Milkshake without ice cream at home: recipes and cooking options. how to make banana milk ice cream smoothie how to make banana milk ice cream smoothie

In Thailand, every week I bought a bunch of 16-18 pieces in the market. They are cheap there. Approximately 10-30 baht depending on the size. In theory, you can search for them for free 🙂 But I didn’t want such adventures.

I liked the red bananas the most. They taste like dried bananas.

It is often said that only fodder bananas are sold in Russian stores. This is wrong. Supermarkets sell only specially bred varieties of bananas. He steadfastly endures the flight to another continent and is delivered to us intact. Yes, it tastes different from those that are sold in the same Tai, but not so much.

But in Thailand, for the first time, I came across the fact that some varieties contain bones that are hard as a stone. I almost broke my teeth on them. I took a photo of this fruit. Bones can get up to 10 things. Therefore, I cut it finely, and then send it to a blender.

They are small, black and easily break teeth. Just think if such bananas would be sold to us on the shelves. I certainly wouldn't give these to a child. Once, out of ignorance, I decided to make a banana cocktail from such fruits. Almost broke the blender. He crackled, puffed ... horror.

Benefits of Bananas

In fact, it is not even a fruit, but a herb. That doesn't make them any less delicious. So, what are the benefits of the yellow fruit:

  • help overcome depression due to the high content of tryptophan, which is converted into the hormone of happiness (serotonin);
  • before training, bananas will give you energy and maintain blood sugar levels;
  • Protects against muscle cramps during workouts (great for pre- and post-workout snacks)
  • resist calcium loss;
  • act as a prebiotic (stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines)

It also contains a huge dose of potassium. I could go on and on. But I think you got the hint to include a healthy tropical fruit in your diet.

A banana is 74% water. According to the BJU ratio, it contains 1.5% protein, 0.5% fat and 21% carbohydrates. It also has an indecent amount of potassium - 348 mg

Milkshake with banana in a blender

The recipe is as simple as a felt boot 🙂 Take 150 ml of milk and 1 banana for one glass. Peel the fruit, break into several pieces and put in the blender bowl. Add milk.

Beat all the ingredients for about 30 seconds until the mixture is smooth.

The calorie content of a milkshake is approximately 170 kcal.

To prepare a cooling drink, you can do without ice cream. Cut the banana into pieces and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then follow the same steps as you would for a regular banana smoothie.

Due to the high sugar content, banana is recommended to be consumed in the morning.

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  1. Take only ripe bananas. Green fruits contain a lot of starch and have an astringent taste.
  2. Which milk to choose? It's up to you. If you are watching calories, then choose a fat content of 2.5% or less. Or you can try it with coconut milk. The whole process will take no more than 1-2 minutes.
  3. If you like sweets, then first taste the cocktail. And then add a spoonful of sweetness. It can be cane sugar, natural honey or stevia.
  4. Drink the cocktail right away. If it stands, it begins to darken and oxidize. The consistency and taste of the drink changes.
  5. For more nutrition, I recommend adding 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. The drink is obtained with a chocolate flavor.

Banana cocktail is prepared very simply: fruits are mixed with milk or ice cream, syrup, the adult version also includes alcohol. Such a set of ingredients greatly saturates the flavor bouquet and creates a pleasant aroma. Since the banana also contains endorphins, such a drink significantly improves mood.

How to make a banana smoothie?

Banana smoothie has gained popularity as a means to lose weight and build muscle mass, as it is a storehouse of fiber. Making a drink is very easy, but it is important to keep in mind some secrets:

  1. Before using the banana, you need to hold it in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. The cocktail "loves" only ripe fruits, unripe ones knit the taste.
  3. Nutrition is increased by flax seeds and goji berries.
  4. Lush foam creates a beaten raw egg.
  5. Cow's milk can be replaced with soy, almond or coconut milk.
  6. Syrups give a more pronounced taste.
  7. First, crush the fruit, and then add the liquid.
  8. You can also beat the cocktail with a mixer, but before that, the fruit is properly kneaded with a fork.
  9. For lack of fresh fruit, you can make a cocktail with banana syrup.
  10. You need to drink a cocktail immediately, because it darkens in the air, oxidizes and loses its taste.

