Fry carp fish. Fried carp

Before buying a live carp at the market, I usually ask the seller:

  • Will you choose one with caviar? (my child really likes fried caviar)
  • will you clean it? for free?
  • Will you chop it into portions? Will you cut off the fins?

They cut me into portioned pieces only once (it’s just the place, they cut up the fish there and sell it in pieces...), but they always clean it, and they try to choose the caviar - fish sellers, like no one else, can choose the caviar carp. If it's the season, of course.


  1. Clean the carp from scales, remove the fins (cut with scissors), cut off the head and tail (they will go well with the ear)
  2. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the belly and remove the entrails. Be careful because the gallbladder can burst, and then the bile will spread and the fish will be bitter. It always bursts for me. Then I rinse all the insides of the fish for a long time and thoroughly under running cold water, and sprinkle lemon juice on the places where the bile has got in. But even without lemon you can just wash it very well.
  3. If there was caviar, I clear it of the film, but not completely, so that it does not fall apart. I rinse it lightly and set it aside. Then I fry it the same way as fish.
  4. I cut the carp crosswise many times with a sharp knife - as in the photo, I mark portioned pieces, and then with a cutter or a large knife and a hammer I cut the fish into portioned pieces along the cuts - my task when chopping is to cut the backbone, which cannot be cut with a simple knife. Next, when the ridge is cut everywhere, I finish cutting the carp into pieces with a knife.
  5. I salt each piece, roll it in flour and fry it in vegetable oil on both sides (and if the pieces are large, you also need to fry the sides of the pieces). I also fry the caviar after adding salt.
  6. Fried carp delicious to eat with buckwheat. They fit together beautifully.
Don’t throw away the head and tail of the fish - cook fish soup from them and you will get two dishes at once: fried fish and the first one.

How to get rid of an unpleasant fishy smell? Carp is a river fish, the smell of mud can be removed

Each housewife has her own method, you can use any of the following, many of them not only remove odor, but make the fish more tender, tasty, and aromatic:

  • Method number 1 - lemon juice. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, you can sprinkle the fish itself... Lemon juice in general is very often added to fish dishes both when baking and frying.
  • Before cooking, fish can be immersed for a couple of hours in a solution of water with the addition of vinegar, bay leaf and pepper. The smell will disappear. A tablespoon of vinegar is enough.
  • Milk also removes unpleasant odors. Carp can be soaked before frying in milk with spices (aromatic herbs or special spices for fish, which are now sold in abundance in stores), and salt. By the way, if you are cooking fish broth, you can also add a little milk there: the unpleasant smell will disappear, and the fish will acquire a more delicate, subtle taste and aroma. Fish pre-soaked in milk will also not fall apart when fried: add a teaspoon of salt to a quarter glass of milk. After this, there is no need to salt the fish before dredging it in flour.

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Who would refuse fried carp meat, made with an appetizing crispy crust, if this dish just by its appearance awakens the appetite?

On today's menu we have a real masterpiece from the world of freshwater fish; we dedicate our article to everyone who loves fish dishes on how to fry carp in a frying pan. For the gourmets of the culinary portal, we offer two options to choose from to satisfy any appetite needs of your household.

What is remarkable about fried carp dishes?

No matter how much you look, there is nothing better than fish delicacies. Moreover, they are so healthy because they contain essential Omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Also, this type of fish has very little fat, but a lot of protein - a building element for the cells of our body.

You will hardly find a restaurant video or a photo from a buffet table where there is not a single one of this fish, fried until golden brown and seasoned with lemon wedges. Of course, many people love carp, and it’s simply impossible to refuse such a dish!

Carp is one of those fish that contains very little salt, so you can eat it without much harm to your figure and health.

Most often, carps are baked, but they are also often fried; housewives are especially fond of recipes that involve cooking a whole fish - both beautiful and simple.

Below we will look at step-by-step instructions for novice cooks, which will teach you how to fry carp in a frying pan in no time!

How to properly fry a whole carp in a frying pan with your own hands


  • Carp - 1 whole carcass + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - for frying + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - for serving + -

How to cook a whole carp carcass in a frying pan at home

Whatever you say, serving a whole fish to the table, beautifully decorated with herbs, is not at all the same as putting pieces of fried carp on plates.

  1. First of all, let's clean and process the fish carcass. To do this, we clean it from the inside from the giblets, and from the outside from the scales.
  2. We wash the whole cut and cleaned carp several times under running cold water.
  3. We wipe the fish with clean paper towels, and then rub it thoroughly with salt and slices of fresh lemon, both inside and out.
  4. We leave the fish delicacy in this state for 15-20 minutes to remove the unpleasant smell and aftertaste of mud and silt.
  5. After the time has passed, wash our fish again under cold water.
  6. Then salt it a little again and lightly pepper it to your taste.
  7. Heat a frying pan and pour a little vegetable oil.
  8. Dip the carp carcass in wheat flour on both sides.
  9. Place the fish on one side in the frying pan and fry for about 3-4 minutes.
  10. Then turn it over to the other side and hold it for another five minutes.
  11. At the end, sprinkle the already fried carp carcass with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  12. Place the delicacy on a plate, rinse the parsley sprigs and decorate the fish on top.

We serve fried carp to the table exclusively hot. It’s great if you offer your household a sauce to go with it, such as garlic sauce.

