Current assortment and preparation of hot sauces for meat dishes. Modern kitchen

Relevance of the chosen topic

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that it is of practical importance for public catering enterprises. For the preparation of the sauce, natural and environmentally friendly products are used. The technology of preparation of the developed sauce takes on average 30 minutes of working time; it can be prepared according to the demand of visitors.

Sauces make it possible to prepare dishes of different taste and aroma from the same product. By using various sauces, you can enhance or weaken the natural taste and aroma of the main product. The correct selection of sauces, taking into account the characteristics of the products used, allows you to increase the quality and nutritional value of the dish.

The correct choice of sauces is of great importance, since the taste, appearance and nutritional value of the dish largely depend on them.

Rice. 1

In order to prove the relevance of the topic, an analysis of the study of the assortment of making sauces was carried out using a survey of visitors in the restaurant. The research results are presented in the diagram (appendix):

according to the results of the survey, 60% of visitors answered that they always use sauces for dishes, 35% of visitors answered that they rarely use sauces for dishes, 5% of visitors do not use sauces for dishes at all.

The research results are presented in the diagram (appendix)

The menu of restaurants, cafes and even bars is not complete without the "Sauces" section, taking into account this and the results of the research carried out, we can conclude that the preparation of sauces is relevant and in demand in modern society.

Historical reference

The history of sauces, as well as the tastes themselves, are very mysterious. Modern French cookery books believe that the word sauce is derived from the verb "salire" - "to season food with salt." However, even in Ancient Rome there was a mention of them, there was the word "salsa" - which meant salted or pickled food. Then this term was extended to mashed vegetable mixtures, which were an addition to the main dish.

The sauces themselves are considered an invention of French cuisine, and this is true. After all, the homeland of most of them is France, and many famous sauces were created precisely by the French in the 17th, 18th - early 19th centuries. The recipes of the first sauces in the old cookbooks of that time are still preserved, but they will taste very strange, unlike the usual sauces.

Many French sauces have gone international. All this gave rise to a somewhat arrogant attitude of the French towards the culinary customs of other peoples. Even Voltaire sarcastically noted that the British have 24 religious sects, but only one sauce, thus wanting to emphasize the primitiveness of English cuisine.

Russia also has its own history of sauces. Already in the fifteenth centuries, food was seasoned with horseradish, anise, salt and a variety of other vegetable dressings.

In the future, the word "sauce" finally entered the everyday life of the Russian people, as it happened with other peoples. This happened during the reign of Peter I, when it "became fashionable" to hire chefs from France.

sauce dish assortment defect

"Culinary travels around the world"

Completed: student of grade 9 "A"

MOU "School No. 43" Gorbunova Anastasia

Supervisor: technology teacher

MOU "Secondary School No. 43" Gorbunova A.V.

The relevance of research:

Cooking has always been and will be of interest to people of all times and peoples, because it is closely related to food - one of the main sources of energy and life on Earth.


Explore cuisines from around the world.


Study literature

Find information about cuisines (cooking) of different

countries of the world, explore and take stock.

Object of study:

Cooking around the world.

Rationale for Research

Cooking can rightfully be called

art. Get acquainted with the masterpieces

culinary art is just as pleasant and

useful, as with painting masterpieces,

architecture, music ...

I propose to get acquainted with

the world from the point

the culinary opinion and

go to

culinary journey

around the world!

Russian kitchen.

A bowl of steaming soup, a plate of fresh bread, sour cream, kvass - all this is real Russian food, traditional Russian cuisine.

French cuisine

French cuisine has its own definition - haute cuisine (literally - "haute cuisine"). Refined and aristocratic, rooted in the court cuisine of the French kings, she has always been, is and most likely will be a trendsetter in the art of cooking.

Spanish cuisine

According to popular beliefs, Spanish cuisine is a "Mediterranean diet" with food based on fruits, vegetables, legumes, rice, seafood, cereals and herbs.

Israeli cuisine

Israeli cuisine is an interesting phenomenon. Firstly, Israel is a fairly young country, and during this time it simply did not have time to accumulate so many gastronomic traditions to make them stand out in the rules, and secondly, Israel is a country of immigrants, each of whom follows its own culinary traditions.

Egyptian cuisine

The classic Egyptian breakfast consists of two main courses: ful and felafil.

Ful is boiled beans in a sour sauce, with spices and herbs, sometimes with the addition of finely chopped vegetables.

Filafili are vegetarian cutlets made from shredded legumes.

American cuisine

Typically American cuisine is a mixture of everything and everyone. As a result of this mixing, the products appear in a new quality.

Brazilian cuisine

Brazilian cuisine

considered the most

gourmet in the South

America. Here

there is pungency and spice

Indian dishes

aboriginal, sophistication

and the subtlety of Portuguese

and French

culinary traditions.

Australian cuisine

Australian cuisine is a whimsical fusion of tastes and tastes from all over the world, gracefully corsetted by English cuisine.

I present the recipe and preparation of the sweet roll Frutsu Roru

Sweet roll.

This dish will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, and it won't take much time and effort to prepare it. You will need: thin pancakes, banana, kiwi, pear (apples, tangerines), Philadelphia cheese, jam (preferably fruit) and powdered sugar for decoration.

First you need to prepare a cream. We mix cream cheese and powdered sugar.

Sweet roll to Frutsu Roru

My fruit. Peel the banana, remove the peel from the pear and kiwi (apples, tangerines). We cut everything into medium cubes. Pour the chopped fruits into a deep bowl and mix with the cheese and powder cream.

Put the pancake on a flat surface, put the filling on top. Roll up, cut.

Sweet roll to Frutsu Roru

Then put the rolls

on a flat plate,

decorate with jam and

sprinkle with sugar

Japanese food

A trip to Japanese cuisine is every time an excursion into the world of culinary miracle, rare smells and traditional customs ...

We have researched the culinary arts of the whole world by example

some countries. The culinary arts of every continent,

state, city is very diverse. Every kitchen

individual and sophisticated, like no two completely

people are alike, and no two kitchens are alike.

Each of them still has its own peculiarity, its own

Municipal educational institution

Klyavlinsky secondary school №2

them. V. Maskina

Citizenship, patriotism.

II... Curriculum and content of the program

Academic-thematic plan

Lesson topic

Number of hours



The history of the emergence of cooking

The basics of a healthy lifestyle

The basics of good nutrition

Food processing methods

Vitamins. National vegetable salads.

Minerals and health

Animal food

Milk and dairy products

Influence of food intake conditions on its assimilation by the body

Egg dishes

Plant foods

Cooking first courses

Cooking second courses

Technology of preparation of shortcrust pastry and products from it. Excursion to the cooking.

Technology of preparation of liquid yeast dough and products from it.

Educational work

Final lesson


1. Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the course. The value of nutrition for the vital activity of the body. Occupational safety, sanitation and hygiene rules. General information about the materials, tools and devices required for culinary work. Modern household appliances for cooking at home. Dating games. Quiz.

2. The history of the origin of cooking. Stages of the emergence of culinary in Russia. Traditional cuisines of the peoples of Russia. Acquaintance with the organization of the workplace for culinary work.

Practical work. Preparing hot drinks. List of dishes: green tea, fruit tea.

3. The basics of a healthy lifestyle. Physiology of nutrition. Nutrients and their significance.

Practical work. Identification of a person's need for the use of "health cooking" (filling out a questionnaire).

