The “Carpathians” cake, a favorite since Soviet times: recipe with photos and detailed description. Carpathian cake Cake “Karpatka”, step-by-step recipe with photos

“Karpaty” is a cake of an unusual shape. It is usually prepared in the form of three pyramidal peaks resembling mountains. That's why it got its name.

This dessert is truly festive; you can’t call it an everyday recipe. You will have to tinker with it, but the result is simply amazing.

Unusual shape

Many people know that “Karpaty” is a cake that consists of several thin layers. They are layered with cream. A seemingly ordinary thing? Not so! In this cake, the cake layers do not lie on top of each other, but stand vertically.

By the way, in addition to the cake, there are also cakes of the same name. They are prepared according to the same principle.

Characteristic taste

“Karpaty” is a sweet pastry with a recognizable taste. Soft, biscuit-like cakes should be well soaked in cream. Chocolate gives the cake a special charm. It not only emphasizes the taste of delicate cakes, but also sets off their color.

Required Ingredients

For the test you will need the following:

  • a dozen eggs;
  • a stick of butter;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • 400 g flour;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • vanilla - sachet (10 g);
  • 90 g boiling water;
  • baking powder 15 g;
  • 130 g starch.

To prepare the cream, take the following ingredients:

  • 75 g flour;
  • 120 g starch;
  • 50 g regular sugar and a pinch of vanilla;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 700 ml milk;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 40 ml boiling water.

In addition, you will need powdered sugar or coconut flakes to decorate the finished Karpaty cake.

Recipe with photos step by step

At home, this cake is prepared in several stages. First, let's deal with the cakes. Separate the whites and yolks from each other, beat separately. Add sugar, vanilla, butter to the yolks. Beat again. In a separate container, mix the bulk ingredients and add to the yolk mixture. At the end, add sour cream and boiling water. Now we combine two bases - protein and yolk.

Line a rectangular baking tray with baking paper and pour in a third of the dough, distributing it evenly. Bake three large cakes in a preheated oven for 8 minutes. Carefully divide in half to get 6 medium-sized cakes.

Let's start with the cream. Break the eggs with a fork and add milk. Mix the bulk ingredients, add the egg-milk mixture. Bring the cream to a boil over low heat and immediately remove. We dilute cocoa in boiling water, add it to the cream, and mix again.

Heat the cream in a steam bath and add the broken dark chocolate. When the mixture has cooled, add the whipped butter. Beat again with a mixer and combine with custard.

Assembling the cake

The most difficult thing remains - to form “Karpaty”. The cake will have three tops. We put one cake aside for now, layer the remaining 5 with cream. Some of the cream should be left for decoration. If you let the cake sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, it will be easier to form the mounds.

Now we cut the resulting one into three equal parts - crosswise. We place the part on the edge so that all 5 cake layers are visible. Cut along the long side (diagonally). At this stage, you can already see what to do next: we connect the two triangles along the larger leg, and also lubricate the junction with cream. We install the slide on the sixth cake. In the same way we form two more slides. Cut off the excess part of the bottom cake. Spread the remaining cream on all sides.

Decorating “Carpathians” (cake)

Recipes with photos often remind you of mountain winter. You can decorate the cake in different ways. But imitation snow will look very impressive on dark chocolate cream. You can do it in different ways. For example, grate white chocolate on a fine grater, crush powdered sugar through a sieve, or simply sprinkle with coconut flakes. The Karpaty cake is cut into triangular pieces so that the cakes are visible, placed vertically.

Polish Karpatka cake, combining thin cakes based on choux pastry and a delicate milk layer, is a wonderful dessert for hospitable tea parties, special events or modest gatherings with the family. A successful combination of a sweet, enveloping cream and a bland flour part forms a pleasant and not cloying confectionery product, which will surely appeal to those with a sweet tooth of all ages.

The choux pastry is prepared in the standard way, as when forming the well-known eclairs, French profiteroles, and the popular “Lady Fingers” cake. For those who have already dealt with at least one of the above desserts, making “Karpatka” will seem extremely simple. We recommend that novice cooks who are not yet familiar with choux pastry practice and hone their skills using this recipe. It’s not for nothing that the Karpatka cake is often called a large or “lazy” eclair - the taste is very similar, and the preparation is much simpler, since the flour base is baked in one cake layer.

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 170 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • potato starch - 25 g;
  • butter - 200 g.

