Whiskey and cola: ideal proportions and the history of the cocktail.

Not all drinks can be mixed in one glass so that the taste is emphasized and no harm is done to the body. We are, of course, not talking about all kinds of liqueurs, tinctures and syrups created for one purpose - combining in cocktails, but about serious drinks - vodka, cognac and whiskey. And if vodka (with very rare exceptions), and even more so noble cognac, few people dare to mix it with anything, then whiskey with light hand American lovers of a beautiful life very often drink it as a cocktail - along with cola.

Why you shouldn't do this

Before we talk about how to properly mix the whiskey and cola drink, how to correctly follow the recipe and select the proportions, as well as how to drink it correctly, it is important to talk about why it is advisable not to do this at all.

The first reason to drink whiskey separately from cola is that this drink itself is very high in calories (more than 300 Kcal per 100 ml), but due to its natural origin it does not cause too much harm. great harm health drinking man. At the same time, cola is a chemical, artificial product that adds its “weight” to the cocktail (40-45 Kcal per 100 ml) in the form of pure sugar.

The second reason not to consider the method of mixing whiskey with cola is the increased harmfulness. Cola is filled with substances that increase acidity in the gastrointestinal tract; it can ruin tooth enamel and eat a hole in the stomach so quickly that even the most serious alcohol cannot keep up with it. In addition, such a mixture increases the risk of obesity, since due to the combination of tastes it stimulates appetite.

And most importantly, the third reason not to spoil whiskey by adding cola: such a mixture completely destroys unique taste good whiskey. Most varieties of this drink are drunk because they want to enjoy subtle aroma and a rich aftertaste that is literally repelled by additives. The recipe for whiskey and cola is also not recommended because the tastes of the drinks individually do not complement each other, but contrast, which good cocktail unacceptable.

If you decide, do it according to the rules.

Just in case, it’s worth repeating once again: the calorie content of the cocktail is 300-330 Kcal, which is extremely high for people “on a diet” or celebrating the end of it. You should only consume such a captivatingly dangerous substance if you are fully confident that your willpower will allow you to limit yourself to one serving. Now it’s time to talk about how to properly prepare and drink a mixture of whiskey and cola. First you need to choose the right alcohol, which, if possible, should be:

  • corn (the addition will make it less harsh and slightly highlight the taste);
  • with a blend (a mixture of malt and grains);
  • aged for no more than 3 years.

If you have doubts whether it is possible to mix the selected whiskey with cola, to solve the problem you should simply remember: it is better to enjoy something valuable (whether in terms of composition or “age”) in pure form.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Once you decide which main component to use, you can take the recipe and start mixing. There is a main condition in this process: compliance with proportions. If experienced drinkers drink in a 1:1 mixture, beginners are advised to try the method with ingredients in a 1:3 ratio (of course, pour less whiskey), gradually moving to a 1:2 cocktail. Next, you just need to navigate according to your taste.

Drink correctly ready-made cocktail– is also a kind of art that has certain rules:

  1. The drink should be consumed at least 2 or 3 hours after a meal in order to fully experience all its benefits.
  2. You can’t have a snack with whiskey and cola - any “seizing” can interrupt the aroma and taste.
  3. You need to drink such a cocktail through a straw or in small sips, since the ice in the composition can provoke a sore throat.
  4. It is imperative to control the amount of drink you drink - both because of its calorie content (from 171 Kcal and above), and because of the presence of soda in the composition, which allows alcohol to be absorbed into the blood faster.

Basic recipe

The simplest recipe for experienced “users” for preparing a whiskey and cola cocktail includes:

  • 100 ml whiskey;
  • 100 ml cola (using Pepsi or similar soda is not recommended!);
  • 4-5 ice cubes;
  • a slice of lemon, 3-4 mint leaves, cinnamon or cocktail cherries.

First, you need to fill a large, capacious glass with ice, then pour in the drinks one by one, shake the glass thoroughly (alternatively, stir the contents with a cocktail spoon), and garnish the cocktail with mint or lemon. The recipe allows you to drink the drink both without ice and without decoration - the gourmet himself can determine whether he needs these components in the finished product.

In order to prepare a cocktail correctly, you should use chilled cola, opened immediately before creating the drink, so only such carbonation will give the final product spiciness and taste. An interesting effect will be obtained if you use not ordinary ice cubes, but frozen carbonated water. mineral water or the same cola. In general, you shouldn’t skimp on ice - as it thaws, it will soften the taste of the cocktail, making it more pleasant and refined. It is advisable that the glass into which whiskey and cola will be poured should also be pre-washed, dried and cooled in advance.

Such Reviver like whiskey, even in its historical homeland - Scotland - it is customary to drink it diluted with water or soda. This is why the method of preparing a whiskey cocktail mixed with cola has become so widespread. History says that the fashion for it was brought from America by the musicians of the Beatles group, and Russian connoisseurs of good booze were quite capable of appreciating an interesting, somewhat nostalgic-paradoxical (remember the painfully familiar vodka with beer) recipe.
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One of the most popular cocktails in both Russian capitals. Popular cocktails usually have some fancy name. For some reason, whiskey and cola is simply called whiskey and cola or even whiskey cola. What it lacks in a big name, it makes up for in great taste.

1 Cocktail supporters

Nothing is really known about the history of the cocktail. They say that during their world tour, the Fab Four not only broke the hearts of many fans, but also spread the recipe for this cocktail. Apparently, this is why some fans of this drink argue that the whiskey must be Scotch, and the cola must be from the Coca-Cola company.

The Beatles also introduced the canonical one-to-one proportions. The result is a very strong mixture, which is not to everyone’s taste. Twenty degrees excluding ice. The answer is simple: in 1960, John Lennon was twenty years old. Now everyone chooses the proportions to their taste. This is partly what drives people to order cocktails by the slice. Not everyone likes to explain fractions to waiters.

Cola complements the taste of whiskey very nicely. This is especially true for American ones. Not expensive brands Whiskeys made from corn raw materials have a very sharp taste and aroma.

It is important to know!

The easiest way to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections or doctors with a 100% guarantee of results. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...

2 Cocktail Opponents

The cocktail did not go unnoticed by supporters healthy image life. There is complete freedom for them here. And the harmful Coca-Cola, and whiskey, alien to the Russian people, and everything came to us from the decaying West.

It is alleged that the recipe is written out almost on the first page of the Dulles plan. The proportions are strictly calculated for the genocide of the bright minds of a great power. with cola it is proposed to ban, anathematize and burn out with a hot iron from the menu and wine lists.

Any cola, like any sweet carbonated lemonade, is harmful to digestion and teeth. Whiskey is a strong alcohol and, of course, its overuse has an extremely negative impact on health. But more and more alcoholics are dying from cheap vodka, and not from cocktails.

