Cherry syrup for the winter. Delicious cherries in syrup, canned for the winter with pits

Cherries are highly valued in our country. The reason is not only the unique taste and aroma, but also the ability to use it for canning. Compotes prepared from it perfectly quench your thirst, and the ability to combine it with other ingredients allows you to avoid monotony. The jam made from this berry is thick and rich. It can also be prepared from one component or from several. Each time you get a new taste. If you have time to remove the seeds (by the way, to help housewives, special food processors have long been invented, working like a meat grinder, which themselves clean the berries from the bones in the shortest possible time), you can prepare aromatic jam that can be eaten as a separate delicacy, and use it for making homemade baked goods. Let’s face it, not everyone likes fresh cherries. The point is the sourness that it possesses, but this is not a minus, but rather a plus.

Sweeter “relative” cherries are also quite healthy, but cherries contain:

  • orgacids (lactic, succinic, citric, etc.) necessary for the full functioning of the body;
  • iron and copper;
  • potassium and magnesium;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of different groups, incl. RR, A and S.

The use of cherries and dishes prepared with them helps strengthen the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves appetite and digestion, and increases the process of assimilation of nutrients supplied with other foods. The presence of berries in the diet has a positive effect on the nervous system. Improvement in sleep and increased performance are noted.

It would take a long time to list the abilities of cherries. This is not a berry, but a real treasure. Preserving it is quite simple, the main thing is to properly prepare for this process.

In order for cherry blanks to turn out for sure, you need to remember the following rules:

  • the skin of the berries is delicate, thin, and easily damaged, so it must be handled carefully and harvested immediately after picking or purchasing;
  • You need to pick the berries from the tree immediately with the stalks, so they will last longer and will not lose their juiciness;
  • Before canning, the berries must be carefully sorted and sorted;
  • if the variety is very sweet, there may be worms inside. This is not scary and, on the contrary, is a sign of the environmental purity of the product, but to prevent them from getting into the jam or compote, you should first soak the cherries (without stems) in brine (a tablespoon per liter of water) for 2-3 hours, and then rinse in cold running water.

Proven recipes for cherry preparations

Preparing cherries for the winter is not at all difficult. Today there are a lot of recipes, but let’s look at the most proven ones, ones that even novice housewives will definitely succeed in, but they won’t hurt experienced cooks either.

Syrup for the winter

It turns out incredibly tasty. In winter, it can be used for making drinks (including those with added alcohol), for buns, pancakes, etc.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • cherry 2 cups;
  • cherry, currant, raspberry, gooseberry and tarragon leaves - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.3 liters;
  • citric acid – 1-1.5 tsp.

Many may be surprised by the presence of leaves in the recipe. Indeed, few people know that not only do they contain no less useful substances than the fruits themselves, but they also taste very much like the berries themselves. Try pouring boiling water over currant leaves. After literally half an hour or an hour, the red drink will be ready!!! color and with a characteristic currant taste. The same goes for the other listed plants. So using them in a recipe provides not only an additional beautiful shade, but primarily taste and aroma.

Rinse the leaves in running water. Sort the berries, remove stems, and rinse.

Place them in a saucepan, add water.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for about a quarter of an hour. Leave to cool.

Then strain the resulting broth, add sugar and lemon to it, and boil for another 10-15 minutes. Pour into prepared jars and seal. Turn over, wrap, leave to cool.

Jam “Delicious”

No matter how delicious the compotes and syrups made from cherries are, they are most often used for making jam.

Both children and adults like the sweet taste and indescribable aroma, and the neat berries simply cannot leave anyone indifferent.


  • cherry – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • water - half a liter.

Sort the berries, remove the stems, and rinse under running water. Remove the seeds. It is ideal if there is a device specially designed for this, but if not, remember, your efforts will not be in vain.

Boil the syrup. Pour the prepared berries over them, let them brew for at least two hours, but longer. Place on low heat and bring until done.

The readiness of the jam is checked using a drop on the dish. If it does not spread and holds its shape well, then the delicacy is ready. You can put it in jars and seal it.