4. Basics of a balanced diet. Balanced diet. Metabolism and energy. The daily energy expenditure of a person. The need for food, depending on age, gender, physical activity. Drawing up a menu for the day.

Practical work. Cooking cereals (or sweet dishes). List of dishes: millet porridge with pumpkin, Guryev porridge.

5. Methods of food processing. Characteristics of food processing methods. The benefits of steam cooking.

Practical work. Steam cooking. List of dishes: carrot-apple soufflé, egg omelet.

6. Vitamins. Vitamins, their classification, content in food. Features of cooking to preserve vitamins. Diseases associated with a lack of vitamins in food.

Practical work. Cooking salads of different nations. List of dishes: salad "Russian", "Belarusian", "Ukrainian" (carrots, apples, beets), "Italian" (zucchini, carrots), "Bulgarian" (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers), French cheese, vegetables in Greek.

7. Minerals and health. Macro and trace elements. The body's need for minerals. Diseases associated with a lack of minerals, their replenishment.

Practical work. Cooking vitamin dishes. List of dishes: raw beet salad with garlic and walnuts, seaweed salad.

8. Animal food products. Animal food products and their importance for the vital activity of the body. The emergence and prevention of diseases associated with excessive or insufficient consumption of animal food.

Practical work. Drawing up instruction cards for the preparation of dishes from meat, fish, seafood. Cooking meat dishes. List of dishes: baked meat with vegetables. Cooking fish dishes. List of dishes: fish casserole.

9. Milk and dairy products. The value of milk and dairy products in the nutrition of adults and children. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of fermented milk food.

Practical work. Preparation of meals from milk and dairy products. List of dishes: milk noodles, cottage cheese pie, yogurt.

10. Influence of food intake conditions on its assimilation by the body. Table setting. The art of serving, The history of the emergence and improvement of crockery and cutlery. Serving rules. Methods of folding napkins, rules of conduct at the table.

Practical work. Table setting for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Festive table setting. Cooking a festive meal.

List of dishes: salad of prunes with nuts and garlic, risotto soup.

11. Egg dishes. The value of eggs in human nutrition. Egg, its nutritional value and use in cooking.

Practical work. Cooking egg dishes. List of dishes: egg in a bag, omelet with green onions.

12. Plant foods. Plant foods and their use in the prevention and treatment of diseases. The emergence of prevention of diseases associated with excessive or insufficient consumption of plant foods.

Practical work. Cooking food from food plants. List of dishes: potato pancakes. Cooking food from food plants. List of dishes: mashed beans.

13. Cooking first courses. Acquaintance with the technology of making soups with pasta, cabbage soup and borscht.

Practical work. Cooking soups: noodles, peas, rice, onions with cabbage; cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, vegetarian borscht.

14. Cooking second courses from cereals and legumes. Acquaintance with the types of cereals and the technology of their preparation.

Practical work. Cooking porridge: buckwheat with butter; pea with butter; rice, millet, pearl barley.

15. Technology of preparation of shortcrust pastry and products from it. Conversation about cookies and cakes. Safety rules when working with an electric stove. Acquaintance with the technology of making shortbread dough.

Practical work. Preparation of products from shortcrust pastry: "Lemongrass", "Banana" cookies.

Excursion to the cooking.

16. Technology of preparation of yeast dough and products from it. Acquaintance with the technology of making yeast batter, baking a variety of products.

Practical work. Dough preparation and baking of products: pancakes, pancakes, donuts.

17. Educational work. Holidays "New Year". Dinner table tests. Conversation "Rules of etiquette at the table."

18. Final lesson. Summing up the results for the year of work.

Practical work. Test assignment and practical work.

III... Methodological support of an additional educational program

This program gives preference to the following teaching methods and forms:

Explanatory - illustrative- allows you to stimulate pupils to constantly replenish their knowledge of the environment through conversations, role-based lessons or business games, students' reports, competitions, etc.

Practical- promotes the development of thinking through the formation of intellectual skills: generalization, analysis, synthesis, comparison, modeling, and also allows students to engage in practical activities in order to acquire skills in cooking dishes of various levels of complexity: independent work, excursions, work with additional literature.

Didactic support

Posters "Dough products", "Cooking first courses", "Decorating dishes", "Table setting", etc.

Table "Estimated calorie requirements of adolescents";

Cooking schemes;

Photos and reproductions of artistic still lifes (sections "National cuisine", "Vegetable and fruit salads", "Decorating confectionery")

Tests to control knowledge, abilities, skills;

Didactic cards for control of knowledge, abilities, skills;

Game material;

Visual illustrative material;

Library of the "Young Culinary Specialist", teaching aids, reference books, encyclopedias.

Material and technical equipment

To implement this program, a large, light office is required. It should be equipped with household drinking, fire and hot water supply systems, sewerage and drainage systems. The room should have natural light and good ventilation. It is necessary to have equipment: an electric stove with a oven, refrigerator, mixer, meat grinder, a set of dining furniture (kitchen tables); cupboards; wooden chopping boards; plate dryers; dishes: pots, pans, plates, spoons, a set of tea dishes, an enamel bucket, teapots, a set of knives, a table set, a kettle, a coffee set; kerchiefs, aprons; detergents: "Progress", "Chloramine", soda ash.

All products necessary for cooking are purchased through parental sponsorship.

IV... Literature

1. Pork dishes. Word, 2011.

2. Bochkova for children. Cuisine of the peoples of the world. - M., 2001.

3. Evladova E., Loginova education of children. Textbook for students of institutions of secondary vocational education. - M., 2002

4. Winter recipes for every day. - M .: Rinol classic, 2001.

5. Winter different salads. - M .: Rinol classic, 2001

6. Ivan's cookbook. - M., 2000.

7. We discuss the problem of education. / Ed. , / - M., 2003.

8. Kireevsky family. Word, 2011.

9. Koryachkin types of flour and confectionery products. Labor, 2006.
10. Levina M. Festive table setting. - M., 2000.

11. New sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards for the establishment of additional education. - M., 2004

12. . We are discussing the problem of education. / Ed. , / - M., 2003.

13. Rufanova E. Italy. Cuisines of the peoples of the world. Syllable , 2011.
14. Radina T. Fantasy from vegetables and fruits. Collection of Best Recipes. Club "Family Leisure Club", 2008.

15. Sklar . C. Wonders of baking. Collection of Best Recipes. Club "Family Leisure Club", 2008.

Business card of the project.

Project type: creative and research.

Goals and objectives of the project:

broadening the horizons in the field of culinary;

development of the concept of healthy and rational nutrition, characterization of the nutritional value of individual products, recommendations for the organization of rational nutrition;

the perception of various national dishes, the development of cooking;

the formation of the ability to lay the table, behave correctly at the table.

Project participant: _________________________________________

Supervisor: ____________________________________________

Terms of implementation: ____________________

Project location: _____________

Project prospects: the project can be used in creative competitions.

Selection and justification of the project topic.

Cooking - the tenth muse of humanity. Many of us love to cook, we cook at home, we cook at work, and this brings joy to our lives. Cooking is an integral part of our life. We are discovering more and more new dishes, different tastes. It's so interesting! If the same dish is cooked with different seasonings, then the taste will be different. Some people cook without thinking, just to eat. But cooking is a whole art. The art of cooking. Mix all the ingredients correctly, choose the right amount of this or that product, serve the dish beautifully ...

