Garlic oil - recipe and beneficial properties. Garlic oil, treatment


Health 06/11/2017

Dear readers, I am sure that many of you love garlic and use it in preparing the most different dishes. I myself can’t resist the fragrant garlic scent. And about its benefits and medicinal properties Ah, legends are made. And today I invite you to talk about one more thing amazing product based on garlic - garlic oil.

Garlic oil is essentially a vegetable oil infused with garlic. The vegetable oil itself and the cooking recipe may vary. This “tincture” may become your favorite aromatic dressing for your dishes (and your little ones culinary secret), or used in medicinal purposes, because unique beneficial features garlic have been scientifically proven and tested many times.

Another great thing about garlic oil is that you can use it without special troubles and costs to prepare yourself at home. But before we look at several recipes, it’s worth talking about the benefits and contraindications of this product.

Garlic oil. Benefits and harms

For those who are interested in recipes for treating garlic, I recommend reading Nina Anatolyevna Bashkirtseva’s book “Garlic is a healing seasoning.” It can be found on the Internet and downloaded for free.

And for the soul, today we will listen to a song performed by Galina Khomchik “Just Summer” . Wonderful!

Before the advent of official medicine and high-tech equipment, our ancestors completely relied on the miraculous abilities of nature’s gifts: herbs, plants, vegetables, fruits, seeds. One of the most popular and effective means treatment was and is regular garlic . The world-famous Pythagoras called this vegetable "king of seasonings". Did you know that garlic oil not only adds irreplaceable taste to food but also takes care of your health? Do you want to know all about the benefits and harms of garlic oil, how to use it to heal joints and blood vessels, how to improve appearance hair and skin, recipes homemade and how to take it correctly, then read this article.

How to prepare garlic oil

This product is known throughout the world for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Garlic is easy to use and indispensable in many culinary dishes, and recipes traditional medicine With garlic oil are characterized by simplicity and ease. Everyone knows how richly medicinal properties garlic has. It is used raw, dried, and all kinds of tinctures are prepared. However, tinctures are typically prepared with alcohol, vodka, or alcohol-containing ingredients. Their benefits are irrefutable, but not everyone and not always can use such compositions.

Therefore, garlic oil is an excellent alternative to tinctures. It has a wide range of healing qualities and can be used by almost everyone who needs to treat or prevent a particular disease.

This is interesting: our ancestors considered garlic “a cure for all diseases.” It was used internally for rheumatism, gout, scurvy, bloating or externally for migraines, eczema, warts, ulcers, calluses, insect and snake bites. According to legend, during the period of the raging plague, people in Rus' smeared themselves with garlic oil, which saved them from death.

Garlic oil is any oil plant origin, infused with garlic. The vegetable itself contains too little fat, so it is impossible to make oil from garlic alone.

Typically, the basis for such oil is butter or unrefined sunflower oil and garlic cloves. For rich aroma experts in this field recommend adding black or red ground pepper, salt, and herbs - parsley, dill.

For cooking it is best to take fresh garlic, ripened in August, and gained useful juices until September-October. You can take any vegetable oil - sunflower, corn, for medicinal purposes would be better suited cold-pressed flaxseed or olive oil.

What's in it

Garlic oil contains:

  • calcium, necessary for the normal functioning of the skeletal system,
  • iron and copper, which take an important part in processes blood circulation,
  • vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that is extremely important for the development and strengthening of immune system,
  • thiamine, which activates blood circulation, metabolism, and the functioning of the nervous and digestive system.

The product contains the following substances and elements:

  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • monounsaturated fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • sodium;
  • protein;
  • carotene;
  • amino acids;
  • allicin;
  • sugar;
  • vitamins A, C;
  • potassium.

Scientific Facts About Garlic Oil

Currently, the following scientific data has been obtained about garlic oil:

  • systematic consumption of garlic for 2 months reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • garlic has an antiplatelet effect (reduces blood clotting), which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Regular consumption of garlic reduces the risk of developing prostate and stomach cancer;
  • suppresses bacteria of E. coli, diphtheria, plague, typhoid fever, tuberculosis bacilli;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • fights harmful microorganisms, removes poisons from the body and stabilizes the internal environment;
  • removes mucus from the respiratory system;
  • helps improve performance genitourinary system, relieves pain and various inflammations.

