How do you eat pomelo? Pomelo (fruit): beneficial properties, calorie content. You can't eat this fruit

Pomelo fruit- belongs to a genus of plants from the Citrus family. In addition, there are other names for this fruit, such as “pamela”, “pompelmousse” and “shaddock”. The homeland of these fruits is Southeast Asia. The best is considered to be the pomelo that grows in Thailand.

The weight of the fruits on average reaches about 1.5 kg, and their diameter is about 20 cm. The pomelo has a round shape, but sometimes flattened and pear-shaped fruits are also found. The smooth peel can be pale green or bright yellow, depending on the type of fruit (see photo). Under the thick peel there is pulp, which is divided into segments. Sweet and aromatic pulp pomelo can be green, yellow, pink and even reddish.

Beneficial features

Due to the content of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, pomelo has an antioxidant effect, which means it helps strengthen the immune system and copes well with colds. In addition, thanks to the vitamin E content, the fruit helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, and it also cleanses blood vessels from plaques. Taking this into account, we can say that regular use pomelo is an excellent prevention of heart attack and stroke.

The fruit contains limonoids, which are essentially excellent prevention of cancer development, and they also resist the proliferation and growth of cancer cells. Since pomelo contains potassium, its consumption has a positive effect on the heart muscle, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and helps normalize blood pressure.

The peel of the fruit contains quite a lot of essential oils, which have a positive effect on mood and increase the tone of the whole body. Besides this they have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

The beneficial properties of pomelo are used in cosmetics. For example, you can make a mask from the fruit that is suitable for any skin type. It will help moisturize the skin and improve its condition when tired. The juice from the fruit can be used as a vitamin facial lotion.

Use in cooking

Compared to others citrus pomelo It is not often eaten, but this fruit is still included in the recipe for some dishes. For example, in Europe, salads containing this citrus fruit are very popular. It is very important to clean the film from the cloves before use to remove bitterness. The pulp is used as a filling in a variety of baked goods, and marmalade is also made from it.

The taste of pomelo goes well with meat and fish dishes. In addition, this fruit helps these foods be better digested. You can make pomelo from the juicy pulp or juice original sauce, which goes well with a huge number of dishes.

Benefits of pomelo fruit and treatment

The benefits of pomelo fruit are due to its rich composition, which makes it possible to use it for treatment various diseases. For example, crushed fruit peel is recommended for use for inflammation and minor skin damage. Traditional healers say that regular consumption of pomelo helps improve immunity and should be used as a preventive measure and for the treatment of influenza, colds and various viral diseases.

Harm of pomelo fruit and contraindications

Pomelo fruit can cause harm to people with individual intolerance to the product. Allergy sufferers should avoid eating this fruit.

Pomelo is a citrus fruit and is the leader if we consider the fruit in terms of size. Otherwise, pomelo is called sheddock; some of them can weigh up to 10 kg. The average pomelo, which is supplied to store shelves, weighs about 1 kg, in some cases less. The fruit, originally from China, is loved by people from different countries peace thanks to special taste qualities and beneficial properties. But can a broomstick harm a person? Let's figure it out together.

Composition of pomelo

The chemical composition of the substances is proportional to the volume of the fruit. If the sheddock is fully ripe, it will satisfy human body all the elements necessary for proper functioning.

As with any other fruit, pomelo accumulates a lot of carbohydrates and essential oils, a little less proteins, fats, and ash. But the main component remains water, there is 100 grams of it per serving. as much as 89 gr.

Additionally, the fruits boast decent inclusion vegetable fiber and various vitamins, provitamins. Among the latter, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is distinguished; it is contained in excess. It also makes sense to consider thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, beta-carotene (good for the eyes).

From minerals Sheddock contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Not without the inclusion of iron, copper, manganese, zinc and other equally valuable substances.

Calorie content small portion, the volume of which does not exceed 0.1 kg. is only 37 units. If you eat a medium-sized fruit weighing about 0.9 kg, you will saturate your body with 340 kcal.

