What is the difference between vegetable oil and sunflower oil? The benefits of vegetable oil. Types of vegetable oils

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Vegetable oil - indispensable product nutrition. In addition to the fact that with its help the body better absorbs vitamins A, D, E and K, vegetable oil contains many simple unsaturated And polyunsaturated acids

Simple unsaturated acids “load” the digestive organs, and especially the intestines, less than others, which greatly facilitates metabolism in the body. Two main polyunsaturated acids - linoleic and linolenic - reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthen blood vessels, actively promote metabolism, promote body growth and even conception. To satisfy the body's need for polyunsaturated and simple unsaturated fatty acids, 1 tablespoon of any vegetable and 1 tablespoon per day will be enough.

"When buying oil, pay attention to the production and sale dates, as well as the purpose of the product. For example, if it is written “for salads,” then it is not recommended to use it for frying - the oil will foam. In addition, salad oils contain vitamins that are destroyed when heat treatment."

Refined and refined deodorized oils can be used for frying, for making salads, and mayonnaise.

On unrefined It is not recommended to fry in oil, as high temperature Toxic compounds are formed in it (only olive oil can withstand several frying cycles). But also refined oils when frying, do not overheat (the temperature should not exceed 160-170 degrees). If smoke appears above the surface of the oil, it means that dangerous toxic compounds are beginning to form in it.

"Do not store oil in the light, in heat: it spoils quickly. The place for it is in the refrigerator. Do not fry in the same oil twice."

A good housewife should have at least two containers with different vegetable oils. According to experts, there is no oil that is ideal for both cold dishes and frying. When choosing vegetable oil:

* take a closer look to see if there is sediment in the bottle - its presence indicates oxidation. This product has a bitter taste and foams when heated.

* shelf life of unrefined oil is 2 months, refined oil is 4 months

* do not pay attention to the inscription on the label - “no cholesterol”: any vegetable oil does not contain it at all

*read the markings on the olive oil label. Often it is indicated in small letters that the product is a mixture with some other oil without indicating the percentage of its parts. This is nothing more than deception of the consumer.

Sunflower oil often sold unrefined, that is, not purified of vitamins. But refined sunflower oil also contains twice as much vitamin E as the rest.

Soybean oil In addition to fat, it contains complete proteins. It is not deodorized, only refined. It contains the most linoleic and linolenic acids, and they are in an ideal ratio - the body easily absorbs them. In cooking it is more suitable for vegetables than for meat. Raw has a brown and greenish tint, while refined has a light yellow tint.

Corn oil Only refined and deodorized ones are suitable for food (raw ones have a pungent smell and taste). It contains few vitamins, but the taste is neutral - ideal quality for cooking confectionery, meat and fish.

Olive oil considered the most valuable. Natural olive oil is golden yellow in color. Vegetable salad or spaghetti, seasoned with unrefined olive oil, twice as healthy and tastier. But you shouldn’t fry with it - harmful toxins are formed in hot olive oil. Another drawback is that the shelf life is only one month. Refined olive oil does not smell like olives, but it can be stored for a whole year. And you can fry on it without fear of getting poisoned.

“It’s best to buy it in late autumn or winter, when the outside temperature is around zero - then it’s easy to be convinced of its naturalness. Authentic “ liquid gold» At a temperature of 0°C it hardens and becomes opaque. Surrogate, diluted with cheap rapeseed or soybean, remains liquid."

The tissues of almost all plants contain a water-insoluble oily substance called fat. The largest amount is found in the seeds. The fat pressed or extracted from plants is called vegetable oil. Oil can be obtained from almost any plant, but the oils of not all plants are of great economic value. Therefore, they are extracted from individual plants.

List of oils plant origin : from apricot kernels, peanut butter, from grape seeds, from cherry pits, from walnut, mustard oil, wheat germ oil, cocoa butter, cedar oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, corn oil, Sesame oil, linseed oil, almond oil, sea ​​buckthorn oil, olive oil, palm oil, sunflower oil, from rice bran, soybean oil, from pumpkin seeds.

Vegetable oils are mainly liquid , but there are also hard (coconut, palm). Differentiate between oils drying out (flaxseed, hemp), semi-drying (sunflower, cotton) and non-drying (castor, coconut).

So which vegetable oil is better and healthier? There probably cannot be a clear answer to this question. After all, a lot depends on national preferences. Thus, cottonseed oil, rarely sold in our stores, is very popular in the cuisine of Central Asian peoples. A rarity for us is rapeseed oil, and flaxseed and hemp oils almost never go on sale. So it turns out that the most popular vegetable oils in our country are sunflower, corn, soybean and mustard.