Regarding the excessive amount of sugar, and kilocalories in general, you’re more likely to end up drinking whiskey and cola than getting cavities, much less obesity.

Occasionally, you can and even should enjoy a delicious, unhealthy cocktail.

3 Whiskey and cola cocktail recipe

The middle glass is filled with ice. Not necessarily to the brim; for some, it’s enough to reach the middle. Any whiskey is best drunk chilled, which is why ice is present in almost all recipes. Everyone chooses the proportions for themselves. If you're drinking for the first time, try one to three. This means a quarter glass of whiskey, the rest of cola. If you feel an unpleasant taste and strength, then reduce the amount of whiskey. If you only feel cola and nothing else, and would like to drink more, then feel free to increase the proportions of whiskey. Bartenders, by the way, think in fifty-gram categories: 50 to 150, 100 to 100.

As strange as it may sound, close attention needs to be paid to cola. It should be chilled, and most importantly, not stale. This is the second reason why cola and whiskey are ordered separately. The bartender won't even blink an eye when he tops up your cocktail with yesterday's cola from a half-empty bottle. The bar most likely uses two-liter bottles of cola. Just for reasons of economy.

In bars, whiskey and cola is often garnished with mint and lemon. Cocktail connoisseurs claim that this is done solely for aesthetic reasons and does not add any flavor.

Well, it’s clear that throwing a cocktail party at home with whiskey and cola will not be difficult. All ingredients are available in any supermarket, they do not require special preparation, you know the recipe. Mix and enjoy.

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Mixing alcoholic beverages with other ingredients must be done in accordance with certain rules, otherwise it will not be possible to emphasize the taste of each component. In addition, a mix in the wrong proportions or with components that are not suitable for each other can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Strong drinks such as and are often consumed in their pure form and are rarely added to. Thanks to the experiments of American alcohol lovers, the mixture with cola has become widespread throughout the world.

How to drink whiskey and cola?

This cocktail became popular not so much because taste qualities, much because of the simplicity of its manufacture. This drink must be served with ice cubes. This alcohol does not require special glasses, as it is poured into simple glasses. Decorating the dishes is optional. But often they use lemon or lime for this. The latter should be used with caution, because it's a little bitter.

Initially, a whiskey and cola cocktail should have been prepared only from alcohol brand Jack Daniels, however, now rarely does anyone adhere to strict canons, using the one that is at hand.

Drink the cocktail 2-3 hours after a heavy meal. At the same time, no snacks for mixed drink not served, because any food can interrupt the taste and smell of the mix. Small sips or sipping liquid through a straw are the most suitable methods drinking diluted whiskey.

Often, cola ice cubes are used instead of frozen water. This gives the taste of the drink even more richness.

Each lover of strong drinks, based on his preferences, answers the question of how to drink whiskey and cola and in what cases this should be done.

Why shouldn't you do this?

Before you decide to make yourself a fancy cocktail, you should think carefully about the consequences it can bring to the body.

A product such as whiskey has a great energy value. There are approximately 300 kcal per 100 ml of liquid. However, the organic origin of alcohol minimizes the harm caused by this type of alcohol to internal organs. Cola is made from unnatural substances. 100 ml of drink reaches 45 kcal, while it contains a large number of Sahara. And this sweet substance complements the whiskey, increasing its calorie content.

It is also not recommended to mix drinks because as a result of their influence the acidity in the body increases, which destroys not only tooth enamel, but also the walls gastrointestinal tract. Regular use whiskey and cola cocktail increases the likelihood of obesity, because. Already after 1-2 glasses a feeling of hunger appears. The calories in the shake are added to those that come with food.

If the calorie content of the mix, which can reach 330 kcal, is not an important argument for refusing to drink an alcoholic cocktail, then you should at least limit yourself to 1 glass.

And one more reason why experts do not advise mixing not only expensive whiskey Jack Daniels, but also any other type of this drink, lies in the fact that the taste of alcohol is lost against the background chemical components cola The unique aroma and taste for which whiskey is so famous will disappear under the influence of soda. The components of the cocktail do not complement each other, but, on the contrary, seem to be in conflict, so it is better to use them separately.

If you decide, do it according to the rules - proportions

When preparing a whiskey-cola drink, the proportions should be maintained as accurately as possible. In this case, alcohol should be taken from corn. Alcohol with a base made from such plant raw materials will be felt less sharply. It is better if the blending of whiskey was made from malt and grains, and the aging should be at least 3 years. If you cannot find a suitable alcohol, then it is better to refrain from preparing the mixture, enjoying the taste of each drink in its pure form.

The ratio of ingredients depends on how much alcohol experience a person has. So, for a novice connoisseur, the mixture of cola and alcohol should be in a ratio of 1:3. After tasting the taste, you can increase the amount of scotch tape, reducing the cola content to 2 parts (1:2 ratio). Experienced people often dilute whiskey with cola in equal proportions.

Cola reduces the strength of scotch. The question of how many degrees there are in whiskey and soda can only be answered by knowing the proportions. 50 ml of alcohol with the same amount of soda will contain up to 20% ethanol.

How to mix and dilute correctly?

To make the cocktail tasty, you should add a large number of ice cubes. It will have a softening effect on the harsh taste of scotch, which is important when mixing this type of alcohol with cola. Instead of standard soda, you can use its diet equivalent. This will not affect the taste of the whiskey-cola mix.

Cola should be taken chilled, preferably bottled, since the content harmful substances in it below. The carbonated drink should be opened immediately before you plan to start preparing the whiskey and cola cocktail. Opened soda that has been sitting in the refrigerator for several days is not suitable as an addition to scotch tape. Do not dilute whiskey with warm or flat cola.

Whiskey cocktail recipes

The classic recipe includes scotch tape or Coca-Cola and crushed ice. First, ice is placed in the glass, then alcohol is poured, and then cola is added. When mixing the components, do not shake them or shake them vigorously. Often a glass of drink is decorated with lime or mint leaves. Despite the similar taste of cola and Pepsi, making a whiskey cocktail with Pepsi is not recommended.

From scotch tape you can prepare many cocktails, the components of which will highlight the taste of alcohol more successfully than soda.

In order to make the alcoholic drink Rob Roy, you will need 45 ml of whiskey, 25 ml of red, 1 ml of Angostura bitters and crushed ice. The liquids are poured into a glass with ice and stirred gently.

Preparing a whiskey sour cocktail in his classic version will require 45 ml of bourbon, 1/2 lemon, 15 ml of sugar syrup, 1 egg, cubed ice and a slice of orange. Egg white beat into a strong foam, take 1 tsp from it. Place ice in a shaker, add alcohol, add syrup, protein foam and a little lemon juice. After which the contents of the shaker are shaken well and poured into glasses.

