Balanced nutrition for a child. Nutrition for children under one year old - how to properly create a balanced diet

The basic rule of balance baby food is that the nutrients entering the child’s body must fully satisfy the needs of the growing and developing organism. Most pediatricians believe that a balanced baby diet is the basis, the foundation good health child in the future. Strong immunity, capable of resisting many infectious and other types of diseases, is all a consequence of properly balanced baby nutrition.

The first basic and most healthy diet The baby is, of course, mother’s breast milk. Milk contains a complete set of all the essential substances required by a child’s body for proper growth. Among these substances, there are those that protect the child’s body from adverse factors, increasing his immunity. This is the so-called maternal immunity, which is transmitted to the baby through breast milk. The specificity of the composition of human breast milk is that throughout the entire period of breastfeeding it changes in such a way as to meet the needs of the baby’s body. Among other things, breastfeeding establishes a psycho-emotional connection between mother and baby.

Incorrect or inappropriate nutrition for a nursing mother has negative impact on the composition and taste of breast milk. Accordingly, the child’s health may also suffer. For this reason, a nursing mother should be extremely careful about what and in what quantities she eats. The diet of a nursing mother must certainly be varied; food products must contain all the necessary nutrients, micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Dangerous foods in the diet of a nursing mother can be foods that often cause the development of allergies in the child, penetrating into his body through breast milk. Among the most aggressive allergens are chocolate and strawberries, citrus fruit and fatty meat, etc. It is better to exclude such products from your diet altogether. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to use them in limited quantities and monitor the child’s reaction. Certain foods, such as prunes or cucumbers, can cause indigestion.

Thus, the basis of a balanced baby diet in the first months of life is the proper nutrition of the nursing mother.

Not necessarily in feeding mode infant stick to the hourly schedule. But, meanwhile, you should not put the baby to the breast every time you cry, since the habit of getting food at the first call can lead to the development of obesity in the future.

Subsequently, as the child grows up, juices, cereals and purees, dairy and dairy products. From the very first feeding, the child may not digest new foods properly; vomiting, stool disorders, and colic may occur. In some cases, diathesis may develop.

First new ingredient in child nutrition is fruit juice. If the child is not yet three months old, then you should not give him juice. Fruit juice is introduced into a child’s diet with one drop. Then you need to monitor the body's reaction, as allergies may occur. In this case, complementary foods cannot be introduced further. At the very beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, juice is given of one type, that is, for example, only apple or only plum.

After introducing the juice in the same small quantities into children's diet fruit puree and other types are introduced. You can start giving puree to your child only after three weeks of complete adaptation to the juice according to the same scheme.

As you know, telomeres, the end sections of chromosomes, are responsible for a person’s biological age. With each cycle of cell division, telomeres shorten. The shorter the telomeres, the sooner a person will die or experience signs of aging and ailments such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases, writes St. Petersburg Diary. Belgian scientists have made a discovery: the mother's weight affects the length of the child's telomeres. Thus, maternal obesity shortens the telomeres of her offspring. An analysis of data from 743 pregnant women, including an assessment of their Body Mass Index, found this to be true. Moreover, experts studied blood samples from the placenta and umbilical cord. Bottom line: children of overweight women had telomeres 2.5% shorter than children of normal-weight women, and children of overtly obese women had telomeres 5.5% shorter than children of women with normal weight. This difference can be equated to 5-10 years of life. Scientists say about the causes of shortened telomeres: adipose tissue can provoke inflammation and produce substances that cause oxidative stress, which harms cells and shortens telomeres.

The obesity epidemic is affecting much of the Western world. And it can lead to catastrophic consequences, affecting future generations. How it conveys The New Daily, there is an urgent need to launch a massive fight against obesity. The fact is that obesity in parents increases the risk of brain damage, asthma, strokes and heart disease in their grown children. And this is an endless chain - obese parents endow their children with diseases and a predisposition to obesity. And they, in turn, pass the problems on to their children. Moreover, according to statistics, more and more mothers have excess weight or outright obesity. And maternal obesity increases the risk of stillbirth, high pressure, diabetes in herself or the child, and it threatens complications during childbirth. For a child, maternal obesity means a set of neuroendocrine, metabolic, immune, inflammatory changes that will affect hormonal levels and nutrition nutrients.

