The best dry red wines of Georgia. The best Georgian wines: reviews, descriptions, varieties, photos

What's dry in the bottom of the bowl?
Pour it for me, frisky boy,
Only drunk wine
Dissolve with sober water.

We are not Scythians, I don’t like them,
Friends, drunkenly:
No, I sing at the cup
Or I talk innocently.

A. S. Pushkin

Georgian wine - it's not just a drink. This is a real art that is passed down from generation to generation, from father to son. If you visit Georgia, don’t forget to try Georgian wine. Only here, in the homeland of its production, can you feel divine taste and the heavenly aroma of the drink. Only here you will be offered to try a variety of varieties that differ from each other as all people differ from each other.

Dry vintage wines

The name "brand" is equivalent to the definition accepted in a number of countries high level quality "wine of controlled quality by origin".

White dry vintage wines

Tsinandali. This wine can be considered the real pride of Georgia. This truly divine drink has an incredibly smooth, but at the same time very full taste. There is nothing more to add to this wine, and there is nothing more to take away from it, it is so harmonious. After a sip of the drink, a very pleasant taste remains in your mouth, which lasts for quite a long time. Wine of this brand has been produced in Georgia since 1886. Moreover, before bottling, the wine is stored in real oak barrels for at least 3 years. It is precisely this feature of its production that distinguishes the taste of this drink, which simply cannot be confused with anything else.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded ten gold and nine silver medals.

Gurjaani. The wine of this brand is distinguished by one feature - it has its own, unique and piquant bitterness, which does not affect its quality at all. This drink leaves behind indescribable spicy notes, which remain in the mouth of the most picky wine connoisseur for a long time. This wine has been created in Georgia since 1877, but it is known almost all over the world.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded one gold, nine silver and one bronze medals.

Napareuli. Representatives of the fair sex love to drink this wine. It has a very subtle and delicate fragrance, which is difficult to confuse with other vintage wine. And the taste of this wine is so harmonious that it seems that the Gods of winemaking themselves took part in its creation. The finished drink has a light straw tint, which looks very beautiful in the light of the Georgian sun.

At international competitions, the wine won one gold, six silver and one bronze medals.

Manavi. This is another vintage wine that is very popular among tourists and guests of Georgia. This wine began to be produced in 1938, and since then wine production has not stopped for a day. The drink itself has an incredibly refreshing taste, and it is better to drink it on stuffy and sultry evenings in the company of friends. All the notes of this wine are in harmonious unity with each other, and leave behind an aroma of tenderness and sweetness.

At international competitions the wine was awarded three silver medals.

Tsitska. It's not really regular wine- its aging period is from 6 to 7 years. But this brand of wine highest quality often aged up to 12 years. With this aging, the wine acquires a very strong aroma and unusual taste, which is difficult to confuse with another drink. Produced in Georgia since 1890. After consumption it leaves an incredible sweet-sounding taste.

Tsolikauri. In the region of Western Georgia this wine is especially popular. This vintage wine is in no way inferior to its more popular brothers. But they prefer to drink it only in Georgia; it rarely leaves the country’s borders. This drink reaches its best development with a very long aging - 20 years. At the same time, it will have an excellent aroma and euphonious taste.

Bakhtrioni. The grapes for this brand of wine are grown only in one region of Georgia. That is why this wine is produced, again, only here. It has been produced since 1966 and since then the wine has become a symbol of the Akhmeta region, its homeland. Aging is 3 years; the storage process before bottling takes place exclusively in oak barrels. It leaves a wonderful aftertaste. The aroma of the wine is very delicate, and its taste is incredibly harmonious.

The wine was awarded two gold medals at international competitions.

Tibaani. White vintage wine of the Kakhetian type, which is produced from grapes from the vineyards of the settlement of the same name. Production began in 1948. This wine has a very thick and saturated color an amber hue, in a glass in the sun it gives dark golden reflections. The taste of this divine nectar is incredibly harmonious; it seems that all components play the main role in it. Aged in oak barrels for up to two years.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded two gold and five silver medals.

Red dry vintage wines

Teliani. This is perhaps the best dry red wine produced in Georgia. They make a drink from very famous variety Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. This unusual and extraordinary grape was brought to the country from France at the end of the 19th century, and since then the production of this brand has not stopped for a single day. This truly divine drink has a unique aroma of mountain violets and ripe cherries, and its taste with a barely noticeable tartness sounds like the best music. The wine is aged in oak barrels for three years and only after that it is bottled.

At international competitions he was awarded four gold and six silver medals.

Napareuli. This wine has a unique garnet hue, and its taste contains a strong aroma of red berries - cherries and currants. The wine has an incredibly proportionate taste; it seems that there is simply nothing more to add or subtract from it. The wine is prepared from one grape variety - Saperavi, which is why the taste also has a hint of the varietal grape itself. Aged in barrels for more than three years, which provides the drink with a bright taste and incredible harmony of bouquet

At international exhibitions, the wine was awarded six gold and two silver medals.

Kvareli. This is a very noble and famous Georgian wine, which is difficult not to love. This wine has a very difficult bouquet to perceive, it seems that it has everything - the unique sweetness of cherries and currants, and the breathtaking aroma of spring trees and summer herbs... And despite all this, this drink is incredibly tasty and in tune with a person’s mood. The wine itself is aged in oak barrels for at least three years, and is produced from Saperavi grapes.

At international competitions, the wine received three gold and two silver medals.

Mukuzani. This is one of the brightest red vintage wines produced in Georgia. It is made in the area of ​​the village of the same name from one grape variety - Saperavi. Unlike all other wines, which are also made from this grape variety, and there are quite a few of them, Mukuzani is aged in oak barrels for more than 3 years. Because of this, the taste and aroma of wine have completely unforgettable and unique shades. This wine is best suited for meat dishes.

At international exhibitions it was awarded eight gold, four silver and one bronze medals.


Kakheti. This table white wine is produced using a very old technology that is not used anywhere else. The grape pulp is placed in special jugs (qvevri), and then the jugs themselves are buried in the ground. The wine has a unique taste of fruit herbs and a pronounced fragrance that cannot be confused with anything else. The refined and gallant taste of this amazing wine makes you sip it in small sips to prolong the pleasure...

At international competitions, the wine was awarded one silver and one bronze medal.

Shuamta. This amber-colored white wine with a color palette ranging from golden yellow to rich dark yellow has been produced in Georgia since 1984. Its production takes place according to the famous Kakhetian method. The taste of this drink is moderately tart, smooth, which is very harmonious with its aroma. And the aroma itself has a bright fruity tint, without which Shuamt would be difficult to imagine. During wine tour This wine is definitely worth trying.

Saperavi. Red table wine is made from grapes of the same name, which have been grown in Kakheti since 1937. The grapes themselves ripen quite late, which is why this wine has a unique note of autumn. The color tone of the nectar is pomegranate, its taste is very harmonious and melodic.

