The effect of green tea on potency: benefits, harm and brewing rules. Green tea and male power

Green tea is a drink to which, due to ignorance and banal ignorance, a lot of negative properties are attributed. In particular, you can hear about its detrimental effect on male potency and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Is green tea really that bad for men? Let's figure it out together.

First, let's understand what this drink is. is a tea whose fermentation is stopped using hot steam a few minutes after picking. That is why it has a greenish-golden, unsaturated color with strength and a specific taste. It is this method of processing that determines the presence in green tea of ​​a number of substances and enzymes that negatively affect men's health.

What are the harms of green tea for men?

  • High caffeine content. For this reason, the drink is harmful for men, who are more likely than women to be exposed to stress and have a weakened nervous system. A powerful charge of caffeine can cause insomnia, tremors, and weakness.
  • Increased body temperature. The unique properties of the drink, which help accelerate the breakdown of fats, also have the opposite effect - a significant increase in body temperature, which provokes trembling, chills, and malaise.
  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcers. High acidity is one of the indicators of the harm of green tea for men with peptic ulcers. Sometimes a cup of strongly brewed drink is enough for another attack.
  • Significant decrease in pressure. The product contains theophyllines and theobromines, which dilate blood vessels and provoke a rapid decrease in blood pressure. For the same reason, the drink is not recommended for men suffering from hypertension and heart disease.
  • Polyphenol content. Inherently harmless substances with excessive consumption of green tea can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The drink is not recommended for men with diseases of the urinary system.

Is the devil as scary as he is portrayed to be?

The obvious conclusion arises: green tea, like any other product, is good when consumed in moderation. Under no circumstances should they replace all the liquid in your daily diet. Separately, we note that the harm of green tea for men, namely its effect on potency, not confirmed not in any of the hundreds of clinical trials. Therefore, let’s pay attention to the rules for choosing and drinking a drink:

  • Buy only high-quality green tea;
  • It is best if it is leafy;
  • Consume it within 15 minutes after brewing;
  • Don't drink green tea too hot;
  • Try not to brew it too strong;
  • Drink no more than 5 cups of drink per day;
  • Do not re-brew tea bags or tea leaves.

Following these extremely simple rules will help you avoid any problems associated with drinking green tea. Let us remind you that drinking it is still not recommended for men suffering from diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and urinary systems, as well as low blood pressure and peptic ulcers.

Since ancient times, information has been received about the beneficial properties of green tea. It has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years to treat many ailments.

The benefits of the drink have been confirmed by scientists. Green tea contains about 500 chemical elements (among them: zinc, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). The alkaloid caffeine gives energy, increases performance, and stimulates mental and physical activity.

Beneficial features

Only a high-quality product, especially one purchased in China, can be beneficial. Crushed tea leaves in bags lose their beneficial properties; under the influence of oxygen, oxidation processes occur in it. The quality of the leaves in this tea is low.

Caffeine, found in green tea, improves blood circulation, eliminates headaches, and has a mild diuretic effect. It promotes the rapid removal of alcoholic products from the body, so it can provide invaluable benefits for hangovers.

Green tea, drunk before drinking alcohol, helps reduce the degree of intoxication and eliminate headaches in the morning. It is not recommended to drink this drink simultaneously with alcohol: mixing may have a negative effect on kidney function.

Green tea has a beneficial effect on male potency(raises it and supports it). This is facilitated by a high concentration of zinc, which increases testosterone levels. Not every variety is capable of stimulating sexual activity. There are several that affect potency:

  • "Pumpkin seeds"- differs from other types of tea in production technology, contains a large number of microelements, helps increase tone in the body;
  • "Dragon Well"- one of the ten famous types of tea, the content of useful compounds is twice as high as other varieties, increased potency is achieved due to the high tannin content;
  • "Kudin"- reduces blood pressure, cholesterol in the blood, improves vision, increases potency and relieves hangover.

Catechins Green tea contains strong antioxidants and promotes the breakdown of fats. Men who want to lose extra pounds are recommended to drink this drink regularly. In addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the risk of strokes, heart attacks, thrombus formation and hardening of the arteries decreases.

Catechin flavonoids
slow down the aging process, lower blood pressure, improve intestinal functions. The amino acid theanine is an antagonist of caffeine and has a calming effect. It is a natural antidepressant that has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Due to theanine, in the case of regular consumption of green tea, men's sleep is normalized and depression disappears.

For men involved in sports, this drink increases endurance during physical activity. And after training it quenches thirst well. According to scientists from Holland, with regular consumption of this drink, thought processes are accelerated and attention is concentrated.

For men who do not want to take medications, green tea can provide significant support: the vitamins it contains will replenish their deficiency in the body. For colds, the drink has an antipyretic effect and enhances lung ventilation.. However, you should not get too carried away with it: it significantly increases the load on the heart.

Tea will help cope with eye fatigue caused by prolonged work at the computer. To do this, cotton pads soaked in chilled tea infusion should be placed on the eyelids and held for several minutes.

By drinking green tea, you can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease (the substances included in its composition block enzymes that destroy acetylcholine).

Possible harm and contraindications for use

If consumed in moderation, this drink will not cause harm.(just remember that in China they only drink green tea). If consumed frequently in large quantities, people suffering from hypotension, may experience an even greater drop in blood pressure. Green tea contains alkaloids (theobromine, theophylline), which have a vasodilating effect.

A strong infusion of green tea, on the contrary, increases blood pressure and can cause insomnia. People suffering from nervous exhaustion should not drink this tea.(it can lead to an even greater loss of strength and cause chronic insomnia).

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can increase appetite, cause heartburn or nausea (in case of dysfunction of the digestive system).

It is also not recommended to take medications with tea: their effect will be reduced under the influence of the drink. Drinking mint along with green tea can cause weakening of potency in men.

How to drink it correctly?

To get maximum results, you should consume green tea correctly. You need to drink it hot, in small sips. Before taking the first sip, experts advise holding the cup to your face to feel its aroma.

If the tea is brewed correctly, it will not be too hot, and its taste will be good in the mouth. In the East, during the tea ceremony, people are not in a hurry; they immerse themselves in the inner world and reflect.

Prepare tea according to the rules

It is not recommended to use metal or plastic kettles: the taste and aroma of tea in them will be questionable. The Chinese are sure that the ideal utensils should be earthenware; if this is not available, porcelain can be used.

The kettle intended for brewing should be warmed up (rinsed with boiling water). If this is not done, when water enters a cold kettle, its temperature will change and the taste of the tea will become different.

The water should not have foreign impurities (ideally spring water); you can use filtered water. It is necessary to use one that has been boiled once (it is not allowed to use heated water or boiled water again). Boiled water should cool slightly (to 70 degrees), boiling water gives bitterness to the tea.

Cover the teapot with a lid and a napkin on top (to better preserve the aroma of tea and essential oils). Wait 1 minute and you can drink the aromatic drink. After 3-4 minutes, you can brew the tea again.

Each type of tea has a specific brewing time, it ranges from 30 seconds to 1 minute. If you keep it longer, bitterness will appear (due to the large amount of tannins). This tea should not be brewed again: its aroma has disappeared.

Asian Noon Tea

Green tea (12 teaspoons) pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil over low heat. Add milk (200 ml), continue cooking for 10 minutes.

Ginger tea

Place fresh ginger root in water (1 cup), add a slice of lemon, heat over low heat until boiling. Mix with freshly brewed green tea. You can add honey to taste.

Green tea must be stored correctly. Paper bags are not suitable for this purpose: they do not close tightly, and the aroma will gradually disappear. The container for storing tea should be opaque (the taste deteriorates when exposed to light) and tightly closed.

Among the many drinks that we are used to quenching thirst or drinking with meals, green tea occupies a special place. More and more people who maintain a healthy lifestyle prefer it to other drinks. But what is the secret of the growing popularity, and what are the benefits and harms of green tea for men, not everyone knows.

Tea composition

Since ancient times, green tea has been considered not only healthy, but also a medicinal drink. It tones and refreshes, helping to maintain energy throughout the day. When used correctly, it not only helps conserve energy, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. The effectiveness of the drink lies in the fact that it contains many useful substances.


Green tea contains caffeine and tannin, which form theine when interacting with each other. It is this substance that makes the drink a kind of stimulant. Theine acts longer and more mildly than caffeine, without creating additional stress on the cardiovascular system.


Green tea leaves contain quercetin, kaempferol and catechins. These are plant polyphenols that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. One of the catechins is epigallocatechin gallate. According to recent studies by American scientists, this substance affects carcinogenic factors - it has an antitumor effect, preventing the growth and appearance of cancer cells.


The presence of micro and macroelements (fluorine, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, chromium) helps replenish the lack of minerals. Tea maintains mineral balance in the male body, which regulates the functioning of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, and also helps keep teeth, hair, and nails healthy.


Green tea leaves are rich in vitamins P, C, K, E, B1, B2, A. The content of vitamin P in tea raw materials promotes the preservation and absorption of ascorbic acid (C), which helps strengthen the immune system, protect cells from the penetration of free radicals and premature aging . B vitamins regulate protein-carbohydrate metabolism and ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

The leaf contains enzymes that promote digestion, as well as amino acids that take part in the formation and absorption of protein compounds. Green tea for men is useful because its daily consumption helps stabilize the functioning of many systems, and even prevent the development of certain pathologies.

INTERESTING! Green jasmine tea has a stronger tonic effect, and the aroma of the flower stimulates mental activity.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of the drink made from green tea leaves are known not only to the keepers of ancient recipes. Research by modern scientists from around the world has found that the benefits of green tea for men are obvious in the following cases:

  • Tones the body, stimulates nervous and mental processes. Has an anti-stress effect.
  • Reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and ischemic heart pathologies.
  • Reduces pressure, cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, strengthens and tones their walls. Removes excess cholesterol from the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in bone, cartilage and soft tissues.
  • Useful for metabolic disorders and excess weight. Proper consumption speeds up metabolism and contributes to the gradual loss of kilograms.
  • Reduces the number of pathogenic formations in the brain by 50% in men with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Used to prevent colds and viral diseases.

An important factor indicating the benefits of drinking this drink is the effect of green tea on a man’s potency. Thanks to zinc, which is part of the tea leaf, testosterone production is enhanced. This fact, as well as the combination of anti-stress and general strengthening effects, lead to increased libido and increased potency. With regular consumption of green tea, an erection can not only be restored, but also strengthened.

IMPORTANT! Catechin gallate, present in green tea, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 80% and reduces the number of affected cells.

Contraindications and side effects

There are a few restrictions under which you should not drink green tea, or caution is required when consuming this drink. These include:

  1. Hypotension and hypertension. The drink is not recommended for persistently low blood pressure, as it has the ability to lower blood pressure. With high blood pressure, blood pressure may increase due to the action of caffeine, which is part of theine.
  2. Kidney diseases, urolithiasis. Tea has a diuretic effect, so it can provoke a violation of the outflow of urine and the movement of stones.
  3. Increased acidity, with gastrointestinal diseases. Enzymes stimulate the formation of gastric juice and increase acidity, which can cause exacerbation of gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  4. Heart diseases. With exacerbation of angina and ischemic conditions, drinking green tea is not recommended.
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with inflammation of cartilage tissue. A strongly brewed drink affects the level of uric acid, which increases and contributes to the development of inflammatory processes.

Since the drink has an invigorating effect, it is not advisable to drink tea before bed or give it to children. When taking medications and green tea at the same time, the effect of the drugs may be impaired due to possible oxidation of the drug. Tea that is too strong or left to sit for a long time can cause nausea and heartburn.

Folk use

One of the interesting qualities of green tea is its relief from hangover syndrome. It helps quench thirst and quickly eliminate toxins after drinking alcohol. But, contrary to popular belief, simultaneous intake of alcohol and green tea cannot neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Recipe for relieving hangover

1 tsp. pour 50 ml of hot but not boiling water over the tea leaves, leave for 1-2 minutes. Strain the infusion and divide in half. Add 50 ml of warm or hot water to both parts. Drink the first portion of tea in small sips. Add 1 tsp to the second portion. honey and a slice of lemon. Drink 10-15 minutes after the first one.

In folk medicine, since the times of ancient China, the benefits of the drink for male strength have been known. It is generally accepted that green tea and potency are interrelated, because the drink has an extremely positive effect on erectile function. To restore potency, it is recommended to drink green tea regularly for several months, and to prolong an erection - 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Recipe for potency

1 tsp. green tea pour 200 ml of boiled, but not boiling, water. Leave for no more than 2 minutes, drink slowly, in small sips. To enhance the effect, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, a small piece of ginger or 1 tsp to the tea. honey Also, when brewing, it is recommended to mix dry tea leaves with 0.5 tsp. dried fireweed herb (fireweed).

Green tea for prostatitis

For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, the drink helps relieve inflammation and reduce the spread of pathology. The tea should be brewed in the same way as in the recipe for potency, but you should drink it without additives, 3 times a day, after meals.

Green tea can also be used as a cosmetic product. External use of the infusion helps relieve redness and swelling, helps with hair loss and inflammation of the eyes.

The beneficial effects of a drink made from green leaves of a tea bush appear after 2-3 months of regular and correct use. To achieve a positive effect, you need to brew and drink it following certain rules:

  • Brew tea in a warm, preferably porcelain container.
  • Use soft water that does not contain impurities.
  • Use only high-quality tea leaves, at the rate of 1 tsp. for 150 ml of water.
  • The tea leaves should be poured with boiled water, cooled to 85–70 0 C.
  • The brewing time for green tea should not exceed 1-2 minutes.

It is not recommended to drink green tea that has been brewed or left to sit for more than 30 minutes. Tannins accumulate in such a drink, and beneficial elements are destroyed.

Constant consumption of green tea has a beneficial effect on both the general condition of the male body and mental abilities. You should not exceed the recommended amount of the drink (up to 600 ml per day), since the effect is achieved gradually.

Since ancient times, green tea has been consumed not just as a drink, but as a medicine. Today, millions of people drink it around the world. It is also perfectly used in medicine and cosmetology.

Properties of green tea

Green tea has many beneficial properties. Thanks to it, you can strengthen and rejuvenate the body. Tea fights liver and kidney diseases. Many people who are overweight drink it instead of water because it cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Green tea is especially beneficial for men. Is there any harm from it? It’s unlikely, since after conducting research, scientists have proven that tea, due to its beneficial properties, can have a positive effect on the human body.

  • Prevents the occurrence of infectious diseases.
  • Restores metabolic processes.
  • Heals wounds.
  • Removes cholesterol.
  • Treats arthritis and sclerosis.
  • Prevents cancer.
  • Used for weight loss.
  • Fights the appearance of caries.
  • It is a preventive measure for hypertension.

Thanks to the presence of vitamin P, regular tea drinking can prevent allergies.

Rules for brewing green tea

For tea to be beneficial, it must be brewed correctly. The water must be at least 85 degrees; if you pour boiling water over the tea, then most of the beneficial components will disappear. The brew is infused for 5-7 minutes; it is recommended to drink tea without sugar.

There are recipes for preparing green tea for men to improve their potency. To do this, combine the drink with walnuts. To restore, you can prepare a decoction of green tea with ginger. To do this, take equal parts of tea leaves and ground ginger root (2 tablespoons each), add one liter of water at 85 degrees and leave for 15 minutes. You can sweeten the drink with honey.

Everyone knows that excess weight only brings harm to the stronger sex, and the benefits of green tea for men will come in handy here. To get rid of beer belly, you can try drinking green in the morning. This drink promotes blood renewal and reduces appetite.

Tip: tea and cinnamon should be brewed separately, since it only takes 10 minutes for the tea to brew, and cinnamon reaches its maximum effect after 30 minutes.

Benefits of green tea for men

There are practically no contraindications for drinking this miraculous drink, since it does not cause harm, and the benefits of green tea for men have also been well studied. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese drink green tea throughout their lives. These people understand perfectly well that the drink is beneficial, and this is especially true for the male half. Green tea contains a sufficient amount of zinc, which in turn promotes good production of testosterone, the male hormone. Without this element, some chemical processes in the male body are impossible.

Another positive fact is that tea is able to remove dangerous radiation from the body that comes from household appliances - TV, mobile phone, computer, etc.

Harm from green tea

Despite its positive characteristics, the drink sometimes causes harm, and the benefits of green tea for men are absent. This applies to situations if you drink tea in a strong concentration, since such a drink can provoke a sharp drop in blood pressure. This tea contains caffeine and is not recommended for use by people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

You should be careful not to consume green tea in astronomical quantities. The benefits and harms of this drink for men are interrelated, and therefore, if you feel unwell after drinking a cup of tea, you should stop drinking it or reduce the dosage of the tea leaves.

Use of tea in folk medicine

Observing how green tea brings positive effects to the body, people began to use it in folk medicine.

  1. If you take one glass of tea twice a day before meals, you can strengthen blood vessels and prevent internal hemorrhages and blood clots.
  2. If conjunctivitis occurs, the eyes can be wiped with tea leaves. It is also useful for her to rinse her mouth to strengthen her gums and prevent caries.
  3. Cooled tea leaves can be used to moisten cotton swabs and apply them to burns.
  4. To get rid of colitis, it is recommended to take two tablespoons of strong tea leaves after meals.
  5. Dysentery can be cured with green tea infusion. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of tea and pour one liter of cold water over it, then put it on the fire and boil for one hour. Strain the infusion and take two tablespoons 5 times a day.
  6. If you drink at least one cup of tea a day for one year, you can lose 5-6 kilograms of excess weight. In this case, you do not need to follow any diets.

Preference should be given to natural leaf varieties of tea, since no benefits will be observed from drinking the drink in bags, and the harm of green tea for men and women will be the same. After all, only tea of ​​poor quality is packaged in bags and does not contain useful substances.

The effect of green tea on the male body

The article said that the harm and benefits of green tea for men are the same. And yet, its correct use has a positive effect on the entire body. Particular attention should be paid to the effect of tea on potency in men.

As mentioned above, tea contains a large amount of zinc, which is responsible for maintaining potency. But if you drink for too long, then you will experience a deterioration in your health and some kind of sexual dysfunction. This is due to the presence of caffeine in green tea. There is no need to worry about this, just stop drinking tea and all processes will return to normal on their own.

Men who drink this drink suffer less from cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications for drinking tea

Before you start drinking green tea, you should be aware of your health status, since even this miraculous drink has contraindications for use. Studies have proven that the drink has more than just benefits. And the harm of green tea for men (reviews from experts indicate this) can be no less.

  • It is contraindicated for hypotension (low blood pressure). In this case, it should be consumed in small quantities and in low concentration.
  • It is also harmful for ulcers and high acidity.
  • Use is not recommended for insomnia, tachycardia and increased excitability of the nervous system.
  • It is unacceptable to drink tea in large doses, since such consumption of the drink can lead to the appearance of kidney stones.

You should listen carefully to these tips, since green tea has been known since ancient times. The benefits and harms for men have been thoroughly studied and it is used not only as a pleasant drink, but also for medicinal purposes.

Legends about green tea

Green tea has been around for quite a long time, and no one knows for sure where it came from. Therefore, tea has become legendary. The most interesting:

  • In ancient China, there lived a monk in a monastery who decided to pray throughout his life without the slightest rest. After a while he got tired, and his eyelids closed on their own and he fell asleep. After the monk woke up, his anger was very strong, and without hesitation he took a knife and cut his eyelids so that they would no longer close. According to legend, the eyelids turned into green tea leaves. Therefore, this tea has an invigorating effect.
  • In China there was a doctor who was fond of medicinal herbs. He collected them, dried them, made all possible decoctions, and experienced the effect of some on himself. Everything worked out for him, but one day he got poisoned. The exhausted doctor walked along the path until he fell under a tree. Juice began to drip from the branch into his open mouth, and after a while he completely recovered. After this, he is considered the discoverer of green tea.

Use of green tea in everyday life

Green tea has found its use in everyday life. If there are no disinfectants on hand and you urgently need to treat the cut, then you can wash the damaged area with strong tea leaves. It contains tannins, which can fully replace hydrogen peroxide.

  • Burns caused by exposure to sunlight should be moistened with a solution of green tea. True, such a recipe is little studied, but it proves its effectiveness in practice.
  • Tea helps cope with diseases of the respiratory system, so it will help cope with colds. In addition, it can be used to rinse the nasopharynx, like any saline solution. It is not recommended to drink it at fever.

The conclusion from this article is that if you drink tea in reasonable quantities, it will only bring benefits to men. Tea originates in China, and everyone knows about the size of the Chinese population - it is simply impossible to count them. They are the ones who recommend green tea for men. Is there any benefit from it? We can say with confidence - yes!

There are many legends about green tea; according to one of them, one Buddhist monk vowed not to sleep for nine years, but a few days before the end of the period he still fell asleep. Waking up, the monk angrily removed both eyelids with a sword and threw them to the ground. From them a plant emerged that miraculously banished sleep. This is how green tea came to be.

In China, people have been drinking only green tea for thousands of years.

Before we talk about whether green tea is harmful or how healthy it is, we note that tea in China, the birthplace of this drink, means green varieties, and they practically don’t drink black tea there. In addition, you need to understand that green tea bags sold in the supermarket have very different properties from loose green tea. And tea bought in China will have more beneficial properties than teas sold in Russia, because... in the Celestial Empire they know how to store this product in the best way and how to use it correctly.

Those who want to know if green tea is harmful need not worry because... When used in moderation, this product has no negative side effects. But when brewing more than one spoon of raw material per glass of boiling water, some men may experience unpleasant surprises.

First of all, hypotensive patients (patients with low blood pressure) may suffer, because The theophyllines and theobromines contained in this drink (alkaloids with a vasodilating effect) lower blood pressure to an even greater extent. It is also not recommended to drink strong green tea for those men who have ulcers with high acidity. In this case, increased secretion of acid in the stomach after even one cup can aggravate existing painful conditions.

Is green tea harmful for heart patients, nervous, excitable men, the stronger sex with signs of insomnia or tachycardia? Of course, it is harmful due to the fact that green tea significantly tones the vascular system and therefore is considered, not without reason, a stimulant. It is not recommended to drink it instead of all the daily fluid (as is sometimes fashionable to do when playing sports), because. The polyphenols contained in this drink, in high concentrations, can damage the liver or cause kidney stones.

There is an opinion that green tea is harmful to men's health. But this position has not found any confirmation in medical research.

The green variety of tea is known for lowering blood pressure, and problems with potency in 40% of cases are observed precisely with high blood pressure.

A number of factors on which the benefits and harms of tea depend

The benefits and harms of green tea often depend on the temperature of its brewing and infusion time, on additional ingredients. It is believed that tea consumed two minutes after brewing gives an stimulating effect, after 5 minutes it has a calming effect, and a little later the essential oils from the cup of infusion evaporate and the tea loses its properties.

That is why an infusion that is consumed no more than 15 minutes after brewing is considered useful. Ideally, you should drink it either half an hour before meals or half an hour after meals. If the tea leaves have stood for several hours, then it is not recommended to drink it, nor is it recommended to boil it additionally after 5-6 hours. It is assumed that during this period various bacteria can already settle in the tea solution, which answers the question of why green tea that has been standing for a long time is harmful.

The benefits and harms of green tea will depend on whether it is fake or original. Few men, or even women, realize that real Chinese green tea, which has maximum beneficial properties, will never be labeled “Made in China.” The original product is labeled “Product of the People's Republic of China” indicating the province where the drink mixture was produced. Indian teas may be labeled indicating the country of origin, but such labels can only be trusted if there is an indication of a large Indian company like STS.

To experience high-quality tea, you need to know that the label “orthodox” means “hand-picked,” the label “pure” means tea of ​​one variety, and “blended” means a mixture of varieties. And on luxury teas there is the inscription “first” or “second leaf”, which means the predominance of only certain upper leaves, selected by hand. These teas are not cheap. For example, the most expensive tea was sold in Hong Kong in 2005 at a price of 685 thousand dollars per kg.

Those men who are ready to fork out for loose quality tea will not waste their money. The benefits of green tea for men (and women) have been proven for thousands of years. This drink perfectly invigorates and helps with headaches, while the tannin contained in tea does not stay in the body for long and, unlike coffee, has a much gentler effect.

The tea decoction helps type 2 diabetics because... it reduces sudden changes in blood sugar levels. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels due to the tannins contained in the drink (they give a tart taste), which becomes important for any person with age. A tea cup is a vessel that contains an excellent cure for sclerosis due to the fact that tea prevents fat-like substances from depositing on the walls of blood vessels and dissolves existing formations. The effect of green tea for stomach upsets is also recognized as beneficial. tea components have a certain ability to suppress putrefactive processes (you need to drink a strong infusion for a couple of days).

What are the benefits of green tea for health and at home?

A decoction of green tea for men may be of interest if a wound appears and there are no disinfectants at hand. In this case, you can brew a very strong decoction and rinse it. Tannins here will play the role of coagulants, as in the case of hydrogen peroxide, only somewhat weaker.

For men who like to keep things simple, green tea can also come in handy as a remedy for sunburn. In case of excessive burning, all you need to do is brew strong tea, cool it quickly and moisten the affected areas with the resulting solution. The recipe is considered effective, but little known.

Green tea is also considered beneficial for colds, because... it has an antipyretic effect, expands the airways, enhancing pulmonary ventilation, and promotes disinfection of the nasopharynx. You need to drink it, the more, the better. But the harm of green tea is obvious at high temperatures, because... it puts a lot of stress on the heart, and in this case it is better to abandon it.

Healthy green tea appears to help prevent Alzheimer's disease, which is characterized by decreased levels of acetylcholine in the brain. Green tea is noted as a drink whose components block three enzymes that destroy acetylcholine, which allows healthy people to maintain their good condition longer.

What else is green tea good for? This drink will be a great help for those representatives of the stronger sex who do not want to take pills, but want to stay in shape, because... it contains a large amount of vitamins that help get rid of vitamin deficiency. You can even treat computer-tired eyes with tea if you apply cotton pads soaked in a strong decoction to them. Therefore, the harm of green tea for men when consumed wisely is minimal, and the benefits can be very large.