Quick mayonnaise without eggs. Homemade mayonnaise without eggs

We prepare homemade mayonnaise in different ways

The history of mayonnaise goes back many years, and this sauce occupies an important place in Russian cuisine. We season it on a lot of salads, add it to hot dishes and sandwiches. But store-bought mayonnaise has recently lost popularity among customers due to the use of dyes and preservatives in production. In order not to doubt the quality of the product, you need to prepare it yourself! Therefore, today we will tell you how to make delicious mayonnaise at home.

Main Ingredients

Classic mayonnaise basically contains the following products:

But recently, the number of mayonnaise recipes has been steadily growing, and the composition of the sauce may change slightly. This also applies to the dosage of products. So, you can completely exclude eggs from the composition, use milk, make lean or vegetarian mayonnaise, which will not contain animal products.

As for preparation, in the old days the ingredients included in the sauce were rubbed slowly and for a long time with a spoon. Later, they beat it with a whisk so that the process takes less time. Nowadays, many housewives prepare mayonnaise using a blender or mixer, devoting a few minutes to it.

We will try to consider all these options in our article. In the meantime, remember a few secrets that will be useful to you for any mayonnaise recipe.

Note! In order for mayonnaise to become thick and get its original taste, all products used in preparation must be fresh. In addition, they need to be brought to room temperature.

  • For spiciness, use mustard powder instead of traditional mustard, which adds a spicy flavor.
  • To avoid bitterness in mayonnaise, combine sunflower and olive oil. The latter can add bitterness to the product. Sunflower oil must be purified and refined.
  • The thickness of the mayonnaise depends on how much vegetable oil you add. If your sauce is too thick, add a little room temperature water and mix thoroughly.
  • Cooking recipes

    Classic version

    To begin with, we will look at a recipe for classic mayonnaise with a traditional set of products. It will become the basis for other options. You will need the following products:

    • egg yolk – 1 pc;
    • mustard – ½ teaspoon;
    • sugar - a pinch;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • olive oil – 100 ml;
    • lemon juice – ½ teaspoon.

    Separate the yolk from the white - this recipe only needs it. Beat it well, adding salt, sugar and mustard. When the mass becomes homogeneous, gradually pour vegetable oil into it. You can use only olive oil, replace it with sunflower oil or mix it in a 1:1 ratio.

    You need to beat the mayonnaise so that the movements are not too fast and not too slow. As soon as the mixture begins to stick to the whisk, the mayonnaise can be considered ready.

    Homemade mayonnaise, unlike store-bought mayonnaise, cannot be perfectly white.

    Remember that homemade mayonnaise cannot be perfectly white, unlike store-bought mayonnaise. The correct color is very light, with a yellowish tint. To do this, add a few drops of lemon juice to the sauce. Apple or balsamic vinegar is also used instead.

    Milk mayonnaise prepared in a blender

    You don't need eggs at all for this mayonnaise. Milk gives the sauce great flavor and thickness.

    You will need products:

    • milk 2.5% fat – 150 ml;
    • sunflower oil – 300 ml;
    • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
    • a pinch of sugar and salt.

    Bring the milk to room temperature and pour into the blender bowl. Add sunflower oil and beat until smooth and thick. Add mustard, salt, sugar, lemon juice to the mixture and beat for another 5 seconds. Please note: you need to work with a blender, not a mixer!

    Mayonnaise made with milk instead of eggs is also thick and tasty

    Mayonnaise is ready when the mass reaches the required thickness.

    Video recipe for mayonnaise with milk without eggs

    Lenten option

    It often happens that important holidays and events fall during the Lent period. How can you manage at a formal table without your favorite salads with mayonnaise? It’s very simple: use the following recipe, which contains neither eggs nor milk.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 1 cup (200 ml) flour;
    • 3 glasses of water;
    • 8 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive);
    • 3 tablespoons lemon juice;
    • 3 tablespoons of prepared mustard;
    • 2 teaspoons salt;
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

    Use a mixer to beat.

    You don't need milk or eggs to make lean mayonnaise.