At international competitions the wine was awarded gold and silver medals.


Tbilisuri. It's white semi-dry wine made from several grape varieties. Its color is more like straw than amber. Wine has been produced since 1982, and its production uses three stages of production. The taste of this wine is unusually soft, delicate and rich, but at the same time it has incredible consistency in aroma. Both men and women love to drink this wine.

Sachino. This pink semi-dry wine has been produced in Georgia since 1984. It is produced from different varieties grapes that grow in the west of the country. It is this composition of the wine, in which there is not one, but several varieties, that gives it a certain sophistication and unusualness. The wine itself has a very beautiful colour, pure aroma and incredibly soft, proportionate sweetness.

Pirosmani. Semi-dry red wine has been produced since 1981 from only one grape variety - Saperavi - which is why it has a rich varietal taste. The wine has an incredibly beautiful ruby ​​color, and the exceptional soil and natural conditions of Georgia give it a special zest that is very difficult not to notice. And the wine itself is named after the world famous Georgian artist - primitivist Niko Pirosmani.


The wines of this group correspond in terms of quality to the category accepted in a number of countries - “wines of controlled quality by origin.”

White semi-sweet wines

Twishy. This naturally semi-sweet wine has been produced in Georgia since 1952. Named after the region in which the Tsolikauri grape variety grows, from which this nectar is produced. The color tone of the wine is light amber, and the aroma has a pronounced fruity smell. This wine is incredibly popular in its homeland, in the Tvishi region. Local residents consider him the best, most beautiful and most beloved.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded one gold and two silver medals.

Tetra. Naturally semi-sweet wine has been produced in Georgia since 1945. The wine is made from a grape variety called Rachuli-Tetra, hence the name of the drink. The color of the wine is light straw, it tastes very pleasant, and its aroma resembles the most harmonious melody. This wine is truly worthy of being on your table during a wine tour in Georgia.

At international competitions the wine was awarded two silver medals.

Chkhaveri. This naturally semi-sweet Georgian wine has been produced since 1934. Wine is produced from the grape variety of the same name. The taste of the wine is incredibly fresh and pleasant, its aroma has a bright fruity aroma. Its color tone is light straw with a slight pinkish tint, which looks incredibly beautiful in a glass. You need to drink it very slowly, savoring every sip.

At international competitions, this wine won one gold, four silver and one bronze medal.

Savana. Naturally semi-sweet wine has been produced in Georgia since 1977. It is produced using Tsitska grapes, which are grown in Imereti. The wine has an incredibly beautiful straw color with a subtle greenish tint. The wine has a traditional aroma of Tsitska grapes, its taste is incredibly intense and very rich. Plus it has a very savory sweetness to it.

Alazani Valley. White naturally semi-sweet Georgian wine has been produced in Georgia since 1977. Its production technology has not changed at all since that time. Produced from several varieties white grapes. The wine has a pronounced amber color scheme and a strong varietal fragrance that distinguish it from all other Georgian wines.

Red semi-sweet wines

Khvanchkara. The famous natural semi-sweet wine comes from the beautiful region of the high Caucasus - Racha. Produced from only two types of grapes. Khvanchkara has become one of the symbols of Georgia, business card countries. Characteristic feature The wine has an amazing subtle rounded taste with a stunning floral and fruity bouquet with velvety tones of raspberry. Color - intense dark red.

At international competitions for high taste qualities the wine was awarded two gold and four silver medals.

Kindzmarauli. This wine belongs to natural semi-sweet red wines and has been produced in Georgia since 1942. It is made from only one grape variety - Saperavi. The wine is an intense dark red color of overripe cherries. The taste of the wine is incredibly light, with wonderful velvety notes.

At international competitions for high taste, the wine was awarded three gold, four silver and one bronze medals.

Akhasheni. Naturally semi-sweet wine is produced near the settlement of the same name. It has been produced since 1958 and since then has not left the first place in popularity. The wine has a dark garnet color, and in its fragrance you can easily detect notes exotic fruits. By the way, Akhasheni can only be produced in one region of Georgia. If it is produced anywhere else, it is considered illegal.

The wine won six gold and five silver medals at international competitions.

Ojaleshi. Natural semi-sweet wine has been produced from the grape variety of the same name since 1933. The color tone of the wine is dark ruby, and in its fragrance you can feel notes of fruit.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded two gold and one silver medals.

Usakhelauri. Natural red semi-sweet wine is made from the rare grapes of the same name. This grape variety is extremely rare in Georgia. The annual harvest of Usakhelauri grapes rarely exceeds 3 tons. The wine has been produced since 1934 and has been a leader in popularity ever since. The wine is distinguished by a unique piquant strawberry note, which gives it a special sweetness.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded two gold and three silver medals.

Alazani Valley. Naturally semi-sweet red wine has been produced since 1977 from different grape varieties. The fruity aroma of the wine has notes of physalis and dogwood. The color range varies from light red to dark red. The taste is velvety, harmonious with a pleasant aftertaste.


Aisi. This is a sparkling wine that has been produced since 1977. Made from quite a few commercial grape varieties that are grown in western and eastern Georgia. The color scheme of the wine is very close to pink, and its fragrance is difficult to confuse with another drink. The wine has a very fresh and unique taste. You should drink it in small sips and at the same time enjoy every sip.

Atenuri. This is a white wine that is produced from two grape varieties grown in two regions - Gori and Kaspi. The color tone of this drink is light straw with a slight greenish tint. It belongs to the type of natural semi-sweet sparkling wines. The wine has a very soft and fresh taste and an incredibly harmonious bouquet. "Atenuri" is very often on the table during Georgian feasts and meals.

Sadarbazo. Sparkling wine has been produced since 1979. Made from several grape varieties. The color range of wine can vary from red to ruby. Features a soft fruity taste with a harmoniously fragrant bouquet of aromas. Saturation with carbon dioxide is carried out using the same technology as in the production of champagne. This wine is truly an amazing and wonderful drink.

Terjola. Sparkling wine has been made from several varieties of grapes that grow in the western region of Georgia since 2005. The wine is bright red in color, has an incredibly clean and very harmonious taste fresh fruit. Named after the city of the same name, in whose factories it is produced.

Strong and dessert wines

Anaga. High-quality Madeira wine is produced from white grape varieties cultivated in Kakheti. The wine is aged for at least three years in open areas in oak barrels under intense sun exposure. Color can vary from rich golden to dark amber. The taste is distinguished by rich Madeira tones with a long, characteristic aftertaste. The wine has been produced since 1925.

At international competitions the wine was awarded one silver medal.

