Homemade canned river fish in tomato. Canned fish for the winter

Canned fish They often help out the hostess when guests unexpectedly come to the house and she urgently needs to set the table. Or they take them to the dacha for a light snack. You can buy canned food in the store, or you can prepare it yourself - they will not differ from the factory ones. And it’s possible that they will turn out even tastier.

Before making canned fish from any fish, the latter must be properly prepared. Gut small fish (sprat, capelin, goby) and rinse well cold water. For large fish (pike, catfish, mackerel, herring), also cut off the head, tail and fins. If the fish has scales, be sure to clean them. Cut the fish into portions. Small fish in tomato. Prepare it like this:
  1. Place spices at the bottom of sterilized 0.7 liter jars: 6-8 peas of hot pepper, 2-3 peas of allspice, small Bay leaf.
  2. Place the fish tightly on the spices, sprinkling it with one teaspoon of salt.
  3. Pour dressing prepared from 1 tablespoon into each jar apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons tomato paste, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of sugar.
  4. To ensure that the dressing is evenly distributed over the fish, shake the jars.
  5. Pour into the container with the fish and tomato dressing cold boiled water, without adding 1.5-2 cm to the neck.
  6. Make improvised lids from food foil and close the jars tightly.
  7. Place the jars in cold oven, turn it on and bring the temperature to 250 degrees.
  8. Then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and leave the fish to simmer for one hour.
  9. 10 minutes before the fish is ready, prepare the lids - sterilize them in boiling water.
  10. Remove the hot jars of fish from the oven, remove the foil from them and roll up the lids.

Canned fried fish:
  1. Salt and pepper the fish pieces to taste.
  2. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Separately fry the onions and carrots. For every 100 g of fried vegetables, add half a glass of hot water. Salt and pepper the sauce to taste.
  4. Place fried fish and stewed vegetables in layers in jars.
  5. Cover the jars with foil and place in the same oven, but preheated to 200 degrees.
  6. Simmer the fish for about an hour, and then seal it tightly with the prepared lids.

Using the two recipes presented as a basis, prepare canned fish to your liking. You can also make fried fish with tomato, then add it to the sauce. Or you can not fry large fish, but immediately put them in jars with spices and simmer them in the oven. In this case, it will take more time to cook - about two hours.

Whatever method you use to prepare homemade canned fish, make it in small batches. Still, they are not prepared in a factory, where there are special high-temperature autoclaves for this purpose. Store-bought canned fish can be stored even at room temperature- nothing will be done with them. For safety reasons, store homemade ones only in the refrigerator.

Almost any fish that can be caught in your river or lake is suitable for canning. Large or medium-sized fish are used, and sometimes even the smallest fish - roach, minnows, external damage and diseases. Of course, only freshly caught fish is needed for canning.
To preserve fish, you can only use vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn. It is not recommended to use various types of fats and animal products. You can also prepare canned semi-vegetables: fish in tomato. This fish is distinguished by its spiciness, which is imparted to it by the spices used.
At home, canned fish is prepared in glass jars of various sizes. Much more convenient to use glass containers volume 0.5; 0.7 and 1 l. In such a container, the fish will be well boiled or stewed.
Utensils for preservation must be sterilized. Only metal lids are used, and not polyethylene or any other.
Canned fish can be cooked in the oven by preheating it slightly and observing desired temperature. Canned fish can also be cooked over a fire; for this purpose, jars filled with fish can be placed in large saucepan with water. You need to lay a towel on the bottom of the pan so that the heat effect is uniform and the jars do not “crack”. Fill the jars halfway with water. Add water if necessary.

For preservation you can use scaly carp and such strange fish, like mirror carp. Take a healthy, fresh fish, clean it of scales and entrails and rinse thoroughly under running water. Remove the head, it will be useful to you for oily and rich fish soup. Cut off the back and side fins. Cut the carp into two halves along the ridge. Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the spine of the fish without pulling out the rib bones.
Cut the fish meat into small pieces of 4–5 cm. Place the chopped carp in a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste. Peel the onions and finely chop them. Mix fish with onions. Prepare a wide pan in which you will place the jars of fish. Place it on the fire and let the water heat up slowly. Prepare the spices you need for canning. Peel the parsley root, rinse with water and cut into 1.5–2 cm pieces.
After this, proceed to sterilize the prepared glass jars and lids. Wash the jars thoroughly and place in the oven, which should operate at minimum settings. After 4-5 minutes, you should turn up the heat in the oven. To heat sterilize the jars, it is enough to bring the temperature in the oven to 120–150 degrees. The jars should be sterilized for about 20 minutes, after which, carefully, so as not to get burned, remove them from the oven and place them on a table covered with a towel. Never place jars on a cold surface, otherwise the temperature contrast will cause the glass to burst.
In order to sterilize the lids, simply immerse them in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Then carefully remove them from there and shake off the remaining water.
Place parsley root, peppercorns, and bay leaf on the bottom of each jar. Then tightly place the fish mixed with onions, add the remaining spices and pour in olive oil so that it covers the fish with a film. The jars are not filled to the top; there is no need to put fish up to the very “neck” of the jar.
Screw the lids on the filled jars. Lay a towel in two layers at the bottom of the pan in which you are going to cook the jars and place the jars without removing the pan from low heat. Canned food should not touch, but be at a certain distance from each other. Cover the pan with a lid, turn up the heat and bring to a boil. Do not reduce the heat until the canned sauce comes to a boil. After the canned fish has simmered for about 45 minutes, reduce the heat slightly to medium.
Cook canned fish for 6 hours. After this time, turn off the heat, but do not rush to remove the pan from the stove, otherwise you may get burned. Wait a while for the jars to cool slightly before removing them from the water. Do not immediately take the prepared canned food into a cold place; leave it in the room for 6–7 hours.

To prepare canned pike, you will need a fairly old fish, but not very “old”. The so-called “old” pike, which has a “solid” size and heavy weight, as well as being dark green in color, will take a long time to cook, and its meat is too dry for canning.
So, having chosen a “worthy” specimen for harvesting for future use, gut the fish and rinse under running water. After this, remove the skin from the pike, which you remove with a sharp knife like a thin film. Cut the pike into two halves along the spine. Remove large bones and cut the fish into uniform medium-sized pieces, such as is usually practiced when frying fish.
Peel the onions and finely chop them. Peel the parsley and horseradish roots and rinse with water. Cut the horseradish and parsley roots into small pieces of 2-3 cm each. Peel the garlic. Pasteurize the jars and begin placing cooked foods in them. Place a bay leaf, horseradish and parsley roots, a few black peppercorns, and 1-2 cloves of garlic at the bottom of the jars. Then begin to tightly pack the fish and onions into the jars, alternating them with each other.
Salt and pepper the vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Then fill the contents of the jars with this oil up to the neck. Seal the jars with lids, which do not forget to sterilize beforehand.
Place the prepared jars of canned pike in a pan of water and cook for 6–6.5 hours, adjusting the heat as necessary: ​​the water in the pan should boil thoroughly. After cooking, let the canned food cool at room temperature and then place it in a cool, dark place.
You will need: pike - 1kg, vegetable oil - 600g, garlic - 5 cloves, horseradish root - 1–2 pcs., parsley root - 1–2 pcs., bay leaf - 3–4 pcs., black peppercorns - 5–6 pcs. ., onion- 2 pcs., salt - 100g, red pepper - 1/4 tsp. l.