When the child’s health is good, his tongue, like the entire oral cavity, is moist and pale pink. The surface of the tongue is smooth, uniform and symmetrical. There should be no white or other coating on the tongue. If you think your child's language is not what it should be, don't ignore it.

Parents are always happy when their baby eats well and gains weight well. This is amazing. The main thing is that the task of feeding your child does not become a priority for you. Overfeeding is very dangerous, because unnoticed it can lead to paratrophy (childhood obesity) and subsequently to metabolic syndrome, when the stomach is distended, more and more food is required, metabolism is disrupted, which provokes various diseases and ultimately obesity, disability and premature aging. Before showing affection for a well-fed child and offering him more and more new types of food, it is worth thinking about how adequate his fatness is and what it can ultimately lead to.

If you decide to vaccinate your child (and this must be decided immediately after birth), remember that there are no safe vaccines and after each vaccination there is a possibility of complications.

The foods children eat greatly affect their health. Hippocrates also said: “We are what we eat.” Why is it so important for children balanced diet, and how to make it like this? We'll talk about this in this article.

The diet of a child, like an adult, should include foods that will supply the body with all the necessary elements:

It is important to maintain a balance between these elements. For children different ages and the norm will be different. These standards are specified in Sanpin for preschool organizations.

In a sample menu, the protein content should provide 12–15% of the calorie intake, fats 30–32% and carbohydrates 55–58%.

The food we consume significantly affects our health and the health of our children. An excess of any elements can negatively affect the condition of children. For example, overconsumption sweets can be a consequence of excess weight. Consumption of allergenic foods can affect the condition of the child's skin. At the same time, a lack of certain foods can also be detrimental to the child. The lack of iron-containing foods can lead to the development of anemia. Therefore, it is important to approach children’s nutrition individually and take into account the development and health characteristics of each child.

During the day, children's meals in preschool should look like this:

  • breakfast- sandwich, hot drink and a hot dish;
  • dinner– appetizer, soup, side dish with meat, fish or poultry, drink;
  • afternoon tea– drink with buns or confectionery;
  • dinner– fish, vegetables, meat and cottage cheese dishes, hot drinks;
  • second dinner- dairy products.

It is also important to consider the total amount of food that children should eat. It is defined by Sanpin as follows:

When creating a menu, you need to consider the following factors:

  • territorial features;
  • national character;
  • assessment of children's health;
  • recommended range of products. which must be included in the diet of children in preschool educational institutions.

It is necessary to draw up sample menu, which will include information. specified in SanPiN.

The food should be varied. You cannot repeat dishes during the day, or in the next 3 days.

In the menu itself you must indicate:

  • name of the dish (clear correspondence with the name from the collection of recipes);
  • links to recipes from the collection.

A sample menu is approved by the head of the preschool educational institution and compiled for two weeks. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the daily set of products. recommended in SanPiN.

After the sample menu has been approved, it is necessary to create and approve a layout menu. Here it is necessary to indicate the final yield of dishes for children, taking into account their age.

If any recommended products are unavailable, other products may be substituted. In this case, the principle of equivalence must be observed. When it is not possible to get fresh vegetables and fruits, they can be replaced with juices, frozen fruits or vegetables.

It has already been stated above that vitamins and minerals have a significant impact on the health of children. Therefore, the menu must include foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamins. A list of vitamins and minerals, as well as information about which foods contain them, can be found here.

But what to do in winter, when fresh vegetables and there is practically no fruit? In this case, it is necessary to fortify the dishes. This process must be carried out under the supervision of doctors and parents must be informed about this. It is also necessary to take into account the health of each child. After all, artificial vitamins can cause allergic reactions.

Vitamins must be introduced into the third dish (jelly or compote) when they have already been cooled to 35 C or 15 C, respectively. And such drinks must be served immediately.

It is necessary to keep records of the fortification of dishes in an appropriate journal, which is stored for a year. Data in this journal is entered by a medical professional. An example log can be seen here.

Children's nutrition should be varied and contain essential vitamins and microelements. But from harmful additives, known to everyone as E, should be abandoned. You can view a list of harmful additives and read information about their effects on health here.

