What can you prepare for your loved one on February 14th? What to cook for a romantic dinner? — Chicken breasts stuffed with, say, strawberries and cheese will be especially delicious.

If you are one of the people who are not used to limiting themselves to giving a Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day, then you will definitely like the idea of ​​a surprise! “The Cross” gives a fairly complete answer to the question of what surprise you can give to your loved one on February 14th. Let's get inspired and start preparing! 🙂

Notes with declarations of love

Box with declarations of love

Let's start with the fact that on this day there will be more than one Valentine! Buy a beautiful gift box (alternatively, print out a template and fold the box yourself or cover it with any gift paper you have in the house... with hearts)) and put a fabric heart in it.

Then cut out many, many multi-colored hearts from colored paper and on each of them write declarations of love in the following form: “I love you because...” or “What I love most about you is...”. Place all the paper hearts in a box and give them on the designated day. Your loved one will take out every heart with interest! In the future, you can take one or two hearts out of the box at random at any time, read and remember pleasant moments)

Sweets with declarations of love

A slightly modified version of this surprise with love notes is that you buy a package of Mentos-type sweets, carefully open it, take out the sweets, and then put them back into the package, but alternating them with notes! Thus, when he takes out the candy, he will also take out your message of recognition) Be prepared for a call from your loved one with words of gratitude for the surprise!

Cookies with declarations of love :)

Those who are close to the culinary arts can bake cookies in the shape of hearts and solemnly present them to their loved one, let them take them with them to work (study) and drink tea during a break. Of course, at this moment he will think exclusively about you)

Diary “Only for him”

It may be too late to give a diary in mid-February, but you can still do it. The surprise will be that on the pages with memorable dates for your couple, you will write something corresponding to that day. You can go further and paste photographs of yourself or you with him on some pages, rewrite some of the SMS messages sent by him or sent by you.

To implement this idea, buy a dated diary, otherwise you will have to put down dates for a long time in search of the right one.

Or you can simply write something pleasant on each page of the diary) Then each new day for your loved one will begin with reading your parting words or... a declaration of love.

How it was…

Another similar surprise gift can be arranged like this. Cut out several large hearts and many, many small ones from paper. Place large hearts in those places in the apartment in which you made love and be sure (!) to write a short story about how and when it happened) The writing style can be anything: from comic to playful.

Then, starting from the front door, make paths of small hearts leading to large hearts.

When your loved one finds one heart, reads it and understands the essence of the surprise, he will immediately want to find all the others! Men love to play treasure hunting) Well, and then... then no one has the right to forbid you to repeat everything described in the hearts again)) A romantic surprise for your loved one will be a success!

You can give your man the opportunity to make you a cat or another character that turns him on. How? Very simple. Buy body art paints and a soft brush, place it all in the room, turn off the lights, light candles. When your loved one comes home, blindfold him, take him to the kitchen, feed him a light holiday dinner, and then, blindfolded again, lead him into the room. Next, all you have to do is undress and offer your services as a model. He will really like it!

Recipes for romantic dishes with photos for February 14 (for Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day)– this is a real art in creating food! It should not only be tasty, but also skillfully decorated, in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

So, what dishes are most suitable? First of all, they should be light and not overload the stomach. Thus, after eating on Valentine's Day, you should not feel heavy. In accordance with this rule, the best choice for a romantic menu would be a variety of vegetable salads, fish and seafood dishes, and light desserts.

For your other half, you can prepare her favorite dish, and simply decorate it in an appropriate way. So, for example, it won’t be difficult to put your favorite salad in the shape of a heart. Therefore, when creating a food menu for Valentine’s Day, be sure to take into account the tastes of your beloved or your loved one!

The number of dishes that you plan to put on the table can be very diverse, and depends on whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner. So, in the morning it is better not to overload the stomach with excess food. Some light salad, heart-shaped scrambled eggs or some dessert with a cup of coffee would be ideal. Lunch can be more varied and consist of more romantic dishes. You can even serve it hot. In this case it will be quite appropriate. You can also serve several dishes for dinner, but it is advisable that they are still light.

