Appetizer with cheese and garlic. Cheese appetizer with garlic and mayonnaise

1. Boil the eggs. To do this, place them in a pan of cold water and add a little salt. It is necessary so that if the egg cracks, the protein will coagulate in salt water and the egg will remain intact.
Place the pan on the fire and boil. Reduce temperature and cook eggs for 7-10 minutes. If you overcook them, the yolk will have a blue tint. Afterwards, plunge the eggs into ice water to make them easier to peel. If the egg is boiled, it is difficult to peel, i.e. the protein sticks to the shell, which means it is very fresh. Although for this recipe the aesthetic appearance of a beautiful egg is not important, because... it will continue to be grated. What you actually do: peel the eggs and grate them.

2. Also grate the processed cheese. If it rubs badly, then keep it in the freezer for 15 minutes. It will harden a little and will be easier to work with.

3. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. You can vary its quantity to your own taste. If you like very spicy snacks, add a few extra cloves.
I recommend removing the core containing the selenium core from garlic, especially in the winter and spring. Since it has a bad effect on digestion and often causes heartburn, in addition, it is because of this that a persistent garlic odor remains from the mouth.

4. Pour mayonnaise over the food. Its quantity may vary depending on the method of serving the snack. If you make canapes from it or arrange it in the form of balls, then there should not be a lot of mayonnaise. Otherwise the snack will fall apart. If you serve it in a salad bowl, add the amount of mayonnaise to your taste. I also don’t recommend overdoing it if you’re serving it in baskets or tartlets. Otherwise, they will quickly get wet and lose their shape.

5. Mix the salad well. Taste, add salt and stir again. Add freshly chopped herbs if desired.

You have guests coming, but you don’t know how to surprise them with something so attractive and low-budget? A long-forgotten recipe from the 1980s will come to your aid - a garlic appetizer made from processed cheese. All its ingredients are so cheap that you can feed half a yard with such a spicy dish and still not incur losses. In addition, such an appetizer is an excellent replacement for any salad and an excellent aperitif before hot appetizers - it warms up the appetite wonderfully! To keep this garlic dish from looking lackluster, you will need regular seasonings.

To make 4 servings of snack balls you will need:

— 2 processed cheese;

- 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;

- 2-3 cloves of garlic;

- 2-3 pinches of salt;

- 1 package each of ground paprika, turmeric and dried herbs.

You can find processed cheese in any supermarket or store, fortunately they cost a penny and are always in stock. To prepare the snack, you need to grate them on a coarse grater, but in order for the curds to keep their shape, place them in the freezer for a few minutes. In it they will harden slightly and it will become much easier to rub them. Place the grated melted mass in a bowl with high sides.

Peel the garlic cloves and rinse in water. Pass them through a press into a bowl of grated mixture. Immediately pour salt into it and add mayonnaise. It is best to stir such a sticky mass with a fork - it will break up all the lumps and properly mix the garlic squeeze among the curd mass.

Then pour the seasonings into three separate containers - they are red, yellow and green - a real traffic light!

Dipping your palms in water and separating small parts from the melted mass, roll them into small balls. Dip the balls into the prepared seasonings and coat them thoroughly.

Prepare a dish in advance with green salad leaves and dill sprigs laid out on it. Place the garlic balls on the dish in any order you like.

Garlic appetizer made from processed cheese - Beautiful, tasty, budget-friendly!

By the way, some chefs even place walnuts or peanuts in the middle of such balls, taking as an example the Raffaello candies with almonds inside. Your holiday appetizer is ready.

Agree - there is nothing complicated in preparing it, since you don’t need to boil, fry or bake anything! And if you plan to serve it at the dinner table or for dinner, then you can not roll the snack balls in seasonings, but you can easily do without them - it turns out much more economical - let's do the math.

Calculation of the cost of the dish:

— 2 processed cheese — 20 rubles;

- 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise - 5 rubles;

- 2-3 cloves of garlic - 3 rubles;

- 1 package each of ground paprika, turmeric and dried herbs - 10 rubles.

Total: 38 rubles

A colorful and bright appetizer for the holiday table for 4 servings at cost will take only 38 rubles out of your pocket! This includes seasonings, and on weekdays it will pay for itself for only 28 rubles. The only drawback of this snack is the garlic flavor, so either prepare it for dinner and then stay at home, or buy chewing gum, but these little things are more than offset by the tasty and appetizing appearance of garlic balls, so quickly start preparing this easy and enjoyable recipe!


  • Eggs - 3-5 pcs.
  • Processed cheese - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic 4-6 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise to taste.
  • Salt.