The main property that determines nutritional value vegetable oils, is the content of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. There are others features vegetable oils.

Brief characteristics of the most commonly used vegetable oils

Sunflower (vegetable) oil- one of the most common in the world, light yellow in color, with a characteristic smell and taste. In its natural form it is used in food, and after hydrogenation - for the production of margarine, soap and various drying oils. The composition of fatty acids contains 25-35% oleic, up to 65 - linoleic unsaturated acids and 8-12% saturated, iodine number - 119-144.

Corn oil its composition is close to sunflower and can replace it in the production of margarine, as well as in soap making and drying. This oil is obtained from the germ, most often it has a light yellow color, a characteristic smell and taste. About 10% of fatty acids are unsaturated and the rest are saturated. Among them, oleic – 42-45%, linoleic – 40-50%. Iodine number is 111-131. It is slightly refined, but is a valuable food product.

Soybean oil, depending on the method and conditions of production, has a color from light yellow to dark brown, nice smell, sometimes bitter taste. Contains many unsaturated acids, including fatty acids, especially linoleic acid (52-57%) and a small amount of saturated acids (from 1 to 7%). Most of all stearic (4.5-7.3%). Iodine number is 114-140. After refining, soybean oil is used for food purposes. In combination with foods, soybean oil is more suitable for cooking vegetables than meat.

The components of soybean oil have a miraculous effect on the health of the entire body. For example, vitamin E1, which is part of soybean oil, is both necessary for men's health and recommended for pregnant women because it promotes fetal development. The content of this vitamin is two times less in sunflower oil and nine times less in olive oil.

Soybean oil contains vegetable protein (lecithin), which is similar to animal protein, so it is widely used in vegetarian cuisine. Lecithin also promotes the metabolism of fatty acids (cholesterol) and, therefore, prevents cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is used for treatment.

Soybean oil, like others soy products, useful for the prevention of kidney diseases and stress, it is beneficial for the skin and strengthens the immune system. Absorbed by the body almost 100%.

Rapeseed oil It has a characteristic odor, a bitter taste and a greenish color, which is difficult to remove using conventional refining methods. It is similar to the oil of rapeseed and other cruciferous crops. Rapeseed oil contains from 40 to 65% erucic acid, 20-30% oleic acid, about 15% linoleic and 2-3% linolenic, and some saturated acids. Iodine number is 95-103. With thorough refining - with sulfuric acid - alkali rapeseed oil is used as edible oil.

Mustard oil has a brownish-yellow or slightly greenish-yellow color, pleasant taste and a characteristic smell. Unsaturated fatty acids make up about 4%, the rest are saturated. Among them, oleic is about 28%, erucic is about 50, linoleic is about 15, linolenic is up to 1%. Iodine number is 96-107. Mustard oil is used mainly for food.

Linseed oil differs from other oils in that its fatty acids contain from 5 to 60% unsaturated and only 5-10% saturated. Of the unsaturated acids, linoleic (22-59%) and linolenic (21-45%) predominate. The iodine number ranges from 170 to 200, which is almost twice as much as that of sunflower, corn and other plant oils. Since this oil contains many unsaturated acids and a high iodine number, it dries out very quickly. Therefore, it is eaten only in fresh. Even when corked, it oxidizes and becomes bitter after two to three months.

Flaxseed oil serves as the basis for the preparation of oil paints, varnishes and drying oils, and is also used in soap making. In the pharmaceutical industry from linseed oil receive the drug linetol, which is a mixture of ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids and serves as a good remedy for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

In folk medicine, flaxseed oil is used internally as a gentle oil, externally prescribed as an ointment for burns, and also in the diet of patients with lipid metabolism disorders and atherosclerosis.

Experts believe that the more unsaturated fatty acids they contain, the greater the benefits of fats. This is due to the fact that unsaturated acids very easily enter into chemical reactions of oxidation and addition at the location of double bonds in their molecules. Simply put, unsaturated acids “cleanse” all sorts of unnecessary and dangerous substances from the body and thereby contribute to maintaining health and longevity.

Physiologists have concluded that the habit of using vegetable oil not only for preparing salads and in home canning, but also in order to fry meat, fish, mushrooms on it, it will add health to everyone without exception.

The only disadvantage of fats with unsaturated fatty acids is their ability to oxidize in air, especially noticeable in heat and light. In this case, vegetable oil most often becomes cloudy.

All oils oil
Olive oil, depending on the production method, has a light yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tint, a pleasant taste and smell. The fatty acid composition of olive oil can vary widely depending on its origin.

