Recipe for pickling onions for the winter without sterilization. Small pickled onions for the winter in jars

The need to harvest onions for the winter may arise for various reasons. Some people love to tinker in their dacha, but there is simply nowhere to store the carefully grown harvest, so to speak, in its natural form. For some, it’s easier to open a jar in winter and take the finished product from there - add the same fried onions to the soup. But someone has both a place to store it and a desire to grow everything - and suddenly Nature gifts an onion the size of an adult man’s fist - and what do you want to do with this gift?

Prepare onions for the winter, and in different ways. For example, pickled onions look good in winter salads, as well as as an independent addition to meat. Fried onions are one of those “open and eat” dishes, you want them in borscht, you want them in soup, you want them on bread and with lard... Dried onions can be combined with other aromatic herbs, making up your own signature mixtures. In general, there is plenty to choose from. And besides, there is nothing complicated!

Canned onions in jars for the winter

1 kg of onion,
1 liter of water,
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
1 tbsp. l. salt,
1 stack 9% vinegar,
1 bay leaf (for 1 jar),
2-3 black peppercorns (per 1 jar).

Take medium sized bulbs that fit easily into a jar. Clean them thoroughly and wash them in cold water. The process of peeling onions can be made a little more pleasant if you immerse the knife in cold water, so the onion will irritate the mucous membrane less. Place peeled onions in prepared sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover the jars with sterilized metal lids and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, boil it, pour it over the onions again and let it sit again. When the time is up, pour the water into the pan and this time add sugar, salt, vinegar and let it boil. When the sugar and salt have dissolved, add the peppercorns and bay leaf. Boil everything together for 5 minutes and pour the boiling marinade over the onions in the jars. Roll up the workpiece with lids, turn it over, cover it with a blanket and leave until it cools completely. The beauty of this preparation is that you can use the onions literally the next day or store them in a cool place until the next opportunity.

You can add a slice of raw beets to jars of pickled onions - the marinade and onions will turn pink.

Fried onions in jars for the winter

1 kg large onions,
1.4 liters of vegetable oil,
spices - to taste and desire.

Select large, high-quality bulbs without damage or rot, wash them thoroughly and clean them. Then cut it as you prefer. Some people prefer to see onions in small cubes, others in half rings. Heat the oil well in a frying pan, add the onion and fry it until golden brown, remembering to stir, then reduce the heat and continue frying for 35-40 minutes. Make sure your onion doesn't burn. It will absorb oil, so add oil so that the onion literally floats in it. 5 minutes before the end of frying, add spices, mix everything carefully, and keep in the pan for a couple more minutes. Transfer the fried onions into sterilized jars, fill with oil to the very top and roll up with prepared boiled lids.

To cut large quantities of onions, it is better to use a slicer. Fast, safe (provided you work with the fruit holder) and beautiful - because the slicer will chop your onion into identical rings or half rings.

Salted onions (option 1)

2 kg of onions.
For the brine:
2 stacks water,
750 ml 5% vinegar,
1.5 tbsp. l. salt.

Peel the onion and blanch it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then rinse with cold (or better yet, straight ice) water and dry slightly. Then place the bulbs tightly in sterilized warm jars and fill them with hot brine made from water, salt and vinegar. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize them in not too boiling water: 1 liter - 10 minutes, 0.5 liter - 5 minutes. Cover the jars with onions with boiled metal lids, let them cool and transfer them to a cool place for storage.

Salted onions (option 2)

1 kg of onion,
200 g salt.

Select medium-sized, strong onions, peel, wash and cut into rings that are not too thick. Place them in dry, sterilized jars in layers, sprinkled with layers of salt. Be sure to leave a layer of salt on top. Seal the jars and store in a cool place (cellar, insulated balcony or refrigerator).

Green onions for the winter

Oven drying
Wash the green onions, dry well and cut into pieces no longer than 5 cm. Place the onions in a thick layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Be sure to use parchment paper, it will prevent the greens from darkening. Place the baking sheet with the onions in the oven, preheated to 50ºC, and dry, stirring constantly for 2-3 hours. Store dried herbs in fabric bags at room temperature in a dry place.

