How to make horseradish dressing. Horseradish for the winter - basic methods for preparing the spicy root vegetable

Homemade Russian table horseradish- An excellent seasoning for many dishes. Jellied meat with horseradish is good, as well as jellied fish and okroshka! And it goes perfectly with baked meat, and with dumplings it’s simply delicious! Table horseradish can be served mixed with sour cream, and for those who like spices that are sharper and more intense, you can serve it like that - it’s also very tasty. A simple and tasty homemade horseradish recipe for spicy lovers.


  • 300 gr. horseradish
  • 1 tsp. salt without a slide
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar or lemon juice - optional (I add)
  • 200 ml. water
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar without a slide (or to taste)
  • sour cream - optionally added to a small portion of prepared horseradish immediately before serving.


  1. Prepare the horseradish filling: put water to boil, add salt and sugar. Turn off the boiling water. If desired, you can add vinegar or lemon juice to this filling, then you will get pickled table horseradish. Personally, I like this option better, and this horseradish can be stored longer, up to 3 months. Without adding vinegar or lemon juice - just 2-3 days in the refrigerator, longer is possible, but the seasoning will not be as tasty. So, if the option without vinegar and lemon is closer to you, it is better to cook horseradish in small portions immediately before use or a day before.
  2. We clean and wash the horseradish roots.
  3. We grind it in an accessible and convenient way for you: you can grind the horseradish using a food processor, blender or electric meat grinder (after having tied a plastic bag to it so that the twisted horseradish gets into it). Or, the old-fashioned way, three horseradish on a fine grater. To be honest, I use the latter method. At the same time, I carry out the prevention of flu and colds - all family members take turns rubbing horseradish. Don't look at how there isn't too much of him - he's so evil that there's enough of him for everyone :). Any runny nose goes away or a cold that starts.
  4. Pour the still hot, but no longer boiling, mixture into the horseradish, stir until smooth, and immediately transfer it to a clean, dry jar, close tightly with a lid so that the horseradish does not lose its pungency or erode. If you are preparing the seasoning in large quantities, you need to prepare several small, tightly sealed jars for it in advance.
  5. Let the seasoning brew for 2-3 hours, if you added vinegar or lemon juice, then for a day. We store horseradish in tightly closed jars in the refrigerator: without vinegar - 2-3 days (maybe a little longer), with vinegar - up to 3 months. But I want to say that freshly prepared horseradish tastes better, so I cook it in small portions, and I can’t store it for a long time - it’s eaten quickly.
  6. Before serving, homemade table Russian horseradish can be mixed with sour cream if desired (for 2 tablespoons of horseradish, 1 tablespoon of sour cream or to taste). The taste of horseradish with sour cream is more delicate and soft. But you can serve the seasoning without sour cream. Like

There is no such thing as too much horseradish in the refrigerator. I cook horseradish myself twice a year. My season of summer preparations begins with horseradish, and ends with horseradish in late autumn.

So this spring, having received worthless roots from my stronger half, I immediately soaked them for a day in cold water. After soaking, of course, they will lose a little of their sharpness, but there will be fewer tears from my rattlers. And after soaking, my manipulations are extremely simple. Cleaning, grinding in an electric meat grinder, keeping in boiling water and marinating. I only add salt, sugar and my homemade currant or apple cider vinegar to the horseradish. I often prepare sauces with the addition of horseradish, so I don’t add anything extra to the horseradish, in the form of beets, tomatoes, etc. I keep horseradish and vinegar in small jars in the refrigerator. Homemade horseradish turns out to be savory, a little sweet and salty. In the summer, there is nothing better than spreading horseradish on a cold piece of poultry, meat or fish to invigorate. I often mix it with sour cream to soften the taste or prepare delicious sauces based on it.

Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: easy
Composition per: 600 ml

  • Horseradish, root – 300 grams
  • Water – 750 ml
  • Vinegar 6% – 250 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons

How to Prepare Horseradish with Vinegar:

  • Rinse the horseradish roots under running cold water and soak in plenty of cold water for a day. After soaking, horseradish is easier to peel and chop, and there are no tears from its acridity.
  • The next day, peel the horseradish and rinse again.
  • Grind the horseradish quickly in a meat grinder, because peeled horseradish darkens, and it is better not to hesitate in processing it. If you grate horseradish, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice, then it will not darken.
  • At the same time, bring the water to boil. Sterilize washed jars.
  • Immediately pour boiling water over the grated horseradish. Cover the bowl with the horseradish with a lid to prevent the horseradish from drying out and leave until it cools completely.
  • When the horseradish has cooled, drain the water and add granulated sugar and salt.
  • Pour vinegar.
  • Mix and place in small (200ml) glass jars.
  • The horseradish with vinegar is ready, but it’s better to put the jars in the refrigerator to steep for at least a day.

I prepare horseradish with vinegar both in spring and autumn. In summer for sauces for cold meat and poultry, and in winter for jelly or baked pork.

How I Cook Horseradish with Vinegar. Details and with Photos:

  • I rinse the horseradish roots under running cold water and soak them in plenty of cold water for a day. After soaking, horseradish is easier to peel, chop and does not eat your eyes.

  • Since horseradish quickly darkens during processing, the next day, before continuing to process the horseradish, I carry out preparatory work. I install an electric meat grinder, set the water to boil, and sterilize the jars.
  • I put clean, washed jars in the oven to sterilize.
  • I clean the horseradish and rinse it again

  • I quickly grind horseradish in a meat grinder

  • Immediately pour boiling water over the horseradish. I close the bowl with horseradish with a lid so that the horseradish does not dry out. I leave it until it cools completely.

  • When the horseradish has cooled, drain the water and add granulated sugar and salt to the horseradish.

  • I pour vinegar. I use homemade 6% currant vinegar. It is softer, has a pleasant sourness, and most importantly, natural

  • I mix and place homemade horseradish into small (200 ml) glass jars.
  • The horseradish with vinegar is ready, but I put the jars in the refrigerator and let it brew for a day.

Bon appetit! If you have any questions, ask, I will definitely help.

  • The traditional seasoning for meat and fish dishes is held in special esteem by the Slavs, as it adds piquancy to the food and at the same time improves immunity and fights germs. The essential oils it contains kill pathogenic bacteria and help cure colds. This is how useful it is - horseradish, the recipe is classic and we offer it to housewives with variations for implementation. There is no need to overpay for something that is easy to do at home.

    Before you start cooking, carefully read our tips, as this process is unsafe. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “evil devil” has developed. You need to be more careful with him.

    If you plan to process a large amount of roots, prepare gloves, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.

    Leave the leaves for pickles and marinades or for making medicinal rubs.

    Homemade horseradish (white) recipe

    The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

    • Peeled horseradish – 1 kg;
    • Boiled chilled water – 0.5 l;
    • Coarse salt (rock) – 2 tbsp;
    • Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
    • Vinegar 9% – 5 tbsp.
    1. Wash the roots thoroughly with a brush, peel and chop. For grinding, you can use a regular grater, a meat grinder, or the bowl of a food processor with knives.
    2. Dissolve salt and sugar in slightly warm boiled water, add vinegar to the brine.
    3. Pour in the grated horseradish, adding the brine little by little so as not to overdo it with the liquid. The consistency should be closer to kefir.

    How much brine is needed depends on the method of chopping the roots: if you grate them on a coarse grater or chop them with a blender, the mass will absorb different amounts of liquid.

    Place the finished seasoning in jars and place in a warm place to mature. Be sure to cover the jars with lids to prevent essential oils from escaping. This recipe for homemade vigorous horseradish is basic; its technology can be used as a basis for all others.

    Depending on the room temperature, it will be ready in 1 – 3 days.