Useful properties of pomelo

  1. The composition includes essential oils, vitamin complex, and minerals. In combination, they all strengthen the human immune system during the off-season, during vitamin deficiency and the spread of influenza and ARVI epidemics. The body resists viruses better. Citrus should be consumed if you have been sick often since childhood.
  2. Incoming antioxidant substances prevent early tissue aging, restoring them at the cellular level. Pomelo should be eaten by those who live in unfavorable environmental conditions and work in a polluted enterprise.
  3. Potassium in combination with magnesium improves the functioning of the heart muscle, cleanses the blood flow and enhances its circulation. Some substances in pomelo cleanse blood channels from cholesterol plaques and prevent atherosclerosis.
  4. The incoming pectin fights hypertension, so people with high blood pressure should take pomelo. Sheddock also fights intracranial pressure, relieving constant headaches.
  5. Due to its low calorie and nutritional content, after taking pomelo, the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. This encourages dieters to introduce citrus into their daily diet for weight loss.
  6. If you eat at least 140-180 grams every day. pomelo, you will significantly speed up all metabolic processes. Food will be better absorbed and rotting in the cavity of the esophagus will be eliminated.
  7. The value extends to diabetics as well. Pomelo removes excess sugar from the blood, easing the course of the disease. To prevent anemia and treat an existing disease, sheddock is simply irreplaceable. It replenishes iron deficiency.
  8. The fruit contains substances that are valuable for the eyes. Citrus is recommended for use by people with poor eyesight. The fruit also increases juice production, enhancing digestive processes.
  9. Doctors unanimously say that juice based on this fruit must be included in daily menu patients with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. The same can be said about smokers; pomelo reduces dependence on nicotine.
  10. All citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on brain function; sheddock is not included in the list of exceptions. The fruit also prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  11. Use in the cosmetology field is also present. Various anti-aging masks, exfoliating scrubs and peelings are prepared from the dried and ground zest.

  1. Contains folic acid, which is responsible for the formation of the central nervous system fetus This vitamin forms the psycho-emotional environment of the mother, relieving the effects of stress and insomnia.
  2. Calcium in combination with phosphorus is needed for the full development of the child’s musculoskeletal system. Pomelo reduces the likelihood of congenital heart defects in a baby.
  3. The fruit is low in calories, so the expectant mother does not have to worry about gaining excess weight. Pomelo reduces swelling of the legs and eliminates fatigue, expels excess liquid from the body.
  4. Ladies in this position often suffer from constipation and heartburn; the fruit will cope with these delicate problems. It will also stabilize blood glucose levels and prevent anemia by replenishing iron deficiency.
  5. While carrying a child, a woman is exposed to virus attacks many times more intensely. There is no need to take serious medications when you have a cold. It is enough to consume a couple of slices of fruit daily to strengthen the immune system.
  6. In addition to tangible benefits during pregnancy, the fetus has a positive effect on the condition of the woman who is pregnant. breastfeeding. Pomelo increases lactation, enhances the nutritional value and fat content of milk.

Pomelo treatment

Citrus is useful only in fresh because after heat treatment valuable substances come out of its composition. Pomelo is often used in medicinal and for preventive purposes, let's look at some recipes.

  1. To increase your defenses, you need to provide each salad or cold main course with two slices of chopped citrus.
  2. With a tendency to atherosclerosis from 0.1 kg. peeled fruit, the white layer is removed, then the juice is squeezed out and mixed with 30 ml. olive oils. To eliminate cholesterol plaques that usually appear in the cavities of the blood channels, you need to take the mixture according to this recipe three times a week.
  3. For bronchitis, which is accompanied by severe sputum production, it is useful to prepare freshly squeezed pomelo-based juice. It is heated to 40 degrees and consumed in small sips.
  4. For seasonal diseases (sore throat, flu, ARVI), juice is combined with water in equal proportions. Gargle with this mixture.
  5. In order to cleanse the body of severe slagging, you need to consume half of the citrus fruit for the second meal (after breakfast).

Citrus fruit has proven itself very well in cosmetology. Unique components in the composition of raw materials have a beneficial effect on cells skin. To be effective, you can regularly wipe your face with undiluted juice. The procedure will help rejuvenate the tissues and restore freshness to the skin.