Cake “Karpatka” recipe with photos step by step

How to prepare dough for Karpatka custard cake

  1. First of all, measure and sift 150 g of flour through a fine sieve. We will work with the dough quickly, so everything you need should be ready right away.
  2. Next, pour water into a thick-bottomed pan and add a pinch of salt. Add butter, cut into cubes. Place on low heat.

Author Konstantin asked a question in the section Desserts, Sweets, Baking

Please tell me the recipe for the Old Carpathians cake. I can't find it on the internet. Thanks and got the best answer

Answer from Irina Peterets[guru]

Cake "Carpathians"
cookies - 15 pieces (as in Soviet times in packs)
children's cheese curds - 2 (300 g)
butter - 300 g
powdered sugar - 1 cup
cocoa - 1 tablespoon

Fudge: mix 150 g of softened (not melted) butter with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar and a spoon of cocoa until smooth.
Filling: mix cottage cheese with 1/2 cup of powdered sugar and 150 g of softened butter until smooth.
Actual preparation:
Place cookies on oilcloth in three rows (5 pieces per row).
Mark (for example, with rulers) the edges of the rectangle and remove the cookies from the oilcloth. Spread fondant on the marked spot on the oilcloth and place cookies on top.
Place the cream in a mound on the middle row.
Next, carefully connect the two outer rows together with the oilcloth to form a triangle. Adjust the fondant through the oilcloth (if necessary) so that it evenly covers the cookies, and close the “joints of the triangle.”
Wrap tightly in film or paper (in two layers) and keep warm for 0.5 hours so that the cookies are well soaked. Then into the refrigerator.
On the table, cut into pieces - triangles (the fondant sticks well from the oilcloth).

Or like this?

Cake "Carpathians": a simple recipe

In order to prepare the Karpaty cake, you will need the following ingredients: 10 egg yolks, 300g butter or margarine, half a kilogram of sugar, 600g flour, 1 tbsp. l. baking powder, 8 tbsp. l. sour cream, 10 egg whites, beaten to stiff peaks. To prepare the cream for the cake you need to take 700g milk, 4 eggs, 400g sugar, vanilla sugar, 4 tbsp. l. starch, 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour. And also don’t forget 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 50g cream, 100g chopped chocolate, and 400g butter. First you need to mix margarine, sugar and egg yolks and grind with a spoon. Then add flour, sour cream and baking powder. Mix everything thoroughly and add egg whites, beaten to stiff peaks.

The dough for the Karpaty cake recipe with photo should be of medium consistency, that is, not thick and not liquid.

Next, you need to pour the dough onto a baking sheet, spread it over the surface with a thickness of 5-6mm and bake 6 cakes. To prepare the cream, you need to beat the eggs and mix with milk. Next, mix all the bulk products and pour in the milk-egg mixture. Stir the prepared mixture until the lumps disappear. Then it needs to be brought to a boil, stirring constantly. After the mixture is removed from the heat, you need to add 2 tbsp. l. cocoa mixed with 2 tbsp. l. boiling water Mix everything thoroughly and cool. Bring the cream to a boil and pour in the chopped chocolate. The cream must be stirred until the chocolate is completely dissolved and placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Next, you need to beat 400g of butter until white, then add the creamy chocolate mixture from the refrigerator. The prepared mixture must be whipped until a homogeneous and creamy mass is formed. Then you need to combine the custard with the butter-chocolate cream and mix thoroughly with a spoon. The cream is ready. Grease 5 cake layers with it, leave the 6th.

Leave the coated cake layers for the Karpaty cake recipe with photo for 4 hours so that they are soaked.

After which they need to be put in the refrigerator to harden. The finished cakes are cut into 3 even strips lengthwise. Cut each strip further diagonally. Cut the 6th cake also into 3 strips. Spread the strip with cream and connect it with another strip. Thus, you should have a slide.

Answer from ЀAdmilOchka "the" IVANENOCHKA[active]
I dug it! like this: 200 g butter, 600 g homemade cottage cheese, 30 sugar cookies, 1 tbsp. sugar Mix cottage cheese with butter and sugar well. Divide into two parts, add 2 tbsp to one. l cocoa. Arrange the cookies in three rows, five pieces each. Spread first with light, then dark mixture, again cookies, light, then dark mixture. Decorate the top with jam and cherries from compote or jam. Put this in the cold: Dough: 2 tbsp. l. honey, 100 gr. butter (melted), 3 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 3-3.5 tbsp. flour, soda, slaked with vinegar. Filling: pitted cherries (liter jar) Cream: 1 l. sour cream + 1 tbsp. Sahara. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Divide the dough into approximately 15 balls and roll out into strips, lay out the cherries, pinch and place on a baking sheet. Bake at 180° until done. Then lay out in a mound and coat with cream.

