How to make kvass from bread crusts. Rules for preparing homemade bread kvass

During the heat real kvass perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and quickly restores strength. This one is also delicious natural drink easy to prepare at home, following centuries-old technology. I bring to your attention two recipes for kvass from bread: one with yeast, the other without.

General tips:

  • You can make kvass from any type of bread, but the best drinks are made from black rye loaves without the addition of caraway seeds, dill, etc.;
  • use only glass, plastic or enamel containers;
  • prepare breadcrumbs for kvass without oil and spices;
  • During fermentation in tightly closed containers, do not forget to monitor the level of carbon dioxide to high pressure the bottles didn't break.

Kvass from bread with yeast

A simple classic option.


  • rye bread – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 20 grams (or 5 grams of dry).

Lovers of sweet drinks can increase the amount of sugar added at the eighth stage by 2-3 times.

1. Slice the bread small pieces and roast in the oven until golden color. The more dried the bread is, the more bitterness is felt in the kvass and the darker the color, but you should not overdry it.

2. Boil water, then cool until room temperature and pour into a fermentation container.

3. Add crackers, cover the neck of the container with gauze and leave for 48 hours in a dark place at room temperature. If you need to make kvass quickly, you can boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes, then cool to 25-30°C.

4. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the packet.

5. Filter kvass wort through cheesecloth, squeezing the crackers well.

6. Pour the filtered wort into a fermentation container, add 200 grams of sugar and diluted yeast, mix well.

7. Cover the container loosely with a lid so that carbon dioxide can escape freely, then place in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25°C for 14-16 hours.

8. Pour the kvass into a storage container, for example plastic bottles or jars, add the remaining 50 grams of sugar, mix. If you use several bottles, distribute the sugar evenly, it is needed to create carbon dioxide in the drink.

9. Seal the containers hermetically and place them in a dark place at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

10. Cool home bread kvass to a temperature of 8-11°C, transferring the bottles to the refrigerator or basement. This is necessary to stop the fermentation process. After 3-4 hours you can start tasting. Shelf life – up to 3 days.

Kvass with dry yeast

Bread kvass without yeast

A natural drink without the smell or taste of yeast. Raisins are used as a starter.


  • black bread – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 300 grams;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • unwashed raisins – 50 grams.

1. Cut the bread into pieces and dry it in the oven, the main thing is that the crackers do not burn, otherwise the kvass will turn out bitter.

2. Boil water, add crackers and 250 grams of sugar, stir.

3. Cool the resulting wort to 22-25°C, then pour into a fermentation container, filling a maximum of 90% of the volume.

4. Add raisins, then mix again, cover the neck with gauze and transfer the jar to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

5. If the raisins are of high quality, fermentation will begin in 1-2 days, the crackers in the jar will move, then foam, hissing and a slight sour smell will appear on the surface.

6. Two days after the start of fermentation, filter homemade kvass through gauze, add 50 grams of sugar, mix, pour into bottles for storage, add 2-3 raisins to each and close tightly with lids.

7. Keep the drink for 8-12 hours in a dark, warm place to gain gas, then transfer it to the refrigerator or basement. After cooling the bread kvass to 8-11°C, you can proceed to tasting. Shelf life up to 4 days.

Kvass with raisins instead of yeast

Homemade kvass made from black bread is a universal drink, its recipe is simple, and there are no difficulties in preparing it. But it won’t be possible to do it quickly. Yeast fermentation, straining and infusion - the procedure lasts several days. For the home craftsman, this fascinating process is a true creative pleasure.

But kvass is not only wonderfully refreshing, healthy and delicious drink. If desired, it can be used as a basis for strong alcohol (homemade moonshine) or as an ingredient in cocktails. Without it it is impossible to make okroshka, and there is also more than one recipe for cabbage soup and delicious borscht which can be made with kvass.

Classics of the genre

To prepare a drink at the dacha or at home in the city, anything is suitable - it can be made from Jerusalem artichoke, fruits and berries, whey, rice and millet. Wherein main component What determines the taste is not all these basic fillers, but high-quality water.

But classic kvass made from bread. This recipe is probably as old as the invention of baking itself. Until now, village housewives baking homebaked bread with their own hands in the oven, they make kvass from black bread, which was not entirely successful, or has simply lain for a long time and has become stale.

There are many recipes easy preparation sparkling drink, fermented with the addition of yeast. I wanted to write “non-alcoholic”, but it’s not. During the preparation process, any fermented drink will pick up some alcohol from the wort, because the bacteria that live in the yeast will certainly release alcohol.

But in the southern regions where grapes grow, a recipe was invented long ago without using bread yeast. It will be tastier if you make the drink not from fresh berries, but use sun-dried grapes - raisins - for preparation.

With raisins without yeast

It's simple, uncomplicated home recipe. For preparation, with the exception of water, you will need only three components.


