Vitamin mixture with honey, nuts and dried fruits recipe. Magic Blend to Boost Immunity

Acute respiratory viral infections lie in wait for all people, especially children, as well as women and men with weak immune systems. Today, pharmacies sell many different medications that contain various vitamins. Firstly, such products are very expensive, and secondly, these are not natural preparations. But you want your child to consume natural vitamins. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when the peak of colds occurs.

Today we will talk about an excellent remedy for strengthening the body’s defenses, which every woman can prepare. This is an immunity boosting mixture made from dried fruits. We will also determine what products are included in this natural medicine and what properties each component has.

When does a delicious combination of vitamins come in handy?

A mixture for boosting immunity from dried fruits will come in handy during colds, viral infections, or simply when after winter, there are no longer any natural healthy fruits and vegetables on store shelves, so you need to replenish your vitamin reserves from home-prepared foods.

The vitamin mixture is useful if a person has conditions such as:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.
  • General malaise.
  • Brittle nails, hair loss.
  • Peeling of the skin.

What is included in the natural immunostimulating agent?

The mixture consists of the following ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • walnuts and dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins).

These are the main components, but you can put figs, dates, and prunes there. Instead of walnuts, it is recommended to use cashews, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts, etc. By the way, the latter help with pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Cashews can lower blood cholesterol levels. They also, unlike most nuts, do not cause allergies. And delicious almonds contain the same amount of organic acids as walnuts. Therefore, you can experiment and add your favorite products to taste.

Recipe for preparing a vitamin mixture

For a standard preparation you will need the main ingredients: nuts, raisins, honey, dried apricots and lemon. Dried fruits and nuts are taken in the same quantity - 200 grams each. Then you will need 3 tablespoons of honey. The lemon should be medium in size.

Rules for preparing the vitamin mixture:

The resulting mixture of dried fruits, honey and lemon to enhance immunity must be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tightly sealed lid.

  • It is advisable to heat the nuts in a frying pan or in the oven before chopping. By the way, walnuts are ideal for a vitamin mixture, the price of which, however, has recently increased significantly. Today, in large supermarkets, peeled fruits can be bought for 600 rubles per 1 kg. But you can do it differently: go to the market and buy walnuts from your grandmothers. The price in this case will be several times lower than in the store. In addition, grandmothers will also pour an extra handful of nuts into the bag.
  • It is advisable to pre-soak the dried fruits used to prepare the mixture (raisins, dried apricots, prunes and dates). This must be done if these ingredients are dry.

  • You cannot eat this mixture dry, it is very sweet. Ideal to combine it with tea.
  • This natural product is especially useful for people who have hard physical work.
  • People who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not add lemon to the mixture, because it is, in fact, an acid.
  • In order for children to devour healthy medicine with interest, mother can make sweets from it. To do this, you need to roll small balls and roll them in coconut flakes. You will see how the child himself will ask for such a tasty treat.

How to take a natural immunostimulant?

The vitamin mixture will appeal to both adults and children. This remedy should be taken in the following dosage:

  • Children over 3 years old - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • Adults - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Children under 3 years old should not be given this mixture, as it contains allergens such as honey and nuts. But you can go the other way: instead of honey, put berry jam, and don’t add nuts at all.

Properties of dried apricot

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are great. This dried fruit is rich in fructose, sucrose and glucose, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, pectin, as well as organic acids that remove heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body. Dried apricots act on the body as follows:

  • Helps quickly recover after surgery by replenishing iron reserves.
  • Reduces the negative impact after using antibacterial drugs during illness.
  • Replenishes the supply of vitamins in the body, due to which the immune system begins to work better.
  • It increases the formation of blood cells, so this dried fruit is recommended for people suffering from anemia.
  • Frees the body of toxins and is an excellent diuretic.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • It is an excellent preventative against the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  • Supports normal hormonal levels.

But despite all the positive aspects, the benefits of dried apricots for the body can decrease, and dried fruit can even harm a person if he chooses the wrong one. So, some sellers treat it with chemicals in order to increase the shelf life of the product and improve its appearance. Therefore, you need to buy dried apricots only in trusted places. And this dried fruit should not be taken by people suffering from obesity or having an allergic reaction to it (rash, swelling, itching).

Properties of walnut

This is an excellent ingredient for a vitamin mixture, due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Walnuts increase the overall tone of the body. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and brain, prevents the aging process, has a hypoglycemic and antitumor effect, and improves blood viscosity.