Kardanakhi. High-quality port wine has been produced since 1926 from the Rkatsiteli variety, which is grown in Kakheti. The wine is aged for at least three years outdoors in oak barrels under intense sunlight. The color is deep amber. Honey tones and tones of freshly baked bread crust are clearly felt in the taste. At competitions, "Kardanahi" competed on equal terms with the best brands of high-quality port wines from famous Portuguese companies.

The wine received eight gold medals at international competitions.

Kolkheti. Georgian port wine. Made from different varieties of white grapes. Color tone - amber. Its taste and aroma are very harmonious and consistent. The strength is 18 degrees. This wine is often called Georgian cognac. Very often tourists buy this wine for gifts and souvenirs. Produced since 1977

At international competitions the wine was awarded one silver medal.

Marabda. Georgian port wine. Its strength is 19 degrees. It is made from only one type of grape - Rkatsiteli. The color tone of the wine is light golden. Its aroma has a pronounced fruity hue. The taste of the wine is very melodic and complex. Produced since 1985

Saamo. Vintage dessert sweet wine has been produced only in Kakheti since 1923 from one grape variety - Rkatsiteli. The aging period is three years. The color of the wine is golden, and the bouquet of taste and smell cannot be confused with any other drink. The taste is honey with rich dessert tones. It's pretty Reviver, since its output strength is 17 degrees.

At international competitions, the wine was awarded four gold and one silver medals.

Salkhino. This is a dessert vintage wine that belongs to liqueurs. Made from a mixture of Isabella, Tsolikauri and other grape varieties cultivated in Western Georgia. Aged in barrels for at least 3 years. "Salkhino" is characterized by a garnet color; the bouquet has complex strawberry and quince tones, sometimes with a predominance of creamy chocolate shades. The taste is surprisingly harmonious, with obvious buttery and caramel tones. Produced in Georgia since 1928.

The wine won six gold medals at international competitions.

Khikhvi . This is a white high-quality dessert vintage wine, which is made from grapes of the same name. These grapes are grown only in one region of Georgia - Kardanakh. This region is known for its particularly favorable conditions for producing high-quality strong and dessert wines. The color tone of the drink can range from light golden to dark golden. Characterized by thin pleasant taste with a well-defined varietal aroma with light nutmeg and honey tones. The strength is 15 degrees. Produced since 1924

At international competitions he was awarded four gold medals.

Each region of Georgia will surprise you with the variety of taste, color and aroma of wine!

The Caucasus is considered one of the cradles of world winemaking. The first traces of alcohol production date back to the Bronze Age. It is not surprising that Georgian wines are revered all over the world.

Today there are more than 400 different brands of Georgian wines. But how to find the best among them? Our review today is dedicated to selecting the 10 best brands worthy of your attention.

Features of Georgian winemaking

The story about Georgian wines will be incomplete without a story about their production. There are three main production technologies in Georgia: Kakheti, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi. Each has its own characteristics, including in terms of wine tastes.

  1. Kakheti method

    Is the most famous. Its peculiarity is that the pressed grape juice It is not filtered, but is poured into clay qvevri jugs along with pulp - the remains of fruit skins, seeds and even combs.

    The workpiece is infused with pulp for several months before it is filtered and poured into other containers. This approach makes the taste of Kakhetian wines more tart, bright and rich.

    Famous wines produced using the Kakheti method: Saperavi, Mukuzani, Rkatsiteli, Alaverdi.

  2. Imereti method

    Unlike Kakheti, it requires the removal of branches. At the same time, the rest of the pulp remains intact. In addition, only a couple of months are allotted for fermentation. The result is wines with a smoother taste and characteristic acidity.

    This method is used to create the following wines: Tsolikauri, Tbilisuri, Sviri, Dimi.

  3. Racha-Lechkhumi method

    Used to produce naturally semi-sweet wines. It is partly reminiscent of Imeretian, but it uses grapes harvested at a time of high sugar content, and fermentation takes place at a low temperature (about 4–5˚C). The result is excellent semi-sweet wines with natural sweetness.

    Examples of naturally semi-sweet wines: Khvanchkara, Pirosmani, Kindzmarauli, Akhasheni.

    This concludes the technical five-minute period. Let's move on to the review of noble drinks.

Red wines of Georgia

  1. Kindzmarauli

    Perhaps the most famous red semi-sweet Georgian wine. And undoubtedly one of the most popular. It is made from Saperavi grapes according to the canons of the Racha-Lechkhumi method. Strength – 10–12%. Aging – 2 years.

    Kindzmarauli has a dark ruby ​​color and a complex, tart bouquet. It combines the aroma of grapes, cherries and ripe plums. All this is set off by notes of pomegranate and blackberry.

    This wine is best enjoyed with fruit or dessert. However, a bottle of Kindzmarauli is perfect for any meat table, be it an outdoor barbecue or a delicious charcoal steak. The main thing is to remember to cool it to 14–18˚C. This is his ideal temperature.

  2. Mukuzani

    Another red wine from Saperavi grapes. This time made according to the Kakheti method. Strength – 10.5–12.5%. Aging – from 3 years.

    Mukuzani is a dry wine with a dark red color that is very difficult to dilute with water. His distinguishing featurebright aroma, combining ripe cherries, dark chocolate and spices. The taste is tart, with astringent notes of prunes, red currants and rowan.

    This drink is ideal for traditional Georgian table full of meat dishes, game and Caucasian cheeses. And to emphasize the berry flavor, complement the dishes berry sauce. The result will exceed all your expectations.

  3. Saperavi (Saperavi)

    Thick red wine originally from Kakheti. It is one of the oldest brands of dry wines in Georgia. Like Mukuzani, it is very difficult to dilute with water, but the taste is remembered once and for all. Strength – 10–12%.

    The taste is tart, viscous, rich. You can detect the taste in it smoked prunes and black currant.

    An important feature of Saperavi is endurance. Young (up to 3 years old) wines are relatively easy to drink, but if you come across a ten-year-old bottle, its languid taste will amaze you from the first sip.

    Saperavi is an ideal wine for meat dishes. Especially for pilaf, shashlik or kazan-kebab.

  4. Khvanchkara

    The history of the drink goes back more than 100 years. This natural semi-sweet wine enjoys constant success among guests of Georgia. Joseph Stalin showed a special attitude towards him, who, according to legend, gave him the name Khvanchkara.

    Two grape varieties are used to make wine: Aleksandrouli and Mujuretuli. They give it a rich, velvety taste. The picture is complemented by notes of dried fruits and a slight sourness of forest berries.

    The aroma is multifaceted, combining blackberries, raspberries and a drop of roasted almonds.

    Contrary to established tradition, Khvanchkara did not the best choice For meat table. It goes much better with dessert or a cheese plate. The main thing is that the cheeses are not sharp.

  5. Akhasheni (Akhasheni)

    The ancestor of this drink is one of the oldest wines of Kakheti.

    Semi-sweet Akhasheni is made from Saperavi grapes using the Racha-Lechkhumi method.

