Tea is not just a tasty drink, but also an effective medicine! Tea treatment. Tea heals: is it true?

Everyone knows such concepts as baking soda or drinking soda, which means a powder used as a cleaning agent in everyday life, as a leavening agent in cooking, as a healing substance used in cosmetology and folk medicine, but what does the term tea soda mean and in what areas Whether this component is practiced is a very interesting question.

Tea soda concept

In fact, tea soda is just another name for soda powder, often found in our speech. And sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate are all names of the same substance, which is a multitude of small crystals white with a faint odor.

For many years, tea soda has attracted the attention of scientists who conducted experiments with its participation in order to study the nature of the substance and the mechanism of its effect on the human body. As a result of research, it was found that sodium bicarbonate is one of the components that makes up the plasma and lymphoplasm of our blood. First of all, this suggested that soda, being an acidic sodium salt of carbonic acid, nourishes lymphocytes, which are hugely responsible for human immunity. In addition, one of the central functions of tea soda is to neutralize acids and thereby regulate the acid-base level. Thus, normally, the acidity of the blood is determined by the indicator 7.35-7.47, but if the pH drops below these values, the phenomenon of acidosis occurs - acidification of the blood, which becomes the cause of the development of many diseases. It is in this situation that, according to many experts, the use of soda solution inside, as a result of which the alkali content will increase, and the blood will become more liquid, that is, it will acquire a normal consistency.

Such discoveries formed the basis of the idea that a substance such as tea soda can and even should be actively used not only in everyday life for cleaning tiles or baking lush pies, but also to strengthen the body, as well as improve overall health.

Tea soda on an empty stomach: benefits and harms

One of the brightest supporters of soda therapy is Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a professor who has written more than 60 books on prescription treatment traditional medicine. It was this man who developed his own method of alkalizing the body, the main essence of which is to take a solution of tea soda on an empty stomach. Many people, including the doctor himself, have directly experienced this method of treatment, after which they confirmed its effectiveness.

The fundamental decision was the idea that alkali, which by its nature is tea soda, when consumed internally creates extremely unfavorable conditions in the body for the development and further spread of various types of infections, viruses, fungi and even cancer cells. After all, it is known that any pathogenic processes occur exclusively in an acidified environment.

Thus, according to the theory of Professor Neumyvakin, taking a solution of sodium bicarbonate has the following beneficial effects:

  • improvement of biochemical reactions: removal of waste and toxins, blood thinning - all this occurs due to the decomposition of water molecules into positive hydrogen ions under the influence of sodium bicarbonate;
  • regulation of the process of oxygen supply to blood vessels and fabrics;
  • cleansing blood vessels of cholesterol, accumulations of which are the root cause of heart attack or stroke, headaches, loss of vision and hearing;
  • strengthening the lymphatic system;
  • destruction of stones formed in the kidneys and their removal from the body naturally;
  • prevention of urolithiasis;
  • getting rid of excess weight, as well as addictions such as drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • destruction of malignant cells.

At the same time, the professor notes that excessive consumption of soda on an empty stomach can cause unwanted symptoms: nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness and headaches, increased thirst, bloating and gas formation in the abdomen. In addition, failure to comply with the rules of such soda therapy can cause more significant harm to health and lead to the occurrence of gastritis or, for example, ulcers.

To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow the existing recommendations:

  • drink a soda solution half an hour before meals: sodium bicarbonate should not take part in the process of digesting food;
  • dilute tea soda exclusively in hot water so that a chemical reaction occurs, accompanied by hissing - thanks to this, the substance is better absorbed by the body;
  • use the solution slightly cooled;
  • introduce soda gradually: start with a quarter of a teaspoon (per 250 ml of water) and increase the dosage of the powder every 3 days, bringing the volume to 7 g;
  • take a solution of sodium bicarbonate either in courses or constantly, but not every day, but only once a week.

Only by taking these points into account can you count on the positive effect of soda therapy without the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Teaspoon of soda in grams

Another important condition for proper treatment is the exact dosage of the substance used, and in this case soda. Any deviation from the optimal volume provided for by a particular scheme can lead to far from the best consequences. The task is greatly simplified if there are electronic kitchen scales in the house, but what to do in a situation where there are none, but measure required quantity powder is extremely necessary - the answer is simple: look at the table containing all the numerical correspondences.

Since sodium bicarbonate, both in cooking and in folk medicine, is measured in teaspoons, the dose of the powder must be correlated with its capacity.

  • 10 g of the substance is equal to one teaspoon with a small slide;
  • 5 g is two thirds of a spoon;
  • 3 g corresponds to one third;
  • 2 g is the minimum dosage, which is only a quarter of a teaspoon.

In order not to forget these data, you can record them in a notebook or diary - this will help avoid excessive alkalization of the body.

Treatment with sodium bicarbonate

Tea soda is a universal powder that can provide significant assistance in the treatment of many diseases. Thanks to the huge treasure positive properties, which it possesses, the substance can rightfully be given an honorable place in the home medicine cabinet. However, this is not the only advantage: sodium bicarbonate has established itself as a relatively safe remedy, which is important when it comes to treating, for example, children. In addition, a significant advantage of tea soda is its availability and low cost - this allows you to save money and not spend it on expensive drugs.

The list of diseases that sodium bicarbonate helps to cope with is quite large; we will name only a few of them.

  1. Respiratory tract viruses, as well as colds, the characteristic companions of which are a runny nose, cough, sore throat and sore throat. Such manifestations can be reduced by rinsing with a soda solution, for the preparation of which you need to dissolve 7 g of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water. You can replace this type of procedure by drinking a milk-soda cocktail: add 7 g of powder to 250 ml of boiling milk, stir thoroughly and drink, usually this is done at night. There is also a known option for inhalation using soda; all you need is a liter of water and 20 g of the product. After adding baking soda to boiling water, breathe over the pan with medicinal steam for 5 minutes. When you have a runny nose, a solution of soda can be instilled into your nose; 2-3 drops in each nasal passage are enough.
  2. You can rinse your mouth with a soda solution to reduce an inflammatory process such as gumboil or stomatitis. The solution is prepared according to the above scheme.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate can be used in the form of lotions or baths to relieve swelling and eliminate pus during felon. All that is required is to make a solution of 250 ml of water and 7 g of soda, and then dip the inflamed finger in it for 15-20 minutes, or wrap it with a gauze bandage soaked in this liquid.
  4. Tea soda is indispensable for poisoning or rotavirus infections, which are often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In fact, these symptoms are very dangerous because they can cause an extremely critical condition - dehydration. Using a soda-salt solution will help replenish lost fluid, the preparation of which requires a liter of water, 4 g of soda and approximately 7 g of table salt.
  5. A single use of sodium bicarbonate solution is recommended for arrhythmia or hypertension - 7 g dissolved in 250 ml of water is sufficient.
  6. It is known that tea soda helps relieve itching and burning of the skin, so it is logical to use it as a substance added to the bath for hives or psoriasis. The required amount of powder in this case is 400 g. You can additionally add 500 g of sea salt, reducing the volume of soda to 200 g - healing effect in this situation it will only intensify.
  7. Since this ingredient has a destructive effect on various types of fungi, it can be used in the form of a solution for washing off thrush, as well as for making baths for onychomycosis - toenail fungus. Both procedures require 10-15 g of soda powder per 1 liter of water.
  8. Inflammation of the prostate gland can also be treated with tea soda; for this it is necessary to apply lotions based on this remedy. The solution is prepared as follows: 10 g of sodium bicarbonate and 5 ml of iodine are dissolved in a liter of water.

In addition, tea soda is used in the treatment of joint diseases, as well as to cleanse blood vessels. It is worth considering this point in more detail.

Help of soda with clogged blood vessels

Many people have probably heard the word “cholesterol,” but not everyone knows the essence of this substance. In fact, cholesterol is an important cellular component, since it plays an important role in the process of digestion, the synthesis of male and female sex hormones, as well as vitamin D. A decrease in cholesterol levels inevitably leads to a weakened immune system, but its excessive increase is also not good. It is known that the body produces about 75% of this substance on its own, but every day a person receives the lion’s share of cholesterol from food, since this component is included in many products.

As a result, cholesterol accumulates in the blood, so-called plaques are formed, which settle on the walls of blood vessels, clogging them and preventing the process of normal blood circulation. As a result, the brain begins to suffer: it begins to receive less oxygen and various nutrients. In addition, frequent headaches occur, vision decreases, hearing is lost, but the most serious danger lies in the fact that a person with high level cholesterol, the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke increases significantly.

All this makes us think about the importance of regular cleansing of the circulatory system. And in this situation, tea soda, namely a solution with its addition, can provide significant help. This will not only strengthen the blood vessels and increase their elasticity, but also generally improve the functioning of the heart and the entire vascular system.

It is necessary to consume the soda solution strictly 30 minutes before meals or a few hours after meals, 2 or 3 times a day for one month. It is recommended to start taking tea soda with a small dose of the substance - about a fifth of a small spoon, but every 3 days this volume should be gradually increased - such tactics will help the body adapt to the solution without causing side effects. There is an alternative method of such treatment - sodium bicarbonate can be taken regularly for preventive purposes, but in this case you need to drink the solution not every day, but only once a week.

Treatment of joints

Severe pain in the joints can be the cause of the beginning of the process of destruction of cartilage tissue; usually such phenomena are characteristic of diseases such as gout, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. If timely measures are not taken to eliminate one of these pathologies, complications may arise, including limited physical activity. In this situation, you can use the medications recommended by your doctor, but do not forget about more accessible methods of therapy, for example, tea soda.

In the treatment of joint pathologies, sodium bicarbonate helps in the following ways:

  • reduces localized inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps reduce swelling;
  • improves metabolic processes in joints;
  • restores cartilage tissue.

This situation provides for several options for soda therapy: using a solution made on the basis of tea soda internally, as well as performing baths and compresses using this powder. Preparing the drink is quite simple: approximately 4 g of sodium bicarbonate must be added to 250 ml of hot water, then thoroughly stir the ingredients and cool the liquid. The dosage of the substance should be gradually increased, gradually bringing it to a volume of 7 g. The soda solution should be consumed in the traditional way: half an hour before meals, twice a day. The optimal course is a month.

Compresses are characterized by a more complex technique, which involve a mixture of not only water and tea soda, but also some other components. So, according to the first recipe, it is necessary to combine sodium bicarbonate, honey, dry mustard and sea salt in equal proportions. A similar paste should be applied to sore spots, and then wrapped around these areas. cling film and warm cloth.

An excellent alternative is a gruel obtained by mixing soda, kerosene and honey (1: 10: 10). This product should also be applied to the most painful areas and left for at least 30 minutes. Both compress options require a course of sessions lasting 14 days.

And finally, the simplest method to help sore joints is to take a bath with the addition of 400 g of sodium bicarbonate. For such a procedure, only 20 minutes are enough, but similar baths should be performed for at least a month.

Soda for potency

You can often come across the opinion that sodium bicarbonate acts on the male body as an aphrodisiac, but such a conclusion is nothing more than a misconception: tea soda is not an stimulant, but, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can eliminate the causes that lead to potency disorders. This healing effect is achieved due to certain properties of the powder: sodium bicarbonate strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins, improves blood circulation, eliminates the phenomenon of prostatitis, as well as prostate adenoma.