Garlic oil - 25 beneficial properties

The healing properties of garlic oil are due to its natural composition, which includes bioflavonoids, vitamins, amino acids, macroelements, and carotene. Due to its natural origin and rich composition, garlic oil has many benefits to improve our health, such as:

  1. Antiviral effect

    To achieve this effect, use homemade oil, or purchase its capsules at the pharmacy. Take according to instructions. At excessive consumption drugs are possible side effects: heartburn, nausea, flatulence.

  2. Analgesic effect for toothache

    For severe toothache, regular garlic oil applied to the surface of a regular cotton swab will instantly help you. Apply the swab to the tooth that is bothering you and leave for 10-20 minutes. The pain may disappear almost immediately, but the tampon must not be removed for the specified time, and the procedure must be repeated twice to consolidate the result.

  3. Fights fungus

    Garlic oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, thanks to which they help the body fight infectious diseases and fungal skin lesions.

  4. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

    Increased blood cholesterol negatively affects work of cardio-vascular system. Garlic oil and fish oil capsules will help you avoid this kind of problem. Take them as directed and as recommended by your doctor. An overdose can lead to side effects: bloating, problems with the digestive system.

  5. Prevents the development of cognitive impairment

    One of magical properties garlic - reduces the risk of developing cognitive disorder. Thanks to its antioxidant effects, garlic oil helps improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

    Before using garlic oil or capsules from a pharmacy, consult a specialist.

  6. Fights cancer

    Cancer is one of the most serious diseases that kills many people every year. Garlic oil contains active compounds that fight the development and formation of cancer cells. According to research, disulfide compound extracts have the ability to suppress the growth of cancer cells and significantly reduce the risk of developing breast and mammary cancer.

    Before use, consult a specialist.

    Caution: Garlic oil should not be taken before surgery as it may cause bleeding.

  7. Eliminates ear infections

    Garlic oil has been used by our ancestors to treat ear infections since ancient times. Thanks to antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties It not only eliminates inflammation caused by infection, but also relieves ear pain.

    To get rid of an ear infection, apply some warm garlic oil to a cotton swab and place it in the ear that is bothering you for 15-30 minutes.

  8. Strengthens immunity

    If you often get a runny nose or catch a cold, regular garlic will help you strengthen your immune system. It contains a lot nutrients, vitamins and minerals, making it a natural body strengthening agent. Allicin in garlic destroys viruses and bacteria that undermine health and strengthens the body's defense processes.

    To strengthen children's immunity, you can use a clove of garlic placed in a small box with holes. The smell of garlic inhaled by a child is rich in sulfur compounds and can strengthen the immune system.

  9. Strengthens the skeletal system

    Weak bones lead to the development of many diseases associated with skeletal system. To strengthen your bones and give them strength and density, try using garlic oil for these purposes. Take it as directed or as recommended by your doctor.

  10. Garlic oil for joints

    Garlic oil provides invaluable help for sore joints. It is often used for orthosis. It normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain, restores mobility, prevents salt deposition and removes waste and toxins. Garlic oil is especially effective for degenerative changes in the joints.

  11. Increases stamina

    If, on the advice of a doctor, you need physical exercise, but you get tired easily and feel unwell, try garlic oil. It contains active substances that increase endurance during training, which will be very useful for people suffering from heart disease.

    Add garlic oil to your diet as an addition to main courses, or take it as a stand-alone remedy. You can also buy capsules at the pharmacy - they do not have the smell or taste of garlic.

  12. Repels mosquitoes

    Do you want to spend time outdoors, but are you tormented by mosquitoes? Garlic oil, which is an excellent repellent, will help you repel insects and have a good time. Apply a couple of drops of garlic oil to a cotton pad and wipe it over exposed skin. Before use, make sure you do not have an allergic reaction to the product.

