Freezing prepared food. ​Freezing ready meals: preparing dinner quickly and easily

I think it will be very useful for very busy people and especially young mothers to read this article and start using their freezer to its fullest. This is an excellent opportunity to feed your family nourishingly and deliciously. And if you suddenly go on a business trip, and your husband doesn’t really know how to cook delicious food, then the freezer will literally save him from hunger.

When my children were very small, I very often froze food and semi-finished products and almost never had problems with lack of time to prepare food. And now I don’t miss this opportunity. Let's figure out which products should be frozen and which ones should not be exposed to low temperatures.

Foods to be frozen in the freezer

  1. First of all, this is, of course, meat. Moreover, there is no housewife who has never done this. If you buy chilled meat, it is best to immediately cut it into pieces, wash it, set aside some for cooking, and freeze the rest. This way, next time you won't have to defrost a huge piece. If you immediately bought a whole part, then at the first defrosting, do the same procedure, but you should not subject it to complete defrosting. You can easily cut the meat into pieces when it has just melted.
  2. Fish and seafood- the second most popular product that all housewives freeze. One rule also applies to it: before freezing fresh fish, it is better to clean it and remove all excess (head, fins, and entrails).
  3. Vegetables. Well, where would we be without them? Almost any type of vegetables can be exposed to low temperatures without fear for their quality. Very often I make frost mixtures like those sold in stores. Why not? The end result is cheaper, and you can experiment with flavors and ingredients, get your own combinations, and feel like a chef. For example, I really like to mix broccoli, green beans and green peas. Or, for example, sweet peppers, beets, carrots and onions. The second mixture is an excellent dressing for borscht, and if you exclude beets, then for a simple broth or soup. In this case, you will not need to waste time cleaning and cutting food immediately before cooking. I took it out and added it where needed.
  4. In addition to everyday and everyday vegetables, you can freeze eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers and so on for the winter. In the future, they will be useful for preparing salads, main courses, and so on.
  5. Greenery. To be honest, I always freeze greens – both in summer and winter. Since I don’t have a garden, and in the summer the dill and parsley on the windowsill do not grow as quickly as I would like, I have to buy green flowers from time to time. I usually make this in large quantities, and the leftovers are always washed, dried, chopped and frozen. When I need to add it to salads or ready-made dishes, I take my container out of the freezer and use it for its intended purpose.
  6. Concerning and salads, then I don’t like their taste and appearance after defrosting. Therefore, I try to consume these products fresh. The exception is when I make sorrel soup. I take it out just before throwing it into the pan, straight from frozen.
  7. Fruits and berries. You can fill yourself with vitamins during the winter and periods of vitamin deficiency by eating fruits and berries. Even when frozen, they retain a large amount of nutrients. Why not a replacement for synthetic vitamin-mineral complexes? In addition, for those who really love sweet pastries, this is simply a salvation. You don’t always want to use sugar and jam as a sweetener. Fresh berries or pieces of fruit will not only decorate the dish, but also give a great taste.
  8. Semi-finished products. This is something that will significantly speed up cooking and save a lot of time. Moreover, you don’t need to buy store-bought products; it’s enough to devote some time to provide yourself with additional hours of freedom throughout the week, or even a month. What is included in the concept of semi-finished products? Anything six months old. For example, cutlets, minced meat, marinated meat, ready-made vegetable mixtures (for soups and main courses), stuffed pancakes, dumplings, manti, pasties, cabbage rolls, pizza, dough, and so on. The moment you are ready to cook, all you have to do is take out the semi-finished product, defrost it (if necessary) and start cooking. Everything is very simple.

What other foods can be frozen:

  • tomato paste
  • mushrooms
  • cheese – it’s better to grate it in advance
  • butter and margarine
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat (excellent prevention against cereal bugs)
  • pasta
  • yeast

Some of the products should be frozen in advance when their expiration date has passed or you know for sure that you will not be preparing anything from them in the near future. This way, you extend their shelf life and protect yourself from unnecessary waste due to throwing away spoiled products.

I would not freeze products such as eggs, milk, kefir (the exception is when you want to make cottage cheese or cheese), as well as other milk. Since for the most part they delaminate and no longer have the same qualities that fresh ones have.

Freezing ready meals

This is a separate topic that requires special intervention.)) There are times when there is a dish left in the refrigerator, for example, soup or casserole, that no one wants to eat. Then, instead of waiting for it to spoil, you should freeze it. After a few days, you may want to finish it or it will be suitable for emergency use when there is no time to cook after work or other urgent matters arise.

Another thing is to prepare a lot in advance and freeze part of the portion until next time. This is also a great option to save time on cooking. I will describe a sample menu and the techniques that I use with frozen foods below.