  • Pour a little water into the flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. Carefully pour in the rest of the water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. You can use the microwave by setting it for 4 minutes.
  • Let the flour mixture cool completely. At this time, pour vegetable oil, mustard, salt, sugar and lemon juice into the container. Beat the mixture with a mixer for two minutes.
  • Continuing to beat, gradually add the cooled flour mixture, about 3-4 times.
  • That's all, lean mayonnaise is ready. From this amount of ingredients you will get about a liter of sauce!

    Note! You can adjust the amount of sugar, salt and mustard over time to suit your taste. The spiciness of mayonnaise depends on the amount of mustard.

    Avid vegetarians can safely enjoy this mayonnaise. If you care about your figure, you can significantly reduce the calorie content by using flaxseed flour instead of regular flour. Is there such flour in the store? No problem! Buy flax seed at the pharmacy and grind it in a coffee grinder.

    Lenten nut sauce

    Another recipe for vegetarians and those who fast. You will need:

    Use a blender to prepare. The amount of all ingredients, except nuts and butter, can be changed to taste.

    Pour the peeled nuts into the blender container and grind thoroughly. Add sugar, salt, mustard. Pour in 3 tablespoons of cold water. Turn on the blender, beat, gradually adding (in 3-4 additions) vegetable oil. In a minute you will get a homogeneous mass similar to an emulsion.

    Turn off the blender, add crushed garlic and lemon juice to the mixture. Start whisking again, gradually adding the remaining water. The sauce will turn white and its consistency will become less thick. It will take you about 5 minutes to prepare!

    Video recipe for lean mayonnaise in a slow cooker

    Greetings from Spain: add garlic

    For this recipe you will need:

    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 200 ml vegetable oil;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 gram of salt (pinch).

    Preparing this mayonnaise will take you a couple of minutes if you use an immersion blender.

    Garlic mayonnaise

  • Peel the garlic and chop finely. Place it in a blender bowl, add the egg and salt. Pour in vegetable oil.
  • Now the work with the blender begins, which, in this case, has its own characteristics. Cover the egg with the blender blade and press it to the bottom of the glass. Turn on the blender and hold until a light creamy emulsion emerges from under the impeller. This method is very important: if you immediately start actively using the impeller, the egg will be mixed with too much oil, and the mass will not beat.
  • Only after the emulsion has formed can the impeller be opened. Do this carefully so that the oil flows under it in small portions.
  • The thickness of the sauce depends on the amount of oil: the more, the thicker.

    Apple lean mayonnaise

    Well, since we are back to the “Lenten” topic, what would Lent be without apples? Here's another mayonnaise recipe that doesn't require eggs or milk. You will need:

  • Peel and core the apple, chop finely and place in a thick-walled pan. Add 50 g of apple juice and a tablespoon of vinegar, salt and sugar, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the lid and continue to simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove the pan from the stove. Add mustard, spices, mix everything with a blender.
  • Add thoroughly mixed 50 g of juice and 0.5 tablespoons of starch to the resulting puree. Put the mixture back on the fire and cook until it thickens and slightly increases in volume.
  • Cool the puree. Take a mixer (or insert beaters into an immersion blender), start whipping the mass, adding vegetable oil slowly, in a very thin stream. This is important, otherwise during the churning process the sauce will separate and all your work will go down the drain.
  • Video recipe for homemade mayonnaise in 1 minute

    Be sure to try making each of these types of mayonnaise, and you will see that it is simple and very tasty! Share with us in the comments your recipes and experience of making mayonnaise without eggs. Bon appetit!

    • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • flour – 200 ml;
    • water – 200 ml;
    • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • salt – 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar 1 teaspoon.

    Preparing the consistency is simple. Combine water, lemon juice, salt and sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Add flour gradually, constantly stirring the contents to avoid lumps forming, it is better to do this using a blender. Place the container with the liquid on the fire and cook until thickened. Lastly, pour in the oil and mix everything thoroughly with a blender.

    Sunflower Seed Recipe

    The real highlight of the culinary experience will be the unique delicate mayonnaise made from sunflower seeds. In addition, it contains only natural ingredients. To prepare the “correct” mayonnaise, stock:

    • peeled sunflower seeds – 1 cup;
    • sesame seeds – 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • peeled and finely grated walnuts - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • onion – ½ piece;
    • garlic – 1-2 cloves to taste;
    • ground red pepper – 1 pinch;
    • dry herbs -1 pinch;
    • tomato – 1 piece;
    • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
    • water.

