How to make natural marmalade. How to make natural marmalade at home

Mmmm... marmalade... the mere thought of this product makes you want to feel a fruity explosion in your mouth. And now, after asking where the marmalade is (and it has already run out), the taste of raspberries appeared in my mouth. I especially like apple raspberry marmalade, apple cherry marmalade, lemon tangerine marmalade and all the other marmalades...too. I like marmalade in pieces, stripes, molds and rolls, puff and plain, in general, different marmalades, to clarify - any.

A little marmalade history

In Portugal, thick quince jam was called at all times marmelada and cut him with a knife. In England this is what they call a very thick jam made from oranges, and in Germany it is called jam or jam. From a historical point of view, the birthplace of marmalade is the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean, it was there that they began to prepare marmalade and thus preserve their harvest.

Marmalade (French marmelade) is a jelly-like product, it is obtained by boiling various fruit and berry raw materials and a solution of gelling substances (thickeners - pectin, agar-agar, gelatin) with sugar and other additives to improve consistency, taste, aroma and color. I like to prepare marmalade with a minimum amount of sugar, most often I use it only for sprinkling, but nevertheless, for some types of marmalade, sugar cannot be avoided.

Fruit and berry marmalade

Fruit and berry marmalade produced from fruit and berry raw materials, which contain pectin sufficient to form a jelly-like structure. Jelly marmalade achieves this structure through the use of agar, gelatin, pectin or modified starch. Due to the presence of pectin substances, marmalade is used in dietary nutrition. The adsorption properties of pectins in relation to heavy metals are considered biologically important; they stimulate wound healing, accelerate the treatment of burns, and exhibit healing properties for gastric ulcers. The composition of marmalade includes carbohydrates (76-78% and a limited amount of organic acids / 0.5-1.2% /. http://site/kak-delayut-marmelad/ Marmalade is characterized by an average energy value of 293-302 kcal/ 100 g.

Raw materials for making marmalade

The main raw materials for production are applesauce and granulated sugar. For some types of marmalade, purees of other fruits and berries are used. Improvers of consumer properties are considered fruit and berry supplies and tailings, as well as molasses, citric acid, sodium lactate, and some non-traditional types of raw materials. Apple puree has the best technological properties, that is, those that are capable of forming strong jellies, which are obtained from winter varieties of apples with dense pulp, with a well-defined taste and aroma, containing about 1% pectin substances, 0.5% organic acids and sugar - 6-10%. The best varieties are considered to be Antonovka, Pepin, and Renet apples.

Scientists from the Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry have established the dependence of the strength of fruit jelly marmalade on pectin on the acidity of applesauce. They consider the optimal acidity to be 10.6-11.8 degrees. Deviation from these values ​​in different directions leads to a decrease in strength.

The puree is preserved using sulfurous and benzoic acids, partly with sorbic acid, as well as by sterilization, freezing, concentration, and drying. For the manufacture of children's products, only sterilized or frozen puree is used.

Fruit and berry supplies are used to improve the taste and aroma of marmalade. They are prepared from high-quality fruits and berries. The prepared raw materials are wiped, mixed with sugar to a concentration of dry substances in supplies of 55-60%, packaged in jars, sealed and sterilized. Some of the supplies are prepared in a cold way, for which they are acidified and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:1.8 to 1:2.3. Produced in sealed and barrel containers.

Valuable are semi-finished products of aseptic preservation, which at temperatures below 5 ° C for a long period retain their natural properties and suitability for the production of confectionery products.

The nutritional value of products can be increased by using fruit bases from osmotically dehydrated fruits, concentrated juices containing 70% solids, semi-finished products from beets, pumpkins, carrots and other vegetables. Apple pomace is used to produce apple-pectin paste, which speeds up the technological process (drying of products). The consumer properties of marmalade can be improved with the help of secondary dairy products.

Targeted marmalade can be produced using processed wild berries. Wild berries of the lingonberry family - cranberries, blueberries, blueberries - are considered promising. Among semi-finished products in the production of marmalade, cranberry and lingonberry supplies and blueberry juice are used. Thanks to this raw material, it is possible to expand the range of marmalade with increased biological value and improved consumer properties and bring competitive products to the market.

Homemade marmalade recipe

Tatyana Lybina, Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, shared the recipe for marmalade and a photo of the finished marmalade.