    This is interesting: The cause of the characteristic odor of garlic is the sulfurous substances in its composition. Get rid of unpleasant odor Chewing parsley or cinnamon, or drinking a glass of milk may help.

  13. Treats ulcers

    Garlic oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that prevent the development and growth of viruses and infections. To treat ulcers, apply a little oil to a cotton swab and apply to the affected area. Before use, make sure you are not allergic to garlic. Due to the acidic environment of the product, burning and itching may occur.

    Garlic oil will also be useful for insect bites, wounds, ulcers, eczema, calluses and warts. It accelerates processes associated with epithelization and wound healing.

  14. Has an antispasmodic effect

    Muscle spasms can also be effectively treated with this product. Garlic oil capsules are recommended for athletes to relieve muscle tension. This remedy also helps girls eliminate menstrual cramps.

  15. Reduces cholesterol and prevents obesity

    Garlic helps in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, preventing the formation of arterial plaques. It prevents obesity by removing excess deposits of water, fat, salts and other deposits from cells. toxic substances. Massage using a mixture of 5 drops of garlic oil and 3 ml sesame oil will help the body get rid of toxins through sweating, and will also contribute to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

  16. Helps with diabetes

    Scientists from Japan, in the course of their research, revealed that the substances contained in garlic can become part of the composition of tablets from diabetes mellitus first and second types. Vanadium and alixin present in garlic have the same effects as insulin. Later studies showed that oral administration of vanadium and alixin to mice caused a decrease in blood sugar.

    Before using garlic oil, you should consult a specialist or your doctor.

    Attention: store-bought oil may contain a large number of Sahara. For best results, purchase capsules from a pharmacy or prepare the oil at home.

  17. Positively affects the nervous system

    Vitamin B1 in garlic has a beneficial effect on nervous system, participating in the processing of glucose and providing energy processes occurring in cells.

  18. Increases potency

    The miraculous properties of garlic oil for men have been known to people since ancient times. Thanks to active substances and elements, it increases blood circulation and dilates blood vessels, thereby positively affecting male potency. Currently, evidence has been found for this statement in experiments conducted by scientists.

  19. Useful benefits of garlic oil in cosmetology

    Garlic oil is great for facial skin and hair care due to its miraculous properties. Our ancestors used garlic not only to improve health, but also to treat skin infections, hair, and nails. Garlic was added to soap, used to wash hair, and to treat warts, calluses, wounds, and ulcers. When used, garlic oil has the following effects:

  20. Fights skin infections

    Garlic, known for its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, fights many skin diseases such as psoriasis, warts, calluses. Due to its phytonutrient content, garlic oil, when used, can prevent the development of skin cancer. To eliminate infections skin Apply a little warm garlic oil to a cotton pad and wipe your face. Repeat this procedure two to three times a day for better results.

  21. Eliminates acne

    Are you worried about acne and blackheads? Using garlic oil will help you get rid of acne. Thanks to its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects, garlic oil soothes inflamed areas of the skin, disinfecting and disinfecting them. In addition, garlic oil, when used regularly, will reduce the risk of acne and acne reoccurring.

    To eliminate pimples and acne, apply a little garlic oil to a cotton pad and wipe it over the area of ​​skin that bothers you. Wash off any remaining oil after 10 minutes. Repeat daily until the pimples disappear.

  22. Garlic oil for hair

    Garlic oil contains many nutrients: vitamins B1, B6, C, which help strengthen the hair structure and prevent hair loss. Regular use of garlic oil will not only strengthen your hair, but also make it thick, dense, and silky.

    To prevent hair loss, you will need a mild shampoo and garlic oil. Apply a little warm oil to your scalp and hair, cover with a shower cap, and leave for 6-8 hours. After the specified time has passed, wash off the oil with a mild shampoo.