    Despite the abundance of ingredients, the recipe for making mayonnaise is simple; its creation will take no more than 5 minutes. Do it like this:

    1. Place all ingredients into a container.
    2. Add some water to the container and start blending the contents with a blender.
    3. As it cooks, continue to add a little water and continue whisking. Do this until the product reaches the desired consistency, thick and without lumps.

    Ideally, the mayonnaise should be slightly pink in color with a pleasant smell. If desired, add chopped green onions or dill. Then the product will become even more nutritious, aromatic and tasty.

    On a note!

    Homemade mayonnaise is not suitable for long-term storage and making preparations. Use it within 5-7 days from the date of preparation.

    Starch recipe

    If you need to create mayonnaise that almost completely replicates the color, taste and consistency of a store-bought product, then create it from potato starch, which can be purchased at any grocery store. The sauce will be very tasty and nutritious; you can season the first and second courses with it. For preparation you need the following components:

    • potato starch – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • water – 150 ml;
    • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
    • vinegar with a concentration of 9% - 2 teaspoons;
    • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar - a pinch;
    • salt - a pinch.

    The recipe for making a natural and nutritious dressing consists of several steps:

    1. Pour some water into a glass, 50-70 ml. Add starch to it and mix the contents thoroughly to form a homogeneous consistency.
    2. Pour 80-100 ml of water into a saucepan and put on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil. As this happens, pour in the diluted starch and continue cooking, stirring constantly. As a result, you should get a consistency similar to jelly.
    3. Pour the cooled liquid into the blender bowl. Add mustard, sugar, salt, oil and vinegar to it. Mix thoroughly with a blender until the desired thickness is formed.

    When preparing mayonnaise according to this recipe, keep in mind that starch tends to cool when exposed to cold air temperatures. Therefore, if you plan to store the product in the refrigerator, then make it a liquid consistency; later it will thicken.

    Bean recipe

    If you want to prepare a high-calorie flour dish that requires seasoning, then make mayonnaise as light and simple as possible. Firstly, so that it does not change the taste. Secondly, so as not to weigh it down. To prepare the dressing, provide the following ingredients:

    • canned or boiled beans – 1 cup;
    • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
    • vegetable oil – 150 ml;
    • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.

    The first thing to do is peel the beans and mash them to a mushy consistency. This is easy to do with a fork or masher. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and beat them with a blender. The mayonnaise will be aromatic and slightly purple in color. It is perfect for seasoning dishes for those people who adhere to a raw food diet or diet or monitor their health and figure.

    Plant Based Milk Recipe

    Standard mayonnaise is prepared from a dairy product. But during fasting it is not permissible. In addition, many people do not consume it due to an allergic reaction or their own reasons. An excellent alternative would be plant-based milk, such as soy, almond or sesame. You can buy it in a supermarket or any health food store. It is less calorie and nutritious, and at the same time has an amazing taste. To create mayonnaise, prepare:

    • milk – 120-150 ml;
    • olive oil 120-150 ml;
    • lemon juice – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • white pepper -1/2 teaspoon;
    • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar – 1.5 teaspoons;
    • salt – 1/2 teaspoon.

    Step-by-step instructions for preparing snow-white dressing look like this:

    1. Pour the milk into the blender bowl. Add pepper, butter, sugar and salt to it. Mix the contents thoroughly. Turn on the blender at maximum power. Beat for 1-2 minutes.
    2. Add lemon juice to the thick mixture. Continue blending the contents with the blender for another 30 seconds to 1 minute.

    If desired, you can add a clove of garlic, passed through a garlic press or fine grater, dry herbs or spices to the contents. Thus, mayonnaise will acquire a unique taste and aromatic smell.

    Sometimes, even if all the right ingredients were used and step-by-step instructions were followed, the dish turns out tasteless or has the wrong consistency. This is due to a violation of technology. When creating without eggs and milk, you need to follow these tips:

    • It is required that all ingredients be at room temperature; first, before cooking, remove them from the refrigerator;
    • mix the contents with a blender first at minimum speed, gradually increasing the power;
    • You cannot pour in all the oil at once, do it gradually in small quantities as you stir;
    • If you don’t have a blender, you can mix the consistency manually, but it is important to do this continuously and in one direction.