Pomelo for hydration and nutrition
Peel the citrus, remove the film and turn the slice into a homogeneous paste. Combine the mass with 10 g. honey and 12 ml. lemon juice. Distribute the product over the skin, wait a third of an hour. Wash off the mask with cold tea green tea. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer to your face. In addition to the mask, you can add yolk or oatmeal.

Pomelo against fatness
To normalize the production of subcutaneous sebum, it is recommended to use an effective mask. Peel a slice of fruit and turn it into a paste. Combine it with 15 ml. low-fat kefir. Soak a cotton sponge in pomelo juice and apply it liberally to your face. Wait for the composition to dry completely. Distribute the finished product over your face. Wait about 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your face with cool water as usual.

Pomelo as a scrub
For the procedure, you only need the zest of the fruit, a little sugar and olive oil. Take water treatments to keep your skin steamed and moist. Combine the above ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. Treat your body skin with the prepared product. Give a light massage. Leave the composition on the body, waiting a quarter of an hour. Please note that the scrub is not recommended to be applied to the décolleté and chest area. Wash it off with a contrast shower. The procedure can be repeated.

Pomelo contraindications

  1. The benefits of the fruit have been proven and recognized by official medicine. You shouldn’t think ahead of time that the fruit has no contraindications. Remember that pomelo is a citrus fruit and can provoke an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.
  2. It is forbidden to consume pomelo if there is peptic ulcer and increased acidity in the stomach. The fruit is contraindicated for nephritis, hepatitis and colitis. Consult your doctor if you have chronic pathologies. A fruit can be beneficial or harmful.
  3. If you eat the product and ignore the allergic reaction, your throat will become swollen. You may feel obvious attacks of suffocation. If you are not sure whether you have an allergy or not, conduct an appropriate experiment. Eat a slice of citrus and wait for the appropriate reaction. If this doesn't happen, that's good.
  4. During breastfeeding you should be careful. The product can be included in the diet only after consultation with a doctor. Citrus can cause unpleasant reactions in a baby if the product is abused. In this case, diarrhea, urticaria and itching also occur.

  1. Depending on the variety, the zest may have a distinct green, yellow or olive tint. You should not purchase fruit with obvious damage to the shell. It is also prohibited to buy a pomelo with spots and stripes of brown or burgundy.
  2. Such indicators indicate illness and poor quality of the fetus. Ripe fruit will be quite heavy. The aroma of a pomelo indicates its maturity. You should not purchase large and light specimens. They are dry and unripe.
  3. Buy fruits with a uniform texture and a hint of zest. There should be no dents on the peel. If you notice green spots, then the fruit is most likely not ripe. Press on the shell, it should return to its previous state.
  4. When choosing a pomelo, give preference to fairly large, weighty pear-shaped fruits. The color of the fruit will be yellowish. In this case, the pomelo pulp is fleshy, juicy and sweet.

Pomelo is a truly unique citrus that will fully help heal the body in every sense. Regularly eating the fruit will protect you from the development of various pathologies and ailments. Take a closer look at the contraindications when you first meet the fruit. Do not overuse citrus fruit, so as not to provoke the development of unpleasant consequences.

Video: benefits and harms of pomelo fruit

The largest and one of the healthiest citrus fruits is the pomelo. Perhaps not everyone has had the opportunity to try it, and not everyone knows about unique properties this product. It is imported into our country from Taiwan, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Israel. They collect fruits from large trees, which remain for a long time. all year round green. After flowering, citrus fruits ripen, this is a spectacle of amazing beauty, as a result of which very valuable fruits. To get the maximum benefit, they should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than three days, and room conditions it can last for a whole month. Why is it worth paying attention to it, and how is pomelo fruit useful for women and men?

Pomelo fruit: beneficial features and contraindications

Valuable vitamin composition pomelo

Pomelo is richest source, B1, B6, RR. It contains beta-carotene and, as well as a number necessary for the body macro- and microelements: magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Concerning energy composition, then 100 grams of this citrus contains only 0.4 grams of fat, 0.75 grams of protein, as well as 1 gram of fiber and 8 grams of carbohydrates.