Yes, and do not forget to carefully stir the brew so that it does not burn, and also skim off the foam regularly.

Thick cherry jam

It comes out richer than in the previous recipe and can be served as a separate dessert or used for filling pies and pancakes.


  • ripe berries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 200-300 ml.

The berries must be sorted, the stalks removed, washed, and slightly dried. The seeds can be removed or left. Let us only remind you that canned fruits with seeds cannot be stored for more than 2 years. Otherwise, harmful toxic substances begin to be produced in the jars. Although, you haven’t been making this jam for two years, and it won’t last one season; despite its simplicity, it turns out so delicious.

Place berries, sugar and water in a wide saucepan to make stirring convenient. Bring to a boil over low heat. Turn off the heat and let it brew for 12 hours. Bring to a boil again, only now simmer for a couple of minutes. Turn it off again and let it sit for 12 hours. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil and immediately pour into pre-prepared jars.

Cherry jam – five minutes

For an express option for preparing a delicious delicacy for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe cherries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Note! Only sweet varieties of cherries are suitable for this recipe.

Sort the berries, rinse, remove stems and seeds. Add sugar and stir. Let it sit for 3-4 hours until the juice comes out. Then you need to add the specified amount of water. With constant stirring over very low heat, bring to a boil and simmer, skimming off any foam that forms for 5-7 minutes. Immediately pour into pre-washed and sterilized jars and roll up.

Candied cherries

An ideal recipe for all those with a sweet tooth. We just warn you right away that not everyone can preserve the delicacy until winter.

To prepare candied fruits you will need cherries and sugar syrup.

  1. Dissolve 1.5 kg of sugar in 500 ml of water.
  2. Sort the cherries, rinse, and remove pits.
  3. Immerse the prepared fruits in syrup (it should completely cover the berries) and leave for 5-7 hours, or preferably overnight.
  4. In the morning, remove the berries, bring the syrup to a boil and again immerse the fruit in it for the same exact time. Repeat this 4-5 times. The process can be completed when sugar crystals begin to appear on the berries.
  5. All that remains is to take out the candied fruits, let the syrup drain, dry them in the oven, cool and transfer them to parchment for storage.

Cherry and melon jam

A delicious dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • ripe cherries – 500 gr;
  • melon (pulp) – 300 g;
  • sugar – 700 gr;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • vodka - 15 ml.

Sort the cherries, rinse, remove pits, mix with melon, sprinkle with sugar, add cinnamon. Let it sit overnight. In the morning, stir thoroughly, bring to a boil over low heat, add vodka and simmer for about 10 minutes. Pour into prepared jars and roll up.

Culinary advice

If you grind cherries and melon in a blender, no one will guess what ingredients are present in the jam. Thanks to the addition of cinnamon, the finished delicacy will please even recognized gourmets.

Cherry compote

Everyone will enjoy this very tasty and richly colored drink.

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Currently, many housewives prepare various dishes and compotes from cherries. After all, it has a lot of useful properties and excellent taste. Today we will talk about how you can make syrup from this berry.

Preparing Ingredients

To prepare classic cherry syrup Several main ingredients are used:

  • cherry fruits;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Before you start preparing the syrup itself, you should prepare the ingredients. The cherries must be washed. It's better to do this several times. If necessary, remove seeds from berries. It is also worth sorting the fruits. If they are damaged, then it is not recommended to take them for such a mass. If you use cherry leaves when preparing the mixture, you should also rinse them thoroughly. Check them for damage. Don't forget to prepare containers for liquid.

They all must be thoroughly sterilized.


Today there is considerable number of recipes for making cherry syrup:

  • classic cherry syrup;
  • syrup with cherries and citric acid;
  • cherry leaf syrup;
  • cherry syrup with pits;
  • syrup with cherry and almond notes;
  • syrup from whole frozen cherries;
  • syrup with whole cherries.

Classic cherry syrup

Before cooking, the fruits should be thoroughly washed. After that, all the bones are taken out of them. The cherries are completely covered with granulated sugar and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, the mixture must be put on fire and brought to a boil. The berries are removed from the pan during cooking. And the mass is boiled again. Then the syrup is poured into sterilized jars and tightly closed with lids.