Surprising your significant other on February 14th is not at all difficult. Just show your imagination and you will certainly succeed. If you don’t have any ideas for a festive menu for Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t matter! On our website you will find a lot of photo recipes for dishes for Valentine's Day, the preparation steps of which are described in detail. In addition, step-by-step photographs, visualizing the cooking process, will help you understand all the subtleties and nuances. And even if you are new to cooking, then with the help of our recipes, preparing dishes “for two” will be easy for you!

Option number one

Salmon and chicken would be good for the main course. For dessert - beautiful ice cream, and to end the evening - an exotic cocktail.

Chicken rolls with cheese

You will need:
chicken fillet;
vegetable oil;
feta cheese, feta cheese or Adyghe cheese;
seasonings or mixture of herbs to taste.

The meat must be cleaned of fat and cut into thin pieces, no more than 1 cm thick. The pieces must be covered with cling film and carefully beaten with a hammer on one side. If the pieces are large, you can cut them in half and then grease them with vegetable oil. Add salt if the cheese is fresh. Add pepper and a mixture of herbs to taste. Then cut the cheese into pieces and wrap it in chicken meat in the form of a roll. Wrap bacon on top of the roll. Place all the rolls in a mold and sprinkle with olive or other oil and add pepper. The rolls are baked for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

"Royal Love"

lightly salted salmon;
vegetable oil;

Salmon fillet is cut into thin strips approximately 10 cm long and no more than 3 cm thick. Making the filling for the fish. The avocado needs to be peeled and ground in a blender. Add lemon juice, spices and olive oil to the avocado puree. Then beat in a blender again. After this, spread the resulting puree onto the pieces of salmon - one teaspoon for each strip of fish. We make a roll and fasten it with a skewer. The dish is ready.

"Unique" ice cream

dark chocolate (200 g bar);
sugar (100 g);
cream (200 g, high fat content);
coffee liqueur (about 50 g);
a pack of gelatin;
two tablespoons of cocoa;

The chocolate is crushed in a blender, and the cream must be whipped with vanilla and sugar. Dissolve the gelatin and add to the slightly warmed liqueur. Then all the resulting blanks are mixed and laid out in any molds. Leave the dish in the refrigerator until the ice cream hardens. Before serving, sprinkle each serving with cocoa powder.

"Hot Feelings"

To make a cocktail you need:
fresh strawberries (500 g);
juice of one lemon;
orange syrup;
sugar (1 tbsp);
ice cubes.

Wash the strawberries thoroughly under running water and place in a blender. Grind the berries until a puree forms. Then add orange syrup, lemon juice, champagne, sugar and crushed ice to the resulting puree. The cocktail is mixed and now it can be poured into glasses.

Option number two

All dishes in this version are exotic and unusual. An appetizer with fruit, a salad with shrimp, and to end the evening, a dessert with bananas.


To prepare the snack you need:
large pineapple;
salmon fillet (250 g);
lemon juice;
hot peppers;
soy sauce;
vegetable oil;
a few mint leaves.

Cut the pineapple in half and carefully remove the contents. We don’t throw away the shell; we’ll need it later. Cut the pineapple pulp into cubes, chop the salmon fillet and mix them together. Then add hot pepper, finely chopped mint leaves, soy sauce and vegetable oil to the salad. Add salt and mix thoroughly. Place the resulting salad in the remaining pineapple halves and serve.

"First love"

peeled shrimp (200 g);
green beans (100 g);
Chinese cabbage.

Shrimp and beans must be boiled first. The onion is cut into thin halves of rings, and the dill is chopped. You can simply chop the cabbage. Combine shrimp, onions, beans and dill together in a large bowl, add mayonnaise and mix well. Leave the salad for 30 minutes. After this, put cabbage on a plate, and shrimp and vegetables on it. Salad ready.

"Flame" for dessert

You will need:
butter (100 g);
sugar (100 g);
cognac (100 g);
two bananas;
two oranges.