On average, olive oil contains 9-18% glycerides of palmitic and stearic acids, 64-85% glycerides of oleic acid, 4-12% glycerides of linoleic acid. Iodine number is 80-85.

Pressed olive oil is used in food mainly as a seasoning in salads, partly for the preparation of the first and second meat dishes. For technical purposes, only oil obtained by extraction of residues after pressing is used.

Olive oil is also mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. There are many legends about him. This oil is obtained from the fruit of the olive tree – the cultivated olive. The oil contains glycerides of many unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

Olive oil is also used as a substitute for animal fats for the nutrition of older people, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

In folk medicine, olive oil is used as a laxative, as well as externally for bruises, stings of wasps, bumblebees and bees. Olive oil is a strong choleretic agent that improves the bile excretory and secretory functions of the liver. It helps remove cholesterol crystals and other metabolic products from the body. But before you start treatment with olive oil at home, you need to consult your doctor.

Olive oil is not recommended for consumption in case of jaundice, exhaustion, infectious diseases, pregnancy, or severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Useful tips for using and storing vegetable oil:

1. Vegetable oil loses its properties when heated strongly and for a long time. valuable properties.

3. To lighten cloudy vegetable oil, you need to:
a) add a little to it table salt(at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of oil) and leave for several days. The settled oil will separate into two layers. The bottom one will contain a solution of table salt in water with impurities that caused it to become cloudy.
b) then carefully drain the upper lighter layer of clarified and dehydrated oil into another container.

4. Vegetable oil for frying should be taken so much that there is no left for reuse.

Until recently, we simply bought vegetable oil, without specifying its name: besides sunflower, there were practically no other varieties on sale. Now the choice has become much richer. Olive, soybean, corn, rapeseed oil appeared... What do we know about them?

Vegetable oils are rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. These acids are part of cell membranes, are responsible for the synthesis of important hormones, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and perform many other vital functions. They are not formed in the human body, but only come from food, mainly vegetable oil.

Everyone knows that vegetable oil can be unrefined and refined. The first has taste and smell, while the second has neither one nor the other. But few people know how one type of oil differs from another, for what purposes and in what quantities they should be used, and how, finally, to distinguish real oil from a fake. And without knowing this, it is difficult to choose the right oil and use it for health benefits.

Let's start our conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of vegetable oils with the most popular among us - sunflower. Today you can find several varieties of it on sale, the most useful of which is unrefined, containing more than 60% linoleic acid. The sediment that forms during storage of unrefined oil is not ballast, as some people think, but a source of substances beneficial to health: phospholipids, vitamin E (a-tocopherol), p-carotene, p-sisterol and others. The more sediment at the bottom of a bottle of unrefined oil, the higher its healing properties.

In Western Europe, unrefined oil is sold in dark glass bottles or sealed metal cans, but in our case it is still in transparent plastic bottles.

In addition to unrefined, we are offered several varieties of refined oil: hydrated, hydrated frozen, refined non-deodorized and refined deodorized. Hydrated and hydrated frozen oil is obtained from unrefined oil by hydration, that is, treatment with water. Hydrated frozen food is also subjected to freezing in order to remove waxes, which when room temperature They make the oil cloudy and precipitate when cooled.

Refined non-deodorized and refined deodorized oil are deeply purified products. The first is almost transparent with a subtle taste and smell, the second is very transparent, light yellow in color, tasteless and odorless. Refined deodorized oil comes in two grades - “D” and “P”. For dietary nutrition Only D grade oil is used. During the refining process, refined oil is placed in chemical solvents - benzene or hexane - substances obtained during the distillation of oil. Subsequently, 48 they are distilled off, but some of them remain in the purified oil, which is not good for health. In addition, during the process of deep cleaning, the oil loses the last remnants of beneficial biologically active substances that are still retained in it after hydration. The result is an impersonal oil that cannot be distinguished from other highly refined vegetable oils. By the way, unscrupulous manufacturers often take advantage of this, passing off one refined oil as another, more expensive one.

Refined sunflower oil can be stored for more than a year. It is not afraid of sunlight and moderate heat.

Sunflower oil is considered a classic vegetable oil in Russia, Argentina and some neighboring countries. In the countries of the Mediterranean region, olive oil is considered such a classic. Of all vegetable oils, it is the most nutritious. Olive oil has relatively little (about 12%) essential linoleic acid, so it has a gentler effect on the human body than sunflower oil and does not cause disturbances in fat metabolism when consumed in increased (more than two tablespoons per day) quantities.