Variety rye bread(such as “Borodinsky”, “Belorussky”) for kvass according to this recipe we choose without any toppings and flavoring additives(cumin, coriander, sunflower seeds, dill, nuts, etc.).

Cut the bread into cubes and place in the oven to dry.

Advice: Brown bread is easy to burn, and burnt marks on it are difficult to notice. Place a few pieces of white bread (for example, a loaf) on a baking sheet with black bread. As soon as the loaf begins to brown, take out a baking sheet and crackers in the desired condition.

In the meantime, boil the water. We do not dilute the first portion of sugar (130 g) in it immediately. Let the water cool slightly before making the syrup. Then cool the liquid to room temperature.

Watching the crackers in the oven. When they are ready, take out the baking sheet. The crackers also need to be cooled. These are important conditions.

Pour the raisins and chilled crackers into the fermentation container. Shake and mix, add sweet water.

Since we don’t use boiling water, a large 5-liter plastic water bottle will do. The necessary free space will remain in it; nothing will spill out during fermentation.

Cover the neck with a breathable gauze cloth and take the bottle to a dark corner. Soon fermentation will begin, foam and the smell of sour bread will appear. From this moment we measure two days. After about two days, the black bread kvass will “win back” and calm down.

Now you can pour it through a double or triple gauze filter into another container and add the remaining sugar.

According to the specified proportions, the drink will turn out sour. This recipe is designed for okroshka. Those who like kvass sweeter can increase the second portion of sugar to their taste. But keep in mind that sweet kvass will not quench your thirst.

Final stage

We pour the kvass into small plastic bottles, put fresh raisins in each pair, screw on the lids, and put them in the same dark corner overnight. By morning, the drink will be saturated with carbon dioxide, the bottles will become hard. Now you can put them in the refrigerator. Store for no more than three days.

What to do with the fermented mass?

If you continue to prepare kvass, soaked raisins and bread will serve as an excellent starter. Divide the mass into four parts, add fresh crackers, sugar, and water to each of them. Here you go new recipe waste-free preparation. You will get four times more kvass. There is no need to add raisins this time. And without it, fermentation will be more active and take less time.

Why does kvass ferment without yeast?

Yeast bacteria live on grapes. They successfully replace yeast in the winemaking process and will also serve us for making yeast-free kvass.

When the berries dry out in the sun and turn into raisins, bacteria remain on them. It is important not to wash the raisins so as not to remove this live yeast. They will die in conditions elevated temperature. That is why both syrup and crackers should be refrigerated.

Bacteria feed on sugar. When they “have lunch” and multiply rapidly, then fermentation occurs.

Thirty grams of raisins is quite enough for the selected volume of kvass. If you want to make more, you need to increase the weight of the raisins.

Dacha by leaps and bounds

To complete our picture, we will also provide a recipe for kvass using a packet of yeast. Let's prepare more of it at the dacha to use the wonderful water from the well and fill the cellar with cold drink.

Here's what we need to prepare it:

We proceed with the bread as described above - cut it, dry it, pour it into a large bucket, put coarsely chopped lemon in it, pour boiling water over it, and cover with a lid. Cover the bucket with a lid, and into the shade.

If you cook in the spring, add young leaves of currants (only black currants, red ones have no smell) or cherries. In summer - a bunch of mint, lemon balm.

Meanwhile, dissolve flour and yeast in warm water in a cup.

After six hours, when the water has cooled and the crackers have imparted a bready aroma to it, strain the wort. The crackers have turned to mush, so we throw them into the compost pit. We take two liters of wort and dissolve the sugar. We pour everything into a 12-liter tub. It is in a wooden barrel that an amazing drink is obtained. You can use a bucket or boiling water, but the oak flavor will be lost.

Add the risen yeast to the wort. It will wander for about twelve hours. Pour into selected containers. We put it in the cold. We'll try it in a day.

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Kvass prepared at home turns out very tasty and enjoyable. There are many recipes for making kvass at home from bread so as to delight your dear guests and refresh yourself during the hot season. In this case, you can take bread, both rye and wheat. Here are a few interesting ideas how you can prepare it.

Recipe 1

Have to take:

- half a jar of black bread;
- 80 grams of sugar;
- 20 grams of yeast;
- water.

Step 1. First, while it is soft, the bread needs to be cut into pieces and dried in the oven. The bread needs to become hard, like crackers.

Step 2. Heat the water to boiling water and put the crackers in a jar. Pour boiling water over them and leave for several hours. During this time, the crackers should swell and become very soft, like porridge. When they become like this, you need to add sugar and stir it thoroughly.

Step 3. The water should gradually cool down and become warm. When its temperature reaches about 35 degrees, you can add a little yeast to the kvass. You need to cover the jar with gauze, not plastic cover. In an hour, the starter will be ready and there will be enough for 10 liters of kvass.