Air drying
Thoroughly wash the collected fresh green onions, cut them into rings and lay them out to dry on clean paper, spread in a dry, warm room where the sun's rays do not reach, as they destroy the beneficial substances contained in the onions. This is a fairly lengthy method of harvesting onions, lasting about 6-7 days. You can check if the onion is ready by trying to rub it with your fingers. If it crumbles easily, then it’s time to pour it into jars, close the lids and store in a dry place at room temperature.

For the lucky ones who have electric dehydrators, or, in Russian, dryers, it is generally easy to prepare dried onions for the winter: just lay out the prepared onions on trays, press the button and wait for the result!

Mix one kilogram of thoroughly washed, dried and cut into rings green onion feathers with a glass of salt (200 g), place in sterilized jars and close with clean nylon lids. Many housewives add other greens to the onions, such as dill or parsley. It makes a wonderful aromatic seasoning for any dish.

Rinse the green onion feathers thoroughly under running water, shake off the water and dry on a cotton cloth.

First way
Cut the prepared feathers into 1 cm pieces, blanch them for 5 minutes, then drain in a colander to drain. After the onions have cooled, place them in packaging containers and place them in the freezer.

Second way
Fry the prepared and cut into rings onion feathers in a mixture of heated vegetable oil and butter. After the onions have cooled, distribute them into prepared containers and freeze.

Third method (in ice cubes)
Wash the green onion feathers thoroughly, dry them, cut them into small rings and place the slices in ice cube trays. Fill the onion with clean cold water and place in the freezer. After 2-3 days, remove the molds from the freezer, remove the onion cubes from them, put them in bags and put them back in the freezer. Onions frozen in this way can be added to hot dishes without defrosting.

Freezing onions for the winter
Select strong bulbs, free from stains and mold, clean them, rinse under cold running water and pat dry with a towel to remove excess moisture. If you want to freeze whole onions, choose medium-sized ones. Place the prepared onions in a freezer bag, removing as much air as possible, or in a plastic container, which you close tightly and place in the freezer.

If you have the desire and time to freeze chopped onions, then cut whole onions into rings, half rings, large or small cubes. Place the chopped onions in bags or containers and place in the freezer.

Frozen onions should be cooked without thawing. Otherwise, the onion will become soggy and lose its “face” greatly.

If you know how else to prepare onions for the winter, share it on the pages of our website!

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

At the very beginning, I traditionally prepare and sterilize the dishes for preparation. I wash 0.5 liter jars with soda and then sterilize them in the microwave. I do 2 heating runs for 3 minutes each with an intermediate break of 10 minutes. During a break, I simply open the microwave door and let the jars cool a little. I wash the lids, dip them in boiling water and wipe them with a towel.

I cut the red onion into thick rings (thickness approximately 5-7 mm). I don’t separate them into separate rings. I leave it as is. During the marinating process, some of them will separate on their own.

I'm making a marinade. Pour water, vegetable oil into the pan, add sugar, salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves. I put the pan on the stove, turn on the heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to dissolve the salt and sugar. When the marinade boils, add vinegar and turn off the heat.

I transfer all the onions into the pan with the marinade. Mix carefully so as not to damage the onion rings too much. During the mixing process, the onion rings separate. I leave the onions to marinate for 4-5 minutes in the pan.

I put dill umbrellas in the bottom of the jars. Then I transfer the onion rings into jars (without marinade). I place it quite tightly, but it is important not to crush the onion. I insert a bay leaf into the jar from the sides and remove it from the marinade.

The marinade in the pan after the onions will turn a beautiful pink color. Once again I bring it to a boil.

I pour the boiling marinade over the onions in the jars.

I close the jars with lids and immediately roll them up.

Jars of pickled onions can be wrapped and left to cool completely. I don't wrap it up. In my opinion, vinegar is enough and additional sterilization is not needed. I store the cooled jars in the cold. Pickled red onions are ready for the winter, bon appetit!

A big harvest is always good. Even if it's an onion harvest. And even if it is a harvest of very small onions! What can you do with small change? Select the most suitable one for planting next year (or even before winter, for an earlier harvest), and pickle the rest. Pickled onions for the winter are the simplest thing you can prepare from this fiery beauty.