Olive oil is widely used in diet therapy and in the treatment of a number of diseases: atherosclerosis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic colitis and others. Doctors recommend that people with diseases of the digestive system take a spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach, which causes a slight choleretic effect. Consumption of other vegetable oils c. a similar situation leads to hepatic colic.

It also has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. It is known that residents of Mediterranean countries who regularly eat it rarely suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

It is believed that olive oil, along with fish oil, can serve as a means of preventing cancer.

On store shelves today you can find three brands of olive oil: “raw extra,” “raw,” and “refined.” The first two are more expensive because they are obtained from selected olives. This oil is also called Provencal oil. It is ideal for dressing vegetable and fruit and vegetable salads, making sauces, canned food, and all kinds of snacks with crabs and shrimp.

Oil of the “purified” brand is refined. It is not very well obtained from olives. High Quality and is mainly used for cooking. Unrefined olive oil is easy to distinguish from refined olive oil: the former is light yellow or golden yellow in color, the latter has a greenish tint.

Unlike most other oils, olive oil is resistant to oxidation due to its oleic acid content, so it can be used to cook any kind of food.

Olive oil is much more expensive than others, so it is often counterfeited. Experts say that at least twice as much of it is sold as it is produced. How to distinguish fake from natural? To do this, the purchased oil must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. Natural oil During this time, it thickens, flakes form in it, which quickly disappear at room temperature.

A familiar stranger for Russians is flaxseed oil, which has appeared on sale in our country. Nowadays you don’t see this oil often, but before the revolution it was produced in Russia in large quantities.

In terms of biological value, this oil is superior to all other vegetable fats. It's vital important product for people with fat metabolism disorders. It improves cellular metabolism, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, improves immunity, and extinguishes inflammatory processes in the body.

These and other valuable properties of flaxseed oil are explained by its high content of linoleic (20-70%) and linolenic (18-46%) fatty acids and the presence of lignans - a special form of fiber that promotes the synthesis of a specific hormone that reduces the content of female body estrogen hormone. This makes it easier for women during menopause and reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer.

Despite all the exceptional value of flaxseed oil, for many decades it was obtained in tiny quantities, and it did not reach the mass consumer. Now its production is beginning to revive. It can be freely purchased in the cities of flax-growing regions, for example Tver, Kashin. In Moscow it goes to stores selling groceries. healthy eating and to the stores of the company "Ecological Technology".

In addition, the medicinal drug linetol is produced, the basis of which is flaxseed oil. This remedy lowers blood cholesterol and is recommended by nutritionists for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. Take Linetol 1 time a day before meals, 1-1.5 tablespoons. When taking the oil, you should be patient: tangible signs of recovery appear after several courses of treatment for 1-1.5 months each, with breaks between them of 2-4 weeks.

When purchasing flaxseed oil, you should remember that only certified flaxseed oil, cold-pressed from special varieties of flax, is suitable for food. It easily oxidizes under the influence of sunlight and atmospheric oxygen, so it should be packaged in dark bottles made of glass or food-grade plastic. Its shelf life is significantly shorter than that of other vegetable oils.

Soybean oil is very popular in Western Europe, the USA and, of course, in its homeland, China. Unlike other oils, it contains all three essential fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic, and the first two in a very good ratio - 54 and 6%, respectively. The oil contains a lot of vitamin E (99 mg per 100 g of product) and 1.8-3.5% lecithin, which is known to effectively reduce cholesterol levels.

Due to its strong anti-cholesterol properties, it is recommended for hypertensive patients and people with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Widely used in baby food, since it contains substances necessary for the formation of a healthy nervous system and visual apparatus.

We sell only refined, but not deodorized soybean oil. This oil is light yellow in color with a weak specific odor. It is relatively resistant to high temperatures and can be used for cooking. Unrefined oil has a brownish-greenish color.

Corn oil In terms of the content of essential fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic - it surpasses many other oils, including sunflower. It is also richer in other substances beneficial to human health, and in terms of vitamin E content (93 mg per 100 g of product) it is second only to soybean.

Corn oil cleanses the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

It is obtained by extraction and pressing. Extraction oil is more biologically active because it contains more lecithin. It has increased acidity due to the presence of free fatty acids. Only refined deodorized oil goes on sale, which can be used in the same way as sunflower oil.

Rapeseed oil, like olive oil, is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, so it oxidizes slowly and can withstand several frying cycles without destruction. It is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, but there is little vitamin E in it - only 12 mg per 100 g of oil. It goes on sale only in refined form.

Peanut butter, like olive and rapeseed, is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, making it resistant to oxidation. Only cold-pressed oil is useful, that is, unrefined, which rarely appears on the shelves of our stores.