Banana milkshake in a blender

A banana and milk cocktail is considered an excellent snack, since the fruit contains a lot of phosphorus, and milk is rich in calcium. The body receives in one serving all the substances necessary for activity, and without extra calories. Therefore, such a recipe is called ideal for a diet. Instead of crushed walnuts, you can use oatmeal or quinoa.


  • banana - 1 pc;
  • ice - 1 tbsp;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • nuts - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla - 1 sachet.


  1. Finely chop the banana.
  2. Pour in milk.
  3. Pour nuts or oatmeal, vanilla.
  4. Beat until smooth.

An alternative for those with a sweet tooth is an ice cream and banana cocktail, which is especially invigorating in the heat. Children love the option with cocoa added, such a nutritious drink will energize you for the whole day. If the delicacy seems unsweetened, it is not sugar that is added to it, but honey, which gives it a sweet spice.


  • ice cream - 200 g;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • banana - 1 pc.


  1. Mix a quarter portion of milk with a banana in a blender. You need to start at low speeds, and then move to the maximum to get gruel.
  2. Add ice cream, beat.
  3. Add milk, if necessary - honey.

Another banana smoothie is a recipe for those who want to lose weight without excruciating bouts of hunger. Moms adore him, because the drink allows you to feed the kids with a portion of healthy, but not their favorite oatmeal, many even add yesterday's porridge. You can supplement the composition of the drink with fruit or cocoa.


  • banana - 1 pc;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cinnamon - 1/5 teaspoon;
  • lemon - 0.5 fruit;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • ice cream - 80 g;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. A banana cocktail with oatmeal is prepared from porridge in milk, you need to pour the cereal, boil for several minutes. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Cool down.
  2. Cut a banana, squeeze lemon juice on it. This will prevent the fruit from browning quickly in the air.
  3. Put porridge, bananas, cinnamon and honey in a blender, mix until smooth.
  4. Add ice cream, beat well.
  5. Decorate with banana slices.

No less tasty and banana, it is very easy to cook in a blender. Nutritionally replacing milk porridge, which, like oatmeal, most children ignore in the morning, this recipe will help solve the problem. Kefir can also be replaced with yogurt, many bartenders add cinnamon or dry ginger to the drink, put honey instead of sugar.


  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • banana - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp


  1. Banana peel, cut, put in a blender.
  2. Add sugar and kefir. Stir.
  3. Beat into a homogeneous mass.

Hostesses who would like to surprise guests with an unusual drink should learn how to make a banana cocktail with chocolate. This is a great option for a children's table, as this smoothie option is served warm. It is very important to follow the recipe, the drink should be thick, so it is not advisable to add liquids above the specified rate.


  • bananas - 375 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. or 1 tsp, to taste.


  1. Cut bananas into pieces, stir in a blender.
  2. Add half the milk, sugar and cocoa. Beat well.
  3. Dilute again with milk. Stir.
  4. Sprinkle banana thick smoothie with chocolate chips.

Many confectioners use the banana cocktail recipe to make ice cream, this fruit is available at any time of the year, is inexpensive and goes well with other fruits. Experienced experts recommend taking slightly overripe bananas, with a slightly blackened peel, these are the most crumbly and sweet.


  • bananas - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vanilla ice cream - 100 g.


  1. Grind bananas in a blender.
  2. Add sugar and ice cream to milk, beat.
  3. Pour bananas, mix.
  4. Pour into glasses.

Cocktail with banana and cottage cheese

To make the drink thick and fragrant, you need to use cultivated varieties of bananas, they guarantee a rich taste. Fans of original recipes have created such an unusual option as a banana cocktail in a blender with the addition of cottage cheese. For a dietary breakfast, you can add to a serving of oatmeal.