    The wine has an intense ruby ​​color with a fresh aroma of grapes and wild berries.

    The taste is diluted with raspberries and ripe cherries. The aftertaste is distinguished by notes of spices and wildflowers.

    The best company for Akhasheni will be spicy meat dishes. In addition, the wine goes well with spicy cheeses and desserts. But real connoisseurs prefer to drink it with juicy fruits Caucasus.

  1. Rkatsiteli

    One of the most popular white wines of Georgia. Dry wine is produced using Kakheti technology, which, on the one hand, gives it a bright aroma, and on the other, gives it a delicious aftertaste.

    The aroma of Rkatsiteli is its calling card. It contains the scent of herbs, white flowers, mimosa and notes of fruit.

    The taste reveals cherry plum and apple notes, seasoned with the aroma of spices. The aftertaste is long, giving incredible pleasure.

    Most often chilled to 10–12˚C.

    Usually Rkatsiteli is served with fish or poultry. But remember that the fish should not be marinated, otherwise it will spicy taste will ruin the entire impression of the drink.

  2. Tsinandali (Tsinandali)

    White Georgian wine is bottled within the walls of one of the oldest wineries in Kakheti and is considered a national treasure. It is based on grape varieties Mtsvane and Rkatsiteli. Combining, they give birth to a truly divine drink.

    Tsinandali has a yellow, almost transparent color and an extraordinary taste. The sweetness of white grapes is combined with light sourness and seasoned with a bit of bitterness from aging in oak barrels.

    The aroma of the drink will delight any gourmet with notes of apples, peaches, quince and even roasted almonds.

    Tsinandali is an ideal wine for fish or poultry dishes. These can be soups, roasts and even warm salads. They will not only fully reveal the taste of the drink, but also give it new colors.

  3. Gurjaani

    The trick of this wine is its special production technology. If traditionally Gurjaan was made using the Kakheti method, then from the end of the 19th century it began to be prepared using European technologies.

    However, the departure from traditional methods did not affect the taste and quality of the drink. And today Gurjaani is one of the most popular varieties of white wine. Its fresh, fruity aroma complements the harmonious taste, which contains notes of melon and apples. And the aftertaste adds a pinch of spice.

  4. Tvishi (Tvishi)

    The unique feature of this semi-sweet wine is its hue. Instead of the usual straw-gold, your eye is pleased with the rich yellow-gold color with a hint of green.

    The taste of Tvishi is no less remarkable. It combines the tartness of quince, the sweetness of honey and the freshness of mint. Subtle connoisseurs claim that this drink also contains notes of apricot and pineapple. And the aroma of fresh melon hovers around it.

    The best company for Twisha would be fried chicken or fish pate. It is also often served with desserts or as an aperitif.

  5. Tbilisuri (Tbilisuri)

    A bottle of semi-dry Georgian wine “Tbilisuri” crowned with a griffin preserves the heritage of Imeretian winemakers. This white wine, the color of fresh straw, is produced at the Shumi winery in the mountain village of Tsinandali.

    An important feature of the drink is that local raw materials are used for it. It is the cold sunny climate of Tsinandali that gives the grapes unique taste, which remains in Tbilisuri bottles.

    The aroma of this wine is unusually rich, reminiscent of tropical fruits and delicate melon, and the taste combines cloying sweetness with a drop of acid.

    Most often, Tbilisuri is served as an aperitif. In addition, it can be combined with vegetables, fish and of course with Suluguni cheese, Georgian style.

We have collected the main varieties of Georgian wines - someone will remember a once-loved, but almost forgotten taste, and someone will have the opportunity to discover it for themselves for the first time.

1. “Kindzmarauli” - high-quality red semi-sweet wine with intense overripe cherry color, varietal bouquet, delicate, harmonious, velvety taste. One of the most famous wines of Kakheti. Produced since 1942. Experts note that kindzmarauli goes best with grilled meat. In addition, the wine goes well with desserts and fruits.
2. “Tsinandali” - a special white wine, the pride of Georgian winemakers, light straw color, with a wonderful fruity bouquet, soft delicate taste. Produced since 1886 at the oldest winery in the country.
3. “Khvanchkara” - the pearl of natural semi-sweet wines, the pride of Georgian winemakers, a repeated winner at international wine tasting competitions, with an elegant dark ruby ​​color, a highly developed bouquet and aroma, a harmonious velvety taste with raspberry tones. Comrade Stalin's favorite wine.
4. “Saperavi” is not only a red wine, but also a variety wine grapes. The wine has an intense, thick dark garnet color, a unique harmonious taste, pleasant astringency, and a developed bouquet. Produced since 1886. Saperavi is recommended for fatty dishes Georgian cuisine.
5. “Tbilisuri” - white semi-dry wine. Light straw color, harmonious combination The natural sweetness, acidity and aroma of grapes give the wine a freshness and softness of taste. It is recommended to combine wine with Suluguni cheese, fish and fruit.
6. “Akhasheni” - an excellent red semi-sweet wine with a strong pleasant bouquet, bright dark garnet color and rare harmony taste properties with chocolate tones. Produced since 1958.
7. “Hereti” - natural dry white wine, light straw color, aroma with fruity tones, fresh and harmonious taste. Produced since 1977. It is an excellent aperitif and also served with seafood and vegetable salads. 8. “Mukuzani” is one of the best dry red wines, dark garnet color, with a pronounced fruity aroma and complex bouquet, has a soft velvety taste and a harmonious, wonderful aftertaste. Produced since 1888. Mukuzani is considered the best Georgian wine made from Saperavi grapes. It differs in that it is aged in oak barrels for a long time - at least three years. Pairs best with meat.
9. “Kakheti” is a natural dry white wine produced in Georgia since 1948. The wine has a golden-amber color, high extractivity and a specific fruity aroma.

What is the truth in wine?
What's in this sweet-tart moisture?
Or maybe he's hiding at the bottom
The key of enlightenment, the sword of courage?

The wine sparkles and beckons,
I swallow drops of amber...
It will certainly quench your thirst,
And then what... – I’ll find out later!