Properties of beekeeping product

Lemon, honey, dried apricots - these ingredients of the mixture contain vitamins A, B, P, potassium, copper, pectins. But most of these useful elements are found in beekeeping products. Even small children know that honey is beneficial. This product improves immunity and has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

People who constantly use honey to restore the body's defenses report high performance and excellent mood. And this only means that a person is strong from the inside, he has a strong immune system. After all, those people who often suffer from respiratory diseases complain of bad mood, fatigue, and honey improves appetite, activates brain activity, and restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Important condition! This beekeeping product must be natural. Only then will a mixture of dried fruits, nuts and honey to boost immunity be truly valuable.

Useful properties of raisins

Dried grapes contain almost the same vitamins as dried apricots. In addition, raisins contain a biotone called Dried grape fruits are very rich in potassium and sodium.

Useful properties of raisins:

  • This product contains a lot of iron, so it is recommended for anemia.
  • Boron, which is part of raisins, promotes normal absorption of calcium in the body. Therefore, people with osteochondrosis and osteoporosis are recommended to take dishes with dried grapes.
  • Raisins contain a lot of potassium, so they should be consumed by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • And most importantly, this product contains many antioxidants, in particular oleanolic acid. It is this that protects the body’s cells from free radicals, thereby strengthening the human immune system.
  • Raisins help with colds and help quickly relieve symptoms of ARVI: sore throat, cough, nasal congestion.

Properties of lemon

This citrus helps with colds: it prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps fight ARVI.

B vitamins found in lemon reduce fatigue, normalize sleep, relieve depression, and give a person vigor. Vitamin A, also found in this citrus fruit, is good for vision. And lemon zest improves digestion and reduces gas formation.

Benefits of the mixture

Such a tasty medicine should definitely be made for people whose immunity is compromised, or for mothers raising small children. The advantages of such a home product:

  • Naturalness of the drug.
  • 100% result.
  • Acceptable price. Medicines sold in pharmacies are much more expensive than this homemade mixture. In addition, most of them are not natural, which means they can lead to allergic reactions.


Nuts and dried fruits, honey and lemon are a storehouse of useful elements, the consumption of which improves a person’s immunity, and he does not suffer from viral respiratory diseases even during a flu epidemic. This healthy mixture can be prepared at home. Now you don’t need to go to the pharmacy in search of the best remedy for your immune system.

Good day, dear guests of this site!And since you are here, it means that you are seriously concerned about the topic of immune protection. Yes, it is at this time of year that it is more relevant than ever.

With the arrival of spring, during the off-season, various sores “creep out”, old diseases worsen and the body needs help.

And this happens against the background of weakened immunity associated with vitamin deficiency, lack of hardening, short stay in the fresh air and lack of the amount of fresh greens necessary for the body.

And here - then a wonderful mixture of nuts and dried fruits with honey for immunity can come as an assistant.How the strengthening mixture works, let's look at all the components of its usefulness.

I must say that the medicine in the form of a mixture of dried fruits combined with honey is a real vitamin “bomb” that will help cope with the onslaught of viruses and microbes. In addition, this medicine can raise hemoglobin levels, normalize blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels and take care of the heart in the most reliable way.

The secret code for the benefits of the “magic” mixture is in its microelement and vitamin composition, which is perfectly preserved in products even when dried. This advantage gives us the opportunity to store the mixture for a long time, use it at any time of the year and thereby provide it with an energy supply of vitamins and other useful substances.

Vitamin mixture can serve not only as an immune booster. Since fruits have a certain amount of sugar, for people with an active lifestyle and paying attention to weight and figure, it can easily replace sweets. It brings considerable pleasure to those who use it. This healthy treat contains a large amount of fiber, which means your intestines will be in order.

Today there is no problem in selecting a varied composition of the dry mixture. The counters of markets and shops are full of dried fruits for every taste. But we will talk about the most traditional composition, which works as hard as possible to lift immune properties of the body.