Step 4. Now you need to take about 1 tenth of the starter, add it to a liter of warm water, cover with gauze. In a few hours, active fermentation will begin and the kvass will be ready. Bon appetit.

There is another recipe for making kvass from rye bread. Here's how to make it quickly and easily at home.

Recipe 2

This kvass turns out to be very tender and refreshing. To prepare it correctly, you You will need to take the following products:

- 200 grams of black bread;
- 2 liters of water;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- approximately 3 grams of yeast.

Step 1. The bread needs to be cut into small pieces and lightly dried in the microwave or oven. The crackers should be slightly hard, but not crispy.

Step 2. Boil water and put crackers in it. Then add sugar and yeast and leave for 6 hours, or preferably overnight.

Step 3. You need to stir it a little and leave it for another 3 days. Then collect the pulp and throw it away, and pour the liquid into bottles and jars. Now the kvass is ready. Bon appetit!

An unusual kvass recipe can be prepared with the addition of a few sprigs of mint and horseradish. It turns out very tasty and enjoyable, and will appeal to everyone who loves experiments and unusual dishes.

Recipe 3

To prepare this delicate, tasty and refreshing drink, you need to take:

- 50 grams of sugar;
- 200 grams of white crackers or a loaf;
- horseradish leaf;
- 3 grams of yeast;
- a few sprigs of mint to taste;
- 2 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. The loaf, if you are using it in a recipe for cooking, you need to cut into small squares and fry in the oven until the pieces are well cooked. Otherwise, you just need to take ready-made crackers from a loaf.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10 hours, adding no a large number of yeast, sugar, a little mint and horseradish. It is best to leave the kvass to ferment overnight.

Step 3. In the morning, remove the pulp and pour into containers.

Kvass prepared according to this recipe will turn out very pleasant, slightly intoxicating, refreshing, with a spicy bitterness.

Another refreshing recipe can be made by adding ginger root, lemon or tangerine peels. This kvass has a bright sour taste, very pleasant and delicate. Here's how to prepare it at home.

Recipe 4. With ginger and lemon peels

It is also prepared from white bread or loaf. Here's how to properly prepare this delicious drink and what you need for it:

- 200 grams white loaf or crackers from it;
- a small piece fresh root ginger;
- zest of one lemon;
- raisin;
- 3 grams of yeast;
- 50 grams of sugar.

Step 1. The loaf, if you use it in the recipe, you need to cut it into pieces, put it in a frying pan or in the oven and lightly fry so that the pieces are hard.

Step 2. Grate the ginger and add to boiling water along with lemon zest.

Step 3. Pour boiling water over the loaf along with lemon peels and ginger, add raisins and yeast.

Step 4. Cover with gauze and leave overnight.

Step 5. In the morning, squeeze out the pulp and throw it away. Pour the drink into jars.

The taste of this kvass can be islandy and slightly bitter. Therefore, sugar should be added to it in portions to taste. This recipe will appeal to those who love lemonade and ginger. From white bread and loaf, kvass turns out to be less rich, but with a pleasant, refreshing sourness. And here autumn recipe kvass, which will appeal to those who like drinks with berry sourness.

Recipe 5. With fresh cranberries and dried apples

To make it, you will need regular bread, a small amount of apple chips or apples, cut and dried for compote. To prepare tasty and healthy natural kvass you need to take:

- 200 grams of regular light bread;
- 10 raisins;
- 100 grams of apple chips or dried apples for compote;
- 100 grams of fresh cranberries or lingonberries;
- 4 grams of yeast;
- 70 grams of sugar;
- 2 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. Cut the bread into pieces and lightly dry in the microwave. The crackers should be soft, but somewhat dry.

Step 2. Lightly boil the apples along with the cranberries.

Step 3. Place the bread in a container, add a small amount of sugar, raisins and yeast, as indicated in the recipe. After this, cover the kvass with gauze and leave for a day.

Step 4. Then remove the cake, strain the kvass and pour it into bottles, cylinders and jars. After this, the drink is ready. Bon appetit!

This recipe will appeal to those who love berry flavors, light acidity, nice drinks and a bright, refreshing taste.

However, lovers of rich flavors may like a drink with young pine cones, from which you can prepare delicious jam. This recipe will be appreciated by lovers of spices and herbs. Here's how to prepare a fragrant and very delicious kvass with pine or cedar cones. Exotic Russian recipe.

Recipe 6. With young pine cones

You can use both regular ones from wood and jam. To prepare kvass according to this recipe you need to take:

- 300 grams of black bread;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- 4 cones;
- 70 grams of sugar;
- 2 liters of water;
- a small amount of citric acid or the zest of one lemon.

Step 1. Toast the bread in the oven. The crackers should be very hard.

Step 2. Then boil the cones in boiling water, add sugar, yeast and pour over the bread. Add a small amount of raisins to it, and lemon zest, acid.