Dessert should be served in the same container in which it was prepared. Therefore, it is better to take a frying pan. Melt the butter in a frying pan, peel the bananas and cut into several pieces. Fry in oil on all sides. Then the bananas are placed in a bowl to dry a little. Add sugar and orange juice to the oil remaining after frying the bananas. Fry the resulting mass until the consistency becomes more stretchy. Remove the pan from the stove and return the bananas to it. Before serving, the dessert is poured with cognac and set on fire.

Option number three

The most original and low-calorie dishes for a light romantic dinner. Salmon with sauce, exotic salad and meringue. At the end of the evening - an unusual and tasty cocktail.

"Spicy" salmon

fresh salmon fillet (500 g);
honey (1 tbsp);
lemon juice;
dry mustard;
ground pepper;

The fish is cleaned, washed and cut into small pieces. In one bowl, mix lemon juice, half a teaspoon of mustard, salt and pepper. Add the mixture to the chopped fish and leave to marinate for 20 minutes. Then grease the frying pan for baking fish with sunflower oil and place the salmon on it. Preheat the oven, then bake the fillet in it for about half an hour.

"Sophisticated Lady"

To prepare the salad you need:
shrimp packaging;
vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil);

In one bowl, mix honey, pepper, chopped dill, lemon juice, olive oil and salt. The mixture is whipped with a mixer. The whole lettuce leaves are laid out on a plate. The grapefruit must be peeled, the films removed from it and cut into small pieces. Then peel the pear, chop finely and add to the salad. Wash the shrimp, clean and fry in olive oil. After this, leave them on a napkin for a while to drain off excess fat. Add shrimp to the salad and peel the mango. Mix mango pieces with cinnamon and place all ingredients on plates with lettuce leaves. Pour the finished dish with sauce whipped in a mixer.

"Sweet Dreams"

To prepare meringue you need:
white from four eggs;
raisins (100 g);
nuts (100 g);
powdered sugar (1 tbsp);
dark chocolate bar (200 g);
candied fruits (10 g);
butter (50 g).

Beat the egg whites with a mixer together with powdered sugar until foamy. Grind the nuts in a blender, then add them along with candied fruits and raisins to the egg whites. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Using a pastry syringe or a regular spoon, spread the mixture with egg whites in small portions on a baking sheet. The meringue is baked in a preheated oven at low temperature for 60 minutes. Then the chocolate is melted in a water bath with butter and stirred until smooth. The meringue is dipped into the chocolate glaze and left to harden.

"Eternal love"

For the cocktail you will need:
strawberry liqueur (200 g);
champagne (500 g);
ice cream (100 g).

All ingredients are mixed in a blender. The cocktail is poured into glasses. You can put some ice in each glass.
Valentine's Day is a holiday on which you can prepare the most unusual dishes for your beloved man. Will you cook something delicious for your husband or opt for more practical gifts for your husband on February 14?

Valentine's Day is an event that all lovers look forward to all year long. On this day, everything is saturated with love and the aromas of tender feelings are in the air. We want to give each other joy, and we try in every possible way to show our feelings. To celebrate this tender holiday, you can prepare dinner.

In order to prepare a pleasant surprise for your loved one at home, you need to make a little effort. The main thing is your sincere desire to give your loved one a holiday. Creating an atmosphere of love at home is even a little easier than in a public place, such as a restaurant. Don't know what to cook for a romantic dinner on February 14th? We have selected the best dishes for you.

No dinner is complete without delicious dishes. On Valentine's Day, they should fully correspond to the atmosphere of love. Everything in the dish should speak about your feelings, from taste to presentation.

Quick option

Naturally, on the day of universal love, it is important to give a dear person many pleasant surprises. It’s just important to do this without harming yourself. Standing at the stove all day, you are unlikely to look sexy. Therefore, to quickly prepare dinner, choose simple recipes. You should spend a maximum of 1-1.5 hours on all dishes.

Preparations for romantic dishes can be prepared discreetly in one day. Also, immediately think about your appearance so that there is no panic on February 14th.

Think over the menu in advance, select the most ideally combined dishes. Purchase ingredients two to three days in advance. You may not be able to find all the spices in your local store.