  • Dried apricots and dried apricots are an essential component of any vitamin set. It contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, potassium, glucose and vitamin groups. In addition to its benefits for the immune system, it can positively influence the condition of blood vessels, including the brain, which means memory improves and brain activity is activated. Dried apricots help cleanse the intestines, prevent anemia, strengthen the skin, hair and nails. Vitamins B and C replenish us with energy and performance.
  • Figs are a true source of calcium and potassium, which prevents nervous system disorders from developing. Cholesterol levels will decrease if you consume figs regularly. It will miraculously relieve coughs and stand as a faithful guardian to protect the immune system.
  • Dried raisins or grapes. This remedy is not overestimated, since it is rich in proteins and fats, if the internal energy potential runs out and a person experiences a loss of strength from physical activity. Bones and blood vessels will be stronger, and the nervous system will be calm.
  • Prunes are an excellent laxative and protect against the microbial environment, various types of E. coli and salmonella. It can lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system with its mineral composition.
  • Dates replenish the dwindling energy source of strength, increase mental functions, and its tryptophan (amino acid) serves as a stimulant for the production of the mood hormone- serotonin.

The mixture is healing and not in short supply, quite affordable for any wallet; it will bring a lot of benefits during periods of acute shortage of fresh fruits, it can replace medications and bring taste pleasure.

Like any medicine, there are contraindications.

Who should not eat dried fruits and when?

  • Obese people should avoid this set. Calorie content it is quite high, and this will negatively affect the body. It is enough to give the following figures: per 100 grams of the above dried fruits there are from 215 to 292 kcal.
  • For diabetes mellitus, a mixture of dried fruits and honey can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar in a person, because the ingredients contain a lot of glucose.
  • If you have an intestinal ulcer or an exacerbation of the duodenum, refrain from any fruit, such food is too hard to digest.
  • In case of an individual allergic reaction to products.

Dried fruits belong to heavy foods, so their consumption should not exceed the norm. The best thing is mixtures according to certain recipes and proportions.

There is more than one recipe for preparing healing ingredients; they are all quite varied. Each of them can have different proportions. You can reduce or add different types of dried fruits at your discretion.

It depends on what you want to focus on, which disease should be countered first. But absolutely all recipes have one common advantage.– they reliably protect the body from the penetration of infectious viruses and microbes and improve its immune properties.

Traditional and popular recipe for dried fruits and honey

Here we need to talk about the beneficial properties of honey, as a natural beekeeping product containing a unique composition of microelements. It has antimicrobial functions, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, promotes proper metabolism and protects the digestive tract, improving its functioning.

As part of a mixture of dried fruits, honey plays the role of a connecting link, uniting the mass, flavoring it with its taste, the acidity of some fruits and making the mixture balanced and pleasant.

How to cook useful mixture for immunity:

  • 200 gr. dried apricots,
  • 200 gr. prunes,
  • 150 gr. figs,
  • 250 gr. honey
  1. Wash dried fruits with fairly warm water to remove any greasy coating. Dry on a napkin or paper towel.
  2. Next, we grind all the dried fruits by grinding them in a meat grinder, coffee grinder, or cutting them into small pieces.
  3. Mix the finished fruit mass with honey and put it in a glass container in the refrigerator.

How to take this healing mixture? Every day, in the morning, eat a teaspoon without drinking water.

Dried fruits, nuts and honey, recipe

In order to enhance the healing effect of the mixture, you can add a variety of nuts to it, which differ from each other not only in taste, but also in the set of useful components.

A variety of nuts can be added: walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts. All of them have the most favorable effect on the functioning of the internal and external systems of the body.

  • Walnuts prevent the destruction of bone tissue, and the omega fatty acids contained in them remove excess cholesterol from the body. They have an excellent effect on increasing male strength and also improve brain function.
  • Cedar trees give strength and performance, and have a strong anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. This type of nut is especially recommended for children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Almonds are important for those who suffer from heartburn, gas and other gastrointestinal ailments.intestinal tract. But, you should remember, they contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid, so their abuse is life-threatening.
  • Hazelnuts against obesity, premature aging of the body and oncology are considered the most useful among nuts. For immunity, it contains vitamin C in large quantities.
  • Peanuts are a good antidepressant that can normalize sleep, regenerate cells and remove cholesterol in large quantities.

How to cook nuts– honey mixture with dried fruits to support immunity:

  • 300 gr. prunes,
  • 200 gr. dates,
  • 200 gr. raisins,
  • 300 gr. dried apricots,
  • 350 gr. nuts,
  • 350 gr. honey.

Nuts and dried fruits are cleaned and crushed in a coffee grinder, honey is added. This mixture with nuts are capable of a lot, and will cope with the initial task of protecting the immune system perfectly. For children, this tasty medicine will become loved and in demand.

