Preparing products from homemade milk. How to make fermented milk products at home

Hard cheese is one of the most popular delicacies in the world. Such success is understandable: the aromas and taste palette of hard cheeses are so diverse that everyone can choose the right “shade” for themselves, from rich, spicy-salty to nutty-sweet. In this article we will talk about methods and recipes for preparing dairy products at home.

To preserve its taste and reduce contamination, fresh milk must be cleaned in centrifugal milk separators or cream separators. In household farms, for purification, milk is simply filtered through several layers of gauze, linen or lavsan fabric. It is advisable to use strainers for this. Immediately after cleaning, the milk must be cooled. A can or other container with filtered milk is placed in cold water: a stream or a pool with running water, a bathtub with water. To cool 1 liter of milk you will need 3-5 liters of water. In dairy production, milk is cooled using refrigerants (freon, etc.). Refrigerated milk can be stored for up to 20 hours.

Primary milk processing
Milk processing
Making butter
Making goat milk butter
A modern way to make butter at home
Specifics of preparing different types of butter

Preparing sour cream

The old country way.
In milk, after 1.5-2 days, the sour cream rises and separates from the milk. Containers, usually milk jugs, pots, jars, glass jars, are transferred to a warm room, trying not to shake the contents (in winter - to a heated room). After 24 hours, the milk below the sour cream layer sours, and the sour cream is collected with a wooden spoon in a separate bowl. This is a ready-made product that can be used for seasoning soups, salads and other purposes, or for making oil. In the old days (and even today in villages) it was customary to collect sour cream in glazed clay pots, previously evaporated, heated in the sun and washed. Store this sour cream in the cold, but no more than 2-3 days. If butter is made from sour cream, the top thin layer must be removed so that the butter does not go rancid. Sour milk from sour cream is used to make cottage cheese, but only after the whey begins to separate.

Modern way. Sour cream is obtained from cream with 25-30% fat content. The cream must be heated to 60-63 °C and kept for 30 minutes or up to 85 °C without holding. They are then cooled to 22°C in summer and 38°C in winter. Stir and add 5% starter or 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream for 1 liter of cream. During the first 3 hours, the cream is stirred 2-3 times, and then left until ripening. The fermented cream is cooled to 3-8 °C and kept for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Store at 3-5 °C.

Cooking cottage cheese

Cottage cheese can be made from fresh kefir by placing it in a water bath, cooling and straining through cheesecloth. The finished product will have a sour taste. The process of making cottage cheese from milk is longer. Pasteurized milk is cooled to 25-28 °C in summer, and to 32-34 °C in winter. Then add the starter: kefir, yogurt or sour cream (1/2 cup per 1 liter of milk), place in a water bath (water temperature 38-40 ° C). When a tender curd forms in the milk and whey begins to separate, the milk is removed from the heat, cooled and placed on a sieve. The finished curd is collected and placed under a press or transferred to a gauze or linen bag and hung so that the remaining whey drains and the curd thickens.

Making fresh homemade cheeses

There are many types of national fresh cheeses, the production of which is associated with folk traditions. In their consistency, appearance and taste, they rather resemble cottage cheese. Their technology is determined by the type of raw material.

Making soft homemade cheese

Making full-fat homemade cheese

It is prepared in the same way as regular homemade one. However, you need to add sour cream to the yogurt (in a ratio of 3:1) and stir everything. You can add cumin to the finished cheese.

Making dry homemade cheese

The curdled milk should be placed in a Russian stove or oven. Then fold the cottage cheese into a gauze (2-4 layers) or linen bag, hang it or put it under a press. When the whey has flowed out, the curd is mixed with salt and again placed in canvas bags under a press. Keep for 2 days. Then they are taken out of the bags and placed on shelves, covered with linen. In the room where the cheese ripens and dries, you should not open the windows or heat the stoves. The cheeses are turned over daily. After 2 weeks, the cheeses become moldy. The cloth is removed to allow the mold to dry. The cheeses are then washed in hot whey. Change the serum until the mold is washed off. After this, the cheeses are again laid out on dry shelves. Now the windows are opened slightly from time to time.

The cheeses are turned over 2 times a day. When they have aired, they are transferred to baskets lined with grain rye and stored until used. Before use, the cheese must be washed in hot water 3 times and allowed to dry. Mold cannot be removed with a knife. The cheese turns out dry, but with a soft center.