For the winter, pickled onions are perfect as a side dish for meat. And if you pickle onions in half rings, then it’s good to add it to vinaigrettes and other winter salads (from boiled vegetables), or sprinkle it on herring - it will give them the necessary sourness.

It is better to store pickled onions for the winter in a cool place, in the dark. In principle, a dark place under the bed is also suitable, as long as there are no heating radiators nearby.

Pickled onions for the winter in half rings


  • 800 g onions,
  • 2 stacks water,
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar,
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 10 black peppercorns,
  • 4 bay leaves,
  • 2-3 cloves.

Peel and wash the onion. Cut it into half rings and leave for a while while you prepare the marinade yourself. Pour water into the pan, add sugar, salt, spices, vegetable oil and vinegar, bring the marinade to a boil over medium heat and cook for a couple of minutes. Then place the onion, cut into half rings, into the boiling marinade, turn off the heat and let stand. Transfer the onions into sterilized jars, roll them up with previously prepared boiled lids, turn them upside down, wrap them, and after cooling completely, store them in a cool place.

Whole pickled onions for the winter

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • onions (as much as will go in),
  • 3 black peppercorns,
  • 3 peas of allspice,
  • 1 tsp. mustard seeds,
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • For the marinade:
  • 800 ml water,
  • 200 ml 9% vinegar,
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 tsp. salt.

Select a medium-sized onion, without damage, wash it without peeling it. Then plunge into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cool in cold water. Now peel the onions and fill or sterilized liter jars, after filling them with spices. Prepare a marinade from the above ingredients, pour it into the contents of the jars, cover the jars with lids and sterilize them in boiling water for 25 minutes. After the sterilization process, roll up the jars, let them cool and store them.

Pickled onions for the winter without sterilization


  • 1 kg onions,
  • 120 g salt,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • fresh herbs (parsley, dill),
  • 3 tbsp. l. table vinegar (9%),
  • 3 bay leaves,
  • 1 tsp. Sahara,
  • 6 black peppercorns,
  • 6 peas of allspice.

Select medium-sized onions, peel them, wash them and immerse them in boiling salted water for about three minutes. After this, place the onion in cold water for 5 minutes. Fill the prepared sterilized jars with onions, add a sprig of dill and parsley, 3 bay leaves, 6 peas of black and allspice. Pour the contents of the jars with hot marinade made from water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn them over, wrap them and leave until completely cool. When cool, store in a cool place.

Pickled small onions


  • 2 kg of small (ideally red) onions.
  • For the marinade:
  • 1 liter of apple cider vinegar,
  • 500 ml lemon juice,
  • 50 g sugar,
  • 50 g salt,
  • ground black peppercorns,
  • carnation.

Select a good, high-quality onion for harvesting, peel it, wash it, let it dry a little and place it in pre-washed and sterilized jars and fill it with the prepared boiling sauce. Let stand for 10 minutes, then drain the marinade and repeat this procedure 2 more times. Then roll up the jars with boiled lids, turn them over, wrap them, let cool and store in a cool place.

Pickled small onions with garlic and sweet pepper


  • 1 kg of small onions (sets),
  • 1 sweet pepper,
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 3 g citric acid,
  • black peppercorns,
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 1 stack table vinegar,
  • 5 bay leaves.

Prepare the onion, peel it, wash it. Mix citric acid in a liter of water. Pour this water over the peeled onions placed in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Sweet pepper, thoroughly washed and seeded, cut into strips, chop the peeled garlic cloves. Remove the onion from the water and place it in dry, sterilized jars along with the pepper and garlic. Also add a grain of black pepper to each jar. Add the specified amount of sugar, table vinegar, bay leaves, and salt to the water where the onions were boiling. Mix thoroughly and bring the marinade to a boil. Pour the marinade into jars, seal them with sterilized lids, let cool and store in the cellar.

Long-lasting pickled onions


  • onion,
  • red hot pepper - to taste,
  • 3 g citric acid,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 200 ml table vinegar,
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic for each jar,
  • Bay leaf,
  • allspice,
  • dill umbrellas,
  • basil.