Versatile snack

The so-called Jewish salad is familiar to everyone born in the Soviet Union. This unpretentious spicy appetizer is prepared quickly, simply and from the simplest and most affordable products: boiled eggs, melted cheese with garlic.

It is interesting that such a salad has very little relation to Jewish cuisine, but immigrants from the USSR willingly and often prepare it in Israel. Among the alternative names for the Jewish salad with cheese and garlic are the following: Cosmos, an appetizing appetizer, and even window putty.

The classic recipe for Jewish salad can still be associated with the traditional cuisine of Ashkenazi Jews, which was distinguished by simplicity, even poverty, and speed of preparation of dishes from affordable but tasty products, such as the well-known mincemeat. Jewish salad with melted cheese and egg is an excellent example of a simple and satisfying homemade snack that is not particularly sophisticated, but is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Anyone can prepare a Jewish salad; it does not require extraordinary culinary skills. The proportions of products can also be changed based on personal taste preferences, making the dish spicier or softer by using more or less garlic.

According to the traditional recipe, Jewish salad is prepared with melted cheese, but it can be replaced with any hard cheese or even sausage, the taste will definitely not suffer from this. To diversify the taste, you can add other products to the dish, for example, they prepare a Jewish salad with carrots. And finely chopped parsley will help soften the pungency of garlic.

Jewish salad with cheese and garlic is a universal appetizer for all occasions. You can simply spread it on bread or croutons, and for a festive table, use it as a filling for stuffed tomatoes, eggs or tartlets.

Jewish salad can become a table decoration, how to do it? It’s very simple: tightly fill brightly colored bell peppers with it, place it in the freezer for half an hour, and then cut into rings and place them on a dish.

Another way to serve Jewish salad in an original way is in pita bread. The latter can be coated with cheese mixture, rolled into rolls and placed on a dish directly in this form or cut into small rings.

Thanks to recipes with photos, Jewish salad is not only easy to prepare, but it also becomes possible to effectively serve this appetizer at any opportunity, delighting your family or guests with a simple but original dish.


There is nothing complicated in preparing such an appetizer as Jewish salad.

  1. First you need to hard boil the eggs, cool them in cold running water and peel them. Chop the eggs with a fork or grate them.
  2. Grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater and mix with eggs, lightly salt. To make the cheese easier to grate, it is better to keep it in the freezer in advance.
  3. Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater, add to the cheese and eggs.
  4. Add mayonnaise to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

To make the snack more flexible and airy, especially if it is spread on bread, it is recommended to add grated butter to the salad.

Garlic appetizer made from processed cheese recipe

It, like cheesecakes, should be frozen in advance for convenience.

Jewish salad will be even tastier if you make it not with processed cheese, but with hard cheese. And smoked sausage cheese will give the dish a unique spicy note.


By adding carrots to the main recipe, you can completely change the taste and appearance of Jewish salad. In its raw form, it should be grated on a medium grater and mixed with the cheese mass. By the way, you can take Korean carrots, draining all the liquid from them.

Sometimes, for satiety, boiled chicken fillet, cut into strips, is added to the appetizer. And those who want to serve a spectacular appetizer on the festive table can roll balls from the lettuce mixture and roll them in chopped (grated) crab sticks, placing the resulting balls in a neat mound. In the photo you can see many more options for the original presentation of Jewish salad.


  • 260 g hard cheese (the recipe contains two types of cheese, 130 g each);
  • 10 g garlic (to taste, 1-2 heads);
  • 4 things. egg;
  • 140 g mayonnaise (to taste, approximately 7 tablespoons).

The recipe is designed for 6-8 servings (610 g weight of Sandwich Snacks).

Cooking time 20-30 minutes.


The so-called “Jewish appetizer” is a very simple salad that is loved by both children and adults. It’s hard to say where the name came from, but when they talk about a “Jewish” snack, everyone immediately understands what they’re talking about. The good thing about this snack is that you can eat it just like that, or make different sandwiches with it. For example, with tomatoes, bread, toast, chips...or whatever else the hostess comes up with. Most recipes use processed cheeses like “Druzhba”, but real hard milk cheeses are preferable, they are tastier, healthier and smell great (but, yes, they are more expensive). Garlic is always added to taste. But you can not add it at all if children don’t like it, and adults care about the smell of their breath. But this is still a great way to feed your child garlic during the winter cold. Eggs also don’t have to be added, but they add richness and tenderness to the appetizer. Salt will be an unnecessary seasoning for the Appetizer, since cheese and mayonnaise are quite salty. Interestingly, when different sized graters are used, as in this recipe, it adds texture and fluffiness. And if you grate all the ingredients on a fine grater, the salad will be tender and easier to spread on a sandwich. But in any case, you always want to savor the snack again and again. Bon appetit!