    Horseradish (hrenoder, gorloder) with tomatoes, peppers and garlic

    An atomic mixture - you will say, and you will be right: it turns out to be nuclear. For horseradish, prepare the following products:

    • Horseradish roots – 0.5 kg;
    • Ripe tomatoes – 1 kg;
    • Garlic – 3 heads;
    • Hot pepper – 1 pc.;
    • Salt, sugar - 1 tbsp.
    1. First, let's prepare the rhizomes. To do this, soak them in water for a short time, clean them, and grind them in a convenient way - in a stationary blender (food processor) or in a meat grinder.
    2. Add the peeled cloves of garlic and a pod of hot pepper without seeds, press “start”.
    3. Grind the tomatoes. Just add them to the horseradish, pepper and garlic and turn on the equipment.
    4. Salt the resulting mixture, add sugar, and mix. If necessary, you can take a little more salt.

    Any appetizer on a slice of bread flavored with horseradish will take on a completely different taste. To prevent the aroma from dissipating, always close the lid tightly. Keep refrigerated.

    With apples

    Apples reduce the pungency, but the seasoning is still very tasty. It goes harmoniously with meat and fish.

    • Horseradish – 1 root 15-20 cm long;
    • Green apples – 2 pcs.;
    • Table vinegar 9% – 1 tsp;
    • Salt – 1 pinch;
    • Sugar - to taste (depending on how sour the apples are).
    1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into several parts, and remove the core.
    2. Pour ½ cup of water into a saucepan and place on low heat. Add apples, cover and cook until soft.
    3. Drain off excess water and puree the apples.
    4. Remove the skin from the horseradish, grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a meat grinder.
    5. Mix with applesauce, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
    6. Let it sit for at least a day.

    You can bring apples to the desired condition not only in a saucepan. Put them in the microwave for a few minutes - it will be faster and you won’t need to add water. You don’t have to drain the released juice; the seasoning will just be liquid. If the apples are very sour (this will be clear when you try the juice), you don’t need to add vinegar.

    Recipe for delicious homemade horseradish with beets

    Many people love this option for its color and soft taste. It's not difficult to prepare it at home. In just half an hour you will mix everything you need, and then all you have to do is wait a day, and you can serve the seasoning with jellied meat or dumplings - dishes without which Russian cuisine is unthinkable.

    You will need the following products:

    1. Boil the beets, cool, and remove the skins.
    2. Peel, wash, and mince the horseradish.
    3. Grate the beets on a fine grater, squeeze a little with your hands, drain the excess juice into a separate bowl (you may still need it).
    4. Combine horseradish with beets, salt, add sugar, vinegar, mix. If the seasoning is too thick, add the previously drained beet juice.

    Taste the seasoning and add salt or sugar if necessary. If there is not enough acid, add a little more vinegar.

    That’s the whole recipe for horseradish with beets; homemade seasoning is stronger than store-bought. If you like it weaker, take more beets; if stronger, add only the juice for color, and leave the beets themselves for some salad.

    The easiest way

    For this recipe, in addition to horseradish roots, you only need tomato marinade. If you have opened and eaten a jar of tomatoes stored for the winter, do not rush to pour out the brine.

    1. Prepare the roots as in previous recipes.
    2. Pour in slightly warmed marinade.
    3. Place in a warm place for a day and you can serve.

    The combination of salt, sugar and vinegar will be optimal. Try it, you will definitely like it!

    Horseradish for the winter: classic recipe

    The main thing in preparing for the winter is that the product does not ferment, and for this they use a technique such as sterilization. Ingredients required for preparation:

    • Horseradish, fresh or from the freezer – 1 kg;
    • Boiled water – 1 glass;
    • Vinegar – 150 g;
    • Coarse salt – 1 tbsp;
    • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

    Equipment and accessories:

    • Food processor;
    • Small glass jars;
    • Screw caps;
    • Wide saucepan.