You can access the module "Regulatory documents of preschool educational institutions" of the "Directory" information system. It contains instructions, templates and expert experience. Details here.

A 1 year old child's diet should include all the necessary food ingredients. It is nutrition that is the most important factor, characterizing the degree of adaptation of the child to the outside world. Nutrition determines opportunities for growth and development child's body, his condition immune system, the ability to overcome difficulties and stress.

Nutrition for children up to one year old

The basis of nutrition for a child up to one year should be human milk. Gradually, over the course of a year, human milk is replaced regular products nutrition. Human milk is the natural equivalent of the umbilical cord in the prenatal period, allowing for the most complete intimate relationship between the mother's body and the newborn.

Breastfeeding is best view feeding a child up to one year. Human milk is ideal for a newborn, as it is adapted to the peculiarities of its digestion and metabolism. IN human milk contains a sufficient amount of all food ingredients necessary for the growth and development of a child in the first months of life. In addition, human milk contains antibodies to various infectious agents - they protect the child from diseases.

Clinical experience confirms that the best feeding regimen for a child is The first months of life is feeding “on demand”, that is, when he begins to worry and scream.

In this case, the mother's breast is not only a source of food, but also a powerful calming factor. Over time, as the baby grows, he begins to suck more milk, which means he needs the breast less often - appears correct mode nutrition.

Monthly weight gain indicates whether the baby is getting enough mother's milk. The norm is considered to be a weight gain of 600 g during the first month of life, and 800 g each in the second and third months. A lag behind these norms indicates underfeeding, in which case the pediatrician decides on the possibility of supplementing the child with artificial milk formula.

Nowadays, many very high-quality formulas are produced for feeding children under one year of age, which take into account the individual characteristics of the child. Only a doctor selects a milk (or dairy-free) formula for supplementary feeding. The same mixtures can be used for artificial or mixed feeding.

Except dairy nutrition Starting from four to six months, the child begins to be introduced to complementary foods, which gradually replace milk. From four months onwards, it is recommended that the child be given apple juice first, and after two weeks - applesauce, starting with a teaspoon. There are three complementary foods in total - they replace three breastfeedings. The child also receives other food products, which also gradually replace breast milk by the age of one year.

First complementary foods for children on breastfeeding, begin to give at five to six months, and at artificial feeding two weeks earlier. By this time, the child should already have established a feeding schedule of up to 5-6 times a day with a night break. This vegetable puree or milk porridge. The second complementary food is introduced a month after the first - milk porridge or vegetable puree (the pediatrician decides which to introduce first). The third complementary feeding - a fermented milk product - is introduced at 8 months and gradually replaces another feeding.

Nutrition for a child per year

A child should receive food 5 times a day per year. The volume of each feeding should be about 200 ml. If he is still receiving breastfeeding by the age of one year, then it is given morning and evening. But more often, by the age of one year, breast milk is replaced with milk or fermented milk products. A child's annual diet should include a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper development of his body. Total calories per day for a 1 year old child is approximately 1200 kcal.

Sample menu for a child aged 1 year:

Baby's nutrition after one year

Proper nutrition for children after one year is also of great importance. In the second and third years of life, the child grows even more intensively than at the end of the first year of life. At the same time, the child not only increases body weight, the structure and function of the central nervous system improves in his body, internal organs, immune system, etc. The child becomes more active, both physically and mentally, and this requires the intake of necessary nutrients into the body.

10/07/2014 13:02

When starting to introduce complementary foods, young mothers are often concerned about the following questions: are there enough nutrients for the child, does the child receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals with complementary foods, what foods should the child be fed more often, and which only occasionally? We will try to answer them.

Main principle nutrition for a baby up to one year differs little from nutrition healthy person: fresh food, absence of industrially processed foods (canned food, sausages, smoked meats, etc.), absence of fatty foods, steaming or baking food, boiled food.

The main differences in nutrition for a child: the size of portions and, possibly temporarily, the exclusion of allergenic foods.

- in the nutrition of children under one year old

Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables must be present in the baby’s diet. They are rich fiber, vitamins and minerals . In the first months of complementary feeding - in the form of puree, and later (from about 8 months of age) the child can also be given pieces, for example, an apple.