Step 3. Cover the kvass with gauze and leave for a day.

Step 4. After this, you need to remove the cake and heat the kvass again, adding a small amount of mint or linden color. It will highlight the spiciness of the berries and allow you to enjoy a pleasant, delicate taste.

In this case, you will get a nice, fresh kvass with a spicy “forest” note. Men will like it due to its rich and pleasant taste.

But there are recipes that do not require frying the bread. The taste of this kvass is more delicate and pleasant. Here's how to make a delicate and very light kvass with lemon peels and a little mint and ginger. The taste is light, almost the same as ginger lemonade. Here's how to make it deliciously at home.

Recipe 7. Light kvass made from white bread

To prepare it you need to take:

- 300 grams of fresh white bread;
- 15 white grapes;
- 50 grams of fresh ginger root;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- a tablespoon of liquid honey;
- 50 grams of citric acid;
- zest of one lemon or tangerine;
- 4 grams of yeast;
- 3 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. Mix bread with honey, grapes, lemon peels. Add yeast and a little ginger and citric acid.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over everything and leave overnight. Kvass should be covered with gauze to ensure air circulation.

Step 3. Remove the gruel and pour the kvass into a bowl.

Thanks to honey, grapes along with lemon sourness The kvass turns out slightly sweet with a rich taste. It will appeal to those who like light summer drinks. It is very good to combine it with ice and serve in glasses with fresh sprigs of mint or basil.

However, there is a separate recipe for light kvass, additional components which became lemon, basil and honey. It will appeal to those who love the delicate and refreshing tastes of summer drinks.

Recipe 8. With blue basil and lemon

To prepare this very tasty and refreshing drink, you need to take:

- 300 grams of white breadcrumbs from a loaf;
- 2 grams of yeast;
- 5 sprigs of basil;
- 1 lemon;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 2 spoons liquid honey from acacia;
- 2 liters of water.

Step 1. Place the crackers in a container along with sugar and yeast.

Step 2. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the bread.

Step 3. Add basil sprigs and honey.

Step 4. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 5 hours. Then mix.

Step 5. Remove the cake and pour the kvass into jars. Serve with a lemon wedge in a glass and a sprig of basil.

This kvass turns out to be very fresh and tasty, pleasant in the hot season. It tastes a little like basil lemonade. Well, a real New Year's sweet drink can be kvass with refreshing tangerine peels, maple syrup and honey. Here's how to make it at home.

Recipe 9. With tangerine peels and honey

To prepare it you need to take:

- 200 grams of black bread crackers;
- the same amount of white crackers;
- 15 black and dried raisins;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- a little citric acid;
- 200 grams of tangerine peels;
- a small amount of cinnamon;
- a little cayenne red pepper;
- 100 grams of liquid honey;
- 100g maple syrup.

Step 1. Fry the crackers very tightly so that they all have a crust.

Step 2. Place them in a separate container and add raisins, sugar, citric acid and dry tangerine peels. Then sprinkle lightly with pepper and cinnamon.

Step 3. Pour boiling water over everything and after 5 hours add honey.

Step 4. Infuse the kvass for 3 days, then strain and pour into jars. Before serving, add a tablespoon of maple syrup to each.

This kvass pleasantly combines the richness of the bread drink with the brightness of tangerine peels, spices and the pleasant viscous sweetness of honey and maple syrup. This drink will appeal to those who love sweet, refreshing and pleasant drinks in which the taste is revealed in many ways.

But very unusual recipe kvass with lime, lemon and blackberries. It will appeal to those who love refreshing lemonades with a sour taste. And this is how they prepare it.

Recipe 10. With lime and blackberries

To prepare it, you need to take:

- 200 grams of Borodino bread;
- 20 black raisins;
- 2 limes;
- 100 grams of frozen blackberries;
- 100 grams of sugar;
- 3 grams of yeast;
- water 3 liters.

Step 1. Dry the bread very thoroughly and place it in a separate container along with sugar, raisins and blackberries.

Step 2. Add yeast and cut the lime into slices on top.

Step 3. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 7 hours.

Step 4. Then remove the pulp and pour the drink into jars. Serve with a little honey or maple syrup.

This kvass has a very bright and rich taste with a piquant lime sourness. Lovers of refreshing drinks will really like it.

But here is an unusual raspberry-cranberry kvass, which in the heat can become an excellent alternative sweet carbonated drinks. Here's how to make it at home.

Recipe 11. With raspberries

To prepare it you need to take:

- 200 grams of white crackers without crust;
- citric acid;
- 200 grams of fresh raspberries;
- the same amount of cranberries;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- 4 grams of yeast;
- 7 white raisins;
- 2 liters of boiling water.

Step 1. Place the crackers in a container and mix with raspberries, cranberries, raisins and sugar. Add yeast.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 7 hours. Then you need to cool the kvass. Remove the pulp and pour it into jars.