    The process of preparing horseradish for the winter according to the classic recipe:

    1. Soak the rhizomes for several hours, peel and cut into 3-4 cm pieces.
    2. Pass through a meat grinder or grind in a food processor (blender).
    3. Dissolve salt and sugar in a glass of water, pour in vinegar. For better dissolution, it is recommended to let the brine boil.
    4. Cool the solution, pour into chopped horseradish, mix.
    5. Place the mixture in jars, cover with lids, and sterilize.

    After the sterilization time has expired, the jars are carefully removed from the water and the lids are screwed on.

    If your family loves horseradish, take any recipe: classic, with beets, apples or tomatoes and prepare a delicious seasoning at home. It will be cheaper and tastier than the one from the store. Before serving, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream to the classic version and the one with beets.

    Making traditional Russian seasoning is easy. We suggest trying a recipe for making classic horseradish with beets, apples and tomatoes.

    Cooking horseradish at home: recipes for quick consumption and for the winter

    Horseradish is a well-known root vegetable that improves the taste of food. If the vegetable root is prepared without harmful additives, it disinfects, improves appetite and promotes the normal functioning of the digestive system. You won't have any trouble preparing horseradish at home: the seasoning recipe is simple and economical.

    Classic horseradish recipe

    Horseradish seasoning is a spicy aromatic mixture, which, depending on the recipe, is used immediately after preparation or stored all winter, continuing to add variety to the daily menu during the cold season.


    • 300 g horseradish;
    • 150 ml water;
    • 20 g table salt;
    • 20 g granulated sugar;
    • 15 ml vinegar.


    Cooks who are interested in how to prepare horseradish at home will benefit from a step-by-step recipe with photos that reveals all the secrets of the “vigorous” flavoring additive.

    1. Before use, to simplify the work, soak the horseradish root for 5 hours.
    2. Remove the roots from the water and remove the skins and heads.
    3. To grind, use a closed blender or attach a plastic bag to the meat grinder so as not to provoke excessive tearing.
    4. Dissolve salt and sugar crystals in water.
    5. Mix the liquid with the grated root vegetable - the seasoning can be served.

    Making horseradish with beets at home

    Beet juice softens the harsh taste of horseradish and gives the seasoning a pleasant pink tint, making it visually more aesthetically pleasing. Prepared exactly according to this recipe, it is most often used in national cuisines of the world, as it gives the main dish a moderate spicy flavor.


    • 250 g root vegetables;
    • 100 ml water;
    • 50 ml 9% vinegar;
    • 15 g table salt;
    • 15 g sugar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. red beetroot juice.


    1. Thoroughly peel the horseradish root and rinse under cold running water.
    2. Grind the root vegetable using a fine grater or pass through an electric meat grinder (if it has a fine mesh).
    3. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass, stir, place in a closed container and cool completely.
    4. Peel the boiled beets, grate and squeeze out the specified amount of juice.
    5. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and beet juice to the cooled seasoning.
    6. Mix everything and place in sterile jars with tight lids.

    Horseradish with tomatoes

    The addition of tomato pulp enriches the seasoning with fresh taste and aroma, and neutralizes the irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the essential oils contained in the roots of the plant. This recipe is especially popular among lovers of spicy tomato sauces.


    • 200 g horseradish roots;
    • 5-6 overripe tomatoes;
    • 5 heads of garlic;
    • salt to taste.


    1. Wash the tomatoes well and turn them into a soft mass using a meat grinder.
    2. The main product should be washed and cleaned before grinding.
    3. Grind the garlic in a meat grinder too - this vegetable will act as a natural preservative.
    4. Stir until smooth, add salt.
    5. Pour the seasoning into glass jars and add to dishes in moderation.
    6. The shelf life of a tightly closed jar of horseradish in the refrigerator or basement is 2-3 months.

    The spiciness of the seasoning can be adjusted according to your preference by decreasing or increasing the amount of salt, garlic and acid. But if you decide to prepare horseradish for the winter, the recipe, which includes a natural preservative - vinegar, must be fully followed.