Even if your significant other loves cabbage rolls, there is no need to cook them. After a hearty and heavy meal, you are unlikely to have an intimate continuation of the evening. Therefore, prepare exclusively fluffy and low-calorie dishes, or even better.

Remember that this is a celebration of love, so dishes and napkins should be decorated with elements of love.

To add a spicy note to prepared dishes, add aphrodisiacs that are not prohibited by anyone: chocolate, nutmeg, mushrooms, cinnamon.

For drinks, give preference to champagne. The point here is not about traditionality, but about the fact that this drink gives you a slight intoxication and allows you to feel relaxed, but without experiencing a headache.

A romantic dinner is prepared exclusively for two people. Therefore, if you have annoying friends and relatives, tell them straight away not to come to you that evening.


Chocolate ice cream for lovers


  • Chocolate – 150g.
  • – 1 pack.
  • 20% - 250g.
  • Vanilla
  • Mint liqueur – 2 tbsp.
  • Cocoa – 3 tsp.
  • Mint – 5 sprigs

Making chocolate ice cream:

  1. Chop the chocolate. Soak gelatin according to package directions.
  2. Whip cream with vanilla sugar. Do not do this for too long, as the cream may overflow.
  3. Warm up the mint liqueur and slowly dissolve the prepared gelatin in it.
  4. Slowly stir the liqueur and gelatin into the cream. Add chocolate and mix everything well.
  5. Place the resulting mixture into molds and place in the freezer for 4 hours. Stir the ice cream every 30 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle with cocoa before serving (use angel or heart stencils). Garnish with fresh mint sprigs.

Chicken with strawberries and cheese


  • Chicken breast – 4 pcs.
  • Fresh strawberries – 300g.
  • Hard cheese (your favorite) – 300g.
  • Butter – 30g.
  • Salt, spices

Preparation of strawberry-stuffed breast:

  1. Clean the chicken fillet and rinse in cold water. Dry it. We also wash the strawberries, remove the stems and remove any kind of damage.
  2. Make cuts in the chicken breasts, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Cut the strawberries into cubes and do the same with the hard cheese. Stir the filling and add melted butter to it.
  4. Fill the pockets in the breast with the filling and sew them up with kitchen thread.
  5. Place the strawberry breasts in the pan and bake for forty minutes. The temperature should be 180 degrees.
  6. While baking, baste the breasts with melted butter to prevent them from becoming dry.
  7. After cooking, decorate the dish beautifully.

Avocado and salmon appetizer


  • Lightly salted salmon – 500 gr.
  • Avocado – 1-2 pcs.
  • Favorite lettuce leaves
  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Spices
  • Toothpicks

Preparing avocado and salmon appetizer:

  1. Salmon should be cut into oblong strips: width – 4 cm, length – 12 cm.
  2. Peel the avocado and cut into small cubes. We put it in a blender and get puree.
  3. Add salt, oil, lemon juice to the puree and mix.
  4. Place filling on each piece of salmon. Roll up the rolls and secure them with toothpicks.
  5. Place the rolls on a plate decorated with lettuce leaves.

Marzipan heart


  • Almonds – 3 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Pink dye – 1 pack.

Preparation of marzipan heart:

  1. grind into fine crumbs.
  2. Combine almond flour with powdered sugar, lemon juice and well-beaten eggs.
  3. Knead the resulting dough and sprinkle with powdered sugar. We form hearts out of it and put it in the freezer for one hour.
  4. You should have some dough left over for the tops. Pour the dye into it and knead until the color is uniform.
  5. We make small hearts or roses from it. Place them in the cold for 30 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle the finished dessert with powder and lemon zest.

Cocktail for your loved one


  • Strawberries – 300 gr.
  • Lemon – 1
  • Raspberry syrup – 3 tbsp.
  • Champagne – 3 tbsp.
  • Lime – 1
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

Preparing your favorite cocktail:

  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and chop them.
  2. Make a puree from the berries using a blender.
  3. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and add it to the strawberries. We do the same with sugar and ice.
  4. Pour strawberry puree into a bowl, add raspberry syrup and chilled champagne to it.
  5. Stir and enjoy the spicy cocktail.