So why not make cooking fun?

Indeed, without food, and therefore cooking, we would not exist. It is more pleasant for us to eat, moreover, beautifully presented dishes, something amazing and tasty, of course. You can even try to come up with something yourself.

That is why I chose the topic "Cooking". I still cannot prepare any dish perfectly, but I can already do something. And I really want to learn how to cook well.

Cooking is an art that requires a lot of time and effort. But the more often you cook, the more proficient you will become in the field of cooking.

General information about cooking.

Every educated person should be a deli (culinary specialist),

because it would be strange not to know what is the main condition

our lives, and blindly trust every cook who does not know

the art of cooking, sometimes to a rude and inexperienced person.

I. Radetsky (Russian cook-scientist)

Cooking (from Lat. culina - kitchen) - the art of cooking, as well as the collective name for dishes. According to legend, Kulina was the servant and assistant of the mythical healer Aesculapius (patron of medicine) and his daughter Hygea (patroness of health). Cooking is the oldest branch of human activity. One of the first methods of thermal culinary processing was frying over an open fire, in ash and on hot stones. Later, cooking appeared and with it the culinary recipe. Culinary processing techniques were formed under the influence of natural, historical and socio-economic factors. Culinary recipes and methods of food processing, which have arisen as a result of centuries of evolution, reflect the collective experience of the people and therefore are physiologically expedient in many respects, since food itself embodies the ancient connection that connects all living things, including humans, with the nature around them. The national cuisine of every nation is an integral part of its material culture. Distinguish between folk and professional cooking. The latter arose on the basis of the folk, which was developed and improved by professional chefs. Professional cooking, on the one hand, is an art, and on the other, a science based on the achievements of physics, chemistry, physiology of nutrition and other branches of natural science. Many famous scientists, artists, writers were fond of cooking: Leonardo da Vinci, S. Botticelli, A. Dumas, V. Odoevsky, etc. D. Kanshin was the founder of scientific culinary in Russia. After the emergence of mechanized out-of-home catering enterprises, cooking became a technical discipline - food preparation technology.

Balanced diet.

Rational nutrition is physiologically adequate nutrition of healthy people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work and other factors. It is this kind of nutrition that contributes to the normal development of the body, maintaining health, high mental and physical performance, resistance to harmful environmental factors, and active longevity. Nutrition is a multifunctional process, but it can be divided into three main functions.

The first - energy, which consists in supplying the body with energy.

In this respect, the human body can be roughly compared to a machine that requires fuel to do its job. Rational nutrition presupposes an approximately equal ratio (balance) between the intake of energy into the body and its expenditure on the maintenance of vital processes.

What is the energy spent on? First of all - on the basic metabolism and physical activity. Basal metabolism is the level of energy expenditure of the body in a state of relative rest at an ambient temperature of 20С, measured 12-14 hours after a meal. In adults, the basal metabolic rate is one kilocalorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. From this it is easy to calculate that, for example, a young man weighing 70 kg has a basal metabolic rate of about 1,700 kilocalories. For women this figure is 5-10%, and for old people it is 10-15% lower.

In addition, anyone, even the laziest person, does not lie in bed all day. He works, plays sports, experiences all kinds of stressful stress. All this physical (neuromuscular) activity takes a lot of energy. True, one has a sedentary job that does not require large physical overloads, while the other has the opposite. So, an accountant at his workplace spends about 90-110 kilocalories per hour, a carpenter - 350, a builder - 390, etc. As you can see, the difference is quite large, and this must be reflected in the diet. Any person's nutrition should correspond to his energy consumption.

With insufficient caloric nutrition, the body covers energy consumption due to the material of the tissues of its body, its mass begins to decrease and exhaustion sets in.

However, today this is a rather rare occurrence. More often people suffer from overeating. Excess nutrients are converted to fat and stored as a fat depot. Avoiding overeating is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle.

Second function nutrition consists in providing the body with plastic substances, which, first of all, include proteins, to a lesser extent carbohydrates. It is known that in the process of life in the human body, some cells and intracellular structures are constantly destroyed and others are formed instead. The "building blocks" for the creation of new cells and structures are the chemicals in food. The need for plastic substances is increased in childhood, when they are used not only to replace destroyed cells, but also to carry out growth processes.

Third power function - supply of the body with biologically active substances necessary for the regulation of vital processes - enzymes and hormones. Most of these chemicals can be synthesized in the body, but some (such as vitamins) must necessarily come from the outside with food. In accordance with the listed functions that nutrition performs, a person's food ration should also be built, which ultimately determines a person's health and even his lifestyle.

Traditions and customs of Russian cuisine.

Each nation has its own way of life, customs, its own unique songs, dances, fairy tales. Each country has its favorite dishes, special traditions in the decoration of the table and cooking. There is a lot in them that is expedient, historically conditioned, corresponding to national tastes, lifestyle, climatic conditions. For thousands of years, this way of life and these habits have taken shape, they collect the collective experience of our ancestors.

Culinary recipes, formed as a result of centuries of evolution, are excellent examples of the correct combination of products in terms of taste, and from a physiological point of view, in terms of nutrient content.

The life of a people is shaped under the influence of many factors - natural, historical, social, etc. Cultural exchange with other peoples also affects it to a certain extent, but foreign traditions are never mechanically borrowed, but acquire a local national flavor on new soil.

Ever since medieval antiquity, rye, oats, wheat, barley, millet have been cultivated in our country, long ago our ancestors borrowed the skills of making flour, mastered the "secrets" of baking various products from fermented dough. That is why pies, pies, pancakes, pies, pies, pancakes, pancakes, etc. are essential in the food of our ancestors. Many of these products have long become traditional for festive tables: kurniks - at weddings, pies, pancakes - at Maslenitsa, "larks »From dough - on spring holidays, etc.

Dishes from all kinds of cereals are no less typical for Russian traditional cuisine: various cereals, cereals, pancakes, oatmeal jelly, casseroles, dishes based on peas, as well as from lentils.

In the more northern parts of our country, dishes made from millet are of particular importance. This tradition has deep historical roots. Once upon a time among the Eastern Slavs who came to these lands in the VI century AD. NS. and lived mainly in forest areas, millet was cultivated as the main agricultural crop.

Millet served as raw material for flour, cereals, brewing beer, kvass, making soups and sweet dishes. This folk tradition continues to this day. However, it should be borne in mind that millet is inferior in its nutritional value to other cereals. Therefore, it should be cooked with milk, cottage cheese, liver, pumpkin and other foods.

Cereals were not the only cultivated by our ancestors. From antiquity, through the centuries, such cultures of Ancient Rome, such as kapusta, beets and turnips, have come down to our days and have become the main ones in our garden. The most widely used in Russia was sauerkraut, which could be preserved until the next harvest. Cabbage serves as an irreplaceable snack, seasoning for boiled potatoes and other dishes.

Cabbage soup from various types of cabbage is a well-deserved pride of our national cuisine, although they were prepared in ancient Rome, where a lot of cabbage was specially grown. It's just that many vegetable plants and recipes for dishes "migrated" from Ancient Rome through Byzantium to Russia after the adoption of Christianity in Russia. The Greeks created Russia not only writing, but also transmitted much of their culture.

Nowadays, cabbage is especially widely used in the cooking of the northern and central regions of Russia, in the Urals and Siberia.