    Horseradish - winter preparation

    This composition of the product will help to maximize its shelf life and will delight you with a very pronounced taste, which is created due to the concentration of the mixture.


    • 10 horseradish roots;
    • 1 beet;
    • coarse table salt to taste;
    • 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
    • 1 tsp. Sahara.


    1. Grind the peeled roots to form a paste and place in a glass container.
    2. The beets also need to be peeled and chopped.
    3. Using cheesecloth, extract beet juice.
    4. Add the juice to the jar of horseradish.
    5. Add salt and sugar.
    6. Mix everything and pour in vinegar.
    7. Pour cooled boiled water over the mixture to cover the contents of the container.
    8. Close the jar and shake well.
    9. The product can be stored in a cold place all winter, but you can start consuming it after 8 hours.

    What do lovers of this seasoning need to know?

    Horseradish roots are dug up in late autumn, after temperatures begin to drop below zero. To prepare the seasoning at home, select roots about 45 cm long and 4 cm in diameter. They should be stored in a cool place with high humidity. If you started cooking horseradish at home before the onset of winter, the recipe allows you to store it in a ready-made form. But experienced chefs still advise preparing the seasoning in small portions so that it does not lose some of its taste. Horseradish is an excellent “company” for pork, beef, fish, poultry dishes and vegetables. It can be the main ingredient in sauces and marinades.

    Read also:

    • Recipe for a delicious horseradish snack
    • Recipes for adjika from tomato and horseradish
    • Horseradish: beneficial properties

    To ensure that horseradish root seasonings are an integral part of your diet - for the sake of not only pleasure, but also beneficial properties, learn how to prepare them yourself from a vegetable grown at home. It is quite possible to prepare this mixture for the winter or in small quantities for one-time use - you just need to choose the optimal recipe option.

    Have you been looking for Cooking horseradish at home: recipes for quick consumption and for the winter? In this article I will give the exact answer to this question! Read

The root of this plant contains several times more vitamins than citrus fruits. It can have a beneficial effect on the body's immune system, stimulate the digestive system, and increase muscle tone and endurance. This is not ginseng, as one might assume, but a simple horseradish root, known to everyone. You can use it to prepare various homemade sauces, pickles, soft or hot drinks by taking your favorite horseradish recipe from the selection below.

There are different recipes for sauces based on horseradish, but most appreciate the classic table horseradish recipe for its ease of preparation and purity of taste.

For a small portion of sauce you will need:

  • 300 g horseradish;
  • 200 ml hot boiled water;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash the horseradish roots, peel them and finely grate them. You can grind them in a blender, but the most reliable way is grandma’s hand grinder.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in hot water. When the temperature of the solution reaches 40–50 degrees, pour it into the crushed main ingredient and mix.
  3. Divide the dressing into small, tightly sealed jars. Before using, let the sauce sit for at least 2-3 hours.

It can be stored for up to 2-3 days. To extend the shelf life, add a little vinegar.

How to prepare food for the winter?

The easiest way to prepare horseradish for the winter is to make a “breathtaking” sauce from it with a minimum of ingredients:

  • 1000 g horseradish roots;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 1 lemon (can be replaced with a few drops of apple or wine vinegar);
  • water.

How to make a blank:

  1. Grind the roots into a paste using any available method, add salt and sugar to it. Mix everything well and add boiling water until the cream becomes thick.
  2. Place the workpiece in sterile small containers and sterilize for five minutes. Then add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to each jar, seal with lids and store in a cool, dark place.

To prevent the aroma of the dressing from dissipating after opening the seamer, you should choose small containers.

Cooking "Chrenoder" at home

Gorloder, horseradish, hrenoder are the names of the same sauce with a strong taste, the main ingredients of which are only three products: horseradish root, garlic and tomatoes. In addition to excellent taste, this dressing also has a number of useful properties, including enhancing the immune functions of the body.