Take a medium sized fish and excellent quality, peel and gut. Rinse with water and let the water drain well. Remove the head, tail and side fins. Cut the carp along the ridge, and then cut into small pieces of 3–3.5 cm along the ribs.
Peel the red onion and cut into slices. Prepare spices and sterilize jars and lids. Place a dill inflorescence at the bottom of the jar. Place the carp in hot and dry jars, sprinkle each layer of fish with onions, salt, pepper and sprinkle with spices. Pour olive oil over the fish so that it is 2.5–3 cm above the fish level. Screw on canned carp with sterilized lids. Place the filled jars in a saucepan with a small amount water so that the jars do not touch, and place the pan on the fire. Cover and simmer for 5 hours.
After this, remove the jars and wipe them dry. Leave the prepared canned food in the room for three to four days, after which you can put it in a dark, cool place. It is recommended to consume canned carp within 6 months from the time of preparation.
You will need: carp - 1.5 kg, red onion - 600g, olive oil- 700–800g, salt - 100–150g, sugar - 1 tsp. l., cloves - 10 pcs., dill - 1 inflorescence or 2 tbsp. l. seeds, black peppercorns - 1 tbsp. l., cinnamon - 1–2 sticks.

Take freshly caught fish, clean and gut it. You should cut off the head and tail. After this, rinse the trout meat thoroughly with warm water and place it on a dry towel so that the water drains and the trout dries a little. You need to cut the fish along the spine and remove the backbone. Cut the fish into slices 3–4 cm wide, about 10 cm long. In a separate bowl, salt and pepper the fish.
Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry until light golden color onion. Add mustard seeds to the onion and allspice peas and simmer them over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Prepare jars and lids, sterilize them over hot steam. Peel the garlic and place it at the bottom of the jars. Place a bay leaf there, remembering to wash it first.
Then place the trout in jars, trying to pack the pieces as closely as possible to each other. Place onions and spices fried in oil on top. Add the remaining spices: cloves and nutmeg, fill with the remaining vegetable oil. Finally, seal the jars with sterilized lids. Place the jars in a saucepan with water, cover it with a lid and cook for 4.5–5 hours. Canned trout can be stored for about 6 months in a cool, dry place.
You will need: trout - 1 kg, onions - 3 heads, cloves - 1 tsp. l., nutmeg - 1 tbsp. l., vegetable oil - 600g, bay leaf - 4–5 pcs., garlic - 150g, salt - 100g, ground pepper- 1/2h. l.

Remove the head from the burbot, then clean it of scales and entrails and cut into pieces not exceeding 3–3.5 cm in length. Salt and pepper the cut fish in a separate bowl. Into the pan small sizes pour required amount water, bring to a boil and add vinegar, ginger, which must first be crushed, and mustard seeds.
After boiling, reduce the heat and add sugar, cinnamon and red pepper cut into small slices. Stew the spices in vinegar solution 3-4 minutes, remove them from heat. Prepare and sterilize the jars over hot steam and boil the lids. Place a bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, and black currant leaves into dry, hot jars.
Pour vinegar sauce with seasonings over the burbot pieces and mix everything well. After this, place the fish pieces in jars and fill with vegetable oil. Seal with lids and place in the oven to simmer. Place the jars evenly on the baking sheet so that there is a “safe” distance between them. Preheat the oven to 30–40 degrees, place canned fish in it and simmer for 5–6 hours at a temperature of 160–180 degrees. Stewing canned food should last 6–7 hours. After this, turn off the heat in the oven, remove the jars and place them in a cool, dark place. Canned burbot can be stored for three months from the time of preparation.
You will need: burbot - 1kg, olive oil - 700–800g, ginger - 70–80g, vinegar- 2/3 l, mustard seeds - 1 tsp. l., black currant leaves - 7–9 pcs., black peppercorns - 6–8 pcs., sugar - 2 tsp. l., salt - 100–120g, water - 1/4 l, cinnamon - 4–5 pcs., hot pepper - 1–2 pods, bay leaf - 5–7 pcs.

To make canned perch, you will need freshly caught medium-sized perch. We do not recommend using small fish for preservation; it will not withstand prolonged heat treatment and will simply fall apart. So that you don’t end up with an “incomprehensible” mass in tin can, choose perch to can that are approximately the same size.
Clean the fish as is customary to do it - from tail to head. Using a sharp knife, carefully open the belly so that there are no “torn” edges. Remove the entrails. If at the same time the perch burst gallbladder, put this fish aside - it cannot be used for preservation. Cut off the head and tail fin of cleaned and gutted fish. Carefully cut off the side fins. Rinse the fish under running water and cut into small pieces. In a separate bowl, lightly salt the perch.
Prepare pickled garlic, which is needed for preserving perch. First you need to clean it and then boil it in a small amount of salted water until half cooked, i.e. about 4–5 minutes. Then drain the water. In a separate bowl, boil water and add a little salt, sugar and vinegar. Stir thoroughly until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved, and then add nutmeg, white peppercorns, and cinnamon. Let the prepared liquid boil for 2-3 minutes, then pour the marinade over the garlic and cover the pan in which the garlic is located with a tight lid.
Sterilize the jars over steam and, after removing them from sterilization, place bay leaf, cilantro, dill, and cumin on the bottom of the glass container. Pour the marinade with garlic over the salted perch, mix thoroughly and load the resulting mixture along with the marinade into jars, filling the jars 2cm below the “neck”. In addition to the marinade, fill the perches with sunflower oil and seal with sterilized lids.
Place the jars in a pan of water to boil; don’t forget to line the bottom of the pan with a towel. Cover the pan with a lid. You need to cook canned perch over medium heat for about 5 hours. Canned perch can be stored for a long time if the jars are kept in proper conditions. Even six months after perch fishing, you can enjoy your catch.
You will need: perch - 1kg, white garlic- 300g, white pepper peas - 10 pcs., water - 1 l, sugar - 2 tsp. l., salt - 1 tbsp. l., nutmeg - 2 tsp. l., cinnamon - 1/2 tsp. l., sunflower oil- 1/3 l, cilantro - 1 tbsp. l., dill seeds - 1/2 tbsp. l., cumin - 1 tsp. l.