How to choose packaging for freezing

  • There is a category of packaging that is suitable for freezing food.
  • Simple plastic bags will do, but they are quite thin and fragile, so I personally only use them when freezing a single portion of, for example, vegetables.
  • There are special bags for freezing. They are more durable and have a clip or other clasps that allow you to close the bag. But before you do this, be sure to release all the air.
  • Freezing containers are quite popular among housewives. They are especially convenient for freezing ready-made dishes that only require heating. The container must be marked as suitable for low temperatures.
  • It is very convenient to use foil. But you should wrap the product several times.
  • Once you have packaged the food, be sure to mark it with a marker or any other method convenient for you with the name, date and time of freezing. This way you will know how long to store the product.

How to defrost food correctly

This question worries a lot of people. Personally, this is how I do it. I first put the meat and fish in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the piece will already be defrosted and ready for cooking. I immediately heat up prepared meals in the microwave. As a rule, I do not defrost semi-finished products, but cook them over low heat, and when they are already defrosted, I turn up the heat and cook/fry/stew as usual. How do you do it? It would be very interesting to know.

How to prepare baby food yourself

When my girls were very little, I often prepared baby purees for them with my own hands. For example, pureed zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, as well as meat, fruit and berry purees. You can combine several products and use those that you plan to introduce into your baby's diet.

How did I do? First, I washed, peeled, cut the product, cooked or stewed it, then put everything in an empty, washed baby food jar. But keep in mind that you should not fill it to the top, otherwise it may crack. Then I froze it. When it was time to eat, I took out the puree an hour before and left it to defrost at room temperature, then reheated it if necessary and gave it to the child.

It is very important to thoroughly sterilize the jars. I usually did this by boiling or in the microwave. I will say that in this way, although a lot of time is spent on preparing food for the child, but... So decide what is more important to you, money or time.

And so it’s time to share my scheme for freezing and thawing food, directly using the example of a weekly menu. It will be approximate and includes dishes that include freezing. In brackets I indicated those frozen foods that I prepare in advance.

  • On Saturday I plan the menu for the next week.
  • On Sunday I make preparations and some semi-finished products. For example, I freeze the future frying (onions + carrots, onions + carrots + beets), wash, peel and cut the required amount of potatoes (the more the better, it always comes in handy), shred cabbage, roll minced meat, make pizza dough or buy ready-made ones, I make a vegetable mixture (everything I have at home and that goes together).
  • Monday – borscht (frying and potatoes are already ready).
  • Tuesday – pasta with cutlets in the oven (minced meat). I make cutlets in large quantities, freeze some for next time, and cook some.
  • Wednesday – vermicelli soup (fried and potatoes).
  • Thursday – goulash with stewed cabbage (the cabbage is shredded, the meat is pre-cut into portions).
  • Friday – pizza (dough). I make another one for next time and freeze it.
  • Saturday – fish baked with vegetables (mixture of vegetables).
  • Sunday – buckwheat soup (fried and potatoes).

As you can see, everything is not so complicated. By spending 1 -1, 1.5 hours a week preparing frosts, you save significant time during the week. This is especially important for working women and mothers of small children. Try it too! I'll be looking forward to your feedback.

See you again! Bye!

Modern household appliances have made life much easier for housewives. One such useful device is a refrigerator, in which you can store almost any prepared food for a long time. All you have to do is take them out and warm them up. But it happens that some dishes prepared with love become completely unsuitable for consumption. This is due to the fact that food must be frozen correctly.

What foods can be frozen?

First you need to figure out what should not be frozen. It is best not to put canned food, chopped boiled potatoes, cottage cheese, eggs, custard, jelly, cream, unsterilized milk, or mayonnaise in the freezer. You should also remember that food should not be placed in the refrigerator while warm.

Which ones Here is the most complete list:

  • fresh, young, boiled vegetables, pureed from them;
  • almost all types of fish, oysters, shellfish;
  • crab, lobster, shrimp;
  • ripe fruits (except those that contain a large amount of water);
  • dairy products - cheese, margarine, heavy cream, butter, lard;
  • meat;
  • buns, cakes, bread;
  • dough;
  • ready meals;
  • bouillon;
  • flavored butters;
  • seeds, nuts.

Cooling and freezing technology

Any refrigerator freezes food, and it can be stored for a very long time only after deep freezing. If you follow the storage rules, then even after quite a long time they will be of high quality and contain all the nutrients. You should pay attention to this point: cold helps preserve the quality of products, but does not improve it. If benign fruits, vegetables and meat were initially frozen, then a few months after they are thawed they will be the same. Rot, frozen meat, affected root vegetables will remain the same.