This composition allows you to use pomelo for general purposes and for restoring the defenses of an organism weakened by disease. It is very useful during periods when there is a particularly lack of vitamins. A number of colds, viral infections and flu are very sensitive to foods containing such amounts of vitamins, so pomelo should be included in the diet in the spring and autumn.

Thanks to the essential oils contained in this fruit, the body is charged with vigor and restored. the immune system. Eating citrus fruit helps normalize heart function, brings it back to normal arterial pressure, and also prevents the formation of bad cancer cells in the body.

General beneficial properties of pomelo for the body

People who are prone to overweight, prefer to use pomelo for the purpose of losing weight. And this is absolutely the right decision! The substances contained in these fruits have a unique ability to break down fat and proteins, which leads to weight loss. Eating this fruit fills you up and gives you a feeling of absolute satiety, and this allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed during the day. In addition, consuming such fruit will not lead to a deficiency of vitamins and substances necessary for the body, as happens with any diet. In a word, you can lose weight profitably and with pleasure, enjoying the juicy, aromatic pulp.

The use of pomelo is recommended for hypertension and has an excellent preventive effect on blood vessels. If you are tired, upset or prone to mood swings and depression, be sure to pay attention to this product! He will come to the rescue, help restore vitality and protective forces, will lift your spirits and strengthen the nervous system.

The pulp contains a large number of calcium, due to which bones are restored and strengthened faster, fractures heal faster. And the presence of phosphorus in this fruit helps to activate brain activity. Special substances that are practically absent in other citrus fruits and fruits are limonoids. Once in our body, they have a powerful effect on it within 24 hours. This helps to increase productivity, better concentration and attentiveness.

By adding this fruit with royal table into your diet, you can improve kidney function, and. Thanks to high content iron, it activates the production of hemoglobin. This will prevent the development of anemia. Iron is easily absorbed, as it enters the body along with vitamin C.

A very effective extract is obtained from citrus seeds, which is used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, fungal skin infections and warts.

What are the benefits of pomelo fruit for men?

Men benefit from eating pomelo. Firstly, this fruit relieves symptoms well alcohol poisoning, which alleviates the condition of a hangover. Secondly, this fruit is considered powerful natural aphrodisiac, which will improve sexual function and increase sexual activity.

According to healers, this tasty “guest” from the Middle Kingdom improves the process of spermatogenesis. It is not without reason that there is an opinion among the Chinese that a broomstick as a gift to a loved one or any person symbolizes a wish for him male power and longevity.

For men whose daily activities involve working with machinery and require increased attention, healers recommend eating this miraculous fruit every morning. Then attentiveness and concentration are guaranteed for the whole day.

Useful properties of pomelo for women

First of all, it is worth noting that this is a citrus, which is highly recommended for pregnant women (but in the absence of any allergic reactions). It is able to normalize the metabolic process, and this is necessary for the prevention of toxicosis. The latter, as is known, occurs due to excessive levels of toxic components in the blood. In addition, it is useful for expectant mothers to eat this product to prevent the appearance of excess weight, and in order to protect yourself from depression and anxiety before the upcoming birth.

It is better for nursing mothers to avoid citrus, as a reaction may occur in a newborn baby.

With long-term consumption of this fruit, it is possible to effectively prevent breast cancer and other cancers. According to those who prefer to use folk remedies treatment, pomelo can even stop the growth of already formed dangerous cells. This greatly increases the chances of recovery and getting rid of a dangerous disease.

Fiber, which is contained in citrus, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stimulates its peristalsis. If you eat this overseas fruit for ten days, your libido will significantly increase. The peel added to tea or water lowers estrogen levels if there is an increased amount in the body.

It should also be said that this product can not only be eaten, but also used as cosmetic product. It is added to masks, used to rinse hair, and used to strengthen nails and cleanse the skin. About some folk recipes we'll talk more.

How to choose the right broom and use it?