Remove scales from freshly caught pike perch and gut them. Cut off the head and tail. Rinse well under running water. After this, place the fish on a dry towel so that the water drains and the pike perch dries a little. Next, cut the fish carcass along the ridge. Remove large bones and then cut the walleye into small cubes. In a separate bowl, salt and pepper the fish.
Prepare medium-sized onions, peel them and cut them into rings, which should be approximately 2-3 mm wide. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Along with the onion, fry the ginger, mustard seeds and nutmeg. Prepare the spices you will need to can the pike perch. Peel the horseradish root and rinse with warm water. After this, cut into small pieces.
Sterilize glass jars of the required volume over steam, and without allowing them to cool, begin placing canned food in them. Place bay leaf, black peppercorns, and horseradish root on the bottom. Place the first layer of fish, place the fried onion and spices on it with a tablespoon, then add another layer of fish. In this way, fill the jars with fish and fill them with vegetable oil up to the shoulders. Boil the lids for 5–7 minutes and seal the canned food with them.
Cook canned pike perch for 6 hours. For cooking, select a wide pan, pour 1/5 of the water into it and heat to 55–60 degrees. Before placing the jars, it is recommended to lay a towel on the bottom of the pan in several layers or place rubber, or even better, wooden stands. You need to stir the jars on them so that they do not touch. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil over medium heat, after which you can only reduce the heat slightly, and the water that will boil away during the cooking process must be added from time to time.
After the canned pike perch has cooked for the allotted time, remove the jars from the pan and leave them at room temperature for 4–5 days. If you did everything correctly, the jar will stand and be stored for a long time.
You will need: pike perch - 1kg, vegetable oil - 700g, onions - 300g, ginger - 1 tsp. l., mustard seeds - 1/2 tbsp. l., nutmeg - 1/2 tbsp. l., black peppercorns - 10 pcs., salt - 120–130g, ground red pepper - to taste, bay leaf - 4–5 pcs., horseradish root - 1–2 pcs.

It is preferable to preserve tench in tomato sauce. To do this, you will need fish that will reach a length of 30–40 cm. You can only use tench that was caught no more than 24 hours ago. To clean the tench from mucus, scald it with boiling water. Clean the fish from scales, cut the belly and carefully, so as not to damage the gallbladder, remove the entrails. Remove the tench's head, tail and fins. After this, rinse the fish thoroughly in warm and then in cold running water, so that its meat is absolutely clean without small scales and mucus.
Place the tench fillet on a towel until the water drains completely. After that, cut it into longitudinal bars measuring about 2x5cm. This should be done with a sharp knife, and it is advisable to remove large bones. Salt and pepper the fish according to the suggested amount or to your taste.
Prepare all the necessary spices. Wash the hot pepper pod in cold water and chop finely with a knife. Peel the horseradish root and rinse with water, then grate on a fine grater. You should do the same with garlic. Sterilize jars and lids. Keep the jars over steam for about 5 minutes, and simply boil the lids, while it is advisable to remove the rubber band from the lid and boil it too.
To the bottom hot can add bay leaf, peppercorns, coriander, nutmeg and chopped horseradish root. Season the tomato sauce with garlic and hot pepper, mix thoroughly, making sure that there are no “bitter” lumps and that the spices do not precipitate. Then place the fish tightly, pouring tomato sauce over each layer separately. The density of canned fish should be high. Finally, fill in upper layer fish so that the tomato sauce completely covers the tench.
Seal the canned food with prepared lids. Place the jars to simmer in a saucepan over medium heat. The water level should reach half the jar. Add water as it boils. You need to cook canned tench in tomato sauce for 5–6 hours. After cooking, you need to monitor the canned food for a week - if the technology has not been broken and the cans do not “swell,” then store the canned tench in a cool, dark place for up to 6–7 months.
You will need: tench - 1kg, tomato sauce - 600-700g, hot pepper - 3-4 pods, garlic - 4-5 cloves, horseradish root - 3 pcs., salt - 100g, black pepper - 1/2 tsp. l., coriander - 1/2 tsp. l., bay leaf - 3–4 pcs., nutmeg - 1 tbsp. l.

Clean freshly caught fish by removing the scales from the tail to the head. Gut the carp and cut off the head. The side fins and tail can simply be cut off. Cut the fish into two halves along the spine. Rinse the halves thoroughly in warm water and place on a dry towel to allow the meat to dry. Then cut the carp into small pieces 4-5cm wide. Place in a separate bowl and add salt to taste.
For preservation, use only medium or small onions. Peel it and cut into rings. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until light golden brown. Pour tomato sauce into a separate bowl, salt and pepper it to taste, add fried onions. Peel the red pepper pod from sepals and seeds, rub through a fine grater and add to the sauce. Add mustard seeds, coriander, and chopped garlic there.
Stir the seasoning based on tomato sauce thoroughly so that the spices are evenly dissolved in the sauce. Sterilize jars and lids. Place bay leaf and cumin in the bottom of hot dry jars. And also parsley root, which must first be peeled, washed and cut into pieces of 2–2.5 cm. Place the carp in dense layers on top of these seasonings and pour tomato sauce over each layer. Fill the jars 3/4 full, and pour the tomato sauce up to the neck of the jar.
Boil the jars of carp for 6 hours. After cooking, store the canned food at room temperature for 2 days, and then take it to a cool and dark place. Canned speck can be stored in such conditions for 3–4 months.
You will need: carp - 1kg, tomato sauce - 800–850g, onions - 300g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., black pepper - 1/3 tsp. l., cumin - 1/2 tbsp. l., red pepper - 2 pods, garlic - 4–5 cloves, mustard seeds - 1 tsp. l., coriander - 1/2 tsp. l., bay leaf - 4–5 pcs., salt - 100g.

To prepare, take fresh medium-sized fish, clean and gut it. Remove the head and fins, cut off the tail. Cut the perch into small pieces and season with salt.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the fish in it without using flour. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Add spices to the tomato sauce: coriander, cloves, nutmeg, black peppercorns. Peel the horseradish root, rinse and cut into thin slices. Add it to the sauce too. Mix everything thoroughly and pepper.
Place a layer of fish in a deep frying pan and fried onion on it. After this, pour everything with tomato sauce and spices. Continue arranging food in this manner. Once all the perches are in the pan, pour tomato sauce over everything and simmer for about 20 minutes.
At this time, you can start sterilizing the jars. Hold them over hot steam for 5-7 minutes. Additionally, boil the lids you will use for canning. After the perches have been stewed for the required time, begin to transfer them to hot and dry jars, pouring over the sauce in which they were stewed. Be sure to put one large or two small bay leaves in each jar.
In jars, be sure to fill the perch meat with tomato sauce. If the sauce left after frying is not enough, add regular tomato sauce to the canned food. Seal the jars hermetically with sterilized lids and cook in a saucepan for 2.5–3 hours. Don't forget to cover the pan in which the canned perch is cooked with a lid and add water from time to time.
Canned perch in tomato sauce can be used not only as a tasty and juicy side dish, but also as a base fish casseroles and even how fish filling for making pizza. Canned perch should be stored for no more than 3 months in the refrigerator.
You will need: perch - 1 kg, tomato sauce - 1 l, onions - 3 pcs., coriander - 1 tsp. l., black peppercorns - 10 pcs., nutmeg - 1 tbsp. l., bay leaf - 4–5 pcs., horseradish root - 1–2 pcs., salt - 100g, black pepper - 1/3 tsp. l., vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Ruff meat, due to its juiciness and excellent taste, also used for preservation. To do this, take ruffs that have “grown” to 10–13 cm. Wash the ruffs, gut them, remove the side fins and tail, and cut off the head. After this, carefully remove the skin along with the scales. Cut the fish along the ridge, and then cut the sides into two or three parts. Place in a separate bowl and add salt.
Peel the onion and cut into circles. In a separate bowl, boil a small amount of water, pour in specified quantity vinegar, add ginger, spices and onions. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes. After this, remove from heat and mix with tomato sauce, salt and mix well.
Place bay leaf, cloves and coriander in the bottom of sterilized jars. Carefully place the ruffed meat on the spices and pour tomato sauce mixed with the marinade over each layer. Seal the filled jars with sterilized lids and cook. Cook canned ruffs in the same way as others: in a large saucepan filled 1/3 with water over medium heat. The canned food will be ready in 5 hours. When stored under proper conditions, canned ruffs in tomato sauce are suitable for consumption for six months.
You will need: ruffers - 1kg, tomato sauce - 650g, water - 100g, vinegar - 2 tbsp. l., onions - 2 heads, bay leaves - 4–5 pcs., nutmeg - 1/2 tbsp. l., cloves - 1 tbsp. l., coriander - 1 tsp. l., black peppercorns - 6–8 pcs., ginger - 30g, salt - to taste.