The basis for any marmalade is apples. The more sour they are, the better your marmalade will be. Apples contain pectin. This will give the marmalade a jelly-like base. I tried to make marmalade from plums, red and white currants, but without an apple base the marmalade turned out worse. So, the apples need to be washed and cut into slices. Cookbooks advise to simmer them with water, but I find it best to bake them until soft in the oven (no extra water is needed to make marmalade). Cool the finished apples a little and rub them while still warm through a sieve with medium-sized cells. For a kilogram of pureed apples you need to add 0.5 kilograms of granulated sugar, mix everything and set to cook over high heat.

It is very important to choose the right container for cooking marmalade. Be sure to choose a pan with a wide and thick bottom, otherwise your marmalade will burn. We cook in small portions - half a kilogram at a time, so the marmalade will not splatter during cooking and will cook faster. When cooking marmalade after boiling, you must stir it all the time with a wooden spatula. The finished marmalade will lag behind the walls and bottom of the pan. Pour the cooked marmalade in the desired layer onto parchment paper (baking paper) and wait for it to harden. Depending on the quality of the raw materials, this may take from three to five days. When the marmalade hardens, cut it into slices and dry it on both sides (you can do it in a low-heat oven). Sprinkle the dried marmalade with powdered sugar.

Ready marmalade should be stored in a cool, dry place. The longer it is stored, the harder it becomes. Marmalade can be prepared with the addition of plums, strawberries, currants, grapes, nuts, lemons and oranges. At the end of cooking, you can add cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla or lemon and orange zest. Bon appetit everyone!

Depils shares its favorite recipe for transparent marmalade

I'll tell you how to make clear marmalade from juice. I make it with agar-agar (labeled food additive E406, can be replaced with pectin E440). Agar-agar is a very useful substance and is great for making jelly with a dense consistency. For those who have previously cooked only with gelatin, you should keep in mind that the jelly-forming ability of agar-agar is 10 times higher than gelatin. For those who do not know what agar-agar is, I will write in more detail below. The recipe is very simple and we will need:

  • Juice - any, 400 ml
  • Agar-agar - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1 glass

Now let's prepare marmalade. Yes, I almost forgot, you can take freshly squeezed juice, for example from oranges, this is about 4-5 pieces, with or without pulp - depending on taste. http://site/kak-delayut-marmelad/ I prefer to use my own concentrated juice, which I prepare in a juicer as the fruits and berries ripen in the garden. Separate 300 ml from the total amount of juice and combine with agar-agar, then leave for 30 minutes. For the first time, it is better to use measuring teaspoons. Half an hour after you have combined the agar-agar with the juice, take 100 ml of the remaining juice and combine it with sugar, put it on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, add the juice with agar-agar, stirring, let it boil and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. After this, remove from the stove and let the mixture cool slightly for about 10 minutes, while you prepare the molds. Pour the hot mixture into the molds and let cool to room temperature, then put in the refrigerator until ready.

After you take the finished marmalade out of the refrigerator, carefully remove it from the molds (cut into cubes if you poured it into a flat mold), sprinkle with sugar. If you leave the marmalade for 2-3 days at room temperature, its taste will be better and richer. I think you can guess how to make puff marmalade. Just like that, simple and no chemicals, everything is only natural and healthy. And be careful with the ears of marmalade lovers, don’t hurt them when you pull them away from this delicacy!

Citrus marmalade made from orange, grapefruit and lemon

The bright, spicy taste of this marmalade will not leave you indifferent. For 500 grams of marmalade you will need the following products:

  • freshly squeezed juices of orange, grapefruit and lemon - 70 milliliters each;
  • granulated sugar – 210 grams;
  • grated zest of orange, grapefruit and lemon - a teaspoon each;
  • vegetable thickener (pectin, zhelfix) – 10 grams;
  • drinking water – 150 milliliters.


  1. Place three types of zest in a saucepan and add the required amount of drinking water. Boil for five minutes. Then pour in the juice of all the citrus fruits and bring to a boil.
  2. Mix sugar with thickener and add to citrus mixture. Continue cooking for another five minutes (until thickened).
  3. Pour the hot mixture into small candy molds or a large rectangular mold. Place in the refrigerator for ten hours.
  4. Carefully remove the frozen marmalade from the molds. Chop (if necessary) and sprinkle with granulated sugar.