Lyudmila Lukyanova

History of wine

To get to know a person well, in Georgia it is customary to sit at the same table with him. World-famous Georgian hospitality and eloquence, the abundance of the table is a whole ritual that cannot be imagined without Georgian wine.
Georgia is the birthplace of winemaking, the country of the oldest viticulture, the history of which goes back more than 8 thousand years. Delicious Georgian wines have made the whole world talk about themselves. Georgia, so colorful and sunny, is rightly called the cradle of winemaking.
More than 500 varieties of grapes (out of 4 thousand varieties known to the world) growing in the country once again prove that Georgia is nothing more than a “world center” for the formation of cultivated and wild grapes. Georgian wines are created from special, southern grape varieties, such varieties cannot be found in Europe.
The optimism and courage of Georgian winemakers are admirable. Grape plantations spread throughout the country were repeatedly attacked and subsequently destroyed by warlike conquerors. For example, in the 14th century, after the invasion of Tamerlane and his hordes, all that was left of the recently beautiful vine was devastated and scorched earth. The heyday of Georgian winemaking occurred during Soviet times.
Today, Georgian wines around the world are famous for their Kakheti wine-making technology. The essence of this method is to store and age wine in special cone-shaped jugs - qvevri (capacity up to 500 deciliters). Qvevri are buried in the ground, leaving only the hole of the jug on the surface. This immersion allows for a relatively constant temperature (14 degrees), ideal for fermentation and storage of the must, which is still pressed from the grapes by foot. The impeccable quality of Georgian wine is the result of the unique Kakheti method.

Best Georgian wines

Red wines

  • Saperavi- varietal red dry wine. Produced from Saperavi grapes. It has been made since 1886 using Kakheti technology, which gives it its extractive and astringent taste. Aged for 1 year. Produced everywhere in Kakheti and here and there in central Georgia. This is the most popular, most widespread wine and it can have a lot of properties. Ideal for meat food. Saperavi, made from grapes picked near the village of Khashmi, is highly valued. In recent years, a special brand has appeared: “Saperavi Hashmi”. It is made very well by the monks of the David Gareji monastery and sells for 10 GEL per bottle - and this is a good reason to visit the monastery.
  • Mukuzani- dry red wine. Produced from Saperavi grapes, which grow near the village of Mukuzani in the Gurjaani region. Classic Kakhetian technology. The main difference from Saperavi wine is that it is more long exposure, at least 3 years. In addition, Mukuzani is aged in oak barrels, which gives it the appropriate taste and smell. It has the image of the best red wine in Georgia, or the best from Saperavi grapes.
  • Alazani Valley- semi-sweet red wine made from Saperavi grapes. It is produced by many Kakheti wineries from grapes from different zones. The fruity aroma of the wine has notes of physalis and dogwood. The color range varies from light red to dark red. The taste is velvety, harmonious with a pleasant aftertaste.
  • Kindzmarauli- red semi-sweet wine, which industrial scale produced since 1942. Produced from Saperavi grapes using Imeretian technology. Aged for 2 years. This wine is produced by almost all Kakheti wineries.
  • Algeti- semi-sweet red wine made from saperavi.
  • Napareuli- Dry red wine. Produced from the Saperavi variety, grown near the village of Napareuli in the Telavi region. The main difference in technology is that it is European. The wine is similar to Mukuzani, but less astringent, clearly less polyphenols. Dark garnet color of moderate intensity, rich varietal aroma with bright tones of red berries, the taste is dominated by tones of cherry pits and black currants. Aged like Mukuzani for at least 3 years. in oak barrels.
  • Akhasheni- red naturally semi-sweet wine, produced since 1958 from Saperavi grapes, which grow near the village of Akhasheni in the Gurjaani region. It is reminiscent of Kindzmarauli in many ways - made from the same grapes using the same technology - and is fundamentally different only in the land where the grapes grow. Akhasheni is weaker and softer than Kindzmarauli. And usually a little sweeter.
  • Kvareli— red dry vintage wine. It is made from the Saperavi variety, which grows somewhere near the regional center of Kvareli. Aging for at least 3 years (usually it is stored at the Tsinandali winery). Produced since 1966. Reminds me of Mukuzani, but Kvareli is often heavier. Sometimes it is aged in qvevri and then it turns out something very heavy and brutally tart.
  • Pirosmani— red naturally semi-dry wine (a rare case of semi-dry wine). Produced since 1981 using Imeretian technology. (there is an opinion that it is Kakheti, but still the branches are separated) It is made from the Saperavi variety, which grows near the village of Kardanakhi, Gurjaan region. The wine has an incredibly beautiful ruby ​​color, and the exceptional soil and natural conditions of Georgia give it a special zest that is very difficult not to notice. And the wine itself is named after the world famous Georgian artist - primitivist Niko Pirosmani.
  • Alaverdi- red semi-dry wine (a rarity, like Pirosmani) from Saperavi grapes.
  • Teliani- dry red wine. Produced from grapes - Cabernet Sauvignon. Like Mukuzani, it has been produced since the end of the 19th century (1897) and is also aged for a long time. It has a complex bouquet with pronounced morocco tones and delicate notes of mountain violet, cherry. The taste is full, exceptionally harmonious, with a soft astringency that gives the wine a velvety feel; long aftertaste.
  • Khvanchkara- the most famous Western wine, and the most classic of semi-sweet ones. The monument to Khvanchkara stands at the roundabout in the city of Ambrolauri. It is produced from Alexandrouli grapes with an admixture of Mujuretuli, although according to rumors, pure Alexandrouli is also acceptable. Both types of grapes grow near the village of Khvanchkara in the Ambrolaur region (Racha). Khvanchkara is also found in private wineries; those in the village of Chorjo are especially famous. The wine is red, naturally semi-sweet, and contains some carbon dioxide. Like all semi-sweet drinks, it is sensitive to transfusion, transportation and temperature conditions. Khvanchkara is probably the first semi-sweet wine, after which similar ones appeared: Ojaleshi, Kindzmarauli, Akhasheni, etc.
  • Barakoni- a rare and strange wine named after the Barakoni temple. This is a semi-sweet red wine that is made from the same grapes as Khvanchkara. Barakoni coincides with Khvanchkara in everything except the land on which the grapes grow. You can drink it together with Khvanchkara in order to understand what exactly the Khvanchkara land brings to the wine.
  • Ojaleshi– red naturally semi-sweet wine. Probably the most typical for Western Georgia, especially for the western foothills. It is made from Ojaleshi grapes, which grow near the village of Orbeli (Tsageri district) and in Samegrelo.
  • Usakhelouri- red semi-sweet wine, produced in the Tsageri region from the grape variety of the same name. Typically around 1,000 bottles of this wine are produced per year, making it expensive and rare.

