What's the best way to eat apples to get the most health benefits? Is it possible to eat apples at night?

Reading reviews and results about fruit diets, you understand that there is a way to quickly and tasty lose weight. For example, the apple diet for weight loss is gaining popularity, and every year more and more people become its adherents. Apples are a product familiar to us since childhood, from which we can prepare dietary dishes. It is believed that just two fruits a day in addition to any diet helps to double the weight loss effect! Let's find out in more detail what the benefits and harms of this delicious fruit are.

The benefits of apples for weight loss

According to the advice of nutritionists, in order to improve well-being and prevent oneself from the occurrence of certain diseases, a person needs to eat at least 4 kilograms of apples every month, which is about 50 kg per year. Moreover, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to consume the product not in raw form, but in processed form (juices, purees). Consumption of this amount of fruit promotes weight loss, rejuvenation of the body, elimination of toxins and decay products.

Remember that green varieties are more beneficial for weight loss than red ones. They are lower in calories and also contain more vitamin C than other types of product. When eating apples, remember the benefits of seeds. They are rich in iodine. Doctors advise you to eat apple seeds 5-7 pieces daily, which will provide the body with the daily requirement of iodine.

Which ones are better to eat – fresh, baked, dried?

Fresh apples for weight loss are perfect option quick snack, a delicious lunch or afternoon snack. But consuming an uncooked product can lead to abdominal discomfort, a feeling of bloating and heaviness. It is permissible to eat no more than 1.5 kilograms of fruits daily. Doctors advise diversifying your menu with baked apples.

After cooking juicy fruit in the oven, the vitamins are still preserved, but the level of acid that affects negative impact on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Consumption baked apples will help you lose excess weight and get rid of problems with slow metabolism, gastrointestinal pathology intestinal tract. Baked fruit eaten on an empty stomach has a mild laxative and diuretic effect.

Dried apples are used for weight loss. When dried, all the liquid is removed from the fruit, which increases the energy value product. 100 grams of dried fruit contains more than 300 calories, so they should be consumed in limited quantities. This type of dish suitable for those for those who find it difficult to control the amount of food they eat. After eating several dried slices, you will satisfy your hunger and are unlikely to want more. Useful for the human body and combating overweight dried fruit compote without sugar.

Which color to choose

To lose weight, you need to choose the right variety of apples. Follow the rule than sweeter fruit, the higher the calorie content. Green varieties are considered ideal for the diet. The concentration of organic acids in them is higher than in red ones. The amount of pectin, fiber and dietary fiber is also incomparable.

But Japanese scientists claim that red apples contain other useful material. The composition of red varieties is rich in polyphenol, which has a beneficial effect on human digestion. This substance acts as a fat burner and has a positive effect on work internal organs and has a rejuvenating effect, performing the function of a natural antioxidant. You can only get this effect by adding red apples to your diet.

How to lose weight on apples

To improve the proportions of your figure, you should follow some recommendations. So, a common way to lose weight using apples is fasting days. One day a week you need to eat only juicy fruits, both fresh and baked. It is allowed to supplement food with only one and a half liters clean water. Weight loss per day will be at least 1.5-2 kilograms.

The second option is to follow a strict apple diet. The food on it is very tough. On the first and seventh days it consists of 1 kg of fruit. On the second and penultimate days, you are allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of fruit. The diet for the remaining days consists of 2 kg of apples. You need to follow this diet for a week. During this period you will be able to lose 7-10 kg. In addition to fruit, you are allowed to drink water and unsweetened green tea.

Rules for eating fruit

Rapid weight loss will only be possible if you follow simple recommendations:

  1. 1.5 kg apples – Weight Limit a product that can be consumed in one day.
  2. Alternate fresh fruits with baked ones to diversify the menu and prevent negative feelings in the stomach.
  3. Do not cut off the skin, but eat the whole fruit.
  4. Don't forget about the benefits of seeds. Eaten 5 apple seeds will replace taking a chemical iodine tablet.
  5. To speed up your metabolism, eat one at a time fresh fruit 30 minutes before meals.
  6. Freshly squeezed Apple juice is great drink girls before training. It dulls the appetite and energizes you before physical activity.