Technology for preparing pickled cheeses

Types of pickled cheeses
Pickled cheeses - nuances of the recipe (continued)
Cooking feta cheese
Making table cheese

Preparation of Chanakh and Cobi cheeses

Chanakh and Kobi cheeses have the shape of truncated cones connected by wide bases. Weight - 4-7 kg, height - 17-19 cm and diameter - 21-25 cm. Cobi cheese is also produced in the form of bars with a square base with sides 18-20 cm, height 11-15 cm. With a truncated cone shape, the height of the head - 17-19 cm, wide diameter - 21-25 cm, narrow - 13-16 cm. Fat content in dry matter - at least 40-50%, moisture - 50-49%, salt - 4-8%. The taste and smell of cheeses are sharp, salty, and sour. A slight feed taste and slight bitterness are allowed. The consistency of the cheeses is dense, slightly brittle. A cross-section of the cheese reveals a pattern consisting of round, oval and angular eyes. The color of the dough is from white to slightly yellow. The outer layer is compacted, there is no crust. The surface is smooth, minor cracks and deformations are allowed.

Milk coagulation is carried out at 32-35 °C for 30-35 minutes. The curd is cut into cubes with a side of 10-15 mm, the duration of setting the grain is 5-10 minutes, kneading is 20-25 minutes, heating to a temperature of 36-38 ° C is 10-15 minutes. After the second heating, the cheeses are dried for 25-45 minutes. The whey is removed twice before the second heating (30%) and after drying (30-40%). After molding, self-pressing is carried out for 5-6 hours, turning the cheese 4-5 times. It is allowed to press cheeses at reduced pressure for 40-60 minutes. Cheeses are salted for 20-30 days. The cheese is matured in brine and stored in tanks or barrels. Kobi cheese is sold at the age of 30 days, in vats - 60 days.

At cheese factories, incoming milk is evaluated: color, taste, smell, acidity, fat content are determined, and tests are made for purity, etc. The received milk is weighed. To ensure the required fat content of cheese, a mixture of normalized and skim milk is usually prepared. For this purpose, separators-normalizers are used, in which the adjusting screw is set to a certain fat content of the milk mixture at the outlet. The finished mixture enters the baths. In the absence of separator-normalizers, the required amount of whole and skim milk is calculated by the square. In the center, the required fat content of the mixture is recorded (found using special tables) to obtain cheese of a certain fat content. Whole milk has been received with a fat content of 3.90 g and 0.08 g per 100 ml. These values ​​are recorded to the left of the square, in its corners. Next, the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number (along the diagonals) and the results (in parts) are written to the right of the square. These numbers indicate the number of parts of milk that should be poured into the mixture. For ease of calculation, multiply the fractions by 100.

Preparing milk for curdling
Curd processing
Cheese molding
Salting cheese. Waxing

Making Liman cheese
Cooking suluguni
Making Moldovan cheese

Making Armenian cheese

According to the preparation technology, Armenian cheese is close to Chanakh cheese. It is produced from pasteurized milk. A special feature of its production is the use of a special starter, selected according to the amino acid composition of the free amino acids formed. The cheese has a well-defined cheese taste and smell, a delicate, plastic consistency and a high degree of maturity. The amount of starter added is 0.7-1.2%. The cheese is salted in brine with a salt concentration of 16-17% at a temperature of 10-12 °C for 15-20 days. After salting, the cheese is dried at 10-12 °C for 10-12 hours and packaged in povidene film. The cheese ripens at a temperature of 8-10 °C up to 60 days from the date of production.

Making Chechil cheese
Making hard cheese

Making curdled milk

Fresh milk is filtered, pasteurized at 85 ° C without holding or boiled. Then it is cooled to 35-40 °C by placing the container with milk in cold water. Add starter, such as yogurt from a previous preparation or sour cream, and mix. Pour into jars and place in a dark place at 35-38 °C. After 6-10 hours, the yogurt is ready.

