Dried butter. An oil dish is a real forest gift for a mushroom picker. How to properly store and what to prepare from dried oil dishes.

We prepare the mushrooms: we clean them of dust, dry leaves and dirt. It is advisable to clean them without water; excess moisture should be removed with a napkin (excessively wet mushrooms, for example, in a microwave oven will turn out boiled and not dried). If necessary, remove the skin. Chop the mushrooms into strips 2–3 mm wide or a little larger. Small boletus is dried whole.

In this photo recipe we will show you how to dry boletus in an electric dryer. It is better to choose an electric dryer with a fan and thermostat, drying at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Place pieces of product on the rack of an electric dryer.

Dry the mushrooms until done. The finished product should be dense and dry.

With light pressure, the mushrooms may bend or break slightly. We send the finished boletus into a clean container and carefully seal it. This way they can be stored for 8-10 months. We use fragrant products at our own discretion.

How to dry boletus in other ways:

    • Dry the butter in the oven. Prepare the mold, cover it with food paper and place a thin layer of mushroom slices on it. Drying on a wire rack or sieve is possible. First, the mushrooms must be dried at a temperature of 45–50 °C, after 4 hours the temperature must be increased to 70 °C, and dried again at 50 °C. But these are not all the nuances. At first, the butter should be dried in the oven at the highest possible position; at the next stage, lower the baking sheet lower and lower. The oven is inconvenient because you have to constantly check the temperature, monitor the process, rearrange the trays, check the state of readiness and remove the dried mushrooms.
    • How to dry butter in the microwave. This is a very troublesome method for those who, of course, have never dried mushrooms in the oven. Just in case, be patient. Place the boletus on a wire rack or a special plate previously covered with paper. Place the dish in the microwave oven and turn on the minimum temperature for 15 minutes. When the timer beeps, thoroughly ventilate the oven from hot moisture for 5–10 minutes. Then we repeat both procedures 3-5 times. Sometimes more.

    • Dry the boletus in the sun or on a thread. One of the most ancient methods. Butter should be strung on threads, like on skewers, and hung in a sunny place. Or simply place the pieces on a flat dish, in a sieve, or even on a table and expose them to the air. The only thing you have to watch out for is that it doesn’t rain and that the drying area is clean, free from dust and wind.
    • Drying in an air fryer. We insert a skewer between the lid and the air fryer body so that free air can ventilate, select high speed. Temperature is about 60–70? C, drying time is about an hour and a half. Simple and fast.
How to store dried boletus?

Now you know how to dry mushrooms at home, and you can choose the most appropriate option. But so far only half the job is done: improper storage can deprive your actions of any meaning.

Well-dried mushrooms are light gray or brown in color, with a familiar mushroom scent. They should not be too brittle, wet or black. It is best to store them in a dry place, in paper or cotton fabric containers, in the form of bags or bags. In a city kitchen, it is better to store them in a closed glass container to protect them from moisture. Check the dryness of the mushrooms from time to time, and sometimes re-dry as necessary.

How to cook dried boletus?

The use of dried mushrooms has the same huge range of options as in the case of fresh products. Soak your mushroom croutons for half an hour in water, and after that they are ready to cook. Fried, boiled, pickled, stewed with sour cream!

You can make homemade seasoning from dried butternuts, which will be healthier and tastier than store-bought. To do this, take a handful of dried mushrooms, allspice black peppercorns, dry dill and parsley, grind everything in a grinder and the seasoning is ready.
Dry mushrooms become even more aromatic and tasty; they can be added to soups, stews, sautés, dishes with potatoes and meat.


Butterfly (Suillus luteus (lat.)) is one of the most widespread mushrooms in the northern hemisphere and in the European part of Russia. In addition, boletus is tasty and healthy.

Boletus is divided into three types: late boletus, granular boletus and larch boletus. The first type of boletus can be found from May to October in pine forests, forests with young trees and pine forests (mainly in European and central Russia). Granular butterweed grows in the same pine forests, but on more calcareous soils. The last type of boletus - larch boletus - is found less frequently - mainly in deciduous forests. All three of these types are fried, boiled, pickled, stewed and dried. Drying oily- not such a common processing method, but still used. True, after drying, the butternuts become thin and break easily. But most of the beneficial substances are preserved when dried, and this is the main thing.