Turnip in Russia until the end of the 18th - early 19th centuries. had the same meaning as potatoes today. Turnip was used everywhere, many dishes were prepared from it, stuffed, boiled, steamed. The turnip was used as a filling for pies, and kvass was made from it. Gradually, by the middle of the 19th century, it was replaced by a much more productive, but much less useful potato (practically it is empty starch). But the turnip also contains very valuable biochemical sulfur compounds, which are excellent immunostimulants when eaten regularly. Now the turnip has become a rare and piecemeal product on the Russian table - on sale for it, and the price is determined not by kilograms, but by the piece.

After the switch to potatoes, Russian cuisine has significantly lost its high quality. As well as after the practical abandonment of Russian table horseradish, which is also an indispensable aid to health, but retains its beneficial properties no more than 12-18 hours after cooking, that is, requiring preparation shortly before serving. Therefore, the modern store "horseradish in jars" has neither such properties nor the proper taste at all. So if now in Russia Russian table horseradish is served to the family table, then only on great holidays. For some reason, rutabaga is not mentioned in ancient sources, probably because earlier rutabagas were not distinguished from turnips. These roots, once widespread in Russia, now occupy a relatively small share in vegetable growing. They could not stand the competition with potatoes and other crops.

However, the peculiar taste and smell, the possibility of various culinary uses, transportability, storage stability make it possible to think that at present one should not abandon turnips and rutabagas, since they give a very special taste to many dishes of Russian folk cuisine.

Of the vegetable crops that appeared in Russia later, one cannot but name potatoes. At the very beginning of the 19th century. potatoes made a real revolution in the traditions of the Russian table, potato dishes gained wide popularity. Much credit for the distribution of the potato and its popularization belongs to the famous cultural figure of the 18th century. A. T. Bolotov, who not only developed agricultural techniques for growing potatoes, but also proposed a technology for preparing a number of dishes.

Animal products remained virtually unchanged. From time immemorial, our ancestors consumed meat of cattle ("beef"), pigs, goats and sheep, as well as poultry - chickens, geese, ducks.

Until the XII century. horse meat was also used, but already in the XIII century. it almost fell out of use, since the Mongol-Tatars, who needed horses more, began to take away the "extra" horses from the population. In the manuscripts of the XVI-XVII centuries. ("Domostroy", "List of Tsarist Foods") mentions only individual delicious horse meat dishes (aspic from horse lips, boiled horse heads). Later, with the development of dairy cattle breeding, milk and products derived from it were increasingly used.

Forestry was a big and significant addition to the economy of our ancestors. In the annals of the XI-XII centuries. it speaks of hunting grounds - "goshawks"; later manuscripts mention hazel grouses, wild ducks, hares, geese and other game. Although there is no reason to believe that they have not been eaten before, since ancient times.

Forests occupy vast areas in our country, especially in the northern Urals and Siberia. The use of the gifts of the forest is one of the characteristic features of Russian cuisine. In the old days, hazelnuts played an important role in nutrition. Nut butter was one of the most common fats. The kernels were pounded, a little boiling water was added, wrapped in a rag and put under oppression. The oil gradually dripped into the bowl. Nut cake was also used in food - added to cereals, eaten with milk, with cottage cheese. Crushed nuts were also used for the preparation of various dishes and fillings.

The forest was a source of honey (beekeeping). Various sweet dishes and drinks - honey were prepared from honey.

At present, only in some places of Siberia (especially in Altai among local non-Russian peoples) methods of preparing these delicious drinks have been preserved.

However, from the most ancient times until the mass production of sugar, honey was the main sweetness of all peoples, and on its basis, even in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, a wide variety of sweet drinks, dishes and desserts were prepared. Also, not only Russians, but all peoples who had fish at their disposal, from time immemorial ate caviar.

The very first artificially cultivated fruit tree in Russia was the cherry. Under Yuri Dolgorukov, only cherries grew in Moscow. The nature of Russian folk cuisine was largely influenced by the geographical features of our country - the abundance of rivers, lakes, seas. It is the geographical location that explains the number of all kinds of fish dishes. In the diet, many river fish species, as well as lake ones, were quite widespread. Although much more different fish dishes were still in Ancient Greece and especially in Ancient Rome - the creator of the foundations of the modern wealth of European cuisine.

What were Lucullus's culinary fantasies worth? (Unfortunately, his many recipes have been lost.)

In Russian cuisine, a wide range of products was also used for cooking. However, it is not so much the variety of products that determines the specificity of the national Russian cuisine (the same products were available to Europeans), as the methods of their processing, the technology of cooking. In many ways, the originality of folk dishes was determined precisely by the peculiarities of the Russian oven. There is reason to believe that the design of the traditional Russian stove was not borrowed. It appeared in Eastern Europe as a local original type of hearth. This is indicated by the fact that among the peoples of Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the main types of ovens were open hearths, as well as an outdoor oven for baking bread or a tandoor for baking flat cakes. Finally, archeology provides direct evidence of this.

During the excavations of the Trypillian settlements in Ukraine (third millennium BC), not only the remains of the furnaces were found, but also a clay model of the furnace, which made it possible to restore their appearance and structure. These adobe stoves can be considered the prototype of later stoves, including the Russian stove.

But the design of the samovar was borrowed by the Russians from the Persians, who in turn took it from the Arabs.

But we should not try to artificially "cleanse" our table of dishes once borrowed from other nations, which have long become familiar to us. These include, for example, pancakes, cutlets, meatballs, longets, steaks, escalopes, mousses, jellies, mustard, mayonnaise, barbecue, dumplings, borscht, ketchup, etc.

Many dishes that have now become traditional Russian were invented by French restaurateurs who worked in Russia in the 19th century and created the foundations of modern Russian cuisine (Lucien Olivier, Yar, etc.).

In the process of historical development, nutrition has changed, new products have appeared, and the methods of their processing have improved. Relatively recently, potatoes and tomatoes have appeared in Russia, many oceanic fish have become familiar, and without them it is already impossible to imagine our table. Attempts to divide Russian cuisine into old, distinctive and modern are rather arbitrary. It all depends on the availability of products available to the people. And who will say now that dishes with potatoes or tomatoes cannot be national Russians?

It all depends on the availability of products available to the people. And who will say now that dishes with potatoes or tomatoes cannot be national Russians?

Curious is the culinary use of pineapples in the time of Catherine II and Prince Potemkin (this lover of cabbage stumps, with which he never parted and gnawed constantly). Pineapples were then chopped and fermented in barrels, like cabbage. It was one of Potemkin's favorite vodka snacks. Our country is vast, and each region has its own local dishes. In the north they like cabbage soup, and in the south - borscht, in Siberia and the Urals there is no festive table without shanegs, and in Vologda - without fishmongers, in the Don they cook fish soup with tomatoes, etc. However, there are many common dishes for all regions of our country and general methods of their preparation.

Everything that was formed at the initial stage of the Russian culinary tradition is largely unchanged even now.

The main components of the traditional Russian table: black rye bread, which remains a favorite to this day, a variety of soups and cereals, prepared almost every day, but not at all according to the same recipes that many years ago (for those who need a Russian oven, yes also the ability to handle it), pies and countless other products made from yeast dough, without which no fun is complete, pancakes, as well as our traditional drinks - honey, kvass and vodka (although all of them are also borrowed; in particular, bread kvass was prepared and in Ancient Rome).