1. Boil the eggs hard (10 minutes from the moment the water boils).

Processed cheese, Cold appetizers

Take the first piece of cheese and grate it into a bowl using a coarse grater.

3. Take the second piece of cheese and rub it into a bowl using a fine grater. In the same bowl, on top of the previous grated cheese.

4. Take the garlic and peel it. Three it into a bowl on top of the cheeses. Peel the grated garlic from the inside of the grater into a bowl.

5. Cool the eggs and peel them. Three on a coarse grater in a bowl on top of the cheese and garlic.

6. Season the appetizer with mayonnaise. About seven spoons or “by eye”, to taste. Mix well with a fork, it is important that the garlic is well distributed throughout the appetizer.

7. Without taking into account the weight of the container and the amount of snacks we tried, at the end we received approximately 600 g of the finished dish. Decorate to your taste and serve (it is not necessary to leave in the refrigerator).

8. An option to serve the appetizer to the table not as a salad, in a bowl, but by placing it on top of tomatoes, decorating it to your taste. We cut the tomato/tomatoes lengthwise into round pieces no more than 1 cm thick. Serve on a small or large plate, depending on the expected number of servings needed.

9. Or you can eat everything yourself simply with bread. Or feed your household this breakfast for a couple of days.

Bon appetit!

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Many dishes can be found on the table in different parts of our country. They are popular among various categories of the population, and are most often distinguished by their ease of preparation. This includes a variety of snacks that can be prepared from available products. And processed cheese can be an excellent ingredient for them; it can be combined with many other substances. Let's talk on the about how to prepare processed cheese with garlic and mayonnaise, we will give a recipe for such a dish.

Basic cheese snack recipe

To prepare this version of the dish, you should prepare a couple of processed cheeses, two hundred grams of mayonnaise and two large cloves. Also use one or two tablespoons of good quality mayonnaise.

Grind the cheeses on a grater (for this it is better to freeze them first). Pass the garlic through a press. Combine these components and season them with mayonnaise. Add salt if desired. Leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two, covered with a lid or wrapped in cling film.

The prepared snack can be divided into tomato slices, croutons or chips. You can also make a snowman or snowballs from such a mass, which will be especially important in winter.

Appetizer of processed cheese, mayonnaise and garlic with eggs

To prepare this version of the dish, you need to prepare one hundred grams of processed cheese, one egg, four cloves of garlic and one and a half to two tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Freeze the cheese a little and grate it, depending on your preference - fine or coarse. Grind a hard-boiled egg in the same way. Pass the garlic through a press, you can also chop it smaller and crush it with the flat side of the knife. If you like spicier snacks, you can use more than four cloves of garlic.

Combine the prepared ingredients and season them with mayonnaise. Cover the container with the snack with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

This mass can also be served on toast, etc. You can also wrap it in thin slices of ham to make small rolls.

Salad of processed cheese, garlic, mayonnaise and herbs

To prepare such a delicious salad, you need to prepare a pack of processed cheese, a couple of cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of mayonnaise, and also half a bunch of parsley, cilantro and dill.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater, pass the garlic through a garlic press, combine these components with each other, season with chopped herbs and mayonnaise.

Vitamin salad with melted cheese, garlic and mayonnaise

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare three processed cheese, four chicken eggs, a little over three hundred grams of prunes and three cloves of garlic. In addition, you need to use seven green onions, a jar of salad mayonnaise and half a glass of chopped walnuts.

Grind the prepared processed cheese into cubes, which should be approximately the same size. Prunes (pre-soaked in water for ten hours) should be cut into thin strips.

Chop the green onions, pass the walnut kernels through a meat grinder or chop a little with a blender. Chop the garlic cloves and crush them with the wide side of the knife.

Boil chicken eggs and cut into cubes. Combine all prepared ingredients and season them with salad mayonnaise. Mix well and place in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

Processed cheese and tomato salad

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare four medium ripe tomatoes, a couple of pieces of processed cheese, and a couple of eggs. In addition, use garlic, depending on your taste preferences, mayonnaise, and some dill. You will also need some salt and pepper.

Keep the processed cheese in the freezer, so it will be easier to grate. Grind the cheese on a fairly coarse grater, and cut the eggs into small cubes. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Combine cheese with garlic and eggs, add salt and pepper. Season with mayonnaise and add finely chopped dill. Place the prepared ingredients in the refrigerator for an hour, covering the container with cling film.

Just before serving, add small diced tomatoes to the appetizer.