If prepared foods contain harmful bacteria, then the cold will slow down their vital activity, but they will still remain. At a temperature of -18 degrees, their number, as a rule, remains unchanged, but if the temperature in the chamber begins to rise, the bacteria will immediately become active and will actively multiply.

What should you freeze food in?

By using the right packaging for freezing food, you can be sure that even after quite a long time, it will retain its freshness, color, taste, nutritional value and moisture content. Food can be frozen raw in its original packaging, but it is best to additionally wrap it in a layer of plastic. Also, you should not put milk, ice cream, pancakes, cutlets, etc. in cardboard boxes for freezing; you need to use bags or containers for this.

Packaging for frozen products must meet the following requirements:

  • be impermeable to moisture, air, fat and oil;
  • have strength, reliability;
  • it should not tear, crack or break easily at low temperatures;
  • closes easily and securely;
  • should not prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Frozen foods can be stored in two types of packaging - rigid containers and flexible bags or film.

Rigid containers are made of plastic or glass and are typically used for freezing easily creased and liquid foods. Plastic bags and film are essential for freezing dry foods and those that are irregularly shaped and difficult to fit into containers.

Proper food preparation

Before freezing food, you should inspect it carefully. If something begins to deteriorate, then it should be thrown away without regret. After this, the products must be thoroughly cleaned. They should be prepared in such a way that they can be consumed immediately after defrosting. To do this, the products are sorted, washed, cut, boiled, blanched, seeds are removed from the fruit, and the fish is gutted. After washing, be sure to dry everything. Now they put everything in small portions in bags or special dishes.

Warm fruits, vegetables, herbs or meat are first cooled to room temperature, then placed in the refrigerator, and then in the freezer.


Freezing should be done as quickly as possible, since if delayed, ice crystals will form on the surface of the food, which can tear the tissue. As a result, all the juice flows out, the gastronomic and nutritional properties decrease, the taste and color deteriorate. Therefore, the temperature in the freezer should be -18 degrees. This prevents bacterial growth and helps preserve nutritional value.

Freezing must be complete, i.e., carried out to the entire depth of the product. The lower the temperature, the better the freezing occurs. Violation of the rules for carrying out such a procedure may subsequently affect human health.

Secrets of effective freezing

In order for frozen food to retain its quality for a long time, you should know a few secrets.

  • Freezing is best done in thin portions, as in this case the process will go faster. Large fruits must first be cut into small pieces.
  • Products in the form of briquettes are best placed in a small gap. In this case, they will completely freeze, and the gap is necessary for air circulation.
  • Do not overload the refrigerator or freezer with products intended for long-term storage, as this may subsequently affect their quality.
  • Should only be frozen in

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

In order for vegetables to be frozen correctly, this must be done immediately, as soon as they are brought from the store or brought from the dacha. They should be washed, cut into pieces, dried, cooled and packaged in a plastic bag, after which they are put in the refrigerator. With mushrooms, you also need to do everything quickly, but, unlike vegetables, you can freeze them raw, boiled or even fried. When it comes to greens, they are washed, thoroughly dried and placed in an airtight package.

Fruits and berries

Small fruits are usually frozen whole, while large ones are cut into pieces. The seeds are usually removed in advance, as is the core of pears and apples. If the fruits are quite juicy, then after defrosting it is recommended to make puree from them. Raspberries and strawberries are usually stored sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Meat and fish

Fresh fish and meat are frozen in small pieces in an airtight container and must be cleaned, rinsed and dried before storage.

Flour products

When freezing products such as dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, rolls and fresh bread, it is necessary to ensure that the bags are sealed. Finished products should not stick to each other, and it is advisable to cut the bread into pieces.


This product can be frozen in a large piece, after which it will not crumble. If it is cut into small pieces before storage, then 1 tsp should be added to the container. flour or cornstarch to prevent the slices from sticking together.

How to store food in the freezer?

Frozen food must be stored at a certain temperature. Deadlines must also be met.

It is recommended to store offal and minced meat for no more than 2 months, pork, poultry and lean lamb - 6 months, beef and game - up to 10 months. For ready-made meals, pure fat and meat, this period is 4 months. Seafood and small fish are stored for about 2-3 months, portioned pieces of large fish - for six months. Frozen fruits, vegetables and berries can be kept in the freezer all year round.

These recommendations only apply to foods that have been properly prepared and frozen. If meat is stored in the freezer in one piece, it may spoil even before it freezes completely.

Thermal bags for frozen foods

Thermal bags are containers in which chilled, frozen and hot products are stored and transported. Thanks to the foam layer, which is located between layers of special foil, frozen foods defrost much more slowly.