The main advantage of Russian cuisine is the ability to absorb and creatively refine, improve the best dishes of all peoples with whom the Russian people had to communicate on a long historical path. This is what made Russian cuisine the richest cuisine in the world. And now, we are sure, not a single nation has decent dishes that would have no analogues in Russian cuisine, but in a much better performance.

Interesting recipes.

Marshmallow cake


packing of biscuit cakes (3 pcs.);

1 can of boiled condensed milk;

1 pack of butter;

400 g vanilla marshmallow;

walnuts for decoration and, as an option, sprinkle the dish around the cake;

fruits for decoration.

Cooking method.

Gently cut the marshmallows in half with a hot knife. Beat softened butter with boiled condensed milk. Grease each cake with cream and lay tightly with marshmallows. Lay the cakes evenly on top of each other, lightly pressing with the palm of your hand. Grease the top and sides of the cake with cream, decorate with marshmallows, nuts and fruits. Keep in the refrigerator for several hours, if time does not allow, at least 20 minutes for light cooling.

Boiled condensed milk can be bought ready-made in the store.

Cheesecakes in Belarusian.


500 g 9% cottage cheese;

2 eggs;

100 g wheat flour and 50 g for sprinkling;

a pinch of salt;

4 tbsp. l. Sahara;

100 g sour cream 35% fat;

frying oil.

Cooking method.

Grind cottage cheese with sugar, salt, add one egg and the protein of one more egg. Set aside the yolk, it will be needed for the sour cream. Stir the curd mass thoroughly, adding flour.

Divide the mass with wet hands, roll up the balls, roll them in flour, make a depression. Heat oil in a skillet. Fry the cheese cakes on one side.

Mix sour cream with yolk and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Put the cheesecakes in a baking dish, fill the cavities with sour cream. Bake for about 30 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees. Serve hot.

Pork medallions "Love-carrot".


carbonate 300-400 g;

raw carrots 100 g;

thick mayonnaise 70 g;

Mazdam cheese 120 g;

a clove of garlic;


Cooking method.

Cut the meat into medallions, salt. Grate carrots, garlic and cheese on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise. Apply the mass to the medallions. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees Celsius for about 25 minutes. Serve hot.

Olivier with crayfish necks.


1 jar (200 g) crayfish necks s / s;

1 jar squid in oil;

0.5 cans of peas;

2 boiled carrots;

2 boiled potatoes;

10–15 black olives, b / c;

100 g chilled crab sticks;

a handful of chopped green onions;

1 sachet of gelatin.

Cooking method.

Soak a bag of gelatin in 50 ml of water for 20 minutes. Warm up until completely dissolved. Mix the gelatin solution with mayonnaise. Cut carrots, potatoes, crab sticks, squids into small cubes, pour everything into a large container. Add chopped olives, crayfish necks (leave some for decoration), peas and onions. Season with mayonnaise, stir quickly. Grease a salad bowl with vegetable oil, put the salad, refrigerate for 1 hour. Remove, turn onto a flat plate, garnish with olives, crayfish tails, herbs and serve. The salad is cut with a knife.

Cuisines of the peoples of the world.

Italian food.

Italy is an eternal and young country at the same time. Each of its provinces has a rich history, but as a single state, Italy has not existed for so many years. Perhaps this fact can explain the extraordinary variety of Italian cuisine. Different parts of the country have their own peculiarities of cooking certain dishes, their own recipes and traditions. The northern regions of Italy have long been engaged in cattle breeding, thanks to which the main products used by Italian housewives were milk, butter and meat. It was here, in the north, that thick, rich Italian soups, nutritious lasagna, aromatic cheese and the famous Italian ice cream were born. In the south, where the mountains rise, there were no pastures, but the mild climate provided consistently good harvests of fruits and vegetables, and a variety of herbs that Italians added to their food grew here. Mistresses of southern Italy have discovered and presented the world with recipes for risotto, Italian salads and exquisite sauces.

But the question of where the tradition of making pasta originates from remains relevant for Italians to this day. Now it is impossible to imagine that the homeland of this dish could not have been Italy. However, the right to the first recipe is disputed by North Africa and even China. Italians, however, claim that they were the first to come to the idea of ​​cooking a flour mixture in salt water. Be that as it may, pasta in the form in which they are prepared now was first made in Italy. The Italians were the first to start cutting the dough into strips, sprinkling it with cheese and mixing with tomatoes. This is how the first pasta recipe came about. Subsequently, a great many of them were born. It is believed that an Italian woman should not marry until she has learned at least 15 of them.

At first glance, it may seem that Italian cuisine is very high in calories. Lasagna, pasta, pizza - these are all flour dishes. And yet most Italians are in great physical shape, and according to nutritionists, Italian cuisine is one of the healthiest. This is due, first of all, to the varieties of flour from which pasta or pizza dough is prepared.

As a rule, it is coarse flour, which not only does not harm the figure, but also supports proper digestion. There are many vegetables and fruits in Italian cuisine. When preparing dishes, preference is given to healthy olive oil. Most of the Italian desserts are fruit-based. Of course, in any cafe in Italy you can find tiramisu cake and traditional Italian cookies. But Italians will never allow themselves such a dessert after a hearty dinner.

A characteristic feature of Italian cuisine is the love of herbs. Italians add basil and saffron to their dishes more often than any other chef in the world. It is noteworthy that many Italian cooking traditions were brought not by professional chefs or even housewives who spent many years at the stove, but by people who were somehow connected with architecture. So, the first to add saffron to food was the restorer, who had previously used grass as one of the components of his paints. And ice cream, according to legend, was invented by an Italian architect. How can this pattern be explained? Perhaps the fact that artists, creative people, have never been afraid to experiment. And as a result of these experiments, masterpieces appeared, including culinary ones.

Meat is not very popular in Italy; it is often replaced by cheese. Dryish, languishing in the cellars for two years, Parmesan or the very famous, with blue mold, Gorgonzola. Cheese in Italy is used in the preparation of pizza, pasta and many other dishes, or it can be served separately.

Italian cuisine has absorbed various traditions, mixed them as ingredients of the next dish and presented them to the world table with a colorful, like pizza, unique national cuisine. She became popular far beyond the borders of Italy and won the love of housewives and gourmets from all over the world ...

French cuisine.

French cuisine has always been an example of excellence in the art of cooking. The lexicon of French cuisine has organically entered the terminology of many national cuisines.

Dozens of French words ranging from restaurant to scrambled eggs are a testament to the popularity of French cuisine. The French regard cooking as an art. They believe that ready-made recipes serve only as a basis for cooking, using which each housewife can bring something of her own. French cuisine is conventionally divided into three parts: cuisine regionale, regional cuisine; cuisine bourgeoise, common French cuisine and hautt cuisine, extremely refined cuisine, an example of which was the court cuisine of the French kings. The conventionality of such a division is evident, for example, from the fact that if Burgundy meat in Paris is a regional dish, then in Burgundy itself it represents a widespread French cuisine.

