Where do the balloons go? Where do the balloons fly? Launching balloons.

No matter what kind of audience you have in front of you, they will perceive the upcoming event with enthusiasm. Guests of any age will be happy to take part in the launch.

The spectacle is distinguished by its spectacularity and will certainly be remembered by those gathered. Releasing the balloons at the end of the celebration will be a wonderful finishing touch. Balloon launching is suitable for both adults and children. Wedding or children's party, birthday or last call, corporate event or public holiday - it will be beautiful and appropriate for any event.

Promoters actively use the option of launching balloons at many events - the opening of beauty salons, clubs, cafes or restaurants. Among other things, it manages to lift the spirits of the assembled guests and ordinary passers-by.

The launch is quite a bright and large-scale event; helium balloons will quickly fly into the sky, so it should be held outside the premises. Clear weather without precipitation is best. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the forecast of meteorologists in advance, and if snowfall, rain or strong wind is expected, then it is better to abandon such an idea and prepare an alternative replacement.

It is worth noting that it is difficult to find a worthy replacement for such an event. Multi-colored helium balloons soaring upward, like a cloud, smoothly rise above the heads of present guests or random passers-by. This magnificent spectacle will certainly attract attention and be remembered for a long time.

In order for your efforts to be justified and the launch to be spectacular, it is very important to correctly calculate the required number of balls. Experienced party planners estimate that at least a thousand balloons are needed. The best option is 2-3 thousand helium balloons. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve a stunning spectacle.

The preparatory stage and the effect of the event resembles the process of dropping balls. The difference lies in the technical subtleties. To reset, heavy balls are needed, since their main task is to go down.

The launching balls must be lighter than air in order to rise upward without hindrance. This is why it is necessary to use helium, an inert gas, to fill the balloons. It is with its help that the balls will be able to take off and get lost in the clouds.

To launch the balloons, you must discuss the procedure with the organizers in advance. Balls can be launched at a certain time or by any command. It is possible to warn guests in advance and draw their attention to the upcoming event, or to make the launch a complete surprise for those gathered.

A huge box is suitable for disguising the balloons, which is most often used at a wedding ceremony. For example, as soon as the newlyweds leave the doors of the registry office, the box opens and the balls rise into the sky. This is a kind of greeting. It is worth remembering that the number of balls that fit in the box is not large.

In addition, you can use a net that is designed for any number of balls, and watching from the side how they languish in “conclusion” and strive to break out is quite interesting.

For sporting and corporate events you can order balloons with a logo or any other inscriptions

Sky lanterns are known under a variety of names; people call them “Chinese” and “wishing balls.” It is believed that before releasing a dome-shaped structure into the sky, you need to write your wish on it, and then it will certainly come true. But still, first things first, and we’ll start with detailed instructions on how to launch a sky lantern.

Why release your desires into the sky, and where did this tradition come from?

Sky lanterns are often called “Chinese”. This is not entirely true, since they originally appeared in Thailand. In Russia and Europe, paper wish lanterns have become popular relatively recently. Today they can be purchased at any holiday supply store or souvenir shop. These products have a relatively low cost. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to launch sky lanterns is positive. In addition, you can always choose the option that suits you in shape, size and color. The launch of one flashlight looks interesting, and the massive flow of several units into the sky looks especially spectacular.

on one's own?

Remember that the wish ball is not pyrotechnics, and it can be released into the sky without any special skills or abilities. But still, you should not trust the launch to small children or incapacitated citizens. Read the operating instructions on the flashlight packaging. The recommendations are general for products of all shapes and sizes. The flashlight needs to be taken out of the packaging and straightened. The burner can be installed immediately, or you need to secure it yourself. It is more convenient to launch one flashlight together, when someone holds the product by the hoop, and his partner lights it. After you light the burner, you need to keep the dome straightened and allow it to fill with hot air. Even if you don’t yet know how to launch a sky lantern, don’t be afraid - you have at least a minute, and until you let go of the product, it won’t fly away anywhere. During this period you can take beautiful pictures. Then you release the flashlight into the sky and it quickly flies up into the sky. However, perhaps you will be able to admire its flight for a while.

Where you can launch sky lanterns: secrets and recommendations

The most convenient way is to send wishing balloons flying outside the city limits. But if you don’t have the opportunity to go into nature, release flashlights in any place near which there are no houses or other buildings, as well as tall trees. At what time of year to send your wishes to heaven is also unimportant. But in summer the flashlight will start up much faster than in winter. The weather must be calm, otherwise the balloon will fly crookedly and unsightly or will be completely deflated upon launch. Even if you don’t yet know how to launch a sky lantern and are about to try it for the first time, be sure to inspect the product for damage. If there are holes, they must be sealed with tape. Don’t forget that celestial balloons look much more impressive at night, but during the day their launch is unlikely to impress anyone.