The effectiveness of its external use and consumption depends on whether the fruit is chosen correctly. Pay attention to the skin: it should be smooth, the aroma should be quite pronounced and pleasant. The yellowness over the entire surface of the fruit should be uniform. The broom should not have any dents, stains or darkening. If the fruit is very large in size and light in weight, it means there is more peel than pulp. It is better to choose a small but heavy fruit.

So, a beautiful and incredibly healthy citrus is already in your home. We definitely eat a piece, and use the rest to nourish the skin of the face. Grind the pulp with a knife small pieces, add a little honey, a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face. It will be most convenient to carry out this procedure while lying in a warm, relaxing bath, then liquid consistency the mask will remain on your face. After 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with warm water and apply nourishing cream to the skin. You can repeat this mask 1-2 times a week.

To nourish and saturate the skin with vitamins, you can wipe your face with a fresh slice or a napkin moistened with juice. This will reduce oily skin. If fresh juice is diluted in equal proportions with water it will work excellent remedy to nourish dry skin.

For oily skin, you can also use the following mask: crush one piece of fruit with a fork, mix with a teaspoon of low-fat kefir. The resulting mass will give juice; you need to soak a cotton pad and wipe your face. As soon as the juice dries, apply the remaining mixture to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. You will see how it will freshen and acquire healthy shade.

Pomelo in the diet of diabetics

You can alleviate the course of this disease and minimize its manifestation with the help of this exotic. Fresh Juice useful for, but it is better to prepare it manually, without using juicers. This way absolutely all substances will be preserved. Immediately after eating you need to drink one hundred grams of the resulting juice.

You can also eat the pulp, although in case of diabetes, its benefits are still less. You should not eat more than 100 grams of fruit per day.

Does pomelo have contraindications for use?

Despite the huge list of advantages and useful properties, this product also has contraindications. Those who have increased stomach acidity or have recently undergone surgery due to a peptic ulcer or on the esophagus should avoid eating exotic citrus.

As for the tendency to allergies, you can consult your doctor about this. You should not overuse this fruit, but perhaps an experienced doctor will determine that safe standard, which will only bring benefits to the body and will not provoke an allergic reaction.


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Bright exotic citrus can be found on the shelves of our supermarkets. What is known about the beneficial properties and harms of pomelo fruit for the body? How to choose and use it correctly?

Pomelo fruit - chemical composition and calorie content

Shaddock, pomela - these names are given to the largest representative of citrus fruits with a pink tint of thick peel. The homeland of pomelo is China; references to the beneficial properties of the fruit date back to 100 BC. e.

Large fruits weigh up to 10 kg, having a diameter of about 30 cm. Round fruits are more common, but there are also pear-shaped ones, flattened on both sides. Many people who have tried pomelo say that the taste is similar to grapefruit. Only it is not so bitter, and the slices are a little dry.

The fruit has a pleasant aroma and a rich composition of useful components:

  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, A, E, group B);
  • organic acids;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus);
  • fiber (up to 1%);
  • essential oils.

Pomelo consists of water (85–90%), nutritional value represent carbohydrates (7–9%), proteins (0.5–0.8%), fats (0.1–0.4%), ash (0.4–0.7%). The fruit has a very low calorie content (28–40 kcal) than sweeter fruit, the more calories.

Beneficial properties for the human body

Pomelo Features:

  1. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Potassium strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, improves resistance to viral and colds. Ascorbic acid accelerates the healing process and improves human well-being. Using the fruit for prevention reduces the risk of seasonal diseases.
  3. Increases hemoglobin, relieves anemia.
  4. Reduces bad cholesterol levels. Vitamin E helps cleanse blood vessels of plaque, which reduces the chances of atherosclerosis and its complications - heart attack and stroke.
  5. Improves metabolic processes in the body. Lipase promotes the breakdown of proteins. Fiber stimulates the removal of toxins.
  6. It fights cancer and is an excellent preventative against tumors. Limonoids prevent cancer cells from multiplying.
  7. Strengthens bone tissue. Calcium promotes rapid rehabilitation after fractures.
  8. Improves mood, increases tone. Essential oils increase efficiency and concentration.
  9. Promotes weight loss. Low calorie and the ability to quickly saturate the body allows the use of pomelo in dietary nutrition.
  10. Makes tooth enamel stronger. Ascorbic acid and calcium reduce bleeding gums.
  11. Promotes the removal of phlegm in diseases respiratory tract(cough, asthma).
  12. Improves skin condition and makes it elastic.