Syrup with cherries and citric acid

To make this simple syrup for the winter, you first need to thoroughly rinse the berries in cool, clean water. Afterwards all the seeds are removed from them. This can be done using a special kitchen apparatus. Using a juicer or a regular metal sieve, you need to extract the cherry juice. Then the juice is poured into a bowl and everything is placed on the stove. Sugar is added to the liquid (600 grams of granulated sugar is taken for 500 milliliters of juice). Boil the mass until it becomes thick and viscous.

Remember that if you passed the juice through a metal sieve, then the drink should be strained several more times before boiling. Citric acid (0.5 teaspoon) is added to the liquid over the fire. It acts as a preservative. This ingredient can also add a pleasant taste to the product. There are also recipes for making cherry syrup with freshly squeezed lemon juice. To prepare this version, you need to pour the washed cherries into a bowl of boiling water. You need to cook it until the berries begin to burst. Afterwards, wait until the fruits cool down at least a little.

Then squeeze the juice from the cooked cherries. This can be done through nylon fabric. Pour the resulting cherry liquid into a separate container and add granulated sugar and lemon juice (1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice per 1 kilogram of sugar). The resulting liquid should be placed on low heat, and after the sugar has completely dissolved, the heat should be increased. Cook the syrup until it thickens, stirring constantly.

Cherry leaf syrup

You need to squeeze the juice out of the washed berries. Then it is mixed with granulated sugar (700 grams). At the same time, an infusion of cherry leaves is prepared according to the recipe. To make it, you need to place the leaves in a pan of water and boil for 7-10 minutes. After the infusion is prepared, you need to remove all the leaves from the pan. The resulting liquid is mixed with juice. This mass is again put to cook on a small fire. This should be done no more than 30 minutes. The syrup becomes thick and viscous. Then it can be poured into sterile jars.

Cherry syrup with pits

The washed berries are placed in a bowl, sugar and water are added (1.5 liters of water per 2.5 kilograms of sugar and 2 kilograms of cherries). All ingredients are simmered over low heat for three hours. In this case, the seeds are not removed from the fruit. The resulting liquid is filtered through a sieve or through gauze, which is folded in several layers. The mixture is boiled again for 2-3 minutes. After this, the syrup is poured into containers.

Syrup with cherry and almond notes

All the seeds are removed from the fruit. They are thoroughly crushed. This is done with a hammer or coffee grinder. The crushed mass is mixed with cherry pulp. This whole mixture should be infused for 24 hours under a thick cloth. During this procedure, the seeds will be able to give the cherries a wonderful almond aroma. After this, the entire mixture is passed through a juicer. The resulting mass is mixed with granulated sugar. Moreover, they do this so that there is an equal amount of both the mixture and granulated sugar. The syrup is boiled until it becomes thick, and then it is poured into sterilized jars.

Syrup from whole frozen cherries

Frozen cherries are poured into a container. In this case, all fruits must be intact and not bursting. It is filled with water and covered with sugar (250 milliliters of water per 3 kilograms of sand and 2 kilograms of fruit). The whole mixture is set to cook and brought to a boil. After boiling, turn off the stove and cover the container loosely with a lid. In this form, the mass should cool at least a little. This all needs to be repeated 4 times. The liquid is then filtered through a sieve. It is once again put on low heat and cooked until it becomes viscous, and then it is poured into containers.

Syrup with whole cherries

All ingredients are poured into a bowl (one full glass of sugar per kilogram of berries and the juice of two lemons). Berries can be taken with or without seeds. Bring the mixture to a boil. Then you need to cook the syrup for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Then you need to wait until the liquid cools completely. The mixture should be passed through a metal or plastic sieve.

Afterwards, the still hot product is poured into jars and sealed.