Bon appetit!

A little about agar-agar in marmalade

Agar-agar is obtained from brown and red seaweed and is sold in powder form. It is very useful and has remarkable properties, due to which it is used not only in the food industry, but also in the pharmaceutical industry. Agar-agar contains a large amount of mineral salts, polysaccharides, many vitamins, agaropectin, galactose pentose, agarose and acids (pyruvic and glucoronic). Agar-agar is not absorbed by the body and its calorie content is zero. Agar-agar is, first of all, a prebiotic that serves as food for beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. The microflora processes it into the amino acids, vitamins (including group B) necessary for the body, and other substances necessary for the body. At the same time, beneficial microorganisms become more active and suppress the pathogenic infection, preventing it from developing.

Agar-agar has the following effects on the body:

  • Lowers the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.
  • Once in the intestines, it swells and stimulates peristalsis.
  • Normalizes blood glucose levels.
  • Has a mild laxative effect.
  • Envelops the stomach and eliminates increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • It is not addictive and does not wash away minerals from the body.
  • Removes toxins and toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals.
  • Saturates the body with macro- and microelements, as well as folates.

Marmalade production technology

Making apple marmalade

Marmalade and diets

Marmalade is one of the few types of sweets approved by nutritionists when following diets. This delicacy can replace your favorite cakes, pastries and sweets without harming your figure.

The main advantage of marmalade for losing weight is the absence of fat in its composition, which makes the product low-calorie and safe if you want to lose weight. However, you should pay attention to the presence of sugar in the product and limit consumption to a few pieces per day.

The pectin contained in the jelly treat can reduce cholesterol levels in blood cells and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Instead of pectin, agar-agar can be used, which is no less useful and helps the body remove toxins and waste. Thus, the help of marmalade in cleansing the digestive system of harmful substances and breakdown products contributes not only to slimness, but also to a healthier body.

Real marmalade is made from fruits and berries, so it contains vitamins (PP, K, E) and beneficial minerals (iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium), which helps improve metabolic processes and shed extra pounds.

There are several varieties of marmalade, which differ in composition and preparation method. The most useful are the jelly-fruit and fruit-berry types of marmalade. They are produced by evaporating and freeing the fruit mass from liquid. The most popular jelly and gummies are made using additives and thickeners. The preferred gelling components in treats are pectin and agar-agar; the content of gelatin in the composition is possible, but the usefulness is sharply reduced.

According to nutritionists, the best time to consume sweet treats is before lunch. The calories eaten in the morning will have time to be used up during the day and will not harm your figure.

Marmalade is a delicacy loved by both children and adults. However, many people doubt the benefits of this dessert. The composition of marmalade is of great interest to those who are wary of buying it for their children. What is the treat made from, what chemicals does it contain? Of course, the one that was made many years ago is a little different from today. Even knowing what ingredients marmalade should contain, you should always pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer.

History of marmalade

Marmalade was brought to Russia from the Mediterranean and eastern countries. But even in Ancient Greece, fruit juice was boiled and thickened in the open air in the sun. At first, only certain fruits that contain large amounts of pectin were used. These are apricots, apples, quinces and some berries. With the invention of artificial gelling products, the range of this delicacy expanded. The composition of marmalade has also changed since then. Many manufacturers use low-quality substances, flavors and cheap gelatin. If you don’t want to take risks and buy a “pig in a poke,” you can make marmalade at home, it’s not that difficult.

Marmalade is considered to be even recommended for those who carefully monitor their figure. It contains a certain amount of sugar. However, it is neutralized by dietary fiber, pectin and agar. These two ingredients improve metabolism and make eating marmalade even beneficial. However, modern production includes several more components. Firstly, which is made on the basis of starch. It can be called a natural sweetener. It gives the marmalade a good consistency and fully emphasizes the taste of the fruit. Sugar is also a necessary component of marmalade. This carbohydrate can be considered a good source of energy. Pectin removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. It is a natural thickener found in fruits.