Boro-Boro is bright. To prepare it you will need 40 ml of whiskey (preferably chocolate), 4 slices of lemon or lime, 20 ml of vanilla, 5 grapes, coarsely crushed ice. Grapes and citrus are placed at the bottom of the glass, after which they are thoroughly kneaded. Ice is added on top and alcohol is poured. Stir with a wooden cocktail spoon.

The Apple Jack cocktail can be made by taking the following ingredients: 50 ml of scotch tape, 150 ml of apple juice, 100-120 g of ice cubes, 2 slices of lemon and a cinnamon stick. Alcohol and juice are poured into a glass filled with ice, maintaining a 1:3 ratio. After mixing the contents, the glass is decorated with lemon and cinnamon.

The Godfather mix gained popularity thanks to cinema. It is a mixture of amaretto and whiskey in equal proportions.

A drink such as milk can be combined with whiskey. For a cocktail, take 60 ml of milk, 30 ml of scotch tape, 10 ml of sugar syrup and 100 g of cubed ice. First, milk, whiskey and ice are mixed in a shaker, and then syrup is added. Continue shaking until frost appears, after which the drink can be poured into glasses.

Whiskey-Cola is a simple and unpretentious cocktail that has not lost its relevance for several decades. It is on the menu of almost every bar and restaurant.

The drink has a rather interesting and memorable taste, despite the fact that it contains only two simple ingredients. It can be served in simple, bulky glasses.

In order to enjoy whiskey and cola, you don’t need special glasses or glasses, and you certainly don’t need to have the skills of a bartender to prepare it.

There are two known versions of the origin of this cocktail.

The first is European and sends us back to the time of the Liverpool four Beatles - 1960.

  • According to this theory, when touring different cities and countries, the guys always went to a local restaurant after a concert and ordered cola and whiskey, after which they mixed them together.
  • Restaurateurs quickly adopted this cocktail and, taking advantage of the band’s crazy popularity, began offering their guests “the Beatles’ favorite drink.”
  • People liked the drink and, thanks to word of mouth, it quickly spread to drinking establishments all over the world.

Reference! According to statistics, the drink is in greatest demand in the USA and Canada, where people like to drink whiskey diluted. Coca-Cola is the most popular American drink in history and, when combined with whiskey, it emphasizes its taste.

Why is it common to dilute bourbon in America? The point is that in traditional recipes These countries do not use barley raw materials, as in Ireland or Scotland, but corn, which gives a tart, oily aftertaste “for everyone.”

The second version of the origin of the drink is Russian, and somewhat anecdotal.

It says that the drink appeared by an absurd accident in the dashing 90s and initially had a lyrical name “Idiot” (in some interpretations – “Idiot”).

  • According to this theory, one of the representatives of the elite, or as they were called then, the “new Russian” came to the restaurant with his young lover, wanting to appear in public with a spectacular girl, and at the same time show his financial well-being.
  • The sommelier, sensing his desire, convinced him to buy a bottle of The Macallan Lalique 50-year-old whiskey, whose cost at that time exceeded 10 thousand dollars.
  • As soon as the bottle was placed on the table, the “new Russian”’s companion frowned and said that she drinks such strong drinks only in diluted form, demanding that they bring her Coca-Cola and ice.

Mixing proportions

With ice

This is a classic one-to-one cocktail recipe. Suitable for those who like to feel the “degree” more acutely.

Recipe includes:

  • Whiskey – 100 ml;
  • Coca-Cola - 100 ml (do not use cola analogues like Pepsi and other sodas - this will not transmit real taste cocktail).
  • Large ice cubes (4-5 pieces) or crushed ice for drinks.
  • Lemon, mint leaves or cherries are optional for a beautiful presentation.

Watch the video in which a professional bartender explains how to properly prepare the famous cocktail with ice:

Without ice

Without ice, the drink will be quite tart and strong, so the one-to-one variation may not suit everyone. It is better to select proportions individually by mixing and testing to find the ideal ratio.

Important! For getting mild taste It is recommended to fill the glass with ice, fill a third with whiskey, and fill the rest with Coca-Cola.

Mixing the cocktail correctly

Before preparing the drink, cool the Coca-Cola thoroughly, since it is the cold fizz that gives the drink its special pungency and pungency of taste. Wash, dry and cool glasses. Prepare ice.

Important! To ensure that the ice in the cocktail is crystal clear, boil it before pouring the water into the molds. You can also achieve an interesting effect by freezing mineral water or Coca-Cola itself.

By melting, the ice dilutes the drink, making it softer and more enjoyable; however, lovers of stronger cocktails can neglect this ingredient.

Once everything is ready, you can start preparing the drink:

  1. Take a chilled glass and fill it generously with ice.
  2. Pour in the whiskey.
  3. Pour in Coca-Cola.
  4. Shake the glass or stir its contents with a special cocktail spoon.
  5. If desired, garnish the glass with a lemon wedge, mint leaves, or cocktail cherry.

Reference! With the classic recipe, the final strength of the drink is approximately 20 degrees. Therefore, experts recommend starting your acquaintance with the cocktail in the proportion of 1 part whiskey to 3 parts Coca-Cola, and gradually increase the degree.

The whiskey-cola cocktail does not have its own “drinking culture.”

However, there are a number of rules that should be followed in order to fully enjoy the drink:

  • Whiskey-Cola should be drunk cold.
  • Coca-Cola must be opened immediately before preparing the cocktail.

Watch a funny video that shows ready-made solution to prepare the famous cocktail:

How to drink?

As for snacks, whiskey-Cola is usually not eaten, but savored slowly, but if you want to highlight the taste with something and delay the moment of intoxication, then it is quite acceptable to have a snack with ice cream, light vegetable slices, low-fat cheese, seafood or sour fruits, such as cherry or lime.

Reference! Some flavor connoisseurs pure whiskey, they simply laugh at lovers of this cocktail, believing that they are wasting good alcohol in vain.

But, no matter what they say, whiskey-cola has a number of undeniable advantages, namely:

  1. Versatility– the sweetness, tartness and sparkling quality of the drink appeals to not only men, but also women. This makes him a regular at any party.
  2. Availability- of course, not everyone can afford classic variation cocktail with Jack whiskey Daniel’s, but replacing it with cheaper worlds of whiskey is quite possible. Coca-Cola, thanks to its sweetness and sparklingness, will highlight the taste of inexpensive alcohol, making it more acceptable and enjoyable.
  3. Degree of intoxication– the gases in the drink multiply the effect of alcohol several times, so in the classic version of the cocktail, intoxication occurs gently, but quite quickly. To delay intoxication, you can reduce the amount of whiskey in the cocktail and add more ice.

Whiskey-Cola is quite a high-calorie cocktail with high content sugar, which may not be suitable for Weight Watchers.