  • bananas - 200 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • oatmeal - 4 tbsp. l;
  • honey - 50 g.


  1. Chop banana, add cereal and milk. Whisk.
  2. Mix cottage cheese and honey.
  3. Connect all components.
  4. Bring to a homogeneous mass in a blender.

banana liqueur cocktail

Prepared in 2 versions: "Banshee" - based on white cocoa liquor, and "Bubble Gum" - on amaretto. "Blue Temptation" includes vodka, liqueurs - banana and Blue Curacao. Experienced bartenders advise to cool the glass in the freezer before pouring the drink, then the aroma will be richer.


  • banana liqueur - 15 ml;
  • Amaretto - 15 ml;
  • cream - 15 ml.


  1. Pour liqueurs and cream into a shaker, add cocoa.
  2. After stirring, add crushed ice and shake vigorously.

Banana Daiquiri Cocktail - Recipe

For refined connoisseurs of drinks was invented. Thanks to the sour-sweet taste of lime, it quickly became famous all over the world. Lime juice can be replaced with lemon juice, the excess sour taste is successfully extinguished with sugar. Many connoisseurs also add berries, if the fruits are frozen, you can do without crushed ice. This banana smoothie should only be served in martini glasses.


  • rum - 45 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 5 ml;
  • lime - 2 slices;
  • banana - 0.5 fruit.


  1. Grind banana in a blender.
  2. Pour in the rum, syrup and lime juice.
  3. Mix until smooth.

Xu Xu Banana Cocktail

If you want to make an unusual banana cocktail, it is best to use. Its highlight is the combination of berry puree with vodka, which makes the drink attractive not only for women, but also for men who are less fond of sweet alcohol. A strawberry-banana cocktail is often chosen for a romantic dinner, it successfully competes with champagne.


Banana milkshake is a favorite drink of all children and most adults. I won’t say that it is very light: after all, banana contains quite a lot of natural sugar, and milk contains not only proteins, but also fats. So you won’t be able to lose weight beyond recognition on milkshakes, but it’s still better to drink milk with a banana than drinks like tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, fanta or lemonade. I offer 15 variants of this delicious cocktail. You can add a lot of things to milk and a banana to make it delicious.

Milkshake with banana and strawberries

My favorite - I take fresh strawberries. The drink is very thick.


  • 1 glass of high fat milk;
  • 1 large banana;
  • 200 grams of fresh strawberries.


Refrigerate all ingredients for 3-5 hours before whipping. Wash and dry strawberries, remove stems. Peel the banana and break into pieces. Whisk berries, banana and milk in a blender bowl, serve garnished with sliced ​​strawberries.

Milkshake with banana and strawberry syrup

A convenient recipe - products for it are available all year round. Strain syrup off and add to milk.


  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 2 tablespoons strawberry syrup.

The amount of milk and everything else is indicated for 2 servings.


Put the peeled banana slices into the chilled milk, pour in the syrup and beat at high speed until a pink foam forms. The cocktail is quite sweet - I do not recommend it for small children.

Milkshake with banana and kiwi

It is kiwi that gives zest to this type of cocktail. A small nuance - take only a very ripe, sweet and soft fruit. Otherwise it will be tasteless.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 medium sized banana;
  • 1 large kiwi.


Cool the milk, peel the banana and kiwi, cut the fruits into pieces. Beat all ingredients at high speed, serve immediately.

Milkshake with banana and peach


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 1 ripe sweet peach.


Cool the milk, peel the banana, remove the skin from the peach. Cut the peach pulp into pieces, remove the stone. Add to milk along with banana pieces. Whisk it all together - delicious!

Milkshake with banana and ice cream

Milkshake classic. Favorite drink of all children from 2 to 15 years old :) and sometimes even older.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 large banana;
  • 100 grams of ice cream.