Salad with melted cheese, mayonnaise, garlic and squid

To prepare such a tasty and satisfying salad, you need to prepare three hundred grams, two chicken eggs and two large cloves of garlic. You will also need one processed cheese, some mayonnaise and herbs.

Squids need to be dipped in salted boiling water. Boil for two minutes after boiling over low heat. Boiled squid must be chopped into strips.

Grate the slightly frozen cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the boiled eggs into cubes and chop the greens into smaller pieces. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Mix all the prepared products and place them in the refrigerator for an hour.

Salad with processed cheese, garlic, mayonnaise and carrots

To prepare such a salad, you need to prepare a couple of processed cheeses, one medium carrot, a couple of cloves of garlic, a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise and some salt.

Grate the frozen cheeses on a coarse grater. Chop the carrots in the same way. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Combine the prepared ingredients, mix them carefully with a fork and season with mayonnaise. Stir again and serve.

This cheese appetizer can be served as a stand-alone salad, on sandwiches, or as an addition to vegetables.

Main ingredients:

100 g hard cheese,
1 egg,
4 cloves of garlic,
1.5 - 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

Depending on the other ingredients, you get completely different snacks. It’s delicious to add to cheese with garlic: fresh tomato or pineapple or shrimp or baked beets or carrots.

Cheese snack recipe:

It's absolutely simple to prepare. You freeze the cheese a little and grate it on a fine, medium or coarse grater - it depends on which pieces you like. If you are going to spread the appetizer on bread, it is better to spread it on a small one, on a salad - on a large one. Separately, about the cheese: the sharpness and taste of the salad greatly depends on the kind of cheese you take, so don’t be greedy, buy a delicious, spicy and aromatic cheese, although processed cheese, in the absence of others, can also be used, you just need to add a little salt. Russian cheese grates well and does not stick to the grater. Using the same grater, grate the hard-boiled eggs.

We press the garlic through a press, or you can finely chop it and crush it with the back of a knife, for some reason it even tastes better. 4 cloves per 100 g of cheese is quite arbitrary; if you like it spicier, add more garlic.

It is also better not to skimp on mayonnaise; it should not interrupt the smell and taste of cheese. Mix everything thoroughly and let it stand under cling film for a couple of hours.

Now about decorating this cheese snack. The salad itself looks quite banal. The easiest way to decorate is to put the cheese mixture on tomato slices, croutons or chips. If you choose the option with chips, it is better to take chips with a minimum amount of flavoring additives.

Or you can make a snowman or round snowballs from the salad; such a design will come in handy for the New Year’s table. If you decide to make snowmen, use minimal mayonnaise so that the figures keep their shape.

Appetizers are served before main courses, as snacks, and are appropriate on a festive table. Cheese appetizer with garlic is one of the most popular.

Tasty, nutritious, simple and healthy - this is how you can describe the dish. Cheese and garlic are the basic ingredients in the recipe. There are a huge number of snacks based on this.

Classic recipe

It will take no more than fifteen minutes to prepare cheese with garlic. There is almost always food in the refrigerator. Required:

  • cheese – 200 g (hard varieties are preferable);
  • garlic – 5 medium cloves;
  • mayonnaise sauce - depending on consistency from 2 to 4 tablespoons.

To prepare the cheese mass, you will need a large grater. Place the grated cheese in a small bowl.

Garlic is crushed using a press or using a fine grater. There is no need to add all of it to the cheese. In the recipe, the calculation is based on the vegetable's medium spicy level. First, add half the mass, mix with mayonnaise, and taste. If the spice is not enough, then add the remaining garlic.

Mayonnaise is also added in parts. The cheese mass should not be dry. Too much mayonnaise will overpower the taste of the cheese.

Before grating the vegetable, you can place a piece of cellophane on the teeth of the grater. The entire mass will concentrate on the cellophane and will be juicy.

An appetizer of cheese with garlic and mayonnaise is placed in a salad bowl. It can be served in portions in bowls. The appetizer on toast looks good. Tartlets filled with prepared treats will suit the festive table.

Important! A 100-gram serving contains about 400 kcal.

There are many options for preparing a cheese snack with garlic. Vegetables, ham, herbs, spices, eggs can be added. You can experiment with different types of cheese.

Cheese balls with sesame seeds

The following ingredients will be required:

  • Adyghe cheese – 200 g
  • one processed cheese;
  • fresh dill and parsley - 4-5 sprigs each;
  • mayonnaise sauce for dressing;
  • sesame seeds – 1 standard bag;
  • You will need 3-5 cloves of garlic.
  1. Both types of cheese are crushed on a coarse grater and mixed. Finely chopped herbs and garlic are added to the mixture.
  2. To add spiciness, you can season with black pepper. If the Adyghe cheese is a bit bland, add some salt to the mixture.
  3. Wet your hands in water and form balls the size of a walnut.
  4. Sesame seeds are pre-fried, transferred to a dish and the workpieces are rolled in them.