  23. Relieves dandruff

    If you suffer from dandruff and can't get rid of it, try using garlic oil! Our ancestors actively used this product for the health and treatment of the scalp and hair. The oil has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, thanks to which it successfully eliminates dandruff, prevents its reappearance, and soothes irritated skin.

    To cure dandruff in your hair, apply some warm garlic oil to your scalp, cover with a shower cap, and leave on for 6-8 hours. Then wash off with mild shampoo.

Simple recipes for making garlic oil at home

Garlic oil can be made at home quickly and easily. By preparing oil at home, rather than buying it in a store, you will be confident in the composition and naturalness of the product.

Garlic oil can be used to treat health, hair, skin, and nails, and can also be added to various dishes. Not only will it make your food look great and... unique taste, but also take care of your health.

Do you know that: one of the largest cities in America, Chicago, is named after garlic. Its name is translated from the Indian language as “wild garlic”.

How to store

Garlic oil should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container. The shelf life is 2-2.5 months.

How to take garlic oil

  • For prevention Adults should take 2 tablespoons of garlic oil per day. The dose for adolescents is half a teaspoon per day.
  • IN for cosmetic purposes Garlic oil is rubbed into the scalp and hair for 2 months.
  • For joint diseases Garlic oil is used to make compresses at night: the oil should be applied to the sore spot and rubbed until completely absorbed, then apply a warming compress. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  • For burns Compresses also help a lot. Mix garlic oil with essential oil rosemary in equal proportions, add 10 ml of water and make a compress on the affected area of ​​skin.
  • For the flu Garlic oil and honey will help. This mixture of two life-giving components will ensure a quick recovery.
  • For a severe runny nose and congestion, experts recommend massage sessions with garlic oil. Special attention When massaging, you should pay attention to the areas of the wrists, neck, back of the head and temple area.

This is interesting: garlic is the oldest cultivated plant that people began to eat more than 5 thousand years ago. Mention of healing properties garlic can be found in the Bible and the Koran.

Garlic oil capsules

An alternative to garlic oil are capsules made from it, sold in pharmacies. They are easy to eat and do not have a characteristic garlic smell or taste. In addition to garlic, the capsules contain amino acids, gelatin, and glycerin. The instructions for use of this garlic oil report the following properties:

  • antimicrobial and antibacterial effects;
  • antitoxic effect;
  • cleansing purulent wounds;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • vasodilation;
  • improved skin regeneration and hair growth;
  • increasing immunity;
  • healing of ulcers.

Contraindications and side effects

Many people do not tolerate garlic oil well. Ingredients in this product may irritate the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract, and also cause heartburn in some people.

Garlic initiates the activity of the digestive system organs, which in some diseases, for example, chronic pancreatitis or gastritis can harm the digestive system. In this case, using garlic oil capsules would be a better option. They can be purchased at any pharmacy and taken according to the instructions. This will minimize the risk of side effects and ensure that all necessary substances into the blood.

  • allergic reactions;
  • organ inflammation digestive tract;
  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • lactation period;
  • low blood clotting.

It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age to take garlic oil. During lactation, when consuming garlic oil, there is a high probability of it getting into the breast milk, which will spoil its taste. According to the results of the study, many mothers had children who refused breast milk while using garlic oil.

If you consume garlic oil in excess or have an allergic reaction to it, there may be a risk of side effects: headaches, slow reactions, heartburn, confusion and loss of concentration.

This is interesting: Garlic is toxic to dogs and cats. People are not recommended to take raw garlic on an empty stomach - this will cause heartburn and burn the mucous tissue of the esophagus.


Garlic oil should be taken to reduce the risk of developing and developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases. It reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood by 8%, and also has an antiplatelet effect (reduces blood clotting). The overall effect of garlic oil is slightly weaker than that of medicines, but a huge advantage of the oil is its naturalness. It is also worth noting that garlic oil has the desired effect only when used systematically. Its one-time use will not bring the desired results that you would like. Before you start taking garlic oil, you should consult a specialist.

