What are dried sweet fruits called? Healthy dried fruits for weight loss

Most people perceive dried fruits exclusively as healthy and natural product- many believe that dried fruits are not only acceptable on a diet, but can even help with weight loss. At the same time, the average buyer is not at all interested in the issue of containing pesticides and preservatives - he only seeks to buy raisins or dates at the lowest possible price.

However, due to the coating sugar syrup Most dried fruits are more correctly considered candies, and due to their characteristics industrial production the amount of vitamins and minerals in them is very small. Quality dried fruits at the same time, they are expensive and are always labeled “bio” - it is almost impossible to buy such a product by chance at a regular market or in a supermarket.

How are dried fruits made?

The traditional method of making dried fruits is sun drying, but industrial scale more productive (and faster) methods are used. Most often, the process of removing water from fruits is carried out in sealed dehydrator chambers, in which drying is carried out by air flows from 30 to 70°C or by infrared radiation.

This is how “classic” dried fruits are made - raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates and prunes. Other fruits (pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, papaya, ginger, strawberries and other berries) completely lose their shape when dried, so they are not dried at all, but caramelized in sugar syrup. It is important to mention that " colorful dried fruits"contain up to 70-80% pure sugar.

Are dried fruits really healthy?

Even if dried fruits were produced by gentle drying in the sun, and the raw materials for them were the best apricots, grapes or figs, they still contain a significant amount of simple carbohydrates and only a small amount of vitamins and microminerals. Speaking about vitamins, it is important to mention that when dried, they practically evaporate.

For example, 100 g of raisins contain no more than 5% daily value vitamins C, K and B 6, as well as 20% daily norm potassium, 15% copper, 15% manganese, 10% iron and 5% calcium - with a total calorie content of 300 kcal and a total content of 80 g of carbohydrates (60 g of which are pure sugar). In other words, dried fruits are more correctly considered sweetness.

Table of sugar content in dried fruits:

Type of dried fruit Feedstock Carbohydrate content per 100 g Sugar content per 100 g
RaisinGrape75-80 g55-65 g
DatesDates70-75 g50-65 g
Dried apricots (apricots)Apricot60-65 g45-50 g
FigsFig60-65 g45-50 g
PrunesPlum60-65 g45-50 g

Benefits of prunes for digestion

The positive effect of dried fruits on health is not determined by the vitamins, minerals or carbohydrates in their composition - the benefits come from the phytonutrients present in the original fruit. In most cases, these compounds fall into the category of “antioxidants,” which means they help the body improve immunity and fight various inflammations.

In turn, the darker the fruit, the greater the amount of natural antioxidants it usually contains in its composition - this is why figs are “healthier” than dried apricots. The champion in terms of the content of these substances is prunes, which are also quite a powerful laxative. Two or three dried plums are enough to...

Why do sugar and sweets spoil metabolism and lead to obesity? What is ?

The problem of industrial dried fruits

Firstly, absolutely all industrial dried fruits are treated with detergents, pesticide vapors and preservatives. To extend shelf life and give a “pleasant” yellow color sulfur dioxide (additive E220) is added to raisins and dried apricots sold in regular supermarkets (1) - raisins are naturally dark brown, and not at all golden, in color.

Secondly, figs (just like pistachios, peanuts and other nuts) are most often first fried in cheap vegetable oils, then treated with phenols to preserve color. Thirdly, the above mentioned multi-colored dried fruits from exotic fruits- these are more like sugar candies with mango or kiwi flavor, and not at all full-fledged dried fruits.

Chemical additives in dried fruits

National food standards of most countries (including Russian GOSTs) literally require chemical treatment dried fruits, since only this allows you to kill dangerous bacteria and increase shelf life to several months. For example, dried apricots and figs must be treated with a solution of sulfuric acid, and grapes must be soaked in alkali.

In theory, data concentration chemical substances are strictly stipulated by law, and the dosages are clearly safe for human health. However, when buying cheap dried fruits without full packaging and “by weight”, you don’t even know in which country these dried fruits were produced, not to mention whether the required standards were observed by the unnamed manufacturer.

How to choose dried fruits?

