the risk of getting sick increases. However, first you should study the contraindications to such a drink. If they are present, it is better to refrain from using the product so that the benefit does not turn into harm.

In cooking, homeopathy, and dietetics, drinks with ginger are widely used for many reasons. Depending on the recipe and combination with other ingredients, they tone, warm, disinfect, normalize lipid metabolism, are a good prevention of many diseases. There are a great many recipes for their preparation, but which ones are the most effective?

Properties of ginger drinks

Any ginger drink contains the root in fresh or dried and crushed form. This one main ingredient determines the effect of the drink on the human body. What beneficial properties are contained in the root and why are dishes made from it so valuable?

  • Ginger is a source of antioxidants, which means not only such well-known vitamins as E and A, but also a whole complex of complex organic compounds that fight free radicals and preserve the youth and vitality of cells.
  • The root contains sufficient quantities of potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, which are structural components of many tissues and organs.
  • The antimicrobial components contained in the plant disinfect mucous membranes well, reduce colonies of bacteria and fungi, and remove inflammatory processes.
  • The spice belongs to the hot group, so it warms perfectly in cold weather.
  • Contains gingerol, which improves lipid metabolism and generally accelerates metabolic processes, which promotes weight loss and stimulates the entire digestive system.

Considering the properties of the plant, we can say that ginger drinks should be used to strengthen the immune system, fight inflammatory diseases, for weight loss, to tone the body and replenish the deficiency of essential vitamins.

Possible ingredient combinations

The most popular ginger drink in the world is tea. Next in popularity are coffee, tonics, cocktails, and ale. They are all united by a similar combination of ingredients used, but are separated by production technology. Most often, ginger is combined with the following products:

  • lemon and others citrus fruit;
  • honey and brown sugar;
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, rose hips);
  • spices and spices (pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cocoa);
  • medicinal herbs(chamomile, thyme, mint, lemon balm, senna);
  • dairy products(kefir, yogurt);
  • vegetables, berries and fruits (cucumbers, apples, cranberries, celery, rhubarb);
  • garlic.

The original recipe for any ginger drink involves using it fresh, not ground. Natural root vegetables contain more essential oils and volatile organic compounds, the volume of which is significantly reduced when dried and crushed.

Hot drinks

Based on ginger, you can prepare a lot of delicious, warming drinks that are good for digestion and are a remedy for colds and viral diseases. Hot mixtures are absorbed much better and are more effective than cold ones.

How to make a ginger tea drink? To do this, you will need green or black tea in the usual proportions relative to the volume of water, grated ginger root, honey and a slice of lemon. Black tea is poured with boiling water along with chopped ginger, be sure to infuse for several minutes and only after cooling to optimal temperature add honey and lemon juice. One cup of tea requires from one tea to one dessert spoon spices. Ginger drinks based on green tea are made in the same way, only the ingredients are poured not with boiling water, but with hot water no higher than 80 degrees.

They do it for immunity hot drink, brew ginger, rose hips, raisins in arbitrary quantities in a thermos, and drink it as a bite with honey. For an antipyretic effect, you can add linden flowers.

Hot ginger drinks are teas and infusions that are traditionally consumed with honey or brown sugar

For weight loss, ginger is often boiled for 3-5 minutes over low heat to obtain a valuable decoction with maximum content gingerol. Later it is filtered and consumed before each meal, half or a whole glass. You can add lemon juice and honey.

Fat burning drink recipe

For weight loss, the fat-burning drink “The Magic of Ginger, Honey and Fruits” recently became popular. His recipe is for 2 liters of water, the volume of which should be drunk during the day to achieve an effective effect.

Ginger drink is prepared using the following technology:

  • about 50 grams of fresh root cut into thin petals;
  • deep cuts are made on 5 apples;
  • grate the zest of one lemon and squeeze out the juice;
  • pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add apples, ginger and zest, cook for 3 minutes;
  • let it brew and cool, filter;
  • add lemon juice and honey to taste.