I think that you won’t need to persuade anyone to take it; rather, you will have to hide this real delicacy. Excessive consumption is undesirable; it can have a negative effect on the child’s body. It is worth dwelling separately on the question of the correct use of this remedy.

You can change the taste somewhat, giving the mixture even more interesting and rich flavor notes, if you roast the nuts. But it is worth warning that this procedure will somewhat reduce the beneficial properties of nuts. And if you are planning to prepare the mixture for future use, you should not do this, since the benefits of nuts will be greater if they remain unprocessed.

  • For a healthy person, as a preventative measure, a tablespoon of the mixture half an hour before breakfast will be enough.
  • For chronic fatigue and deterioration of the condition, if you feel like you have a cold, take three spoons a day before meals.
  • For a child’s body, a teaspoon is enough; during exacerbations, it can be increased up to three times a day.
  • During pregnancy, During breastfeeding, take the mixture carefully so as not to cause allergies, as honey and nuts can provoke it.

If a rash appears, what does it mean?– some of the components are not accepted by the body. Stop taking it immediately and test each product separately for an allergic reaction. Adjusting the recipe is important; you should not give up the entire product because you do not accept one of the components.

How to store healthy mixtures so they don’t spoil ahead of time

The best thing is to store them in a glass container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The shelf life can last up to several months, but do not overuse it.

It is better to prepare a fresh portion of natural, tasty medicine, and experience the delight of the aroma and pleasant taste of a mixture of products given to us by nature itself. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Try to buy high-quality ingredients to prepare this unique product. Watch carefully for damage or mold, as this can spoil the mixture and make it unfit for consumption.

During the period of spring and autumn vitamin fasting, you can easily do without medications and nutritional supplements, relying on the naturalness of dry fruits, honey and nuts. These natural gifts, which have absorbed all its power, will help you strengthen and make your immune system strong, and therefore avoid diseases.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables enriched with vitamins and minerals has a beneficial effect on human health. In addition to fresh foods, consumption of dried fruits in the form of a mixture helps improve immunity. In the material presented you will find information about the beneficial properties of the components and recipes for strengthening the immune system.

Beneficial properties of components to enhance immunity

At home, dried fruits are used to prevent and treat various types of ailments. Vitamin mixtures are very effective in boosting immunity. The beneficial properties of dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins, and dates are revealed in combination with nuts, honey, and lemon.

Healing properties of dried fruits:

Figs — the composition of dried fruit is dominated by the presence of vitamins A, C, a set of group B, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium and potassium.

Eating figs helps:

  • Increasing human immune defense;
  • Normalization of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • Raising hemoglobin;
  • Reducing cholesterol in the body;
  • Treatment of vitamin deficiency.

Benefits of figs for strengthening the immune system

Dried apricots — dried fruit has a large number of vitamin and mineral elements, among which are: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, glucose, sucrose, A, C, group B. The use of dried apricots helps to cleanse the intestines, improve vision and well-being in case of heart disease. Dried fruit is also used as an effective means for cleansing blood and blood vessels and for preparing a mixture to increase immune protection.

Useful properties of dried apricots to improve immunity

Raisin — the beneficial substances included in the composition enrich the body with vitamins A, B, C and potassium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Useful properties of raisins:

  • Improves sleep quality;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Stimulates increased immunity;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the body in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

The healing properties of raisins for immunity

Dates — dried fruit helps to compensate for the lack of vitamins A, C, group B, as well as zinc, cobalt, fluorine, iron, potassium, manganese, copper. Eating dates alone or as part of vitamin mixtures helps prevent the development of hypertension and anemia. Dried fruit also helps mental development and restoration of the immune system after a cold.

Beneficial properties of dates for immunity

Prunes — the composition highlights the presence of vitamins C, group B, PP, E, as well as minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, iodine, manganese, copper).

Healing properties of dried fruit:

  • Activates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • Helps improve immunity.

The presented dried fruits have a lot of useful properties. Their use has a beneficial effect on a person’s performance and well-being. To improve immunity, dried fruits are used in the form of a vitamin mixture.

The healing properties of prunes for immunity

Traditional recipes from dried fruits for immunity

Today there is a wide range of recipes for fruit mixtures to improve immunity. The combination of healthy dried fruits with honey and nuts allows you to enrich the body with useful substances. Also, depending on a person’s preferences or if there is an individual intolerance to the components, they can be replaced.