Benefits and contraindications

Cherry syrups have a whole host of important properties. After all, cherry fruits contain a considerable amount of antioxidants, which can bring many benefits to the human body. So, such syrups have a great effect on human joints and bones, so they are recommended to drink for gout. After all, they can significantly reduce pain and inflammation in such a disease. Such syrups are also excellent for normalizing the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. Cherries contain a lot of potassium, which is essential for stable blood pressure. Also, many experts note that this berry can reduce the risk of stroke.

Cherry syrups also have a great effect on human nerves. Cherry juice restores the balance and activity of special antioxidant enzymes. And this prevents the occurrence of diseases and pathologies associated with the central nervous system. Compotes and syrups can significantly improve sleep. They can also increase the amount of sleep you get. Syrups with cherries also have a great effect on human vision. In addition, such berries help stabilize the functioning of the respiratory system. After all, they prevent the occurrence of asthma, shortness of breath, and bronchospasm.

Cherries are also capable of quickly breaking down fatty tissue. This berry has a low calorie content, so it is often eaten for weight loss. The pectin and fiber contained in this berry improve intestinal function and normalize digestion processes in the body. Cherry syrups are also great for the skin. After all, cherry fruits have a high content of vitamins C and A. They soften the skin and restore its elasticity. Cherry syrups should also be consumed to improve immunity. They have huge amounts of fiber, carotenoids and anthocyanins. All these elements strengthen the body’s defenses and are responsible for the prevention of cancer.

Despite the fact that cherries and syrups from them bring many benefits to the human body, they also have certain harmful properties and contraindications. Remember that it is better not to consume such products in large quantities, as they contain too much fructose, which in excess quantities can harm a person. Some people suffer from vitamin C intolerance. In this case, it is better not to consume cherry syrups, which contain large amounts of this element.

Those who suffer from high acidity and gastritis should not drink such drinks. People suffering from diabetes should also control their consumption of cherries and cherry syrup. If your tooth enamel is too thin, then you also shouldn’t drink too much of these liquids.

Use in cooking

Housewives often use cherry syrups when preparing various dishes. They are used to soak biscuits used for cakes and other baked goods. They are often added to drinks. Sometimes such mixtures are mixed in small quantities with coffee. Cherry syrups can even be combined with meat. After all, they are often added when preparing various sauces for it. When marinating, it is also permissible to use a few drops of this liquid.

Sometimes it also acts as a decoration for other dishes.

Packaging syrup for storage

It is better to store containers with such syrup in simple glass jars. They must first be sterilized along with the lids (it is better to take metal ones). You need to pour the liquid before it cools down. The sealed jars of syrup should be placed in a horizontal position. This is necessary so that the lids of the jars have contact with the hot liquid. After all, this will allow the process of their sterilization to continue. This syrup, prepared at home, can be stored from one year to several years. But remember that if you have already uncorked the jar, the mixture will only be suitable for use for a few days. And at the same time, open containers should be kept in refrigerators.

You will learn more about how to prepare cherry syrup in the following video.

Cherry is a magical berry! You always want to preserve the taste and aroma of these ruby ​​berries for the winter. If you are already tired of jam and compotes and want something new, then make cherries in syrup. This preparation will not take much time and effort, but you will be pleased with the result - that's for sure!

So, we have 2.2 kilograms of cherries. We begin preparing cherries in syrup by rinsing the berries and placing them in a colander to drain excess liquid.

While the cherries are drying out the jars. I do this in the microwave - quickly and conveniently. To do this, I pour 1.5 centimeters of water into clean jars and steam them in the microwave for 4 minutes at full power. I drain the remaining water. The banks are ready!

Now we put the berries in jars, taking up about 2/3 of their volume.

I have 700 gram jars. I don't take the pits out of the cherries. Although, if you have time and desire, you can do it. But, as for me, pitted cherries are not cherries!

After the allotted time, drain the water into a saucepan for boiling syrup, having previously measured the amount of drained liquid with a measuring cup. It is convenient to use a second container for this manipulation. First, we drained the liquid from all the cans into one saucepan, and then poured it into another, a working saucepan, using a measuring cup. I got 2100 milliliters of drained water. For every 500 milliliters of water you need to take 250 grams of sugar. For my volume you need 1050 grams of sugar.