Agar is made from seaweed and used as a gelling agent. It replaces gelatin. According to GOST, the composition of marmalade includes exactly Agar, which is healthy and contains mineral salts and polysaccharides. And finally, citric acid, which regulates the process of formation of the required consistency. Dyes are also necessarily present in marmalade. Responsible manufacturers add only natural ingredients. This could be paprika extract or curcumin. Flavorings add flavor notes to the delicacy. They are natural and identical to them. There is no big difference between the two options. Some are an extract, while others are raw materials obtained in the laboratory by synthesis.

Calorie content and composition of chewing marmalade

The composition of marmalade may vary depending on the ingredients used. The technology for its preparation is also different. The base of this delicacy is the same, but the additives used are different. Depending on the consistency and composition, there are fruit-jelly desserts, fruit-berry desserts, and jelly marmalade. Each option has a different calorie level. Therefore, it is not possible to give an exact figure.

Chewing marmalade has a dense structure. It is hard and elastic. It is used in cooking, adding to baked goods and decorating cakes. It does not change its shape during heat treatment. However, such marmalade cannot be called very useful. This type is the most high-calorie. The composition of chewing marmalade is not ideal. Natural thickeners cannot create this consistency. Therefore, manufacturers use additional ingredients, although they claim that the product is natural. Among other things, this delicacy contains a lot of dyes, flavors and a decent amount of chewing marmalade reaching 400 kcal.

Jelly marmalade

This product is made from an extract from animal bones or using agar-agar. This delicacy melts when the temperature rises. According to GOST, marmalade contains pectin, molasses, sugar, flavorings and dyes (natural). The calorie content of this product is about 330 kcal. Jelly marmalade is considered an excellent source of iodine. It's very filling. Agar-agar expands in the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness. If animal gelatin is used, the marmalade becomes beneficial for bones and joints.

Fruit and berry marmalade

To prepare this type, applesauce is used, which is a source of pectin. Fruit and berry marmalade is very healthy. It normalizes the functioning of the stomach, liver and pancreas. Its calorie content is the smallest and is 290 kcal. But this statement is true if the manufacturer does not use additional ingredients not provided for by GOST. Vitamins are also present in this product. These are ascorbic acid, folic acid and some minerals.

Homemade marmalade

How to make Making the treat yourself is very simple. The main thing is that in this case only the best ingredients are used. To prepare, you need to take a glass of sugar, 7 grams of gelatin, 300 grams of jam (any), 120 milliliters of water and a quarter of a small spoon of citric acid. Before making marmalade, you need to prepare a form in which the delicacy will harden. Grease it with oil and set aside. Now mix sugar, water, jam, citric acid and gelatin in a saucepan. Place it on low heat and stir constantly. It is necessary that all ingredients dissolve. This mixture cannot be boiled, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties.

Pour the resulting mixture into the mold and place it in the refrigerator for at least three hours. Then place the jelly on a sheet of parchment sprinkled with sugar or powder. Marmalade candies can have any shape. Therefore, we cut it into arbitrary pieces and sprinkle with powdered sugar. This marmalade will definitely be appreciated by both adults and children. The delicacy will be very tasty and healthy. For preparation, you can use fresh fruits, which are boiled until pureed, and then all the necessary ingredients are added.

This dessert was adored by Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland and France. According to one legend, it was accidentally invented by a court physician and cook while trying to cure Her Majesty of a cold. As a result, the queen liked the fruit medicinal mixture. And later - to the whole world. For example, today every second British family eats toast with this healthy and tasty delicacy for breakfast. We invite you to prepare fruit diet marmalade to surprise your loved ones with an exquisite royal dessert.

Vanilla-pear marmalade


  • pear fruit puree – 500 g
  • vanilla - pod
  • agar-agar (gelatin) – 2 tsp.
  • water – 200 ml
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Pour water over the agar-agar, stir and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Add vanilla and sweetener to the pear puree. Then blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  3. Place agar-agar on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for several minutes.
  4. Mix agar-agar with vanilla-pear mass, mix and pour into molds.
  5. Place the finished diet marmalade in the refrigerator for 15 minutes (maximum time) to cool down.

Spicy hibiscus marmalade


How to cook?

  • hibiscus – 10 g
  • gelatin (instant or agar-agar) – 10 g
  • water – 200 ml
  • sweetener – 3 g
  • mint – ½ tsp.
  • rosemary – 1/3 tsp.
  • ginger

How to cook?