Cottonseed oil The fatty acid composition is close to sunflower. It differs from sunflower oil only in its higher content of saturated fats, which precipitate when the oil is stored. When cooled to 0°C it solidifies, but when heated it becomes liquid again.

Like many other vegetable oils, it is sold only in refined form. A special salad oil is produced, which is obtained by freezing saturated fats from oil.

Peanut butter exotic for us, but it should be in every home. It's very useful. Nutritionists recommend it for atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. For older people, nut oil helps stabilize metabolic processes in skin tissue.

In folk medicine it is used for bladder stones, diabetes and increased acidity. Freshly squeezed oil with wine expels roundworms from the body. In addition, nut oil is considered the best treatment for gangrene and erysipelas.

Based nut butter the drug juglone was created, which is used for skin diseases.

Only has a therapeutic effect fresh oil, obtained by cold pressing. This oil is easy to prepare at home. Take 100 g of shelled nuts, place them in a vessel with a narrow neck and fill with one liter of linseed or sunflower oil. Close the container tightly with a lid and place in a dark place. Leave for at least two weeks, shaking occasionally. You can cook it faster. The nut kernels are ground in a porcelain mortar and then the oil is squeezed out. You can also use garlic cloves for squeezing. It is better to prepare oil from walnuts: They contain more essential fatty acids.

Of all vegetable oils Palm- the least valuable, since two-thirds consists of saturated fats. At room temperature it thickens and looks like pork fat. It is used as a hardener in the production of margarines, in confectionery and culinary production. It is added to food only when heated.

And now some tips regarding the purchase and use of vegetable oils.

When purchasing oil, read the labels carefully. In addition to the name of the oil and the method of production (refined, unrefined), ask whether its shelf life has expired. This is easy to determine. Foreign manufacturers indicate on the labels the final sell-by date for the product, while Russian manufacturers indicate the year and month of its manufacture. The shelf life of sunflower, corn and some other unrefined oils is 4 months, olive oil - 8 months, flaxseed oil - 1-3 months.

Labels such as “no cholesterol” and “with vitamin E” can be ignored, since the above properties are inherent in all vegetable oils. You should not focus your attention on the inscription “with vitamin C”, since it is known that vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin.

Do not use oil with expired implementation: it may form harmful oxidation products that cause irritation gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders. For the same reason, do not store oil for future use, especially unrefined oil.

To avoid spoilage, do not store oil in plastic bottles or bags. Immediately after purchase, pour it into a glass or ceramic container with a narrow neck and close with a stopper. To keep the oil fresh longer, add a little salt or a few dry beans.

Unrefined oil should be consumed raw, seasoning salads, vinaigrettes, boiled potatoes and porridge immediately before meals. When such oils are used for frying, they lose all their wonderful properties. The vitamins and essential fatty acids present in them are destroyed, releasing toxic substances into food that have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. “Your death is boiling in your frying pans,” warned the famous naturopath Paul Bragg.

Nutritionists recommend stewing and frying using refined oils, preferably olive or rapeseed, as they are more resistant to oxidation and can withstand heat without destroying their structure. But the heating temperature should not be higher than 180°C. Its excess is indicated by smoke above the surface of the oil. This means that the oil has overheated and the formation of toxic substances begins. Other refined oils (sunflower, corn, etc.), if used for frying, should be used in non-stick dishes. In this case, less oil is required, and in this amount it will not cause harm to health.

Not all people love fragrant and aromatic unrefined oil. For them, nuts and seeds can be a rich source of essential fatty acids and vitamins. One teaspoon of oil can easily be replaced by two teaspoons of sunflower seeds, or one walnut, or six almonds, or 20 peanuts.

Albert Zharkikh

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What do the cumbersome definitions “frozen” and “hydrated” mean? What is the use of this oil and will it smoke in the pan? Which is better - sunflower, corn or olive? Let's figure it out together.
Perhaps the most beneficial thing in vegetable oil is fatty acids. Almost everyone has all three types: saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated. The only difference is in proportions.

Saturated acids we really need small quantities; their excess is fraught with disruption of fat and cholesterol metabolism and, as a consequence, an increasing risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. There are many of these in peanut, palm and coconut oils.

Unsaturated fatty acids, on the contrary, are very useful. They regulate metabolic processes in the body. There is especially much talk now about linoleic (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic (omega-3): according to the latest data, they prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and even destroy those that already exist. The body cannot produce these acids on its own; we get them from food, and vegetable oil is the main source.