On the other hand, dried fruits are an excellent option for a high-calorie snack after strength training to close . The main thing is to buy high-quality products and eat exclusively “classic” dried fruits (raisins, figs, dates), and not caramelized mangoes or fried ones vegetable oil bananas.

When choosing dried fruits, pay attention to the presence of the “bioproducts” label developed in the European Union. The presence of such marking guarantees that only natural processes, and the level of chemical treatment of dried fruits is reduced to a minimum. In addition, trust only the large manufacturers you know, and not the granny on the market.


The overwhelming majority of dried fruits are more like candied “candied fruits” than healthy sources of vitamins and minerals. Even if you eat exclusively organic dried fruits, you must remember that they consist of 50-60% simple carbohydrates. In addition, GOST standards clearly require chemical treatment of fruits during drying - and it is extremely difficult to check whether the manufacturer has gone too far with chemicals.

Dried fruits are a tasty and healthy product, although they raise some questions among those who watch their figure. Indeed, a higher concentration of sugar compared to fresh fruit on the one hand and weight useful substances, and, accordingly, properties, on the other hand, they make you think. We will consider these subtleties.

Types of dried fruits

There are many types of dried fruits, like their fresh counterparts. They can be with or without seeds, whole or in the form of halves or small pieces, dried in the shade and under open rays, or even boiled in sugar syrup (candied fruits).

The list of their names is quite long (by the way, it also includes berries): raisins, pear, apple, rose hips, barberries, cranberries, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, cherries, dates, peach, banana, figs, papaya, unabi and many others. Let's focus on those that are especially useful in weight loss. And the vitamins in dried fruits are very diverse, if they are not chemically processed.

What dried fruits are good for weight loss

There is an opinion that it is impossible to eat fruits during a diet, and that it is generally unacceptable to consume dried fruits, because the first of them are sweet, and the second are very sweet. If you adhere to a specific strict diet (protein, for example), then of course, by definition, there cannot be any fruit in it. Otherwise, you should think carefully about this issue.

What dried fruits are healthy? Dried fruits are useful for dietary nutrition at least because they are a concentrated container of various useful substances that we so need for normal well-being. They also help suppress the feeling of hunger, and their sweetness is perhaps the only way to do without chocolates and sweets (and get rid of attacks of irritability).

Eat certain types dried fruits that you should give preference to when dieting. First of all, with a low glycemic index (GI), because this means that the product is broken down slowly, gradually, is digested for a long time and does not cause a sharp release of insulin.

Why is it important? Because with large doses of sugar entering the body, part of it is sure to turn into fat. At the same time, thanks to insulin, the body is only able to build adipose tissue, but not break it down.

That is why, if 2 people eat the same number calories, but the products will be different, with a strikingly different GI, they will lose weight (or gain weight) with different results.

Useful properties of dried fruits

The presence of a whole set of micro- and macroelements, fiber and vitamins makes dried fruits an ideal food, especially in winter time of the year. This product also boasts a balanced amount of organic acids and fiber, which, by the way, plays a huge role in cleansing the body of harmful substances, stimulates peristalsis and normalizes intestinal microflora.

Each type of these sweets has its own unique set of “benefits”, and therefore is often purposefully used for the treatment or prevention of not only vitamin deficiency, but also certain diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots – nutritious product, suppressing the feeling of hunger and giving energy. In addition, it should be added to the diet if the heart and thyroid gland are failing, or vision is weakened. It contains great amount minerals that work for the benefit of the whole body.

Benefits of prunes for the body

Prunes have a positive effect on digestion and intestinal function, regulate cholesterol levels and give a feeling of fullness, and are an antidepressant. It should be consumed if the digestive tract requires attention, because it is a well-known remedy for cleansing the intestines, and prunes also have antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of dates?

But the benefits of dates are difficult to limit to any limits. They are recommended to be used to strengthen the heart, kidneys, and liver; for anemia, hypertension, cough, dystrophy; Dates activate brain function, reduce the risk of cancer, and are also a general tonic. And this is not a complete list.
However, there is one “but”.