Before purchasing such containers, you need to pay attention to the packaging with information about how long it keeps cold. Transportation of frozen products, in particular vegetables, is carried out in thermal bags. If it is very hot outside, then such containers remain effective for up to three hours, and in cooler weather - up to five hours. Insulated bags for frozen food are indispensable for a picnic, as they can be used to transport pizza or grilled chicken.

How to defrost food?

The defrosting process should be slow. It is very important to eat the food immediately after this, because the damaged cellular structure is quite susceptible to harmful bacteria. That is why defrosted food must be fried, boiled, stewed or baked immediately after removal from the freezer.

For proper defrosting, food is placed on a plate and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It is important during this process to ensure that raw poultry, fish or meat does not come into contact with its own juices, as they may contain bacteria. To do this, place a saucer in a deep plate, turned upside down, on which the product is placed. Cover the top with a bowl or foil.

Defrosting can take different times depending on the weight and volume of the food. For example, half a kilo of meat can be consumed 5-6 hours after being removed from the freezer; fish of the same weight takes 3-4 hours to thaw.

It is not recommended to defrost food in the fresh air, as there is a high probability of microbes multiplying on their surface. This cannot be done in a microwave oven due to loss of taste, and in hot or warm water the beneficial properties and appearance are lost. It is also undesirable to defrost in cold water, but in case of emergency, you should do so so that the food does not come into contact with it, for example, by placing it in a plastic bag.

Poultry and meat, as well as fruit or vegetable slices, should not be defrosted. They are placed in a frying pan or pan immediately after removal from the freezer. The exception is minced meat, which is recommended to be defrosted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.


Thus, it is necessary to properly freeze food so that after a while you can eat it, and it will be of normal quality. If certain storage conditions are not observed, there is a high probability of food spoilage, which can negatively affect human health.

If you ask me which kitchen appliance I find most useful, I will no doubt tell you the freezer. I don't know of any other device that works as hard, does its job quietly, and saves me a lot of time and money.

Some people underuse and underuse their freezers. They store processed foods, ice cream and the like in them. If you are one of these people, let your freezer help you save time, money and effort.

It doesn’t matter whether you are the happy owner of a free-standing freezer or one combined with a refrigerator. Any freezer can be used effectively.

Top 6 reasons to use your freezer more efficiently:

1. You won’t need to go to the grocery store often, saving time and money

2.Can store products you rarely use, saving money

3. Allows you to store products purchased in bulk and on special offers, saving money

4. Allows you to have products on hand for those times when you spontaneously decide to cook something, saving time on going to the store

5. You can freeze already prepared food, saving time

6. Allows you to store baked goods for breakfast or snacks, saving money and time

Below I will list 50 foods that can be frozen and stored in the freezer. I froze all of these items, and most likely, many of these items are still in my freezer. I will not list the products that you buy frozen, because I assume that you yourself will figure out how to freeze them. For example, the most common is freezing berries, fruits and vegetables. You can learn how to freeze them correctly.

50 foods you can freeze to save money and time

1. Bread. It is better to freeze fresh, whole loaves, and to defrost, take them out overnight and put them in the refrigerator.

2. Chips, pretzels and crackers. If you bought a lot of packages at a promotion or on sale, they can be frozen. Have you ever tried cold and crispy chips? Try it, you will definitely like it!

3. Cereals. This applies to breakfast cereals, bars and crispy rice sticks.

4. Margarine and butter

5. Buns for hot dogs and hamburgers

6. Chocolate chips and drops

7. Oatmeal

8. Flour. When stored in a cupboard, flour may harbor bugs. To avoid this, freeze the flour.

9. Brown sugar

10. Meat. Buy it on sale or in bulk and freeze it immediately.

11. Wheat germ, wheat bran, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. Sometimes a recipe calls for an ingredient that you rarely use. Freeze it for the next time you need it.

12. Nuts - almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, mixed nuts, in shell or shelled, chopped, crumbled or whole. Nuts are stored well in the freezer, unlike in a cupboard, where they acquire a musty smell over time.

13. Fruits and berries. Buy fresh fruits and berries in season when they are cheap and freeze them. They can be used for making baked goods, compotes, smoothies, milkshakes, and even eaten “just like that.” In winter, this is an excellent source of vitamins, and in addition, significant savings for the budget.

14. Vegetables. Cut bell peppers, onions and carrots into strips and place on a board lined with baking paper. Once the vegetables are frozen, place them in a ziplock bag. Next time you cook, just pull out a few of these strips and add them to your dish. You can freeze a huge amount of vegetables - tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions, eggplants, fresh beans and peas and many others.