There are several known ways to use tea soda to restore erectile function.

  1. Soda baths, which are recommended to be taken for 20-30 minutes immediately before bed. It is not difficult to prepare a solution for their implementation: you need to dilute 500 g of powder in 3 liters of hot water, and then, after all the crystals have disappeared, pour the resulting liquid into a previously prepared bath. A cool shower at the end of such a procedure will have a tonic effect on the body and improve blood circulation.
  2. Microenemas with sodium bicarbonate solution can also help restore male strength. An important condition for fulfillment is to use exclusively boiled water, to which you need to add approximately 10 g of the substance. Such procedures should be carried out using an Esmarch mug, but you should not carry out this therapy too often, as this can lead to the washing out of beneficial microflora.
  3. Drinking soda solution - this method is more suitable for preventive purposes. You should pour soda (4 g) into 250 ml of warm milk, but you should take this cocktail once a day half an hour before meals, while 10 days will be enough.

To enhance the positive effect, treatment can be performed comprehensively, that is, combining the intake of sodium bicarbonate solution with baths and microenemas.

Tea soda and cucumbers

Those who want to lose weight may find it useful to know another method - combining a soda solution, consumed on an empty stomach, with cucumber diet. The use of this particular product is quite understandable: just like sodium bicarbonate, cucumbers remove waste and toxins, excess liquid and “bad” cholesterol, they can normalize intestinal function, enrich the body with vitamins B, C and PP and strengthen the immune system in general.

The main essence of the diet is to consume 2 kg of cucumbers and a liter of kefir with a low fat content for 1-5 days. It is known that such abstinence from food eliminates up to 7 kg of excess weight. If you approach the issue of acquiring a slim figure in a comprehensive manner, that is, take water with added sodium bicarbonate, perform soda wraps or baths, then you can achieve much better results.

The benefits of tea soda for human health are undeniable; its healing properties help strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of many diseases, and also get rid of them. However, despite the relative safety of the substance, you should not overdo it with this powder: excessive consumption of soda solution can cause a negative reaction in the body, the logical consequence of which will be the emergence of new ailments.

There is probably not a person on earth who does not know what tea soda is. Chefs use this substance in cooking, craftswomen use it to make cold porcelain, and gardeners soak seeds in soda solution to improve their germination. If a tooth hurts, rinse it with a soda-salt solution, and the wasp bite is neutralized with a paste of the same soda.

What else is useful to everyone familiar White powder? Read on and find out everything!

What it is

Tea soda is the common name for drinking soda or sodium bicarbonate, a substance constantly used in cooking, housekeeping, folk medicine and other sectors of human activity. This is a salt that has some characteristics of an alkaline. It has been used by humans since time immemorial and during this time it has found its way into every home. Most often it is used to add fluffiness to dough or to wash crystal or glassware clean, but there are many more various methods the use of this substance both in everyday life and various crafts, as well as in production.

Tea soda on an empty stomach: benefits and harms

According to Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin and Tulio Simoncini, taking soda on an empty stomach is not only possible, but also necessary - after all, it gives a very high healing and rejuvenating effect, significantly exceeding the effect of chemotherapy on malignant tumors, and evens out the acid-base balance. However, soda, like any chemical formation, is not completely safe for the body. Thus, constant drying of the mucous membranes of the stomach can lead to gastritis or ulcers; the body, trying to retain fluid, will constantly cause swelling in various parts of the body. Due to the contact of soda with gastric juice, rapid gas formation may begin, which, in turn, can lead to bloating. As a consequence of disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic problems will begin, which can lead to very serious diseases.

Teaspoon of soda in grams

A level teaspoon of soda can contain up to eight grams of the drug. A heaped spoonful usually contains ten to twelve grams of sodium bicarbonate. However, the weight of soda may vary due to factors such as the formation of lumps or high air humidity. In order to accurately determine the mass of soda in the preparation, it is necessary to store the powder in a cardboard box in a dry, well-ventilated area. Otherwise, you can use medical or laboratory scales, but such a tool, unfortunately, is not available in every kitchen.

Treatment with tea soda

Certainly the most known method Treating a viral infection with tea soda is a gargle. This folk remedy has been used for many decades and has gained recognition among many doctors in all countries of the world. Also, tea soda is often taken to treat bronchitis, conjunctivitis and sinusitis.

Baking soda is a useful addition to chemotherapy during the treatment of malignant tumors. It helps remove certain radioactive isotopes and mercury from the body. In addition, it helps dissolve some salt deposits in the joints, kidney stones, liver stones and gallbladder.

A light soda solution can have a positive effect on minor burns. It is also used to get rid of itching due to chickenpox.

Tea soda and clogged blood vessels

If the blood is too thick and the blood vessels are clogged, this is the first sign of an acid-base imbalance. To improve performance, you should resort to a blood alkalization procedure. It can be done with medication, but before going to the pharmacy, you can try to prepare the medicine yourself.

This is done simply - add a fifth of a teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiling water. The water should be removed from the heat and wait until it cools completely. You can drink the solution half an hour before meals or two hours after. The course of treatment is a month, three doses per day. While cleaning blood vessels, you should not eat foods that contain a lot of cholesterol, fats and alcohol. To keep the body normal after the end of the course, you can drink this remedy once a week throughout your life.

Treatment of joints

Soda for joint pain is a very common remedy in folk medicine. You can take white sodium bicarbonate powder orally, or you can do compresses and baths. The most popular joint remedies are described below.

Soda solution inside

This method has a positive effect on all joints at once. Soda increases immunity at the cellular level, resulting in a reduced susceptibility to arthritis. Treatment is carried out as follows:

To begin with, you should take small doses of soda internally - about three grams per glass of water. As treatment progresses, a single dosage can reach fifteen grams.

It is better to take the solution on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. Otherwise, gagging may occur, which will interfere with the normal breakdown of soda. The course of treatment continues for thirty days, three doses per day.


A universal compress that can be applied to all joints consists of soda, sea salt, dry mustard and honey. The components should be mixed in equal proportions. The drug is thoroughly mixed to get rid of lumps. Next, the composition is applied to the affected joint and covered with film and woolen cloth. Such compresses should be done at night for two weeks.

Another medicine is prescribed for the spine, elbow, shoulder and knee joints. Take oven-dried rye bread and fermented baked milk. Mix thoroughly with ten grams of soda and infuse in a warm place for six to seven hours. Next, the paste is applied to a cotton handkerchief and applied to the sore spot. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks. If necessary, treatment can be continued until complete recovery.

Another popular remedy for joint pain in folk medicine is a soda-kerosene compress. It is done like this: take soda and honey in equal parts and mix it with a twentieth of the total amount of kerosene. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, after which it is applied to cotton cloth and applied to the affected area of ​​the body. The compress should be kept for forty-five minutes to an hour, until a slight burning sensation occurs. After removal, the skin should be thoroughly smeared with rich cream or refined vegetable oil, and then wrapped with woolen cloth. The procedure can be repeated after two days, but you should not get carried away with this method of treatment so as not to damage the skin.

Soda baths

Another way to treat joints with soda, which, however, requires some caution and consultation with a doctor. The fact is that soda, absorbed into the skin through pores enlarged by heat, does not enter the stomach, where it is broken down, but directly into the blood and tissues of the body. If you have even minimal intolerance to soda, this remedy can have a detrimental effect on the entire body. In addition, this remedy is not recommended for use if the patient is underweight.

Most Popular next recipe: sea salt and soda are poured into hot water in equal proportions, after which the sore limb is immersed in it for twenty minutes. In order to enhance the effect of the medicine, you can lightly massage the sore joint. At the end of the procedure, the limb should be wrapped in woolen cloth. Treatment should be repeated daily for a month.

For comprehensive treatment of all joints, you can resort to a soda bath. To do this, add two hundred grams of sea salt and soda to one hundred and fifty liters of warm water. They should be taken before bed, once every two days, for a month. If you feel unwell while taking a bath, you should immediately stop the procedure, thoroughly rinse your entire body with cool water and wrap yourself in a blanket. If symptoms do not disappear within half an hour, the patient should call an ambulance.

Soda for potency

To normalize the functioning of the body, including the reproductive system, you should take soda orally. The best option is half a teaspoon of soda per glass of warm milk. Should be taken in the morning, for at least ten days. If necessary, treatment can be extended up to thirty days.

Another healthy recipe: cleansing microenemas from an aqueous solution of soda. Due to the close proximity of the organs of the reproductive system and intestines, this remedy becomes a kind of local drug. The ratio is one tablespoon of baking soda per liter of water.

Well, one of the fastest-acting ways to treat the reproductive system is soda baths. Before taking a bath, add to cold water a small amount of tea soda and, gradually diluting the hot solution, bring to optimal temperature. Such baths should be taken in the evening, preferably just before bed.

Tea soda and cucumbers

Soda can be used not only as a medicine, but also as a useful agricultural product. In particular, it is simply irreplaceable when growing cucumbers.

For better seed germination, they should be soaked in a light soda solution for a day. The procedure can be performed both with products treated with stimulants and without treatment. Before boarding open ground the seeds are washed with running water and dried thoroughly on newsprint or a soft disposable napkin.

Early in the morning and in the evening, you can spray the leaves of plants with a soda solution from a spray bottle or spray bottle. This product not only improves fruiting, but also helps the plant fight most pests and some diseases. However, this remedy should not be abused. If fertilized excessively, fruiting may be temporarily suspended or, even worse, irreversible processes may occur, as a result of which all the fruits from the affected plant will have a hooked appearance.

If a lot of “barren flowers” ​​have formed on the plant, you should water it at the root with a ten-liter bucket of water with two to three tablespoons of soda.

If you mix a soda solution with laundry soap and add a large pinch of ash to it, it becomes an excellent remedy for aphids.

At the end of the summer season, fruiting can be extended by watering the bushes every two days with a solution - one tablespoon of soda per ten liters of water. This mixture keeps the plant fresh and full of vigor.

This is not a complete list of where soda can come in handy. Try to remember in what cases you use it. This could be quite interesting!


You can leave your reviews and recipes with tea soda in the comments below, they will be useful to other users of the site!

Dmitry, Nizhny Novgorod

“I have been involved in plant growing for many years: I grow a wide variety of vegetable crops on the balcony, and exotic plants from distant countries. Both are incredibly exciting, but with seeds it’s not always possible to guess: you buy a bag of the same tomatoes, sow and wait for shoots, but they still don’t come. Previously, such incidents caused me a lot of grief. Now, before planting, I soak all the seeds for a day in a soda solution - a teaspoon per glass of water - and I no longer worry about germination. After such soaking, cucumber seeds hatch on the second day, so you can see which of them are suitable for planting and which can simply be thrown away. Pelargonium zonalis sprouts on the third day after treatment! If I had not conducted such an experiment myself, I would not have believed it. I also grew a date palm from a seed from an eaten fruit: I rubbed it lightly with fine sandpaper, kept it in a soda solution for a day, and then planted it in a light soil mixture. Three weeks later a sprout appeared, and now it is a beautiful tree one meter tall.”