Regional French cuisine of the southern provinces (Provence, Languedoc, Basque region, Gascony) is sharply distinguished by the pungency of food, great use in its preparation of wines and spices, especially garlic and onions. Alsatian cuisine also has its own characteristic features, characterized by satiety, more significant consumption of pork and cabbage. Residents of coastal areas use more seafood, fish, crab, lobster, lobster, shrimp, etc. in their cuisine. One of the features of French cuisine is the active use of grape wine, cognac, liqueur in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. In this case, the wine, as a rule, undergoes significant digestion, as a result of which the wine alcohol evaporates, and the remaining composition gives the food a unique taste and fills it with a pleasant aroma.

In any dish that does not require long cooking, as a result, no more than half of the initial volume of wine remains. Besides the fact that wine is used for cooking, it also serves as the main component of marinades for meat and broths for boiling fish.

There is no hard and fast rule about when to use white and when to use red. Red wine, however, is more commonly used for cooking dishes from domestic and wild animals, and white wine for fish dishes. In everyday practice, red and white wines are used interchangeably.

In French cuisine, only dry and semi-dry (unfortified) grape wines are used. White wine should not be very dry (sour). If the wine is too sour, it should be poured into a bowl and boiled well before mixing with sour cream or cream, this will reduce its acidity.

In many recipes of French cuisine, which have now become classic, it is recommended to use some non-French wines such as Porto, Sherry, etc. But the French themselves often replace these wines with their own sweet wines such as Frontignans, Muscat, etc. Therefore, replacing Porto Sherry in French recipes with our wines "Tvishin", "Tetra", "Russian semi-sweet", we will not violate the classic recipes.

Chinese cuisine.

China was already a very densely populated country in ancient times, and then the fields had to be cultivated much more intensively than in Europe. The families were large, which means they were poor. They could not afford any waste, and not only in relation to food, but also in relation to the same fuel. There was little wood, so they had to make optimal use of its energy. The Chinese very quickly introduced measures in the interests of economy: all raw products are cut as small as possible so that they are quickly boiled down. The convex wok allows food to heat up quickly, while the woven basket of bamboo fibers allows you to steam several dishes at the same time.

Chinese cuisine does not deal with a tough piece of meat or vegetables that is soaked long before boiling. Each dish is ready in a few minutes, and all the nutrients are retained in it to a much greater extent than we do. And since all the ingredients are crushed, the fork and knife become superfluous, so the Chinese use ordinary bamboo chopsticks for food.

Chinese cuisine is very healthy in its composition. Rice husks contain valuable substances, shellfish, fish and crustaceans provide the body with the necessary protein and minerals. The next important component of the diet is legumes, especially soybeans. Thanks to its rich plant protein content, it stimulates mental activity, which is perhaps why the Chinese are ahead of the centuries in all fields of science and art.

In everyday meals, when lunch and dinner have about the same meaning, dessert is usually not served. Sweet dishes and compotes or fresh fruits rarely serve as a dessert; they are rather included in the main part of the menu. The custom of serving drinks with food, as is customary in Europe, in China, in fact, is not, but during the feast they drink a lot of tea here.

In China, they drink rice wine or rice vodka, but there has never been an excessive addiction to alcohol in China. There are also various regional cuisines here. In the north, dishes are widespread that first appeared in the Peking environment and were once served in the imperial palace or in the homes of high-ranking officials and scientists. In general, it is also called "Mandarin cuisine".

Spicy vegetable compositions are mixed with several types of meat, or cabbage and mushrooms - with sweet and sour meat dishes. They are very fond of duck dishes, for example, Peking duck. In the western province of Sichuan, residents prefer spicy dishes, in Guangdong - seafood dishes. And precisely because of these fundamental differences in tastes, gourmets have a rich palette of excellent recipes that Chinese cuisine has.

Crockery and kitchen utensils.

The more expensive the harvester, the less often it is used.

Murphy's Law

The secret of good food is, among other things, the quality of the dishes.

What do you need to have in the kitchen in order to finish cooking as quickly as possible and, of course, to have enough strength to eat it? In a modern kitchen, there should be at least about fifty different items of kitchen utensils, but a complete list can make up a hundred and a half. This list includes both necessary and additional tools that facilitate kitchen work. You can cook lunch in a tin can, prepare food with one knife, and eat everything with only one spoon. But how much labor and time will have to be spent!

Necessary accessories.


Pots are often sold in sets. If you do not immediately purchase the kit, then over time, a list of pots necessary for your kitchen will be determined. It is difficult to boil a pack of pasta in a liter ladle, and boiling one egg in a five-liter saucepan is simply not rational and takes a long time. What exactly and in what quantities you need to have in the kitchen becomes clear in the process of mastering the culinary art.

Moreover, the number of pots and pans does not depend on the size of the family.

The larger the family, the larger the volume of the pots should be. Their number depends on the number of dishes in the hostess's duty menu. The average kit contains:

1 - liter saucepan,

2 - two-liter,

2 - three-liter,

1 - five-liter, in very large families - seven-liter.

Frying pans.

The pans should be of different sizes. Of course, the same egg can be fried in a 28 cm diameter frying pan, it will fit, but frying cutlets or fish for a family of only three in a 12 cm diameter frying pan is too long.


They can also be purchased as a set. But it is more economical to purchase one at a time (a good knife is expensive), as the need for it appears.

The set with knives should include:

Meat knife. It should be wide, of medium length, and of thin steel.

Vegetable knife. Better yet, three: a large (16 cm) chopping, medium (10 cm) for peeling fruits and vegetables, and a small (6 cm) for removing eyes and small lesions.

Saw knife for bread.


Small for cutting paper packaging.

Large and strong for butchering chickens or fish.

It is good to have a sharpening device to keep the cutting tools in working (cutting condition). True, when I got tired of waiting for help in sharpening knives and from time to time declare a strike in the kitchen, I bought knives with nail files, but you also need to get used to them. Today I only use a medium knife for cutting soft vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, lemon). For root crops (potatoes, carrots, beets), a small and smooth knife is better.

Cutting boards.

It has always been believed that the boards should be wooden.

Indeed, most dough products are cut only on a wooden board. Optimal cutting board size for dough 5075 cm. The wood is soft, resilient and pliable, which helps to roll out the dough.

For cutting vegetables and meat, wooden cutting boards have also traditionally been used.

But they have several disadvantages.

Over time, the part of the board that is often cut on (usually the middle) becomes concave.

At the same time, wood is not very hygienic, it absorbs the juice of vegetables and fruits (along with their color), and it is difficult to keep a wooden board clean, like other wooden kitchen utensils. They must be scalded with boiling water before and after work, cleaned with a sharp knife, and it is not recommended to load any wooden objects into the dishwasher, since the wood deteriorates from the detergents used in the machines.

Therefore, for cutting vegetables and, moreover, meat, cutting boards made of special glass are very good. They are very easy to clean (even in the dishwasher), do not break or break. You can even beat meat on them. Their only drawback is the sound that the knife makes when it comes into contact with them. But you can adapt to this too.

Plastic cutting boards are fine too, but like wooden ones they wash in the middle where they cut more often. (But there is a reason to change them to new ones). Both glass and plastic cutting boards come in a variety of colors, which makes the kitchen look smart and doesn't confuse the raw meat board with the vegetable board.

For slicing bread, together with a special knife, they came up with a board that has a pallet into which crumbs are poured.

Rolling pins.

Rolling pins are needed in the kitchen even by such a hostess who buys ready-made dough (it is still necessary to roll it out). And it's good to have different rolling pins.

Monolithic with one or two handles.

The so-called Russian rolling pins, made from one piece of wood.