Cooking dinner for your beloved partner is not that difficult. Believe me, it's much better than ready-made meals in a restaurant. It's always nice when they try for you. Celebrate Valentine's Day with a heart filled with love.

For a man to be delighted and in love, he needs to be surprised and pampered. On Valentine's Day, he needs to be surprised and pampered with redoubled force, so that he realizes the need for this holiday and looks forward to it all year. A good way to pamper your man (and your loved one too) is a festive romantic dinner. So, what to prepare for February 14?

Table setting

Even if you are used to eating in front of the TV with your legs tucked under you, on this day you will have to try and add solemnity to the moment. Set the table for two. Use accessories with images of hearts and flowers, red and burgundy tones, and candles when setting the table. Let the drinks be red too - after all, this is the color of passion.

Food: what to cook for February 14

Your romantic dinner should be hearty, but you shouldn't overeat and fall asleep right at the table (most likely, you and your loved one already have plans for what to do after dinner). Therefore, do not try to prepare for the whole world - A couple of light snacks, a main course and dessert will be enough for the two of you. Avoid fatty foods (meats, cheeses) - they will not ignite your passion, but on the contrary, they will calm you down, relax you and put you to sleep.

If your loved one loves seafood,
We recommend this simple and effective presentation of dishes

First, a little theory. It is best to use aphrodisiac dishes to ignite passion: vegetables, fruits, nuts, chocolate, seafood, hot spices, red wine. We would like to warn those who like to snack on wine with cheese: such a set may cause unexpected seething in your stomach; it is better to use meat and fruit as an appetizer for wine.

When thinking about what to cook for February 14, remember that all dishes should be such that they can be eaten beautifully (without getting dirty).

Romantic menu

Let's start with the appetizers.

They will look festive and unusual (and be eaten with pleasure) savory and sweet snacks from Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. For example, a salad of pineapples, chicken and cashews in a spicy Thai sauce, a light salad of tomatoes, feta and lettuce with black pepper, canapés with pineapple, seafood and olives.

The base of this salad is pineapples, chicken and cashews.
You can supplement them with other ingredients to taste.

Fry eggplants in garlic sauce and wrap them in rolls stuffed with curd cheese and herbs. Make an unusual Chinese salad of stewed oranges and pine nuts.

Lettuce, orange, grated cheddar, pine nuts,
sesame seeds, sesame and vegetable oil, a little orange juice,
a few drops of spicy and a few drops of soy sauce, and the bright Chinese salad is ready!

Be sure to put it on the table assorted nuts and fruit plate(aphrodisiacs, don’t forget).

Now let's move on to the hot stuff. It should also be non-greasy, light and have an unusual taste. Avoid lamb, fatty meats, smoked meats, and hearty soups. Serve light pasta with seafood stewed in white wine and cream. Or fry chicken fillet breaded with ground oatmeal. You can cook fish baked in foil with lemon juice and sweet pepper.

If your significant other does not accept dinner without meat, bake it on the bone -
this will help you avoid getting dirty. It's good to cook fish if you have
not very much time - they will be ready an order of magnitude faster than meat

Asian food lovers They will be happy to see spicy Thai tom yum soup or fried chicken with tomatoes and sweet peppers prepared in the best Chinese traditions on the table. You can also grill salmon or salmon.

What sweets should you prepare for February 14? The dessert should be light and non-greasy. Choose fruit and milk desserts: puddings, parfaits, and, of course, chocolate. You can dip strawberries or banana slices in hot chocolate and cool in the refrigerator. A win-win dessert option for two is ice cream. It, although cold, will ignite your passion even more.

The main thing for dessert is not abundance, but decoration. Plates can be decorated
melted chocolate using a pound stick or a pastry syringe

Ice cream can be flavored with a good portion of berries,
raisins or nuts or serve with sweet sauce

It is important not only to know what to prepare for February 14 and - turn off laptops, phones, TVs. Even the most delicious and unusual dinner will be ruined if you post a photo of the table on Instagram, and he watches hockey. Take time for each other, forgetting at least for one evening about the existence of the rest of the world. And all will be well.