    Find incredibly tasty and healthy options for egg-free mayonnaise recipes on the online chef project website. Try cooking with milk, water, sour cream or soy milk. With various interesting additives and spices. Knowing homemade recipes, there will be no reason to give up your favorite sauce!

    Due to the large number of chemical additives, no nutritionist would recommend eating store-bought mayonnaise. And due to the threat of intestinal infections, it is quite dangerous to prepare a product from raw eggs. But there is a way out! You can easily and quickly create eggless mayonnaise in the kitchen. The cooking technology is the same. But there are also little tricks. It is recommended to make a mix of oil (50% refined vegetable and 50% olive) and the result will invariably please you.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in eggless mayonnaise recipes are:

    Interesting recipe:
    1. Pour milk and butter into the bowl of an immersion blender.
    2. Beat at the highest speed for about a minute.
    3. When the sauce becomes thick, add salt, pepper, sugar, mustard and vinegar.
    4. Beat again.
    5. Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

    Five of the fastest eggless mayonnaise recipes:

    Helpful Tips:
    . Milk and vegetable oil must be at the same room temperature.
    . For the desired consistency of mayonnaise, it is better to take milk with maximum fat content (3.2%).
    . If the sauce does not thicken immediately, then it should be set aside for 5-10 minutes and whisked again.
    . Cow's milk can be replaced with soy milk.
    . Lemon juice works great instead of vinegar.
    . You can include olives, olives, mushrooms and a variety of spices in mayonnaise without eggs.

    Mayonnaise with milk without eggs will appeal to those who do not like to buy store-bought mayonnaise with its harmful additives in the form of preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers, and who are afraid to make homemade sauce from raw chicken eggs. This cold sauce recipe uses milk instead of eggs, so it can be safely given to children - there is nothing harmful in it. Mayonnaise with milk is very quick and convenient to prepare; you don’t need to add butter in small portions. Just pour milk with vegetable oil into a blender glass and beat at high speed - the sauce will begin to thicken right before your eyes. The mayonnaise turns out very tasty, tender, not greasy and quite thick. It adds a pleasant taste to any dish.

    • Milk (2.5%) – 100 ml
    • Vegetable oil – 200 ml
    • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
    • Sugar – 0.5-1 tsp.
    • Mustard – 1 tsp.
    • Lemon juice – 1-1.5 tbsp.
    • Spices (optional)

    How to make mayonnaise with milk without eggs

    To prepare mayonnaise, I will use an immersion blender, but you can also use a regular stationary one. Pour 100 milliliters of milk and 200 milliliters of high-quality refined vegetable oil into a tall blender glass or other container suitable for whipping. I used sunflower oil, you can also use a mixture of sunflower and olive oil. You shouldn’t use all olive oil – it will taste bitter. I boiled and cooled the milk in advance; you can use pasteurized milk. My milk and butter were cold, straight from the refrigerator.
    A little about what temperature the products should be. Some recipes advise taking them only at room temperature, while others recommend taking them only cold. But mayonnaise is obtained in both cases.

    Beat the milk and vegetable oil with a blender at high speed. The sauce immediately, right before your eyes, begins to thicken. I like that mayonnaise according to this recipe is prepared very quickly, literally in a matter of minutes, and even seconds. Although, I admit, I didn’t immediately decide to do it. The fact is that when preparing Provencal mayonnaise, I add vegetable oil in small portions so that the mixture does not separate. And in many recipes for milk mayonnaise, the butter is whipped all at once, so I doubted that the sauce would thicken, but I still decided to try it and did not regret it - the mayonnaise turned out the first time, it thickened after 15-20 seconds of running my blender.

    Now all that remains is to add salt, sugar, mustard, lemon juice and blend again with a blender. We taste the mayonnaise and, if necessary, adjust salt, sugar, mustard and lemon to taste. If desired, you can also add other spices and spices, for example, ground black pepper, dry or fresh garlic, herbs. I put in some dried garlic; it has a more delicate and pleasant taste than fresh garlic. Instead of lemon juice, you can use table vinegar; you need to take half as much of it. I prefer mayonnaise with lemon, it turns out tastier and healthier. But lemon juice must be added carefully; it is very noticeable in the sauce, unlike vinegar.