To prepare the first vitamin mixture to boost immunity you will need:

  • Dried fruits in equal parts (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) 400 g each;
  • Nuts 400 g;
  • Lemon 2-3 pcs;
  • Honey 300 g.

The ingredients are washed and crushed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Honey and chopped lemon are added to the finished mixture. A vitamin supplement made from dried fruits is stored in the refrigerator and taken to increase immune defense, one tablespoon three times a day.

Vitamin mixture for immunity from dried fruits

Recipe for the second fruit mixture to boost immunity:

  • Prunes 200 g;
  • Dates 100 g;
  • Dried apricots 200 g;
  • Raisins 100 g;
  • Nuts 100 g;
  • Honey 300 g.

Dried fruits are washed and crushed. Nuts and honey are added to the finished mixture. A useful supplement to enhance immunity, take one teaspoon three times a day.

Useful vitamin mixture to boost immunity with dried fruits

The third mixture of dried fruits includes:

  • Figs 200 g;
  • Dried apricots 200 g;
  • Raisins 200 g;
  • Honey 300 g;
  • Lemon 1-2 pcs.

Dried fruits and lemon are washed. Afterwards they need to be crushed and mixed with honey. If you want to supplement the recipe, you can use nuts. The vitamin supplement is transferred to a jar and infused in the refrigerator. To increase immunity, the mixture is consumed one teaspoon three times a day.

Vitamin mixture for immunity

Vitamin mixtures for children from dried fruits

Children's bodies are more susceptible to colds. To increase immunity, it is recommended to instill in your child a healthy diet and supplement the diet with healthy vitamin mixtures, which will include dried fruits, honey, and citrus fruits.

Recipe for fruit mixture for immunity for children:

  • Dried fruits in equal proportions (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) 200 g each;
  • Honey 300 g
  • Nuts 200 g;
  • Citrus fruit. It can be lemons or oranges 1 pc.

To prepare a supplement to increase children's immunity, you will need to rinse the useful ingredients and then grind them. You need to remove the seeds from a lemon or orange. A homogeneous mass of dried fruits and citrus fruits is mixed with nuts and honey. The healthy mixture is infused in the refrigerator and applied a teaspoon 2 - 3 times a day.

Useful vitamin mixture for children's immunity

Recipe for increasing children's immunity with the addition of seeds:

  • Dried apricots 200 g;
  • Raisins 200 g;
  • Dates 200 g;
  • Figs 200 g;
  • Seeds (sunflower or pumpkin) 50 g;
  • Honey 300 g.

Dried fruits are twisted or crushed using a blender with the addition of lemon, seeds, and honey. The vitamin supplement is stored in a cool place and used 2-3 times a day, a teaspoon.

Dried fruit mixture with pumpkin seeds

A mixture of dried fruits for immunity has a lot of beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on overall health. To strengthen the body's immune defense, it is important to follow the rules for storing and consuming the product.

Tips for using a healthy dried fruit supplement:

  • It is recommended to store the healthy vitamin mixture in the refrigerator for no more than a month;
  • Use to enhance immunity no more than 3 times a day. For children, a teaspoon, and for adults, a tablespoon. In the autumn-winter period, the dosage can be increased up to 4-5 times;
  • Contraindicated for use by children under four years of age;
  • Before using the dried fruit mixture for the first time, you should not overuse the product. It is important to monitor the body's reaction;
  • The recommended duration of use to improve immunity is two to three months with a break of seven days.

Contraindications for use

Increasing immunity involves following the rules of a healthy diet. To adjust your daily diet, it is important to supplement your meals with healthy dried fruits. Dried fruits can be consumed individually or as part of a mixture for immunity, which will give a greater effect. However, before using a vitamin supplement it is important to study contraindications:

  • Dried fruits are high in calories and are recommended for consumption by people with increased body weight;
  • It is better to refrain from using a vitamin mixture to increase immunity for people with the following diseases: diabetes, ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Individual intolerance to components.

Dried fruits are an ideal alternative to fruits during the cold season, especially when the body experiences a severe lack of vitamins. Properly prepared dried fruits retain all the vitamins, micro and macroelements that the body needs.

The mixture of their dried fruits is a real storehouse of the most beneficial substances, thanks to which it is able to increase hemoglobin in the blood, cleanse the bloodstream, prevent some heart diseases, normalize blood pressure, etc. And the immune system mixture of dried fruits and honey acquires healing properties throughout the body, enhancing each other’s effects. Therefore, in this article we’ll talk about how to prepare a vitamin salad at home to always stay healthy.