White wines

  • Rkatsiteli— Varietal dry white wine, produced since 1892 using Kakheti technology. Produced from Rkatsiteli grapes, which grow near the village of Kardanakhi, Gurjaani region. It ferments in qvevri, buried in the ground, and is aged in oak barrels for a short time, no more than 1 year. The branded Kakhetian extractivity, that is, astringency, should be felt in the taste.
  • Tibaani- white wine, produced since 1948 using Kakheti technology. Produced from the Rkatsiteli variety, which grows near the village of Tibaani, Sighnakh region, and is aged in oak barrels for about a year. It has a “dense amber color with dark golden highlights, and a complex, rich bouquet with a distinctly faded tea rose tone.” The taste is also strong and tart.
  • Alazani Valley- white semi-sweet wine from Rkatsiteli grapes. The brand is so compromised that I usually don't even list it as a semi-sweet wine. This is a very light, fine wine that drinks like Apple juice, and gives rise to a slight euphoria, similar to that from small doses of champagne. Not bad to drink in hot weather or in cases where serious intoxication is not desired. Refined girls will appreciate it))
  • Vazisubani- White dry. 85% Rkatsiteli and 15% Mtsvane, which grow near the Kakheti village of Vazisubani.
  • Manavis Mtsvane- dry white wine from Mtsvane (Manavi) grapes, produced by the Kakheti company “Teliani Veli”.
  • Goruli Mtsvane- dry white wine from Mtsvane (Gori) grapes, produced by the Kartlian company Chateau-Mukhrani. Sometimes these grapes are mixed with Chinuri to create Atenuri wine.
  • Tbilisuri- semi-dry white wine made from Rkatsiteli, Mtsvane, Tsolikouri, Tetra grape varieties, which grow in Kakheti, as well as in the Tsageri and Ambrolauri regions. Prepared using Imeretian technology. This wine is a late invention, 1982.
  • Tsitska- varietal white vintage wine, produced since 1966 from Tsitska grapes using Imeretian technology. Produced in Imereti, in the regions of Zestafoni, Terzhola and Baghdati. The color of the wine is light straw. Wine materials are aged for 2 years in oak barrels or enamel tanks, then bottled with preliminary control filtration, if possible without contact with atmospheric oxygen. After consumption it leaves an incredible sweet-sounding taste.
  • Tsinandali- white vintage wine made from Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane grape varieties, which grows in the Telavi, Akhmeta and Kvareli regions. Produced using Imeretian technology or even European technology. The first European wine, the production of which was established at one time by Alexander Chavchavadze. The color of the wine is light straw. This is the most sour Georgian wine to taste. Aged for 3 years in oak barrels. In the village of Tsinandali (east of Telavi, on the territory of the Chavchavadze estate) there is the first Georgian winery. If anywhere the real Tsinandali happens, it’s there.
  • Atenuri- dry white wine from a mixture of Chinuri and Goruli Mtsvane grapes. Named after the village of Ateni in the Gori region. This is a light white wine. Very rare.
  • Hereti- almost an exact copy of Tsinandali. The same grapes and the same technology. The only difference is in the place where the grapes grow - they grow in the vicinity of Lagodekhi, on the southern slopes, where there is more sun than in Tsinandali. Therefore, Hereti wine should be slightly less acidic than Tsinandali.
  • Gurjaaniclassic example Kakhetian wine made using European technology. White vintage wine. Produced since 1887 from Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane grapes. Aged at the Gurjaan winery (3 years).
  • Sviri- something little known. White vintage wine made from Tsolikouri, Tsitska and Krakhuna grape varieties, which grow somewhere in Western Georgia (the village of Sviri is in the Akhaltsikhe region). Produced since 1962 using Imeretian technology. The color of the wine is from straw to amber.
  • Chinuri- dry white table wine. Produced from Chinuri grapes using various technologies. The most popular wine is in the villages of central Georgia - near Mtskheta, Gori, Kaspi and Kareli. It looks yellowish, tastes like champagne and is slightly carbonated.
  • Chkhaveri. This naturally semi-sweet Georgian wine has been produced since 1934. Wine is produced from the grape variety of the same name. The taste of the wine is incredibly fresh and pleasant, its aroma has a bright fruity aroma. Its color tone is light straw with a slight pinkish tint, which looks incredibly beautiful in a glass.
  • Kisi- a rare variety of white wine. European type pussycat. There is dry and semi-sweet. White semi-sweet “Kisi” is one of the best white semi-sweet ones, approximately on the level of Tvishi, if not spoiled by storage.
  • Tetra- white semi-sweet wine made from Tetra grapes grown in the Ambrolauri region of Georgia. The color of the wine is straw. One of three white semi-sweet wines of Georgia. Very expensive, so it is very difficult to find it.
  • Twishy- white semi-sweet wine from Tsolikauri grapes growing near the Lechkhumi village of Tvishi. Produced since 1952. Very soft, pleasant, with a fruity taste. One of the best white semi-sweet wines.

Winemaking methods

The taste and properties of wine are influenced by the grape variety, where it grows and, of course, technology. In Georgia, the most common wine production technologies are Kakheti, Imeretian and European. There is also the Racha-Lechkhumi method.
Using European technology, grape juice is separated from seeds and branches and poured into fermentation containers. The skins are only left on during red wine making to give the drink its color. The European method came to Georgia at the end of the 19th century. Wines from Tsinandali, Napareuli, Gurjaani, and Manavi are produced using this technology.
Kakheti technology is famous for the fact that the mixture is not separated from seeds and twigs; it is placed in fermentation containers for three to four months. The wines of Saperavi, Mukuzani, Sameba, Rkatsiteli, Tibaani, Kakheti, Shuamta are produced using Kakheti technology.
According to Imeretian technology, the mixture is separated from the branches, but the seeds and skin are left. Everything ferments for one and a half to two months. The wines of Tbilisuri, Tsitska, Sviri and Dimi are made using Imeretian technology.
The Racha-Lechkhumi method is practically the Imeretian method, but due to the cold climate of the region, the wine ferments here (at four to five degrees) much more slowly than in other places. It is advisable to store the wines of this region refrigerated.

How much wine can you export from Georgia?

Georgian wine has existed as long as the Georgian people. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations, during which clay vessels for wine - qvevri, as well as grape leaves and vine. No matter where you come from, if you visit Georgia, it is impossible not to take with you a bottle of real Georgian wine, which is completely different from those produced in Europe. But no matter how much you are in love with Georgian wine, you must understand that at Tbilisi airport, only four liters of wine per person, both home and factory bottling, are officially allowed in your luggage. But that's not all: all countries have their own rules for importing alcohol. So, when leaving Georgia, you must take into account not only how many bottles of wine you will be able to take out of Tbilisi airport, but also how many you will be allowed to bring into your host country. It is necessary to know these rules in order not to find yourself in an unclear situation. At the Tbilisi airport, employees like to recall how one tourist drank three bottles of wine in one gulp when they were about to be confiscated due to violating transportation rules.
Long-livers of the Kakheti region say that the secret of their health lies in drinking no more than 50 grams of wine daily.
Georgian wine is not just a drink, it is the honor and pride of local residents, a tradition guarded by the proud people of the Caucasus. To this day, there is a tradition in Georgia: at the birth of a child, family members lay a qvevri, and drink wine from it on the day of coming of age. Once in Georgia, try to taste real Georgian wines in order to understand and take with you a piece of Georgia hidden in the wine.