Dates have a high GI, which is doubly unfortunate since they are one of the most delicious and sweet foods. However, do not rush to exclude it from your diet. You can reduce the GI coefficient if you drink dates with milk or kefir.

These products delay the breakdown of sugar, thereby reducing glycemic index. This applies to all dairy and fermented milk products, but give preference to products with a low fat content.

Benefits of raisins for women

Raisin. Normalizes digestion and acidity, is a source of energy (a necessary component of the diet at high physical activity). In addition, it is beneficial for the thyroid gland due to its high iodine content.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

This fruit has an ideal ratio of nutrients, as well as (the only one from plants) omega-3 and -6 acids. In addition, it removes fluid from the body, reduces hunger, and helps normalize digestion. And what is especially important, figs have relatively little a large number of calories and low GI.

Whichever of these sweets you choose, remember that the portions should be small - up to 10 pieces of fruit per day. By chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you will “deceive” the feeling of hunger, but will replenish your reserves of essential nutrients.

How many calories are in dried fruits

Table of calorie content and GI of dried fruits

How to choose dried fruits

It is no secret that food products are often treated with special and not always harmless substances. Therefore, the first thing that should alert you is an overly bright color.

Typically, this is the result of using sulfur dioxide (E220). This preservative can cause severe allergies in asthmatics, as well as aggravate gastrointestinal diseases, as it destroys the mucous membrane. But if the product has an inexpressive color and a wrinkled, dusty surface, you can take it.

The second thing you should be alert to is an uncharacteristic smell or taste. For example, plum fruits are difficult to dry naturally, as they turn sour quite quickly.

Resourceful manufacturers dry them in special ovens- gas and gasoline, - thanks to which dried fruits acquire the appropriate taste, smell and numerous cracks in the peel where carcinogenic substances settle. Vitamins and enzymes die.

It is better to buy dates with seeds, and prunes and raisins with stalks.
Another alarming point is the unnatural shine.

This often applies to prunes, which are treated with glycerin or soaked in low-quality oil to add softness and shine. The coffee tint indicates that the fruits were scalded with boiling water, and this significantly reduces the amount of vitamins in them.

Dried fruits for diabetes

People with this disease need to be extremely careful when choosing dried fruits. Dried fruits can be eaten in moderation if you have diabetes. You will have to immediately give up exotic overseas fruits, as well as bananas, figs and pineapple. Prunes, raisins and dates can be consumed in very limited quantities (no more than 3 prunes, 1 tablespoon of raisins, and 1 date per day).

But unsweetened varieties of apples, currants and especially pears can be eaten without fear for health, but also without fanaticism. The patient must agree with the doctor for a complete list of dried fruits that diabetics can and cannot eat.

This applies not only to this disease. A person suffering from several illnesses at the same time can cause harm to himself. For example, if in addition to diabetes there is an ulcer, it is better to exclude raisins altogether, and if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should also avoid dates.

Dried fruits during pregnancy

Of course, in view huge amount for all kinds of “benefits”, pregnant women should consume a variety of dried fruits in reasonable quantities, while paying close attention to their quality. The human body is a complex and intelligent system that can tell you what exactly it is missing.

Therefore, a pregnant woman should listen to her appetite and eat the appropriate fruits.
And yet, doctors especially recommend dates (not least due to the substance oxytocin).

They are useful during pregnancy and lactation; facilitate childbirth and promote the mother’s milk production, as they trigger a whole cascade of reactions in the female body.

Dried fruits instead of sweets

What are the advantages of dried fruits over confectionery? Despite the calorie content, a very small portion of dried fruits will be enough to both heal and saturate the body.

In addition, without denying yourself sweets, you also get rid of depression, a frequent companion to diets. And unlike all kinds of cakes and chocolates, dried fruits– natural product.

Dried fruit dishes

Dried fruits can not only be added to oatmeal, although it is both quick and tasty. Based on them, you can cook broths and soups, make pilaf and salads, and also prepare delicious curd desserts, without compromising the basic principles of dietary nutrition.

The conclusions are obvious: dried fruits can and should be included in the diet, especially for those who are losing weight or controlling weight, as well as pregnant women. And if you have any diseases, you should first consult your doctor.