As it turned out, we consume these acids incorrectly: we are addicted to omega-6 (sunflower, sesame, corn oil) and neglect omega-3 (linseed, rapeseed, walnut oil). Doctors believe that such an imbalance can cause health problems. This is why it is important for us to “eat” different oils.

Big purge

The usefulness of oil depends not only on the raw materials. Much determines the method of spinning and cleaning. Vitamin E, which manufacturers love to write about, is quite stable, but still heat treatment not very useful to him. The more it is, the less vitamin remains in the product. Oil in which biologically preserved to the maximum active substances, obtained by cold pressing. That’s what they say on the labels – “first spin/cold press”. This oil is only filtered to remove mechanical impurities. Alternative way- extraction. In this case, organic solvents are used. Such oil goes through more than one stage of purification, and most of the valuable components, alas, are lost in the process.

To increase shelf life, unrefined oil may be treated with alkali. This is called neutralization. If the oil has been processed hot water, the label says “hydrated”. The taste of this product is not so bright, the color is less saturated, and, of course, some of the beneficial substances are lost. But with a guarantee, heavy metals and pesticides that could be contained in the raw materials were removed.

Refined oil depersonalized: it is colorless, almost odorless. If it has also been deodorized, you can be sure that there are practically no vitamins and other valuable substances in it. But fatty acids, on the contrary, exist.

The label “frozen” means that waxes have been removed from the product. It is because of them that the oil becomes cloudy in the cold or in the refrigerator and does not look very appetizing. With all its advantages, unrefined oil, unfortunately, is not suitable for frying - it burns and smokes.

But not everything is simple with refined: the more polyunsaturated acids it contains (as, for example, in sesame, soy and safflower), the worse it tolerates heat. You can and should fry in rapeseed, mustard, and best of all, olive oil.

Oil with a high concentration of polyunsaturated acids does not tolerate light and smokes in a frying pan. It is best used for salad dressings


■ It is better to buy unrefined oil in the store. Counterfeits can be harmful to health.

Closed bottle should be stored in a dry, dark, cool place. Opened - only in the refrigerator.

■ Salt salads before adding oil: salt does not dissolve in fat.

If you fry meat or vegetables in cottonseed oil, they will have a delicious crispy crust. Real pilaf they cook on it

What options?

It's not for nothing that we love him so much. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, and a relatively low concentration of saturated fatty acids, which is good. It’s not worth frying with sunflower, but it’s good for seasoning vinaigrettes, sauerkraut or herring. Refined oil is suitable for frying and baking, and is often added to sauces.

Its record amount of monounsaturated fatty acids makes it an important ingredient in the famous Mediterranean diet. Scientists claim that this oil helps fight cardiovascular diseases. The most useful variety - Extra Virgin, that is, cold pressed. There are countless options for dishes with olive oil. It gives a special “southern” taste to salads, pasta sauces and chops.

Contains a lot of omega-6 acids and vitamin E. It comes only in refined form. You can fry it, but it is better to use it in potato and carrot salad And vegetable stew.

Champion in omega-3 fat content. Quickly deteriorates from heat and light. The oil has a specific taste, but if you mix it with crushed garlic, you get spicy sauce. You can season soups with it, pour it over boiled potatoes, add to cottage cheese with herbs. By the way, a teaspoon of flaxseed oil at night is an excellent natural laxative.

Pumpkin seed oil
Lots of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, vitamins B, PP, C. Does not tolerate high temperatures and light. It's a little sweetish taste good in meat salads, seasoned with fish and vegetable soups and even added to baking dough.

Grapeseed oil
Source of vitamin E ( daily norm per tablespoon) and omega-6 fats. Light aroma It doesn’t clog the grapes, but enhances other odors. That's why cooks use this oil to season green and fruit salads, added to marinades. Resistant to high temperatures, does not smoke when frying.

What to put in your cart?

Unrefined sunflower:

Light (dark is made from burnt seeds);
almost transparent with a slight sediment. These are not “dregs”, but useful phospholipids. The oil “sludge” contains substances that help the body build cell membranes and fight harmful external factors;
no bitter smell. Pleasant aroma- guarantee of oil freshness;
viscous. The drop should spread very slowly, and the oil should pour silently (for example, from one container to another). The easiest way to check this quality is on the market.

Refined sunflower:

Oil from large manufacturers: they most likely comply with production standards;
light (dark may contain carotenoids, which are destroyed when heated). The lighter the oil, the more suitable it is for frying;
without sediment: good refined oil should be absolutely transparent;
without antioxidants in the composition;
in dark glass bottles. Or what stands in the far dark corner: in the light in oil they quickly collapse useful material;
for children, it is better to choose frozen butter that has the letter “P” or “D” on the label;
always pay attention to the labeling: oil comes in premium, premium and first grade. Premium, of course, is the best.