The oil can owes its name to its oily cap. It is also called butter mushroom and butter mushroom, and the British call this mushroom Slippery Jack. In coniferous forests, especially on sunny edges and clearings, these mushrooms can be easily found. The butterdish has a cap with a diameter of 4 to 10 cm. If it is very young, then the cap is only 2 - 4 cm. Small mushrooms are dried whole.

The secret of the benefits of oil is in a special resinous substance. It is effective for acute headaches and even helps patients with gout.

Dried boletus contains more than 30% protein, many fatty acids, amino acids and essential oils.

Dried butternuts prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they promote digestion and cleanse the body. Dried butter beans contain a lot of vitamin B and D. Thus, dried boletus accelerate the process of recovery of the body after infectious diseases.

Drying oily preserves all the taste qualities of these mushrooms.

Young freshly picked boletus is dried. Before oil drying you need to select them - throw away the spoiled and damaged ones, sort them by size. After this, the mushrooms need to be washed and cleaned. The skins from the boletus caps must be removed. Large mushrooms - cut into two or several parts.

Oil drying can take place in air. You can dry them in the sun. Or in the air and sun. If you want to oil drying It didn’t take much time - it’s best to use a dryer or dry the mushrooms in the oven (oven). In autumn the weather is unstable, so you can combine drying - dry both in the dryer and in the sun.

When drying in the sun, boletus is strung on threads and hung in the sun (for example, on the roof, in the attic). You can simply arrange the mushrooms on trays, in a sieve, on a table or plywood and expose them to the air. If the weather is favorable, the boletus will dry within a day. The place where mushrooms are dried must be protected from dirt, dust and wind.

All drying devices should be lightweight, small in size and have sides so that they can be easily carried. If large volumes are being dried, after drying the first batch, the devices must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

To dry boletus in the oven, they need to be spread out in a thin layer on wire racks, a baking sheet or a sieve. First, the mushrooms are dried (45-50 °C), after 4-5 hours the temperature in the oven can be increased to 70-75 °C. The oil is dried at a temperature of 50 °C.

First, the butter should be dried on the top row; as they dry, the grate is lowered lower, and a new batch is placed on top. It is important to constantly monitor the temperature.

The condition of the mushrooms is checked during the drying process - they need to be turned over, trays rearranged and ready-made mushrooms selected. The butter is cooled in air, and then placed in a prepared special container.

Drying is oiled can be made above the stove, under the stove in bulk on wood shavings or on baking sheets. To dry mushrooms over a stove, you need a special metal frame. Drying takes 1 – 2 days.

If the boletus has become brittle and brittle, it is ready. You can store them for a long time - in bags or plywood boxes.


Is it necessary to clean boletus for drying: the processing process

Where do you need to start the processing process: do you need to clean the butter for drying?

First you need to sort through the mushrooms collected in the forest: throw away the wormy ones and sort them by size. Next, you need to clean the oil from dirt and grass residues. A simple way: take a kitchen sponge, wet it a little and wipe each mushroom. You can’t soak butternuts before drying, as they instantly begin to absorb water and become heavy. Boletus soaked in water is not suitable for drying.

It must be said that drying boletus mushrooms does not harm the vitamins found in them. They have an even more pronounced aroma than freshly picked ones. At the same time, the boletus does not lose its taste. A variety of dishes are prepared from them, since boletus is combined with many foods: any type of meat, cheese, cereals, vegetables, fruits and eggs. You can use them to make roasts, sauces, gravies, soups - purees, borscht. Dried boletus is added to a variety of salads as the most delicious ingredient.

Drying butter in the sun and mushrooms dried for the winter in the oven

Most housewives confidently use old, proven recipes for drying butter for the winter. For example, to dry in the sun, you need to string whole mushrooms or their individual parts onto a strong thread. Butterflies should not touch each other. It is better to cover the stringed “beads” of mushrooms with a double layer of gauze, protecting the workpiece from dust and flies. In addition, you can build convenient stands from bars or thin boards where you can hang threads with mushrooms.

In good weather and sunny days, drying the butter takes from 5 to 7 days. If the mushrooms are cut into slices, then drying lasts 2-3 days. However, it is worth remembering that dried boletus cannot be stored in “beads”. They can easily harbor moths that can destroy all your work in a matter of days. Therefore, after drying on a thread, remove the butter and place it in a linen bag or glass jar.

Another simple and affordable way is to dry the butter in the oven. This variation has its advantages for apartment residents. The oven does an excellent job of serving as a dryer; it’s easy and quick to dry mushrooms in it, since it’s always at hand.