Preparation of kefir

Kefir, unlike other fermented milk drinks, is fermented with kefir grains. The fungi should be washed with warm boiled water, put in a glass jar, and filled with milk that has been boiled and cooled to 18-22 °C (1 g of fungi for 1/3 cup of milk). After 24 hours, the milk is filtered through a sieve. The fungi remaining on the sieve are washed again with boiled water and again filled with the same milk. The milk, which has been curdled a second time under the influence of kefir grains, is filtered and kept in the refrigerator - the starter is ready. The fungi remaining after straining are washed with boiled water, transferred to jars and used to prepare the next portion of the starter.

The milk from which you want to make kefir is boiled, cooled to 20-25 ° C, poured into jars and the starter is added: 2-3 teaspoons per 1 glass of milk. After some time, a clot forms in the milk, it is stirred and the kefir is cooled to 8-10 °C. After 2-3 days you can drink kefir. Instead of kefir grains, you can use store-bought kefir for starter culture.

Photo: Yulia Davidovich/

Do fermented milk products from the store seem bland and tasteless to you? There is an exit! Make yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese and sour cream yourself! Bacterial starters are a new word in home yogurt making.

The benefits cannot be overestimated. Its presence in a person’s daily diet is the key to good health and excellent well-being. Good fermented milk improves immunity, protects the body from infections, saturates it with many useful substances, and improves intestinal motility. According to the World Health Organization, 70 percent of our anticancer and antiviral immunity depends on our intestinal microflora. To maintain it at a sufficient level, you need to consume fermented milk products with a high content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The process of preparing the “correct” sour milk is simple and accessible even to a novice housewife. The reward for your efforts will be the pleasant taste of the delicacy, a lot of nutrients and a guaranteed absence of “chemicals”. You yourself will decide what fat content to use in milk and what to add to yogurt to make the perfect dairy product.

Bacterial starter – what is it?

Externally, the bacterial starter is a coarse, cream-colored powder. in sourdough they are in a “dormant state”, that is, in a state of suspended animation. As soon as they find good conditions favorable for their reproduction, their biological activity will be restored. Favorable conditions mean, of course, milk at a certain temperature.

All bacterial starter cultures contain specially selected strains of microorganisms that are capable of fermenting milk. Fermented milk products obtained as a result of the use of starter cultures have special preventive and therapeutic properties that are inherent in the bacteria that are included in the starter culture.

Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate on the product label what bacteria are contained in the sourdough and what effect they have. For example, the popular symbiotic starter culture is designed to restore intestinal microflora during and after taking an antibiotic and helps cope with dysbiosis.

Biokefir is an essential component of a healthy diet; it helps regulate the digestion process and improves intestinal motility.

For the little ones, the bifidocomplex helps the baby grow healthy and strong, increases appetite and improves digestion.

There are starters that help you lose weight and normalize your weight. Their action is so unique that dairy products created with their participation reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat and reduce its amount on internal organs.

There are special starters for athletes - fermented milk prepared with their help is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements. Such products promote healthy muscle growth and strengthen bones.

How to make fermented milk from sourdough

It is most convenient to entrust the preparation of a delicious fermented milk product to kitchen appliances or utensils with a temperature-maintaining effect. This could be a slow cooker, a yogurt maker or a small thermos. If you don’t have all this on hand, don’t worry, you can ferment milk in a regular glass jar. Just wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it like that for several hours.

Cooking recipe: bring the milk to a boil, wait until it cools to 45 C. The temperature can be measured with a special tea thermometer, it is sold in the haberdashery department. But in the absence of this cunning device, drop the cooled milk on your wrist: if it is warm, but does not burn, the product is ready for fermentation.

Combine a little milk with the starter in a separate container, shake well, wait until the starter is completely dissolved. After this, add the resulting mixture to the remaining milk and place in a container that maintains a warm temperature for 6-9 hours.

The finished product, like regular milk, is stored in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, its lifespan is short-lived; after just three days, the number of beneficial bacteria begins to decline. Therefore, enjoy the pleasant taste of homemade fermented milk in the first days after preparation.

How to choose milk

To ensure that homemade yogurt brings you maximum benefits, choose carefully. It is best to purchase homemade milk from a trusted farmer, but pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk from the manufacturer is also suitable. If you make the right choice, the prepared fermented milk product will contain not only beneficial microflora, but also essential amino acids, complete milk protein, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Enjoy your meal! Be healthy!

The principle of preparing plant-based milk is very simple - soak nuts or seeds in water overnight, rinse the nuts in the morning, put them in a blender, fill them with clean water and beat them together with water, and then filter through several layers of gauze. The resulting white liquid will be plant milk, which can be consumed during Lent by vegans and anyone allergic to lactose.

Another useful tip. At home, the taste and aroma of plant milk can be easily changed. For example, if you add pitted dates, honey, maple or agave syrup together with nuts and seeds in a blender, the drink will turn out sweet (without harmful sugar!). The taste and aroma can be changed using a variety of spices - vanilla bean, ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ground dry ginger, cloves or even red chili pepper.

To make plant-based milk, the most important thing is to stock up not only with good quality raw nuts and seeds, but also with a powerful blender. With its help, you can whip even hard nuts, such as coconut pulp or walnuts, without any problems and in a matter of minutes. Our choice – powerful and high-speedblender Moulinex Ultrablend LM936E10 . Six blades and a powerful motor ensure the most uniform consistency every time, while six automatic programs and the presence of a manual mode open up limitless culinary possibilities.

1. Almond milk

Almond milk is very popular among vegans because it is easy to prepare and tastes like a great substitute for cow's milk. You can use it to make cappuccino and latte, cook porridge on it, add it to smoothies, prepare Lenten pastries and pancakes. In addition, almond milk is incredibly healthy, containing vegetable protein, lipids, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, vitamins E and B, and it contains twice as much calcium as cow milk. Exactly! 100 ml of cow's milk contains only 120-150 mg of calcium, while the same amount of almond milk contains 273 mg. To prepare the drink, you will need raw, unroasted nuts. Just pour 1 cup of almonds with water and leave overnight; in the morning, rinse the nuts, put them in a blender, add 4-5 cups of filtered water and blend thoroughly for a few minutes. You will get a white thick liquid. Strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve and your almond milk is ready. The cake remaining in the gauze can be dried and you will get flour, from which you can prepare many delicious desserts - from macaroni cakes to lean pancakes.

2. Walnut milk

Walnuts are incredibly healthy. They contain a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals: A, E, C, groups B and PP, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and so on. Like all nuts, walnuts are an excellent source of vegetable protein and healthy unsaturated fats. Walnut milk is prepared in the same way as almond milk. Raw nuts (1 glass) are soaked overnight, washed in the morning, poured with 5-6 glasses of water and beaten in a powerful blender for several minutes, then filtered through a sieve. Walnut milk may taste slightly bitter, so you can add a natural sweetener such as flower honey, agave syrup or Jerusalem artichoke. Using the same recipe, you can make milk from any other nuts - hazelnuts, macadamia, cashews, Brazil nuts, pecans. Each of them is unique in its composition, rich in macro- and micronutrients, and can also be used for a variety of culinary purposes.

3. Cedar milk

I would like to talk about this drink separately, because it is a real champion in terms of the amount of nutrients. In addition, the protein of pine nuts is digestible by more than 90% and contains 19 amino acids, most of which are essential, that is, they are not produced by the body and must be supplied with food. Cedar milk contains beauty vitamins A and E, as well as a good set of B vitamins. The list of minerals is more than impressive - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, silicon and others. In general, it is enough to pour cedar milk over muesli for breakfast - and the reserves of nutrients in the body will be significantly replenished. Making this drink at home is very simple and quick – you don’t need to soak the pine nuts. Place a glass of peeled nuts in a powerful blender like the high-speed Moulinex Ultrablend LM936E10, add 2 glasses of water and start blending, gradually adding another 2-3 glasses of water. Leave the finished mixture for half an hour, then strain. The pulp can be added to smoothies, cereals, baked goods and salad dressings.

4. Coconut milk

Some people mistakenly believe that coconut milk is the liquid found inside coconuts. This liquid is called “coconut water,” while the milk is prepared from the pulp according to the same principle as all other types of plant milk. The pulp of 1 coconut should be placed in a blender with 3 glasses of filtered water, blended thoroughly for several minutes and strained. Dry the cake and use it as flour. Milk is an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. For example, it is used to prepare curry and tom yum soup, various sauces and vegan desserts. By the way, if you add half as much water, you will get thick coconut cream. When chilled, it is an excellent lean alternative to yogurt.