What alcohol is best to use?

The correct selection of alcohol plays a big role in the taste of the cocktail.

If possible, the whiskey should be:

  1. Corn - it gives “that” classic cocktail flavor.
  2. Possess a blend of malt and grain crops.
  3. Aged for no more than three years.

Important! If the whiskey is an expensive brand and long exposure– it is not necessary to use it to prepare a cocktail. This drink is best enjoyed in its pure form.

Below we will consider the most popular and popular varieties of whiskey, which can be consumed either separately or as part of whiskey-cola.

Jack Daniel's (Jack Daniels)

Not long ago, this popular whiskey celebrated 150 years since its creation. Over the century and a half of its existence, this drink has become a symbol of free America, and competed with Scottish and Irish brands.

More than 11 million bottles are sold annually, making this drink rightfully the best-selling American alcohol in the world.

The video describes the features of the famous Jack Daniels cocktail:

Johnnie Walker (Johnny Walker)

Whiskey "Johnny Walker" is the most... famous variety tape in a world that has so much impressive variety blends that everyone can find something to their liking.

Reference! In the assortment you can find both very inexpensive and available drinks, which are suitable for diluting cocktails, and luxurious scotch, created specifically for those who like to savor alcohol and enjoy every sip.


It occupies a strong leadership position among Irish whiskey brands. According to 2016 data, more than 5 million bottles were sold.

In the production of this whiskey, both established two-hundred-year-old traditions and the latest modern technologies are used.

Behind high quality It is worth the tireless work of blenders, distillers and specialists in the “maturation” of whiskey.

Crown Royal

Crown Royal is a whiskey that is excellent in taste and appearance.

The flat, round bottle, looking like an elegant royal crown, is packaged in a velvet, woven bag with gold ties and hidden in a lilac box, again with the image of a crown. This luxury is difficult to confuse with anything else.

Reference! This drink was created as a gift to the King and Queen of Britain. Later, the alcohol created for the occasion gained a large circle of admirers, and then received an international vocation.

According to Jim Murray's Whiskey Bible, Crown Royal was named the best Canadian whiskey of 2016 and is still considered an excellent gift for lovers of good whiskey.

Tullamore Dew

The history of this whiskey began back in 1887, and to this day maintains its position both in its native country (Ireland) and abroad, steadily gaining popularity.

In 2012 this single malt drink received the title of best whiskey of the year, and not in vain.

Its aroma combines:

  • the smell of fresh grass, pineapple and warm wood,
  • and the taste gives off fruity notes of apricot, figs and raisins.

Jim Beam

The best-selling bourbon in the world.

Unlike Jack Daniels, he has a very affordable price, which makes it a perfectly acceptable option for cocktails. It has an ideal price-quality ratio.

Maker's Mark

This type of whiskey can no longer be called a consumer product. It is produced in Kentucky by a distillery that bottles no more than 19 barrels per batch. The peculiarity of this whiskey is that during its production it is predominantly manual labor and varieties are divided not by age, but by taste.

Whiskey-Cola is a drink for those who know how to enjoy simple things and feel unusual combination tastes of alcohol and fizzy drinks.

The cocktail will be appropriate in any company, as it is preferred by men and girls. You can slowly sip it through a straw or drink from a glass, enjoying the feeling of tingling bubbles on your lips.

Cola drink with whiskey - it can rightfully be called a student drink (or is it cognac with cola), because it is quite inexpensive and very delicious cocktail, the preparation of which does not take much time and can be done, so to speak, “on the knee.” It’s enough to buy a bottle of good whiskey, one of the cheap and high-quality ones - William Lawson, buy Coke or Pepsi (here it’s not for everyone) and drink this nectar while mixing, just how to mix it correctly, what should be the proportion?

Note! The proportion is not particularly important, here you can focus on the taste, the main thing is to cool the cola, this is the recipe for a really tasty drink.

No one can say for sure when and by whom this luxurious drink was invented, one thing is for sure - its roots go back to America. However, today it is the property of everyone who likes it, so you can feel free to mix and prepare new flavors using whiskey and cola, henceforth!

Whiskey and Coca-Cola is a simple and unpretentious drink that will always be in trend. And it’s not surprising, because this classic combination has interesting taste, despite the fact that the drink contains only 2 ingredients.

Whiskey is served with cola and ice in regular glasses; you don't need fancy glasses or glasses. You don't need bartending skills to make it. Previously, Jack Daniels was used for cooking, but today few people follow original recipe, and you can take any whiskey too.

How to drink cola with whiskey: proportions

The drink must be prepared according to certain proportions; follow them in order to achieve the desired taste and consistency.


  • 50 ml whiskey
  • 100 ml Coca-Cola
  • Lime for garnish (optional)


  • As you understand, the proportions should be 2 to 1 - 1 part whiskey and 2 parts Cola.
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  • Pour whiskey over ice, add Coke and stir. Garnish with lime.

  • In fact, you can mix these two drinks in whatever proportions you like. The most commonly used proportions are 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 4.
  • You can replace regular Coke with Diet Coke, there is no difference other than the number of calories.
  • It is advisable that both drinks are chilled before you prepare a cocktail from them.
  • Use a newly opened bottle of Cola. If you add soda that is several days old to your drink, it will ruin the taste.
  • What to use as a snack? Since whiskey and cola has bright taste And high calorie content, we recommend using not too heavy “snacks” - fruits, low-fat cheese, sliced ​​vegetables.
  • Don't forget to garnish the glass with a slice of lemon or lime or mint leaves.

Well, now you know exactly how to properly prepare whiskey and cola. Treat your friends and relatives to a drink, it’s unlikely that anyone will refuse it.

Men's online magazine Mensweekly.ru


Why you shouldn't do this

Before we talk about how to properly mix the whiskey and cola drink, how to correctly follow the recipe and select the proportions, as well as how to drink it correctly, it is important to talk about why it is advisable not to do this at all.

The first reason to drink whiskey separately from cola is that this drink itself is very high in calories (more than 300 Kcal per 100 ml), but due to its natural origin, it does not cause too much harm to the health of the drinker. At the same time, cola is a chemical, artificial product that adds its “weight” to the cocktail (40-45 Kcal per 100 ml) in the form of pure sugar.

  • The second reason not to consider the method of mixing whiskey with cola is the increased harmfulness.
  • Cola is filled with substances that increase acidity in the gastrointestinal tract; it can ruin tooth enamel and eat a hole in the stomach so quickly that even the most serious alcohol cannot keep up with it.
  • In addition, such a mixture increases the risk of obesity, since due to the combination of tastes it stimulates appetite.

And most importantly, the third reason not to spoil your whiskey by adding cola: such a mixture completely destroys the unique taste of good whiskey. Most varieties of this drink are drunk because they want to enjoy the delicate aroma and rich aftertaste, which is literally knocked off by additives.