  1. Pour cold water over the hibiscus and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Then add finely chopped ginger, mint, rosemary, sweetener to the finished ice tea and mix all the ingredients well.
  3. Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes, covered, over low heat.
  4. Afterwards, strain the drink, add gelatin to the clean liquid, stir well (gelatin should completely dissolve) and beat until foam forms.
  5. Pour homemade marmalade into molds and place in the refrigerator.

Strawberry marmalade



  • strawberries – 250 g
  • agar-agar – 2 g (½ tsp)
  • sweetener

How to cook?

  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and blend in a blender until smooth.
  2. Then add sweetener to the chopped strawberries and pour the berry puree into the pan.
  3. While stirring with a whisk, add agar-agar to the strawberries and place the pan on the stove. Bring the contents of the vessel to a boil and cook for a minute.
  4. Pour the prepared dietary marmalade into molds and place in the refrigerator until hardened.

Diet marmalade made from homemade juice

©PP and healthy lifestyle


  • homemade juice (apple) – 200 ml
  • gelatin (instant or agar-agar) – 30 g
  • sweetener (honey)

How to cook?

  1. Pour homemade juice into a saucepan. Then add gelatin and sweetener to it and put it on the stove.
  2. Simmer the liquid over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the finished marmalade into a square mold, cool at room temperature and place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.
  4. Cut the frozen dessert with a curly cutter (or a regular knife) and serve.

Cherry marmalade



  • cherries (fresh or frozen) – 300 g
  • water – about 2 l
  • sweetener
  • gelatin – 4 packets

How to cook?

  1. Place the cherries in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water and place on the stove. Boil the cherries for about 3 minutes. Then add sweetener to it and cook for a few more minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, dissolve the gelatin in 300 ml of water and set aside for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour gelatin into the cherry syrup in a thin stream (the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 60-70 degrees) and mix all the ingredients well.

Pour the marmalade into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

Grapefruit marmalade

©Kseniya Trefilova


  • grapefruit – ½ pc. (200 ml juice)
  • water – 100 ml
  • agar-agar – 1 tsp.
  • sweetener – 2 g

How to cook?

  1. Pour a little water over the agar-agar to swell it.
  2. Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and strain it through a colander to remove the pulp (you can leave it if you wish).
  3. Place the agar-agar on the stove and cook until it begins to thicken. Add sweetener to it and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Cook it for 2-3 minutes, adding grapefruit juice.
  4. Pour the diet marmalade into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden.

Cherry and banana marmalade



  • banana – 1 pc.
  • cherries (fresh or frozen) – 150 g
  • agar-agar – 3.3 g
  • water – 30 ml

How to cook?

  1. Dilute agar-agar in boiled water at room temperature and set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Defrost the cherries. If it has a pit, remove it.
  3. Peel the banana and chop a little.
  4. Blend the banana and cherries in a blender until smooth and set aside for a while.
  5. Combine the resulting mixture (room temperature - from 22 to 27 degrees) with agar-agar, brought to a boil.
  6. Pour the liquid marmalade into molds and place in the refrigerator.

Chocolate marmalade



  • cocoa – 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk – 100 ml
  • dates – 10-12 pcs.
  • agar-agar – 3.3 g
  • water – 30 ml
  • nuts - a handful

How to cook?

  1. Dilute agar-agar in boiled water at room temperature and set aside for a while to swell.
  2. Combine cocoa with milk and stir until smooth.
  3. Peel the dates, add warm boiled water and set aside for 30 minutes. After a while, drain the water from the dates and blend them in a blender until smooth.
  4. Add date puree to the milk and cocoa mixture, mix well and set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, finely chop the nuts and bring the swollen agar-agar to a boil.
  6. Combine agar-agar and the previously obtained mixture (room temperature - from 22 to 27 degrees). Stir well and pour the marmalade into molds, adding a little chopped nuts to each.
  7. Place the finished dietary marmalade in the refrigerator so that it hardens well.

Fruit marmalade



  • dried apricots (soaked in drinking water overnight) – 100 g
  • orange juice (natural) – 50 ml
  • orange zest
  • agar-agar – 3.3 g
  • water – 30 ml

How to cook?