Small and medium-sized roaches are suitable for canning. Clean it from scales, gut it and cut off the head. The tail and side fins can simply be cut off. Cut the fish along the spine and remove the vertebral bones. Peel the onions and cut them into quarters. Red Bell pepper remove sepals and seeds. Peel the garlic.
Pass all cooked products through a meat grinder. After this, salt and pepper the resulting mixture to your taste. Add coriander, cloves, peppercorns and chopped bay leaf. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer a little in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the pate over low heat for 10–15 minutes.
After this, without removing the frying pan from the heat, pour the resulting mass with tomato sauce and cover with a lid. Continue simmering for another 5 minutes. During this time, sterilize the jars and boil the lids. We recommend small jars for canned pate, this will make them much more convenient to use.
Place the fish mixture into hot, dry jars using a wooden spoon, trying to avoid “air bubbles” in the canned food. Then seal the canned food tightly and cook in a pan of water. The technology for cooking canned roach is identical to the previous method. Those. You need to cook over medium heat, cover the pan with a lid and add water to the pan when it boils.
But you only need to preserve roach pate for 4.5 hours. After this time, turn off the heat and leave the jars to cool at room temperature. After 5–6 hours, put canned pate Roach in tomato sauce is stored in the refrigerator. You will successfully use it for sandwiches and vegetable salads.
You will need: roach - 1.5 kg, tomato sauce - 500g, vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l., onions - 2 heads, garlic - 5 cloves, black peppercorns - 6–7 peas, bay leaf - 3–4 pcs., coriander - 1/2 tbsp. l., cloves - 1/2 tsp. l., salt - to taste, red hot pepper - 1-2 pods, ground black pepper - 1/3 tsp. l.

Take a freshly caught catfish, gut it and remove the entrails. Cut off the head and tail, trim the fins with scissors. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and cut along the spine. Remove large vertebral bones. Cut the catfish into 3-4cm strips.
Prepare the spices: peel the horseradish root, rinse and grate on a fine grater. Remove the sepals and seeds from the hot pepper. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves into quarters. Add prepared spices to the tomato sauce and, in addition to those already listed, ginger and black peppercorns. Season the sauce with salt and pepper, then stir well.
Sterilize the jars over hot steam according to all sterilization rules, boil the lids and begin placing the prepared ingredients in them. Place bay leaf, cloves, and cumin at the bottom of the jar. Then place the cooked fish evenly and pour in spicy tomato sauce to which spices have been added. You need to pour the catfish so that the sauce is 2–2.5 cm above the level of the fish in the jar.
After this, tightly screw the jars and place them in a saucepan with water on a special stand to cook. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 6–6.5 hours over medium heat. After cooking, leave the canned food indoors at room temperature for two days. After a successful outcome of this time, canned catfish in tomato sauce should be stored in a cool place, out of reach of sunlight.
You will need: catfish - 1kg, tomato sauce - 600g, horseradish root - 10g, hot pepper - 1-2 pods, garlic - 50g, ginger - 1 tbsp. l., black peppercorns - 1/2 tsp. l., bay leaf - 5 pcs., cloves - 1/2 tsp. l., cumin - 1/2 tsp. l.

Remove scales and gut the trout prepared for preservation. Remove the head and tail, cut off the fins with scissors. First cut the fish along the spine, and then divide the longitudinal parts into medium-sized pieces. Place the chopped fish in a deep bowl, add salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly, add bay leaf and black peppercorns. Fill the entire mixture with vegetable oil and place on medium heat. Cover the pan with a lid. After the oil boils, reduce the heat and simmer the fish for 10–13 minutes.
Prepare small glass jars. Sterilize them over steam and start placing spices in dry, hot jars. Peel the parsley root and cut into pieces 2–3 cm in length. Lemon balm and peppermint leaves and shoots can be used fresh or dried. Place the spices and parsley root at the bottom of the jar.
On these spices, place the fish from the pan and fill the jars with tomato sauce. Screw on the filled jars with sterilized lids and cook for 2 hours. You need to cook canned trout in tomato sauce in a saucepan filled 1/3 with water. After cooking, store jars of canned trout in the refrigerator and can be used within five months from the time of preparation.
You will need: trout - 1kg, tomato sauce - 600g, vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp., black peppercorns - 1/2 tsp. l., bay leaf - 4–5 pcs., peppermint - 1 tsp. l., lemon balm - 1 tsp. l., parsley root - 15g, salt - 100g, ground red pepper - to taste.

For canning in tomato sauce it is better to use mirror carp or scaly carp, but large enough and fatty enough to make the canned food moderately high in calories and juicy. Clean the fish from scales and cut it up. Remove the head, tail and fins. Cut along the spine, removing the large vertebral bones. Cut the fish into medium-sized pieces.
Mix the tomato sauce thoroughly with 1.5–2 tbsp. l. Khmeli-Suneli seasonings. Place carp pieces evenly in sterilized jars, pouring tomato sauce and seasoning over each layer. Upon completion of this painstaking task, screw on the lids of the jars that you previously boiled thoroughly. Boil canned food in a saucepan with water for 5 hours. Then store the jars in a dark and cool place.
You can prepare khmeli-suneli seasoning at home. To do this, you need to combine coriander seeds, dry dill and basil. Peel the parsley root and rub through a fine grater. Add the chopped root to the total mass, add chopped dry leaves and stems of basil. To prepare this seasoning, you cannot do without red capsicum. Clean it from the sepals and pass it through a meat grinder.
To the total mass spice plants add red pepper, bay leaf, which you should wash and chop a little before. Saffron and dry marjoram and mint leaves are also added to suneli hops. When preparing this seasoning, follow following rules: take all components of the mixture in equal proportions, except red pepper and saffron. There should be less of them, namely, red pepper should be about 2 of the total mass, and sage 0.1
Khmeli-suneli great seasoning for fish canned in tomato sauce. Carp will be under spicy sauce will be incredibly tasty and great side dish with rice on the holiday table.
You will need: carp - 1 kg, tomato sauce - 500g, khmeli-suneli seasoning - 1.5–2 tbsp. l.