If you decide, do it according to the rules.

Just in case, it’s worth repeating once again: the calorie content of the cocktail is 300-330 Kcal, which is extremely high for people “on a diet” or celebrating the end of it. You should only consume such a captivatingly dangerous substance if you are fully confident that your willpower will allow you to limit yourself to one serving. Now it’s time to talk about how to properly prepare and drink a mixture of whiskey and cola. First you need to choose the right alcohol, which, if possible, should be:

  • corn (the addition will make it less harsh and slightly highlight the taste);
  • with a blend (a mixture of malt and grains);
  • aged for no more than 3 years.

If you have any doubts about whether your chosen whiskey can be mixed with cola, to solve the problem you should simply remember: it is better to enjoy something valuable (whether in terms of composition or “age”) in its pure form.

Once you decide which main component to use, you can take the recipe and start mixing. There is a main condition in this process: compliance with proportions. If experienced drinkers drink in a 1:1 mixture, beginners are advised to try the method with ingredients in a 1:3 ratio (of course, pour less whiskey), gradually moving to a 1:2 cocktail. Next, you just need to navigate according to your taste.

Drinking a ready-made cocktail correctly is also a kind of art, which has certain rules:

You need to drink this mixture through a straw or in small sips, as the ice in the composition can cause a sore throat.

  1. The drink should be consumed at least 2 or 3 hours after a meal in order to fully experience all its benefits.
  2. You can’t have a snack with whiskey and cola - any “seizing” can interrupt the aroma and taste.
  3. You need to drink such a cocktail through a straw or in small sips, since the ice in the composition can provoke a sore throat.
  4. It is imperative to control the amount of drink you drink - both because of its calorie content (from 171 Kcal and above), and because of the presence of soda in the composition, which allows alcohol to be absorbed into the blood faster.

Basic recipe

The simplest recipe for experienced “users” for preparing a whiskey and cola cocktail includes:

  • 100 ml whiskey;
  • 100 ml cola (using Pepsi or similar soda is not recommended!);
  • 4-5 ice cubes;
  • a slice of lemon, 3-4 mint leaves, cinnamon or cocktail cherries.

First, you need to fill a large, capacious glass with ice, then pour in the drinks one by one, shake the glass thoroughly (alternatively, stir the contents with a cocktail spoon), and garnish the cocktail with mint or lemon. The recipe allows you to drink the drink both without ice and without decoration - the gourmet himself can determine whether he needs these components in the finished product.

In order to prepare a cocktail correctly, you should use chilled cola, opened immediately before creating the drink, so only such carbonation will give the final product spiciness and taste. An interesting effect will be obtained if you use not ordinary ice cubes, but frozen carbonated mineral water or the same cola. In general, you shouldn’t skimp on ice - as it thaws, it will soften the taste of the cocktail, making it more pleasant and refined. It is advisable that the glass into which whiskey and cola will be poured should also be pre-washed, dried and cooled in advance.

Even in its historical homeland – Scotland – it is customary to drink such a strong drink as whiskey diluted with water or soda. This is why the method of preparing a whiskey cocktail mixed with cola has become so widespread. History says that the fashion for it was brought from America by the musicians of the Beatles group, and Russian connoisseurs of good booze were quite capable of appreciating an interesting, somewhat nostalgic-paradoxical (remember the painfully familiar vodka with beer) recipe.


Use it correctly

It is noteworthy that, unlike many other alcoholic drinks, whiskey is drunk exclusively on its own, without snacking on anything. This drink is self-sufficient, so it is not consumed with meals. And this is especially true for its expensive types that have a long exposure.

A cylindrical or tulip-shaped glass is intended for whiskey. The glass should have a thick bottom; it is in them that it is convenient to mix the drink with other ingredients. A glass with a stem is most suitable for tasting and the most mature, expensive and tasty varieties are drunk from it. In such glasses, the taste of the drink is revealed in a special way.

  • Each country has its own traditions regarding drinking whiskey.
  • There are several cocktail options.
  • All of them are drunk very chilled, usually through a straw or in small sips.
  • You can dilute it with lemon or apple juice, water, vermouth and soda.
  • Here is the popular whiskey cola recipe.

What you need for a cocktail

An American invention is a mixture of whiskey and cola. In Europe, this option became famous thanks to the Beatles back in 1964, during their tour. Over time, the cocktail became popular and recognized.

So, how to dilute whiskey and cola? For this you will need:

  • Any brand of whiskey (classic - “Jack Daniel’s”);
  • Coca Cola;

To give the drink original look, it can be decorated with mint or lemon. But this is as you wish.

When preparing, it is important to observe the following points:

  1. Coca-Cola must be cold and closed. If the soda is flat and if it is warm, it will only ruin the taste.
  2. Glasses must also be cold and dry. Size – medium, bottom – thick.
  3. You will need a lot of ice. It can be made from clean water, and from cola or mineral water.

What are perfect proportions whiskey and cola? They are different for everyone. You can experiment and find your taste. The classic version is 1:1. This drink will be quite strong.

But you can start with a more diluted version. To do this, mix 1 part whiskey and 3 parts cola. Gradually you can move to 1:2, and then in half. This way you will understand which cocktail you like best.


Classic cocktail ingredients:

You can use a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint to decorate a glass of this drink.

The middle glass is filled with ice. Not necessarily to the brim; for some, it’s enough to reach the middle. Any whiskey is best drunk chilled, which is why ice is present in almost all recipes. Everyone chooses the proportions of whiskey and cola for themselves. If you're drinking for the first time, try one to three. This means a quarter glass of whiskey, the rest of cola. If you feel an unpleasant taste and strength, then reduce the amount of whiskey. If you only feel cola and nothing else, and would like to drink more, then feel free to increase the proportions of whiskey. Bartenders, by the way, think in fifty-gram categories: 50 to 150, 100 to 100.

  • As strange as it may sound, close attention needs to be paid to cola.
  • It should be chilled, and most importantly, not stale.
  • This is the second reason why cola and whiskey are ordered separately.
  • The bartender won't even blink an eye when he tops up your cocktail with yesterday's cola from a half-empty bottle.
  • The bar most likely uses two-liter bottles of cola.
  • Just for reasons of economy.

In bars, whiskey and cola is often garnished with mint and lemon. Cocktail connoisseurs claim that this is done solely for aesthetic reasons and does not add any flavor.

Well, it’s clear that throwing a cocktail party at home with whiskey and cola will not be difficult. All ingredients are available in any supermarket, they do not require special preparation, you know the recipe. Mix and enjoy.