Vegetables and fruits, having a red color , as well as citrus fruits, it is better not to administer to a child under one year of age, because they are allergens. It is better to start complementary feeding with a single-component vegetable puree, for example, cauliflower.

  • Cauliflower puree
    Divide 100 g of cauliflower into inflorescences, rinse well in running water and, adding a small amount of boiling water, cook over low heat until tender. You can cook cabbage in a double boiler. Boiled cabbage rub through a sieve or use a blender to grind. Add 25 ml of milk (baby formula, vegetable broth, for children over 8 months, low-fat meat broth) and 1/3 teaspoon to the chopped cabbage butter. Boil the resulting mixture. The puree is ready. Serve warm.
  • Fruit purees
    It is also better to start giving single-component fruit purees: apple, pear. When the baby gets used to complementary foods, you can also add mixed purees, for example, apple + carrots, apple + pumpkin, etc.
  • Apple and pumpkin puree
    Cut 100 g pumpkin and 1 apple (peeled) into small cubes and simmer in Not large quantities water until done (you can use a double boiler). Rub through a sieve or grind in a blender, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar syrup and bring to a boil. If the apples are sweet sugar syrup do not add. The puree is ready. Serve warm.

Dairy products

It is better to avoid giving it to your baby if possible. cow's milk, because it is a strong food allergen and is difficult to digest by an immature child’s body.

From 5-6 months they begin to give cottage cheese, but it is better to introduce kefir from 7-8 months. Kefir can increase fermentation in a child’s intestines - just like yogurt and fermented baked milk. At first, it is better to have fermented milk products without adding fruit. Subsequently, you can add fresh or freshly frozen berries and fruits. Perfect option- This is cottage cheese made at home.

  • Homemade cottage cheese
    Place a pack of kefir in the freezer overnight. In the morning, take it out of the bag and defrost it in a sieve or colander with gauze. Once melted, the whey drips off and you get cottage cheese. Because Kefir is not subjected to heat treatment when preparing cottage cheese in this way; the amount of nutrients in such a product is greater.


From 5-6 months, porridges prepared in breast milk or on milk formulas for artificial nutrition, vegetable decoctions. They start giving 5%, then 10% porridge. Porridges are rich in minerals, vitamins (especially vitamin B), vegetable proteins, and fiber. For early ages, buckwheat and oatmeal. You can also add vegetable or fruit puree to the porridge.

  • Semolina porridge with apple
    Take 3 tablespoons of semolina, 80 ml boiled water, 80 ml apple juice or grated apple. Combine all ingredients and cook in a saucepan until thickened

Meat and fish products

From 7-8 months, low-fat foods first appear in the child’s diet. meat broth, Then lean meat, and only then - to the fish low-fat varieties. Chopped meat can be given together with vegetable puree, and vegetable puree can also be cooked in meat broth.

  • Meat soufflé
    100g boiled white chicken meat Pass through a meat grinder several times. Add to minced chicken 1 teaspoon of heavily boiled rice (smear), add ½ part of whipped rice chicken egg, 1 teaspoon of butter and mix everything well. Ready mixture Place in a mold and cook until done in a double boiler or water bath.

Bread, cookies

Bread is given in the form of crackers, for example, with meat broth. Now there are many types of special children's cookies.

Crackers and cookies are an educational moment; they accustom the child to the processes of chewing and develop the maxillofacial muscles.

Currently, there are many types of ready-made canned food for infants. And yet, dear mothers, it will be much healthier and tastier for your child if you prepare the food yourself and use canned food only in rare cases. After all, in the process of preparing food for your baby, you put a piece of your warmth and love into it - this is so necessary for the baby to grow and develop well!

Classic is when there is everything and at the same time there is nothing superfluous. Such a simple and figurative definition fully reflects the principle of rationality, which is especially important for them. For many parents, the main thing is that the child eats more. Five-year-old Lidochka is even given marks for her food and entered on the report card above the table. “Today you only had a C-minus breakfast,” my mother says reproachfully. “Mommy, wait, don’t write, I’m about to have a snack for an A,” the ambitious little girl rushes to the plate. Of course, it’s great when a child has an excellent appetite, but everything is good in moderation. There is no system in the body that would immediately discard everything unnecessary, harmful, and clogging. You cannot feed a child to capacity in the expectation that his body will choose what it needs from everything that is put into it, and the rest will come out naturally.