Gut a freshly caught pike, peel the skin, removing it with a thin film, removing the fins. The head and tail of the fish are also not suitable for preservation, so set them aside and use them for fish soup. Cut the pike along the spine and then divide the halves into several medium pieces, much like for frying. Salt and pepper the fish.
To preserve pike with beans, we recommend using another dietary product- shallot. Peel it and cut into half rings. Sort the beans, rinse under running water, and then dry. Peel the red capsicum and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into small pieces. Combine beans with shallots and crushed red pepper.
It is recommended to preserve pike with beans in five hundred gram jars. Sterilize them and also boil the metal screw caps. In hot and dry jars, place bay leaf, black peppercorns and horseradish root, which must first be peeled and cut into 2-3cm pieces. Cover the bottom of the jar with a layer of beans with onions and peppers, place a layer of fish on it. Continue filling the jars, alternating pieces of fish with beans.
Finally, fill the contents of the jars with olive oil so that it is 3-4 cm above the level of the canned food. Boil the pike and beans in a pan of water for about 4.5–5 hours. Fill a shallow pan with water to fill 1/2 the volume so that the water covers 2/3 of the canned food. Cook covered and over medium heat, making sure the boil is strong and constant. Store canned pike with beans in the refrigerator and eat within 6 months from the time of production.
You will need: pike - 1kg, beans - 300g, olive oil - 600g, shallots - 4–5 onions, red capsicum - 2–3 pcs., black peppercorns - 10 pcs., bay leaf - 6–7 pcs., salt - 2 tbsp. l., ground black pepper - to taste, horseradish root - 1–2 pcs.

Take a large one and fatty fish, rinse it under running water and remove scales. Cut off the head and tail, cut off the fins with scissors. Gut the carp, rinse it thoroughly with water and cut along the ridge. Vertebral bones in this salad unnecessary, so if possible, get rid of them and the rest of the large bones. Only small, insignificant seeds are allowed, which after cooking will not pose a danger or inconvenience to those who eat this salad.
After “cleaning” the carp, use a sharp knife to cut the flesh into flagella 2–2.5 cm wide. Peel the onions and cut into wide rings. Prepare the carrots: peel them and rinse them thoroughly. After this, cut the carrots into strips.
Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the fish in it until lightly browned. Then do the same with the onions and carrots, dip them in hot vegetable oil for a few minutes, stirring with a slotted spoon. Mix the fried foods, add salt and pepper.
Sterilize the jars and lids; place bay leaves, black peppercorns, and cumin on the bottom of the jar. Fill the jars with a mixture of pike meat, onions and carrots. Pour vegetable oil over everything and screw on the lids. Boil the canned food in a saucepan with water and then store it in the refrigerator. You can do it great salad, who will be waiting for the arrival of guests!
You will need: carp - 1kg, vegetable oil - 700g, onions - 300g, carrots - 500g, bay leaves - 5–6 pcs., black peppercorns - 10 pcs., cumin - 1/2 tsp. l., salt - to taste, ground red pepper - 1/2 tsp. l.

Clean the tench from scales and gut it. Remove the head and tail, and cut off the fins of the fish. Cut the fish along the spine and remove any large bones. Cut the fish flesh into slices 7–9 cm wide. In a separate bowl, salt and pepper the fish. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the tench in the pan.
Peel the turnips, wash and grate on a coarse grater. The same should be done with horseradish root. Then mix the chopped turnips with horseradish until smooth. Peel the onions and cut into half rings. Fry until light golden brown in olive oil. In a separate bowl, combine the fried fish, onion and turnip mass. Season the mixture with salt and pepper, then stir.
Place bay leaf and black peppercorns in sterilized jars. You can use celery dried or fresh. Peel the root vegetable and cut into flagella 3cm long. Add celery to the spices already in the jars. Peel the garlic and put 2-3 cloves in each jar. Fill the jars with the prepared mixture of fish, turnips and onions, and add olive oil. Seal the canned food tightly with sterilized lids.
Stew tench with turnips and garlic in the oven. To do this you need to do the following. Place the canned food on a baking sheet so that the cans do not touch each other. Place the jars in the oven and light it. The fire should be minimal from the very beginning, so the jars will not burst from the temperature difference. Gradually increase the oven temperature to 100–120 degrees. At this temperature, simmer the fish for 4 hours.
After this time, you can simply turn off the oven and take out the canned fish a little later, when they have cooled down. After this, the canned food should stand at room temperature for about 12 hours, then they should be placed in a cool and dark place. The shelf life of canned tench with turnips is 6 months. During this time, use canned food to prepare side dishes and vegetable salad with fish.
You will need: tench - 1kg, turnip - 200g, olive oil - 650g, onions - 3 heads, horseradish root - 15–20g, celery root - 60g, garlic - 100g, bay leaf - 4–5 pcs., black peppercorns - 10 pcs., salt - to taste, ground pepper - 1/2 tsp. l.

Take a large, oily fish and clean its scales. Remove the head, tail and fins; you will not need them for preservation. Rinse thoroughly and let the water drain. Cut the fish along the spine and remove any large bones. After this, cut the carp into medium-sized pieces. In a separate bowl, add salt and pepper.
Wash the tomatoes under running water, remove the sepals, then place the tomatoes on a dry towel and dry. Prepare a meat grinder and pass the tomatoes through it. Peel the garlic and pass it together with the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Lightly salt the resulting mass, add black peppercorns, mustard seeds, chopped leaves and stalks of Melissa.
Wash the bell pepper and remove seeds and sepals. Cut it into strips. Boil water and scald the peppers with boiling water. Place it on a dry towel to drain the water. Then mix the fish with the chopped pepper.
Sterilize the prepared canning jars and start placing the ingredients in the hot and dry jars: fish with pepper, bay leaf and cumin. Finally, pour the garlic and tomato mixture over the fish, which should be 3cm above the level of the fish. After this, seal the jars hermetically and boil them in a saucepan filled 1/3 with water. After 5 hours of intensive cooking, the canned food will undergo proper heat treatment and will be ready for consumption and storage. In a dark and cool place, canned carp with garlic in tomato will last for six months. During this time, use canned carp as a side dish. boiled potatoes and also for preparing fish soup.
You will need: carp - 1kg, tomatoes - 600g, garlic - 200g, salt - 120g, black peppercorns - 10 pcs., mustard seeds - 1 tsp. l., mellis - 1 tbsp. l., bell pepper- 500g, cumin - 1 hour. l., bay leaf - 4–5 pcs.

Nowadays, it seems that the question of the need to prepare canned fish at home is not urgent, because the variety fish products and canned food on store shelves may well satisfy any consumer.

And yet, there are times when canned fish is necessary, and we often have complaints about canned fish made by industrial methods: the fish in them turns out to be far from natural, and for some reason they don’t ask us about the additives that are there, we are faced with a fact already when opening a jar of canned food.

This is precisely why some people prefer home canning. This is quite realistic, and there are many options for preparing canned fish, ways heat treatment- Also.

What kind of fish is best to preserve?

I love it. More specifically, from river fish especially delicious canned food obtained from roach, ruffe, crucian carp, perch, carp, bream...

From sea ​​fish saury, pink salmon, mackerel, and herring are preferable.

Any fish, even the most prickly and bony one, softens its bones during the cooking process and does not pose any danger.

What kind of cookware is best to use for preparing canned fish?

You can use a pressure cooker (most quick way cooking), multicooker. And if this is not the case, then a regular oven will suffice.

What options are available for preparing canned food at home?