Dried fruits have been for a long time a familiar treat in many families. This category of preparations includes dehydrated fruits prepared using special technology. The product is completely edible as an independent dish. Since it is customary to call all sweet fruits fruits, this category includes not only the fruits of fruit trees, but also berries, and the dried products have become an excellent alternative to fresh ones.

Dried fruits owe their appearance to ancient women who collected berries, fruits and other forest gifts, and then dried them and stored them for future use. Some animals, such as squirrels, also prepare dried fruits for the winter. Thanks to fruit drying, people have the opportunity to receive vitamins and minerals in their food all year round, as well as taste exotic fruits.

On the shelves of grocery stores and vegetable departments of supermarkets, most famous dried fruits can be easily purchased on any day. Local product most often sold by weight or packaged in plastic bags, but overseas delicacies are also sold in paper bags and glass jars. IN modern cooking And folk medicine dried fruits are used as a vitamin supplement to food. Most often they are consumed in winter and spring, since fresh fruits are available for sale in summer and autumn. seasonal products enough.

A huge number of dried fruits and their attractive appearance not only awakens the desire to try them all, but also stimulates the appetite. We will try to tell you in this article how to understand the variety of these products, choose high-quality blanks, and then apply them correctly.

Composition and calorie content

The chemical composition of dried fruits is identical to the fresh fruits from which the delicacy was prepared. In all products, when dried, moisture evaporates and the amount of vitamin C decreases. Minerals and alimentary fiber remain unchanged in all fruits. That is why dried fruits can be called a complete substitute fresh products.

Almost all fruits contain minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

Calorie content of dried fruits compared to fresh fruits increases, since from one hundred grams of fresh products about fifty grams of dried products are obtained, and some dried fruits dry out by eighty percent. Nutritional value of reconstituted and boiled fruits approaches the value of this indicator in fresh fruits.

Less juicy fruits dry out less and remain soft, and those that contained a lot of juice when fresh become tight and hard. Diabetics and people with dietary restrictions should not forget that one hundred grams of dried fruit contains more fruit sugar than in one hundred grams fresh fruit.

Types and classification

The range of dried fruits is comparable to the amount of fresh fruits. The main groups of characteristics by which all dried fruits can be conditionally classified are characterized by the following criteria:

  1. Belonging to the region: local and exotic.
  2. Method of preparation of raw materials: whole, half (cut or torn), crushed, and dried with or without seeds.
  3. Variety of goods: extra, highest, first and table.
  4. Drying method: natural or artificial.
  5. Method of preparation: pre-processed and unprocessed.

Also, all dried fruits can be divided into types: stone fruits, achenes and berries. In accordance with the classifier, dried fruits also include natural marshmallow, as well as some varieties of Turkish sherbet and candied fruits.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of dried fruits include the fact that they are a source of natural vitamins. Fiber contained in any such product:

  • has a beneficial effect on the intestines;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Each fruit is useful in its own way and has special indications for use. It is impossible to describe them all in one list, so beneficial properties You can find out the most popular and easily accessible dried fruits from the table.


Beneficial features

Has a beneficial effect on:

  • hemoglobin level in the blood;
  • functioning of the nervous system;
  • functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • intestinal peristalsis.

Consumption is indicated for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. A handful of raisins at night can relieve insomnia. The product is useful for pregnant and lactating women: for the first, it helps to compensate for iron deficiency, and for the second, it helps to increase lactation.

The water left over from steaming raisins helps with painful coughs and fever. It can also cure stomatitis and sore throat.

Dried fruit has properties to prevent and combat:

  • anemia;
  • loss of vision;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart failure;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

Those who want to have strong nails and healthy hair should eat dried apricots.

Prunes ( dried plums)

The delicacy has a moderate laxative effect and can also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • rheumatic manifestations.

Moderate consumption of the product is indicated if the formation of malignant and benign neoplasms is suspected.

The treat helps:

Research by scientists proves the effectiveness of dried fruit in the fight against fatigue and intoxication due to cancer.