Peel the onion, wash it and place it in an enamel pan. Fill it with water, add citric acid, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Drain the onion in a colander and rinse with cold water. In prepared dry, sterilized jars, place peeled garlic cloves, bay leaves, allspice, dill umbrellas, 2 sprigs of basil per jar, a little chopped red hot pepper in each jar and fill them with onions. To prepare the marinade, bring water to a boil, add sugar, salt, vinegar and stir. Pour the contents of the jars with hot marinade, roll up the jars with lids, wrap them and leave until they cool completely. Store your workpiece in a cool place.

Fried onions for the winter


  • large onions (quantity at your discretion),
  • ground black pepper,
  • ground red pepper,
  • sugar,
  • vegetable oil,
  • a little butter.

Select large bulbs without damaged or rotten areas. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, add a little butter and heat well. Place the onion, cut into thin half rings or just small pieces, into the frying pan. Fry for 30-35 minutes, stirring so that the onion does not burn. Do not forget to add vegetable oil from time to time, as the onion absorbs a huge amount of it. You can cover the frying pan with a lid, then the onion will turn out more stewed than fried, but it will obviously not lose any of its taste. Add spices 5 minutes before the end of frying. Place the fried onions in sterilized jars, seal tightly and store when cool in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Pickled onions are prepared for the winter in various ways. It is used as a seasoning for barbecue, tasty and juicy salads, and for preparing first and second courses. Properly salted onions retain their beneficial and crunchy properties, are stored for a long time and have a unique taste and aroma. When cooked, it goes well with popular spices, fresh, aromatic herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables.

Pickled onions in jars - a classic recipe

The vegetable prepared in this way is used as a complement to fried meat or shish kebab, an additive to herring and other fish, or as an ingredient for juicy and vitamin-rich salads.

To quickly prepare such preservation, take the following products:

  • fresh onions – 5-6 small heads;
  • regular vinegar, salt (1-2 tsp), sugar to taste.
  • bay leaf, cloves, allspice and mustard seeds (optional).

First of all, peel the onion, then carefully cut into thin rings.

After preparing all the necessary spices, allspice peas and cloves can be pressed down a little with a rolling pin so that it gives out more properties.

Onion rings are placed in sterile and well-washed glass jars in layers, interspersed with dried spices.

All this is poured with hot marinade, which is prepared from water in combination with salt, sugar and bay leaf. After boiling the liquid for 5-7 minutes, add fresh table vinegar and boil for a few more minutes.

This appetizer is stored in jars with closed lids for 1-2 months, but if desired, after 2-3 days of salting in the refrigerator, the onions can be used in a barbecue marinade or served with fresh herring.

Whole marinating in jars - a recipe for a juicy and savory snack

This recipe makes pickled onions juicy and crispy.

To prepare canned onions you will need:

  • small, fresh onions - 10-15 pcs.;
  • sugar, salt and apple cider vinegar;
  • allspice, cloves, bay leaf;
  • currant or oak leaves, dill and garlic.

The bulbs are carefully selected, then the skins are peeled off and placed in boiling water for 3 - 4 minutes, after which they are immediately cooled.

Blanching will remove excess bitterness from vegetables and make them softer in taste.

In another saucepan, mix water, salt, a little sugar and allspice. Boil everything for about 5-7 minutes, add chopped garlic, dill, cherry leaves and dried cloves. After 2-3 minutes, pour in a tablespoon of wine or apple cider vinegar.

Dried and blanched onions are placed in clean jars that have been pre-sterilized in the oven or microwave.

Hot marinade is poured on top and the iron lids are immediately screwed on or rolled up and stored until winter.

Red vegetable marinated in Polish - juicy and healthy wrapping

These pickled onions are used to prepare various homemade burgers, salads, sandwiches, hot meat dishes, etc.

To properly prepare onions according to this recipe, you need the following set of products:

  • red onion, selected - 1 kilogram;
  • garlic and allspice;
  • sugar, salt, wine or apple cider vinegar.