Can children have sweets?

How often does a child, seeing a cupcake or cake on the table, ask for more and more! And on the street, in trays, there are tempting overseas sweets or ice cream. It is difficult to deny pleasure to your child. You remember that he has already had lunch. “Let him enjoy it now,” you think. And so today - guests, tomorrow - a walk with ice cream, and then - a series of holidays. Extra calories? Yes, but not only. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are not beneficial. They increase the body's need for B vitamins, especially vitamin B1 (thiamine). The amount of this important substance that the child receives from food becomes insufficient, and a deficiency or hypovitaminosis B1 occurs. If an adult’s body does not immediately respond to a lack of one or another required substance, then the baby’s body instantly: metabolic processes are disrupted. And the first symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency are irritability, forgetfulness and lethargy. The child becomes less mobile, his appetite decreases, and he experiences abdominal pain. In this case, temporarily exclude from the diet confectionery and sugar, replacing them with fruits. You can give honey little by little: in addition to carbohydrates, it contains minerals, vitamins, a number of organic acids and enzymes. It improves the body's absorption of foods such as milk, fruits and egg yolk. It is better to replace white bread made from fine flour with grain bread. Many B vitamins are contained in bran products, buckwheat, oat and millet cereals, liver, fresh meat and eggs. Vegetables and fruits are poor in this vitamin, with the exception of green pea And cauliflower. A significant additional source of B vitamins is brewer's yeast. Pharmacies sell dry yeast in powder form, which children take with pleasure - a teaspoon of yeast per day is enough.

The skin gives signals

Clear satin skin, blush on the cheeks, clear eyes and shiny silky hair of your baby are not only natural beauty, but also an indicator of well-being in his body. If a child develops vertical cracks on the lips or in the corners of the mouth, slight peeling of the skin around the lips, on the wings of the nose, on the ears, then a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) should be assumed. This most often happens when a child receives too little milk and dairy products, the main sources of this vitamin. Riboflavin is also found in fish, meat, liver, eggs, and heat treatment(frying, boiling, stewing) almost do not reduce its content in products. Reddened eyes, flaking of the scalp, drowsiness and constant irritability may be a signal that the child does not have enough vitamin B6. Fortunately, this vitamin is quite widely distributed. It is found in meat, liver, chum salmon, beans, buckwheat, wheat flour and potatoes. Like other B vitamins (except B12). it is found in large quantities in brewer's yeast. Vitamin B12 deficiency due to improper intake is very rare, except in vegetarian children. IN plant products and this vitamin is practically absent in yeast, and there is little of it in milk. Liver, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, and some types of fish are rich in vitamin B12. Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in the form of loss of appetite, discomfort in the abdomen, and most importantly, anemia. In this condition it will be beneficial medicinal dish, which in children's cooking is called liver soup for anemic children. A piece of laboratory-tested on the market calf liver passed through a meat grinder and then rubbed through a sieve. The yolk is mixed into the resulting semi-liquid slurry. raw egg and half a teaspoon of butter. The mixture is poured into boiling salted broth - after a minute the soup can be removed from the heat. Liver and meat also serve as a source of iron, necessary for hematopoiesis.

Antioxidants: what are they?

Our kids do not breathe the cleanest air, we cannot provide them exclusively environmentally clean water and food. In addition, as a result of normal processes, including metabolism, by-products that should be deleted. In this case, aggressor substances arise that strive to destroy cell membranes and living tissue, causing its peroxidation. Damaged cells cannot resist either infections or harmful influences. Fortunately, the body is protected by substances called antioxidants. And the most important of them are vitamins E, C and A, as well as the microelements selenium and zinc. Do you want to strengthen this team that protects your baby from infections, nitrates, toxins and other harmful things?