Take the milk out of the refrigerator, add ice cream and a peeled banana to it. Shake well, serve immediately. The drink is very cold, so take care of your throat.

Milkshake with banana and cottage cheese

A real storehouse of calcium and natural amino acids. A nutritious afternoon snack for those who decide to give up tea with cookies.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 1 tablespoon orange syrup optional


Add peeled and chopped banana to chilled milk. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, put it in a bowl for whipping. If you want, add more syrup (preferably orange). Beat everything together until you get a homogeneous thick foamy mass.

Milkshake with banana and chocolate

There are several recipes for making it, they all seem to be good, but I like the light version. No syrup, just grated chocolate for decoration.


  • 1 glass of chilled milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tablespoon of any white ice cream;
  • 50 grams of grated milk chocolate.


Peel the banana and whisk it together with milk and ice cream. Pour the finished drink into a tall transparent glass and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Before rubbing, it is advisable to cool the chocolate bar very much.

Milkshake with banana and pineapple syrup

As a syrup, liquid from a can of pineapple is suitable.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 2 tablespoons pineapple syrup

Cool all products, then peel the banana and whisk with syrup and milk. The cocktail is tasty, but in my opinion, too sweet. By the way, instead of syrup, you can beat pieces of canned pineapple in a blender.

Milkshake with banana and dates


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 5 large dates.


Cool the milk and banana, and pour hot water over the dates. Remove the skin from them, remove the seeds, peel the banana and break it into pieces, whisk together with dates and milk.

Milkshake with banana and apple


  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1 large banana;
  • 1 large sweet apple;
  • 1 ripe kiwi.


Cool the milk and peel the fruit. Cut the banana into pieces of any size and shape, and kiwi and apples into cubes. Place the fruit slices in a mixing bowl. Puree them with a blender. Add milk and whisk everything together to make a fragrant milk-fruit cocktail.

Milkshake with banana and spices

I advise you to use a proven combination - cardamom and cinnamon.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 medium sized banana;
  • a third of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • 1-2 pinches of ground cardamom.


Put the peeled, sliced ​​banana into the chilled milk. Also add spices, adjusting their amount to your liking. Whisk it all together and enjoy a spicy sweet drink with health benefits.

Milkshake with banana and pear


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 medium sized banana;
  • 1 large ripe pear with juicy pulp.


Cool all the food, then remove the peel from the banana and pear, cut them into pieces, removing the core from the pear. Beat the fruits with a blender, pour milk from the refrigerator into the resulting fruit puree, beat everything together.

Milkshake with banana and melon


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 100 grams of melon pulp.


Peel the melon and banana, turn into puree with a blender. Pour in chilled milk and whisk together.

Milkshake with banana and vanilla


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of ice cream;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar.


Whip the peeled banana with milk and ice cream, add vanilla sugar and beat again until it dissolves. The finished drink has optimal density and a pleasant aroma of vanilla.

Milkshake with banana and cherry

I do not take fresh cherries, but pitted cherry jam.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 small banana;
  • 1 tablespoon pitted cherry jam.


Pour the milk from the refrigerator into the frother. Add a peeled banana and a spoonful of jam (syrup + pitted berries). Beat until a lush pink foam forms. Serve immediately, you can decorate the glass with a cocktail cherry.

You can cook at home with a blender or mixer.

A milk drink popular all over the planet appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and the very name milkshake - "milk shake" - at first referred only to milk drinks with chocolate, strawberries or vanilla syrup. Since then, a large number of different versions of this sweet, delicate drink have appeared, and we can make it from our favorite ingredients.

Cocktail without ice cream

A similar milkshake without ice cream at home consists of two components - milk and ice. And then they add their favorite additives or those available in the refrigerator: strawberries, condensed milk, favorite syrup, ordinary juice.


  • 0.5 liters of kefir (you can milk);
  • 200 grams of fruit or berries;
  • two st. l. sugar or honey;
  • vanillin;
  • a small amount of ice cubes.