Pomelo is the largest citrus representative.

The pomelo pulp is drier than other types of citrus fruits, the taste is slightly bitter, the fibers are large and elastic, the color is green-yellow, and the smell is vaguely reminiscent of a banana.

But the taste of pomelo is unusual - the combination of sour and sweet will be remembered by everyone.

The homeland of pomelo is China.

Before our era, this fruit was intended exclusively for the royal nobility.

And at the beginning of the 14th century it was brought to Europe, where it did not immediately take root. Currently, pomelo is grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, India and Indonesia.

Pomelo – component many dishes of Chinese, Thai and Indian cuisines. Interestingly, the weight of some pomelo can reach 20 kilograms!

There are 3 types of pomelo:

Red- fruit oval shape with bitterish red pulp

Pinkjuicy fruit with pink flesh and anthelmintic effect

White– the shape of the fruit resembles a pear, the flesh is white and sweet

Many people confuse pomelo with its close relative, grapefruit, mistakenly believing that their tastes are the same. However, their properties and characteristics are different in many ways. Pomelo is not a giant grapefruit, but rather its parent. How did you win hearts? unusual fruit?

Pomelo: what are the benefits for the body?

Pomelo is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and coarse fibers.

Unique taste pomelo acquitted him unique composition:


Vitamins B and A

Beta carotene

Vitamin C

Essential oils

Pomelo strengthens the immune system! Experts conducted interesting experience: Lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, orange and pomelo were tested for vitamin C. Surprisingly, the winner was pomelo! Found in it greatest number ascorbic acid. Being a source of vitamin C, pomelo serves as a prevention of colds, infectious and viral diseases. If they already exist, a broom will help deal with them easier and faster. Essential oils in pomelo perfectly strengthen the immune system.

The coarse fibers of the pomelo create a kind of food bolus that moves through the intestines. Coarse fibers collect waste and undigested food debris, absorb and remove them from the body.

Pomelo helps normalize work of cardio-vascular system and stabilizes blood pressure. Moreover, doctors have proven that pomelo can protect against the formation of blood clots in blood vessels!

Pomelo improves mood, increases vitality and helps to tone the body. Lemonides in pomelo are responsible for our performance, attentiveness and productivity. The phosphorus contained in pomelo promotes active mental activity.

Scientists have proven that pomelo helps in the fight against oncological diseases. Exotic fruit able to resist the proliferation of malignant cells.

Citrus lovers will definitely appreciate the special, fresh, pleasant taste fruit. If you compare pomelo with its relative, grapefruit, you will notice the difference - grapefruit has a bitter taste, while pomelo has a sweet taste. In summer, pomelo pulp can perfectly quench your thirst.

Pomelo is useful for lung diseases and poisoning. In China, many people make pomelo based medications.

The calcium in pomelo strengthens bones, hair and nails. Antioxidants in pomelo will help maintain youth and good physical health for a long time.

Pomelo - an assistant for gastritis and others stomach diseases. By making decoctions and tinctures from pomelo peel, you can quickly cope with poisoning, stomach upsets and intestinal disorders.

Pomelo is not only tasty and healthy, it is also healing. By inhaling the scent of pomelo peel, you can easily relieve nasal congestion and even lower your body temperature a little!

It is often difficult to force yourself to go to the gym or go on a diet next Monday. This is where the broom comes to the rescue! The fruit helps the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, speeds up metabolism and helps burn excess calories.

Pomelo is also useful in for cosmetic purposes. Excellent remedy for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin. By rubbing the skin with pomelo juice, the effect is immediately noticeable: the skin is shiny, rejuvenated, fresher and cleaner without an oily sheen. The pulp of the fruit is incredibly juicy and nutritious, so it is a companion fasting day it will become just a broom.