The role of ginger in the recipe is clear. What is the point of adding apples? These fruits are a rich source of pectin, iron and fiber. They have a good effect on the digestive processes and are an aromatic additive to the drink. Honey is a powerful antioxidant, a source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, a sweetener and a taste improver. If desired, add cinnamon sticks to the drink, which are boiled together with ginger and apples.

The combination of these products allows you to improve fat metabolism in the body and enrich it with vitamins

This drink with ginger can be drunk hot or cold, preferably before meals. This is one of the most delicious ways lose extra pounds and improve your health. In summer it is drunk cold to quench thirst and replenish fluid deficiency. In winter, for the additional purpose of keeping warm, they prefer it hot.

Vitamin drink

The following vitamin ginger drink can also help you lose weight. This is a kind of lemonade, very aromatic, refreshing and invigorating, the main purpose of which is to combat appetite, cleanse the intestines and provide vitamins. It is prepared with fresh root, ground attaches too burning taste.


  • cut a medium cucumber with the skin and one ripe lemon into thin slices;
  • chop 30-40 grams of ginger into thin slices;
  • Chop 4 mint sprigs by hand;
  • Pour the ingredients into 1.5 liters of cold drinking water;
  • leave overnight to infuse in a cool place;
  • strain, pour into a decanter and drink throughout the day.

A new portion is prepared again in the evening in order to fresh drink during next day. The weight loss course with vitamin elixir is 4 weeks. During this period you can lose 3-4 kg. How does he work?

Ginger is a well-known fat burner; its properties are due to gingerol and 400 organic compounds that have a complex effect on the body. Cucumber is a low-calorie product containing a lot of potassium, which regulates water-salt balance body. Lemon is a source of vitamin C, pectin and dietary fiber, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps break down fats and cholesterol.

Fresh fruit and vegetable drink with a spicy aftertaste - a blow to extra pounds, heat and fatigue

Thanks to this drink, it is much easier to consume the amount of liquid needed for weight loss per day. In addition, there is gentle cleansing gastrointestinal tract from toxins and waste, which allows you to visibly reduce your waist size.

Recipes with honey

Ginger-honey drink has many variations in preparation. These two components can be combined with coffee, tea, spices, and fruits. Lemon is considered a classic ingredient. The simplest cooking recipe involves brewing 4 tablespoons of grated ginger and the juice of 1 lemon with 2.5 liters of hot water in a thermos. After 2 hours, filter the infusion, add 100 grams of honey and continue to infuse for another 2 hours. The drink is ready to drink. It is good in the autumn-winter period for warming up, relieving muscle pain, toning and improving overall well-being. It is also used for weight loss.

Honey always acts as a sweetener with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and vitamin effects.

Honey drink with ginger can be made with espresso coffee. To prepare it, you will need an espresso glass, ground ginger on the tip of a spoon, and half a teaspoon of honey. Place honey and ginger in a glass, pour hot coffee, stir, let it brew for 2-3 minutes and drink for pleasure and vigor.

To strengthen the immune system, gain energy, vitality, youth and beauty, prepare the following elixir:

  • Boil chopped medium ginger root in 1 liter of water for 3 minutes;
  • let it cool a little, add a cinnamon stick and the zest of one lemon;
  • cover with a lid and leave for half an hour;
  • strain, add honey to taste and drink warm.

Recipes with the addition of honey enrich any drink with a whole range of useful, and most importantly ─ natural ingredients: from antioxidants and vitamins, to antimicrobial and immunostimulating compounds.

Cinnamon Recipe

Cinnamon is equally popular in both nutrition and cooking. She has bright aroma, is also effective in stimulating fat metabolism, like ginger. Therefore, drinks with its presence are considered to be low-calorie and fat-burning. A noticeable result from the combination of cinnamon and ginger can only be achieved by systematically consuming them for at least 1 month.