With the addition of butter or tomato and vegetables.

Recipe for canned fish with tomato (for quick use)

Medium sized carrots – 4 pcs.

Onions – 5 heads

Ripe tomato – 3 pcs.

Ready ketchup – 1 package

Salt, pepper, bay leaf, vegetable oil - to taste

Clean the fish, gut it and rinse well. Place onions and carrots cut into rings into circles in a pressure cooker. Place the fish on top, pour over vegetable oil and ketchup, sprinkle with salt, add peppercorns and bay leaves. Slice the tomatoes and place on top. You can add any other seasoning that you prefer.

Bring the ingredients to a boil in a pressure cooker, turn the heat to low and cook for 1 hour. Open the pressure cooker lid only after it has cooled completely. These canned foods can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Recipe for canned fish (for long-term storage)

Salt the prepared fish and sprinkle with any seasonings to your taste. Place in an enamel bowl and leave to marinate for 1.5-2 hours.

Prepare jars (preferably the same size): wash and dry.

Place the marinated fish tightly in jars and cover with foil. This is done to prevent the fish and juice from sticking to the lids. Place the jars on a baking sheet on the bottom row of the oven at a temperature of 130-150°. As soon as you notice that the juice begins to boil, you should reduce the temperature to 100° and leave the jars for about 5 hours. After this, you need to boil vegetable oil and fill the jars to the top.

Roll up the jars with sterilized lids.

Canned food can also be prepared with the addition of tomato paste or ketchup.

Recipe for canned fish

Onions – 2-3 heads

Tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoons

Parsley and celery root

Black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying and adding to jars

Clean, gut and rinse the fish well. If it is very small, leave the heads and tails; if the fish is medium or large, it needs to be cut in portioned pieces, and cook broth from the heads and tails in a small amount of water.

Canned food can be prepared in own juice with the addition of vegetable oil. Can be cooked with stir fry and vegetables.

Salt and pepper the fish and leave for 2 hours, sprinkling with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Then roll it in flour and fry in vegetable oil until lightly crusted.

Separately, fry carrots and roots, cut into cubes, and onion half rings.

1) Place the fish and ingredients in a pressure cooker

2) Place the fish and ingredients in jars

Fill fish broth 2/3 full (pressure cooker or jars), add peppercorns, bay leaf. But adding broth is not necessary; you can cook the fish in its own juice.

The jars can be sterilized in the oven, covered with foil, for about 4 hours (at the minimum setting).

You can also sterilize them in a large saucepan of water, which after boiling must be reduced to low heat. Sterilization time is about 5 hours.

The fish cooks in a pressure cooker for about 2 hours. After this, it must be transferred to pre-prepared jars (sterilized and dry) and rolled up with sterile lids.

Especially for those of our readers who really love fish, we are posting several very delicious recipes how to make fish canning at home - quick, easy and tasty! I think that you will like at least one of them! Bon appetit!

Features of canning fish at home

If you have been brought a lot of fish and you don’t know what to do with all this wealth, there is a great way! It is not necessary to salt or dry it - you can make excellent homemade canned fish yourself. Any type of fish is suitable for canning - both ordinary river and lake fish, as well as sea fish.
Attention! Only fresh fish is suitable for making these homemade canned fish!
It must be processed only in a clean room.
The utensils and materials used must be kept perfectly clean and the recommended recipe and processing conditions must be strictly followed.

1. Canned pink salmon

Fresh frozen pink salmon – 2 kg,
Tomatoes - 2 kg.
Carrot-800 gr.
Onions - 500 gr.
Salt -1.5 tbsp (30 g),
Sugar - 200 gr.
Vinegar 9% - 5 tablespoons
Vegetable oil - 400 ml.
Bay leaf - 3 pcs., black pepper to taste.

We put the tomatoes through a meat grinder and then simmer for about 20-25 minutes. The onion should be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry in oil.
Now we prepare the fish: remove the tails, heads and entrails. If possible, remove any bones that come across. Combine everything together and simmer for 1 hour. Add vinegar 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
Place the finished mixture in sterilized jars, roll up, and wrap until completely cool.

Note: Even though this is a recipe for canning pink salmon, it is great for any other fish.

2. Sardines

Before you can preserve Sardinians, you need to thoroughly gut all of their insides, clean them of scales, and also cut off their head, tail and fins.
Salt the fish to your taste and leave it to lie for about 30-40 minutes at room temperature.
Then transfer the fish to a colander and lower it into boiling sunflower oil for 2 minutes to fry.
In jars prepared for preservation, place 1 bay leaf and several black allspice peas on the bottom.
Place the cooled fish in jars, then fill them with the same oil in which the sardines were previously fried.
Cover the jars with a lid and heat over low heat for about 45 minutes.
After this, we roll up the jars with the contents hot and sterilize for 50-60 minutes.
The sterilization process must be repeated 3 times every 24 hours.
Homemade canned sardines are ready!

3. Canned sprats at home

This recipe is great for small fish- perch, roach, minnows, ruffs, gobies, etc.). As a result, at home you can prepare a dish that tastes like sprats.
The cooking recipe is as follows. The fish must be scaled, gutted, and heads, fins and tails removed. The carcasses should be rinsed well after this.
At the bottom of the pan (or better yet, a pressure cooker), place a layer of onion, cut into rings, and salted carcasses on it. In this way you need to lay three or four layers. At the same time, fill the pan to no more than 2/3 of its volume.
Add allspice and bay leaf. After this, everything must be filled with vegetable oil, vinegar and dry white wine or water.
For 1 kilogram of fish you will need:
- 200 gr. Luke
- 100 gr. oils,
- 50 gr. 9 percent vinegar
— 150 gr. dry wine or water
- salt and spices to taste.
Canned fish should be simmered over low heat under a tightly closed lid for three to five hours. If you simmer in a pressure cooker, then 1-1.5 hours.
In the finished fish, the bones become so soft that they do not need to be separated from the fish meat and they can be chewed without any problems, without getting stuck in the teeth.

4. Canned fish in oil

This recipe is suitable for canning mullet, bonito, etc. at home. The fish must be thoroughly gutted from the entrails and thoroughly washed to remove blood. After that, cut it into pieces depending on the size of the container in which we will make homemade canned fish.
Next, the fish must be kept for about half an hour in a salty solution. The solution is made like this: add 1 liter of water and 250 grams of salt. Then you need to wash it from salt and fry on all sides in vegetable oil until browned.
Place the fried fish in glass jar. Between the pieces, for taste, we put black and allspice grains, bay leaves and lemon slices. Then pour it with the vegetable oil in which the fish was fried, so that there is a 2 cm layer of oil on top of the fish.
Such canned food should be stored in a cool place.

5. Home canning fish in tomato sauce

This recipe is designed for 4 standard 0.5 liter jars and is perfect for different types fish.
For cooking, you need asp - 2 kg, pike perch - 2.4, carp - 3.6, bulls - 3.2, horse mackerel - 2.2, mackerel - 2.4 kg.
We start with cutting. The belly of asp, pike perch, carp, and bulls must be cut. For horse mackerel and mackerel, cut off the heads, remove the entrails, tails and fins. Cleaned asp, carp and mackerel are cut into pieces, gobies and horse mackerel are preserved whole.
Wash the fish. After the water has drained, add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 kg of fish.
After 30 minutes, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil on all sides.
Then cool for 30 minutes and put into jars. Then you need to pour boiling tomato sauce over them 2 cm below the top of the neck of the jar.