As you have already learned, garlic is truly a magnificent gift of nature, but we can only use it with grace. If for some reason you cannot treat with garlic oil, turn on the usual raw garlic into his diet - he will add spicy taste dishes, and at the same time will bring great benefit for your body. Share with your friends and loved ones about the benefits of garlic oil, and tell us about your feelings and results!

What else is useful?

The widespread use of garlic in medicine has made this plant mega-popular among the people. His healing qualities confirmed by modern science.

The smell of garlic not only kills bacteria and germs, it repels insects. Gardeners and vegetable gardeners love it for this, planting it among currant and strawberry bushes.

It is widely used in cooking. The recipe is simple. Garlic is crushed and added to butter or vegetable oil. We will tell you what diseases it treats, how to use it, and offer several popular recipes.

What diseases does garlic treat and what is it used for?

Our ancestors noticed the healing properties of this plant. They have long learned to make garlic butter. The preparation recipe is simple and does not take much time, however, before use, it must steep for at least 10 days.

Garlic infused oil has long been used in the treatment of:

  • hypertension, atherosclerosis, flu, colds;
  • calluses and warts;
  • headaches, inflammatory reactions and bleeding;
  • gum disease and quality effective remedy in the prevention of caries.

Garlic removes cholesterol from the body, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Vitamins contained in garlic

Rich chemical composition makes this plant a panacea in the fight against many diseases. Garlic contains:

  • up to 20 microelements, nitrogenous compounds and carbohydrates;
  • almost a complete complex of B vitamins, vitamin E;
  • phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, copper;
  • mineral compounds rarely found in other products.

How to Make Garlic Oil to Treat Diseases

Fresh garlic is good for preparing oils, tinctures, teas, which are used in medical purposes. It is collected in the fall, when the leaves have withered and dried out. Choose large, high-quality teeth, without flaws.

For diseases and infections of the ear, diseases of the oral cavity, for rashes and itching, for burns, and simply to boost immunity at home, you should always have garlic oil on hand.

The recipe is simple.

  1. Mix vegetable oil and crushed garlic in equal proportions.
  2. Close tightly and let it brew for 10 days in a warm place and in the light, shaking occasionally.
  3. Strain, add essential oil or glycerin (a few drops). Store in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

This oil does not lose its effectiveness for up to 3 months. It is important to remember that the container in which it is prepared and stored must be sterile. Before use, it must be heated in a water bath to 32 degrees.

How to use garlic oil

The recipe for medicinal purposes is simple. However, this simple “elixir” is used against a wide variety of diseases:

  • For atherosclerosis - prepare a mixture of garlic and onion oils, rub in 15 drops, add to water and take 4 times daily before meals.
  • For flu - mix oil with honey, take 3 times a day between meals. It is also added to tea. This remedy is effective for other diseases respiratory tract and nasopharynx.
  • For throat infections and viruses - carry out inhalations based on garlic oil, make compresses and foot baths. Add to tea or juice, rub and massage.
  • To strengthen the body, treat the heart and lungs, add salt to freshly prepared garlic oil and consume with bread or other foods.
  • To treat skin diseases and calluses, rub into problem areas once a day, preferably at night. It also treats radiculitis, lumbago, and is used to rub the neck, back, or other source of pain.
  • For constipation and stomach diseases, use garlic oil 3 times daily for 3 months. Take a break for a month, then undergo treatment again.
  • For burns, it is mixed with oils that improve skin regeneration (for example, rosemary), mixed with a small amount water and apply as a compress.

Popular "quick recipe"

What to do if illness occurs, and how to prepare garlic oil and use it immediately?

You can save time, skip the infusion period and cook according to the “quick recipe”:

  1. Pour 2 cups of sunflower oil into a saucepan.
  2. Add a few black peppercorns and thyme.
  3. Cut the garlic into slices and place cut side down on the bottom of the saucepan.
  4. Place the container in an oven heated to 150 degrees.
  5. Remove in five minutes.

If the garlic cloves become soft, the product is ready. Strain and pour into a sterile container and store in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to store such a “potion” for more than a month.