Pomelo is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, health and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give this fruit to your loved ones on New Year's Eve. Try to give a piece of happiness to your family by presenting them with a basket tropical fruit.

Often in European countries you can find pomelo decorations on their peel. At home, it is interesting to make a salad dish from the peel of the fruit, cutting the fruit horizontally in the shape of a circle.

Pomelo is an ingredient in many culinary dishes! Feel free to add it to salads, complement meat and fish, and top pies with it. Use the peel to make jam or flavor tea. And, of course, don’t forget that there is nothing better than starting your day with freshly squeezed juice.

The benefits of pomelo for the nervous system are invaluable. Pomelo is boldly called an antidepressant fruit. Eat this wonderful fruit and improve your mood! But the source of joy and happiness is not only the inside in the form of pomelo pulp, but also its peel. Psychologists advise not to throw away the peel, fill a deep vase with it and place it next to your sleeping place. Such a natural aromatic lamp will definitely give you positive emotions, energy and strength.

Calorie content of pomelo

Despite great amount beneficial properties, pomelo is low in calories - 100 g of product contains 25-40 kcal. Such boundaries are determined simple rule: how sweeter than a pomelo, the more calories it contains. The low calorie content of pomelo is explained high content it contains water - per 100 g of fruit there is almost 90 g of liquid!

Pomelo: what is harmful to health?

The benefits of pomelo have been proven, and no one will argue with that. But, like any product, pomelo has its disadvantages and contraindications.

You should not use pomelo if you have:

Allergic reactions to citrus fruits

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Increased acidity stomach


Be sure to consult your doctor before eating fruit if you have the above diseases. Eating pomelo can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases digestive tract. By greatly increasing the acidity of the alkaline environment, it causes heartburn.

An allergy to citrus fruits can lead to a swollen throat and even asthma attacks. In order to check whether you are allergic to pomelo, just eat 1-2 slices of it or remember what the body’s reaction is to other citrus fruits.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to eat pomelo, so as not to harm the health of your unborn baby. Excessive consumption pomelo can produce a laxative effect. Overeating fruit causes itching and hives.

Pomelo for children: good or bad

Due to the fact that pomelo belongs to the citrus genus, the fruit is strong allergen. It is not recommended to give pomelo to children under one year of age. After a year you can add it to your diet, but with caution and in small portions.

Be sure to consult with your pediatrician to see if including quite exotic foods in the diet will harm your baby. overseas fruit. If the child accepted the fruit well and the body did not give any reactions, feel free to feed the baby. But remember, it’s better to eat seasonal fruits eg pears and apples. They absolutely will not bring undesirable health consequences to the child.

Pomelo contains less juice than orange and grapefruit, and children are often neutral about this fruit. Therefore, parents can decorate desserts and fruit salads, adding a few slices of this healthy and delicious pomelo.

Children's salad with pomelo

It will require several simple ingredients:

Bunch of salad

Boiled breast

Hard cheese

Sour cream

The pomelo is cut, cleared of layers, and finely chopped along with a bunch of lettuce. Mix with small pieces soft boiled chicken breast. Rub on top hard cheese. Stir, pouring plenty of sour cream. If desired, you can add grated nuts.

How to choose a pomelo?

Only ripened fruit will bring benefits. How to find one and not make a mistake?

It should be soft to the touch, heavy in weight, aromatic in smell, and light yellow in color. It is best to buy pomelo from January to March, because these are the months when its ripening peaks. Be sure to keep an eye on the peel - it should not be damaged! The peel of the fruit should be hard and shiny, and the smell should be intense.

Whole pomelo is stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Cut fruit should be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 days.

Pomelo is an alternative to many unhealthy desserts. For more than 15 years, the fruit has been presented on store shelves - affordable, healthy, exotic. By many criteria, pomelo is superior to grapefruit: it is easier to peel, the taste is sweeter, and it is almost impossible to get dirty.

Once you try pomelo, you will definitely fall in love with it!