American recipe

Whiskey and Coca-Cola (English: coca-cola) or abbreviated as “cola” is one of the most popular alcoholic cocktails that came to us from the West. The recipe for this cocktail is quite simple, it consists of only three components mixed in a certain proportion: Composition of a classic cocktail:

  • Jack Daniel's whiskey (in the home version of the cocktail, it can be replaced with any other brand of whiskey);
  • Popular drink "Coca-Cola";
  • Edible ice, crushed into pieces.

You can use a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint to decorate a glass of this drink. Cooking method:

  • We chop the ice into small pieces (if you have it in a piece), and if you froze it yourself in molds, then you don’t have to chop it. Whiskey and Coca-Cola cocktail proportions

Trying different options

Having tried different variants, you will definitely choose the best one for yourself and find the very proportion that you like best. Making whiskey and cola

Bon appetit!


Cooking method:

Cool Coca-Cola in the refrigerator. It is not advisable to open it in advance, otherwise carbon dioxide will escape from the drink and the cocktail will lose its taste and spiciness.

Prepare wine glasses or glasses. They must be clean, dry and preferably also pre-cooled.

We chop the ice into small pieces (if you have it in a piece), and if you froze it yourself in molds, then you don’t have to chop it.

Whiskey and Coca-Cola cocktail proportions

  • The proportions of the classic are quite strong cocktail the following: one part whiskey to one part cola (1:1).
  • If you are trying this alcoholic drink for the first time, it is recommended to start with the most gentle, lightweight version of the cocktail, prepared in proportions: one to three (1:3), that is, to one part of whiskey you should add three parts of cola.
  • Then you can move on to the middle option with the proportion: one to two (1:2), with one part of whiskey mixed with two parts of Coca-Cola.
  • After trying different options, you will definitely choose the best one for yourself and find the very proportion that you like best.


  1. Fill the glasses with pieces of ice.
  2. Pour the required amount of whiskey into it (depending on the selected proportion: either half, or a third, or a quarter of a glass).
  3. Fill the glass to the top with cola and shake the cocktail to mix the ingredients.

When serving (which is completely optional), decorate the cocktail glasses with lemon or mint.


Cocktail “Drunk Horse”

So, all we need for the cocktail is whiskey (choose your favorite brand and manufacturer), Coca-Cola drink, ice, a slice of lime or its zest for decoration and just 1 minute of your time (which is New Year, and on any other holiday it is very important)!!!

The recipe itself is simple: mix whiskey with Coca-Cola in proportions 1:4-1:5... If desired, you can add ice and a slice (zest) of lime (lemon) to the cocktail. The cocktail is ready!!!

  • We usually use White Horse whiskey because... we like the taste and aroma, and also, importantly, the price...
  • By the way, this is where the name of the cocktail “Drunk Horse” comes from. despite the small amount of alcohol, it makes itself felt, and the “horse” is taken from the name of the whiskey, I just think the word “horse” is too offensive...
  • The drink has unexpected rich taste, the carbonated, sweet cola enhances some of the whiskey's notes while submerging others... but in this case, they're not at all a pity.


Cocktail supporters

Nothing is really known about the history of the cocktail. They say that during their world tour, the Fab Four not only broke many fans’ hearts, but also spread the recipe for this cocktail. Apparently, this is why some fans of this drink argue that the whiskey must be Scotch, and the cola must be from the Coca-Cola company.

  • The Beatles also introduced the canonical one-to-one proportions.
  • The result is a very strong mixture, which is not to everyone’s taste.
  • Twenty degrees excluding ice.
  • The answer is simple: in 1960, John Lennon was twenty years old.
  • Now everyone chooses the proportions of whiskey and cola to suit their taste.
  • This is partly what drives people to order cocktails by the slice. Not everyone likes to explain fractions to waiters.

Cola complements the taste of whiskey very nicely. This is especially true for American blended varieties. Inexpensive brands of whiskey made from corn raw materials have a very sharp taste and aroma.

Cocktail opponents

The cocktail did not go unnoticed by advocates of a healthy lifestyle. There is complete freedom for them here. And the harmful Coca-Cola, and whiskey, alien to the Russian people, and everything came to us from the decaying West.

It is alleged that the recipe is written out almost on the first page of the Dulles plan. The proportions are strictly calculated for the genocide of the bright minds of a great power. The whiskey and cola cocktail is proposed to be banned, anathematized and burned with a hot iron from the menu and wine lists.

  • Any cola, like any sweet carbonated lemonade, is harmful to digestion and teeth.
  • Whiskey is a strong alcohol and, of course, its excessive consumption has an extremely negative impact on health.
  • But more and more alcoholics are dying from cheap vodka, and not from cocktails.

Regarding the excessive amount of sugar, and kilocalories in general, you’re more likely to end up drinking whiskey and cola than getting cavities, much less obesity.

Occasionally, you can and even should enjoy a delicious, unhealthy cocktail.

Easy to prepare popular mix

Making such a cocktail is a simple matter and almost anyone can do it at home. You only need three components. It's ice, cola and whiskey.

  • Take a large glass, fill it to the top with ice cubes, first pour in some whiskey and then cola. The cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime or lemon and mint leaves.
  • That's all, the delicious cocktail is ready.
  • They drink whiskey and cola in small sips, maybe even through a straw, and don’t have a snack.
  • The mix turns out to be very cold, so you should not drink it in one gulp, as there is a risk of getting a cold in your throat.
  • Small nuances of preparing the famous cocktail.


  • Fans of this drink claim that it must definitely come from Scotland.
  • Most likely, true fans of expensive alcohol will not allow themselves to mix it with cheap soda. After all, this results in the loss of all the originality of the drink.
  • So scotch whiskey loses all its attractive smokiness of aroma. But American corn bourbon is better suited for diluting it with cola.
  • Corn pleasantly sets off the taste of soda, while alcohol loses its sharpness.

And if you combine Scotch whiskey with cola, you create a contrast of flavors, not a complement. Experts and lovers of such a drink as whiskey do not recommend using expensive brands for this cocktail, which are best left for consumption in its pure form to celebrate some significant event.

It is better to use cheaper whiskey, since the taste of the drink will still change significantly during the mixing process. Alcohol must be very well chilled, so you don’t need to use ice.

Ice is made from ordinary drinking water, you can use mineral water or just freeze cola. Ice cubes from mineral water, soda and plain water are sometimes mixed.


It is better to take it only from the Coca-Cola company; it is the one that quite pleasantly sets off the taste of whiskey. Especially if blended varieties are used. Soda should only be used very well chilled. It should be opened immediately before preparing the cocktail.

  • A warm or stale drink will only spoil the taste of the cocktail, making it almost impossible to drink.
  • You can experiment with different cola flavors, such as cherry.
  • At a bar, whiskey is most often ordered separately from cola.
  • This happens because bartenders can easily pour soda from two-liter bottles into cocktails that have long since expired.