Whole mountains of delicious sweets will grow on your table, because using this recipe from Alla Kovalchuk you will learn how to cook an incredible “Carpathians” cake.


Separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Pass the whites through a sieve and beat until stable foam. Beat the yolks, butter and sugar with a mixer.

Mix flour with starch, baking powder and vanilla sugar and add to the yolks with butter and sugar. Add sour cream and boiling water to the mixture. Finally fold in the beaten egg whites.

Moisten a baking sheet with water and line it with parchment. Place the dough around the perimeter of the parchment in a layer 5 mm thick. Bake 3 identical cake layers at 180°C for 7 minutes. Once cooked, divide each one in half to make 6 cakes.

For the cream, break the eggs with a fork and mix with milk. Mix sugar, vanilla sugar, starch and flour. Pour the milk and eggs into the dry mixture and stir until the lumps disappear.

Place the mixture on the fire. Stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. Remove from heat.

Mix cocoa with boiling water and add to the still hot custard. Mix well and cool.

Heat the cream in a steam bath and add most of the broken dark chocolate to it.

Add another third of the chocolate after removing the mixture from the heat.

Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Cool the chocolate.

Cream the butter. Add cold chocolate melted with cream to it and beat until smooth and creamy. Mix the completely cooled custard with the butter-chocolate custard. Beat the mixture with a mixer.

Form the cake. Compare the edges of the cakes with a knife. Grease 5 of the 6 cake layers with cream and stack on top of each other. Leave the cake to soak in the cream for 1 hour at room temperature and 1 hour in the refrigerator. Cut 5 cake layers crosswise into 3 equal strips. Set aside the sixth cake layer.

Grease the 6th cake with cream. Place the first half of the slide on it, grease the inside with cream and connect the other part of the slide.

In total there will be 3 slides.

Cut off the unnecessary part of the 6th cake layer. Grease all sides of the cake with cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Decorate “Karpaty” with coconut flakes.

Cake “Karpaty” is a very tasty and popular cake among those with a sweet tooth.


eggs - 10 pcs.
butter – 300 g
sugar - 500 g
flour - 400 g
vanilla sugar – 10 g
baking powder – 15 g
sour cream – 125 ml
starch – 130 g
boiling water – 90 ml
for cream:
flour - 75 g
starch – 120 g
sugar - 50 g
vanilla sugar – 8 g
eggs - 4 pcs.
milk – 700 ml
cocoa - 50 g
chocolate – 100 g
cream – 50 ml
butter – 200 g
boiling water – 40 ml


Separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Pass the whites through a sieve and beat until stable foam. Beat the yolks, butter and sugar with a mixer.

Mix flour with starch, baking powder and vanilla sugar and add to the yolks with butter and sugar. Add sour cream and boiling water to the mixture. Finally fold in the beaten egg whites.

Moisten a baking sheet with water and line it with parchment. Place the dough around the perimeter of the parchment in a layer 5 mm thick. Bake 3 identical cake layers at 180°C for 7 minutes. Once cooked, divide each one in half to make 6 cakes.

For the cream, break the eggs with a fork and mix with milk. Mix sugar, vanilla sugar, starch and flour. Pour the milk and eggs into the dry mixture and stir until the lumps disappear.

Place the mixture on the fire. Stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. Remove from heat.

Mix cocoa with boiling water and add to the still hot custard. Mix well and cool.

Heat the cream in a steam bath and add most of the broken dark chocolate to it.

Add another third of the chocolate after removing the mixture from the heat.

Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Cool the chocolate.

Cream the butter. Add cold chocolate melted with cream to it and beat until smooth and creamy. Mix the completely cooled custard with the butter-chocolate custard. Beat the mixture with a mixer.

Form the cake. Compare the edges of the cakes with a knife. Grease 5 of the 6 cake layers with cream and stack on top of each other. Leave the cake to soak in the cream for 1 hour at room temperature and 1 hour in the refrigerator. Cut 5 cake layers crosswise into 3 equal strips. Set aside the sixth cake layer.

Grease the 6th cake with cream. Place the first half of the slide on it, grease the inside with cream and connect the other part of the slide.

In total there will be 3 slides.

Cut off the unnecessary part of the 6th cake layer. Grease all sides of the cake with cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Decorate “Karpaty” with coconut flakes.

Bon appetit!!