This kvass can be served with frozen raspberries, blackberries and lemon wedge. If it is very sour for you, then you can put a small amount of sugar or honey in it.

The drink has a sweetish taste thanks to raspberries. However, its sweetness can be adjusted in portions so that the drink does not turn out too sour or, on the contrary, too sweet. Therefore, for him you need to put minimal amount sugar and only then add it to taste.

Having prepared kvass at home using one of the methods, you can then prepare a delicious

In the summer, perhaps the best drink, which quenches thirst, gives strength and refreshes, is natural kvass. It is impossible to say exactly how it affects our body. Some say better and more healthy drink can not found. Others say the opposite.

Kvass. Benefits and harms

We can talk endlessly about the benefits. ethnoscience with both hands for introducing this drink into the diet. This is explained by the following useful properties. For example, the natural yeast contained in the composition has a beneficial effect on overall health, as it contains a large amount of microelements and vitamins. Kvass has a good effect on nervous system, helps strengthen hair, nails, and also improves skin. This drink not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also effectively fights loss of strength and anemia. It will also help those who suffer from insomnia and poor appetite. However, in addition to all of the above useful properties, kvass also has the opposite qualities. In general, any specific product has certain contraindications for use.

For example, it should be borne in mind that kvass, prepared at home from rye bread, contains about two percent alcohol. The concentration is quite low, and, in fact, does not pose any harm to health, no matter in what quantities the drink is consumed. However, alcohol is still present in it, so it is not recommended to give it in large volume children. In everything you need to know when to stop. Its use should also be limited to persons who have alcohol addiction. Those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas also need to be careful. This also includes various colitis, gout, liver disease, as well as the presence of allergic reactions to products that contain gluten.

This is what he is, kvass. Benefits and harms, of course, are relative, combined in one drink. However, if you follow all the warnings and recommendations, it will only bring health.

Preparing kvass

Many families traditionally prepare kvass at home from rye bread. It is the simplest and therefore most common. To prepare this drink you will need the following ingredients: water (ten liters), one kilogram of rye bread, 25 grams fresh yeast and a glass of sugar, maybe a little more. Boil the liquid. The bread must be sliced ​​and then the crackers dried. It is desirable that they acquire a dark crust. It is thanks to this that a slightly smoky aroma appears in the drink and spicy taste. Next, you need to pour boiling water over the prepared crackers and let them sit for about five hours. Then the liquid must be filtered and pre-dissolved yeast added. Next, pour in a glass of sugar.

In the case when kvass is prepared from rye bread with dry yeast, it should be taken at the rate of one 5 gram packet per 25 grams of fresh yeast. In principle, there is no difference in what form they are added. Therefore, you need to choose the option that is more convenient. Once the yeast and sugar have been added, mix everything well but gently, cover and let it ferment for about five hours. After this time, the kvass should foam, then it needs to be strained again and after that it can be bottled. You can also add a few highlights to them. Then the drink will become unique spicy aroma. This is exactly how kvass is prepared from rye bread with raisins. Its taste is more intense and rich. After this, the bottles are corked and refrigerated for a couple of days.

Why does mold appear?

Many of those who have tried to make bread kvass on their own complain about the appearance of mold during the infusion process. This can happen for two known reasons. The first of these is if the containers where the kvass was brewed or poured into were not clean enough. To avoid such troubles, it is best to sterilize the dishes. The second reason why mold may appear in a bottle is the presence of air, which creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungal colonies. Therefore, when pouring kvass into bottles, it is better to close them with a lid with a hole. A tube is threaded into it, with the help of which air is extracted from the container.


The following recipe for rye bread kvass is very similar to the previous one in terms of the amount of the main ingredient used. You need five liters of water, 1.3 kg of sugar, 50 g of fresh yeast, one glass of wheat flour. This kvass is called "Boyarsky". In this case, you will need to pre-prepare the starter. It is done as follows. Fresh yeast is dissolved in a glass of warm water with the addition of a small amount of sugar. Then the container can be further held over steam. Heat and a small amount of sugar effectively activate the yeast. This rye bread kvass recipe calls for mint petals.

Dried leaves must be steamed with boiling water. Rye bread can be crushed and poured hot water. You can also use crackers instead. You can prepare them yourself by cutting slices of bread into cubes and drying them in the oven at low temperature. But if you already have ready-made ones at hand, then it’s very convenient to use them. After soaking the bread or crackers, the infusion must be cooled to 30 degrees and the starter must be added to it, mint decoction, sugar. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Next, the liquid must be filtered. After this, it can be poured into bottles or any convenient glass containers that can be sealed. The refrigerator is best for storage. A few days - and the drink is ready to drink.