Before drinking whiskey and cola, you should also take care of the container in which everything will be mixed. It's best to take a glass of medium or even big size. In bars, dishes are pre-cooled. This can be done at home by placing a large glass in the freezer for 15 minutes.


As for the proportions, there is a slight difference of opinion. Some people like to drink whiskey and cola in a one-to-one ratio. But in this case, the drink will turn out to be very strong, and a large amount of sugar in the soda will lead to premature intoxication. If you want to prolong the pleasure, then it is best to combine the main components in a ratio of three to one. To one part alcohol base, take three parts soda.

It is better to use the same proportions trying a cocktail for the first time. You shouldn’t skimp on cola, but neither should you skimp on ice. If the drink seems too strong or has an unpleasant taste, you should reduce the amount of whiskey. If you only feel cola, then you should increase the amount of alcohol.

"Pitfalls" of a delicious cocktail

Opponents of the combination of whiskey and cola argue that its use has an extremely negative effect on health. Soda contains a lot of sugar, and it is extremely harmful to the teeth, pancreas, and stomach. And when supplemented with alcohol, it becomes a very heavy mixture.

  • But occasionally you can enjoy a cocktail.
  • It is worth remembering that it is very high in calories due to the high sugar content in cola, and this can contribute to the appearance of caries, fat deposits and other diseases.
  • In addition, the cocktail whets the appetite, and the mixture itself does not give any saturation taste.
  • Therefore, after drinking the mix, you really want to eat, which can lead to obesity.

All whiskey and cola cocktails are similar. The main thing is that the drink is cold and fresh. Its preparation does not require any special equipment or skills, you can prepare it in a glass or in a shaker. It will fit perfectly into a youth party. For men, a one-to-one ratio of cola to whiskey is best.

Women prefer to take three parts soda and one part alcohol. In this case, there is no smell of alcohol in the cocktail. Many manufacturers have even begun to produce this ready-made cocktail in cans.

But it’s best to cook it yourself, adapting to your personal preferences, changing the proportions. Then the cocktail will turn out brighter and fresher.


How to mix correctly

When mixing cola and whiskey, it is worth considering that aromatic and taste characteristics The original drinks change greatly, which is why this mixture is considered a full-fledged cocktail.

A whiskey and cola cocktail consists of just three ingredients – whiskey, cola and ice.

  • Any type of whiskey is suitable for preparing this drink, since it becomes impossible to distinguish all the subtleties between its different types when combined with cola. Of course, it is better to refrain from mixing expensive whiskey or aged scotch with cola, as this will spoil noble drink. Therefore, it is still better to opt for inexpensive whiskey, and American bourbon- a vivid example of this.
  • To properly mix all the ingredients, you should not skimp on the amount of ice; the more there is in the glass, the better it will be. Ice naturally softens the harsh taste of whiskey, giving the cocktail smoothness, which is very important given some of the characteristics of cola.
  • Coca-Cola, like Pepsi, is a drink with a high sugar content, it is highly carbonated and has its own characteristic taste. Coke is traditionally used for cocktails; Pepsi is offered only as an alternative if the bar has run out of cola. And oddly enough, if you mix whiskey and Pepsi, the very American taste of the cocktail will be irretrievably lost.

The right thing to do is to mix these three ingredients without shaking each other, adhering to a certain proportion so that the hops do not go to your head too quickly, and a good mood is guaranteed throughout the evening of drinking the drink.

The ratio of whiskey and cola in a cocktail

The proportions of ingredients taken for a drink play a major role in how it tastes. They may vary somewhat depending on the desired strength.

  • But if you are preparing a cocktail yourself and are not ready for unexpected impressions and a sharp taste, then you should not take whiskey and cola in a one-to-one ratio. Otherwise, alcohol will be absorbed into the blood very quickly due to high content sugar in cola and you won't feel very good.
  • Most the best option drinking a cocktail is whiskey and cola taken in a ratio of one to three.
  • To prepare this cocktail, you will need to take a large glass (300-400 ml) and fill it with ice cubes to the very top. Pour 50 ml of whiskey into it and only then add about 150 ml of cola.
  • The resulting cocktail can be decorated with lemon or lime slices and a sprig of mint. It is drunk in small sips.

The classic American version is more strict in its execution and will require a special glass for whiskey - a tumbler. It has a thick glass bottom and walls. You could often see him in the movies. Place a couple of ice cubes in it, pour in a little whiskey (about 30-40 ml), and add cola to taste.

The secret of real American dream– cold cola

  • An important aspect of the right whiskey and cola is that the drink should be truly cold.
  • Cola should be freshly opened and well chilled. Option when you have good whiskey And open bottle cola stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days will not work.
  • The best thing is cola from glass bottle. Surprisingly, it contains fewer harmful substances than the one that is poured into cans and plastic containers.
  • And under no circumstances pour warm cola or cola into whiskey that has already run out of steam. This will ruin the drink.
  • Since the resulting cocktail has a decent volume, it is recommended to take large glasses, which are best pre-cooled, as is done in many bars.

Another little secret of this cocktail is ice. It can be made from either ordinary water or cola itself; ice from carbonated mineral water will look very fresh in a cocktail.

The American classic is, of course, rectangular ice cubes made from filtered water and a freshly opened cold cola from a glass bottle.

Make this cocktail at home and you will get a true taste of the American dream.


Correct cooking process

Take a glass and fill it with ice to the brim. Now let's turn to how to dilute whiskey and cola. We choose our favorite proportion and, following it, fill a glass with ice with whiskey, and then pour in cola. The sequence can only be like this. Next, you need to shake all the ingredients and garnish the cocktail with either a lemon slice or a mint sprig.

The drink is ready! All operations are characterized by simplicity and speed of execution. A whiskey and cola cocktail is basic option. There are more advanced and interesting versions.

Drinking culture

Now let's clarify how to drink cola with whiskey. The drink is consumed in small sips. For those interested in what they eat with whiskey and cola, without hesitation, the answer is – nothing. The cocktail is consumed without an appetizer. Remember, the drink must be cold, so do not drink it in one gulp. There is a risk of developing colds. It is better to use a straw for consumption. Whiskey and cola is a party staple. At parties, the drink flows like a river. Those concerned about the caloric content of an alcoholic drink should know that it is 171 Kcal per 100 ml.


A cocktail with the mysterious name Idiot

This cocktail has no date of birth or reliable history. The origin of the name is also unclear. One thing is known - “Idiot” is a mega-popular, most often consumed alcoholic drink. Every bartender knows about the existence of this mix.

But you won’t find it on the menu in any decent establishment. Every adult has tried this cocktail at least once, but they hardly knew its name, or rather, they didn’t even realize that they even had it.


  • The simplicity of this cocktail is simply amazing - any cognac/whisky plus the famous Coca-Cola. That's all! Simple and tasty, and most importantly, helps you relax by turning off your brain a little.
  • But is it really that tasty? Connoisseurs of good whiskey/cognac, who know how to drink and savor it in its pure form, angrily call those who even thought of ruining such a thing idiots. elite drink regular cola.
  • But there are many such lovers all over the world, especially among young people and nightclub goers!
  • But the bartenders, in principle, liked this drink, because in order to prepare it you don’t need to work hard. And for various establishments this is a good income, because not every person can afford expensive alcohol, but a modest 3-star cognac with a bottle of Cola sells with a bang.

Be that as it may, those who want to drink “Idiot” are not decreasing, because when one generation grows up from this cocktail, the next is ready to drink it. “Cola” in tandem with cognac (or vice versa) is a whole alcoholic age, which has not yet lost its popularity and, given the number of admirers, it definitely has a place to be!

Classic recipe

This classic cocktail is easy to prepare:

  • Combine whiskey or cognac with Coca-Cola in a 1 to 1 ratio, 50 ml of each.
  • Add a couple of ice cubes.

Subtleties of preparation:

  • the main components of the drinks must be chilled;
  • The Cola bottle is opened only during cooking.

To prepare a less strong drink, alcohol is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3 (50 ml of cognac/whiskey and 150 ml of cola). Often waiters serve cognac and cola separately so that the client can mix them according to his own taste, making a drink of suitable strength. At the request of visitors, lemon is served as a snack.

Some people argue that it is wiser to replace Coca-Cola with Pepsi, which gives the cocktail a different taste.

Origin: Russian version

Historical versions regarding the origin are varied, none of them is 100% confirmed. But the Russian legend about the origin of the “Idiot” is one of the most beloved among bartenders.

In the last millennium, in the 90s, when racketeering and banditry especially flourished, one day a cool rich guy from the “new Russian” series came to an expensive restaurant. He wanted not only to eat and relax, but also to show off to his beautiful companion the amount of money he had earned. The helpful sommelier began to court the rich man, offering him exquisite elite alcoholic drinks. Without thinking twice, the couple ordered the most expensive drink aged for many years.

According to legend, it was “The Macallan Lalique 50 years old” whiskey, the price of which at that time was over $10,000. The waiter brought two rocks glasses filled with whiskey, but then the lady with the stupid emotions of a blonde began to rebel, saying that she was not respected here, because she could not drink such a strong drink in its pure form. The spoiled doll demanded Coca-Cola and ice. And so the “Idiot” (or perhaps an idiot) was born.

Origin: European version

Many are convinced that this cocktail was discovered by the famous guys from the Beatles group, who tried an unusual alcoholic mix during a tour in Russia. “The Idiot” impressed the Liverpool guys so much that they took his recipe to the United States of America.

  • While traveling and performing at concerts, the group ordered this alcoholic drink almost everywhere.
  • And when they left, the owners of public establishments began to offer their clients the cocktail that the famous Beatles drink.
  • This is how the cocktail gained its own popularity, spreading throughout Europe.
  • Although it cannot be said that countries throughout Europe liked this alcoholic drink.

For example, even the British consider it a real blasphemy to dilute whiskey or cognac with Cola. The same cannot be said about the USA, where Coca-Cola is second on the list of products after bread, and has become a real national treasure of America.

Drinking culture

In terms of the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, this cocktail has nothing in common with it. Coca-Cola has its own history, but not culture, the main thing is that it is cold and carbonated. But it is customary to enjoy whiskey and cognac, savor it, drink it in small sips and, of course, not snack.

Those who know how to drink correctly, who are given the opportunity to feel all the noble notes of good whiskey or cognac, simply laugh at lovers of such cocktails. And other gourmets, on the contrary, “cry”; they feel very sorry for the stupidly drunk elite alcoholic drink.

But if we talk about culture, then we can note several points from “The Idiot”:

  1. the cocktail is drunk exclusively chilled;
  2. ice is required;
  3. Coca-Cola must be opened immediately before adding it to a glass of alcohol.

That's the whole simple culture of this alcoholic mix.

Benefits of this drink

No matter how angry the French are for their “defamed” cognac, this cocktail still has certain advantages:

  • Versatility. Perhaps for connoisseurs the combination of “Cola” with cognac or whiskey is deadly, but for those who are unlucky enough to be born a gourmet, “Cola” and cognac go very well together.
  • In such a mix, cognac or whiskey becomes softer, and therefore not only men, but also the fair half of humanity drink them so boldly. The cocktail can safely be given the status of universal.
  • Availability. Few people can afford to make expensive whiskey/cognac brands more affordable than Coca-Cola. Of course, the taste of high-quality, high-quality drinks has a certain character, and it can truly be savored.
  • But the cheap fakes, which have a ridiculous price for cognac/whisky, are not very tasty, because they are bitter and completely tasteless. But everyone wants to drink, not just the wealthy class.

This is where it would be appropriate for Coke or Pepsi to appear on stage, perhaps even a painted fake of them. A non-alcoholic carbonated drink with a unique taste makes cheap cognac more palatable. And if you consider that there are not so many elites in our world, then the availability of an “idiotic” cocktail is very pleasing, especially for young people leading an active nightlife.

Degree of intoxication. If your goal is to get drunk, then “Idiot” will easily help you with this. It's no secret that gases double the effect of alcohol, causing brain fog to appear much faster. And for those who do not know how to drink alcoholic beverages, even one cocktail will be enough. All of the above advantages give the cocktail a justified right to exist.

Modification of the main recipe

People really like to try something new, thanks to this classic recipe The cocktail received an addition and acquired several equally interesting taste qualities. New recipes:
“Cuban brandy” or just with lime.

  • Mix 50 ml of cognac with 20 ml of lime juice (about half a medium fruit).
  • Add about 5 ice cubes.
  • Shake thoroughly in a shaker, then pour into a glass.
  • Add 100 ml of Coca-Cola.
  • Garnish with a lime wedge.

The taste of the cocktail turns out to be very interesting, and therefore it appealed to the taste of many.
“3 C” – cognac, Сoca-Сola, coffee, which in Russian means cognac, Coca-Cola, coffee.

  1. This drink is prepared not in a glass, but in a larger glass container.
  2. Mix about 350 ml of Cola, 35 ml of cognac, 0.5 sachet instant coffee(1 gr.)
  3. Beat lightly.
  4. Be sure to serve chilled.

This mix is ​​very conducive to rapid intoxication, so it is important to count on your own strength. In addition, the combination of such strong ingredients gives additional energy, for which it received another name - “Student Vigor”. But such a mix can affect health, especially the functioning of the heart. "The Idiot" inspired new discoveries that people can now sincerely enjoy.