Making a milkshake without ice cream at home:

  • Pour milk into a blender container, put sugar or honey, beat for ten seconds.
  • Pour the berries into the mixture and beat again for a couple of seconds so that they are crushed.
  • Add ice and beat until ice is crushed and frothy.
  • Pour into glasses and decorate.

Strawberry Cocktail

In the summer heat, a strawberry milkshake is just right. All components are available at this time of the year and are quite useful. They also use frozen fruits and strawberry jam, but the drink still comes out very appetizing.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 0.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 150 grams of ice cream;
  • optional - powdered sugar.

Making Strawberry Milkshake:

All components are placed in a glass of a blender and beat until smooth and frothy.

Banana cocktail

There are a large number of banana milk drink recipes. Consider two options: the first is without ice cream, and the second is for true sweet teeth.

To make a milkshake without ice cream at home, you will need:

  • one and a half glasses of milk;
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese;
  • two bananas.

Cooking method:

  • Bananas are broken into pieces.
  • Put in a blender bowl along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Beat until ready.

For the second you will need:

  • two bananas;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 200 grams of ice cream.


  • Grind the ingredients in a blender.
  • Honey, maple syrup, brown sugar are added to taste.

coffee drink

A very unusual milk drink comes out with the addition of regular coffee. When adding caramel syrup, you get an original dessert that everyone falls in love with from the first sip.

  • two glasses of milk.;
  • three st. l. caramel syrup;
  • 3/4 cup freshly brewed black coffee
  • one glass of crushed ice.

Milkshake recipe at home in a blender with coffee:

  • All components are mixed in a blender.
  • Then beat thoroughly until smooth.
  • When serving, decorate with chocolate chips and whipped cream.

Milk drink with blackcurrant

This is an excellent milkshake, very appetizing with a useful berry - blackcurrant.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 grams of ice cream;
  • 70 grams of currant berries;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • one banana.

Milkshake recipe at home in a blackcurrant blender:

  • All components are mixed in a blender until smooth.
  • The finished cocktail is poured into glasses.
  • Decorate with banana slices and currant berries.

Chocolate milk drink

This chocolate-flavored drink will please all sweet tooth. This delicious and satisfying cocktail can easily replace breakfast and be a complete snack.

For cooking you will need:

  • three st. l. chocolate ice cream;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • two st. l. peanut butter;
  • one banana.


  • All components are whipped until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Pour into glasses and serve.

Apparatus for making milk drinks

Mixers are similar devices for milkshakes. The mechanism is a cylindrical body with an electric drive. It has beaters for whipping and cutting ingredients. It is also equipped with horns for pouring the drink into glasses. Good models are made of stainless steel, they have a high speed of rotation of the beaters and can mix, beat and chop the ingredients.

Cooking without a mixer

If there is no apparatus for milkshakes, then you can make a drink from improvised devices. The main ingredients are milk and ice cream. And then add your favorite ingredients, the main thing is that the fruits and berries are carefully crushed.

  • Make a drink with a whisk. Some effort is needed, the efforts will be justified.

  • Another option is to whisk directly in a glass. Put ice cream, milk, syrup into the container and close the lid. Shake thoroughly. This will take a couple of minutes.
  • The third option is distinguished by the lack of dishes - the drink is made in a tight bag with a zipper. Only it should be tight, with a clasp. Put all the products according to the recipe in the bag and mix well.

Cooking with a blender

According to reviews, a milkshake without ice cream, made at home, is much tastier than store-bought. And if you do it with your children, then it will be an exciting activity. Unfortunately, not all children like to drink milk. In the summer, a milkshake will help. It is prepared very quickly and simply if you have a blender at home.

It is better to use a stationary blender. It will make a thicker foam. But they are also used submersible. An important condition is high speed. Milk is taken chilled to a temperature of 5-6 degrees. Use ice cream without any fillers. Just an ordinary ice cream. Also add your favorite fruits, jam and condensed milk.