15. Hot pepper. Cut it into small pieces and freeze it, and use as much as you need if needed. A great idea for those who don't eat spicy foods all the time.

16. Soft “Viennese” waffles. I usually make a double batch of waffles and freeze half of them, lined with baking paper and packed in a ziplock bag. You can defrost the waffles in the microwave or toaster if you want a crispy crust.

17. Pancakes and pancakes. Same as with waffles, great option for breakfast.

18. Breadcrumbs. I don't cook breaded food very often, so I store the crackers in the freezer to prevent them from spoiling from being stored for a long time.

19. Yeast. Even if you bake quite often, a small package of live yeast will last you for several weeks. But they only last a few days, so the freezer is a great way to save money.

20. Grated cheese. Previously, I grated and froze small pieces of cheese, which were not eaten for several days and lay around in the refrigerator. Now I often buy cheese specifically for freezing, especially if there is a discount on it. This is very convenient, because at any time I have cheese on hand, which can be used in baking, when preparing pizza or hot dishes with cheese.

21. Herbs and greens. We often buy greens in huge bunches, but only a fifth of it is needed for a dish. I grind the greens in a blender with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, then put the resulting mass in a mold for making ice. I put the frozen cubes in a ziplock bag, and then I take one or two cubes at a time and use them in cooking.

22. Cutlets. I cook them from different minced meat and with different additives, then I lay them out on a board lined with baking paper, and after freezing I put them in a ziplock bag. This way I can get the number of cutlets I need without defrosting the entire piece of minced meat.

23. Tomato sauce for pizza or spaghetti. I always make a few more servings of tomato sauce than I need and freeze the excess. This way I can save time on making this sauce the next time I make pizza or pasta.

24. Cookie dough. You can freeze shortbread dough either whole or as pre-shaped cookies. In the first case, you will need to defrost it and then roll out the cookies and bake them, in the second case, you can put the cookies in the oven straight from the freezer, it will just take 10 minutes longer to prepare them. However, in the second option, cookies in the freezer will take up a little more space.

25. Cereal bars. Both store-bought and homemade candy bars freeze perfectly. They keep for quite a long time and serve as an excellent snack option.

26. Ready-made cookies. Just like with waffles, I always make several batches of cookies at once and freeze some.

27. Boiled chopped chicken. Whether I'm cooking chicken specifically to freeze the finished meat or freezing leftovers from dinner, having ready-made meat makes life so much easier. Especially when you need to prepare a quick lunch or dinner.

28. Prepared beef. Beef takes a long time to cook, so it is very convenient to have ready-made fried or stewed beef in the freezer.

29. Soup. It is best to freeze cream soups, such as mushroom or pea soup, because potatoes in regular soup, when frozen, change their taste and structure and become tasteless. Freeze the soup in individual serving containers so you can simply reheat the whole soup when needed.

30. Pizza preparation. You can freeze the pizza by wrapping it in cling film and placing it in a bag. When you want to make pizza, just defrost the dough, roll it out, and fill the pizza with toppings.

31. Sliced ​​bananas. Slice the bananas, place them on a lined board, freeze them, and once frozen, place them in a ziplock bag. This method of freezing allows you to remove a few pieces of banana, if necessary, without defrosting the entire bag. Frozen bananas can be used in baking or to make smoothies and milkshakes.

32. Pie preparation. Just like with the pizza dough, freeze the slightly rolled out dough, and if necessary, defrost it, roll it out lightly and you are one step closer to the pie.

33. Pancakes with fillings. Ready-made pancakes filled with cottage cheese, meat, chicken, and berries are excellent for freezing and storing. It is best to store them in zip bags, lining each with baking paper, so that you can get the right amount.

34. Pies, pasties, belyashi and other pastries with filling. It can be stored both as a semi-finished product and in finished form. I always freeze ready-made baked goods so that I don’t have to spend extra time preparing them if necessary.

35. Ready-made pies and pizzas. Most often, I freeze ready-made pies and pizza if they are left over from dinner or lunch. This way I prevent food from going bad and also always have several options for a quick and filling snack or breakfast on hand.

36. Butter cream. The cream for cakes and cupcakes freezes well, and when you need it, defrost it at room temperature and re-beat it.

37. Broth. When making soup, I always freeze two or three servings of broth. I put chopped meat in the meat broth. The next time I need to cook soup, I pour boiling water over the broth briquette and thus save at least an hour of my life.

38. Marinated meat. Place the meat and marinade in a bag immediately after you get home from the grocery store, or the next day, and freeze them together. The evening before the picnic, remove the bag from the freezer and place it in the refrigerator. The next day you will receive defrosted and marinated meat, ready to go to the barbecue or grill.