I think each of us has done this at least once in our lives - launched a balloon into the sky!

Of course, this is an integral part of either a holiday or an event in honor of the memory of someone or something!

As a rule, small children simply love to launch balloons into the sky. Sometimes we just get angry with them if they did it by accident, but it’s better to really scold them, because we need to start fighting this phenomenon.

You probably haven’t even thought about what happens to the ball when it disappears from sight?

It turns out that “cute” balloons are harmful not only to the environment, but also to representatives of nature!

As of March 29, 2017, a Facebook page called "Balloons Blow" organized a campaign in Cullman County, Alabama to combat intentional balloon releases.

“Balloons can travel thousands of miles, polluting some of the most remote and pristine places on our planet. By their unconscious actions, people cause irreparable damage to nature.”

Many animals do not understand the difference between food and the material from which the balls are made.

“When an animal swallows the material from which the balloon is made, their esophagus becomes blocked and they soon die of starvation.”

“Sea turtles and other sea creatures are known to mistake balls for their food. Sometimes they can become so entangled in this material that they lose the ability to move.”

Moreover, the airy wigs that fall to the surface of the seas and oceans are very reminiscent of jellyfish, the main source of food for sea turtles.

Turtles ingest deflated balloons, causing them to slowly die.

When we launch balloons into the sky, we must understand that we are causing irreparable damage to the environment.

Any creature on our planet may be at risk of death.

Even those balloons that are made from bio-friendly material also emit harmful chemicals.

Latex balloons are primarily harmful to animals.

Maybe it's time to think about solving this problem?

Firstly, there is simply no need to release any more balloons into the sky.

Secondly, you can organize special groups to clean up the surrounding area.

Don't forget that there are many alternatives to balloons: bubbles, flags and banners.

We hope that this article will become the impetus for a gradual fight against this seemingly innocent action!

After all, such a ball is an ordinary piece of rubber. The fact that it is round and beautiful does not change anything. And it turns out that we are throwing away this rubber solemnly, in front of all the people, and even with the hands of children. I think this does not add any benefit to our already disappointing ecology. Maybe it’s time for us to ask ourselves this question: is a moment’s fun worth completely turning nature into a landfill?” – wrote Nikolay Voloshchenko from Volokonovka.

According to Archimedes' law

Lifespan of a balloon depends on the material from which it is made: rubber or latex. Some burst quickly and noisily, others are able to live an interesting and, without exaggeration, rich life.

From a physics point of view, the flight of both a rubber and a latex ball is the same:

“The ball rises to the upper layers, cools slightly, and its volume increases four to six times or more with height. And the greater the height, the greater the volume of the ball,” says Physics teacher Pavel Galutskikh.– If a latex balloon is inflated too much, it bursts; if not too much, then its shell stretches, helium molecules come out of it, and air molecules, in turn, fall into the ball. Air is heavier than helium, and the ball becomes heavier and begins to fall down, where the air density is greater. So the ball gradually decreases. As for rubber balls, under the influence of the same factors, as they rise to a height and increase in volume, as a rule, they burst.”

Galutskikh calculated that at an altitude of 10 km, the air density decreases three times compared to the surface of the earth, and the volume of the ball, accordingly, triples. At an altitude of 12 km, the air density will decrease fourfold, and the volume of the ball will increase fourfold. At an altitude of 50 km, the air density decreases by 1,200 times, and here the balloon undergoes its final strength test.

“If the balloon is overinflated, it will burst, and if it is not overinflated, it will live for a long time, although helium, of course, will still diffuse through the shell,” explained Pavel Galutskikh.

50 km from the earth is almost space! And yet, an ordinary latex ball is capable of such feats.

Photo from the site https://malevi4.wordpress.com

Faster, higher, bolder

In 2007 schoolchildren from Canada launched a helium balloon into the sky, attaching a camera to it. The photo from the highest point was taken at a distance of 35.8 km from the ground.

Last year an American did a similar experiment Robert Garisson. His helium-filled balloon flew higher than 20 km, and also transmitted pictures to the ground, proving that this whole story was not fiction. The balloon burst in the stratosphere, and the camera returned safely to its owner via parachute.

The most famous balloon passenger can be considered Mishka, the symbol of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. There are many versions about where he flew and where he landed. According to one of them, Misha was found on Vorobyovy Gory, according to another - in the Moscow region, his six-meter shell was torn. Initially, two copies were made, and the one that did not fly was exhibited at VDNKh for some time, and then the rubber product simply rotted away in warehouses.

His fame haunted many. In 1982, American Larry Walters, soaring into the sky on balloons filled with helium, stayed in the air for 13 hours. However, the landing was not very successful - Larry became entangled in power lines and thousands of Americans were left without electricity.