Kvass from rye crackers called “Russian” has a rich and dense taste, for which many people love it. Thanks to these qualities, it can be called satisfying. It is truly capable of quenching not only thirst, but also hunger. Which is not typical for drinks of this type. Also, thanks to the combination of ingredients, it is distinguished by its subtle classic aroma. How to cook rye kvass using crackers? Everything is extremely simple. You need to take about a kilogram of rye crackers and immediately pour five liters of boiling water over them, then leave for about 5 hours, not completely covering them. Meanwhile, 50 grams of fresh yeast should be dissolved in one liter of warm water.

To get the starter, you need to add a little sugar. If the yeast is not activated after a few minutes and foam does not appear, then it is advisable to put the solution in a warm place, you can even cover it. This rye bread kvass recipe also contains raisins. Best used for cooking dark variety. This will give the drink not only more rich taste, but also a dark noble color. You will need about 50 grams of raisins. After the time has passed, the infusion, starter and another glass of sugar must be mixed and left for about a day. After 12 hours, the liquid must be filtered and poured into containers. The kvass will be infused in them for the next few days, so washed and dried raisins are added directly to the bottle. The drink matures best in the refrigerator, and its best taste qualities appear on the fourth day.

Kvass, familiar from childhood

It is also impossible not to remember traditional version preparing kvass, which many have become accustomed to since childhood. It will only require a few slices of dark bread; Borodino bread is best. You also need a handful of raisins and a teaspoon of dry yeast, as well as a glass and a half of sugar.

The bread needs to be slightly dried and browned. To do this, it is better to place the slices in the oven, heated to 140-150 degrees, for about 20-25 minutes. After this, the resulting dark crackers should be placed in three liter bottle. This is where you need to pour specified quantity sugar, add raisins, and yeast.

Then everything is filled in plain water room temperature. After this, you need to mix everything thoroughly. It is necessary to ensure that sugar crystals do not remain undissolved at the bottom of the jar. Next, the container should be loosely closed and left for about a day. After which the liquid is filtered. It can be bottled or returned to an already clean jar and allowed to brew for at least another day. This will give the drink a richer and more seasoned taste. Kvass can be consumed even after the first day after infusion. He's already ready.

The benefits of kvass prepared without yeast

Traditionally Russian is a recipe for kvass made from rye bread without yeast. The question immediately arises: what causes fermentation to occur? The fact is that yeast-free sourdough copes with this task perfectly. It is prepared very simply. The crackers, together with the crusts, are soaked in water with the addition of a small amount of sugar. When the mixture begins to ferment, wort is formed - that same yeast-free starter. A drink based on it is considered very healthy and nutritious. A bunch of useful microelements and vitamins contains rye kvass. The benefits from it are about the same as from regular use fermented milk products. For example, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and others. Beneficial bacteria, arising during the fermentation process, help improve intestinal motility, and also normalize the functioning of everything gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the drink has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Step-by-step recipe for kvass without yeast

The process of preparing kvass on rye bread without adding yeast is conventionally divided into two parts. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare a starter, which will act as a fermentation activator. To do this, you will need a couple of slices of rye bread along with the crust, one teaspoon of sugar, and two glasses of warm water. Before you mix it all up, there's one more thing to consider. important point. The bread slices should be slightly toasted.

This can be done in the oven or in a frying pan. After this, they must be placed on the floor liter jar, add sugar and add water. Next, cover the container with a towel and place it in a warm place. Thus, after a day at a suitable temperature, the wort will be ready. If the container with the starter is in a cooler place, it will take at least two days for fermentation. The readiness of the wort can be determined by the sharp sour smell and the cloudy appearance of the liquid itself.

Second phase

Then you can proceed to the second stage of preparation. To do this, prepared and ripened wort is poured into a three-liter bottle. Toasted crackers and two tablespoons of sugar are also sent there, then the container is filled with water to approximately the level of the neck. The jar must be covered with a towel and placed in a warm or sunny place for several days. After time has passed, the liquid must be filtered. You can do this not with the entire volume, but only with its upper third. Since the sediment sinks to the bottom when at rest, the middle part becomes almost transparent. A characteristic foam forms on top, which should be removed.

After straining, you can add sugar or honey to the finished kvass to taste. One or two spoons will be enough three liter jar. You can now enjoy the drink. But gourmets are advised to bottle it with a few twists added to each bottle. The part of the kvass that had to be strained should not be poured out. It will be useful for preparing the next batch of the drink as a starter. The remainder should be about a liter in volume. To prepare new kvass, add a handful of crackers and a few tablespoons of sugar to the starter. After which the volume is adjusted by adding water to the initial mark of three liters.

The process repeats again. Properly prepared starter can be used up to three times. If already on the second try the drink did not seem as successful as the first, then the preparation cannot be used.