Preparing tomato sauce:
Peel 300g of onion, cut into slices and fry until golden brown in 150g. vegetable oil.
Pour 2 kilograms of pureed tomatoes into an enamel bowl and put on fire. Add fried onions, 4 cloves, 4 bay leaves, 4 grains of hot and allspice, 4-5 tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of salt, 4-5 tablespoons of 5% vinegar. bring it all to a boil.
The jars should be filled to about 2 cm below the top of the neck and placed in the pan on a wire rack. The amount of water in the pan should be 3-4 cm below the top of the neck of the jar, and its temperature should be 70 degrees.

Then put the pan on the fire, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and heat the jars for about 50 minutes. After that, cover each one with a lid and sterilize for 6 hours.
After sterilization, the jars must be cooled without removing them from the pan or opening it.
To reduce the processing time, you can use the re-sterilization method. To do this, close the filled jars with lids, place them in a pan with water heated to 70 degrees, boil for 50 minutes, check the quality of the sealing of the jars and sterilize three times for 90 minutes at intervals of 24 hours.
After each sterilization, the jars are cooled in the same pan where they were carried out. heat treatment without draining the water or opening the lid of the pan. The initial water temperature for the 2nd and 3rd sterilization is 20-30 degrees.

6. Recipe for canning lightly salted pink salmon at home

Take pink salmon steaks and put them in a jar or plastic bag. It is more convenient to work with a bag. Add salt and a little sugar there. For 0.5 kg of fish, I usually need a tablespoon of salt and about half a teaspoon of sugar.
Shake the bag well and place in the refrigerator. There the fish should be salted for 2-3 days. Every day you need to take it out 3-4 times and shake it thoroughly so that the salt is distributed evenly.
And somewhere in 2-3 days your lightly salted pink salmon ready and can be taken out and served.

7. Gudgeon stewed in marinade

Place oil, finely chopped onion, parsley root and greens into a saucepan or pot and sauté. Add bay leaf, salt, pepper, chopped tomatoes, gutted gudgeons, simmer for at least 4~5 hours and let stand. Serve with mashed potatoes, sprinkled with dill. These minnows come out like sprats in tomato sauce with soft bones. Store at temperatures below 15°.
600 g minnows, 50 ml oil, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 6 peppercorns
They do the same with other fish, especially small fish. If you simmer in a pressure cooker, then 30 minutes is enough.

8. Recipe for canning small fish

A good way to preserve fish at home! I usually use it for various small fish - perches, ruffs, crucian carp, etc.
Clean the fish thoroughly. Next, we make vegetable frying from grated carrots and finely chopped onions. Add salt and sugar to taste, vegetable oil and your choice: tomato paste, tomato juice or tomato sauce. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then place it on the bottom of the pressure cooker raw carrots, fish, add salt, pepper, onion and tomato. Then another layer - again carrots, fish, onions and so on. Repeat layers almost until the end of the pressure cooker. Pour vinegar over it all, add 100 grams of preferably white wine, bay leaf, black pepper and 1/2 cup of water for piquancy.

Simmer all this for about one hour over low heat in a pressure cooker if you used small fish and 2 hours for larger ones. large fish. After everything is ready, put the prepared mixture into small jars.

If your husband - the breadwinner, the breadwinner, the fisherman - sometimes brings a lot of small fish, and the cat is no longer able to eat all this wealth, you have to somehow cook this small thing. Just what to do with it? If you fry it, it won’t be visible in the frying pan; if you cook the fish soup, it’s just bones... But don’t throw away the catch, really! From small fish, and not only from it, you can prepare a gorgeous appetizer that simply flies off the table. These are homemade canned fish, which for some reason are always compared to store-bought ones. Even the names of the recipes always sound something like this: “Sprats are almost like store-bought ones,” “Sprat in tomatoes, like store-bought ones,” etc. Why “like from a store”? It's much tastier! Canned fish are indispensable for feeding homemade delicacies to a student child or a beloved husband working on shifts. And guests who suddenly arrive will not remain hungry.

And now - recipes! All homemade canned fish are prepared in oil, in tomato, in its own juice or in marinade. We will present here the most interesting recipes, and you choose.

Sprats No. 1

1 kg small fish,
200 g onions,
100 g vegetable oil,
150 g dry wine or water,
50 ml 9% vinegar,
salt, spices - to taste.

Small fish - perches, roaches, minnows, ruffs, dace, etc. - clean the scales, remove the entrails, cut off the heads, fins, tails and wash the carcasses. Place a layer of onion, cut into rings, on the bottom of the pan, then a row of fish carcasses, add salt. Then again layer the onion, fish and thus fill the pan to no more than 2/3 of the volume. Add allspice, bay leaf, vegetable oil, vinegar and wine (or water). Place on the stove and simmer over low heat with the lid tightly closed for 3-5 hours. If you have a pressure cooker, then the process is significantly reduced - 1-1.5 hours is enough. When the fish is finished, the bones become so soft that they do not need to be separated from the flesh. Place the prepared sprats in sterilized jars and roll up.

Sprats No. 2

1.2 kg sprat or cod,
200 g vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. salt (without top),
1 stack strong tea leaves,

Place the prepared fish in a stainless steel pan, sprinkle with salt, pour in the tea leaves, add vegetable oil and pepper. Simmer over low heat for 2.5-3 hours covered. Then remove the lid and simmer for another 25-30 minutes to evaporate. excess liquid. Place the fish in half-liter sterilized jars and place in hot water up to the shoulders and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Roll up.

Canned river fish in oil No. 1

1-1.5 kg of river fish,
3-4 black peppercorns,
100 g vegetable oil,
800 ml water,
onion, salt - to taste.

Clean and gut the fish, cut large fish into pieces, small fish can be left whole. Add some salt. Place finely chopped onion on the wire rack of the pressure cooker. Place peppercorns, bay leaves, pieces of fish on top and cover with onions. Pour in vegetable oil and water, close the pressure cooker and place on strong fire. As soon as steam comes out of the valve, reduce the heat to low. From this point on, cook the fish for 1.5 hours. Ready fish Place in sterilized half-liter jars, cover with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Roll up.

Canned river fish in oil No. 2

1 kg of fish,
700 g carrots,
700 g onions,
vegetable oil,
salt and pepper in a pot - to taste.

Prepare river fish in the same way as in previous recipe. Add salt, place in an enamel container and leave for 1 hour. Meanwhile, grate the carrots and cut the onion into rings. Remove the fish from the brine and mix with carrots, onions and peppers. Pour 3 tablespoons into each half-liter jar. vegetable oil, place the fish, but not tightly, otherwise liquid will spill out of the jars when boiling. Cover the jars with old tin lids without rubber bands and place in a cold oven. Turn on the heat, heat to 200°C and simmer from this point on for 4-5 hours. After this, roll up the finished canned food with lids, turn the cans over, wrap them and cool.