Rostislav, Smolensk

“In the army, I developed severe colds in my joints and suffered from severe pain for many years. And soda baths helped me overcome the disease: I poured a cup of soda and sea salt into hot water, waited until the water cooled to a comfortable temperature and the salt and soda dissolved, and immersed myself in such a bath for half an hour. After that, I rinsed off in the shower, rubbed my joints with alcohol and immediately went to bed. Not immediately, after about a month, I felt that my joints began to react less intensely to weather changes, the swelling decreased, and my previous mobility returned. And although I can’t say that I feel completely healthy, I keep my illness in check.”

“I have suffered from a runny nose all my life. For some, autumn means mushrooms, falling leaves and cranes flying south, but for me it means packs of handkerchiefs in all my pockets and a never-ending headache. Washing with soda or soda-salt solution helps me cope with this disaster. When my throat starts to feel sore, I immediately do warm soda gargles, alternating them with chamomile or St. John’s wort decoctions.”

Interesting video:


How to drink soda according to Neumyvakin correctly to treat the body

Alternative treatments for a variety of ailments are controversial. But many are interested in the question of how to drink soda according to Neumyvakin for the benefit of the body. This method will help someone recover, but it can cause serious harm if used incorrectly. There are many cases where the use of this product in medicine helped to recover from cancer. The treatment technology was described in detail by Professor Neumyvakin.

The substance is a unique acidic salt of carbonic acid with sodium; in appearance it is a fine-crystalline white powder. Widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and medical industries. Can be used as a weak antiseptic during rinsing - quickly neutralizes high acidity and eliminates heartburn.

Medicinal properties help with a variety of ailments:

  • Burns. Clean gauze, previously soaked in a special solution, is applied to the injured area, which prevents the appearance of painful blisters. You need to be treated with such lotions until the burn disappears completely.
  • Cancer (lymphoma). Oncology treatment is carried out using special solutions that can be taken orally or injected directly into the tumor. This method was developed by the Italian doctor Simoncini and the results were amazing - after a certain period of time, all patients recovered. Oncology treatment can only be performed by an experienced specialist. It is believed that the development of cancer is provoked by the candida fungus. It is present in the body of every person, but weak immunity is not able to restrain its development. Treating cancer with baking soda is risky because the end result can be unpredictable.
  • Candidiasis. The use of baking soda for medicinal purposes is completely safe. Take 1 tsp. substances and dissolve in a glass of boiled (warm) water. Douche or moisten a sterile bandage in the solution and treat damaged surfaces. Treatment with baking soda helps relieve itching and irritation. To do this, you need to wash it several times a day with a weak solution - take 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. substances.

  • Alcoholism. Treatment will only give temporary results. It is necessary to regularly take a special solution; the recipe for its preparation is simple: 1 tsp. substances dissolve in a glass of warm water. Proper treatment minimizes the effect of toxic substances on blood cells. Vomiting is provoked, the patient’s condition is alleviated and cleansing is carried out internal organs.
  • Prostatitis. Baking soda, used for medicinal purposes for this disease should be external. This is an excellent antibacterial agent that is used in the form of lotions - 1 tbsp is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. l. product, add 1 tsp. alcohol tincture of iodine. The resulting medicinal solution is poured into a basin previously filled with hot water. The duration of the procedure is 15-18 minutes.
  • Keratoma. You will need the help of a specialist. It is not recommended to treat keratoma on your own.
  • Psoriasis. The bath is filled with warm water in which soda powder is dissolved. After several procedures, the itching goes away and the ulcers begin to heal.
  • Gout. With the development of this disease, characteristic growths form on the bones, which will help get rid of baking soda (3 tsp) and iodine (9 drops) dissolved in 3 liters of water. To treat gout, 10 procedures will be required, after which the result will become noticeable and over time the growths will completely disappear.

  • Arthrosis. It is recommended to steam sore joints in a solution of water with soda (3 tablespoons) and salt (3 tablespoons). The duration of the procedure is 15-18 minutes.
  • Soda for weight loss. Fill the bath with water, add sea salt (500 g) and soda (300 g), a couple of drops of any aromatic oil. How long does the procedure take? Maximum 20 minutes. After 10 sessions, 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight is eliminated.

How to drink soda correctly according to Neumyvakin is described in detail and clearly. Before starting treatment, you need to pay attention to contraindications. First you need to consult your doctor. Treatment baking soda It is forbidden to carry out this procedure at the third stage of cancer, otherwise, instead of a positive result, your health condition will deteriorate sharply. If, after passing all the tests, no contraindications have been established, taking soda according to Neumyvakin is allowed.

Treatment should begin with minimal dosages. Taking soda according to Neumyvakin can be carried out according to the following scheme - take it on the tip of a teaspoon, dissolve it in a small amount of water and drink. Next, observe the body’s reaction. If the condition does not worsen, the dosage is increased to 0.5 tsp. You should not drink more than 1 tbsp at one time. l. substance dissolved in 200 g of warm boiled water.

How long to drink

The soda solution should be taken on an empty stomach three times a day. If you adhere to this scheme, after several procedures the result will be noticeable. You should not take soda on a full stomach, so as not to provoke the accumulation of gases in the body. The duration of treatment is determined individually and those who benefit can use this method throughout their lives.


  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Low and high acidity.
  4. Ulcer.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Pregnancy.

Find out how beneficial baking soda is for weight loss.

Video: Neumyvakin about soda

Traditional methods of treatment are beneficial when used correctly, as long as the indicated dosages are not exceeded. The Neumyvakin method helps get rid of a variety of ailments and can be used as an effective and safe preventive measure. You can learn more about this method of treatment by watching the following video:

Reviews about soda treatment

Alla, 28 years old: I’ve been using the treatment method of Professor Ivan Neumyvakin for a week now, I haven’t noticed any progressive results yet, but I have a pleasant feeling of lightness in my legs.

Vika, 31 years old: In a week, treatment soda helped get rid of a fungal disease, and I didn’t have to take antibiotics.

Larisa, 35 years old: I have been taking a weak solution in the morning for 2 weeks, my condition has noticeably improved, and I no longer have the problem of gas formation. Knowing how to drink soda correctly according to Neumyvakin, I was able to cure thrush.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.


Baking soda with water elixir of life, longevity and cure cancer with baking soda

Good afternoon, evening or good night, dear friends, guests and just blog readers. If you came to the blog, it means you are interested and I am very happy about it. Today's article is dedicated to one of the most serious diseases.

Last night my son suggested that I watch a video on the Internet. Since I was once again reviewing my blog, I told my son “turn on the speakerphone, I will mind my own business and listen,” sometimes I do this.

But from the first words of the narrator, I forgot about what I was doing at that moment. This was a man who brought himself back to life and healthy, and did not allow himself to die. He cured his cancer and proved it. Read and watch the video and you will see for yourself.

Treating cancer with baking soda

If we hear the diagnosis “Cancer!”, the thoughts immediately arise: “Oh my God, cancer, what’s next? only death". People around begin to look at the patient with fear and regret, and no one thinks about it. It’s like a stigma: if it’s cancer, that means that’s it, there’s only one end.

But thank God there are people who do not agree with the end result and begin searching. They are pouring through a bunch of literature, studying the Internet far and wide. Those people who do not give up ultimately overcome the disease.

Today's article will mainly focus on pancreatic cancer. A man in the prime of life fell ill with this terrible disease. But he didn’t give up and won, don’t even doubt it, he won and I’m very happy for him.

Watch the video and you will not regret it, this man completely cured himself of cancer, but this man’s cancer was no longer in its early stages. He even started chemotherapy, but subsequently he did not need it.

He tells very interesting things about cancer, what kind of disease it is and how to fight it. And so watch the video, I assure you you will not regret it, as you will receive effective information on curing cancer.

Baking soda

Now I want to offer you some information about baking soda, which is extremely effective for healing and restoring health. What baking soda can do.

Baking soda is an excellent colon cleanser. Dissolves oxidizing agents and waste products in the intestines and removes them out. An excellent remedy for constipation. Dissolves kidney stones, and sand simply disappears.

Wen dissolves with the help of soda. You can drink soda for prevention, there will be no harm, only benefit. In our family, many relatives have stomach problems; I also had a stomach ulcer twenty-five years ago.

Almost everyone in our family suffers from heartburn. I somehow didn’t treat myself with soda, but my brother, as soon as heartburn begins, dilutes baking soda in water and drinks, the heartburn stops in a matter of minutes.

My brother only knew that baking soda helped with heartburn, so it was his first medicine. My husband and I started drinking baking soda as a preventative measure, but we need to extinguish it not with cold, but with boiled hot water.

The fact is that when extinguishing soda, an alkali remains in it, which prevents cancer from developing. For prevention, intestinal cleansing, fat burning, etc. Drink soda on an empty stomach in the morning half an hour before meals, or in the evening after dinner two hours.

Eat oatmeal in the morning adding a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of hemp oil. Hemp oil contains Omega 6. Hemp oil is the most fortified. You cannot cook with it, only add it to prepared foods.

Drink green tea adding a piece healing lemon. Of course, you will hear about this in the video, but I will still briefly tell you what the man says about hydrogen peroxide.

In addition to treating with soda and eating porridge, during the day he drank ten drops of hydrogen peroxide per glass half an hour before meals. clean water. The fact is that hydrogen peroxide contains probiotics, which normalize intestinal function.

Drink more water to remove toxins from your body. It turns out that soda corresponds to blood by 80%. Baking soda also dissolves cholesterol. In America there is an architectural structure on which it is written:

There should be five hundred million people living on earth, but there are more than six billion. With whose money and when this structure was built is kept in the strictest confidence.

Any cancer is easily curable. The famous English writer David Icke says “almost nine million people die from cancer every year.”

How scary, right? After all, we came into this world absolutely healthy and should live in joy and health. But it turns out, on the contrary, we suffer, suffer, get sick and die, when we can very easily help ourselves and live long and be healthy.

Baking soda has been around for a very long time. It burns fat. Baking soda plus water is the elixir of life. Thanks to baking soda, the brain works better and the world is perceived differently.

Baking soda is an excellent assistant for hygiene. It can be used to clean and whiten teeth and freshen your mouth. If you forgot to buy deodorant, apply baking soda under your arms.

For example, your boots have an unpleasant odor, take a simple sock, pour baking soda into it and put it in the boot overnight. You broke an arm, a leg... they put a cast on the broken part of your body. Suddenly a terrible itch begins, pour baking soda between the body and the cast.

Firstly, the baking soda will absorb sweat and relieve itching. Baking soda is absolutely harmless to the body. Soda kills worms and all the evil spirits that live in the body. Baking soda helps dissolve all harmful deposits in the body in the joints and spine.

Baking soda dissolves stones in the liver and kidneys. Treats radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Baking soda normalizes digestion, cleanses the body, and enhances attention.

It also enhances concentration and balance. If the child is unbalanced, baking soda will help concentrate and improve academic performance.

Thanks to soda, the body is cleansed of toxic substances that were produced during irritation, anger, hatred, and envy. For harmful feelings that were developed during dissatisfaction and a variety of negative thoughts.

The alkali contained in soda increases CO2 in the blood, which helps alkalize the body, improves mood, and gives additional strength. Baking soda can treat prostatitis, diabetes, cancer, cough.