The onion is peeled and carefully cut into small half rings. Add 1 tbsp to a bowl with chopped vegetables. spoon of salt, mix and leave for 30-40 minutes until juice appears.

Jars for seaming are sterilized in the microwave or under steam, allowed to dry, and then placed on the bottom of each jar one bay leaf, a few peppercorns, and, if desired, dried cloves or mustard seeds.

Then place salted onion rings in each container, pour boiling marinade on top, to prepare which, dissolve a little salt and sugar in water, bring to a boil, add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of wine or regular vinegar.

Now the jars are additionally sterilized. To do this, they are immersed in boiling water for 10-15 minutes with the lids closed, then removed and cooled.

Red onions, unlike regular onions, are stored a little less, so ready-made onions are sent to the refrigerator or cold cellar or eaten with meat or other dishes 5-7 days after pickling.

Green stems marinated for the winter - an ideal ingredient for salads

The onion is used for preparing salads and hot dishes. The young vegetable, unlike the usual version, has a large amount of vitamins and is not so bitter and tasty.

To marinate this preparation, use the following ingredients:

  • green onion pods - 2-3 fresh bunches;
  • table salt, sugar, vinegar essence;
  • dill, bay leaf and sweet peas.

The bundles are thoroughly washed, the tails are removed and cut to the length of the cans that will be used for rolling. When the water has drained from the vegetables, place it in a dense layer in clean and sterile jars, after which they begin to prepare the marinade.

Place a pan of water on the stove, in which salt and sugar are dissolved, and do not forget to add dry bay leaves. After 5-7 minutes of boiling and complete dissolution of sugar, pour the recommended amount of vinegar into the container.

Without allowing the marinade to cool, immediately pour it over green vegetables in jars, roll them up tightly or screw them with metal lids, and store them in a suitable place. After a week, the vegetables can be used to prepare a delicious salad or as an independent, juicy snack.

Onions in tomato juice for the winter - dressing for soups and hot dishes

This method of preparing the vegetable makes it softer and more pleasant to taste, with a minimal amount of bitterness. It is good to use for preparing various soups and borscht, as well as as a sauce for hot side dishes, meat dishes or baked fish.

To get several jars, take the ingredients:

  • onions - 1 – 1.5 kilograms;
  • fresh parsley - 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil, vinegar;
  • salt, sugar and spices to taste.

First of all, prepare all the necessary products for marinating. The onion is completely peeled, cut into small, thick circles or half rings, or chopped on a special grater.

Chop the parsley with a sharp knife and add it to the bowl with the chopped onion. Mix everything together, add a little salt and leave to salt naturally for 40-50 minutes.

At this time, prepare the tomato sauce. Pour sunflower or olive oil into a frying pan, heat it and gradually add tomato juice.

You can either prepare it yourself by grinding tomatoes in a blender or meat grinder, or use ready-made options; you can also use fresh tomato paste, but it is better to give preference to freshly squeezed juice or puree.

As soon as the juice begins to boil along with the oil, add salt and sugar to taste, pepper with ground spices and, stirring, simmer all the ingredients for 5-7 minutes so that the liquid boils down a little. The hot filling is poured into a bowl with onions and herbs, stirred with a spoon and the resulting snack is carefully sorted into sterile jars, sealing them tightly with suitable lids.

The preparations are stored in a dark, cool place for no more than 2-3 months, served as a ready-made snack for meat and other hot dishes, or used to prepare tomato soup or borscht with beets.

Preserving fried onions in oil - a delicious winter preparation

Many people love fried onions using the classic technology. It is indispensable when preparing roasts, various dressings and other baked dishes of meat, vegetables or fish.

To make several jars of this kind of seaming, take only fresh vegetable oil, white onions and various spices to taste. Peel the onion and rinse lightly in cool water. Then cut into rings, small pieces or cubes.

Refined oil is poured into a frying pan, put on fire and heated to the desired temperature. Place finely chopped onion inside and first fry it until crusty over high heat for 3-4 minutes, then reduce the flame and add spices - salt, sugar, ground pepper, cloves and other options.

Stir everything thoroughly and simmer the vegetables over low heat for about 20 minutes until the onions acquire a caramel color. Now place the resulting frying in clean glass jars of a small container, if necessary, add fresh sunflower oil so that it completely covers the vegetables.