  1. Soak agar-agar in boiled water at room temperature and set aside for a while.
  2. Drain the dried apricots soaked overnight and blend in a blender along with the zest of one orange and homemade juice until smooth.
  3. Mix agar-agar brought to a boil with fruit puree (room temperature - from 22 to 27 degrees).
  4. Stir the homemade marmalade well, pour into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

When preparing homemade fruit marmalade, we recommend that you use agar-agar as a thickener, since it is lower in calories than gelatin.

You can find more recipes for sweets and desserts in the article. And may your life be as smooth and bright as our dietary marmalade!

Prepared by Tatiana Krysyuk

Homemade marmalade compares favorably with store-bought analogues. It contains no harmful dyes, thickeners or preservatives. Therefore, it turns out not only tasty, but also quite healthy. This sweet delicacy is prepared according to several different recipes. The most interesting of them will be discussed in today's article.

Option with sorbitol

Using this recipe, you can relatively quickly make a natural one at home. With gelatin, it perfectly holds the desired shape, so it can be made in the form of any figures or animals. This sweet treat does not contain any harmful ingredients, which means it is ideal for children's menus. To prepare it you will need:

  • Seventy grams of gelatin.
  • One hundred and forty milliliters of water.
  • Two hundred twenty-five grams of sugar.
  • Two hundred forty-five milliliters of glucose syrup.
  • Twenty-three grams of sorbitol.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Fifteen grams of tartaric acid.

Process description

This homemade marmalade recipe (with gelatin) is quite simple. Therefore, even an inexperienced housewife who has never encountered such tasks before can easily master it. At the initial stage, you should work on gelatin. It is dissolved in water and waited until it swells well.

In a separate saucepan, combine glucose syrup, sorbitol, sugar and tartaric acid. After this, the vessel is placed on the stove and heated, constantly stirring its contents. The swollen gelatin is poured into the resulting homogeneous mass in a thin stream. All this is heated again, without bringing to a boil, and combined with a small amount of lemon juice. Then remove the saucepan from the stove and cool slightly. At the final stage, the mass from which you will get delicious homemade marmalade is carefully poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator. After about four hours it will be ready to be served.

Option with sour cream and fruit

Using the technology described below, a very tasty striped delicacy is obtained. It is liked not only by children, but also by older people. Therefore, it can be safely prepared for friendly gatherings in an informal setting. To make striped gelatin marmalade at home, check ahead of time to make sure you have all the required ingredients in your pantry. This time you will need:

  • Twenty grams of gelatin.
  • A couple of oranges.
  • Two hundred grams of sour cream.
  • Two large ripe apples.
  • Fifty grams of powdered sugar.

Additionally, you should have a pinch of orange food coloring in your kitchen.


To make something truly delicious with gelatin at home, you need to strictly adhere to the recommended algorithm. First you need to start preparing the fruit. Washed apples are cut in half, cored and placed in the microwave for five minutes. After this, the hot fruits are carefully separated from the peel, and the resulting pulp is ground through a sieve.

The resulting applesauce is combined in one bowl with sour cream and beat well with a blender, gradually adding half of the available powdered sugar. The resulting mass is divided into two equal parts. Add a quarter of the swollen gelatin dissolved in water to one half, pour into the mold and put in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

Meanwhile, juice is squeezed out of the oranges, food coloring and the remaining powdered sugar are added to it. Mix everything and divide in half. A quarter of the swollen gelatin is poured into one of the parts and sent into a mold with an already frozen sour cream layer. All this is put back into the refrigerator, but for thirty minutes. Then all these manipulations with layers will be repeated again. Before serving, the striped delicacy is cut into small pieces, giving them the desired shape.

Option with honey

Using this technology, you can relatively easily prepare healthy apple marmalade with gelatin at home. It compares favorably with store-bought treats in that it contains no sugar. In this case, this sweet sand is replaced with natural honey. To pamper your loved ones with such a dessert, make sure in advance that you have all the necessary products on hand. You will need:

  • Five large ripe apples.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Twenty-five grams of gelatin.
  • Natural honey.

The amount of natural sweetener depends entirely on the personal taste preferences of the cook himself and his family members.

Cooking technology

First of all, you need to deal with gelatin. It is soaked in cold water and left to swell. In the meantime, you can pay attention to fruits. Washed apples are peeled and then seeded. The fruits prepared using this method are grated on a coarse grater, placed in a suitable saucepan and placed on the stove. Simmer the fruit mass over low heat for a quarter of an hour, remembering to stir occasionally. When the grated apples acquire a beautiful caramel shade, add honey to them and grind through a sieve.