And the proportions of products for its preparation will be as follows:

  • 2000 g ripe tomatoes;
  • 200–300 g horseradish roots;
  • 30–50 g garlic;
  • 30 g salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut them into slices and cut off the place where the stalk is attached. Remove the peel from the garlic cloves. Peel, wash and chop the horseradish into pieces that can be conveniently loaded into a meat grinder.
  2. Grind all prepared sauce components in a fine-hole meat grinder, add salt, mix and place in prepared sterile jars.

After a day, all the components of the sauce will combine, making it as rich as possible.

Beet juice recipe

Horseradish with beets is a combination loved by many spicy lovers, since such an addition to meat and fish dishes not only gives an unforgettable taste sensation, but also pleases the eye with a pleasant color.

To prepare sauce with beet juice you need to take:

  • 400 g horseradish roots;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 150 ml vinegar;
  • 50 ml beet juice;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar.


  1. The main ingredient of the sauce must be prepared: peeled, washed and soaked for two days in cold water. After such preparation, the horseradish is crushed as finely as possible (in a meat grinder, blender or grater).
  2. Pour sugar and salt into the root pulp, pour boiling water over it and stir. Grind a certain amount of beets and squeeze out the amount of juice required by the recipe through several layers of gauze.
  3. Mix beet juice and vinegar, pour into horseradish, stir. Place the finished dressing in prepared sterile jars, close the lids tightly so that the aroma does not dissipate, and store in the refrigerator for up to six months.

In order not to wash your face with tears when grinding the root through a meat grinder, you need to tie a thick plastic bag (for example, for freezing food) to the grill of the device.

Homemade with apples

This sauce is perfect not only for jellied meat, boiled tongue or lard. A small spoon of dressing in a plate of borscht or okroshka will have an “incendiary” effect on the taste buds.

Apple-horseradish sauce contains:

  • 200 g horseradish;
  • 100 g sweet and sour apple;
  • 5 g powdered sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 15 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 30 g sour cream.

How to cook horseradish with apples:

  1. Grind the prepared horseradish root using the finest grater. Do the same with the peeled and cored apple. To prevent the pungent aroma of the root from irritating the mucous membranes, you can grind the sauce components in a blender bowl.
  2. Add salt, sugar, sour cream and vinegar to the apple and horseradish pulp. Mix the sauce well. Store the snack in a tightly sealed container in a cool place.

Option with sour cream

Homemade horseradish-based sauce with the addition of sour cream is good because you can independently adjust its spiciness by increasing or decreasing the amount of dairy product.

Basic ratio of filling components:

  • 250 g horseradish root;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • sour cream to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grind the vigorous root using a grater or meat grinder, pour boiling water over it in the amount specified in the recipe, and leave until it cools completely.
  2. Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the cooled horseradish. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Next, just before serving, mix a small amount of the preparation with sour cream to taste, for example, in a ratio of 1:2.

The easiest way to prepare horseradish roots

Among all the options for horseradish-based sauces, perhaps the simplest is Pechora-style horseradish with honey. This sauce can be stored for up to three months, since both honey and cranberries act as natural preservatives, but you should not prepare it for future use. The taste of the vigorous root becomes softer over time.

To make Pechora sauce you need to prepare:

  • 200 g horseradish roots;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 50 g cranberries;
  • 50 g honey.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Grind the prepared fresh horseradish roots. Together with them, pass the cranberries through a meat grinder.
  2. Dissolve honey in warm, but not hot water. The water temperature should not be more than 70 degrees to preserve all the beneficial properties of the bee product.
  3. Next, you just need to pour the honey solution into the crushed products, mix them and place them in prepared jars.

Homemade sauerkraut with horseradish

The benefits of such a snack for the human body are invaluable: fermentation products have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach, and the spicy root will help cope with harmful bacilli, which often cause colds.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 2000 g white cabbage;
  • 1500 ml water;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 100 g horseradish root;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 3–4 bay leaves;
  • 8–10 black peppercorns.