  1. Instead of various chips and chewing gum, treat him to nuts, sunflower seeds, oranges, tomatoes, apricots, and sweet bell peppers.
  2. Add to ready meals ground sprouted wheat grains.
  3. Nourish your growing body with freshly squeezed juices of berries, fruits, and vegetables. Excellent juice from pomegranate, lingonberry, viburnum, cranberry. Sour juices It is best to dilute with water or add to tea. Be sure to give your child juice from those vegetables that he does not like or cannot eat raw. For example, juice from carrots, beets and pumpkin.
  4. It's good to know what's best natural sources Selenium are grains, fish, zucchini, celery and cucumbers. There is a lot of zinc in nuts, cheese, poultry, liver, beef and shrimp. In addition, zinc, like iron, is necessary for hematopoiesis.

Squirrels for baby

A lack of proteins in the first years and even months of life causes such serious changes in the body that subsequent recovery balanced child nutrition will not be able to completely eliminate them. With a lack of protein, resistance to infections decreases, the baby’s growth, physical and mental health are impaired. Slow growth of the lower extremities causes a violation of the proportions of the skeleton, which is difficult to correct in the future. Complete animal proteins are found in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, meat, fish and squid. Vegetable proteins are also necessary, of which there is a lot of soy and legumes, as well as rolled oats, oatmeal and buckwheat. Proteins consist of various amino acids, some of them are essential, that is, they cannot be formed in the body from other substances. The combination of amino acids is also important different products(for example, milk and buckwheat complement each other perfectly).

Fortunately, a chronic, severe lack of protein in children’s diets is now observed infrequently, but this problem still exists, including in wealthy families. The mother of six-year-old Nastya was worried that the girl was growing up without initiative, liked to be alone for a long time, quarreled with her peers and was insolent to her elders.

A child most often becomes irritated in response to requests to eat a cutlet, a piece of fish or a cheesecake. The baby does not have , she is pale, lagging in height and weight, and rashes often appear on her skin. A medical examination revealed anemia (anemia). After talking with her parents, the doctor found out that Nastya only agrees to eat White bread with butter and cookies, willingly enjoys chips, cakes and sweets, prefers mainly carbonated sweets. Conversations with parents about the need to change the nature of nutrition in the family in general, and the child in particular, had an effect. Hemoglobin level in blood

Nastya returned to normal, iron supplements were needed in extremely small quantities and only for a short time. The main role in recovery was played by dishes made from fresh meat and other protein products. IN daily menu The girls also included vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn. After all, the composition of fatty acids has a significant impact on all physiological processes in the body, especially on nervous system. If a baby receives almost exclusively animal fats, he becomes irritable and often gets sick. The so-called unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oils, are part of the nervous tissue, regulate the nutrition of all cells of the body, maintaining normal vascular permeability. Derivatives of these fatty acids play the role of many hormones, limit the deposition of ballast fat in the body and promote the synthesis of the necessary protein.

It is very important for him, so follow all the recommendations and be healthy!

Balanced nutrition for children- this is the key to solving many problems. A diet that provides a child with all the necessary nutrients not only has a beneficial effect on his health, but also promotes full growth and development.

Balanced nutrition for children 2 years old

Children of this age need a lot of energy. At 2 years old, a child can be selective about what he eats. The following features of eating behavior are characteristic:

  • The child eats less than he ate before
  • Refuses to try new things
  • Doesn't eat foods he previously ate

After one year, children begin to grow slower than before one year, so they need less calories. 1000 to 1300 calories per day is normal. Most of the food is consumed at breakfast, a little less at lunch, and the child may not even touch dinner. Try to monitor what your child eats. A balanced diet for children 2 years old must include:

  1. Milk (yogurt, cheese, or other calcium-rich product)
  2. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins C and A (2 tablespoons per day)
  3. Grain products - bread and cereals (whole grain cereals should be fortified with iron)
  4. Protein - meat, legumes, eggs, tofu or peanut butter

Balanced nutrition for children 7 years old

At the age of 7, the child begins to go to school. Balanced nutrition for school-age children significantly different from the nutrition of preschool children.

At this age, eating habits are formed that remain with the child for life. Studies have shown that obese children are predisposed to diabetes and heart disease. To be strong and healthy, a child needs to consume between 1,200 and 2,000 calories per day, depending on his height and weight.