Recipe with cinnamon for weight loss:

  • peel the ginger root and chop 1 teaspoon;
  • mix with the same amount of cinnamon powder;
  • pour 100 ml of hot water;
  • stir vigorously, add lemon drop and honey to taste.

This remedy is consumed once a day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. It is considered one of the most effective for obesity.

You can cook regular with cinnamon and ginger ground coffee. Add a good pinch of spices to a cup of drink, leave for 2-3 minutes and drink without sugar. Coffee, in addition to spices, helps fight appetite, so you should drink it between main meals.

Cinnamon and ginger are two metabolism activators, which is why they are so often combined in one drink.

And another delicious and aromatic one tea drink, which can be prepared every morning. Preparation includes brewing black tea in the usual way in a cup. After 1-2 minutes, add 2 ginger root petals, 2 mint leaves and half a cinnamon stick to the cup, leave for another 2 minutes. Drink with honey or brown sugar.

This drink promotes:

  • normalization of intestinal function and stool formation;
  • improving blood circulation in the brain;
  • breakdown of cholesterol and prevention of thrombosis;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increasing the protective forces of the immune system.

All the recipes presented are very easy to prepare, do not require searching for exotic ingredients and are very healthy. Most of them can be consumed even by children, taking into account the dosage.

Dear friends, today out of turn I want to tell you about a drink made from ginger and lemon. It's winter, the season for colds, flu and other nasty things. It's time to start preventing these misfortunes and prepare yourself such a miraculous drink. You can make it in a thermos, in a teapot, or just in a mug. It’s better to use specially prepared melt water - it will be completely healing: yes: .

Why did I put aside articles about and for a while, and rushed to post you a recipe for a lemon-ginger drink? Because I think that useful, self-tested information should be shared first of all: what if it comes in handy and helps someone - what if right today, what if right now?! Just yesterday I thought that my runny nose was for a week, and muscle aches and chills were something irreversible. Not. I did it. A minimum of disturbing thoughts, maximum attention to the body and three cups of magic drink got me back on my feet by the evening. Each time I brewed myself a fresh portion directly into my mug. No boiling or boiling, everything is simple and effective.

To create a drink from ginger and lemon, for 1 cup (250 ml) we will need:

  • 10-20 g raw root ginger (several circles with a diameter of a five-ruble coin)
  • 1-2 cups of lemon
  • 6-8 cardamom grains
  • 1 teaspoon natural honey

A drink made from ginger and lemon is a lazy and, in my opinion, the most appropriate preparation option.

  1. Bring the water in the kettle to a boil and turn it off.
  2. Cut several peeled ginger slices into a mug. Ginger is a useful strengthening substance for colds, varicose veins and an obsessive desire to lose weight. Eyewitnesses claim that if you drink tea with ginger every day, without any other additional effort you can lose up to 10 kg in a year excess weight. I do not know, I have not tried it.
  3. Adding cardamom seeds is very good for strengthening the immune system, lowering fever, accelerating metabolism and enhancing sexual function (in case anyone needs an extra incentive to prepare a drink).
  4. Pour the ginger and cardamom into a mug of boiling water, cover with a saucer, maybe a towel in addition, and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Then add lemon. Carefully crush the lemon and ginger pieces in a mug with a teaspoon so that they give more juice. They didn’t immediately put the lemon in the mug because boiling water Vitamin C is destroyed faster.
  6. After all this, you can add a spoonful of honey. The infusion is no longer fiery - 60 degrees, just what you need. Because with more heating, honey loses many beneficial properties. It seems that we have taken everything into account, you can drink.

Friends, I hasten to ask - do not forget about caution and prudence. Everyone, even himself useful product there are some contraindications. For example, if you have gastritis or other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension in the acute stage, bleeding, then it is better to hold off on using ginger. Cardamom is also contraindicated in peptic ulcers and gastritis.