5. Sesame milk

Sesame is the record holder for calcium content (783 mg per 100 g of product). No dairy product can compare with it in this regard. In addition to this mineral, sesame milk contains vitamins E and B, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Nutritionists recommend adding sesame seeds to food and using sesame milk for anyone who wants to get rid of sugar addiction. In addition, sesame is inexpensive, unlike nuts. To prepare milk, soak a glass of sesame seeds in water overnight, drain the water in the morning and rinse the seeds in a sieve, transfer to a blender, pour in 1-1.5 liters of filtered water and beat for 30 seconds, no more, strain - and you get healthy, calcium-rich milk ready.

6. Pumpkin milk

Another budget option for plant milk. Pumpkin has a rather unique spicy taste and aroma, so it is not suitable for coffee and muesli. But for preparing cream soups, salad dressings and thick sauces for hot savory dishes, it is an ideal option. You can also heat it and beat it with ground cinnamon, honey or agave syrup. The result is a hot, spicy drink that is useful for both adults and children. In addition, pumpkin milk is rich in antioxidants, protein and unsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins. Soak 1 cup of peeled seeds overnight, rinse in the morning and blend in a blender with 4 cups of filtered water, and then strain.

7. Sunflower milk

The usual sunflower seeds produce delicious plant-based milk, rich in essential acids, minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin D. The only problem is that only raw, unroasted sunflower seeds are suitable for making milk. Continue with the same recipe: soak 1 cup of seeds overnight, rinse in the morning and beat with 4 cups of water and sweetener to taste. For example, a couple of spoons of maple syrup. Strain and the milk is ready. The taste is rich and bright, so it may not be the most suitable option for cappuccino, but for any other culinary purposes it is an excellent lean alternative to cow's milk.

8. Oat milk

We figured out how to make plant-based milk from nuts and seeds. Let's move on to cereals. And first in line is oatmeal. It produces not just milk, but a real drink of beauty and youth. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, oatmeal is a budget product, and the cost of milk from it is a pittance. Even cheaper than rice. You don't have to prepare the drink all night, just 10-15 minutes is enough. To prepare milk, we recommend using whole grain flakes. For 1 glass you will need 1 liter of filtered water. Pour water into the flakes in a blender and leave for 10-15 minutes, add pitted dates or honey if desired, and then blend in a blender for about 3 minutes until the whole mass becomes a uniform consistency and color. Strain through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Oat milk is ready.

9. Rice milk

The preparation of rice milk is somewhat different from the recipe we are already familiar with. A glass of regular white rice needs to be soaked overnight, in the morning, rinse the rice, put it in a blender and beat with plenty of water - you will need about 7-8 glasses. Next, the mixture will need to be brought to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally, cooled and strained. Rice milk is quite thick and bland in taste, which can be changed by adding maple or agave syrup. It is ideal for making milk porridges.

As you can see, making plant-based lean milk at home is very simple. What's more, you can make it with just about any nuts, seeds, and grains you can find. For example, from exotic quinoa and chia, poppy or flax seeds. A little effort - and on your table you have natural lean plant milk, richprotein and useful substances.

How to prepare fermented milk products yourself

We tell you how to prepare cottage cheese, sour cream and fermented baked milk at home.

The most delicious fermented milk products are homemade. They are the most reliable. After all, when making them, you definitely won’t use palm oil, harmful preservatives, or dilute milk or cream. Unfortunately, we rarely make these products. It seems so long and labor intensive. In fact, making homemade yogurt takes about 20 minutes + one night of standing time. The next morning you already have high-quality, delicious yogurt. The same can be said about sour cream or cottage cheese.

You just need to make thoughtful preparation for the process, but only once. Buy starters and a thermometer, if necessary, find a place with high-quality milk.


If you buy milk in a store, you need to buy pasteurized milk. Good test: buy and wait until expiration date. If the milk sours easily, and the resulting yogurt has a pleasant taste, such milk is suitable for preparing dairy products at home.

Sourdough starters

To obtain most fermented milk products, you need to add starter to milk. Usually this is the original product already obtained. That is, if you need yogurt, you need to add a spoonful of yogurt to the milk. Moreover, in some cases, the older the starter and the bacteria living in it, the better the fermented milk product. Therefore, it is best to take sourdough from neighbors or friends. Although you can buy it: some stores and companies that make fermented milk sell starter cultures for yoghurt, kefir and other fermented milk products; starter cultures are also sold in pharmacies.