Russians are rediscovering the tourist delights of Georgia - the marvelous views of the mountains of Svaneti, the delights of the subtropics of Adjara, the vineyards of Kakheti and Imereti, the originality of the capital Tbilisi. The attractiveness of tourist Georgia is determined by its proximity (2 hours by plane), ease of communication with the population, which has not yet forgotten the Russian language, as well as the uniqueness of Georgian cuisine and the variety of famous wines.
In the USSR, Georgian wines were held in special esteem and were in great demand among the population. Famous brands red (Khvanchkara and Kindzmarauli) and white (Tsinandali and Gurjaani) wines have always been a decoration for any table. The range of Georgian wines is significant, but in stores Russian Federation Only a few brands were represented, and buying Georgian wine was a great success for the consumer.

What kind of wines were produced in Georgia 30 years ago?

Vintage dry wines.
White wines: “Tsinandali”, “Gurjaani”, “Napareuli”, “Bakhtrioni”, “Vazisubani”, “Manavi”, “Tsitska”, “Tsolikauri”, “Rkatsiteli”, “Tibaani”, “Telavi”, “Sviri” .
Red wines: “Napareuli”, “Kvareli”, “Mukuzani”.
Dry table ordinary wines.
White wines: “Hereti”, “Gareji”, “Gelati”, “Kakheti”, “Dimi”, “Bodbe”.
Red wines: "Saperavi".
Semi-dry natural wines.
White wines: "Tbilisuri".
Red wines: “Pirosmani”, “Barakoni”.
Semi-sweet natural wines.
White wines: “Akhmeta”, “Tetra”, “Tvishi”, “Chkhaveri”, “Savane”, “Alazani Valley”.
Red wines: “Khvanchkara”, “Kindzmarauli”, “Akhasheni”, “Ojaleshi”, “Usakhelauri”, “Alazani Valley”.
Fortified wines: “Kardanakhi”, “Anaga”, “Sighnaghi”, “Iveria”, “Kolkheti”.
Dessert wines.
White wines: “Saamo”, “Khikhvi”.
Red wines: "Salkhino" (liqueur wine).
Sparkling wine.
White wines: “Atenuri”, “Aisi” (rosé), “Sakhaliso”.
Red wines: “Sadarbazo”, “Sakhaliso”, “Guruli shushkhuna”.
As can be seen from the above list of names, many wines were and are a sealed secret for consumers.
Today, a wide variety of new wines are produced in Georgia, the production of which uses an original blend, modern technologies using imported grape varieties. This trend is also observed in other wine-producing countries. These are the demands of the market.
It must be admitted that the problem of falsification of wine in Georgia, as in other countries, exists. First of all, this is due to violations of production technology, deviations from technological modes, using grapes of different varieties than stated in the recipe. For example, “Khvanchkara” is made exclusively from Aleksandreuli and Mujuretuli grapes, and when falsified, Saperavi grapes are used.
In wine boutiques in Tbilisi, Batumi, Gori, Telavi and other cities you can easily find brand name wines. But you still need to look for wines that are not promoted for tourists ("Tsitska", "Napareuli", "Manavi", "Tibaani", "Sviri" and others). And if luck accompanies you, then the time spent will be compensated by the pleasant sensation of a blessed drink. Note that unpromoted wines are less likely to be falsified.
It should be noted that at Tbilisi airport, before departure, in a wine boutique you can still purchase some classic Georgian wines, the names of which are unfamiliar to Russians.

Classic wines of Georgia
(based on the book “Georgian Wines” by V. Chiaureli, published by “Merani”, Tbilisi, 1984)