A mixture of dried fruits and honey - what are the benefits of dried fruits for the immune system?

Dried fruits are natural products that contain a huge amount of useful and nutrients. They can fully replace any sweets, which is very good for those who are on a diet and struggling with excess weight. But do not forget that they are also high in calories and can be consumed in small quantities. Nowadays you can find a huge number of different types of dried fruits on store shelves. Let's look at the classic types that bring the greatest benefit to the immune system.

Dried apricots

This is the most common ingredient in mixtures. This is a dried apricot, it contains a large amount of iron, potassium, phosphorus and glucose, it is also rich in vitamins, especially groups B and C. Its usefulness is aimed at strengthening the immune system and improving the cardiovascular system, helping to cleanse it of cholesterol and toxic substances.

Its unique composition gives the body additional energy. Dried apricot is very useful for ailments such as anemia or anemia; it is also recommended for people who have blurred vision, as it is rich in vitamin A. B vitamins help improve the condition of hair and skin.


This is an exotic fruit that contains large amounts of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. But most of all, figs are valued for their rich potassium content, a mineral that prevents the occurrence of pathologies of the nervous system. Regular consumption of it in food significantly strengthens the body, and the blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.


These are dried grapes that are loaded with fats and proteins. They are needed for the body, which is constantly exposed to excessive physical and mental stress. It is also a rich source of calcium, iron and magnesium, which improve cardiovascular health and strengthen the immune system. Dried grapes are rich in B vitamins, which normalize the functioning of the nervous system and promote sleep. Raisins, due to their calcium content, can strengthen teeth and bones. It is also able to improve lactation during feeding and remove waste and toxins from the body.


These are dried plums that are often used to make baked goods, cakes, chocolate and other confectionery products. Prunes are rich in vitamins B and C, which fully help strengthen the immune system. And the content of magnesium, phosphorus and sodium in it allows you to cleanse the body of cholesterol and is an excellent combination for the heart.

In folk medicine, dried plums are used for constipation as a laxative. It helps fight pathogenic microorganisms such as salmonella and E. coli, and works no worse than medications.


These are the fruits of the date palm, which are able to recover from excessive physical or mental stress, and it also improves performance and is an energy supplement. It contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, which can help synthesize serotonin, the hormone of joy.

Dates can improve metabolism and metabolism, restore the body after illnesses and operations. They contain a mineral such as fluoride, which can fight caries. In folk medicine, it is used to treat coughs and to help fight anemia and hypertension.

There are other healthy dried fruits that can be additionally used.

Dried fruits with honey for immunity

This delicacy can replace other sweets, while it has great benefits for the body. Sweet honey with dried fruits helps strengthen the body's immune defense and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. This healthy product will be enough to support your immune system throughout the winter. You can add a lot of lemons to this mixture, namely juice or peel.

Chopped dried seedless fruits are mixed with honey, due to which they acquire additional properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-aging;
  • cleansing from toxins and impurities.

This delicious vitamin mixture is high in calories; on average, 100 grams of the product contains more than 30 kcal. Therefore, there are restrictions on the dosage of the product. So for people who experience loss of strength and general weakness, the mixture can be consumed for prevention, 1 tbsp. every day. To treat a cold, an adult can consume 2-3 tbsp. product.

Children over 3 years old, as a preventive measure, can be given 1 tsp. per day, and if colds appear, the dose can be increased to 3 small spoons per day. The mixture can be added to porridge. Often used as an immune mixture: honey, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, lemon.

If gastrointestinal disorders or allergic reactions occur while consuming the mixture, use of the product should be stopped. The mixture should not be washed down with water, otherwise all its benefits will dissolve.

Who should not eat dried fruits and when?

Despite all its benefits, dried fruits with honey for immunity still have contraindications. They are not recommended for use by the following groups of people:

  1. Allergy sufferers – dried fruits can cause severe food reactions.
  2. Patients with diabetes – dried fruit contains a higher amount of glucose, so its consumption should be kept to a minimum so as not to cause negative consequences.
  3. For obesity, these natural products are high in calories, 100 grams contain more than 250 kcal, so their consumption should also be kept to a minimum.
  4. Patients with acute forms of peptic ulcers of the stomach, intestines or duodenum - dried fruits are heavy food that causes severe discomfort, and the stomach cannot cope with its digestion. Therefore, during exacerbations, you need to completely abandon it.