The use of the product can:

  • fight iron deficiency;
  • protect from negative impact environment;
  • maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Regular consumption prevents slagging and improves intestinal microflora. Apple compote is indicated in medical nutrition for digestive disorders. It is also indicated for those who suffer from urinary retention or have sand in the kidneys and ureters.

Dried fruit compote helps in the fight against vitamin deficiency.

The product has general strengthening properties. Regular moderate consumption of this dried fruit helps to resist colds and also relieve nervous tension.

By eating a small amount of the product per day, you can reduce the accumulation of radionuclides and toxins in the intestines, due to which intoxication, headaches and other unpleasant sensations will disappear.

The delicacy is indicated for those who suffer from capillary fragility and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Moderate consumption of the product helps cope with unnecessary cholesterol.

Dried fruit helps restore the functioning of the central nervous system after strokes. The substances contained in dried bananas help combat pathogenic flora in the stomach and remove toxins from the intestines.

A slice of banana consumed before bed will help prevent insomnia.

Dried berries help cope with seasonal vitamin deficiency. The use of treats is also indicated for:

  • anemia;
  • benign tumors;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • indigestion;
  • poor blood clotting.

The preparation (not candied fruits!) can be eaten as sweets during a weight loss diet.

A decoction (compote) helps resist colds.

A tasty delicacy is used in the fight against high blood viscosity and intestinal dysfunction.

Dried quince fruits are very tight and hard, so they must be steamed.

A decoction of the fruit has the property of removing mucus from the bronchi and lungs. Quince compote is an excellent antiemetic.

A small amount of drink at night allows you to forget about nightmares and insomnia.

People who are on a diet can drink quince compote and eat steamed dried fruits.

A decoction of figs in milk helps to overcome a painful non-productive cough. The delicacy is also recommended for those who suffer from thyroid diseases.

By chewing a piece of fig, you can get rid of inflammation of the gums and stomatitis in the initial stage. Fig decoction and boiled fruit are recommended for use for anemia.

Uryuk (sheptala or kandak) and dried peaches

Dried fruits are indicated for consumption by people suffering from diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • genitourinary system in men;
  • central nervous system.

Moderate consumption of treats helps in the fight against migraines. The huge potassium content in the preparation helps to avoid convulsive conditions. The delicacy is indicated for epilepsy and disorders of the vestibular apparatus. A small amount of the product can relieve attacks of nausea when traveling in public transport.

Candied fruits from this delicacy have pleasant taste and aroma. Eating mangoes will help strengthen the immune system as well as the cardiovascular system.

A small amount of dried fruit allows you to replenish mineral deficiencies during long-term dietary restrictions (for example, during a diet to reduce body weight). Fragrant pieces of fruit will help restore hair shine and skin turgor.

The fruit hits the shelves in the form of candied fruits. It is indicated for use in enuresis. Therapeutic effect treats noted when

  • cholecystitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dysentery.

The dried treat helps in the fight against helminthiasis.

Rose hip

It is used to prepare decoctions, the action of which is aimed at combating vitamin deficiency and getting rid of slagging. Has a diuretic effect.

The product is supplied to shelves in the form of candied fruits. Thanks to the processing, the delicacy has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and completely retains its attractive appearance. Dried fruit is recommended to be consumed for fever and respiratory diseases. In small quantities tasty treat indicated for those who suffer from indigestion.

The treat is indicated for:

  • constipation and indigestion;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the renal pelvis.

The use of this product helps to get rid of sand in the ureters, as well as relieve hemorrhoids.

Compote from this dried fruit is indicated for:

  • decreased immunity;
  • heartburn;
  • obesity.

The drink is also prescribed to children with low level hemoglobin in the blood. An infusion of these berries is indicated for diabetics.

Available in the form of candied fruits. It is a powerful enhancer of potency and sexual desire in women, and also has general strengthening properties.

The preparation is similar to candied citrus fruits. She has delicate aroma and the children will definitely like it. Moderate consumption delicious product helps fight vitamin deficiency and improve mental activity.

In addition to all the above delicacies, dried ones are popular:

  • lemons;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi.

Remember that you should not give dried fruits (especially from exotic fruits!) to small children, because they digestive system very unstable, and not all substitutes are tasty harmful sweets capable of being useful. The reason for this is the peculiarities of fruit harvesting.