Russian Vitaly Kulikov soared into the sky twice on latex balloons in 2004. The first time he pumped hydrogen into 360 balloons and enjoyed the views from a height of 400 m for 25 minutes. The wind carried the naturalist 8.5 km. The second time he flew 64 km on helium balloons.

Photo from the site http://pulson.ru

In 2008, a Brazilian priest Adelir Antonio de Carli rose on helium balloons. He expected to fly 750 km north-west of his church parish, but instead, after eight hours of flight, the wind ended up 50 km above the ocean waves. Contact with him was lost, and the fate of the Brazilian is unknown.

No matter who and where they fly on balloons, the result is always the same: everyone lands somewhere. Including the balloons themselves. Beauty and romance are behind us, and the inevitable process of decomposition begins for the colorful scraps and deflated shapeless rags that were once balls.

Latex– a natural material obtained from the milky juice of the Brazilian Hevea plant. Therefore, it is destroyed without causing damage to nature; rubber balls are more harmful in this regard. And yet, small balloons that people release from time to time are much less hazardous to the environment than plastic bottles thrown away every day. If a thin rubber ball decomposes in a few months, then a plastic bottle will rot for about 200 years, and an aluminum can will last for half a millennium.

Irina Dudka

All kids and even some adults love balloons. These products can give a rosy mood, a feeling of triumph and happiness. decorate the halls for various events. And some people buy them specifically to release them into the sky and enjoy how they soar in the sky. Surely everyone has thought about this question at least once in their life.

How far do balloons fly?

The flight altitude of a ball launched into the sky may vary. It depends on the following facts:

  • The density of the material from which the balloon is made.
  • Weather.
  • The amount of helium inside the product.
  • Wind speed.

Under ideal conditions, the ball can rise almost into space, which is more than 50 kilometers from the earth.

Where do the balloons go?

The answer to this question can be varied. For example, to answer the kids, you can come up with a magical story about where the balloons fly to. This will interest the child and will help him not to be too upset if suddenly the desired “piece of joy” is lost from his hands and flies into the sky.

For example, little boys and girls might be told the following:

  • On a journey through space.
  • To your parents.
  • To the rainbow.
  • To the distant country of Shararam, where many similar balls live.
  • To warm lands with migratory birds.

Your child will certainly like these versions of the answer to the question of where the balloons fly. In fact, when the ball rises high into the sky, it bursts from the pressure and descends back to the ground, but in the form of a rubber rag.

How long can rubber helium balloons float in the sky?

Knowing where balloons go, many are interested in which products will last longer between heaven and earth. Rubber balls are generally inelastic and not very durable.

Therefore, having reached a height where helium is replaced by air due to atmospheric pressure, the rubber balloon cannot withstand the stress, bursts and descends to the ground in the form of a piece of rubber, continuing its “life” somewhere in the forest, ocean or in the middle of the street. It is difficult to determine exactly where the balloon will fly after it bursts. But in any case, he gets to the ground.

How long can latex helium balloons float in the sky?

Latex is a material that is obtained from the Hevea brasiliensis plant. That is, it is a natural material. Therefore, even if the product bursts under pressure and falls into a pond, in a forest, or in the middle of a city, it will not harm the environment. If people check where balloons go using rubber products, they can harm the environment. But even rubber balls are not as harmful to the ecological system as plastic bottles, which have a destructive effect on the environment.

Everyone understands why balloons fly away. The helium with which they are filled is lighter than air, so the rainbow ball floats in the wind. As the ball rises upward, it is affected by the atmosphere. The air temperature in the upper regions of the globe is much lower than on the ground. Because of this, the interior of the balloon releases helium and fills with air. Under the pressure of cold air, latex stretches. The balloon becomes heavier. After which the product begins to smoothly float and descend.

There were cases when the entire ball reached the ground. Schoolchildren from Canada conducted an interesting experiment. They launched a helium-filled balloon into the sky and fixed a camera on it. The latest images were taken at an altitude of more than 35,000 meters.

Experiments have also been carried out around the world on launching balloons into the sky along with “passengers”. The most popular hero who rose to the clouds on a helium-filled balloon is the bear, which was the symbol of the Moscow Olympics. There are many versions about where this “pilot” landed. A version considered accurate has never been found.

There are also people in the world who have experienced first-hand what it’s like to fly on balloons filled with helium. One of the experimenters was a resident of America, and he hovered above the ground for more than 13 hours. True, his flight was unsuccessful; he became entangled in wires, which deprived the populated area of ​​electricity. There was also a man from Russia who was ready to do anything for the sake of science. This man stayed at bird's eye level for 25 minutes.

The balloons that fly into the sky have different destinies. But in any case, this process is interesting for science and deserves attention.