Pike in oil

1 medium pike,
2-3 bay leaves,
3-4 peas of allspice,
vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Gut the pike, cut off all excess, rinse and cut into large pieces. Add salt to taste, add spices and leave for an hour and a half. In the meantime, wash the jars, scald them, place bay leaves and pepper on the bottom and fill them quite tightly with fish up to the shoulders. Cover each jar with foil and place in the oven preheated to 150°C. Place a baking tray with a small amount of water at the very bottom. As soon as the liquid in the jars begins to boil, reduce the temperature to 100-110°C and leave the jars in the oven for 5 hours. Then heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan until it boils. Remove the jars from the oven, remove the foil and pour boiling oil into the jars until it covers all the fish. Cover the jars with the prepared lids and place in the oven again for 30 minutes. Roll up, wrap, cool.

Carp, canned with oil

Ingredient s:
1 fresh carp,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 clove of garlic,
1 onion,
salt, spices (ground dill, coriander, black pepper) - to taste.

Clean the carp from scales and fins, remove the head and cut into small pieces. Salt and add spices. To the bottom liter jar lay the garlic, pour in the vegetable oil, pack the fish tightly, put the onion cut into rings on top, cover with lids and set to sterilize for 10 hours. As it evaporates, add boiling water (precisely boiling water, otherwise the jars may burst!). After sterilization, roll up the jars. Store canned food in a cool place.

Canned fish in tomato

1 kg of cleaned fish,
2 stacks tomato juice,
1 stack water,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tbsp. 70% vinegar,
½ cup vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Combine all ingredients, place in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 7 hours. In a pressure cooker it will be about 3 times faster (that is, 2-2.5 hours will be enough). Place in sterilized jars and seal.

Fish in tomato sauce

1 kg of fish,
2 kg tomatoes,
1 tbsp. salt,
150 g vegetable oil,
300 g onion,
4 things. carnations,
4 peppercorns,
4 bay leaves,
1 tbsp. salt,
5 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. 9% bite
flour, vegetable oil - for frying.

Salt the prepared fish with 1 tbsp. salt and leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the tomato sauce: boil the tomatoes and rub through a sieve, add spices, vegetable oil, salt, sugar and vinegar, and put back on the fire. Then roll the fish pieces in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Place the fish in sterilized jars, pour boiling sauce over them and sterilize in boiling water for 1 hour. Roll up the jars and sterilize for another 6 hours. To prevent caps from falling off, use glass lids instead of tin ones or secure them with a special lid holder.

Sprat in tomato sauce

3 kg fresh frozen sprat,
5 kg tomatoes,
1 kg bell pepper,
1 kg of onion,
2 kg carrots,
500 ml vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. salt,
280 ml 9% vinegar,
sugar - to taste.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, grate the carrots coarse grater, cut the bell pepper into strips, and the onion into half rings. Fry carrots, peppers and onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add the tomato mass, stir and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Place the prepared sprat in a saucepan with the tomato mass, stir and cook for another 1 hour. Then add salt, sugar, ground pepper, vinegar, stir, boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Place in sterilized jars, roll up, wrap and let cool.

Sprat or capelin in tomato sauce with vegetables

3 kg of peeled sprat (capelin or herring),
3 kg tomatoes,
1 kg carrots,
1 kg of onion,
6-7 tbsp. salt,
8-9 tbsp. Sahara,
100 g 9% vinegar,
bay leaf, peppercorns - to taste.

Pour the tomatoes chopped in a meat grinder or blender into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Fry the carrots grated on a coarse grater and the onion cut into rings separately in vegetable oil until golden brown. Don't forget to stir the tomatoes, carrots and onions. Combine the tomato mass and vegetables, mix and place in a stainless steel or cast iron pan in layers: a layer of tomato-vegetable mixture, a layer of fish, and so on until the end. The last layer should be a layer of vegetables. Add spices and place on low heat, covering with a lid. Cook for 3 hours without stirring. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar, pouring it evenly over the entire surface and piercing the mixture of fish and vegetables with a wooden stick so that the vinegar is evenly distributed throughout the entire mass. In the meantime, sterilize 10 half-liter jars, place the resulting canned food in them and roll up. Turn over, wrap, let cool.

Fish trifle in tomato

2 kg small fish,
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 stack 6% vinegar,
1 stack tomato paste,
1 stack Sahara,
salt, allspice, bay leaf - to taste.

Place the prepared fish in a pan, pour in a mixture of oil, vinegar and tomato paste, add salt, sugar and spices. Cover with a lid and place in an oven preheated to 140-150°C for 3.5-4 hours. After boiling, reduce the temperature to 100-120°C. Place the finished canned food in sterilized jars and seal.

Fish in fragrant marinade

4-5 kg ​​of fish,
5 liters of water,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
1.5 tbsp. salt,
3 g allspice,
2 g cloves,
3 g coriander,
100 g apple cider vinegar (you can use 6% vinegar),
Bay leaf.

Prepare the marinade: add spices tied in a gauze bag to the water, boil and let cool. Place the prepared fish in the marinade and leave for 3-4 hours. Then place the marinated fish in sterilized jars, add a bay leaf and fill with marinade again. Cover the jars with plastic lids and place in the refrigerator.

Fish mince in marinade

Ingredients for a half-liter jar:
350 g fish,
70 g vegetable oil,
30 g 6% vinegar,
1 bay leaf,
3 black peppercorns,
3 peas of allspice,
8 g salt.

Clean the fish, rinse thoroughly until the turbidity and blood disappear. Place bay leaves, peppercorns, salted fish at the bottom of the scalded jars, pour in vegetable oil and vinegar. Roll up the jars and place them for sterilization salt water at a temperature of 105°C for 2 hours.

This is so delicious. True, some experts do not recommend preparing canned fish that are supposed to be stored long time, at home, citing the fact that sterilization of such canned food should be carried out in autoclaves. And even sterilization in a pressure cooker, when a temperature above 100°C is reached with a hermetically sealed lid under pressure, cannot compare with the factory one. Sterilization of canned food for long-term storage should pass with the lid rolled up. If you put the rolled-up jars in a pressure cooker, tightly close the lid and start heating, then pressure will begin to rise inside the pan and inside the jars, but as soon as the sterilization is completed and you release the steam from under the pressure cooker lid, the rolled-up lids will come off the jars. There is only one way out: wait for it to cool and gradually reduce the pressure in the pan and jars, but this may take several hours, and the canned food may darken and deteriorate in quality. True, you can look for and buy glass lids with wide rubber seals and special clamps that hold the lid firmly. Such lids were very common about 30 years ago, when tin lids for rolling were still rare.

Such powerful sterilization is necessary to destroy all possible bacteria. The fact is that fish, meat and so-called natural mushroom cans (those that do not use vinegar or other preservatives) can develop bacteria, spores and viruses that do not need oxygen to live. They are called anaerobic. Anaerobic microbes include, in particular, botulism bacteria. Developing in a vacuum, these bacteria release potent toxins. Even a small part of botulinum toxin, once in the human intestine, can lead to dire consequences.

These are the horror stories. Therefore, be sure to sterilize canned fish or boil it for a long time, and also try to consume canned fish within 2-3 months and do not store it in a warm place. Even rolled up jars are best placed in the refrigerator or in a cold basement.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina