Export from Greece. A Russian was fined for importing Greek cheese in his luggage - what can you take with you when crossing airspace?

Documents for travel to the Schengen zone.

Before your trip, check the following documents:

  1. international passport
  2. Flights
  3. Insurance
  4. Tourist voucher (if you are on a tour)
  5. Bank certificate for export of currency (if you take more than 10 thousand dollars each)
  6. International driver's license (if you rent a car)
  7. Hotel reservations (if traveling on your own)
  8. 50 euros per day per tourist (if traveling on your own).
  9. Power of attorney from the second parent (if the tourist is traveling with a child (children));

Crossing the Russian border.

You must arrive at the airport 2.5 hours before departure. Before boarding, you undergo a customs inspection, during which a customs declaration is filled out. The necessary forms can be picked up on tables or at special counters right in front of the customs line.

Amount up to 3 thousand dollars per tourist is not declared.

An amount from 3 to 10 thousand dollars is declared, and you need to go through the red corridor.

Amounts over $10,000 will require bank documents at customs.

Customs control takes place in the same wing where check-in for the flight takes place.

You check in for the flight, receive a boarding pass, go through border control, and board the plane.

Registration ends 40 minutes before departure.

Customs regulations in Greece.

You can import and export currency unlimitedly, but if you are entering from outside the European Union, amount more than 10,000 EUR must be declared. Export of currency over 1000 EUR is also subject to declaration. To enter the country, you need to have money with you from the calculation 50 EUR for each one for a day. You may be asked to present cash at Greek customs.

Can be freely imported up to 10 kg of food and drinks, for persons over 17 years old up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 100 cigarillos.

From alcoholic drinks also, persons over 17 years of age can import up to a liter of strong drinks or 2 liters of wine, gifts are limited to the amount of 165 EUR, and their value is determined by customs.

Forbidden import into the country drugs and drug-containing preparations, weapons and ammunition without special permission, poisons and plants in the soil. It is prohibited to export archaeological finds from the country, including stones from excavations, as well as any objects found at the bottom of the sea.

It is also prohibited to export objects of flora and fauna of rare and endangered species without special permission. Violation of this rule may result in a serious fine, including criminal liability.

Pets can only be transported with an international veterinary certificate and a vaccination certificate, and it must be issued no later than ten days before traveling to the Schengen zone.

When purchased in Greece fur products , in particular, fur coats, you will need to keep the receipt from the store to present it at customs. You can transport goods for private use in the amount of no more than 65 thousand rubles duty-free to Russia.

It is prohibited to export artifacts or any objects from archaeological excavations from the country. These items will be confiscated at the border; anyone who violates these rules will be held liable, even criminally.

It is allowed to export copies of ancient Greek works of art from Greece, which tourists can buy almost everywhere.

Customs rules of Greece for Russian passengers of international flights. When going through Greek customs, you should understand that Greece is part of Schengen and is a member of the European Union. Naturally, all this has led to the fact that the customs rules of Greece are as close as possible to the standards of customs rules adopted for these organizations. Of course, there are some differences in Greek customs rules, but they relate to exports from the country. The export of funds in excess of 2500 usd (without an import declaration), as well as anything that can be classified as antiquities (including pre-stones), is prohibited. For these violations, Greek customs regulations provide for confiscation and criminal liability as a penalty. When entering Greece, we take into account: duty-free import in the amount of 430 euros for adults and 150 euros for persons under 15 years of age (for passengers arriving by air); restrictions on the import of food products (meat, milk, etc.); control over the circulation of funds starting from 10,000 euros (European Agreement (EC) No. 1889/2005 of June 15, 2007); restrictions on the import of animals and plants (“Washington Agreement on the Protection of Species” and “EU Regulations on theProtection of Species”); list of items prohibited for import into the country. Please understand that customs regulations vary from country to country. And if, when committing or, you are allowed to take out 250g. caviar, then you can only import 150g of it.

Customs rules of Greece for Russian passengers of international flights.

  • Import and export of currency.
  • Customs duties.
  • What can you bring into Greece with exemption from customs duties?

Import and export of currency.

According to European Agreement (EC) No. 1889/2005 of June 15, 2007, an amount over 10,000 euros (or its equivalent) is subject to mandatory declaration and requires the provision of documents on the origin and further use of funds. A person who has cash in excess of the specified amount is obliged to fill out a declaration and notify the customs officer in writing about imported or exported banknotes and coins or other types of banknotes: traveler's checks, postal money orders, securities, including bearer securities, as well as precious metals and stones. If you fail to declare, appropriate punishment will be applied to you, and the funds will be seized. Gold items and jewelry for personal use are imported free of charge up to a certain weight (the value changes, so check the current value before departure on the official website of the Greek customs service); above this norm, all jewelry is already subject to mandatory declaration. Export of currency over 2500 usd is possible if there is a declaration of its import.

What goods are subject to mandatory declaration?

When passing through customs control, you must enter in the customs declaration:
  • goods not intended for personal use.
  • goods imported from outside the EU, the quantity of which exceeds the amount established for exemption from customs duties (tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, medicines and other duty-free goods).
  • goods subject to import bans or restrictions.
If in doubt, you must declare all goods. When entering Greece from non-EU countries and transporting goods purchased in EU countries, you must keep the receipt in order to avoid paying customs duties and taxes again. If you want to transport these goods to another EU country, you will still have to declare them at customs when entering the EU.
Important: If you bring an expensive item (DSLR, laptop, skis, etc.) to Greece for personal use that is in perfect condition (looks like new), be sure to include it in the declaration, as a customs officer may require them to be checked for re-export.

Customs duties.

When importing goods, travelers must pay import taxes, which are taxes on goods purchased abroad. Depending on the product, these include customs duties and other fees such as value added tax, excise taxes on tobacco, beer or alcohol.
The purchase price is the basis for calculating the amount of import duties. Therefore, you should keep receipts or invoices for goods purchased abroad. If you cannot document the purchase price (for example, the product came to you as a gift), market prices will be used as the basis for estimating the purchase price. If the price includes a value added tax amount, this amount will not be included in the calculation basis if you can prove that the goods were exempt from value added tax in the country where the purchase was made and that you, the buyer, are the beneficiaries this liberation. The amount of customs duties, therefore, depends primarily on the value and duty rate.
ATTENTION: Excise duty on tobacco products is calculated based on the retail price.

The following goods for personal use can be imported into the customs territory of Greece with exemption from customs duties:

The following goods for personal use or as a gift can be carried in your personal luggage with an exemption from customs duties:
  • Tobacco products(passenger must be 17 years old or older): 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grams of smoking tobacco.
  • Alcoholic drinks(passenger must be 17 years old or older): 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content of more than 22% or 2 liters of alcoholic drinks and aperitifs, champagne or sparkling wine and liqueurs with an alcohol content of up to 22%. Additionally, you can carry 4 liters of wine (not carbonated) or 16 liters of beer.
  • Medicines: It is allowed to transport medications necessary for the duration of your stay in the country, but no more than three retail packages per person.
  • Other goods: Non-EU citizens can bring personal items needed during their trip into Greece duty-free in the amount of EUR 430 (for air travelers) per calendar day. For persons under 15 years of age, the amount is 150 euros per calendar day. Personal items are understood as objects and things that a foreigner visiting the country uses, consumes or uses for his professional activities. At the same time, the purpose of these things and objects must correspond to the nature and purposes of the trip around the country.

Customs tariff and customs discounts.

If you have already reached your duty-free limit, then special EU customs tariffs will apply to your luggage. A special customs tariff is provided for each product or group of goods. If your luggage contains goods subject to customs duty with a total value of up to 800 euros, then they will be subject to a 2.5% customs duty. This rate does not apply to tobacco products. Before starting the customs procedure, you can apply for the application of EU customs tariffs.
Please note: The rate applied by EU customs may be higher or lower than the flat rate.

Reduced duty rates - in the form of preferential rates of customs duties - apply to goods produced in certain countries, in order to facilitate the import of goods from these countries. A reduction in duty rate means that a lower rate of duty is applied to the goods. In many cases, these reductions actually result in exemptions from customs duties. The full list of countries and goods can be found on the official website of the Greek Customs Service.

Value added tax refund.

As a non-EU traveler, you can apply for a VAT refund on goods purchased in Greece.
Please note the following requirements:
  • The invoice amount (including value added tax) must exceed 75 euros.
  • The document confirming your identity must contain an entry indicating your place of residence outside the EU.
  • The purchased goods must be exported from the EU in your luggage before the end of the third month following the month in which the purchase was made.
  • You must prove your purchase has been exported from the EU by sending the seller their purchase form or invoice with customs confirmation when leaving the EU.
At some border points there are private services that refund tax on your behalf for a fee.

Prohibitions and restrictions on import into Greece.

The import of animals, plants, food, medicine, weapons and other goods is subject to special prohibitions and restrictions. Before traveling, it is advisable to make a request to the customs service about the current rules for importing into Greece.

Regulations on the protection of animals and plants.

At the moment, without documents relating to the protection of endangered species, you can import 125 grams of caviar and 3 rain sticks (shamanic flutes for making rain made from cactus) into Greece. If you are going to import something from the “Washington Agreement on the Protection of Species” or “EU Regulations on the Protection of Species” list into Greece, you will need the appropriate documents at customs. This must be taken into account when purchasing products made from ivory, tropical wood, tortoiseshell, orchids or cacti, since appropriate documents are required for both the export and import of these goods. In order to obtain all the necessary information, you should contact the representative office of the customs authority.

Information regarding the import of products of animal origin.

In the past, meat, meat products and dairy products imported by tourists without inspection have been the cause of repeated outbreaks of animal diseases. The uniform rules applied throughout the European Union since May 2004 have now been revised and replaced by Regulation (EC) No. 206/2009. These conditions apply from 1 May 2009.

The following products may be carried in personal baggage for personal consumption or use:
eggs, honey, bee products, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis, pollen and products made from them up to 2 kg;
fish up to 20 kg or one fish;
trophies of other animals, except ungulates and birds;
decorative feathers for private use for non-commercial purposes;
leather and hides that have undergone a full tanning process;
cookies, bread, cakes, chocolate and confectionery products that do not contain meat products;
Nutritional supplements packaged for the end consumer;
meat extracts and meat concentrates;
olives stuffed with fish;
pasta and noodles without meat products;
pizza without meat and meat products;
soup packaged for the end consumer;
Any other food that does not contain meat or meat products and consists of less than 50% other types of processed animal products (for example, dairy, egg and fish products).

Tourists from our country can take with them a maximum of 2 kg. dairy products for children, baby food and special products required for medical reasons, provided that these products are packaged in original packaging and do not require refrigeration.

Import and export of animals

If you import an animal from a non-EU country, you are required to have the animal examined at the border. Not all customs offices have border veterinary controls, so you should plan your route accordingly.

Without veterinary control at the border, you can transport the following animals (they must not be intended for transfer to third parties):

  • 3 dogs or domestic cats, up to 12 weeks old;
  • 3 dogs or domestic cats over 12 months old with a veterinary certificate;
  • guide dog;
  • 20 aquarium fish;
  • 3 other domestic animals (for example, rabbit, guinea pig, mouse, etc. Ungulates, monkeys, geese, ducks and chickens, pigeons and ostriches, birds of prey and animals are not considered domestic animals.)
The veterinary certificate (vaccination passport) must be either in Greek or with a certified translation and contain the following entries:
  • Name and address of the animal owner,
  • Description of the animal, its breed, gender, age and color
  • Proof of rabies vaccination (with date of vaccination, vaccine manufacturer and vaccine production number), this vaccination must be given at least 30 days and no longer than 1 year before entry.
A tourist from our country can take with him a maximum of 2 kg of special pet food if required for medical reasons, provided that these products are packaged in original packaging and do not require refrigeration.

Allows the import of foreign currency, gold coins and gold freely and without restrictions. Cash in the amount of more than 10,000 € (or the equivalent of this amount in another currency), gold and jewelry made from other precious metals are subject to mandatory declaration at customs.

When entering the country, you must have money with you at the rate of 50 euros per person for each day of stay. Greek customs can check the presence of such an amount, which can be “cash”, in traveler’s checks or on a credit card.

Customs regulations allow duty-free import into Greece (not for commercial use):

  • alcohol - 1 liter of alcoholic beverages (alcohol - more than 22%), or 2 liters of alcoholic beverages (alcohol - up to 22%), or 4 liters of wine, or 16 liters of beer, or a proportional combination of these products;
  • tobacco products - 200 cigarettes, or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars, or 250 gr. smoking tobacco, or a proportional combination of these products (for air passengers); 40 cigarettes, or 20 cigarillos, or 10 cigars, or 50 gr. smoking tobacco, or a proportional combination of these products (for those traveling by other means of transport).