Baking soda has no contraindications. The PH norm is 74%, below seven percent is bad. We need a normal acid-base balance in the body and baking soda will help with this.

Thanks to soda, you can get rid of obesity and cleanse the body well. Baking soda cleans blood vessels. To cleanse and prevent the body, dilute half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and drink.

How to do this correctly is shown in the video, it explains how to dilute soda and how to drink it. Watch the video and everything will become clear to you. Soda with water is a real elixir of life and longevity.

Be healthy and happy.


Treatment with baking soda.

Treatment with baking soda is used by many as a weak antiseptic for gargling and as a means to neutralize high acidity and heartburn in the gastrointestinal tract.

Baking soda helps reduce the amount of acid produced due to infection, which is important for recovery. This feature of soda also helps with purulent runny nose, stomatitis, bronchitis, and conjunctivitis.

Baking soda treatment:

1. Soda is used to dissolve various harmful deposits in joints, stones in the liver, kidneys and gall bladder;

2. Not long ago, information began to appear that soda is effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer, alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse and drug addiction, and the removal of dangerous heavy metals and radioactive isotopes from the body.

3. Baking soda can be used to treat minor burns. After a burn, take a clean napkin or gauze and soak it in a soda solution. This procedure should be repeated several times until the burning sensation completely disappears. This way you can avoid blisters.

The same procedure is useful for sunburn. For a soda solution you need to take 4 tbsp. l. soda per glass cold water. If almost your entire body is burned, you can take a bath with lukewarm water and add a whole pack of baking soda.

4. After cuts, for example with a razor, you can relieve pain by applying a swab soaked in soda solution to the affected area of ​​the skin.

5. Treatment of oncological diseases with baking tea soda. Treatment of cancer with baking soda is based on the assumption that the cause of cancer is the candida fungus, that is, thrush.

This fungus is present in every body, but in people with healthy immunity, Candida is dormant. As soon as the immune system is weakened, the human body can no longer cope with the fungus and fungal pathologies begin to form.

The immune system tries to get rid of foreign cells by enveloping them in a barrier of cells. This is how a cancerous tumor is formed. The immune system can’t do anything else, and the fungus spreads throughout the body, causing metastases.

In case of cancer, it is very important to strengthen the immune system, which should repel the deadly fungus. The famous doctor Simoncini claims that ordinary baking soda can be used to combat candida.

The meaning of this is that the fungus is not able to adapt to the presence of soda, so it dies from it. This theory was tested in practice: patients drank a soda solution or injected it into the tumor. The results were encouraging, but the theory needs to be tested.

6. Treatment of thrush in women with baking soda. The method of treating thrush with soda can also be used in relation to infants. Of course, babies should be shown to a doctor, but before that you can alleviate the baby’s condition with the help of soda.

Take 1 tsp. baking soda and dissolve it in warm boiled water. Dip a bandage in the solution and treat the child’s oral cavity with it, removing the white plaque.

You can reduce vaginal itching and unpleasant cheesy discharge by douching and washing with a soda solution. You should wash yourself twice a day with a soda solution prepared from 1 tsp. soda per liter of water.

You can make baths with soda solution. For it you need to prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tsp. iodine per liter of boiled water. Pour the solution into a basin and make baths for about 20 minutes. The course of treatment is at least 5 days, and most often – 2 weeks.

Healthy Life draws your attention to the fact that treatment should not be stopped as soon as relief has occurred. Candida, which causes thrush, usually affects several layers of skin, so treatment must be long-term. In addition, both spouses should get rid of the fungus at the same time.

7. Treatment of foot fungus with baking soda. Take 1 tbsp. l. soda and salt and dissolve in cool water. Take baths for 10 minutes, then rinse your feet in warm, clean water.

You can do it differently: a little potassium permanganate, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and grated laundry soap, 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard per 5 liters of warm clean water. We take baths to treat foot fungus every evening before bed.

Treatment with soda: contraindications.

External use of soda does not cause side effects. But using soda internally has many contraindications and side effects.

The advertised method of losing weight using soda can lead to serious health problems. A change in the alkaline balance in the body can lead to the risk of infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

For this reason, the use of baking soda internally is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, as well as those with liver disease.

It is also not often recommended to get rid of heartburn with soda. To lose weight, it is better not to use baking soda internally, but to take baths with baking soda and salt or wraps with its addition.

Fasting days on the water: benefits and harms

Regular baking soda is a special acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium, in the form of a finely crystalline white powder. Baking soda is used in the food, medical, chemical, pharmaceutical industries, metallurgy, and is also widely used in retail trade. For medical purposes, baking soda is used as a unique weak antiseptic when rinsing, as an excellent neutralizing agent for high acidity and heartburn in the gastrointestinal tract.

Undoubtedly, the effect of soda on the hydrochloric acid of the stomach is neutralizing, but as a result of this process, the inevitable separation of carbon dioxide occurs, which leads to agitation of the gastric mucosa and activates a hormone that increases the secretion of gastric juice. This process modifies the motility and activity of the intestinal tract.

A widely used method of treating viral infections is gargling with baking soda as an anti-infective agent. This is a very easy treatment: half a teaspoon of soda should be dissolved in a glass of plain warm water and gargled every four hours. In parallel with this, other medications are often used to quickly get rid of the infectious disease. At the same time, baking soda perfectly neutralizes the acid that forms in the throat due to a cold and promotes recovery.

For the same reason, experts recommend using baking soda to treat purulent runny nose, various stomatitis, bronchitis, and dangerous conjunctivitis.

In addition, it should be noted that this remedy is often used in the prevention and treatment of cancer, alcoholism, weaning from smoking, the treatment of substance abuse and drug addiction, as well as for removing from the body the most dangerous mercury, lead, bismuth and other heavy metals, typical radioactive isotopes, dissolving various harmful deposits in the joints, as well as stones in the kidneys and liver, gall bladder.

Baking soda is often used to treat minor burns. If you are burned by a hot frying pan, apply any clean rag or gauze soaked in a soda solution to the burned area. By repeating this procedure several times until the burning sensation completely disappears, you can avoid the appearance of large blisters.

In order to quickly relieve pain from sunburn, you need to moisten gauze or a bandage folded in several layers in a miraculous soda solution. To prepare such a solution you will need 4 tablespoons of baking soda and a full cup of cold water. A swab soaked in the solution must be applied to the affected area. To relieve pain from severe sunburn or chickenpox, when the patient suffers from severe itching, it is recommended to take a bath with lukewarm water, to which a whole pack of baking soda is added.

To quickly relieve pain from razor cuts, you need to apply a cotton swab well soaked in a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda to 1 cup of water) to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Treatment of cancer with soda

Traditional modern medicine does not recognize the possibility and effectiveness of treating various cancerous tumors with baking soda, so if a patient decides to undergo such treatment, he should find those who have experience in this area. For doctors, treatment with soda cannot be an alternative to chemotherapy, the results of which have been repeatedly confirmed.

One of the Italian doctors, Simoncini, believes that the cause of cancer is the candida fungus (the familiar thrush). This unusual fungus is found in every human body. In healthy people, the immune system keeps candida in check and prevents the fungus from progressing. But with a weakened immune system, for which there can be many reasons, the human body cannot cope with the fungus. At the same time, increased formation of fungal pathologies begins in any organ of the patient.

Of course, our immune system begins to actively suppress foreign cells and envelops them in a barrier of cells, which has the traditional medical term “cancer.” This is the last action that the human body performs on the way to neutralizing “foreign” cells. After which the fungus spreads throughout the body, and life-threatening metastases form.

The first step towards restoring the body, of course, should be timely recovery immune system. Unfortunately, traditional medicine, in particular chemotherapy, kills, in addition to cancer cells, the body’s last resources. The fungus is in the body, and at this time the person’s immunity prevails at a low level. After a relatively short amount of time, the fungus progresses, the body does not have the strength to fight it, which in some cases leads to death.

The famous doctor Simoncini found a remedy to combat candida - ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). This doctor claims that the fungus absolutely cannot adapt to the presence of soda and inevitably dies. To confirm his theory, the doctor used soda solutions in the following way: patients either drank it or had the solution injected into the tumor. The results were the most unexpected: all patients always recovered after a certain period of time.

One of the well-known methods of effective treatment of thrush, recommended by both traditional and alternative medicine, is treatment with ordinary baking soda. This unique method It is also used in relation to infants, who during the period of breastfeeding are inseparably linked with the mother’s body. Of course, in this case, the baby needs to be shown to a doctor, but before the specialist arrives, each mother can try to alleviate the condition of her baby.

To do this, take one teaspoon of simple baking soda, dissolve it in warm boiled water, soak the bandage well and treat the child’s oral cavity if he has a white coating. This method will not cause any harm.

By douching and washing with a soda solution, you can soothe the itching in the vagina and get rid of the unpleasant cheesy discharge for a certain period of time. Sick women are recommended to wash themselves with soda water twice a day, for which you will need to take 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. This way the unpleasant cheesy discharge will be washed away.

Another equally effective way to prepare a soda solution: one full tablespoon of baking soda, one almost full teaspoon of iodine, mix everything in one liter of boiled water. Then pour the resulting solution into a large basin and, immersing the genitals, sit in it for about 20 minutes.

This used solution can be used on the second day, after adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of iodine and 1 liter of boiled water. Sit in such a medicinal basin on the second and subsequent days for at least 15 minutes. This procedure must be repeated at least 5 times.

Some doctors admit that treating thrush with baking soda is quite effective for about 50 percent of women who constantly suffer from candidiasis. The benefit of such a wonderful treatment is based on the negative effect of a soda solution (alkaline environment) on candida, which cannot survive and dies.

An obvious disadvantage of such treatment for thrush may be the regularity and systematicity of these procedures. A fair number of doctors advise douching approximately once an hour. There is no point in starting treatment with soda and interrupting it after the immediate disappearance of the main symptoms. Experts strongly recommend continuing treatment with soda for at least two weeks, because candida affects several layers of the skin, including the mucous membrane of the vagina itself.

Moreover, we should not forget that this treatment of candidiasis must be carried out by both spouses. If soda methods do not help get rid of the fungus, then you should contact your doctor, especially those whose symptoms are secondary or recurrent. It is undesirable to bring thrush to chronic stage. You can use douching with a soda solution simultaneously with modern drug treatment, which will be prescribed by a specialist.

Treatment of fungus with soda

A fairly large number of people are now suffering from foot fungus. This type of foot fungus occurs for various reasons. Such reasons include wearing too-tight shoes for a long time, long-term exposure to high humidity, all kinds of foot injuries, very low immunity, and old age. It can be mentioned that foot fungus is quite easily transmitted, so you should always adhere to the rules of basic hygiene.

To effectively treat foot fungus, there are wonderful recipes traditional medicine. For example, you can take 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. salts, dissolve in water and make simple baths in a cool solution. After this, your feet should be rinsed with warm, clean water.

You can offer another great recipe. Take half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate, one tablespoon of baking soda, grated laundry soap, two tablespoons of dry mustard and dissolve in 5 liters of warm, clean water. If you have foot fungus, you should regularly take foot baths before bed.