Sesame Garlic Cheese Balls look like golden balls and taste great. Advice! To make it more convenient to work with processed cheese, place it in the freezer for a few minutes.

Snack with eggs

Several options are offered. An appetizer with cheese and garlic is prepared for everyone according to the basic version.

  1. First option: Boil the eggs and cool. Peeled eggs are cut into two pieces and the yolks are removed. Protein containers are filled with prepared cheese mass. Pounded yolks are used for decoration. You will need five eggs. The eggs are cut lengthwise to form boats. Yield: ten servings. Advice! If the depressions in the protein are too small, they are corrected with a teaspoon.
  2. Second option: you will need five boiled eggs. Peeled eggs are cut crosswise into circles. The thickness is just under a centimeter. Place the circles on a flat dish. The top is filled with a mixture of garlic and cheese. Garnish with fresh dill.
  3. Third option: cheese and garlic are prepared according to the classic recipe. You will also need three boiled eggs and several sprigs of dill. Peeled eggs are grated on a coarse grater, chopped herbs are added and mixed with cheese and spicy vegetables. Only then is it seasoned with mayonnaise, which needs to be added a little more than in the main recipe.

Cheese appetizer with garlic and egg is offered as a hearty salad or served on tartlets or croutons.

Rolls in lavash

The filling of Druzhba cheese with garlic for this dish can be called ideal. The cheese is soft and soaks the base well. You will need:

  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 2 processed cheese “Druzhba”;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • greens (parsley and dill) and ground pepper - to taste.

You need to use enough mayonnaise so that the mixture does not spread. Cheese and eggs are grated on a medium grater. Garlic and herbs are chopped. Everything is mixed, peppered and seasoned with sauce.

The mass is evenly spread onto the unfolded pita bread. The sheet is rolled into a roll, which is placed in cling foil or film. The tightly closed product is kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

The appetizer of pita bread with cheese and garlic is ready. All that remains is to cut it into portions with a thin knife and serve. Some housewives bake the roll for a few minutes and serve it hot.

Recipes with vegetables

A hint of cheese with garlic seasoning will add piquancy to any vegetables.

carrot snack

Carrots with cheese and garlic can be prepared in two ways. Carrots can be used raw or boiled. You will need:

  • hard cheese 150 g;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • mayonnaise sauce – 3-5 spoons;
  • 1 medium carrot.

The cheese is grated on a medium grater, the garlic is chopped in any way. If you use raw carrots, then grate them on a fine grater. Boiled carrots are chopped in the same way as cheese.

All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with sauce. Serve in a salad bowl, portioned or on sandwiches.

With tomatoes

In first place, in combination with tomatoes, is the Jewish appetizer of processed cheese with garlic. Cooking proportions:

  • one cheese;
  • one hard-boiled egg;
  • two cloves of garlic and high-fat mayonnaise.
  1. Grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater, add chopped hot vegetables and season. The mixture should not spread much.
  2. Tomatoes are cut into thin circles and placed on a plate. For each tomato circle, place a spoonful of Jewish cheese and garlic appetizer.
  3. Tomato slices can be placed on croutons to create juicy, savory sandwiches.

Hot appetizers

Under the influence of temperature, the cheese melts perfectly, and the garlic aroma causes a surge of appetite.

Ham rolls

A snack of processed cheese with garlic goes well with meat. To prepare the rolls you will need to cut the ham. You can replace it with any cut of meat. There is only one requirement - the slices must be thin and long.

The filling is prepared according to the basic snack recipe. Only hard cheese is replaced with processed cheese. The filling is placed on slices of ham and rolled up. Advice! To keep the roll in shape, you can secure it with a regular toothpick.

Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake for about 10 minutes. Serve hot.

Spicy zucchini

A cheese appetizer with garlic can be served with vegetables as an addition. For the recipe you will need a young zucchini and an appetizer according to the basic recipe.

Rinse the zucchini well and cut into circles. Mix flour with salt, roll the circles and fry in oil on both sides. Place the zucchini on a napkin to remove excess oil.

Then place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Each circle is served with a spicy snack. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.

It's not difficult to prepare a snack. There are many cooking variations. Simple and affordable ingredients allow you to quickly serve a delicious and satisfying snack. You can prepare a delicious meal. There are no limits to culinary imagination!