39. Trimmings and leftover vegetables for broth. I have a Ziploc bag in my freezer where I put leftover vegetables that appear during cooking or after dinner. Once enough accumulates, I make broth from them.

40. Muffins. Wrap the finished muffins without cream in cling film and put them in a bag and then in the freezer. So they can be stored for a month and a half. When you want to enjoy it, just defrost a couple in the microwave.

41. Cupcakes, such as banana or pumpkin muffin, carrot cake.

42. Hot chocolate mix

43. Leftover lasagna or casserole. It is better to freeze in portioned containers so that after defrosting there are no leftovers or extra portions.

44. Manti, dumplings and khinkali, both raw and cooked.

45. Milk. Milk in soft bags freezes well. Once defrosted, it is suitable for baking and preparing food such as porridge. You can freeze milk in ice cube trays and add one cube at a time to tea or coffee.

46. ​​Wholemeal crackers

47. Leftover melted chocolate

48. Preparations for dishes. Chop and bag chicken pieces, vegetables and add spices. If necessary, pour the mixture into the slow cooker, add rice or pasta and in 45 minutes you will have a wonderful lunch.

49. Preparations for smoothies and milkshakes. Place chopped fruits and berries in a bag, add the same amount of yogurt and freeze. When you want a milkshake, warm the bag a little under running warm water, put everything in a blender, add juice or milk and blend.

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According to a survey, women spend on average more than 8 hours a week cooking. And if you add up all the time women spend at the stove during their lives, you get 3 years of continuous cooking! Fortunately, there is a way to reduce this time, and a regular freezer will help with this. Now we will tell you everything.

There are 2 ways to start saving time on cooking:

  • Prepare 5-6 dishes at a time (portions should be small), freeze most of the dishes and then, as needed, defrost and eat.
  • Or you can cook 1 dish each time, but in a larger volume than usual, and freeze part of it. In a week or two, your freezer will have so much ready-made food that you can periodically allow yourself not to think about cooking, but simply defrost and reheat the supplies.

website will tell you which ready-made dishes can be frozen and not be afraid that after defrosting they will turn into an unappetizing substance.

1. Pilaf

Freeze it. Pilaf should only be frozen when freshly prepared and cooled to room temperature. It can be packaged in bags (after releasing all the air) or containers. Also, don't forget to put a sticker on it indicating the freezing date. Keep Frozen pilaf is possible 3 months at a temperature of −18 °C.

Defrost. There are several defrosting methods:

  • In a frying pan (if frozen in a bag). Transfer the pilaf to an unheated dry frying pan and simmer over low heat under the lid. You can add a couple of tablespoons of water.
  • In the microwave. Just use defrost mode.
  • In a refrigerator. Place frozen pilaf in it for about 8–10 hours (depending on volume), then reheat the dish in any way convenient for you.

2. Cheesecakes

Freeze it. After making the cheesecakes, place them on paper towels to absorb excess oil. First, cool them to room temperature, and then place them in the refrigerator for an hour. Then stack them in towers of 5-6 pieces, wrap them in cling film or simply put them in a bag. Keep ready-made cheesecakes in the freezer 4 months.

Defrost. The cheesecakes need to be placed in the refrigerator, and then, when they are completely defrosted, reheat them in the microwave or oven. It is better to defrost them in the evening, and by the morning you will have a ready-made breakfast.

3. Stuffed peppers

Freeze it. First, the finished dish must be placed in the refrigerator to cool. After about 2 hours, the pepper can be put into bags, remembering to release the air from them afterwards. If you have enough freezer space, divide the peppers into containers. Keep ready stuffed peppers 3 months.

If you made the peppers and gravy, you can freeze it separately using small containers.


  • In a refrigerator. Place them there in advance, for example overnight. You can reheat this dish in a frying pan in sauce or in the oven.

4. Pizza

Freeze it. The finished pizza should be cooled to room temperature and wrapped in cling film. Keep There should be no more pizza in the freezer six months. By the way, you can cut it into pieces, wrap each one in film and freeze it like that.

Defrost. First, let the pizza thaw a little, maybe not completely. Then remove the film and place the pizza in the microwave for 3-4 minutes or in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

5. Rice

Freeze it. Cooked rice can be frozen if you have cooked it correctly. If you end up with an unappetizing, sticky rice mass, then freezing and thawing this mass will become even less pleasant. So, first the cooked rice needs to be cooled. To do this, place it on a flat tray and stir occasionally with a fork. Once the rice has cooled, pour it into containers without compacting it. Leave some empty space. Place the containers in the freezer and shake them several times over the next 2 hours to prevent the rice from sticking together into one big brick. If everything was done correctly, the rice will be crumbly after defrosting. Keep it's possible 3–6 months.