Nowadays, baking soda is not only excellent method to get rid of many diseases, but also a common means of losing weight. The effect of this simple method has been really confirmed; it has been proven that people lose weight much faster. However, nutritionists warn that such weight loss is fraught with quite serious health problems in the very near future. Stomach acid not only digests food, but also prevents numerous microbes from entering the human body.

Therefore, when consuming soda, the body is at serious risk of developing various infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines. Long-term ingestion of soda always has negative consequences, since eaten baking soda easily turns the acidic environment of the stomach into an alkaline one, which causes disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is always fraught with the occurrence of a stomach ulcer, and subsequently the development of cancer of the stomach, esophagus or duodenum. For those who are sick with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, the use of soda is strictly contraindicated.

It is also undesirable to use soda for people who have chronic renal failure. Unfortunately, today few people pay attention to these rather serious contraindications. The most famous procedure for losing excess weight is using a bath with baking soda and salt, as well as regular wraps with the addition of soda. This procedure will not cause any harm to health.

Repeated use of soda solution for heartburn is not recommended by doctors, as it causes negative consequences. This is the so-called “acid reaction”, in which a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, bloating of the stomach, and a lot of stomach acid is released. There are many methods of treatment with soda, however, the main thing is to find a reliable method for yourself, since you need to take care of your health yourself.

Why in ancient times was tea called “a cure for the darkness of diseases”?
Nowadays, tea, along with coffee and cocoa, is the three most popular drinks. But while coffee and cocoa can have adverse side effects, tea, if you follow a few simple rules, is beneficial for everyone, young and old. There is not much caffeine in the tea, but it is enough to keep your spirit alert and your head fresh. Tea contains vitamins C, P, B1, B2. Tea dissolves fats well and therefore promotes digestion, theophylline improves the patency of the coronary artery, strengthens the heart and gives tea a diuretic effect.
Thanks to these and other properties, tea is an excellent health drink. In ancient times, it was treated as a miracle cure. The “Book of the Sui Dynasty (VI-VII centuries AD)” contains a story about the Sui Emperor Wendi, whose suffering could not be alleviated by any medicine. In the end, the emperor resorts to tea and is completely cured. Chen Cangqi, a doctor of the Tang Dynasty (7th-9th centuries AD), praises tea as a “cure for the darkness of diseases.” He writes: tea “...quenches thirst and drives away illnesses. How valuable is tea!... Each medicine is for its own disease, and tea is a cure for the darkness of diseases.”
According to legend, in China, the birthplace of tea, it was used as a medicine four thousand years ago, when tea was still a wild plant. Subsequently, people began to “prepare infusion drinks,” and tea little by little began to turn from medicine into a healing drink. The art of cultivating the tea bush, or, as they say in China, the tea tree, gradually improved, and knowledge about the beneficial effects of tea on the body accumulated. Gu Yuan-qing, Ming dynasty (1368-1644 centuries AD) in the “Register of Teas” compiled by him describes in detail: “can quench thirst, digest food and eliminate inflammation, reduce sleep and open the way for urine, clear vision and beneficial for thinking, eliminates nervousness and banishes boredom.” Modern scientists confirm the multifaceted preventive and therapeutic effects of tea on the body. In Japan, tea is generally regarded as “cinnabar of spirituality and medicine of wisdom,” healing illnesses and prolonging life.

What does tea cure?
Besides the fact that tea is easy to prepare, economical and hygienic, it removes radioactive elements from the body and is rich in many nutrients that prolong life. Scientists estimate that tea leaves contain about three hundred ingredients, including proteins, fats, more than 10 types of vitamins, as well as tea phenol, theine and lipid sugars. Therefore, tea nourishes the body, regulates physiological processes and has a general healing effect. Tea is especially useful for middle-aged and elderly people.
Tea owes its reputation as a longevity drink to vitamins C, E, D, nicotinic acid and iodine. Phenols contained in tea leaves absorb radioactive substances, removing even strontium-90 deposited in the bones from the body. According to research, 1-3% of tannin in the stomach is excreted from the body along with feces of 30-40% of strontium. Therefore, tea is indispensable in the difficult environmental conditions of our time.
Theine dilates blood vessels, activates oxygen metabolism and improves muscle tone without increasing heart rate or increasing blood pressure. Tea also has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, stimulates the kidneys, strengthens the heart and stomach, and helps remove toxins. Theine in combination with tea phenol prevents an increase in cholesterol levels in the body and therefore tea can be used to prevent myocardial infarction. Tea phenol, like vitamin D, also promotes good vascular permeability.
Thanks to the action described above, tea has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic function, strengthens muscles and bones, and supports thyroid function. The healing effects of tea are especially pronounced in middle age, when a person often, as they say, “becomes kinder.” Being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and malignant neoplasms, and theine and other tea components serve as a good preventive measure for these diseases. In addition, tea invigorates, relieves fatigue and has a bactericidal effect, so in middle age it is recommended to increase tea consumption.
The beneficial effects of tea are summarized in the following 15 provisions:

  • Tea invigorates the spirit, increases brain activity, improves memory.
  • Tea relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive system.
  • Tea effectively prevents tooth decay. According to research conducted in England, children who regularly drink tea have a 60% reduction in the incidence of dental caries.
  • Tea is rich in beneficial microelements.
  • Tea suppresses the growth of malignant tumors and significantly reduces the risk of cells degenerating into cancerous ones.
  • Tea contains zinc, which is essential for pregnant women.
  • Tea slows down the aging process of cells and therefore promotes longevity. Tea leaves provide a rejuvenating effect that is 18 times greater than that of vitamin E.
  • Tea slows down the formation of fatty deposits on the inner surface of blood vessels, thus reducing the likelihood of sclerosis, hypertension and cerebral blood clots.
  • Tea stimulates the central nervous system and increases joint mobility.
  • Tea is good for weight loss and improves skin condition. Give a particularly noticeable effect puer teas and oolong (Black Dragon).
  • Tea can be used to prevent cataracts.
  • Tea tannin kills many bacteria and therefore prevents stomatitis, sore throats, enteritis and other intestinal infections.
  • Tea supports the hematopoietic function of the body. Tea, in addition, contains substances that neutralize harmful radiation, so drinking tea in front of the TV on protects against radiation and preserves vision.
  • Tea maintains the acid-base balance of the blood due to the content of alkaloids such as caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine. In the body, tea is quickly absorbed, resulting in the formation of substances in concentrations sufficient for the timely neutralization of acidic waste that enters the blood.
  • Tea has a cooling effect. A few minutes after a cup of hot tea, the skin temperature drops by 1-2°C, which gives a feeling of coolness and freshness. This effect is not observed with iced tea.

How many varieties and types of tea are there in China? How do they affect health?
China is not called the “king of tea” for nothing. As a result of long tea cultivation, more than 350 types of tea bushes have been bred, and the number of currently produced tea varieties already exceeds a thousand.
By processing method Chinese teas can be divided into the following categories:

  • Fermented tea.
  • Semi-fermented tea.
  • Stores quite well due to low moisture content.
  • Unfermented tea.
  • Teas made from untwisted leaves and young buds.
  • The tender tips and full buds are collected from the bushes in early spring, when temperatures are still low, and dried outdoors in the cool breeze.
  • Teas softened by steaming and then pressed.
  • Produced from coarse, hard leaves, heated by steam and pressed. Designed mainly for ease of transportation to remote areas and designed for long-term storage.
  • Teas with additions of natural fragrant flowers.

This classification helps to understand the sea of ​​teas a little, but only if you do not forget that it is often used together with other classifications:

  • by type of tea bush: Gua-pian (Melon slice), Da-fang (Big square), Mao-jian (Fleecy tips), Mao-feng (Fleecy peaks);
  • according to the final shape of the tea leaves: Chan-chao-qing (Young, dried long), Yuan-chao (Dried round), Pian-chao-qing (Young, dried flat), Zhu cha (Pearls);
  • by place of production: Si-hu Long-jing (Dragon Well of Lake Si-hu), Du-jun Mao-jian (Du-jun Hairy Tips), Wu-i-yan cha (Wu-i Cliff Tea);

Different varieties of tea vary greatly in composition and, as a consequence, in their effect on the body. So in liu cha (green tea) the content of vitamin C and tea phenol is much higher than in hong cha (red tea), and thanks to this, green tea has a much more pronounced antibacterial, anti-radiation and anti-sclerotic effect, it effectively lowers blood sugar and improves blood composition. Since flower teas (hua cha) are made from green teas, they have the same healing properties as green tea. But for older people, especially those suffering from constipation, strong green tea can be harmful, as it has a fixing effect. On the other hand, red tea strengthens the stomach and is a good diuretic. Therefore, red tea is indispensable in old age.
From the above it is clear that the choice of teas should be approached individually. In general, experts recommend that children and adolescents drink weakly brewed tea and also rinse their mouths with tea. During the period of growing up, green tea is especially useful, and red tea should never be brewed strongly. At this time, teenagers have a very unstable psyche, and therefore flower tea is good for them. It cleanses the liver and removes toxins, thereby normalizing physiological processes, and also helps to establish a regular menstrual cycle in young girls. Flower tea is also beneficial for men suffering from prostatitis. Women after childbirth benefit from red tea with yellow sugar. For people with stomach diseases, mint tea is good, and for those suffering from liver diseases, flower tea. Those who do physical work should drink red tea, while those who do mental work should drink green tea. For those who want to lose weight, oolong and pu-erh are ideal. The Japanese generally call oolong tea “a magic medicine of beauty and health.” French women call Yunnan pu-erh “the enemy of fat,” “tea for weight loss.” Pu-erh does not irritate the gastric mucosa, and oolong tea, in addition, has a diuretic effect. Since the caffeine content in these teas is low, they are not contraindicated for anyone.

What explains the anti-cancer effect of tea? What types of tea are best for cancer prevention?
Among modern centenarians and elderly people with good health, there are many passionate tea lovers. This group is, among other things, characterized by a high proportion of men and a low risk of cancer. Studies of the lifestyle of fifty-sixty-year-old people have shown that tea is an effective means of preventing cancer. Research on this topic is actively being conducted in China, Japan, America, England, France, Russia, Canada, Turkey, and South Korea.
Recently it was discovered that green, pressed, flower, oolong and red teas prevent the formation and neutralize the effect of nitroso compounds, which are powerful carcinogens. For tea stored for about a year, this ability decreases by only 10%. At room temperature this ability drops significantly in the first three hours after brewing, and in the next 24 hours it decreases by only 15-34%. Medical studies show that 1 gram of tea, poured three times with 150 gram portions of water, gives a partial inhibitory effect, and 3-5 grams completely neutralize nitroso compounds. In animal experiments, a significant slowdown in the growth of tumors in the digestive tract of rats was noted, especially pronounced for Fujian tea, Tie Guanyin tea, Hainan green tea, Hong Sui Cha and Chao Qing tea from Hang Zhou.
And yet, as scientists believe, green tea holds the lead in this area. Since 1986, the Chinese Medical Institute of Prevention and the Research Institute of Food and Hygiene have been conducting research on the anticancer properties of various types of tea. The average coefficient of resistance to the formation of nitroso compounds is 65%, but if for red tea it is 43%, then for green it reaches an average of 82%, and for certain varieties of green tea it exceeds 85%.
Green tea generally occupies one of the first places among food products with anti-cancer properties. In a study conducted by the Chinese Medical Research Institute of Oncology on the anti-cancer properties of 108 different products, it was green tea that showed the most pronounced effect, leaving behind red tea, tree mushrooms Xiang-gu, Hou-tou and Ling-zhi, and golden beans.
What explains the pronounced anti-cancer effect of tea? Most experts point to a high content of tea phenol, reaching 20%, the main components of which are various theins. Theins slow down the oxidation process and, thanks to this, can prevent the formation of carcinogenic substances in the body, kill cancer cells and suppress their growth. In addition to tea phenol, tea contains a lot of vitamins C and E, lipid sugars, and also contains a small amount of zinc and selenium. Apparently, the anti-cancer properties of tea are generated by the combination of all these substances with tea phenol. According to recent studies, green tea gives the best results, especially elite varieties. It is recommended 3 grams per two 150 grams of water, some time after eating. This amount of tea contains the optimal daily dose of tea phenol – 500 milligrams.