Cover everything with plastic or screw-on metal lids. Store containers in a place protected from light and moisture at an optimal temperature of 12-15 degrees or in the refrigerator in a special compartment.

Pickling vegetables - a quick and easy recipe

To prepare, take small, juicy onions and marinate them whole in classic brine. The result is a universal appetizer that is served in almost any combination with fresh or canned vegetables, hot dishes and popular side dishes.

Ingredients you will need:

  • onions - 2 kg;
  • fresh parsley and dill;
  • bay leaf and allspice;
  • vinegar essence, salt and granulated sugar.

The onions are peeled, then lightly rinsed with water and placed in a metal bowl to dry. At the same time, boil 500 ml of water, to which add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt.

To make the vegetable less bitter, it is additionally blanched by first dipping it into boiling water for 2 minutes and then into cold, ice water.

Finely chopped parsley and dill, bay leaves and several allspice peas are poured into prepared, sterile small jars (0.5 or 1 liter).

Place onions in a thick layer and pour boiling marinade of water with salt and sugar over all the vegetables and herbs.

After 5 minutes, pour the water and liquid back into the pan, add a little more salt, table or apple cider vinegar, mix and again pour the marinade into the jars, immediately rolling them tightly with metal lids. Such onions are perfectly stored all winter in a dark and fairly cool cellar.

The time has come to harvest onions. This year we grew two types of onions at the dacha: white and red. We dry part of the harvest, trim it, put it in boxes and put it away for storage in the cellar. And the second goes to preparing winter preparations. Almost all unsweetened preparations for the winter contain onions. I add onions to soup preparations, vegetable caviar and even pickled mushrooms.

Also, according to tradition, every year I make various types of pickled onions for the winter in jars. Options for pickling onions for the winter in jars largely depend on the harvest. It happens that the weather fails in summer and this tear-producing vegetable grows poorly. It turns out a lot of small onions. Then I marinate small onions whole. And there is a good harvest with large, strong onions. This is what happened this year. In this case, I pickle the onion, cutting it into slices, since a whole large head inside does not pickle well.

The combination may seem unusual to you, but the result is pickled onions that are spicy, sweet and sour, aromatic, crispy and very tasty.

1. Preparing pickled onions with red currants and mustard for the winter

In general, onions pickle very quickly. It can be eaten after an hour in the marinade. But it’s better to let it sit for at least a month, then it will become saturated with the aromas of spices and become richer in taste.

Preparing pickled onions with red currants and mustard for the winter

So as not to be distracted by this step later, I first prepare the dishes for rolling the onions. I wash 0.5 liter jars with the addition of soda. I put them in the microwave to sterilize them. Sterilization time: 2 times for 3 minutes with a break of 10 minutes between starts. I wash the lids, pour boiling water over them and wipe them dry.

Sterilizing jars in the microwave
Preparing all the ingredients for pickled onions

I cut the onion into thick rings (about 5-6 mm thick). There is no need to divide it into separate rings. I'll leave it as it is. Some disintegrate on their own, others remain intact.

Slicing onions into rings

Pour water into the ladle, add sugar and salt. I put the ladle on the fire and bring it to a boil. Stir until the spices dissolve. At the very end, pour 9% vinegar into the marinade and turn off the heat. Transfer the chopped onion to the marinade and leave for 2-3 minutes.

Preparing the marinade for pickled onions

I put dill umbrellas and black peppercorns in the bottom of the jars. Then I transfer the onion rings from the marinade into a jar, alternating them with red currants. I compact it tightly enough, but so that the berries do not get crushed. I sprinkle mustard seeds on top.

Place red currants and other ingredients in jars

I bring the marinade back to a boil in the ladle and pour it on top of the onions in the jars. Then I cover the jars with lids and seal them hermetically.

I pour the marinade into jars and seal them hermetically.

I leave the closed jars until they cool completely, then put them in a cool place. I don’t wrap them in blankets and don’t turn jars upside down.

Leave the pickled onions to cool completely.

Pickled onions with red currants and mustard are ready for the winter.