Even in a healthy person, excessive consumption of these products can cause gastrointestinal upset, since these are difficult to digest foods. Therefore, it is better to eat dried fruits in small quantities allowed.

Important! Doctors advise eating no more than 8 healthy fruits in one sitting, so as not to cause negative consequences.

Traditional and popular recipe for dried fruits and honey

This classic mixture is most often used by people to strengthen the immune system during the cold season, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. It also perfectly improves brain function and gives vitality.

The presence of honey in the mixture increases its usefulness. This is a natural beekeeping product, known all over the world, it is famous for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Honey gives the mixture a special sweet taste, which makes it more pleasant and easier to eat.

To prepare a honey mixture with dried fruits, you will need:

  • dried apricots – 150 g;
  • prunes – 150 g;
  • figs – 100 g;
  • linden honey – 200 g.

Honey with nuts and dried fruits - recipe

Dried fruits are washed thoroughly, the immunity mixture of dried fruits is dried on a paper napkin, and finely chopped. It is better not to grind dried fruits in a blender, as they will lose the flavor of each component. Next, the fruit pieces are mixed with warm melted linden honey in a glass container. Afterwards the dish is placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for storage.

Dried fruits, nuts and honey: recipe

This is the healthiest mixture imaginable. It contains almost all micro and macroelements, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, phytoncides and others. Honey-nut mixture with dried fruits is the most nutritious and healthy food. The following ingredients are often used here: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, honey and lemon (peel). Lemon peel can be replaced with another citrus fruit.

The classic recipe for preparing a healthy mixture consists of the following crushed ingredients:

  • prunes – 200 grams;
  • dates – 100 grams;
  • raisins – 100 grams;
  • dried apricots – 200 grams;
  • nuts – 250 grams;
  • honey – 250 grams;
  • lemon peel.

The honey should be warm and liquid, the lemon peel should be finely chopped, and the nuts should be peeled and finely chopped or ground through a meat grinder. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed per day, 1 tablespoon of dessert made from dried fruits and nuts for prevention, for treatment - 2 tablespoons.

The following types of nuts can be used:

  1. Walnuts– the most common nuts are rich in vitamin K, which are very nutritious and help improve brain activity and give energy. Improve immune defense, restore after illness. Useful for men as well – they increase potency. Often the following combination is used for the mixture: honey, walnut, lemon.
  2. Cedar– help prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases, improve brain performance. They are nutritious, and due to the content of arginine, which helps the young body grow and develop normally, it is very useful for children, pregnant and lactating girls.
  3. Almond– prevents heartburn, flatulence, improves metabolism and metabolism. Able to remove cholesterol and toxins from the body. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which can be deadly to health, so you can eat up to 500 nuts at a time.
  4. Hazelnut– prevents the formation of malignant neoplasms, slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system.
  5. Peanut– normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens healthy sleep, improves memory and brain activity, and prevents the occurrence of heart disease.

Important! The vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts and honey is allergenic, so before taking it, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergy or personal intolerance to the components.

How to store healthy mixtures so they don’t spoil ahead of time

In order for the mixture of dried fruits and honey to retain its benefits for a long time, it must be properly stored and prepared:

  1. To prepare mixtures, you need to make only from fresh natural products. There should be no mold, fungi or other damage on dried fruits.
  2. This mixture should be made and stored only in a glass container, which is then placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The container must be hermetically sealed, then the mixture can serve you for up to several months. The honey mixture can be stored a little longer, because honey is a good preservative.
  3. It is always better to prepare fresh mixture in small portions, for example once a week.

Dried fruit candies without honey - recipe

  • dates – 250 g;
  • dried apricots – 200 g;
  • prunes – 100g;
  • sesame – 5 tbsp.

Using a meat grinder, grind all the ingredients, then mix them thoroughly together in a glass container. To prevent the ingredients from sticking to your fingers, you can wet your hands in water. Roll the mixture into small balls and dip in sesame seeds. The dried fruit dessert is ready. This sweetness can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. The calorie content of the product is 240 kcal per 100 grams.

Using dried fruits in winter is a great idea for adults, children over 3 years old and athletes, those who go to the gym or fitness. They are able to increase the body's immune defense and increase brain activity. They also help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. In stores you can buy a large number of different dried fruits to prepare a vitamin mixture from dried fruits.