How to deliciously fry carp in a frying pan: a simple and quick recipe


  • Carp fillet – 300-500 g;
  • Tomato juice – 0.5 cups;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Parsley - a couple of sprigs;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

How to whip up fried carp at home in tomato sauce

  • Wash and clean the fish thoroughly, then divide it into portions.
  • Rub them thoroughly with fresh lemon juice, and then rub them with table salt.
  • Leave for 15 minutes so that the bitterness and possible unpleasant aftertaste leave the carp pulp (the fish lives on the muddy bottom, and therefore often has such a taste).
  • Then wash the slices under running water and dry.
  • Heat the frying pan and pour in a couple of drops of vegetable oil without extraneous aromas.
  • Place the pieces of carp on the bottom of the heated vessel and quickly fry on both sides to form a crust.
  • Then pour tomato juice into the pan and cover the fish with a lid.
  • Simmer the dish until cooked and remove from heat.

  • Season the finished fish with salt and pepper to taste, wash the fresh parsley and chop finely, adding to the sauce.

This appetizer is perfect for a potato side dish, buckwheat porridge and rice.

How else can you fry carp meat in a frying pan?

If you like a crispy crust, then before frying, the fish slices can be rolled first in beaten egg, and then in breadcrumbs or white flour. It will turn out much tastier than if you just cook the fish pulp in an empty frying pan.

Also, this freshwater delicacy can be made in a variety of sauces: sour cream, cream, garlic, spicy, even mayonnaise or ketchup.

Carp fillet makes delicious fish balls. You can also fry breaded cutlets using the same technology described a little above.

In general, you can fry carp in a frying pan using the same recipes as any other fish, so how to cook it is not a difficult question. If you have a lot of time, then try cooking a carcass stuffed with herbs and garlic - your guests will be delighted!

The tender meat of carp has an amazing sweetish taste. Proper frying will preserve its juiciness. When purchasing, it is better to give preference to large, uncut fish - in this case it is easier to get rid of bones, and the head and tail are useful for preparing fish soup and fish soup.

High-quality fish has a fresh river smell and elastic meat. When cutting a carcass, in addition to caviar and milk, you should pay attention to the liver. Although it is small, it is surprisingly tasty and healthy for children.

Starch breading guarantees a stable crispy crust. Pieces of fried carp are traditionally sprinkled with lemon juice.


  • 1 large carp weighing 2 kg
  • 50-70 ml sunflower oil
  • salt to taste
  • 100-150 g wheat flour

How to deliciously fry carp

1. Fresh carp must be cleared of scales - this is best done in water to prevent it from “scattering” throughout the kitchen! Be sure to walk along the dorsal fins and near the head - this is where uncleaned scales accumulate. Once this is done, cut off the fish’s head and remaining fins, completely cleaning the carcass. Cut the belly to the end and remove the entrails from the carcass, leaving only the caviar or milt. Rinse the fish carcass and milk or caviar on all sides.

2. Cut the peeled carp into pieces that will fit in your frying pan.

3. Rub each piece with salt and dip in wheat flour scattered on a plate.

4. Pour oil into the pan and heat it. Place the breaded fish pieces and fry over medium heat for about 10-12 minutes on one side, then turn over to the other and simmer for the same amount of time.

How to fry carp steaks

Carp - 1.5 kilograms
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Green onions - 5 pieces
Dill - 5 sprigs
Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
Ground black pepper - 1 level teaspoon
Sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons

How to fry carp
1. Remove scales from 1.5 kilograms of carp; to do this, hold the fish by the tail and move the knife against the growth of the scales.
2. Use a knife to cut off the head and tail.
3. Use scissors to cut off the fins.
4. Using a knife, cut the belly of the fish, remove the entrails (gut it).
5. Thoroughly rinse the carp carcass inside and outside under running water.
6. Place the carp carcass on a cutting board.
7. Using a sharp knife, trying to get into the cartilage between the vertebrae, cut into portions approximately 2 centimeters thick.
8. Place the pieces of carp on a cutting board, sprinkle each with salt and pepper, then turn over and also sprinkle the other side with salt and pepper - in total you will need 1.5 teaspoons of salt and half a teaspoon of ground black pepper.
9. Place 2 tablespoons of flour into a plate.
10. Place each piece of carp in flour and turn over several times.
11. Chop 5 green onions and 5 sprigs of dill.
12. Pour 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil into a frying pan, place over medium heat, heat for 1 minute.
13. Place pieces of carp and fry for 7 minutes.
14. Turn over the carp pieces and fry for another 7 minutes.
Place pieces of fried carp on a dish, sprinkle with green onions and dill.

To easily clean carp from scales, you need to pour boiling water over it and wait 1 minute.

To get rid of the specific taste of carp, you can sprinkle the steaks with lemon juice, or leave them in a vinegar solution for 10 minutes (for 1 glass of water - 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar), or soak them in milk for half an hour.

You can also fry carp milk (caviar) by rolling it in breading.

Fried onions are perfect for frying with carp.

The ideal drink for carp is white wine.

Carp can be breaded not only in flour, but also in semolina and oatmeal.

How to fry carp in a frying pan video recipe - step by step

Below you will find a step-by-step video recipe that will help you with preparation.