Add sugar and put the syrup on the fire. Pour the boiled syrup back into the jars.

We tighten the lids and leave to cool under a warm blanket. The volume of berries indicated at the beginning of the recipe yielded 6 jars of 700 grams each.

As you can see, this recipe for preparing cherries is really very simple and quick. It will help you easily cope with a large harvest of this berry in no time. And most importantly, the result is a favorite delicacy of children and adults - sweet cherries. And syrup diluted with water in winter makes a wonderful drink.

During the season of ripening and picking cherries, in addition to making preserves, jam, confiture... prepare several jars of aromatic cherries in syrup for the winter. Preparing this preparation is as easy as shelling pears. There is no need to remove the seeds, cook or sterilize them. The preparation process is very simple: first, pour boiling water over the cherries, then prepare a sweet syrup based on it, which we pour over the berries in jars. We'll seal the jars and that's it. Shall we start cooking?

Let's prepare products for storing cherries in syrup for the winter.

We sort the berries, remove spoiled and wrinkled ones, tear off the stalks, and wash the cherries.

Place on a sieve.

We wash the lids and jars with baking soda, then sterilize them. Fill the sterilized containers with cherries to 2/3 of the volume.

While sterilization is in progress, put the water for the syrup (with a small reserve) on the stove and bring to a boil.

Carefully pour boiling water into the center of the jar, filling the jar to the very top. Cover the jars with lids without twisting yet, and leave for 20 minutes.

After the allotted time, first pour the water from the cans into a measuring container to determine the amount of sugar. For every 0.5 liter of water you need to take 250 g of sugar.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the syrup, stirring, over high heat for 5 minutes. If foam appears, it will need to be removed.

Immediately pour hot syrup over the cherries in the jars. Roll up or tighten with sterilized screw caps. Turn all the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave them for a day. I got 4 jars of 0.5 liters each.

As you can see, this recipe is simple and quick. The syrup, when diluted with water, makes an excellent drink.

Cherries in syrup are ready for the winter. After the jars of cherries have cooled, store them in a cool, dark place.

If you want to leave a pleasant memory of summer that will give not only positive emotions, but also the opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes, prepare cherry syrup for the winter, which can then be used in a variety of ways. How to prepare delicious cherry syrup for the winter? We'll tell you.

In Eastern Georgia, cherry syrup is extremely popular; every housewife makes it there. Its very pleasant aroma and taste are beyond competition! This syrup can be consumed by making various drinks based on it and adding it, for example, to tea. Cherry syrup also works well as a sweet addition to a variety of desserts; it can be used to decorate cakes and pastries, mousses, soufflés, ice cream, pour over fruit salads, etc. Thanks to its bright and rich color, indescribable taste and aroma, cherry syrup has remained a very popular preparation for many years.

Cherry is a universal berry, that is, its taste is combined with the tastes of any other berries and fruits.

There are two basic recipes for making cherry syrup: in the first, the syrup is cooked using freshly squeezed cherry juice, and in the second, the berries are boiled in sugar syrup and then thoroughly filtered. Both methods are simple and very accessible even to inexperienced cooks, however, methods in which cherries must first be pitted are more painstaking and time-consuming. We will tell you about a very simple option for making delicious cherry syrup without the need to pit each berry.

Cherry syrup recipe


You will need: 2 kg of ripe dark cherries, 2.5 kg of sugar, 7 glasses of drinking water.

How to make cherry syrup. Place the washed cherries in a saucepan, add sugar, pour in water, bring everything to a boil, simmer over low heat, skimming off the foam, for about 2.5-3 hours, until the foam stops appearing. Strain the resulting syrup through cheesecloth, removing the berries and seeds from it, cover the syrup with gauze or a towel and leave at room temperature for a day. A day later, strain the syrup again, then pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil, turn off the stove and cool the syrup for half an hour, then pour into sterilized jars and seal with sterile lids. Store syrup in a cool, dark place.

Video recipe for making cherry syrup