To get a low-calorie drink, instead of ice cream, take yogurt or kefir. When adding fruits and berries, the drink is filtered before drinking.

How to make thick foam

In home-cooked, the foam is not too large. The cocktail comes out very appetizing and everyone drinks it with pleasure. But there are little tricks used to get thick foam.

  • Fat helps in the formation of a large foam. It is necessary to prepare a drink from full-fat milk and ice cream. And definitely chilled.
  • Also in the milkshake recipe without ice cream, a banana is used. With it, the drink comes out very high-calorie and more nutritious.
  • Also, many add egg white. It is whipped very quickly and for several minutes.

Since not everyone loves milk, a thick and mouth-watering dessert with ice cream is an adored delicacy by everyone. For some, it resembles a summer vacation at a resort, and for others, it reminds of childhood. There are many options for preparing a drink at home and beautifully serving it to the table. Be sure to prepare a milkshake without ice cream at home and please your family and guests.

On a hot summer day, a cool milkshake will come in handy - a delicacy in which, along with regular ice cream and milk, various fillers can be present. Among the numerous recipes for preparing such delicacies, a cocktail with ice cream and bananas stands out for its special tenderness of taste and nutritional value. Ordinary milk and ice cream, in combination with each other, give a unique taste, richness and coolness. Tropical fruits added to the milk dessert will add delicate exotic notes to the aroma.

For every housewife, the recipe for preparing milk soft drinks is not a secret, however, using various fillers and additives, you can create your own recipe, which is distinguished by originality and piquancy of taste. Dairy desserts with the addition of fruits and berries have always been especially popular. The reason for such popularity lies not so much in the seasonality of the drink, but in the harmonious combination of dairy components with natural fruits and berries.

It turns out that bananas, which are familiar to us, not only have a wonderful and delicate taste, but are also healthy and nutritious fruits. Since the free appearance in the distribution network, many dishes have appeared in cooking, which today include bananas - sweet and tasty, overseas fruits. Due to their delicate pulp and aroma, bananas are able to give any dish a unique and delicate taste. Milkshakes containing bananas are no exception in this regard. On a hot day, a cold and delicious dessert with the taste and aroma of tropical fruit will be a real miracle.

Milk dessert with the addition of bananas will appeal to both adults and children. Ice cream in combination with milk is already a nutritious product in itself, and with the addition of bananas, the calorie content of the dessert increases significantly. Thanks to this, many women with great pleasure will replenish their diet with such a dessert without breaking the diet. Moreover, to prepare such a delicacy is very tasty, and preparing is easy and simple.

In order to prepare a cool dessert of milk, ice cream and fruits at home, we need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • ice cream - 200 g;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - sand - a tablespoon;
  • cocoa powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 3-5 g.

The main ingredients for our dessert are milk and ice cream. Ice cream, natural creamy ice cream without additives and fillers, is best suited for making a drink. The fruits should be selected the most ripe, with juicy pulp. Otherwise, large fragments of pulp will occur in the drink, making it difficult to use. The required volume of the cocktail can be increased by proportionally increasing the main ingredients and fruits.

Having prepared all the necessary products, having a mixer or blender at hand, you can safely start.

Having placed ice cream and milk in one dish, add fruits cut into small pieces into the container. The smaller the pieces of fruit, the better the mixing effect will be and the less time it will take to whip. In the process of whipping the mass, add sugar, cocoa and vanilla, focusing on your own taste preferences. Cocoa can add a brownish tint, but the result should be a fragrant, sweet liquid with a slightly yellowish color.

If the milk is not from the store, but homemade, you must first prepare it. Bring the milk to a boil, but do not boil, and set it to cool.

Pour the whipped mass into tall glasses or glasses so that there is room for milk foam. If desired, you can add cinnamon or a couple of drops of lime juice to the drink, and decorate the glasses with mint leaves or orange slices.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making a cocktail of ice cream and banana