How to ferment cabbage with horseradish:

  1. Cut the stalk from the cabbage fork and chop the leaves into thin strips. Grind the carrots using a coarse grater, and the horseradish root using a fine grater.
  2. Mix all the vegetables well, add spices and pack tightly into a glass or enamel container.
  3. Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it. When the solution has cooled, pour it over the prepared cabbage.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and leave at room temperature to ferment.

After three to four days the cabbage is ready. For further storage, it is moved to the refrigerator.

Step-by-step recipe for horseradish

By decree of Peter the Great, this drink was to be given (in small quantities, of course) to all people working in the cold. But those who do not spend a lot of time in the cold will also like horseradish tincture, since honey makes the drink soft, and horseradish completely deprives it of the alcoholic smell.

List of products used:

  • 500 ml vodka;
  • 50 g fresh horseradish root;
  • 50 g honey.

Tincture preparation technology:

  1. Place the peeled and chopped horseradish into a container of a suitable size and pour in the honey. Pour vodka over everything.
  2. Next, take an immersion blender and blend everything as thoroughly as possible. Pour the resulting mixture into a container of a suitable size, seal it tightly with a stopper and put it in a dark place for 4–5 days.
  3. Every day you need to shake the contents of the bottle and check if the smell of alcohol has disappeared. As soon as this happens, you should strain the tincture through a paper towel to get rid of not only the crushed root, but also the honey, since it tends to precipitate in flakes.

Horseradish should be stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade horseradish kvass

The benefits of the vigorous root are invaluable not only in the cold season. Even on hot summer days it can give you that much-desired coolness. Those who do not believe in its refreshing effect can try making kvass at home from rye bread and horseradish.

This drink contains:

  • 6000 ml water;
  • 1400–2100 g rye bread;
  • 250 g horseradish root;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 50 g pressed yeast;
  • 50 g honey (it is better to take meadow honey or herbs);
  • 30 g white raisins.

Prepare a soft drink as follows:

  1. Cut the rye bread into small pieces and dry in the oven until it becomes crackers with a thick crust. Place the bread in an enamel or glass container and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 3–6 hours.
  2. Strain the cooled and infused wort, dissolve sugar and yeast in it. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the liquid - the result of activation of yeast - add grated horseradish and honey.
  3. After steeping the kvass for three hours, filter it and pour it into bottles, putting a few raisins in each. After this, the drink should ripen for another two to three days in a cool place. Then you can put it in the refrigerator.

Cinnamon and clove sauce

For a spicy sauce made from horseradish rhizomes with spicy notes of cinnamon and cloves, you need to take:

  • 600–800 g horseradish roots;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 55 ml table vinegar;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 45 g sugar;
  • 4 buds of cloves;
  • 5–10 g cinnamon powder.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place the peeled, washed and chopped roots into a dry glass jar of a suitable size. After this, you can start preparing the spicy filling.
  2. After dissolving crystals of sugar and salt in water, bring this mixture to a boil. Place the clove buds into the bubbling solution and boil for three minutes.
  3. When the filling has cooled to room temperature, you need to strain it and add cinnamon and vinegar. Let it brew for a day.
  4. Pour the aromatic spicy filling into the grated horseradish and leave for a day or two.

Ready-made horseradish can be purchased today in any store. But it’s still much better to prepare this spicy seasoning yourself, and it’s quite easy to do. The following recipes for preparing table horseradish will not take much of your time and effort, and as a result you will get a very tasty addition to a wide variety of dishes.

Table horseradish – taste with benefit

The main benefit of table horseradish lies in the essential oils that are part of the root. They exhibit a powerful antiseptic effect, thanks to which the body receives reliable protection against viruses and pathogenic bacteria. This property makes horseradish a natural antibiotic. In addition, by consuming this seasoning in small quantities, you can increase your appetite and stimulate your intestines.