Western European, revolving around the rod. Unlike the first two, it is easier to work with such rolling pins and they do not form calluses on the palms.

Long thin rolling pin for rolling out dough for juicy (canopy). Such a rolling pin in Tashkent, for example, is used to roll the dough onto manti. You can watch it without stopping, it's so beautiful. But without skill, you can only get confused in the dough.

A tiny, palm-sized and finger-thick rolling pin for rolling out small pieces of dough, such as dumplings.

Appliances and tools that save time and effort in the kitchen.

Meat grinder with attachments and replaceable knives. Maybe manual, or better - electric.

Colanders, graters, mashed potatoes, jars for stirring lactic acid dishes, wooden spoons for stirring jam, hammer for beating meat.

In a good kitchen, it is advisable to have several mortars for grinding spices and for crushing nuts. For the especially lazy or not very picky, all this can be replaced with modern devices like mills, manual and electric.

Countless different bowls for preparing salads, whipping and grinding creams, eggs, cream.

It is good to have various measuring devices, such as scales, measuring cups, and funnels of different diameters.

An indispensable item in the kitchen is a bottle opener. It is great if it is universal, for opening all types of cans and bottles. But it is better to have a special corkscrew.

A garlic press is useful for garlic. Moreover, in order to use it, there is no need to peel the dry skin of the garlic: it remains in the cell, and the garlic is squeezed out through the holes. (Here's a little trick.)

It is much easier and more convenient to peel vegetables with a special knife - a vegetable peeler.

Sheets and disgusting - for those who like to bake and bake.

Casserole or earthenware pots for oven-baked stew. It is worth paying attention to this method of cooking, because it does not require a constant presence in the kitchen and control over the process.

Cauldron for cooking pilaf, roast and deep-frying.

Pressure cooker.

Aluminium foil.

Special bags for baking.

Spices: condiments and herbs.

In a famous reprise, a culinary college student is asked: "What is missing in the soup?" Even when the dish is almost ready, something is missing in it. The very little thing that "makes the dish", giving it a taste. Of course, these are spices:spicesandcondiments... The main difference between seasonings and spices is that seasonings can be eaten as an independent dish, for example, spread on bread (sour cream, mayonnaise, tomato, apple, quince and barberry paste, ketchup, etc.). Seasonings make the dish tastier, more satisfying, nutritious and easier to digest.

Rarely does anyone make a mistake with the use of seasonings, but here, as in any serious matter, it is necessary to observerules for the use of seasonings:

Fermented milk spices (sour cream, kefir, katyk, fermented baked milk, etc.) are applied to vegetable and dough dishes.

Vegetable sour spices (tomato, tkemali, barberry, pomegranate) and sweet and sour vegetable spices (quince, ketchup) - for meat dishes.

Salty vegetable (capers, olives) - for fish dishes.

Seasonings should never be diluted with water.

Dairy spices are diluted with whey, and vegetable spices - with apple or plum juice.

Spices are added to the dish to give it an aromatic shade and enhance the taste of the dish as a whole.

And here are the basic rules for using spices.

Spices can be used to neutralize foreign odors and to addnew flavor to the dish.Spices can also be used to enhance the natural aroma and taste of the product.

Spices must be used with extreme caution, because a mistake in their use cannot be corrected. They are used in very small quantities and always at the very end of cooking, often after removing from heat or 5 minutes before cooking.

Spices must not be reheated and left in dishes for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to eat dishes cooked with spices immediately, the next day they taste unpleasant.

Table setting.

The main principle that guides in setting the table is the correspondence of serving items to the nature of the meal (friendly lunch, business lunch, family holiday, etc.) and the menu.

1. Place the bottom flannel tablecloth on the table, tying it with ribbons to the table legs. We put an elegant tablecloth on top so that it evenly lowered on each side by 15-25 cm. In some cases, instead of a tablecloth, you can use sets (minimum size 3040 cm).

2. Strictly opposite the back of each chair we put plates: usually one for breakfast (snack bar), for lunch and dinner - two small plates, placed one on top of the other in decreasing order of diameter (small canteen and snack bar), deep and dessert plates are brought later. If cold appetizers, always served in the first place, are absent in this menu, we put only two plates on the table at once: the dining room is shallow, and on it - deep; dessert ones are served later.

The distance from the edge of the table to the near edge of the lower plate should not exceed 2 cm.

3. Place a rolled napkin on the top plate. For breakfast, use napkins about 3232 cm, for lunch and dinner - size 5050 cm.

4. We lay out the devices: knives and spoons - on the right side of the plates (since they are held in the right hand), forks, respectively, - on the left. The blades of the knives should be facing the plates, the forks should be placed with the prongs facing up.

What appliances the table will be served with depends entirely on the menu. The most common order of serving dishes at lunch: cold appetizers (they are eaten with a snack knife and fork), soup (eaten with a tablespoon), the main hot dish (table knife and fork), dessert (dessert knife, fork, spoon).

The devices that are used first are placed farther from the plates, and those that are last picked up are placed near the plates.

Pay attention to how the dessert utensils should be laid. They are always placed above the plate: the first is the knife, then the fork, and finally the spoon. The handles of the dessert cutlery are turned to the side corresponding to the hand in which they are held.

5. To the left of the main plates, at a distance of 5–15 cm, place a personal plate for bread (pie). If the menu contains butter, put a personal butter knife on the pie plate (you can also use a regular snack knife).

Well, the table is set. You can sit down at it, unfold the napkin, pick up the cutlery and start eating.


So, the final part of my project. I can only say that working on this project gave me a lot of pleasure. I learned a lot about cooking.

Cooking is fraught with many different secrets, it is so interesting to discover them for yourself. The more we know, the more we try to cook, the better our skills become. Of course, the path to excellence is through trial and error. But it's worth it. I tried cooking the dishes listed in the Interesting Recipes chapter. I made easy recipes myself. But I can't cope with some of them myself, so my mother helped me.

I also learned a lot of interesting information, for example, the secrets of the cuisines of the peoples of the world. But, of course, the most interesting thing was to write about Russian cuisine. Learn how customs were formed, how certain dishes appeared, what they eat with what, etc.

It seems that cooking will remain unknown until the very end, there are still many secrets in it. But we are not going to study it inside and out. We just love to cook and it gives us pleasure.


1.http: //

2.http: //

3.http: //

4.http: //

5.http: //

6.http: //

7. Kovalev, V.M., Mogilny, N.P. Russian cuisine: traditions and customs. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1990 .-- 256 p.

8. Tychinsky, V. T. Tasty, healthy, rational. - K.: Reklama, 1989 .-- 256 p.

9. A book about tasty and healthy food / Under total. ed. Dr. tech. Sciences, prof. I. M. Skurikhina. - 10th ed., Rev. and add. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1990 .-- 367 p.

Author details

Kolomeets Galina Stanislavovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU "Siversky special (correctional) orphanage"

Leningrad region

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

Special (correctional) education

Education levels:

Boarding schools, orphanages

Class (s):

All classes

Item (s):


The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

Additional education teacher

The target audience:


The target audience:

Social teacher

Resource type:

Educational program

Brief description of the resource:

Preparing for an independent life is one of the main tasks of the process of teaching the course "Cooking", pupils of the orphanage, who, due to the objective difficulties of adaptation and socialization, the intensified development of these skills is necessary in the first place.