Preparing pickled onions with red currants and mustard for the winter

Ingredients (2 cans of 0.5 liters):

  • white onion – 750 grams;
  • mustard seeds – 2 teaspoons;
  • black peppercorns – 12 pieces;
  • dill umbrellas – 2 pieces;
  • red currant - 12 branches.

For the marinade:

  • water – 600 milliliters;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons.

Pickled onions are ready! It keeps well all winter and serves as an excellent appetizer for almost any dish. Bon appetit!

2. Pickled small onions

It is good to marinate pickled small onions in small jars; they will go well as an additional side dish for fried meat dishes, to decorate appetizers, and also as an independent cold dish. Small onions are ideal for preparing this savory snack.

Pickled small onions

According to the recipe, we prepare pickled small onions as follows:

1. Sort the onions, select healthy specimens without mechanical damage. Then clean and rinse under running water.

2. Wash the glass container using baking soda, sterilize it and place a sprig of dill, a laurel leaf and 20 allspice peas on the bottom.

3. Place onion heads on top and add hot water.

4. Then, after 20 minutes, drain the water and pour in the hot, ready-made marinade.

5. Seal the jars, turn the lid down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave until the next day. Store in a cool, dry place for 10 months.

Components for 4 half liter jars

  • heads of small onions - as many as will go in;
  • dill sprigs - 4 pieces;
  • laurel - 4-5 pieces;
  • allspice - 18 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 teaspoon.

For the marinade (per liter of water):

  • granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 6% - 250 milliliters.

3. Pickled onions for the winter

If you have excess onions, be sure to prepare this preparation. This wonderful spicy snack will delight you when added to various meat or fish dishes. You can also add pickled onions to assorted vegetables. It is prepared simply and quickly.

Pickled onions for the winter

For the recipe for pickled onions for the winter, we will need red or purple onions, simple 9% vinegar, water, vegetable oil and spices and seasonings according to the recipe.

According to the recipe, we prepare pickled onions as follows:

Cook a spicy marinade. Pour water, vegetable oil, vinegar into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Add all the spices and bring to a boil for two minutes.

Then peel the onion, rinse in cold water and immediately cut into rings. Place in hot marinade and let sit for a minute or two.

Then transfer the onion along with the marinade and spices into the prepared jar.
Close with a screw-on lid, turn over, wrap in a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Composition of raw materials:

  • medium-sized onion - 800 grams;
  • water - 400 milliliters;
  • table vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf - 4 pieces;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • black pepper - peas;
  • salt - two teaspoons or at your discretion.

4. Pickled onions in wine vinegar and lemon zest

Such a spicy onion and a great martini will always go together. A small, intact, whole onion is appropriate here, and in addition, citric acid will create a unique bouquet of aromas.

Pickled onions in wine vinegar and lemon zest

According to the recipe, we prepare pickled onions in wine vinegar and lemon zest as follows:

1. Trim the root ends and peel the dry papery skin off the onion. Trim the stems. Pack the onions tightly into the jar. Add 1 tablespoon salt to each jar, or add 2 tablespoons salt, fill with cool water, and cover. Shake or swirl to distribute the salt. Leave the jars on the counter overnight.

2. The next day, pour out the onion and rinse it well under cool water. Pour vinegar, water into the pan, add 1 tbsp according to the recipe. l. salt, sugar, maple syrup and spices. Simmer, stirring until sugar and salt dissolve. Remove from heat, add ice cubes and stir until brine is cool.

3. Place the onions back into the jars. Divide the lemon peel and bay leaf between the jars. Pour the brine over the onions, place the lid on the jar, and brine the onions on the counter overnight.

4. Refrigerate the onions the next day. They will be ready to eat within 2 - 3 weeks and will keep for at least 3 months in the refrigerator.


  • very small red or white onion - 900 grams;
  • white wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • kosher salt - three tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 50 grams;
  • maple syrup - one tablespoon;
  • juniper berries - 3 berries;
  • peppercorns - 6 black balls;
  • lemon zest strips - 2 large;
  • water - 235 milliliters;
  • bay leaf - 2 bay leaves.