  • Place the rice on the refrigerator shelf until completely defrosted.
  • You can also defrost rice in the microwave: transfer it to a plate, add a little cold boiled water and turn on the defrost mode.
  • You can also heat the rice in a frying pan: reduce the heat to low, add a little water to the rice and stir from time to time.

6. Potatoes

Freeze it. Potatoes are a special product for freezing, since after defrosting they can change their taste and texture. Therefore, it is optimal to freeze potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes. It must be frozen freshly prepared. Cool the puree to room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, put it in containers or bags and put it in the freezer. Keep puree is ok up to six months.


  • In the microwave using the defrost mode.
  • On the refrigerator shelf for several hours.
  • In a frying pan - just add a little water.

7. Porridge

It may seem that there is no point in freezing dishes that take half an hour to prepare. But nevertheless, sometimes half an hour plays a big role after a hard day of work.

Freeze it. All porridges can be frozen, the only difference is the timing storage: porridge cooked in water can be stored no more than 6 months, and porridge with milk - no more than 4.

So, ready-made porridges need to be cooled to 4–6 °C (place them in the refrigerator for an hour), and then poured into containers or bags (for example, you can do this with oatmeal or buckwheat) and place them in the freezer.

A little trick: place a bag inside the container and then pour the porridge into it. When it's frozen, remove the bag from the container and you'll have a frozen brick of porridge that won't take up much space in the freezer.

Liquid cereals are best stored in a jar or container. Don't forget that the product will expand when frozen, so leave some empty space.

Defrost. Porridge should only be defrosted on the refrigerator shelf. Dry ones will thaw in a few hours, but liquid ones are best defrosted in the evening. In the morning you will have a ready-made breakfast, which will remain to be heated in the microwave.

8. Puree soups, broths

Freeze it. You should only put freshly brewed cream soup or broth into the freezer, and not one that has been standing for a day or two. It is also worth considering that after defrosting the soup, the pasta contained in it will darken (due to starch, which reacts to temperature changes). Also, do not freeze soup that contains potatoes, as there is a chance that after defrosting the soup will turn into porridge.

So, after the soup has cooled, pour it into dry containers and put it in the freezer. Be sure to leave some free space in your containers. Keep such soups should not last longer 3 months.

By the way, it is better not to freeze greens in soups. Freeze it freshly chopped separately.

Defrost. The soup can be defrosted in the microwave (on defrost mode) or in the refrigerator: in this case, the soup will thaw for 4-5 hours, and then it needs to be heated in a saucepan over low heat. It is not at all necessary to bring the soup to a boil.

9. Baking

Freeze it. Bread, rolls, pies, cupcakes, muffins, pies, cookies and gingerbread can be frozen. Large baked goods, such as bread or pie, should be sliced ​​before freezing. Keep baked goods in the freezer can be in bags or containers and no longer 2 months.


  • In the microwave.
  • Leave to defrost at room temperature.

10. Meat products

Freeze it. First, cool any prepared meat dish (cutlets, chicken, meatballs, etc.) to room temperature and wrap in cling film, and then place the briquettes in the freezer. Keep meat products should not last longer 3 months.


  • At room temperature.
  • In the microwave. So that the taste of the dish does not suffer too much, you can add some herbs, oil or some sauce to your taste.

A few important points

  • After you put the food in bags, do not forget to completely get rid of the air in them (use a cocktail straw, here instructions).
  • If you are freezing something liquid (sauces, soups), do not forget to leave some space in the container, as when freezing the liquid will increase in volume and the container may crack.
  • Remember to mark the freezer date on bags and containers.
  • It is better to defrost food slowly (on the refrigerator shelf). Use the microwave only if you are short on time.
  • Once defrosted, prepared meals cannot be re-frozen.

The phrase “Cook once, eat a month” spread all over the world, and the frozen food system itself became very popular in the West. Who wouldn't love the idea of ​​preparing a week's or a month's worth of food in just one day?

What do you associate with frozen food? Probably with semi-finished products, all kinds of dumplings and mixed vegetables from the supermarket. But what if I told you that the frozen food system makes life easier for housewives and allows them to free themselves from cooking for 2 weeks or a month. It's very simple: you can prepare food for the whole family for a whole week in one day! To do this, you just need to prepare a large number of dishes and... freeze them!

In our countries, not every housewife can boast of a separate freezer or a two-door refrigerator with a large freezer. Therefore, cooking for a month is not suitable for everyone. But cooking for 2 weeks (considering that most housewives at home have a refrigerator with three freezer compartments) is ideal. But don’t be sad for those who have a one-compartment freezer. A small freezer, if stored compactly, will provide seven ready-made meals for a week.