It is believed that best time for sunflower oil production - November or December. Read the label

Expert commentary

Irina Arkatova, chief expert of Roskontrol

« All the contestants, except Mr.Ricco, have already been checked by Roskontrol. Therefore, we can compare the indicators: let’s say, “Zlato”, “Sloboda” and “Oleyna” have never caused any complaints. There were some small questions about “Golden Seed”. The “Good”, which was tested in 2016, had the same complaints as now. In the laboratory, among other things, we determine the peroxide, acid and anisidine values ​​of each sample. These are indicators of oxidative spoilage of sunflower oil. During storage they increase at different rates. What did the examination show? Blago oil does not correspond to the declared premium grade in terms of its peroxide value. The rest of the samples pleased me. Except that “Golden Seed” has an “anisidine number” indicator approaching the maximum permissible already in the first quarter of the shelf life. However, at the time of inspection it met the requirements of GOST.

On a note

Stainless steel taps will shine like new if you lightly wipe them with sunflower oil.
Old stains can be quickly removed by spraying them with a mixture of sunflower oil and fresh lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio.
After various repairs (especially painting) your hands will be washed better if you lubricate them with sunflower oil before starting work.
To make leather products - jackets, shoes, gloves - look perfect, lubricate them with sunflower or olive oil. Leave for five minutes and wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Refined deodorized sunflower oil

1st place


Complies with all safety requirements and characteristics specified in the marking. High-quality sunflower oil of the highest grade, complying with GOST.

2nd place

Mr. Ricco

JSC "Kazan Fat Plant"
Mr. Ricco came to our laboratories for the first time, and for experts it was a “dark horse”. We did not identify any shortcomings. The oil is of high quality, and we can recommend it for purchase without a doubt.

3rd place


If we were holding a competition “where is the most essential linoleic acid,” then “Oleina” would definitely win. The remaining parameters of this participant are also excellent, although the manufacturer declared the first grade, and not the highest or premium.

4th place


OJSC "MZhK Krasnodarsky"
First grade quality oil. Meets safety requirements according to proven indicators. It has a slightly higher mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances than others. No other differences with other samples were identified.

5th place

"Golden seed"

Group of companies "Yug Rusi"
One of the indicators is slightly too high, but is within the normal range, there are no more complaints.

6th place


LLC "Company Blago"
“Blago” is listed as a premium oil. But some first and highest class competitors are ahead of him in terms of performance. In the laboratory it turned out that it does not correspond to the premium grade at all. This led to last place.


Sunflower oil is one of the best vegetable fats and an indispensable food product for every person. No housewife can do without it. Sunflower oil is used for frying and stewing, dressing salads and soups, it is added to dough and sauces, and used for homemade preparations. Navigating today's abundance different varieties sunflower oil is not so easy.

A little history

Today it is impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without sunflower oil, but it first appeared in Russia not so long ago. Peter I brought the first handful of sunflower seeds to St. Petersburg from Holland and ordered them to be sown in his pharmacy garden. In 1829, Russian peasant Daniil Bokarev came up with a way to obtain oil from sunflower seeds, and in 1833 the first sunflower oil production plant was built in Russia. Very soon Russian Orthodox Church recognized sunflower oil lean product, and since then its widespread distribution began. In the middle of the 19th century. Half of the agricultural areas in southern Russia were sown with sunflowers, and by the beginning of the twentieth century. sunflower oil has already become a national Russian product.

The healthiest oil

How to store sunflower oil. To save useful properties Sunflower oil should be stored in a dark place at a temperature from +5 to +20deg; C and protected from contact with water and metal.

Sunflower oil is a product that has unique properties. By digestibility and content nutrients Sunflower oil is superior to many vegetable oils; neither soybean, nor rapeseed, nor corn can compete with sunflower in terms of usefulness. Sunflower oil contains unsaturated fatty acids that are essential for the human body and other equally beneficial fatty acids.

Sunflower oil is richest source fat-soluble vitamins, the main of which are vitamins A, D, E and F. Linoleic and linolenic unsaturated fatty acids contained in sunflower oil are not synthesized in the human body, but are vital substances. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids is called vitamin F, and the human need for these substances is even higher than for other vitamins. Vitamin F is involved in the formation of cell membranes and the formation of nerve fibers, is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, cell regeneration and skin elasticity, supports immunity, increases vascular elasticity and improves blood flow. Vitamin F fights atherosclerosis, participates in fat metabolism and removes cholesterol from the body.