Garlic oil in cooking

Surprise your loved ones with a spicy addition to the main dish; make garlic butter at home. It fits perfectly with fried potatoes, puree, as a substitute for sauce, for any type of meat. You can simply spread garlic butter on fresh bread.

The most best recipes below.

Recipe No. 1

Required Products:

  • 1 pack of high quality butter;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro), salt.


  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator until it becomes soft;
  • wash, dry and sort the greens, chop finely;
  • mix everything thoroughly;
  • squeeze the garlic through a garlic press or finely chop it with a knife, add to the oil;
  • Place in a container and store in the refrigerator. You can add spices to the garlic oil to taste.

Serve softened with fresh bread or pita bread.

Recipe No. 2

Required Products:

  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 cup


  1. Peel the garlic, crush it, add it to the oil.
  2. Bring over low heat until bubbles appear and simmer for 3 minutes.
  3. Then reduce to low and heat the oil for 10 minutes. Heat treatment necessary, otherwise it will spoil.

Pour the oil into a container and store in the refrigerator. This spicy addition is good for pizza, pies, and potatoes. Suitable for pasta or as a dressing for tomato salad.

These classic best recipes are not only simple, they will create a product rich in vitamins and microelements.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of garlic oil.

Garlic is a well-known herbaceous perennial plant of the lily family, with bulbs consisting of six to twelve cloves (cloves). GARLIC OIL FOR DISEASES. Video

Garlic was known in Ancient Egypt, its images are placed on sarcophagi and ancient Egyptian pyramids. We love you no less garlic and in our time.
Widely cultivated garlic in all regions of our country. It is used not only in cooking variety of dishes, but is also a medicinal plant. Its wonderful medicinal properties garlic made a leader in folk medicine.

HEALING PROPERTIES OF GARLIC OIL. Garlic oil- great product, a mixture of garlic and vegetable oil - olive or sunflower. on my own oil source cannot appear, since there is almost no fat in it. Garlic oil is used in cooking. But it is used more often in improving the health of the human body. This product can be purchased in bottles and capsules and can be prepared at home.


Often cooked garlic oil and use it for cooking. Many people like the smell of garlic. Adding it into oil adds a special aroma to dishes.

How to prepare and use garlic oil? Video

CULINARY RECIPE FOR GARLIC OIL. For culinary purposes garlic oil They prepare it completely differently than when treating diseases:

They take head of garlic per 0.500 liter vegetable oil.
Garlic Clean, cut each clove in half.
The jar is sterilized, there garlic fall asleep and pour in oil heated over the fire.
The jar is closed and stored for a week at 10 - 15 degrees.
Express to get garlic oil without sediment. The product can be added to salads or used for frying. Garlic lovers It is suitable for preparing many dishes.

GARLIC OIL IN CAPSULES. Some pharmaceutical companies garlic oil released in capsules. Such supplements are primarily positioned as antiatherogenic, less often - cold remedies. This promotion strategy garlic oil most effective, popular rumor is widespread that it heals garlic any diseases. Often garlic oil in capsules companies produce and promote their products using network marketing. Their supplements, according to the instructions, are effective and versatile. For example, garlic oil in capsules from Tianshi except anti-cold action and other properties it has:

cures tuberculosis;

useful for menopause;

can be used as a pain reliever;

arterial pressure reduces;

prevents cancer;

atherosclerotic destroys plaques on blood vessels.

In most overwhelming cases, properties garlic oil capsules is greatly exaggerated.

BENEFITS OF GARLIC OIL. Garlic oil, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home, is garlic extract. Nowadays it is known that at regular use garlic: ; ; has weak anti-inflammatory properties; has antioxidant properties; can destroy or slow down the growth of some bacteria.

IMPORTANT! Garlic oil has no practical benefits. His positive effects health benefits are realized with long-term use, are temporary in nature and usually do not persist after the end of the course of treatment. Perhaps you can take it if you are ready for the rest of your life garlic oil, You will receive some dividends for your health. It should be remembered that it brings to the body garlic is not only beneficial, but also harmful.