Cooking technology

Almost all fruits are used to make dried fruits. middle zone and some exotic delicacies. According to GOST, fruits (as well as berries classified as them) that have not reached full ripeness are suitable for drying. If the raw materials are overripe, the product made from it will be fragile and excessively hard. Of the most famous fruits, pomegranates and some types of citrus fruits are not suitable for drying. The latter are used exclusively for juices and nectars.

In industrial settings

Drying fruits in industrial conditions involves the use of chemicals: gases and food coloring. Thanks to the latter, dried apricots, prunes, peaches or apricots acquire such saturated color, and dried grapes become soft and transparent.

Most often, sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide, E 220) is used to dry treats, and in order for the product to get shine, it is treated with glycerin or other fatty substances without aroma or pronounced taste.

Without exception, all dried fruits are dried in industrial tunnel-type ovens. Such dryers remove moisture from fruits very quickly. To ensure that only skins are not left in the delicacy, the workpiece is often treated with boiling water and alkali.

Exotic fruits are dried according to the principle of candied fruits, that is, before drying, the preparations are treated with boiling sugar syrup. Thanks to this, the delicacy retains its visual appeal and does not lose much weight.

With your own hands

Dried fruits prepared with your own hands at home differ from industrially dried delicacies. First of all, homemade preparations do not have such a presentable appearance as dried fruits in studio photos. But homemade products, unlike store-bought ones, will be more useful, because they will definitely not be used for their production harmful additives. The process of preparing dried fruits at home is not much different from preparing dried fruits in the old days. Homemade preparations can be in the form of whole fruits, pieces or slices.

The preparation of dried fruits can be entrusted to nature by hanging the prepared fruits on strings or laying them out on trays, baking sheets or paper. You can also use special electric devices for drying, ovens with or without air convection.

Homemade products will have a less attractive appearance, but will be many times healthier than all the other delicacies that fill the confectionery departments of supermarkets.

How to select and store?

In order to enjoy the taste of delicacies and get maximum benefit depending on the product consumed, you should choose the right dried fruits. Attention should be paid to the appearance of the products on the counters.

Without exception, all dried fruits have long term storage, but for this purpose the workpiece must be provided with appropriate conditions. It is advisable to store the product in darkened glass or plastic food containers with a tight-fitting lid. It is best if there is a rubber seal under the lid. You can also keep dried fruits in paper or vacuum bags. A prerequisite is that the blanks should not be turned into assorted items.

Regardless of the container, stored dried fruits should be provided with good ventilation and should also be protected from direct sunlight. The delicacy easily absorbs foreign odors and caustic gases. You should not store food in basements and refrigerators, as well as on unheated balconies.

You should refuse to purchase if the dried fruits sold:

  1. Damp or covered with condensation. This discrepancy appears when the product is incorrectly stored in stores or sold outdoors. In addition to the fact that such fruits will weigh more, fungal microspores can develop inside them.
  2. Have no pleasant aroma technical oils or other chemicals. This happens when the rules for storing workpieces are not followed, as well as during transportation or violation of the commodity neighborhood in storage facilities.
  3. Emit a damp odor or have visible traces of mold. Such dried fruits are not suitable for food. They can be poisoned.
  4. Avoid purchasing treats that stick together.
  5. Battered and broken. Dried fruits become like this due to improper transportation or after repeated drying. The latter is often done by unscrupulous sellers who violated the rules for storing products and allowed them to become damp or moldy.
  6. They crumble into small crumbs when pressed. This deficiency may be caused by the fact that moth larvae or other pests, such as spiders, have already feasted on dried fruits.
  7. You should also avoid purchasing treats that have an unnatural shine. It is no secret that preparations have their own expiration date, and dried fruits lose their appearance. A little vegetable deodorized oil - and the product is fresh again. But only externally.

Without exception, all dried fruits must be sweet. If the taste tastes bitter or salty, this indicates that the product is already expired.. Most dried fruits have no smell. The exception is pears and dried plums treated with smoke. This product has a smoked aroma.

Even if a product does not have all of the negative characteristics listed, do not rely on its visual conformity. Before purchasing a product, be sure to examine the packaging and make sure that the treat is fresh.

Use of dried fruits

Dried fruits have found wide application in many areas. The delicacy is consumed both in its usual (dry) form and reconstituted. To give a “marketable” appearance in the latter case, both cold and hot water are used. It is noteworthy that reconstituted products are always sweeter than fresh ones.

It is advisable to eat dried fruits in large quantities, and avoid certain food combinations if possible. The worst combination is considered to be the use of any dried fruits with fresh milk. It is also advisable to avoid eating fruits that are high in sugar. meat products or potatoes.

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming dried fruits in large quantities, and also advise trying to differentiate the time of eating treats from the main meal. The optimal break for eating fruits containing large amounts of sugar is forty minutes after eating. Failure to follow this rule may result in bathroom scales displaying more weight for no apparent reason.

It is also important to remember that absolutely all dried fruits should be washed in warm water before using them for food or other purposes. Otherwise you can get food poisoning and intestinal upset!

After the dust and other harmful substances will be washed off, the fruits need to be poured with a small amount of warm water and allowed to swell a little. When softened, dried fruits will be better absorbed.

In cooking

In cooking, dried fruits are most often used as independent dish or for cooking:

  • compote;
  • decoction;
  • pilaf;
  • pie fillings;
  • casseroles;
  • kvass;
  • wine and homemade vodka(moonshine);
  • confectionery products, including cookies and sweets.

Dried fruits are added to muesli and quick breakfasts, as well as to tea leaves. Easter cakes with dried or candied fruits are delicious, as well as any other yeast baking. Dry fruits are used to decorate homemade baked goods: muffins, pastries and cakes.

Dried fruits go well with:

  • wild and poultry meat;
  • beef and lamb;
  • cottage cheese and feta cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • sour cow's milk;
  • chocolate;
  • butter creams and whipped cream;
  • natural honey;
  • nuts;
  • cereals (rice, wheat, oats).

When preparing sweet dishes and confectionery products from dried fruits, you should not use spices, because most of them drown out the natural aroma and taste of the preparation.. The exceptions are cinnamon and cloves, which are sometimes added to delicacies from dried apples and pears.

In folk medicine

Dried fruits are also used in folk medicine. For example, a vitamin remedy is prepared from dried apricots, prunes and raisins that can strengthen the immune system and help fight colds and coughs. IN various recipes It is recommended to add to this mass:

  • natural honey;
  • walnuts;
  • lemon;
  • figs;
  • aloe.

The principle of preparing the mixture is simple. All solid ingredients grind with food processor or meat grinders, after which honey is added to them. Some recipes also recommend adding a small amount of Cahors or any other natural grape wine.

The proportions of products and their list vary, but if you mix all the components in equal proportions, then such a mixture certainly will not bring harm. Take the vitamin “medicine” on an empty stomach. Typically, adults eat one tablespoon of the treat per day, and children over three years old are recommended to be given the composition one teaspoon at a time. A contraindication to the use of vitamin supplements is individual intolerance to the products. Many people prefer to simply exclude the allergen and prepare the mixture without it.

Many dried fruits also have a diuretic and laxative effect. There are others that help:

Before using dried fruits for treatment, be sure to study all the indications and contraindications for their use, and also take into account compatibility with other foods!

In addition to everything described above, it should be mentioned that dried fruits are also “respected” by owners of domestic rodents and some varieties of exotic birds. For pets, such treats are vital important product and a highly desirable vitamin supplement in food.

Contraindications and harm

If dried fruits are consumed incorrectly, they can cause harm to the body. It should be remembered that some fruits (for example, melon or figs) are best eaten only as an independent dish and in no case combined with heavy foods.

In addition, dried fruits purchased in stores may contain harmful substances (chemicals and industrial dust) that got onto the shell during harvesting or transportation. It is not advisable to give small children dried fruits prepared in industrial conditions.

People with frequent allergic reactions to food should avoid eating dried fruits. Even relatively harmless treats made from local fruits can cause undesirable consequences. Overseas dried fruits should be eaten in small portions.

Fruits that affect water-salt metabolism can cause:

  • fluid retention, and as a result swelling of the legs and internal organs;
  • excessive urination and removal of sand from the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is important to remember that plums, pears and apricots are laxatives. Such delicacies should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Pregnant and lactating women should limit their intake of dried sweets. Few know, but familiar to many dried date contains an analogue of oxytocin, as a result of which it can induce labor at any stage of pregnancy. The restriction in the intake of dried fruits by nursing mothers is primarily due to the laxative properties of many delicacies, as well as excess glucose, which can easily enter the breast milk. The baby will become restless from such an amount of sugar, he may urinate more often and develop thirst, which he will notify about by loud crying and external dissatisfaction.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all dried fruits should be consumed in limited quantities. Knowing the pros and cons of using dried fruits in the diet, it will not be difficult to understand the range of delicious preparations.

Today, fruit drying is widespread. Almost half of these products sold are raisins, dates, prunes, figs, apricots, peaches, apples and pears. They are referred to as "conventional" or "traditional" which have been dried in the sun or in special wind tunnels. Many fruits, such as cranberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries and mangoes, are soaked in sweeteners (such as sucrose syrup) before drying. Some products are sold as dried fruits, such as bananas, papayas, kiwis and pineapples.

These also include nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, Pine nuts, peanuts, corn nuts, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts and macadamia nuts.

(You can learn more about macadamia nuts in this article).

They save most nutrients fresh fruit. They all provide essential nutrients and a variety of bioactive ingredients, making them a valuable tool for improving diet quality and helping reduce the risk of chronic disease.

These foods can be whole (eg grapes, berries, apricots, plums) or pieces of fruit (eg mango, papaya, kiwi, bananas). Residual water content can vary from 3 - 8% to a significant 16 - 18%, depending on the type of fruit. The fruit can also be dried into a puree or powder form. Another type of drying is used - sublimation (freeze drying). Fresh fruits frozen and placed in a drying chamber under vacuum. Heat is applied and the water evaporates from the fruit while the fruit is still frozen. The fruit becomes very light and crisp and retains much of its original flavor.

They are widely used in confectionery and baking. Food processing plants use these products in a variety of sauces, soups, marinades, side dishes, puddings and foods for infants and children.


  • Successful drying depends on warmth, dry air and good air circulation.
  • Choose fresh, fully ripe fruits. Unripe fruits lack flavor and color. Drying does not improve the quality of food.
  • Store them in tightly sealed containers and in a cool, dry place.

As with all preservation methods, drying causes some loss of nutrients. Nutritional changes that occur during cutting include:

Calorie content: does not change, but is concentrated in a smaller mass due to the removal of water.

Cellulose: without changes.

Vitamin A: Keeps fairly well at controlled temperatures.

Vitamin C: Preliminary processing with ascorbic acid or lemon juice increases vitamin C levels, although losses occur during the drying process.

Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin

Minerals: preserved quite well.

For better preservation nutrients in dry food products, store them in a cool, dark, dry place and use them within a year.


Apples contain many phytonutrients (natural components of plants that provide nutrition) that act as antioxidants, ridding the body of causing cancer free radicals. They are also an excellent source of fiber.


A good source of fibre, they also contain vitamin A, C and iron.


An exotic fruit, little sold in Russia. Mango is rich in various vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin and immune system.


Compared to other fruits, they have significantly more high level antioxidants, as well as important nutrients such as beta-carotene, folic acid and fiber.


While some fruits may lose some of their nutrients when dried, figs do not. Figs contain large amounts of iron, folic acid and potassium.


This exotic fruit is also not sold in Russia. Named the "fruit of angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya is an excellent source of antioxidants. Recent studies have shown that they may help prevent diabetic heart disease.


Blueberries also contain vitamins A, E and B, which are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system.


Raisins are cholesterol-free, low-sodium, high-fiber, and completely fat-free.

Black currant

Blackcurrants are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and contain high amounts of vitamin C, manganese, iron and potassium.


Such plums are called prunes. They are an excellent source of vitamins and have the added benefit of regulating the digestive system.


Pears are a good source of vitamin C and copper, and are full of dietary fiber.