    Transfer the mayonnaise into a dry, clean jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. After a few hours it will thicken even more.

    As you can see, homemade mayonnaise with milk is prepared very quickly, unlike the classic cold sauce. It turns out thick, very tasty and tender, with the consistency of low-fat sour cream. This mayonnaise can be stored for about a week, but maybe a little longer.
    On my website there is one recipe for mayonnaise without adding eggs - apple mayonnaise. It turns out to be lean, and even vegan (there is no milk). This sauce has a delicate texture and pleasant taste with a slight fruity sourness.

    I made mayonnaise according to this recipe several times, both with milk at room temperature and with cold milk - it always turned out thick and very tasty. But I still decided to write some cooking tips, since some housewives did not succeed right away.

    • Vegetable oil and milk should be at the same temperature. But if the mayonnaise suddenly does not whip, then you need to put it in the refrigerator for several hours and then beat again.
    • If the mayonnaise does not thicken, add more lemon juice (it thickens well from acidity), but not much so that the sauce does not turn out too sour.
    • Sometimes mayonnaise does not work because of vegetable oil, then try with another oil.

    Bon appetit everyone!

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    Mayonnaise is an almost indispensable part of numerous salads, making them juicy and bright in taste. However, in certain cases it is prohibited. First of all - for those who fast on appropriate days and vegetarians. But there may be other cases, for example, if someone has an individual intolerance to certain foods. And then mayonnaise without eggs at home can literally save the front table and everyone’s mood. The most important thing is that the idea is not difficult to implement, and the ingredients for the sauce are not hard to come by.

    without eggs at home with milk

    Naturally, it is suitable if the fast is not strict and vegetarians accept the product used as the basis, which is not typical for everyone who eats according to this regulation. And it’s perfect for a family in which one of the members is allergic to eggs. Take an incomplete glass of milk (150 ml), in a blender bowl combine with 300 ml of vegetable, odorless oil, salt and sugar, taken in a teaspoon, and lemon juice - 2 to 3 small spoons will do. The seasonings used are mustard (depending on the tastes of the family - 2-3 spoons), ground black pepper and the same turmeric - a third of a spoon each. All this is whipped until smooth - and your favorite dressing is ready.

    Secrets of cooking

    Like any sauce, mayonnaise without eggs at home has some “whims” and nuances in its creation. First, milk. You can use a cold one. At the same time, it will take less lemon juice and thicken faster, but if left in the refrigerator it may curdle. It is better to prefer warm, like the temperature in the room. Secondly, salt. Housewives claim that mayonnaise “sounds more natural” when using Himalayan mayonnaise: it gives the sauce an aromatic note of boiled eggs. And thirdly, spices: many recommend adding asafoetida, which successfully replaces garlic.

    Soy Tofu Recipe

    For those for whom it is fundamentally important to do without fast food products, you can offer to prepare mayonnaise without eggs at home and without milk. For it, buy a piece of soybean weighing 200 grams, put it in a blender along with pepper, salt (these seasonings are optional), a spoonful of sugar, a tablespoon of mustard (preferably Dijon, but if you like it spicier, you can take any), the same volume of vinegar and with vegetable oil, of which 3-4 tablespoons are added. The liquid level of mayonnaise is adjusted by adding oil and vinegar. The mass is whipped until smooth and used for its intended purpose.

    Completely lean mayonnaise

    In cases where there is no tofu or you don’t like its soy version, there is another recipe for you: mayonnaise at home, in a blender, without eggs, and with a completely trivial set of products, which nevertheless gives a completely authentic taste. Mix two large spoons of flour (with a hefty slide) in 400 ml of water. Something like a paste is brewed. Place a glass of olive oil (50 ml), a spoonful of not too spicy mustard and sugar, half a spoonful of salt, plus a large spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar. As you beat, add brewed flour to the mixture, spoonfuls at a time, until you are satisfied with the consistency of the mayonnaise. Finally, the submersible “fan” lowers and rises a couple of times so that the sauce is homogeneous and not layered, and it is completely ready.

    The main thing is to know that mayonnaise without eggs is easy to prepare at home. And besides, you have the opportunity to adjust the basic recipe (any of them) to suit your personal tastes, using subtle notes of your favorite seasonings. And perhaps you will prefer it to all store offers.