A balanced diet for children 7 years old is characterized by the following distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • 50-60% - carbohydrates (for example, brown rice or whole grain bread)
  • 10-30% - proteins (fish, chicken, tofu and lean meat)
  • 25-35% mono- and polyunsaturated fats ( olive oil, fish and nuts)

If your child eats in the school canteen, then explain to him that fatty foods are fried potatoes or hamburgers, you can eat, but not often, and be sure to combine them with healthier foods.

Be sure to sit down for dinner with the whole family. A child tends to adopt habits from his parents. It is important that these habits are correct. Cook what he likes. If it's lasagna, make it with pasta. durum varieties wheat and add more fresh vegetables to the serving.

Balanced nutrition for children 8 years old

At the age of 8, children already know the simple rules of proper nutrition. If parents pay enough attention to the child and are themselves a role model, then he quickly grasps what is allowed to eat and what is not. On the other hand, this age is marked by a pronounced desire to make independent decisions. The child not only goes to the store with his parents, but also takes an active part in choosing products.

The influence of peers is also great. Children are largely influenced by their classmates or friends in the yard, and nutritional issues are no exception. If one of your peers constantly eats fast food, then your child will definitely start doing the same.

A balanced diet for children 8 years old must include 3-4 meals a day. At this age, children are very active: they attend clubs, many begin to play sports. Therefore, they may forget to eat or not take enough time to eat. This problem can be solved by eating nourishing and healthy breakfasts. Porridge, omelettes, pancakes with cottage cheese, fruit salads, natural yoghurts- all this is perfect for morning appointment food. But don’t forget about lunch and dinner. If your child does not eat in the school cafeteria, always make sure he takes his own lunch.

Every year children become more and more independent, and by the age of 9 they can already say exactly what they like to eat and what they don’t. Balanced nutrition for children 9 years old includes three meals and a couple of snacks throughout the day.

It is important for a child to feel independent in matters of nutrition. Give him the freedom to choose what he likes. If more early age parents managed to instill knowledge and love for proper nutrition, then at this stage there should not be any problems.

Stick to a few simple rules, and your child will definitely grow up healthy and strong:

  • Food should be varied
  • Proper nutrition should be balanced with physical activity
  • Try to minimize foods with saturated and trans fats (chips, store-bought baked goods, hamburgers)
  • A balanced diet should not include a lot of salt and sugar
  • Include in your diet more vegetables, fruit and grain products

Balanced nutrition for children 12 years old

Recommended daily norm Calorie intake at this age depends on the child's activity level. On average, for children who are not very active, this is approximately 1600-1800 calories per day. You don't need to count every calorie, just focus on foods with high nutritional value.

During the period from 12 to 18 years the most sudden jump in the growth of the child. For full development, a balanced diet for children 12 years old should not only provide the necessary energy, but also include important vitamins and minerals:

  • Calcium (for strong bones and teeth)
  • Folic Acid (for full growth)
  • Iron (for normal functioning of the hematopoietic system)
  • Zinc (for full puberty)
  • Magnesium (for heart function)
  • Vitamins A and E (for good vision and a strong immune system)
  • Vitamin D (for calcium absorption)

Balanced nutrition menu for children 12-18 years old: breakfast, lunch and dinner + snacks

Studies have shown that a tasty and nutritious breakfast contributes to better learning at school. But teenagers often do not want to eat the entire breakfast, limiting themselves to a light snack. For quick breakfast perfect for:

  • Drinking yoghurt and whole grain toast
  • Fruit smoothie and granola bar
  • Porridge with milk or yoghurt
  • Sandwich with egg and cheese

It is not so important what exactly the child eats for lunch, the main thing is that he has it in principle. Prepare dinners exclusively from what he likes. Then your child will not remain hungry in the afternoon.

The last meal should be taken 3-4 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be rich in protein. It could be grilled chicken or fish fillet Breaded. Another option is eggs and legumes. Include salads from fresh vegetables and seafood, and don’t forget about pizza, favorite treat all teenagers.

A balanced diet for adolescent children includes full breakfast, Tasty dinner and a protein-rich dinner. Nutritious breakfast improves the child's school performance. A meal made from his favorite treats will not only bring him joy, but will also make him more emotionally balanced. And regular family dinners is the key to mental health.