Persons under the age of 17 cannot import tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

Travelers may, for personal use or as gifts, import duty-free goods for which there are no quantitative restrictions in the amount of:

  • 430 euros - upon entry by air and sea transport;
  • 300 euros - when traveling by other types of vehicles;
  • 150 euros - for travelers under 15 years of age (regardless of the type of transport).

For personal use during your stay in the country, Greek customs regulations allow you to import:

  • items of clothing;
  • cameras;
  • portable movie cameras;
  • portable video cameras;
  • portable radios;
  • portable musical instruments;
  • tents and camping equipment;
  • sporting goods (skis, bicycles, tennis rackets, etc.);
  • Personal Computer.

Some prohibitions and restrictions in the customs import rules:

  • Medicines can only be imported for personal use.
  • Meat and dairy products manufactured outside the EU (except for some countries) are prohibited from import. No more than 10 kg of meat, milk and dairy products from Croatia, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and a number of other countries can be imported.
  • Import of fish (gutted) weighing no more than 20 kg.
  • Species of wild flora and fauna listed in the CITES convention are prohibited from importation (for example, tortoise shell, reptile skin, ivory, etc.).
  • To transport fur and leather clothing and shoes from protected species of animals, a special permit is required.
  • Pets must be vaccinated, identified (electronic identification system or branding) and have a veterinary certificate.
  • Baby food, powdered milk for infants and special medical food products manufactured in packaging can be imported if they do not require refrigeration until opened. The total weight of such products should not exceed 2 kg.

Greek customs regulations prohibit the export from the country of antiquities, stones from archaeological sites and objects raised from the bottom of the sea.

Items for personal use are imported duty-free into Greece: shoes and clothing, personal hygiene items, smartphones, laptops, tablet computers, cameras, video cameras.

Please note that according to EU laws, the list of personal belongings does not include eau de toilette and perfume; all this belongs to the “other items” section.

The recommendations of the Greek customs in a separate article talk about bicycles and windsurfing boards. They can be imported duty-free, but subject to personal use and subsequent export from the country. Why do the Greeks pay so much attention to bicycles and boards? We have no idea.


For food products, the European Commission Regulation (RE) No. 206/2009 applies, which supplemented Directive 2002/995/EC.

According to these documents, it is strictly prohibited to import meat products and meat, dairy products and milk into the EU.

Everything is strict with meat. Meat pies, sausage sandwiches, and ham pancakes must be eaten before Greek customs. Any dishes containing meat filling or pieces of meat or minced meat are strictly prohibited.

You can import products with a small content of milk, butter or cream. For example, chocolate, croissants, cookies, muffins and similar baked goods. Almost all sweets are allowed to be imported. Of the prohibited ones, we can only remember ice cream and desserts with a high content of cottage cheese.

An exception is made for baby food. It can be imported up to 2 kilograms per person. But keep in mind that baby food must be in its original packaging and the integrity of the packaging must be preserved.

Fish and seafood can be imported with a limit of up to 20 kilograms. The law has a very interesting explanation: if you are bringing one single fish weighing more than 20 kilograms, then you can import it. It is difficult to imagine a tourist carrying sturgeon or catfish weighing more than 20 kilograms across the border in a suitcase. But if you have to, then know! You have every right to bring it to Greece!

You can import honey and eggs - no more than 2 kilograms per person.

Vegetables, fruits, bread and pastries, cereals and other products of plant origin can be imported without restrictions.


All items in your luggage, excluding alcohol, tobacco and personal items, must not have a total value of more than 430 euros (for an adult) or 150 euros (for a child).

Naturally, customs officers do not count the total cost of each passenger. But if you bring a suitcase full of some light bulbs, lamps, ropes and other items, they will start counting. With the ideology “this will definitely be useful to me,” you may not get through customs. To put it simply, it is better to cure “chronic hoarding syndrome” before traveling to Greece (as well as to any EU country).

Good luck with customs, and read our interesting articles about Greece ( the list below).