GARLIC OIL FOR JOINTS. Some additives, the active substance of which is garlic oil designed to reduce joint pain. For this purpose they use garlic oil, which is prepared at home. In this case, a person’s hope rests on Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore he expects: reducing pain; swelling reduction; functions of joints restoration and cartilage. Often a person expects that with the help garlic oil he will succeed completely and forever for arthritis get rid of. The reason for such expectations is the abundance of articles on the Internet that promise a cure. with help garlic oil for all diseases. But in reality, this product can reduce if or, then quite insignificantly. It has weak anti-inflammatory properties. If you do not suffer from arthritis, garlic can be used. Occasionally Everyone's joints hurt. AND this pain goes away gradually, regardless of what you are treating with your joints You: nettle, garlic, or bird droppings. And treat garlic oil or deforming osteoarthritis- this is about the same as Try to stop the bleeding from the femoral artery with a plantain.

GARLIC OIL FOR VESSELS. Most supplements overwhelmingly contain Garlic oil is intended for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It has long been known that Regular consumption of garlic in any form reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and lowers blood pressure. This is true! But, or arterial hypertension with garlic oil not recommended for the following reasons:
cholesterol levels and blood pressure cannot be reduced once - forever. Therefore, before purchasing garlic oil in the fight against atherosclerosis think about whether you are ready to accept it for the rest of your life. If not, then it’s not worth starting at all. Moreover, if there is an effect, it is very weak.

How to make garlic butter? Video

Garlic has a very weak antiatherogenic and antihypertensive effect. That's why, cardiologists their patients are prescribed with hypertension and high cholesterol levels: ACE inhibitors, sartans and antiotensin receptor blockers instead of garlic oil.
Is there some more A lot of other products, besides garlic, reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure, while being safe for health. This is for example cucumbers. Through action diuretic o they reduce the temporarily circulating blood volume, which has a positive effect on blood pressure. Due to the presence of fiber in its composition, Cucumbers lower cholesterol levels in the blood, since their absorption in the intestines is prevented.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Harm of garlic oil. Garlic oil Can cause harm to health with prolonged use only. We are talking about a product that is prepared at home. And supplements with garlic oil, if the instructions are to be believed, absolutely harmless. In the instructions column "side effects"- completely empty. This empty space may indicate a low dose, or a concealment of information by the manufacturers about the dangers of garlic potential for human health. Possible negative impact garlic oil is as follows: Garlic is an antibacterial agent. It means that It destroys not only pathogenic microbes, but also normal intestinal microflora. It is known that Garlic can have an effect on E. coli. True, there is clinical evidence that garlic oil Can cause dysbacteriosis, but not yet. These are doctors' assumptions based on logical conclusions.
Garlic irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, from using It is better to refuse garlic oil, enteritis, colitis. The product stimulates secretion of digestive juices, That's why exacerbation it is prohibited. Other undesirable phenomena garlic oil: h bad breath; discomfort in the abdomen; It is not advisable for nursing mothers to use, as the active components pass into breast milk; has a choleretic effect and is therefore contraindicated; local use in rare cases.

HOMEMADE GARLIC OIL. Concerning garlic oil prepared at home, the majority of people have a positive attitude towards it. It is mainly used not to combat high cholesterol, but for prevention or. Many people sincerely believe that garlic oil It helps them fight infections and prolongs life. There are practically no negative reviews about the product, as people don't like garlic who do not consider it beneficial for health to engage in it will not consume and prepare garlic oil.

Garlic oil It's not cheap. You can order it on the Internet at prices ranging from 400 to 500 rubles per two hundred and fifty ml. Therefore, it is easier to prepare this product at home. simple recipe using:
1. Take a 0.500 l glass bottle.
2. Fill the bottle three-quarters full. chopped garlic.
3. Vegetable oil Fill until the bottle is full.
4. Store in a cool place for 14 days, shaking the bottle daily.
5. Express. For medicinal purposes, this oil is used in diluted form. Dilute one tablespoon of the product in a liter of water. Drink the resulting solution one tbsp. 2 to 3 times a day. If popular opinion is to be believed, this allows colds cure sore throat, flu, expel worms and lower blood pressure.