Since 1890, "Napareuli" - a dry red vintage wine - has been produced. It is made from Saperavi grapes, cultivated in the Napareul microdistrict in the left bank of the Alazani Valley (Kakheti). "Napareuli" has a dark garnet color, has tenderness and a rich varietal bouquet with great flavor harmony.
Since 1892, "Tsinandali" - a dry white vintage wine - has been produced. Made from Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane grape varieties, cultivated in a strictly controlled zone of the Telavi and Kvareli microdistricts. "Tsinandali" has a light straw color, a wonderful fruit bouquet, and a soft, delicate taste.
Since 1893, "Mukuzani" - a dry red vintage wine - has been produced. Made from Saperavi grapes, cultivated in the Mukuzani and Teliani microdistricts in Kakheti. "Mukuzani" has a dark ruby ​​color, a velvety taste with a pronounced varietal aroma and a complex bouquet, has a powerful extract with great taste harmony.
Since 1907, Teliani, a red dry vintage wine, has been produced. Made from Cabernet grapes cultivated in the Teliani microdistrict in Kakheti. "Teliani" has a dark ruby ​​color, has a thin, delicate aroma bouquet of violets. .
Since 1907, Khvanchkara, a natural semi-sweet red wine, has been produced. Made from Aleksandreuli and Mujuretuli grape varieties, cultivated in the Khvanchkara microdistrict in Western Georgia. The wine has a highly developed varietal bouquet, tastes velvety with raspberry tones, and has a dark ruby ​​color.
Since 1923, "Saamo" - a vintage white dessert wine - has been produced. Made from Rkatsiteli grapes, cultivated in the Kardanakhi microdistrict in Kakheti. "Saamo" has a golden color, a characteristic delicate varietal bouquet, a pleasant taste with harmonious honey tones.
Since 1923, Khikhvi, a vintage white dessert wine, has been produced. Made from Khikhvi grape variety, cultivated in the Kardanakhi microdistrict in Kakheti. "Khikhvi" has an amber color with a well-defined varietal aroma and a delicate, pleasant taste.
Since 1926, "Kardanakh" has been produced - a vintage white strong wine like port wine. Made from Rkatsiteli grapes, cultivated in the Kardanakh microdistrict in Gurjaani (Kakheti). "Kardanakhi" has an amber color, a pleasant varietal bouquet and taste with pronounced port wine tones, a harmonious delicate honey tone.
Since 1928, Salkhino, a red dessert wine, has been produced. Made from Isabella grapes with the addition of Dzvelshava, Tsolikauri and other varieties cultivated in Western Georgia. "Salkhino" has a pomegranate color, a strong developed bouquet, a velvety harmonious taste with a strawberry tone.
Since 1933, "Ojaleshi" has been produced - a natural semi-sweet red wine. It is made from the Ojaleshi grape variety, cultivated on the mountain slopes in the valley of the Tskhenis-Tskali River, in particular in the village of Orbeli and Mingrelia in Western Georgia. "Ojaleshi" has a dark ruby ​​color, with a delicate bouquet and aroma, a rich harmonious taste with fruity tones.
Since 1934, "Chkhaveri" has been produced - a natural semi-sweet white wine of light straw color with a pink tint. Made from Chkhaveri grape variety, cultivated in the Bakhvi microdistrict in Western Georgia. The wine has a light straw color with a pink tint, has a pleasant fresh taste, a delicate bouquet and a delicate fruity aroma.
Since 1936, "Gurjaani" - a dry white vintage wine - has been produced. Made from Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane grape varieties, cultivated in a strictly controlled zone of the Gurjaani, Sagarejo, Sighnaghi microdistricts in Kakheti. The wine has a light straw color, an original delicate fruit bouquet, a harmonious taste with a spicy bitterness.
Since 1936, "Saperavi" - a red ordinary dry wine - has been produced. Made from Saperavi grape variety, cultivated in the Kakheti region. "Saperavi" is an extractive wine, harmonious with a pleasant astringency.
Since 1938, "Manavi" - a dry white vintage wine - has been produced. Made from Mtsvane grape variety, cultivated in the microdistrict of the village of Manavi in ​​Kakheti. "Manavi" has a light to straw color with a greenish tint, a wonderful varietal aroma, a delicate, fresh harmonious taste.
Since 1942, "Kindzmarauli" has been produced - a natural semi-sweet wine of dark red color. Made from Saperavi grape variety, cultivated in the Kvareli microdistrict of Kakheti. It has a characteristic strong varietal bouquet and aroma, a harmonious and velvety taste.
Since 1943, "Usakhelauri" - a natural semi-sweet red wine - has been produced. Made from local Usakhelauri grape variety, cultivated in the Zudi-Okureshi microdistrict in Western Georgia on the mountain slopes. The wine has an attractive ruby ​​color, characterized by harmonious sweetness, strawberry tones, tenderness, pleasant velvety and unique piquancy.
Since 1945, "Tetra" has been produced - a natural semi-sweet white wine, prepared from the Rachuli-Tetra grape variety, cultivated in Western Georgia. The wine has a light straw color, pleasant sweetness, and a harmonious, delicate fruity taste.
Since 1948, "Tibaani" has been produced - a white dry vintage wine of the Kakhetian type. Made from Rkatsiteli grapes, cultivated in the Tibaani microdistrict in Kakheti. "Tibaani" has a dark amber color, the bouquet has raisin tones, the taste is full, harmonious, velvety.
Since 1948, Rkatsiteli, a white dry vintage wine, has been produced. Made from Rkatsiteli grapes, cultivated in the Kardanakhi microdistrict in Kakheti. "Rkatsiteli" has a dark amber color, with a fruity bouquet and aroma, the taste is velvety, harmonious. High extractivity and pleasant astringency give the wine an original taste.
Since 1951, "Tsolikauri" - a dry white vintage wine - has been produced. Made from Tsolikauri grape variety, cultivated in Imereti (Western Georgia). "Tsolikauri" has a light straw color, a well-developed bouquet, and a fresh and harmonious taste.
Since 1952, Tvishi has been produced - a natural semi-sweet white wine. Made from Tsolikauri grapes, cultivated in the Tvishi microdistrict in the Rioni Gorge. "Tvishi" has a light amber color, delicate, thin fruity aroma and taste.
Since 1958, "Akhasheni" - a natural semi-sweet red wine - has been produced. Made from Saperavi grape variety, cultivated in the Akhasheni microdistrict in Kakheti. "Akhasheni" has a dark garnet color, the taste is harmonious with velvety chocolate tones.
Since 1958, Akhmeta, a natural semi-sweet white wine, has been produced. Made from Mtsvane grapes, cultivated in the Akhmeta microdistrict in Kakheti. "Akhmeta" has a light straw color with a greenish tint, has an original aroma with floral tones, pleasant sweetness and delicate taste.
Since 1966, Tsitska, a white dry vintage wine, has been produced. Made from Tsitska grape variety, cultivated in Western Georgia. "Tsitska" has a light straw color, a harmonious taste with pleasant freshness.

Georgian wine production technology

In large chain stores or a wine boutique at Tbilisi Airport, you may be offered wine of the same name, produced from the same grape variety, but at a significantly different price. Perhaps even from the same manufacturer. The difference in price is explained by production technology.
As in many wine-producing countries, in Georgia, special tanks began to be widely used in wine production, which replaced oak barrels, which made it possible to reduce production costs and simplify some elements of the technology. Changes in technology may affect some well-known classic brands of Georgian wine, the production of which is possible only with the use of oak barrels. Let us recall these wine brands:
- “Tsinandali” is a white vintage wine, produced since 1892. The wine materials are aged in oak barrels in the cellars of the Tsinandali winery (3 years).
- “Gurjaani” is a white vintage wine, produced since 1936. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels in the cellars of the Gurjaani winery (3 years).
- “Napareuli” is a white vintage wine, produced since 1893. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (3 years).
- “Manavi” is a white vintage wine, produced since 1938. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (3 years).
- "Tibaani" is a white vintage wine, produced since 1892. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (1 year).
- "Teliani" is a red vintage wine, produced since 1907. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (3 years).
- “Napareuli” is a red vintage wine, produced since 1890. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (3 years).
- “Kvareli” is a red vintage wine, produced since 1966. The wine materials are aged in oak barrels in the cellars of the Tsinandali winery (3 years).
- "Mukuzani" is a red vintage wine, produced since 1893. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (3 years).
- "Kardanakhi" is a white vintage fortified wine, produced since 1926. Wine materials are aged in oak barrels (3 years).
Separately, it should be said about some wines, the production technology of which differs from global practice (European). Only Georgia can boast of its own wine production technology. Without going into details of the technology, we note that the Kakhetian method of wine production is distinguished by the fact that fermentation is carried out in the presence of pulp. Another feature of Georgian winemaking is that wine in rural areas is stored in “qvevri” - huge clay jugs that are buried in the ground.
Let us note the brands of wine, the production of which excludes European technology:
- “Rkatsiteli” is a white vintage wine of the Kakhetian type, produced since 1948. Fermentation of grape pulp is carried out in qvevri.
- “Tibaani” is a white vintage wine, produced since 1892 (item 5 above). Fermentation of grape pulp is carried out in qvevri.
- "Telavi" is a vintage white wine, produced since 1967. Fermentation of grape pulp is carried out in qvevri.
- “Sviri” is a vintage white wine, produced since 1962. It is made using the Imeretian method (a variation of the Kakheti method) - fermentation is carried out with the partial addition of grape pulp.
- “Kakheti” is a white table wine, an ordinary wine of the Kakheti type, produced since 1948. Fermentation of grape pulp is carried out in qvevri.
- “Dimi” is a white table wine, an ordinary wine of the Imeretian type, produced since 1977. Fermentation is carried out with the partial addition of grape pulp.
- “Pirosmani” is a natural semi-sweet wine, produced since 1981. Fermentation of grape pulp is carried out in qvevri.

All of the listed brands of wine can be easily falsified by simplifying the technology - by refusing to use qvevri and oak barrel, using wine materials without proper aging. Real or fake wine? This question is up to you to decide and do not lose hope of meeting rare and amazing wines that have been listed.