Dried fruits can be used in preparing honey or honey-nut mixture. They are also often used for pastry recipes. However, do not forget about the daily dosage of the product and contraindications for use.

Each of us is susceptible to various colds to one degree or another.

And, if you often catch an infection, it makes sense to think about strengthening your immunity.

However, the signs of a weakened body do not end there.

You may also experience symptoms such as:

  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Insomnia;
  • Drowsiness;
  • ailments;
  • Peeling of the skin;
  • Brittle nails and hair.

When the above signs are detected, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy and buy expensive medications or make an appointment with a doctor. To begin with, you can improve your health on your own and a mixture to boost your immunity will help you with this.

It is a unique mix of dried fruits: dried apricots, sweet raisins, healthy prunes, and walnuts with unique properties.

It is also customary to add lemon and, of course, honey to it. Anyone can prepare such a mixture on their own. Yes, and judging by the cost, it will be much cheaper than vitamin complexes purchased at the pharmacy.

Many people are probably interested in the question: “Why is some mixture made from dried fruits more effective than medications?” The answer lies on the surface. After all, this vitamin cocktail consists entirely of natural ingredients containing many positive properties.

However, not only this cocktail can be called useful, but also. This plant is probably in every home. He is also called a home doctor, thanks to whom it is possible to avoid many diseases.

To protect yourself from colds, just mix 100 grams of aloe, 500 grams of walnuts, 300 grams of honey and 1 orange into a homogeneous mass. It is recommended to store this mix in the refrigerator. You should take a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

A mixture for immunity with ginger can increase vitality, give strength and energy, and promote weight loss.

Ginger itself is a fairly useful ingredient, as it contains a large amount of essential oils, various vitamins and amino acids. It has healing properties: normalizes digestion, relieves nausea, thins the blood and is excellent at fighting colds.

The most effective recipe for strengthening the immune system based on ginger is the following mixture:

  • Take 400 grams of ginger root, thoroughly peel it and finely chop it;
  • Finely chop one lemon and remove the seeds;
  • Pour the ingredients into a liter jar and pour in 250 grams of natural honey.
  • Stir the mixture and consume one teaspoon with water throughout the day.

It is worth noting that the ginger mixture can be added to tea, porridge or compote - at your discretion. Stomach ulcers are contraindications for use. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers will also have to be careful with consumption.

No less popular, effective and useful nut mixture for immunity.

Its preparation is not complete without the following ingredients:

  • Raisin;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Dried dogwood;
  • Pine nuts;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Cashew nuts;
  • Walnuts;
  • Golden almonds.

The assortment is not poor, however, each type of dried fruit and nuts should be taken no more than one hundred grams. A prerequisite when choosing ingredients is that the nuts must be dried and not fried.

Let's start preparing the mixture:

  • Be sure to rinse all ingredients under water;
  • Let the dried fruits dry;
  • Chop dried apricots and raisins, grind the selected varieties of nuts;
  • Mix the ingredients, adding honey;
  • Insert a cinnamon stick into the resulting mixture, which will add aroma and saturate the taste.

The mix should be consumed 20 minutes before the main meal, one tablespoon per day. A serving of one spoon (teaspoon) is recommended for children.

It is important to note that a child’s immunity is most vulnerable with the onset of cold weather. This period is characterized by the spread of infection and weakening of the body. To prevent spring vitamin deficiency from affecting your child’s immunity, it is enough to prepare a delicious vitamin mixture from dried fruits.

The miracle mixture recipe requires the presence of nuts, citrus fruits, honey, and dried fruits. All components are quite inexpensive, natural, and most importantly - available in any season of the year.

Not only is it designed to fight viruses, it raises hemoglobin in the blood, promotes productive brain function, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, gives strength and vitality. The child will really like this dish, because in addition to being healthy, it is also tasty.

The immune formula for a child must contain walnuts, dried fruits, natural honey and, of course, lemon - the main source of vitamin C. The remaining components can be added to your taste. For example, oranges, dates, figs, and hazelnuts are very healthy.

All ingredients are crushed in equal quantities, mixed and poured with honey. The mix is ​​infused and consumed before meals (preferably a teaspoon).

The benefits of dried fruit mixtures are undeniable. The properties of each ingredient are doubled when combined with other immune stimulants. Therefore, it is necessary for adults and children to take vitamin mixtures. Be healthy and bon appetit!