Does tea promote longevity?
It is reported that during the reign of Da-zhong “The Great Middle” of the Tang Dynasty (VII-IX centuries AD), a 130-year-old monk arrived from the eastern capital, Luo-yang. Emperor Xuanzong, seeing the vigor and strength of the monk, asked: “What kind of miracle medicine allows you to enjoy life for so long?” The monk, laughing, answered: “I come from a poor family, and I have never taken medicine in my life. I just really love tea.” Xuanzong then gave him the Buddhist name Cha-u-shi-jin “50 jin of tea” and settled him in the Monastery of Longevity.
The revolutionary of the old generation, Zhu De, having tasted Yun-wu “cloud curtain” tea in the Lu-shan mountains, immediately at the table took up his pen and wrote a poem with the following lines: “Cloud curtain tea from the Lu-shan mountains / with a thick taste and life-giving action - / is like a drink of immortality. / It contains a way to gain long years of life.” Zhu De lived to be 90 years old. Tea brought him health and longevity.
Tea prevents the development of many chronic diseases, since regular consumption of tea maintains stable levels of amino acids and vitamins, which is especially important in old age. Tea is rich in minerals and precisely those that are not often found in other foods: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, and older people often lack these minerals. We should not forget about such medicinal components as caffeine, tannin, vitamin P. Caffeine is an excellent vasodilator, it speeds up breathing and increases muscle mobility without increasing heart rate or increasing blood pressure. The combined effect of caffeine and tannin prevents the increase in cholesterol levels and due to this, tea prevents the development of heart disease and coronary arteries. In addition, tea improves the protective functions of cells, has a pronounced anti-cancer effect, prevents the formation of fat clots and can increase the temperature of T-shaped lymph cells. Caffeine and catechin have a strong antioxidant effect, and tannin is responsible for its astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.
The Chinese Hygiene News published the results of experiments conducted by a small research group at a specialized institute of air force medicine. During these experiments, the effect of commercially available red, flower and green teas on the life expectancy of experimental animals was studied. All these teas not only reduced the mortality rate by half and extended the life of animals, but also significantly increased the activity level of old animals. However, red tea gave the best results.
Japanese researchers have found that tannin contained in tea leaves is much more effective in slowing down tissue aging than vitamin E. An extract of cells from the liver of a white rat was placed in a solution that promotes oxidation. When 5 milligrams of vitamin E were added to one liter of solution, fat oxidation decreased by 4%, and 5 milligrams of tannin slowed down the oxidation process by 74%, that is, more than 18 times compared to vitamin E.
So, regular use(but not abuse) of tea undoubtedly delays the onset of old age. If you add other health-promoting agents to tea, you can achieve even more amazing results. Many such recipes, in which tea is combined with various medicinal substances, have been developed over the long history of Chinese medicine. In most of them, strengthening and nourishing substances of a sweet taste and neutral nature are added to the tea, which have a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, blood and qi, regulate the yin-yang balance, preserve the semen and nourish the spirit, and increase intelligence. When translated into the language of modern medicine, the above-described effects correspond to an increase in the production of antibodies and an improvement in the functioning of the immune system, and this is directly related to the slowing down of the aging process.

How did tea spread throughout the world?
It is generally accepted that drinking tea began in the territory of the modern Chinese province of Sichuan (Four Streams). According to historians, the tradition of drinking tea goes back more than two thousand years. Mentions of tea are found starting from the Spring and Autumn era (8th-5th centuries BC), but works dedicated to tea and the art of tea appear much later: “Ode to Tea” dates back to the 4th century. AD, and the famous “Canon of Tea” was written already under the Tanakh (VII-IX centuries AD). The author of the latest treatise, Lu Yu, discusses many issues related to tea consumption. Its main principles: “Transparent and weak - good, in moderation - beautiful; drink less after meals, and don’t drink at all before bed; brew, drink, drink, brew”, etc.
Tibetans consider tea along with melted butter and tsamboy (barley flour) as the three main foods. They have long realized that tea not only helps digestion, but also significantly reduces the risk of skin exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation, characteristic of the high plateaus of Tibet. Tibetans like to say that you can live for three days without milk, but you can’t live for one without tea.
For a long time, tea was exported from China by sea and land in various directions. According to historical sources, at first the main export direction was western. The famous Silk Road began in the modern province of Shaanxi, passed along the corridor west of the Yellow River, through Xinjiang leading to Central and Western Asia, Afghanistan, Persia, and further to Rome.
From about the 5th century. AD The Chinese began an active tea trade on the Mongolian borders with Turkish merchants. Judging by Japanese records, during the Sui and Tang dynasties (VI-IX centuries AD), the culture of tea drinking began to penetrate into Japan: a certain high-ranking monk founded a monastery in which tea bushes were planted. In the VI-VII centuries. AD The custom of drinking tea reached the Koreans. And soon Korea asked its powerful neighbor to send tea bush seeds to cultivate tea at home. In Europe, tea was mentioned for the first time in the Travel Notes of Mark Polo. Around the 17th century. Regular imports of Chinese tea to Europe and America began. The first teahouse was opened in London. And since that time, tea has gradually become one of the most popular drinks in the world.

How is the tradition of tea drinking changing these days?
First of all, the range has expanded. On the one hand, instant teas and tea bags appeared, on the other hand, cool iced teas, flavored teas, medicinal teas appeared, tea-based drinks and food products became widespread, such as carbonated tea water, sparkling tea wines, tea ice cream, tea lamb soup, tea biscuits, tea syrup.
A new trend is gaining momentum in Japan. Instead of "drinking tea", people prefer to "eat tea". Oolong, red and green teas are used as additives in a variety of food products from noodles to chocolate. The first tea products of this kind were launched on the Japanese market in 1953, and since then their range has been constantly expanding. In Tokyo, for example, a French restaurant serving traditional dishes is very popular. French cuisine prepared with the addition of tea crumbs.
Tea crumbs not only serve as a wonderful natural coloring agent, but also impart a unique nostalgic aroma to food products, creating an impression of freshness and sophistication. In addition, adding a sprinkle of green tea to your food can increase your vitamin intake and prevent bad breath.

Is drinking tea good for children?
It is generally accepted that tea is harmful to children because it has too pronounced a stimulating effect. Parents are also afraid that tea may damage the spleen and stomach, which are very delicate in childhood. In reality, there is no basis for these fears.
Tea contains phenolic derivatives, caffeine, vitamins, protein, sugars, aromatic compounds, as well as zinc and fluorine, which are necessary for development child's body. Therefore, tea, in moderation, is undoubtedly beneficial for children. In general, you should not give children more than 2-3 small cups a day; you should not brew tea strongly, much less give it to drink in the evening. Also, the tea should be warm, not hot or cold.
Young children often have an increased appetite and overeat easily. In this case, tea will help, as it dissolves fats, improves intestinal motility and increases the separation of digestive secretions. The vitamins and methionine contained in tea effectively regulate fat metabolism and reduce the feeling of discomfort after fatty meat meals. Tea also removes the “fire”, the excess of which often affects children. A symptom of fire (according to traditional Chinese medicine) is dry stool, which leads to difficulty defecating. To get rid of this problem, some try to give children honey and bananas, but this only gives a one-time effect. The best way eliminating “fire” - regular consumption of tea, which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is “bitter and cold”, and therefore removes fire and heat. People describe the effect of tea on the body as follows: “at the top it clears the head and vision, in the middle it improves the digestion of food, and at the bottom it improves urination and bowel movements,” and these words undoubtedly have a basis. In addition, microelements are necessary for the growth of bones, teeth, hair, and nails, and the fluorine content in tea, especially green tea, is much higher than in other plants. Therefore, drinking tea not only strengthens bones, but also prevents tooth decay.
Of course, children, especially toddlers, should not drink a lot of tea, and strong or cold tea should also be avoided. Large amounts of tea increase the water content in the body, thereby increasing the load on the heart and kidneys. Strong tea stimulates the child's central nervous system, increases heart rate, increases the urge to urinate, and can cause insomnia. In a growing child, all body systems are not yet mature, and therefore regular overstimulation and, especially, insomnia lead to excess consumption of nutrients and negatively affect the growth process. You should not steep tea for too long, as this will release too much tannin into the solution, and tea with a high concentration of tannin can lead to contraction of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. When combined with food proteins, tannin produces tannic acid protein, which, when precipitated, suppresses appetite and negatively affects digestion and absorption of food. In addition, the stronger the tea is brewed, the less vitamin B1 it contains, and the worse, therefore, iron is absorbed.
So, a little weak tea will benefit children, but strong tea, and even in large quantities, will only do harm.

When is tea harmful?
Tea is good for health, but not for everyone, not always and not in any quantity. Some categories of people should drink less tea or eliminate it from their diet altogether.
Pregnant women - Tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which, while stimulating the fetus, negatively affects its development. We often hear that since red tea has less caffeine, it is not harmful for pregnant women. But, in reality, red and green tea are not very different in this regard. According to Japanese researchers, five cups of strong tea drunk per day contains enough caffeine that can lead to underweight in an infant. In addition, caffeine causes an increase in heart rate and increased urination, which increases the load on the heart and kidneys, and thus increases the likelihood of developing toxicosis.
Ulcer Sufferers - Although tea helps digestion, those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as high acidity in the stomach, should exercise moderation. A healthy stomach contains a compound called phosphoric acid, which reduces the secretion of stomach acid in the cells of the stomach wall, but theophylline in tea can suppress the function of this compound, resulting in excess stomach acid, and increased stomach acid prevents ulcers from healing. Therefore, it makes sense for ulcer sufferers to limit their tea consumption and under no circumstances drink strong tea. It is better for them to drink tea with milk and sugar, as well as Pu-erh, since this partly removes the stimulation of gastric acid secretion characteristic of tea.
Suffering from atherosclerosis and severe hypertension - Patients with a similar diagnosis should also drink tea with caution, and during periods of exacerbation, avoid drinking red and strongly brewed tea. This is due to the fact that tea contains theophylline and caffeine, which have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. And when the cerebral cortex becomes excited, the blood vessels of the brain narrow, which is dangerous for those suffering from atherosclerosis and can cause the formation of blood clots in the brain.
Insomnia sufferers - Insomnia can have a variety of causes, but regardless of its causes, you should not drink tea shortly before going to bed - due to the stimulating effects of caffeine and aromatic substances. A cup of strong tea before bed puts the central nervous system and brain in a state of excitement, the pulse quickens, the blood flow speeds up, and it becomes almost impossible to fall asleep.
Patients with high fever - Fever is accompanied by dilation of superficial blood vessels and increased sweating, so high temperature leads to excessive consumption of water, dielectrics and nutrients, which causes thirst. It is generally accepted that strong hot tea quenches thirst well and is therefore useful at elevated temperatures. But this is far from reality. Recently, British pharmacologists found that strong tea not only does not benefit those suffering from fever, but, on the contrary, theophylline contained in tea increases body temperature. Theophylline also has a diuretic effect, and therefore it renders any antipyretic drugs ineffective or ineffective.