Advantages of cooking for a week - a month

  • You will have more free time. Spend it with your family and dedicate it to yourself. Now you definitely won’t be able to look for excuses for your laziness and will finally take care of your figure. This will help you.
  • You can save your family budget. American women have calculated that on average they save about $250 when purchasing groceries for a month. No wonder. In addition, you can purchase products in large quantities. And with the help of promotions in supermarkets, you can sometimes save a lot of money (for example, using the “every third item is free” scheme).
  • You will always be ready for the arrival of guests. Do you often have unexpected guests? Convulsive rushing around the shops and kitchen... Why do you need this? Having fallen in love with cooking for 2 weeks, a month, you will be able to prepare for the arrival of guests (dress beautifully and do makeup). Let your friends figure out for themselves why there are so many goodies on the table!

How not to die in the kitchen in one day while preparing 15-20 dishes?

Determine your cooking mode

It is extremely important that you take time to rest 2-3 times a day. For example, prepare 5-6 dishes early in the morning and then rest for half an hour to an hour. After lunch cooking, take a long rest for several hours. The first time I tried the system mode, I fell asleep in the evening for 3 hours. You can do the same so that you have some strength left for the evening. The cooking process is just as important to plan as it is.

Enlist the support of loved ones

It is ideal if your husband helps you in the cooking process, but this option is more an exception than a common occurrence. Ask him to take care of the children for the day while you provide the family with delicious and nutritious meals. You can hint to him that, having a supply of ready-made dishes, you will have more time not only for yourself and your children, but also for your loved one. And if the husband can help with the rough work (washing, cleaning) - this is already a big plus. The main thing is motivation!

Create a menu

If you've never done menu planning, start learning its principles. Without a competent menu, you will not be able to buy food in the required quantity and provide your family with a variety of dishes. If you don’t know how much food your family eats per month, then it’s too early for you to start cooking for 2 weeks!

For 2-3 weeks, write down everything you cook and how many days you eat it. For example, knowing that a pot of soup does not stay in the refrigerator for more than three days, and a fish casserole has to be thrown away after 2 days, it will be easier for you.

Choose recipes

Based on your family's standard diet, choose recipes to cook. It's good for your wallet to check the promotions in supermarkets. For example, if you love liver and the nearest shopping center has a 50% discount on it, you need to take it. The liver can be used to make liver cutlets, pates, or simply stewed in sour cream. Choose recipes where the active cooking time is no more than half an hour. Of course, consider the tastes of your loved ones.

Buy groceries

A day or two before the planned kitchen “marathon”, go to the supermarket or market. Definitely with your husband, because you will need his strong strong hands. Make a grocery list in advance. It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. Don't forget how you can

Check your kitchen cabinet for spices! It’s very unpleasant when you have to stop cooking and rush headlong to the nearest store for allspice or vanilla sugar.

Write out a step-by-step action plan for yourself

Be sure to create a cooking plan that you will follow. For example, wash and peel vegetables, add broth, etc. This will allow you not to get lost in the kitchen among a large number of products.

Important points

None of the frozen foods become poisonous. Its taste or consistency may simply change. That's why It's better not to freeze:

  • potatoes in pieces (but in dumplings and potato cutlets - ideal)
  • coarsely chopped cabbage (can be used in the form of lazy cabbage rolls)
  • sour cream and kefir
  • “water” vegetables (for example, cucumbers)

Advice! It is best to freeze meals in portions so that you do not have to refreeze them later if the contents of the container are not eaten.

What you need for freezing
  • free freezer
  • food containers, pickle buckets
  • cling film to wrap each container in several layers
  • baking paper
  • freezer bags

To simplify the preparatory cooking process, a blender or food processor will not hurt you. Makes it easier to cook for 2 weeks and have a multicooker. I make do with a lot of pots.

How to defrost

It is better to defrost prepared food in the refrigerator. I leave it in the refrigerator overnight and then reheat it in the oven. You can also use the microwave.


I have been freezing the following homemade semi-finished products for a long time:

  • cutlets (including potato ones);
  • chops and meatballs, meatballs;
  • stuffed peppers;
  • broths (I cook chicken and fish broths in several pans, and then freeze them in portions: for soups, sauces);
  • dough for pizza, pies

At first I doubted it, thinking that there was no benefit left in dishes after freezing, but after studying the information on the topic, I realized that this was far from the case. And if your refrigerator has a blast freezing function, that’s just great. I love the fact that cooking for several weeks allows me to spend more time with my family, have family picnics, and be creative. Prepare for the week and make your life easier!

Preparing food for several days (video)