RECIPE FOR PREPARING GARLIC OIL. Garlic bulbs are dug up for cooking oil in the fall, immediately after the leaves wilt.
Required: one medium sized head of garlic, two hundred fifty ml. sunflower unrefined oil oh, one lemon.
Method of production and use of oil: garlic Peel it and crush it into a paste. Place in a glass jar and oil fill it up. Place it in the refrigerator (it would be best to place it in the bottom compartment). Squeeze out lemon juice the next day, add one teaspoon of juice to the bottle.
Ready oil Store in a dark and cool place. Storage period – 14 – 21 days.
Use the resulting garlic oil for multiple sclerosis.

HEALING PROPERTIES. GARLIC OIL obtained from bulbs, which contain essential oil, polysaccharides, nitrogenous compounds, phytoncides, phytosterols, nicotinic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and mineral substances - salts of calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iodine and manganese.
It is a grayish-colored oil mixture with a specific odor that has antibacterial properties. Relieves spasms from brain vessels, heart spasms and shortness of breath. This vasodilator is wonderful. The oil may be prescribed for sclerosis.

Be healthy!

Garlic oil, treatment. Video


A briquette of butter can be so flavored with dill and garlic that it turns into a green and incredibly spicy mass that hardly anyone will dare to try. Herbs and spices should be added sparingly to just highlight the taste.

If garlic can be added to taste, depending on your preferences, then little dill is added and only for light aroma, a large amount of dill - dramatically changes the taste of this recipe.

There is no need to heat the oil, aiming for softness. The briquette is placed in a bowl and left for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. When it looks like a soft cream, you can start working.

Finely chop the dill leaves and soft parts of the stems. The greens are placed in a bowl with oil.

Garlic is squeezed through a press. Regular fine cutting using a knife will not allow you to achieve such uniformity.

Add salt, everyone should focus on their preferences.

To obtain perfect consistency, you need to use a blender. Speed ​​- medium, whipping time - 1 minute. Garlic oil can be served beautifully in the form of a cylinder.

For this you will need a little more dill, a piece cling film or a regular new file. A rectangular piece of film is spread on the table, sprinkled with dill, butter is spread on top, and leveled.

The resulting cylinder is placed in the freezer for 40-50 minutes, then the film is removed, the garlic oil according to the recipe is placed on a regular plate and placed on the refrigerator shelf.

The cylindrical briquette will not lose its shape; it can be cut into thin or thick circles. Now you can enjoy wonderful taste, with the aroma of dill and a slight taste of garlic.

Option #2: Spiced Olive Garlic Oil

Everyone has heard about the advantages olive oil, but this product is not in great demand and can stand untouched on a kitchen cabinet shelf for weeks, while its neighbors sunflower oil will quickly devastate.

If you combine butter with thyme and garlic, you get a delicious salad dressing. It is added to sandwich pates, they water it Italian pasta and whole boiled potatoes.

Recipe ingredients:

  • olive oil - 250 ml.
  • thyme - 1 teaspoon
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • red hot pepper - 1 ring.


Olive oil acquires the aroma of garlic only during heating; it can be heated in a water bath or in the oven at a minimum temperature.

Select any refractory molds with lids; you can pour everything into one large container or distribute it into two small ones. Wash the garlic, wipe it with a napkin; no moisture should remain on the cloves.

The cloves are cut in half and thrown into the oil. Add black peppercorns and one ring of red hot pepper.

Thyme can be either fresh or dried. Cover the mold with a lid and place in the oven, temperature - 150 degrees and keep in the oven for 40-50 minutes.

Then pour into a suitable container and put in the refrigerator. Now the aroma of garlic and thyme will clearly appear in the taste. If you are going to use the oil within the next week, you don't have to strain it.

Garlic can be put on sandwiches or added to sauces. Strained garlic oil will keep in the refrigerator for about a month.