How much can you eat per day

Apples are a sugar-containing product, the uncontrolled consumption of which can lead to the opposite effect on weight loss. One fruit contains about 10 g of glucose. It is easy to calculate how much of this substance the body will receive from eating ten fruits! To lose excess weight, it is permissible to introduce no more than 5-7 apples into your diet. Approximate weight this amount of fruit will be 1.5 kg. Try not to exceed the specified norm, otherwise you risk gaining new kilograms rather than shedding existing ones.

Recipes to help you lose weight

The use of apples in cooking is widespread throughout the world. From them it is possible to prepare a lot of useful and delicious dishes. But not all recipes are equally good for weight loss. Let us draw your attention to cooking options that promote weight loss.

Apple drink

You will need:

  • apples – 1kg;
  • boiled chilled water – 1l;
  • dry yeast – 1 pack (11g);
  • liquid honey – 75g;


  1. Grate the washed fruits onto coarse grater. Mix the crushed mass with water.
  2. Add yeast and honey to the mixture.
  3. Pouring the stock of the future apple cider vinegar into a suitable jar. Place in a warm place for 10 days, stirring the liquid occasionally with a wooden spoon.
  4. After 10 days, strain the juice through cheesecloth. Pour into another container, cover with gauze and leave for 50-60 days.
  5. Strain the finished drink again and pour into a bottle. Keep refrigerated.


You will need:

  • white cabbage - half a fork;
  • large carrots – 1 pc.;
  • green apple – 1 pc.;
  • raw small beets – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • lemon, spices.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage. Grate the carrots and beets on a coarse grater.
  2. Cut the apple into thin strips.
  3. Squeeze the lightly salted cabbage with your hands to release the juice.
  4. Mix the prepared ingredients.
  5. Add oil, lemon juice and spices to taste.

Decoction of apples and raisins

You will need:

  • liter of water;
  • 3 large green apples;
  • a handful of raisins -100 g;
  • sugar as desired.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Cut the apples into slices and place in boiling water.
  3. Wash the raisins and remove any branches. Add to the pan with apples.
  4. After boiling again, add sugar if desired. Boil the broth for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
  5. Cover with a lid and let sit for about half an hour. Drink chilled.


You will need:

  • green tea – 1 tbsp;
  • apple (you can use red) – 1 pc.;
  • grapefruit – 3 circles;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • ginger – 1 cm;
  • water – 500ml;
  • honey – 2 tsp.


  1. Cut the apple into cubes.
  2. Grate the ginger and cinnamon on a fine grater.
  3. Mix green tea with cinnamon, ginger, chopped apple and grapefruit.
  4. Pour boiling water over it.
  5. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for 10 minutes.
  6. To taste in ready-made tea add honey

Fat burning cocktail

You will need:

  • low-fat kefir – 1 glass;
  • a quarter kilogram of apples;
  • petiole celery – 50g;
  • pineapple – 100g.


  1. Roughly chop the apple.
  2. The pineapple is peeled and finely chopped.
  3. Chop the celery stalks.
  4. Place the prepared ingredients into a blender bowl and add kefir. Beat thoroughly.
  5. Add greens if desired. The drug is taken orally after meals.

Compote with ginger and apples

You will need:

  • ginger root – 2 cm;
  • apple – 4 pcs.;
  • whole lemon;
  • water – 2 l;
  • cane sugar – 100g;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick.


  1. Remove the stem from the apples and cut into slices.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon using a grater.
  3. Immerse the prepared ingredients in water, add peeled and finely chopped ginger.
  4. We put it on fire. After boiling, add cinnamon. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Before use we give ready-made compote brew and cool.

Harm of apples

Due to the high fiber content of apple fruits, their excessive consumption can lead to colitis and even sometimes gastritis. In addition, the fruit contains special acids that are harmful to tooth enamel. Dentists strongly recommend rinsing your mouth thoroughly after eating apples.

Fruits increase gas formation in the intestines. This causes bloating and pain, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. Therefore, you will have to abstain from the apple diet for the next nine months.

remember, that winter varieties, which are sold in stores, are more harmful than fresh summer fruits. To save presentation they are covered with a layer of paraffin and a row is added chemical substances. Therefore, preference should be given to losing weight on apples in the summer, when the problem of choosing a quality product will not be so acute.


No matter how healthy apples are, both fresh, boiled and dry, the apple diet is not suitable for some people. Such weight loss is contraindicated for those who have:

  1. Gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Infectious diseases in acute form;
  4. Anemia or vitamin deficiency;
  5. Biliary dyskinesia;
  6. Pregnancy.

Photos before and after

If you are still in doubt whether you need to choose losing weight on apples or give preference to another weight loss method, look at the photos before and after losing weight, which girls around the world generously share. The photographs once again prove the effectiveness of the apple diet and confirm the words that apples perfectly cleanse the body and rejuvenate it as a whole.

Eating apples at night when losing weight or in the evening - not best idea, but it is difficult to dispute the benefits of this fruit during a diet and in Everyday life. Those who are losing weight often wonder whether it is possible to gain weight from eating apples at night. If you experience a strong feeling of hunger in the evening and there is nothing at hand except apples, then you can allow yourself to eat one apple, but no more. To avoid such situations, there should always be some kind of healthy food: frozen homemade preparations chicken cutlets, some boiled eggs, cottage cheese.

Beneficial properties of apples

Regular use apples reduces the risk of many diseases associated with cardiovascular system due to its high iron content. This fruit is rich in other useful microelements, acids and vitamins. The high content of pectin and fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins, which promotes weight loss. The polyphenol substance contained in this fruit prevents the formation of fatty deposits and has good antioxidant properties, which prevents the risk of premature aging.

Apples for weight loss

Is it possible to eat apples while on a diet? The answer is yes. In many diets they are included in the diet, with the exception of carbohydrate-free diets. There are apple fasting days or mono-diets. There are many both positive and negative reviews on the Internet about apple diets. Users claim that in just a week of such nutrition you can lose from 5 to 10 kg overweight. However, this can be harmful to health, because coarse fiber During this time, it will damage the walls of the stomach, which will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the body will be exhausted, the plumb line will only be due to water and muscles.

After such diets, the weight returns very quickly and also with an increase. Stressful situations “hint” the body that it needs to stock up on energy until the next such event, and it begins to accumulate it in fat cells. You need to eat a balanced diet and not overeat, strictly adhere to daily norm KBJU. Apples, regardless of the variety, cleanse the body as a whole, promote weight loss, but... The amount of sugar in different varieties directly affects the calorie content of the fruit. Just 2 medium apples a day will cover the sugar deficit in the body. Remember that everything is good in moderation.


Under no circumstances should you eat apples fresh in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case a large number of fruit acids affect the walls of the stomach, which can cause gastritis. It's better to eat a little for breakfast oatmeal on water or milk, which will protect the stomach and intestines from the effects of not only fruit acids, but also other harmful substances.

Fresh apples should be eaten after meals, this way you will cleanse tooth enamel of bacteria and protect it from destruction. Insoluble fiber helps cleanse the intestines and helps you lose weight. You can use them to make freshly squeezed apple juice, which is rich in vitamins. It is worth noting that in store-bought juices contains large amounts of sugar, which can lead to weight gain.


In the summer season, you can prepare drying for the winter. It is better to dry fruits in the fresh air or you can use a special eclectic dryer. The dryer should be stored in a well-ventilated area. Compote of dried apples will replenish the supply nutrients in the cold season. Dried fruit can be added, for example, to green tea, or steamed; a handful of such fruits will serve as a complete snack.


During baking at high temperature many beneficial substances are destroyed, but decreases total calories and the amount of fruit acids that can adversely affect the stomach. Nutritionists often recommend replacing fresh apples baked people with gastrointestinal problems. A baked apple can be wonderful dietary dessert. You can add to this dish a small amount of honey, favorite nuts, cinnamon, ginger. Cooking time is only 10-15 minutes. This dish is best eaten after the main meal, preferably after lunch.

Is it possible to eat apples at night?

There are about 47 kcal per 100 g of red apple, and 35 kcal per 100 g of green apple. Average weight one fruit is 200 g. The ratio of BJU is 0.4/0.4/9.8. Apples are rich in carbohydrates, and when losing weight you need to reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates as much as possible. In addition, it contains a lot of fructose, which is nothing more than sugar. Its excess, as well as calories, generally leads to fat deposits, because what the body does not have time to burn during the day is stored as a “reserve”. The main fat traps for girls are the sides, stomach, and thighs.

Apple at night slim figure is a myth to get rid of excess weight, should be consumed exclusively in the evening protein products, For example, low-fat varieties meat, poultry, eggs (whites), dairy products low Fat. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet and reducing carbohydrate intake promotes rapid fat burning.

Do apples make you fat at night?

Way to beautiful body lies through the right balanced diet and playing sports. Is it possible to eat apples in the evening while losing weight and not gain weight? More likely no than yes. Fast carbohydrates, and apples are one of them, should be eaten in the first half of the day, until a maximum of 16:00. Dinner should consist of protein foods and vegetables, preferably fresh. The exception is fibrous, starchy vegetables, for example, potatoes, beets, it is better to exclude them from the diet during the diet. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime, and apples at night when losing weight are not the best option.

Video: apple diet

Everyone knows about the benefits of fruits such as apples. It is a reliable source of vitamins and minerals. To get the best from them, you need to know when and how to use them.

Composition of the fruit

Apples are one of the most accessible fruits. On store shelves you can choose the fruits of the most different varieties, differing in taste, color, size and so on. They contain:

  • a whole set of vitamins from A to PP;
  • microelements;
  • organic acids.

Thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition apples you can:

  • strengthen blood vessels and heart;
  • increase the stability of the endocrine system;
  • prevent the development of anemia;
  • improve bowel function and prevent constipation;
  • put away excess cholesterol from the body;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing many diseases (oncology, Alzheimer's disease);
  • make bones and teeth stronger;
  • improve skin condition;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve vision.

At the same time, you need to keep in mind that if you have colitis, a large amount of apples can aggravate unpleasant symptoms. To avoid this, it is recommended to peel the fruit before eating. It is in its skin that it contains greatest number fiber, which can cause stomach discomfort.

When eating apples, you should avoid getting their seeds into your stomach. On the one hand, they contain iodine, which is beneficial for the body, on the other hand, it also contains hydrocyanic acid. If you eat five grains or more, symptoms of poisoning may appear.

It must be borne in mind that the most beautiful, shiny apples that lie in the store waiting for their buyer are the most harmful for him, since in order to better preserve these fruits they are subjected to special treatment during ripening. In addition, they are coated with wax to make them appear more elegant on the shelf. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it causes gastritis.

You can remove wax by washing the apple with soap and water. hot water. It's easier to choose fruits that don't have perfect look. Even if they were not prepared for sale in a special way, they have a greater chance of not causing harm to health when eaten.

If we consider the BJU of the product, then per hundred grams it contains only 0.4 grams of protein and fat, while carbohydrates account for 9.8 grams. This is an approximate figure, since it is known that fruits with green skin contain less carbohydrates than those with red or yellow colors. The fructose found in the apple saturates the muscles, is absorbed slowly, but is excreted quite quickly. This avoids excess sugar in the body.

Calorie content

Expert calculations indicate that apples contain about 47 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. A medium-sized fruit contains about ten grams of sugar, and a person only needs to eat about fifty grams per day, so you can eat no more than five apples a day without bad consequences for the body. Since people's diets contain many other foods containing sugar, nutritionists advise not to consume more than two or three fruits daily.

Excessive use Eating such seemingly harmless fruits leads to metabolic disorders. Those who are inclined to be overweight risk spoiling their figure.

Best time to consume

If a person focuses on a balanced diet, experts advise eating apples in the first half of the day.

It is believed that eating such fruits on an empty stomach is quite acceptable. Consuming them thirty minutes before meals will improve the absorption of vitamins that will enter the body with breakfast.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that an apple eaten immediately after the main course can cause upset in the gastrointestinal tract, as it will start the fermentation process.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to eat the fruit two hours after eating.

The question of whether to eat such fruits in the evening or wait until the morning does not have a clear answer.

  • The carbohydrates obtained from such food will not have time to be used up, since the person will not actively move and think, and will soon go to sleep.
  • The apple itself will increase your appetite, since gastric juice is released with the consumption of the fruit.
  • People who have gastritis or stomach ulcers increased acidity, will experience unpleasant sensations from using it in the evening.
  • Fiber obtained from apples, when metabolic processes slow down during sleep, including digestive processes, causes colic, bloating, and flatulence.
  • Stomach problems lead to poor sleep.

The arguments in favor of eating apples in the evening are also quite compelling.

  • If a person is hungry in the evening, then snacking on an apple is much better than sausage or bread.
  • When you can’t brush your teeth with a brush, you can solve this issue with an apple. The acids contained in the fruit will help whiten and cleanse the enamel.
  • An apple eaten two hours before bedtime helps to quickly cleanse the intestines in the morning.

The arguments for or against are more significant. Everyone decides for themselves the issue of eating apples in the evening, taking into account their personal circumstances. If you need to snack on an apple, it is important to remember that we are talking about one or two fruits, and not about a heap weighing a kilogram.

When eating apples, you need to keep in mind that, first of all, the fruit itself is healthy. In all kinds of dishes such as preserves and jams made from such fruits, very few useful substances remain.

Eating apples should be emphasized by those who have low acidity. People with the opposite problems can only eat them baked.

Those suffering from gallbladder diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as overweight, can drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice on an empty stomach. This will help solve health problems.

Doctors advise pregnant women to eat apples, which quickly darken after being bitten into. This reaction on the surface of the fruit indicates high content iron in it. In a “special situation,” it is advisable for a woman to focus on fruits grown in her garden. Practice shows that apples from ordinary summer cottages darken faster than store-bought ones.

Apples are good for people with thin blood vessels, which are easily damaged (this can be evidenced by quickly developing bruises on the skin).

For people who have suffered from hepatitis or suffer from diseases of the intestinal tract, it is advisable to eat baked fruits. They are better absorbed.

You will learn more about apples in the following video.

Good afternoon to everyone who is interested in the topic of healthy eating.

We all love to eat tasty and satisfying food, but not all of us know that doing some things after eating is simply contraindicated!

After eating, many people complain about bad food or that the food is poorly prepared if they did not cook it themselves. But in fact, the reason is the habits that destroy us.

Moreover, these habits do not at all contribute to our digestion processes, and if abused, they can develop into serious illnesses.
Scientists have found out what you absolutely cannot do after eating and why. To be honest, when I found out this, I was very surprised!

So below I will give a list of 5 things that you should not do after eating and explain why this is so:

1 You should not take fruit immediately after eating.

How often, as a dessert after hearty lunch or dinner, we eat a sweet apple or a portion of tasty fruit salad? It would seem that there is something bad here. You've even read that fruits help you digest food faster. But it turns out that all this is completely wrong!

Fruits like independent dish– very useful for you and me. But, after eating, they should not be consumed, as they disrupt our digestion processes.

Instead of our stomach digesting the food we have taken, we switch it to fruits, and as a result, food stagnation and flatulence occur. So if you want fruit, eat it an hour before or an hour after your meal.

2 Drink immediately after eating.

I didn’t know this before either and always immediately after lunch I drank a huge cup of tea or compote. And then I thought that I’m working so hard and I don’t have any strength.

And, all because the liquid we drink immediately after eating dilutes the gastric juice, thereby disrupting the natural processes of digestion in the body.

As a result, these processes take much longer and their quality decreases. Therefore, even drink tea 30-40 minutes after eating. But before eating, doctors recommend drinking a glass of water half an hour in order to prepare your stomach for eating.

3 Lie down or sleep after eating.

Those who like to take a horizontal position after eating, or have a heavy dinner before going to bed, risk serious stomach problems. After all, during sleep our body also sleeps, so it cannot process food.

The food we eat remains in the stomach as a “dead weight” and gradually begins to rot there. So, you need to get rid of such a habit as lying down and sleeping after eating. After eating, the best way to spend time is to go for a short walk!

4 Smoking after meals.

Well, I can’t say anything good about smoking at all; I myself haven’t smoked for 5 years, and I don’t recommend it to you either.

Many smokers, after a tasty and satisfying lunch, light up such a coveted cigarette. In fact, a cigarette after a meal is much more harmful than a regular cigarette we smoke during the day.

Thus, doctors were able to prove that 1 cigarette, which a person smokes after a meal, is equivalent in its harmful effect to 10 cigarettes. So it's up to you to decide whether to smoke or not after eating. It's better not to smoke at all.

5 Water procedures are another prohibition after eating.

You should not go to the pool after eating, or go to the shower or take a bath. This is explained by the fact that during water procedures, blood flow to the extremities and to all surfaces of the body increases, respectively, blood flow in the area of ​​​​your stomach decreases. It turns out that by bathing you distract the body from digesting food.

Video about taking water before and after meals:

Finally, I want to say the following - stick to these simple rules and your stomach and body will always work like a clock. And if you still feel heaviness or heartburn in your stomach, then as first aid you can take some kind of digestive enzyme (mezim, for example). But you shouldn’t abuse it either.

And just before bed, and generally at any time convenient for you. But the choice of products for many still remains something unknown - this is not possible, that is not possible...

It is generally accepted that the best options for dinner are fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Salad and kefir are a hated tandem for many people who are losing weight. But even in these categories there are “enemies” that fitness gurus advise to avoid. For example, quite harmless fruits and cottage cheese, which for many years were considered almost an ideal dietary dinner, came under attack. Let's try to figure out what they did to deserve such disfavor.

Fruits for dinner - what's wrong?

Most fruits have a relatively low calorie content. So, apples contain only 52 kcal per 100 g, so few people think about whether apples can make you fat overnight. 100 g of pears contain 57 kcal, oranges – 47, apricots – 44 kcal. Most high-calorie fruits are bananas and grapes: the former give the body about 90 kcal per 100 g, the latter – 67-70 kcal. In general, fit 100, 200 and even 300 g of fruit into daily calorie content not difficult. The body will even thank you for this, because fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which improves digestion, and a lot of vitamins. But why do some trainers and nutritionists advise avoiding fruits in the evening?

Is the glycemic index scary?

It's all about the high glycemic index (GI). It is believed that simple carbohydrates eaten at dinner in the form of fruit will not have time to be spent on energy needs and will go straight to the hips or sides. But we have already said more than once in our articles that there is no need to be afraid of high GI if you are not diabetic. Even if a small amount of glucose from fruit is used to replenish fat stores, if there are no other needs in the evening, you will still burn these meager grams the next day if you maintain an average daily calorie deficit. Simple physics!

Fructose and fat

It is also believed that fructose ( fruit sugar) cannot be used to replenish glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver, therefore, it does not serve as a source of energy, but is simply stored where it is not needed. If you remember this horror story when wondering whether you can eat an apple at night, remember the simplest mechanism for the absorption of disaccharides, of which fructose belongs. In both muscles and liver, fructose is successfully phospholated, and the metabolites obtained from it are used to produce glycogen. And if your nutrition does not exceed the needs of the body, you will not gain weight from fruits. And the calories in them are zilch!

Attention: gases!

But there is one more nuance that makes people doubt whether they can eat apples and other fruits in the evening. The fact is that many fruits contain short-chain carbohydrates, which are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. They can cause increased gas, bloating, and sometimes even painful colic and diarrhea. Plums, apples and grapes have the worst reputation in this regard, followed by pears and peaches, and cherries and apricots in third place.

Not all people are susceptible to these unpleasant symptoms, but if yours digestive system It’s hard to call her invulnerable, think three times before eating an apple or a bunch of grapes at night. Even if you get by with “little blood” and there is no need to get out of bed at night, discomfort in your stomach can significantly spoil your sleep. And if intense cardio with a partner is planned for late evening (if you know what I mean), refrain from such delicacies.

Style Summary

Is it possible to eat apples in the evening? You can, if they do not harm your well-being and fit into the framework of the KBJU. Is it possible to gain weight from eating fruit at night? It’s also possible, but only if they don’t fit into this very framework of the KBJU. It's simple - the laws of thermodynamics apply to our figures. As always, we encourage you not to make life difficult for yourself, because proper nutrition– a subjective concept for each person. The menu should be tasty, healthy and balanced, and you should not cross out your favorite products from it just because of unfounded myths.