The resulting homogeneous slurry is combined with swollen gelatin and placed on the stove. It is important to prevent boiling. Then all this is poured into a mold and sent to the refrigerator. Marmalade with gelatin hardens at home within a few hours. After this, it is removed from the mold, cut and served.

Option with berries

This delicious dessert will be a real decoration for any children's party. It is colorful and has a jelly structure. And there is not a single artificial component in its composition. To make bright and aromatic marmalade with gelatin at home, you will need simple and easily accessible products. In this case, your kitchen should have:

  • Five tablespoons of sugar.
  • Half a glass of fresh berries.
  • A couple of tablespoons of gelatin.
  • Three hundred milliliters of water.

Any fresh berries are suitable for creating this dessert. Most often, currants, blueberries, strawberries or raspberries are used for these purposes. Candies made from peaches, apricots or plums have good taste. In winter, when there are no fresh berries on sale, it is quite possible to use mangoes, bananas, tangerines, oranges or kiwis. It is important that the fruits are ripe and have no visible damage.

Making marmalade at home (with gelatin)

Place washed fresh berries in a deep saucepan and fill them with a small amount of filtered water. Place the saucepan on the stove and boil its contents for ten minutes. After this time, sugar is added to the resulting compote and mixed well, trying to achieve complete dissolution of the grains. All this is boiled for a couple more minutes and removed from the heat.

The hot berry mass is placed in a blender bowl and crushed to a puree. Pour gelatin into a separate bowl, pour three tablespoons of boiling water over it and put it aside. When the mass slightly increases in volume, mix it well and combine with berry puree. All this is poured into a saucepan and heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Immediately after this, the contents of the vessel are sent to the mold and put in the refrigerator. Berry marmalade with gelatin hardens at home for at least four hours. Only after this is it taken out of the refrigerator and cut into small squares or triangles.

For marmalade we take juice with pulp, puree from children's jars, puree from frozen fruits and so on, the main thing is a natural, real, honest taste.
I have homemade apple juice and frozen strawberry puree, not sweet!!!

Place the juice on the stove and bring to a boil.
At this time, prepare the remaining ingredients.
Dilute citric acid in water (1 tbsp).
Mix sugar with pectin.
Pectin always goes together with sugar!!! This allows you to get rid of possible lumps.

When the puree begins to boil, pour in a rain of sugar and pectin mixture, while constantly stirring the boiling puree.

Bring the mixture to a steady boil and add glucose syrup.
If you don't have glucose syrup, you can use molasses, corn syrup or honey.
They help the marmalade to be elastic and soft.

Cook the mixture to 107 degrees. The process is simple, but quite long. Sometimes you will feel like the thermometer is broken or tired. In fact, everything is fine, it’s just that the mass takes a long time to boil. It took me about 8-12 minutes.

Do not forget to stir the mixture, but not fanatically, not constantly.
Wait for the temperature, pour in citric acid and stir.

I suspect that not everyone has a thermometer, but would like to prepare one.
Then an important test - drop a drop of marmalade mass onto a spoon (at the beginning of preparation, put the spoon in the freezer); if after half a minute the drop thickens and becomes marmalade, then it’s done.
If this does not happen, cook further.
In this photo you can see that the drop has spread and does not hold its shape!!!

In this photo, the drop has frozen and holds its shape, this is exactly what we need.

Immediately pour the finished mixture into a frame or other suitable container covered with film.
Approximate size 27x14 cm.
You can pour it into silicone molds and make portioned sweets.

We work quickly, as the marmalade sets quickly, in just 5-7 minutes the marmalade will become dense, but still hot.
Place the marmalade in the refrigerator and wait for it to cool completely.
Cut the marmalade into segments.

Throw the pieces into sugar, 5-6 pieces at a time, roll well in sugar, the main thing is not to let the “naked” pieces stick together.
I advise you to add 0.25 -0.5 teaspoon of citric acid to the sugar, if you like a good, confident sourness in combination with sweet marmalade.

Store marmalade in any dry place so that the sugar does not melt.
Marmalade can be stored for as long as desired.