The horseradish root contains vitamins of group B, as well as PP and C. Moreover, it contains approximately 4-4.5 times more of the latter than many citrus fruits. This product is also rich in microelements, including sulfur, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Freshly prepared table horseradish, which is no more than seven days old, has the greatest benefit. After this time, the beneficial substances are gradually destroyed and horseradish becomes just a spicy seasoning. For this reason, no store-bought product can compare with homemade sauce.

Important! However, remember that table horseradish will not be useful for everyone. It should be used with caution in acute diseases of the digestive system and diseases that are accompanied by high acidity!

In order for table horseradish to turn out tasty, and the process of its preparation to be extremely simple and enjoyable, you must adhere to several important rules.

  1. The essential substances that the root is rich in can cause severe lacrimation and irritation on the skin. To prevent this from happening, it is better to work with gloves, and grind the roots themselves not on a grater, but pass them through a meat grinder, after placing a plastic bag over the outlet hole.

    On a note! To make horseradish less aggressive, it should be placed in the freezer a couple of hours before processing!

  2. The most suitable roots for preparing table horseradish are the roots of the autumn harvest, which were dug up in September and are 30-40 cm long.
  3. If the roots that you prepared for seasoning have dried out somewhat, then plain water will help bring them back to “life.” Just soak the product and after 3-4 days it will be completely ready for use.
  4. After a month of storage, table horseradish loses its burning qualities, so lovers of strong seasonings will no longer be interested in such a product. Of course, you can prepare a new portion every month, but we recommend doing it easier - closing the seasoning for the winter by sealing it in sterilized jars. Some recipes allow you to store it from 4 months to a year, right in the pantry.

Let's find out how to make table horseradish.

Table horseradish - a classic recipe

For the recipe let's take:

  • kilo of roots;
  • a quarter liter of water;
  • tables. a spoonful of salt;
  • a couple of tables. spoons of sugar;
  • tables. a spoonful of lemon juice.

We clean the prepared roots and pass them through a meat grinder with a fine grid. The result should be a puree with a fine, delicate consistency. To prevent horseradish from irritating your eyes, we attach a plastic bag to the outlet hole. Transfer the finished mass to a large bowl, add the specified amount of sugar and salt.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and pour in the processed roots. Mix thoroughly, pour ¾ teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice into small sterilized jars - it will act as a preservative and will not allow the mass to darken.

On a note! It is better to use small jars; you do not need to add a lot of juice - otherwise the finished seasoning will be too sour.

We immediately seal the jars and send them for storage. Table horseradish prepared according to this recipe will retain its taste for three to four months.

With beet juice

For the recipe let's take:

  • half a kilo of horseradish;
  • 0.2 liters of water;
  • 0.2 liters of vinegar;
  • tables. a spoonful of sugar;
  • tables. a spoonful of salt;
  • a quarter glass of beet juice.

Wash the roots thoroughly, fill with water, and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, we clean the products and cut them into arbitrary pieces. Place a grid with small holes in a meat grinder and grind the horseradish. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass, add sugar, salt and mix.

Wash and peel the beets, grate them on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Measure out 2.5 tablespoons and combine with the specified amount of vinegar. Add this to the horseradish and mix.

Distribute the seasoning into sterilized jars, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator. Table horseradish prepared according to this recipe can be stored for a year.

With garlic and tomatoes

For the recipe you need to take:

  • kilo of horseradish;
  • kilo of tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a couple of tables. spoons of sugar;
  • tables. spoon of salt.

Pour some water into the saucepan and bring it to a boil. Blanch the tomatoes for 30 seconds, then remove the peel and cut into four parts. Soak the roots in water for 24 hours, peel and cut into small pieces. Remove the husks from the garlic and chop it.

We prepare the meat grinder: install a fine grate and attach a plastic bag to the outlet hole. Grind the horseradish and tomatoes, turning them one by one. Add crushed garlic, sugar, salt to the resulting mass and mix well. Place the seasoning in dry, sterilized jars, roll up the lids and store.

Table horseradish prepared according to this recipe can be stored for 9 months.

Bon appetit!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!