What tea should you not drink?
You should not drink tea with a burnt taste, or moldy tea. When the temperature regime is not maintained when drying tea leaves, the leaves burn or acquire a smoky smell. If too much charcoal smoke is released during the drying process, carcinogenic substances of the benzene group settle on the tea leaves. Such teas are harmful to health.
If tea is stored improperly, especially at high temperatures, tea absorbs large amounts of moisture. Already at 8.8% water in tea leaves, the formation of toxic substances becomes possible, and at 12%, if temperature allows, the process of mold growth proceeds very quickly. Moldy tea contains a large variety of toxic fungal growths. This tea can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, and in serious cases, even diseases of the internal organs.
You should not drink tea hotter than 70° - this leads to cancer of the esophagus and throat. Let's cool the tea, this is serious!!

How much tea should I drink?
No matter how beneficial tea is, do not forget about moderation. Excessive use tea means increased stress on the heart and kidneys. Strong tea leads to stimulation of the brain, rapid heartbeat, frequent urination, and insomnia. Caffeine in large doses, as recent medical studies have shown, contributes to the occurrence of certain diseases. Therefore, you should use moderation with tea.
On average, 4-5 cups of not very strong tea during the day are beneficial, especially for a middle-aged person. Some people cannot do without strong tea, because otherwise they cannot taste it. In this case, you should limit yourself to 2-3 cups, at the rate of 3 grams of tea leaves per cup, thus, 5-10 grams of tea per day. It is better to drink a little tea, but often and always freshly brewed. Of course, you should not drink tea before bed. It is useful for older people to drink simply boiled water in the evening, preferably boiled shortly before and then cooled to room temperature.

How to drink tea according to the seasons
The effects of tea vary greatly depending on the time of year, so for best results you should choose your tea according to the season.
In spring, it is useful to drink fragrant flower teas with a thick aroma. They eliminate the harmful cold accumulated over the winter and stimulate yang qi “energy”.
Green tea is beneficial in summer. On hot days, a clear, pure infusion with green leaves gives a feeling of freshness and coolness, and thanks to its strong astringent effect and high amino acid content, green tea helps to cope with the heat more easily.
Oolong or Qing-cha are ideal for autumn. In terms of its properties, it occupies a middle position between green and red tea, that is, by nature it is neither cold nor hot. Therefore, it eliminates excess heat from the body and restores various secretions. To obtain a similar effect, you can also brew a mixture of green and red teas.
In winter, it is best to drink red tea. With its sweet taste and warm nature, red tea nourishes the yang energies of the body. The reddish infusion and dark leaves give a warming sensation. Red tea goes well with milk and sugar, which increase heat in the body, and the high protein and sugar content has a beneficial effect on digestion and absorption of fats.

What is fresh tea? Old tea? Which tea is better?
Usually tea produced this year is called fresh, but consumers are accustomed to considering spring tea that goes on sale in April-May to be fresh. Old tea is tea that has been stored for more than a year. The proverb says: “The older the wine, the more aromatic; the older the tea, the worse it gets.”
Fresh tea, just put on sale, has a pure color, it is transparent and rich, aromatic and pleasant to taste, drinking it is a pleasure. true pleasure. It is understandable why the Chinese prefer to drink fresh tea. But fresh tea in large quantities can be “intoxicating”, since freshly picked and processed tea leaves contain a high content of such active substances, such as tannin, caffeine, alkaloids. Theine and aromatic compounds of fresh, strong brewed tea easily bring the human nervous system into a state of excitement, similar to intoxication - with accelerated blood circulation, increased heart rate, and rapid changes in emotions. In addition, fresh tea alkaloids are highly active and have a strong effect on human physiology. Their accumulation in the body leads to intoxication with symptoms such as elevated temperature, dizziness, powerlessness, profuse cold sweat, insomnia and even trembling. In addition, in tea freshly picked from the bush, phenols, aldehydes and alcohols are still quite aggressive and stimulate the stomach and intestinal mucosa too much, easily causing stomach pain and abdominal bloating in people with weakened intestinal function and chronic gastric diseases. Such people should drink tea harvested at least 15 days ago. During this time, the aggressiveness of biologically active substances in tea leaves decreases and it is this tea that has ideal properties.

Which tea is better to drink - strong or weak?
From the point of view of maintaining health and preventing various diseases, it is better to drink weak tea. Weakly brewed tea invigorates, restores mental and physical strength, but does not excite and does not affect sleep.
A high concentration of caffeine in strong tea leads to overexcitation and can cause disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. For people with weak nerves, the habit of drinking strong tea in the evening risks chronic sleep disorders.
Drinking strongly brewed tea, among other things, can cause the tannin contained in the tea leaves to react with protein from food, the resulting tannin-protein compound will harden and precipitate, which adversely affects appetite and digestion, reduces the digestibility of food and leads to constipation. In addition, strong tea increases heart rate and causes increased secretion of stomach acid, which is harmful for those suffering from rapid heartbeat, patients with coronary heart disease, and stomach and duodenal ulcers.
Since theine increases body temperature, strong tea can greatly weaken or completely suppress the effect of antipyretics.
Therefore, in the popular “couplets about tea” there are the lines: Dan cha wen yin / Zui yang ren, “Warm, weak tea is best supported.” And others: He cha guo nun / fan cha yin, “If you drink too strong tea, you will become a tea lover”
One glass of strong tea contains approximately 100 milligrams of caffeine, which is approximately equal to the dose used in medical practice. About 10% of tea drinkers drink more than two cups of strong tea per day (that is, 200 milligrams of caffeine). This amount of caffeine is fraught with hypersensitivity, increased anxiety, and irritability. Among those who drink 10 cups a day (1000 milligrams of caffeine), 10% suffer from tinnitus, delirium, sparkling eyes, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension, and uncontrollable shaking.
The lethal dose of caffeine is 10 grams, which is 200 cups of strong tea in a few minutes. It is almost impossible to die in this way, but caffeine is addictive and about half of tea drinkers can fall into a vicious circle of ever-increasing need for caffeine, which has a serious impact on health.
On the other hand, strong tea can be very effective when used for medicinal purposes, for example, in case of poisoning, when the activity of the central nervous system is suppressed, the heartbeat and breathing are greatly slowed down. And strong tea compresses are good for sunburn. So, it is better to leave strong tea to doctors, and at normal times brew tea rather weakly.

Is tea good for you after drinking alcohol? Does tea help you sober up?
Some people resort to tea to sober up quickly. According to Chinese medicine, according to the doctrine of yin-yang, alcohol has a pungent taste, which first goes to the lungs, the lungs correspond to the skin and interact with the large intestine. As for tea, it helps to raise yang energy and stimulates blood circulation; it tastes bitter and belongs to yang. When drinking tea after alcoholic drinks, it has a stimulating effect on the kidneys, the kidneys control water, water generates warmth, resulting in cold stagnation, which leads to cloudy urine, excessive dryness of feces, and impotence. In the famous treatise by Li Shi-zhen, “Ben-cao gan-mu” it is written: “Tea after wine harms the kidneys, the lower back and hips become heavy, the bladder becomes cold and hurts, and in addition, phlegm accumulates, and swelling appears from the liquid drunk.” .
Modern medicine offers a slightly different description. Firstly, the alcohol contained in alcohol has a strong stimulating effect on the heart and blood vessels, and strong tea has a similar effect. Therefore, when the effect of tea is added to the effect of alcohol, the heart receives even stronger stimulation, which does not bode well for people with weakened heart function.
Secondly, tea after alcohol has a negative effect on the kidneys. So most of the alcohol is converted first in the liver into acetaldehyde, then into acetic acid, which breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, and is then excreted through the kidneys from the body. Theophylline contained in tea accelerates the process of urine production in the kidneys, which leads to the fact that not yet broken down acetaldehyde can enter them, which has a highly stimulating harmful effect on the kidneys, in some cases posing a threat to life.
Therefore, alcoholic drinks should not be mixed with tea, and especially with strong tea. It is best to eat fruit - sweet tangerines, pears, apples or, even better, drink watermelon juice. In a pinch it will help fruit juice or sweetened water. For quick sobering up, Chinese pharmacology also recommends a decoction of kudzu vine flowers or a decoction of kudzu root and mung bean (golden bean). If intoxication is characterized by such alarming symptoms as slow breathing, unconsciousness, weakening pulse, cold sweat on the skin, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Is it correct to brew tea with boiling water?
It is believed that vitamin C breaks down easily at high temperatures, so they say tea should not be brewed with boiling water. Japanese researchers have shown that boiling water destroys vitamin C slightly: in the first 15 minutes in brewed tea at a constantly maintained temperature of 100 ° C, 30% of vitamin C disintegrates, and only in 60 minutes it disintegrates almost entirely. But vitamin C dissolved in ordinary water at a temperature of 100°C disintegrates by 83% in 10 minutes. That is, when brewing tea with boiling water, the vitamin C content in it does not drop that much. This is explained by the fact that tea phenol interacts with iron and copper ions, which accelerate the breakdown of vitamin C, thus, tea phenol slows down the rate of breakdown of vitamin C.
Brewing tea with boiling water significantly increases the solubility of beneficial substances contained in tea leaves. In addition to releasing more valuable substances into the liquid, tea also gives a more pronounced aroma and taste. Corresponding experiments have shown that at the same time in tea brewed boiling water, almost three times more valuable substances are released from the leaves into the solution than in tea filled with water at a lower temperature.
Tea phenol, amino acids, caffeine and sugars are important components on which the quality of tea leaves and the taste of tea depend. Experiments conducted by Chinese scientists have shown that with increasing temperature in the tea solution, the content of tea phenol, amino acids, caffeine and sugars increases. All these substances, except sugars, give the highest solubility coefficient at temperatures from 90°C to 100°C. Thus, using boiling water to brew tea increases the content of valuable biological substances in the drink and makes the tea stronger.