White kvass

Among other recipes, the one according to which white kvass is prepared from rye flour is also known. You will need three liters of water, a slice of dark bread and sugar. And of course, the basis of the drink is rye flour. You will need about 300 grams of it. To prepare, take a container of about five liters, into which you need to pour flour, and then pour in water at room temperature. The pan must be placed on low heat. The liquid should be constantly stirred and brought to a boil, then immediately turned off. In this process, the formation of lumps from the dough is possible.

To avoid this, flour should be mixed with sugar beforehand. Next, you need to dry a slice of bread, preferably until a dark crust forms. It is more convenient, of course, to use ready-made crackers. Add them to the liquid and leave to ferment for several days. When the process calms down a bit, the kvass can be strained and bottled. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. The sediment remaining at the bottom can be used as a starter for preparing the next kvass.


Now you know the recipe for kvass made from rye bread. This drink can be consumed separately, but do not forget that in Slavic cuisine Many cold soups are prepared on its basis. For example, refreshing okroshka. What could be better in the summer heat!

Kvass is an original Russian drink that has always been on the table of people of different classes. It was loved and drunk by both peasants, nobles and kings. Homemade kvass from crackers – delicious drink, which perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes. In addition, people claimed, and still claim, that the drink is capable of restoring strength and relieving fatigue.

Making kvass at home is not as difficult as it might seem, but unlike store-bought bottled or draft drinks, this kvass tastes much nicer and more interesting, and it’s really healthy.

Recipes homemade kvass There are a lot of crackers; this drink is prepared with or without the addition of yeast, and with raisins, mint leaves, currants and other ingredients. Each recipe, despite its apparent complexity, is easy and not burdensome to prepare; moreover, the set of ingredients for the product is minimal and accessible.

Homemade kvass from crackers - interesting facts, general principles of preparation

Many people are sure that kvass is healthy, but not everyone knows exactly what benefits this drink brings. It contains many vitamins and microelements - vitamins B, E, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, lactic acid, as well as amino acids.

Back in the old days, kvass was successfully used to treat vitamin deficiency, increase performance, and improve mood.

To make homemade kvass, you need to purchase black, rye or Borodino bread and yeast. The bread is cut into small cubes, which are then used to make crackers. Also, the composition of kvass made from crackers usually includes granulated sugar and boiled water. In addition, other ingredients are added to taste: honey, raisins, and even horseradish with garlic.

For infusion, use enamel or glass containers; under no circumstances use aluminum or plastic. It is recommended to store the finished kvass in a cool place, expiration date homemade drink is three days.

Homemade kvass from crackers without yeast

Sourdough for homemade kvass from crackers without yeast


50 grams of rye crackers;

400 ml boiled water;

A teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Boil two glasses ordinary water, cool it to room temperature.

2. Pour water into a liter jar.

3. Dissolve granulated sugar in lukewarm water.

4. Place rye crackers into the resulting liquid.

5. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze or cotton cloth and place it in any warm place for two days.

6. After the time allotted for fermentation, the starter should acquire a pungent odor and a cloudy color.

7. Now you can safely move on to the stage of preparing homemade kvass from crackers.

Kvass from crackers from yeast-free starter


100 grams of rye crackers;

0.5 liters yeast-free sourdough(recipe 1);

One and a half liters of boiled water;

A tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the prepared bread crumb starter into a three-liter jar.

2. Add crushed crackers, dried until golden brown, and sugar.

3. Top up with cooled water to the very brim. boiled water.

4. Cover the jar nylon cover, place the container with homemade kvass in a warm place for a day.

5. Pour two-thirds of the drink into another container, add boiled water to the remaining jar.

6. Add a couple more pieces of crackers, if there is not enough sweetness - sugar.

7. Insist for another day.

8. When pouring kvass into a glass, make sure that the cloudiness does not rise from the bottom.

Homemade kvass from crackers with yeast


A kilogram of rye bread;

40 grams of yeast;

Three liters of water;

One and a half glasses of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces, place on a dry baking sheet, and place in the oven. Fry until golden brown.

2. Place the crackers in a saucepan and add one and a half liters of water. Soak the crackers in the water for two hours, remembering to stir the mixture from time to time.

3. Carefully pour the infusion into a suitable container and add the same amount of water for another hour. Drain again into the same container.

4. The resulting wort should have a temperature of 20 degrees.

5. Add granulated sugar and yeast to the wort, having previously diluted it with the same wort.

6. Place the jar of kvass in a warm place for 12-16 hours.

7. Pour the prepared kvass into jars or bottles and put them in the refrigerator.

Kvass made from crackers and flour with the addition of mint


800 grams of rye bread;

Five liters of water;

One and a half kilograms of sugar;

70 grams of yeast;

Cup wheat flour;

Mint leaves to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the yeast into a glass and fill it with warm boiled water. Stir.