For cheese making, you need rennet, which you can’t easily find in stores. The surest way is online shopping. Specialized for cheese making. There are many different starters there and they are inexpensive. The only downside is that you have to pay for delivery.


You can’t do without it if you decide to start making cheese at home, and even if you just want to make sour cream. Because “by eye” - the temperature of liquids is not determined. For example, 29-30 degrees is cool water for the hand. It seems colder than room temperature. Theoretically, you can only determine a temperature of 40 degrees by tasting the liquid with your lips; if it doesn’t burn or cool, then that’s about what you need. But in cheese making you often need to raise and lower the temperature by 5-10 degrees. And here you can’t go without a thermometer.

A regular probe thermometer will do for us. By the way, it is universal. For both liquids and steaks, you can also measure the temperature of the baked goods inside.

Curdled milk

It is usually obtained by self-fermentation. That is, the milk simply sours and after a day is converted into yogurt. If you want to speed up the process, you can add a spoonful of old yogurt and a crust of black bread to the milk.


The same curdled milk, but from baked milk. Baked milk is milk that has been simmered for a very long time at a temperature of 95 degrees. Previously, this product was obtained in Russian ovens. In urban kitchens we can use a slow cooker.


It is often recommended to use store-bought natural yogurt as a starter, but this is not entirely safe, since it may contain unaccounted for components, for example, thickeners and stabilizers. It is best to take the starter from a friend who makes homemade yogurts, or buy dry starter - it is sold in some pharmacies.

We will need:

Pasteurized milk with a short shelf life
Sourdough: Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococci
Tools: thermos or yogurt maker

Step 1. Dilute the starter with a glass of warm milk.

Step 2. Pour into a thermos and leave for 6-8 hours in a warm place.

Tip: The starter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. After it is used up, you can use your own yogurt for fermentation.

Step 3. Boil milk and cool. Pour into a thermos.

Step 4. Add the starter. For 1 liter of milk - 1 tablespoon. Leave for 6 hours.

Sour cream

Once upon a time, sour cream was prepared very simply - it formed on the yogurt as a thick yellow layer of sour cream. This method is suitable if you have a familiar cow and a reliable milkmaid - you can make sour cream from village fat milk without any effort.

But usually, even good milkmaids sell us skim milk. This is milk that has had a layer of cream removed from the top. Therefore, there will be a layer of cream on the milk, but a very thin one. And there’s nothing to say about store-bought milk. It does not produce cream.

Still, sour cream can be made at home.

You will need:

1 liter of cream
Sourdough starter: 1 g (1 sachet) sour cream starter
Tools: slow cooker, thermos or yogurt maker

Step 1. Heat the cream to a temperature of 35 degrees.

Step 2. Add sourdough into the cream (if there is no dry sourdough, you can add a spoonful of sour cream).

Step 3. Pour the cream with the starter into a yogurt maker, multicooker or thermos, and maintain a constant temperature of about 35-38 degrees for 8-12 hours.

Step 4. When the cream thickens, put it in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese

For homemade cottage cheese you will need good milk with a short shelf life. A simple test: if the milk sours and produces decent curdled milk, then it is suitable for cottage cheese, yogurt and other experiments. It is best, of course, to buy milk from a farmer, fresh, tasty and fatty. This milk will also make sour cream, and the yield of the final product will be greater.

3 liters of fresh milk
Sourdough: 1 crust of black bread
Tools: Gauze

Step 1. Put a crust of black bread into the milk and leave it to sour for 2-3 days and turn into yogurt.

Step 2. Place the curdled milk in a saucepan and place on low heat.
Advice: if sour cream has formed on it, they are also sour cream, it is better to remove it.

Step 3. Heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring gently from bottom to top several times with a wooden spoon.

Step 4. Leave to cool and separate overnight. Then put the cottage cheese in cheesecloth and leave to drain for several hours.

From whey

By the way, the whey, that is, the liquid that is cut off when the curdled milk is heated, does not need to be poured out. You can cook a lot of delicious things with it, and you can use it for cosmetic purposes - as a nourishing mask for the face, body and hair. White kvass is also made from whey, and pancakes are baked with it. And they cook ricotta.

Jun 12, 2017 Olga