What water is best to brew tea in?
In ancient times, people who knew a lot about tea attached great importance to the water in which tea was prepared. We have received many comments on this topic. For example: “Mountain water is the best, river water is average, well water is the worst.” It also happened that a type of tea was associated with a specific source. For example, in Han-zhou, Long-jing tea made with water from the Hu-pao “Tiger Run” spring is called shuang-jue - “exceptional couple”.
Recent studies confirm the assessments of the ancients. Spring and spring water, filtered through rocks and sand, becomes transparent, and the content of minerals and oxides in it is significantly reduced, which makes it soft. Tea brewed with such water has perfect color, aroma and smell.
Rain, tap, lake or river water is hard, that is, it contains a lot of calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate. But since during boiling most of the impurities contained in it disintegrate or settle, forming scale, the water also becomes soft. At least this water won't spoil the good tea leaves.
However, in cities, tap water after purification and disinfection often contains large amounts of chlorine ions, smells like bleach, or has other unpleasant odors. Therefore, if you use tap water to brew tea, it is better to let it sit for one day so that the chlorine is removed from it or use a filter to purify the water.
Well water, especially water from deep wells, is not suitable for brewing tea, as it contains a lot of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and oxides. When brewing, a thin film forms on the surface of the tea, which spoils both the color and taste of the tea.

What is the best container to brew tea in?
In China, the range of teaware - teapots, glasses, cups - is immense. Already in ancient times, tea utensils were distinguished by their diversity. The most common were metal utensils- from gold, silver, copper, tin, alloys - and ceramic - black, white or purple sand clay. In addition, teaware was made from lacquer, jasper, rock crystal, agate and other materials.
During the period from the Tang Dynasty (VII-IX centuries AD) until the Song Dynasty (X-XIII centuries AD), tea was brewed, and therefore teapots were made mainly of metal, with gold and silver teapots considered the best . Subsequently, along with the custom of brewing tea, ceramic teapots became widespread, which were used separately from the dishes for boiling water. Until now, preference is given to ceramic teaware.
Some people, especially in winter, brew tea directly in a thermos, believing that this prevents the tea from getting cold. But constant high temperature deteriorates color, aroma and taste qualities tea. Some people brew tea in an enamel bowl, thinking that this way they can warm it up whenever they want, or keep it over low heat. However, the enamel does not allow air to pass through well, which affects the taste of tea, and tea, when boiled, releases too much tannin, which, when absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract, can react with food proteins and, ultimately, settles in the digestive tract, suppressing appetite and negatively affecting digestion, including constipation.
It is best to brew tea in teapots made of cinnabar (red clay), since cinnabar allows air to pass through very well, so in cold weather such a teapot retains heat, and in hot weather it protects the tea from souring. Over time, the teapot becomes smoother and acquires the elegance of antiquity, and the aroma of the tea being brewed becomes more pronounced and refined over time, to the point that even empty boiling water poured into the teapot acquires a delicate, faint aroma. Today, most tea lovers prefer teapots made from purple clay, which is famous as an absolutely anti-toxic material. The very use of teapots made of this type of clay prolongs life, which is why they have always been highly valued among tea lovers. Earthenware, porcelain, and glass do not have any special advantages, but they also do not spoil the taste of tea, so they are quite common in everyday life.

What is “tea intoxication”? What to do in case of tea intoxication?
“Tea drunkenness” can be caused by drinking strong tea in large quantities or by improperly prepared tea. It is as harmful to the human body as strong alcohol intoxication. Drinking tea on an empty stomach, strong tea on a full stomach, or a heavy dose of strong tea for an unaccustomed body can lead to intoxication with symptoms such as anxiety, dizziness, weakness in the limbs, discomfort in the stomach, unsteady standing, and hunger. Since these symptoms are not as pronounced as with drunkenness, they are usually not paid much attention to. As for the different types and methods of drinking tea, the greatest danger comes from strong tea on an empty stomach, as well as misuse Gong Fu tea, which is much stronger than other teas. Weak people with emptiness in the kidneys are most susceptible to tea intoxication. If the described symptoms appear, you should immediately eat something - either a ready-made dish, or sweets, or fruit.

How to choose tea?
First of all, you need to learn to distinguish fresh tea from old and real tea from fake. Fresh tea leaves give the impression of freshness, they have a bright color, good shape and form a fairly dense structure. Old tea has dull leaves, different shapes, solid. Fresh tea feels soft and vibrant when rubbed between your fingers or rubbed on your palm, and usually does not color easily. Old tea is dry and easily turns into powder.
When brewed, fresh tea quickly gives a pronounced clean aroma, the leaves unfurl, and the tea solution is transparent; At first, the pure color of transparent jade slowly turns into a yellowish tint. Fresh tea has a mild taste. Old tea has a muted smell, leaves are limp, and the liquid is cloudy. Freshly brewed old tea has a dull yellow tint. Real tea leaves have a jagged edge; fake tea leaves have no specific shape. In addition, theine and essential oils give real tea a characteristic aroma that fake tea does not have.
If you are still not sure about tea, try the following method: Take a pinch of questionable tea and a pinch of real tea, brew both twice, steeping both samples for 10 minutes. After this, place the leaves on a white plate with clean water and examine the shape of the leaves, veins, and cloves. In real tea, the veins form a bright pattern, similar to a network, the main vein goes exactly to the tip of the leaf, the side veins diverge to the sides approximately two-thirds of their length, and then bend upward in an arched manner and connect with upward branches; the back side of the leaf of some varieties of tea is covered white fluff, the denticles along the edges of the leaf are pronounced, the denticles are sparser at the bottom of the leaf. In fake tea, the veins do not stand out clearly, the side veins usually go straight to the edges, the teeth along the edge are either not distinct or too rough.

How to store tea?
Since tea easily absorbs odors and moisture, even the best tea quickly loses its quality and taste if stored improperly. There are a lot of factors influencing the safety of tea. Temperature, humidity, specific odors, lighting, air, microbes - all this can have a negative impact. Tea absorbs moisture and environmental odors very strongly, it easily gets stale, and tea leaves can be stored correctly only by taking these features into account.
The tea leaf has a rather sparse structure; in addition, it contains substances - “friends of water”, which intensively absorb water. And when the water content is tea leaf exceeds 12%, processes of toxic degeneration begin. Therefore, tea leaves should be stored in a dry, ventilated place.
In any case, tea does not last long. It is best to drink the tea within one month after purchase, as long-term storage aromatic substances evaporate, chlorophyll and tannin gradually oxidize, and along with them taste, aroma and transparency gradually disappear.
To prevent tea from stale, it should be stored in a hermetically sealed container away from light. Tea leaves contain terpenes, porous substances that easily absorb any odors. Therefore, keep tea away from soap, kerosene, alcohol, seasonings and other odorous substances. In addition, it makes sense to store teas of different varieties and qualities separately. It's best to keep a frequently used variety separate from one you currently drink infrequently. This way the tea will be less exposed to air. To avoid loss of aroma, it is best to pour a small amount of tea into a small separate jar and fill it as needed. Tin containers are best suited for storing tea; try not to store tea in iron or wooden containers.

Tea, herbal infusions, tea mushroom. Medicines for all diseases by Yu. N. Nikolaev

Tea treatment

Tea treatment

For medicinal purposes, tea is usually used as a general strengthening and tonic, for colds and ENT diseases, as well as in all cases where drinking plenty of fluids is recommended for treatment.

Thanks to its unique composition, tea nourishes the body, has a general healing effect and regulates physiological processes.

Tea improves the protective functions of cells and has the ability to resist inflammatory processes. Experiments have revealed the effect of tea on the life expectancy and activity of animals. It has also been found that tannin contained in tea leaves slows down the aging process of tissues and is much more effective than vitamin E.

Tea helps normalize metabolism, stabilizes and reduces overweight for obesity, improves the functioning of the immune system.

We can conclude that regular consumption of tea prolongs a person’s life, increases activity and maintains health.

Tea is good for the growth of bones, teeth, hair, and nails, since there are much more essential microelements, in particular fluorine, in tea, especially green tea, than in other plants.

Tea also prevents tooth decay.

From the book All about ordinary tea by Ivan Dubrovin

CLEANSING THE FACIAL SKIN WITH TEA Do not throw away the tea used after brewing, but collect it, dry it thoroughly, put it in a glass jar - you have an excellent facial cleanser ready. How to use it? They usually begin to cleanse their facial skin after steaming.

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Mud mask with tea and herbs Required: 30 g of dry mud, 1 tsp. black tea, chamomile and calendula, 1 cup boiling water. Method of preparation. Mix tea with herbs and pour boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Dilute the mud 1 tbsp. l. infusion. Method of application. After washing

From the book Ivan-chai. Protector against 100 diseases author V. B. Zaitsev

Cleansing the body with healing tea Preparation healing tea It’s not difficult, but an indispensable rule must be observed: this must be done in a porcelain or earthenware teapot, or, as a last resort, in an enamel mug or saucepan. Having doused the dishes

From book 28 the latest ways treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia author Margarita Viktorovna Fomina

Cleansing vessels with milk and tea Pour milk into a tea cup to about one-fifth of its volume and top up with tea leaves. You need to drink the resulting drug every two hours for several days - from two to five (taking into account your well-being), without consuming more

From the book Rules of Purification by Nishi Katsuzou

Cleansing with tea and intestinal lavage Why do you need to rinse the intestines if you are going to cleanse the vessels? The fact is that when using this, it is very effective way cleansing of blood vessels, all “dirt” and waste from blood vessels instantly enter the intestines, into

From the book Philosophy of Health by Nishi Katsuzou

Koporye tea and medicinal teas with fireweed Koporye tea is a traditional Russian drink made from angustifolia fireweed. Koporye tea has been known since the 12th century, and it got its name from the city of Koporye (now a village in the Leningrad region). It is Koporye tea

From the author's book

Hair masks with fireweed tea Below are recipes for healthy hair masks, the important ingredient of which is fireweed tea. Thanks to the vitamins it contains, it helps strengthen hair and activates its growth, which is especially important for thin hair. He

From the author's book

Therapeutic baths with fireweed tea This section contains various recipes medicinal baths with fireweed tea and other ingredients. Salt baths Such baths with fireweed tea perfectly cleanse the skin, strengthen the body, improve metabolism, and calm the nervous system. They are especially

From the author's book

Chapter 6 Treatment with wine, herbal tea and tinctures Medicinal properties grape wines were known in ancient times. During the siege of Troy, doctors already used wine as a remedy. In Homer's Iliad, wine was given to the wounded and elderly to restore strength and

From the author's book

Cleansing with green tea The easiest and most enjoyable way to cleanse the kidneys is to drink green tea three times a day. Tea removes harmful substances from the body well, leaving us useful material. To cleanse the kidneys, drink tea hot, but not scalding. It is important that the temperature

From the author's book

Cleansing with raspberry leaf tea To prepare tea, young raspberry leaves (the top 3 leaves) are collected, dried at a temperature of 40 ° C, lightly crushed (but not completely into dust) and stored in an airtight container (preferably glass or wooden). One teaspoon of crushed

From the author's book

Cleansing with lungwort tea Lungwort is an amazing plant! When it blooms, its flowers are pink, then they change color to blue-violet. Its leaves contain a treasure trove of substances beneficial to humans. Lungwort tea relieves fatigue and increases protective properties

From the author's book

Rice with tea (otya zuke) One cup of cooked rice, 1 teaspoon of light sesame grains, 1 plate of dark dry seaweed, grilled salmon, pea-sized wasabi, 1 cup of very hot, freshly brewed green tea. Place the rice in two deep, beautiful cups .