Vitamin E prevents oxidative processes in the body, improves memory, participates in metabolic processes, fights aging at the cellular level and improves the function of the endocrine and gonads. Vitamin E promotes better absorption of fats and vitamins A and D, has a beneficial effect on nervous system, prevents the appearance of senile pigmentation on the skin, the development diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin A, which sunflower oil is also rich in, is essential for growth and vision. It slows down the aging process and takes part in metabolism, cell renewal, formation of hair, nails, bones and teeth. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant and is used for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Vitamin D ensures the growth and development of bones, so it is indispensable for children and adolescents. It prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis and has a beneficial effect on overall metabolism. Vitamin D promotes the normal functioning of muscles, intestines and kidneys, prevents the development of skin diseases, improves immunity, regulates blood clotting and has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Sunflower oil - only advantages! Sunflower oil is so useful product, that its only drawback can be considered high calorie content: 100 g of sunflower oil contains 900 kcal, and one tbsp. spoon of butter 160 kcal. The optimal dose for a person is 20 g of oil per day.

According to GOST- means high quality

If you want to buy quality oil, choose one that indicates that it was produced in accordance with GOST R 52465 2005. Those types of oil that are produced not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications, undergo less strict control during production, and you need to rely on their quality with great caution. GOST R 52465 2005 divides sunflower oil depending on its quality, processing method and purpose into the following grades:

Refined deodorized “Premium” is used for direct consumption and for the production of baby and dietary food products.

Refined deodorized " Top grade" and "First grade" are used for direct consumption and for production food products.

Refined, non-deodorized, it is used for food production and industrial processing.

Unrefined “Top Grade” and “First Grade”, which is produced only by pressing, is used for direct consumption, for food production and industrial processing.

In accordance with GOST, the label of the correct oil must contain information about the manufacturer, production date, expiration date and storage conditions, as well as the designation of this GOST and information on confirmation of conformity.

What else does the label say?

Several types of sunflower oil are produced, which differ in the method of production and the degree of purification of the product.

Raw sunflower oil, or virgin oil ndash; the most useful, because all biologically valuable substances are completely preserved in it. It has a pleasant smell and taste characteristic of sunflower oil. It is good to use in dishes without heat treatment: salads, vinaigrettes, cold appetizers. This oil cannot be used for cooking, because... When heated above 100°C, substances harmful to the body are formed.
Unrefined sunflower oil also has a specific taste and smell, but during production it is partially purified: settled, filtered, hydrated and neutralized. Therefore, it has slightly less value than virgin oil. Unrefined oil is not fully purified and may contain residual herbicides, so it should not be used for feeding children under 3 years of age.

Refined oil goes through a full cleaning cycle. This ensures its transparency and complete absence of taste. But biological value such oil is slightly lower, because During cleansing, some of the vitamins are destroyed. Refined oil is ideal for frying, deep-frying and baking, and does not form sediment during storage.

Deodorized oil obtained from refined material by exposing it to water vapor under vacuum. This process removes all aromatics from the oil. This increases the shelf life of the oil. Products cooked in this oil retain their own flavor during the cooking process. The high degree of purification of refined deodorized oil makes this product hypoallergenic, which makes it possible to use this oil for baby food.

Frozen butter is obtained in the case when, using special process Freezing removes microparticles of natural wax from sunflower oil, which can give the oil some turbidity.

Hydrated It is an oil that has been treated with water to remove perishable components containing phosphorus. After this operation the oil becomes transparent.

No cholesterol. The inscription on the label does not contain cholesterol does not say anything about the quality of sunflower oil - by definition, vegetable oil cannot contain any cholesterol, it is only found in products of animal origin.

Homemade oil

Recently, the so-called so-called homemade sunflower oil. As a rule, such oil is produced in small farms in the southern regions of the country. Homemade oil can be both cheap and healthy, but you need to choose it especially carefully. Before you buy such oil, you must taste it. It should taste like fresh, unroasted seeds. If the oil smells like fried or burnt seeds, this means that it was produced at a very high temperature, and it may contain carcinogens (heating the raw materials to a temperature of 200-300 C is used to increase the yield of oil from the seeds).
The most delicious homemade butter is sold in November-December, at which time it is made from the freshest raw materials. In later months it is made from raw materials that have already been stored for some time, and if the seeds were not stored in very good conditions suitable conditions, the quality of the oil will be worse. But the presence of a small suspension or husk in homemade butter suggests that the oil was indeed produced in an artisanal way, which means without any chemicals.