The “Cooking” program was developed by me based on the experience of working with children, relying on labor training programs: VV Voronkova “Programs of the special (correctional) school of VIII type 5 - 9kl.”, N.М. Konysheva "Labor training in primary school", G.I. Zharenkova.



Children age - 7-17 years old

Implementation period - 4 years



2. Unification

Cooking course

3. Full name teacher

Kolomeets Galina Stanislavovna

4. Type of program


5. Program type

Educational, training

(educational, training, leisure)

6. Target setting

Social adaptation, cognitive, (cognitive, professionally applied, development of artistic giftedness, social adaptation)

7.The level of development

General cultural

8.Educational area


9. Form of organization

educational process


(individual, group, credit)

10. Age range

7-17 years old

11. Contingent

Children with disabilities

(preschoolers; 7-10 years old; 11-14 years old; 15-17 years old)

12. Implementation period

Three to five

(one year, two to three years, three to five years, more than five years)

13. By nature

Introductory, reproductive

(introductory, reproductive, search, integrated, sports and fitness, sports improvement, research)

1. Explanatory note

The “Cooking” program was developed by me based on the experience of working with children, relying on labor training programs: VV Voronkova “Programs of the special (correctional) school of VIII type 5 - 9kl.”, N.М. Konysheva "Labor training in primary school", G.I. Zharenkova. Correctional and developmental training "Labor training" and is a modification taking into account the use in a children's correctional institution for children with disabilities (VII and VIII types). This program focuses on a personality-oriented approach to each child. The program for the course "Cooking" is intended for pupils from the 1st to the 9th grade of the orphanage.

1.1. Focus

The orientation of the additional educational program "Cooking" is social and pedagogical.

Preparing for an independent life is one of the main tasks of the process of teaching the course "Cooking", pupils of the orphanage, who, due to the objective difficulties of adaptation and socialization, the intensified development of these skills is necessary in the first place.

The problem of conflict-free integration of inmates of correctional institutions into society is currently very acute. Often, orphans are not adapted to living independently, do not have housekeeping skills, and do not have the knowledge of cooking. To solve this problem, a cooking cabinet was created in a special (correctional) orphanage.

Due to its practical orientation, active character and close connection with everyday life, the educational field technology enables the pupil to acquire new knowledge, abilities, skills, integrate them with the knowledge gained in other school subjects, and apply them in a variety of life situations. The Cooking program covers a wide age range and is multifunctional in its purpose. Basically, it is designed for social adaptation and correction of children of the VII and VIII types.

1.2. Novelty

In the system of upbringing children, an important place is occupied by labor, moral, aesthetic education of the younger generation.

Cooking is the art of cooking. "In a healthy body healthy mind!" - said the ancients, health and mood, willingness to work largely depend on food and rest. It is important not only to cook properly, but also to eat right. The ability to cook deliciously is a good habit. The ability to present a dish beautifully, serving rules - fosters an aesthetic taste. The skills and abilities formed in childhood lay the setting for later life.

In culinary classes, pupils learn the art of cooking, creatively decorating dishes for holidays, exhibitions, preparing various snacks, salads, first and second courses, desserts and cakes.

The entire course of study is structured in such a way that, in addition to the development and correction of practical skills, children are also offered interesting informational material that helps expand the horizons of children, facilitating their further socialization. Children love to cook, use all kinds of appliances and utensils, learn to work with modern household appliances.

A room with an area of ​​24 square meters has been allocated for conducting classes in the orphanage, and all conditions for learning have been created. At present, the culinary classroom is a model of modern cuisine for children; it is constantly updated with modern household appliances, tools, furniture, dishes, appliances, and specialized literature.

1.3. Relevance

“Tell me - and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Involve me - and I will learn "

Chinese proverb

Children from 3 to 17 years old are brought up in the Siversky special (correctional) orphanage. Children come from children's homes, from disadvantaged families, where hungry children are often content with a piece of dry black bread. But food is one of the basic elements necessary for normal human life. How a person eats depends on his health, appearance, functioning of internal organs, mood, ability to work. The fact is that children brought up in special educational institutions, as a rule, receive ready-made food, not knowing how and from what products, it is prepared, without practical experience, basic knowledge and skills inherent in children from ordinary families. That is why the idea arose of the need to conduct mainly practical classes in cooking, which provide the basis of knowledge and skills to cook food, observe hygiene, food culture, as one of the main directions of solving the problem of social adaptation of orphans. Of course, an orphanage, even in its best form, cannot fully compensate for the loss of a family, but it is possible to most effectively prepare a child for an independent life in society.

Possession of cooking requires a large amount of knowledge and skills, significant culture and erudition in order to meet modern requirements. The knowledge gained in the classroom will help children not only feed their families and guests in the future, but also take, perhaps, the first step in their chosen specialty. Preparing for an independent life is one of the main tasks of the process of teaching the course "Cooking", pupils of the orphanage, who, due to the objective difficulties of adaptation and socialization, the intensified development of these skills is necessary in the first place. The entire course of study is structured in such a way that, in addition to the development and correction of practical skills, children are also offered interesting informational material that helps expand the horizons of children, facilitating their further socialization.

The topics of lessons for the first, second, third and fourth years of study have been worked out. Work on the modernization and improvement of the program continues at the present time.

The relevance of the "Cooking" program is that the education of children is aimed at their self-determination and professional orientation, which are important stages on the path of personality socialization.


Formation of knowledge and skills of pupils, contributing to social adaptation, preparing children for an independent life in terms of catering.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:


To teach the technology of cooking various dishes.

To acquaint children with the history of cooking, the history of national cuisines from the point of view of rational nutrition and methods of processing food; the medicinal properties of some products, the organization of work in the preparation of food,

Enrich the vocabulary of children, based on the use of appropriate terminology.

To develop skills in working with tools and devices when processing various products.

Introduce to various types of household activities.

To familiarize with the sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations and safety precautions when performing culinary work.

Correctional - developing:

Awaken children's interest in the culinary arts.

Develop creative activity through the individual disclosure of the culinary abilities of each child.

Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.


To cultivate diligence, accuracy.

Instill group work skills; to form a culture of communication.

To form love and respect for the traditions of Russian cuisine.

Form a positive attitude towards family life

Methodological support of an additional educational program

Teaching methods are selected in accordance with the psychological, age and individual characteristics of children.

The solution of educational, correctional and developmental and educational tasks requires the use of various teaching methods in the "Cooking" class:

  • Conversation (explanatory - illustrative teaching method - allows you to stimulate pupils to constant replenishment of knowledge)
  • Explanatory reading method
  • Excursions
  • Practical method - promotes the development of thinking through the formation of intellectual skills. Involvement of pupils in practical activities, in order to acquire the skills of cooking dishes of various levels of complexity
  • Recipe records
  • Exercises in applying the knowledge gained - independent work
  • Excursions
  • Exhibitions
  • Fairs and celebrations, etc.
  • Working with additional literature
  • Knowledge Testing Methods

Didactic support

Card file "Decoration of dishes", magazines "Cookery", "Samobranka", "I love to cook", "Cooking first courses", etc.

Calorie table of staple foods

Technological maps, cooking diagrams

Photos and reproductions (sections "Vegetable and fruit salads", "Decorating confectionery")

Tests to control knowledge, abilities, skills;

Visual illustrative material;

Cookery books, teaching aids, reference books, encyclopedias.

Continuation see attached files