2. Rinse the mint, pour boiling water over it, and let it brew.

3. Dry the bread cut into small cubes in the oven, then pour boiling water over it. Cool the mass to thirty degrees.

4. Mix crackers diluted with water along with liquid with mint infusion and yeast.

5. Cover the jar with a lid or gauze and put it in a warm place for a day.

6. After time, add sugar, stir until all sugar grains are completely dissolved.

7. Keep the kvass from breadcrumbs warm for a couple of hours, then pour it into suitable containers and put it in the refrigerator.

Homemade kvass from Borodino bread crackers with raisins


Two slices of Borodino bread (200 grams);

Three liters of water;

15 grams of yeast;

A teaspoon of flour;

A large handful of black raisins.

Cooking method:

1. Cut Borodino bread into cubes, dry it until lightly crunchy in the oven on a baking sheet.

2. Pour boiling water over the crackers and leave for three to four hours.

3. Mix yeast and flour, pour five tablespoons of lukewarm water over the mixture, mix thoroughly.

4. Pour the yeast into the wort and keep it in a warm place for a day.

5. Strain the finished drink, add washed and dried raisins.

6. Keep the homemade kvass made from crackers warm for another 3-6 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for further infusion for 2-3 days.

Vigorous homemade kvass made from crackers with horseradish and honey


800 grams of rye crackers;

100 grams of honey;

50 grams of raisins;

100g grated horseradish;

25 grams of yeast;

Four liters of water.

Cooking method:

1. Fill rye crackers boiling water, give them time to brew for about 3-4 hours, then strain.

2. Add yeast to the resulting liquid, cover the container with a cloth, and put it in a warm place to ferment for 6-8 hours.

3. Add liquefied honey and chopped horseradish to the wort. Mix thoroughly.

4. Pour the kvass into bottles. Place some raisins in each bottle.

5. Infuse the drink first for three hours in a warm place, then for three hours in the refrigerator.

Beetroot kvass from crackers


Two liters of water;

A kilogram of beets;

80 gram piece of black bread;

A tablespoon of sugar;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

A clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beets thoroughly, peel them and grate them on a large grater.

2. Place the mixture in a three-liter jar.

3. Add crackers made from black bread, a little salt, and granulated sugar.

4. Pour all the ingredients with slightly warm boiled water, cover the jar with gauze, and put the kvass in a warm place for three days.

5. A day before it’s ready, add purified but not crushed kvass to the drink.

6. Place the finished drink in the refrigerator.

Homemade rye kvass from crackers


600 grams of rye bread;

Packet of dry yeast (20 grams);

Two glasses of sugar;

Black currant leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces, place on a cloth so that the pieces do not touch each other. Dry for 24 hours, then brown in the oven.

2. Pour boiling water over the prepared crackers and leave for 10-14 hours.

3. Rinse the currant leaves, pour boiling water over them, leave for 10-15 minutes, then pour the liquid into a glass.

4. Strain the prepared wort through a sieve or cheesecloth. Mix the infusion of crackers with the decoction currant leaves.

5. Add granulated sugar and yeast, leave for 6-8 hours.

6. Remove the foam from the settled kvass and strain.

7. Pour the drink into a suitable container and put it in the refrigerator.

Apple kvass from crackers


100 grams of sugar;

100 grams of light raisins;

100 grams of honey;

200 grams of rye bread;

Two large sweet and sour apple;

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a glass of boiled water and stir. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into 8 pieces, and remove the core.

3. Place the prepared fruits in small saucepan, add sorted and rinsed raisins. Fill the products sugar syrup.

4. Place the starter in a warm place for 2-3 days, stir the mixture from time to time.

5. Cut the bread into small cubes, dry it in the oven, placing it on a dry baking sheet.

6. When the finished crackers have cooled, twist them through a meat grinder or crush them with a masher to mashed potatoes.

7. Strain the settled starter, mix the infusion with cracker crumbs.

8. Transfer the mixture into a clean three-liter jar.

9. Add honey, fill the jar with cooled boiled water, not reaching the very edges by two to three centimeters.

10. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put the kvass in a warm place for five days.

11. After the allotted time, carefully pour the kvass into a suitable container so that sediment and cloudiness remain at the bottom.

You can refill the remaining sediment with water and also keep the homemade kvass for five days. Further use of the starter is not recommended.

When drying the crackers, do not forget to stir them and make sure that they do not burn. Burnt crackers will not only give an unpleasant dark color drink, but will also spoil it with a repulsive smell of bitterness and rancid taste.

When you leave the kvass to ferment, do not cover the container tightly. The product must breathe, so it is recommended to use gauze cloth.

Kvass, especially homemade, is very useful product but despite all of it positive traits This drink also has certain contraindications. Homemade kvass made from crackers contains a small amount of alcohol, approximately 0.6 to 2.6%, so it is contraindicated for children under seven years of age. In addition, people suffering from liver cirrhosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertensive patients, as well as lactating and pregnant women, and drivers on the road should refrain from drinking this drink.

Be healthy, drink and eat deliciously, live brightly!