If the boletus is large, it is better to cut it into pieces and place it in one layer on a baking sheet or wire rack. Preheat the oven to 60°C and insert the mushrooms. It is better not to close the door so that the butter does not get baked. When the oven is open, there is good air circulation.

To prevent the mushrooms from drying out, from time to time you need to take out the baking sheet and leave it for 1.5-2 hours so that the mushrooms cool down. Stir the mushrooms, check how they dry, and put them back in the oven. Never rush to dry a new batch, as this will harm the quality of the butter if it is not completely dried. This drying process takes an average of 2 days, depending on the number of mushrooms.

To determine the degree of cooking of oven-dried butter, try them by touch. Well-dried mushrooms are fragile and brittle and crumble when pressed. If the butter is under-dried, its structure is soft, elastic and when pressed it is difficult to bend. Such mushrooms need to be put back into the oven.

Drying oil in an electric dryer, microwave and on the stove

A quick, economical way is to dry the butter in an electric dryer. This technical innovation saves time for any housewife and does not require her constant presence. The electric dryer has several baking trays that can be filled with large amounts of butter.

Large mushrooms should be cut into pieces and placed in an even layer on each baking tray. Set the temperature on the equipment to 60 °C and continue with your business. The drying time can be selected individually: from 2 to 6 hours.

The location of the mushrooms in the dryer depends on the thickness of the slices. If the boletus is cut thinly, it will dry faster. You can check whether the butter is ready or not 2 hours after turning on the dryer. They are checked in the same way as when drying in a conventional oven; when pressed, the butter should break.

If the housewife does not have a special electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, you can use a regular microwave oven. In it, the temperature is set to 100°C, and the initial drying time of the mushrooms takes only 20 minutes. Then you need to open the door so that excess moisture evaporates (about 10-15 minutes), and continue to dry in the microwave at the same temperature for another 20 minutes.

This option will be very appealing to those who want to finish the drying process faster.

Perhaps someone does not have modern technology to dry butter. However, everyone has gas stoves or coal stoves. You can dry boletus, strung on a rope, against the hot wall of a stove or over a Russian stove. This method is probably used only in remote villages of Russia, although boletus prepared under these conditions has an extraordinary taste and aroma.

You can use gas stoves, although it is very inconvenient, because the burners must always be kept lit. However, if there are no other options for drying butter for the winter at home, you can use this. Keep the mushrooms strung with “beads” over the stove, but if you are going to cook, put the strings in another room. This product loves to absorb all the odors of cooked food. When drying over a gas stove, the process lasts 3-4 days.

You also need to remember one point: if the mushrooms begin to break easily after drying, then grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. They will make mushroom seasoning, which can then be used in gravies, puree soup, and also used to make mushroom croutons and zrazy from the powder.

Dried butter beans should be stored only in fabric bags, paper bags or glass containers, which will help protect them from moisture, mold and pests.


Methods for preparing butter for the winter

You can prepare boletus using:

  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • pickling;
  • marinating.

Frozen boletus

A very convenient way to prepare butter is freezing. It does not require much time and preserves the taste and aroma of mushrooms as much as possible. Fresh, just picked mushrooms are suitable for this method.

You can freeze boletus raw, pre-cooked, or fried.

  • To freeze raw boletus, you need to sort them out, clean them of debris, cut off the base of the stems, remove the mucous film on the caps (it gives off bitterness) and rinse under running water. There is one little secret: you need to spread the mushrooms on a flat surface in a thin layer for a while, then the film will dry out and it will be easier to remove. Freeze small mushrooms whole, and cut large ones into 2-4 pieces or simply separate the caps from the stems. To avoid darkening of the mushrooms, pour them with acidified (5 g of citric acid per 3 liters of water) hot water and let sit for 10 minutes. After that, the mushrooms need to be washed, allowed to dry, placed in containers or freezer bags and stored in the freezer.
  • The second way to freeze butter is freezing with pre-cooking. Prepared mushrooms are boiled in water with the addition of salt, bay leaf and spices as desired. Then they are allowed to drain and dry a little. Sent to the freezer in special containers.
  • To save time on frying mushrooms in winter, you can freeze them pre-fried. Cut clean boletus into pieces of the desired size. Fry until done in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil, adding salt and pepper to taste. Drain off excess oil and package mushrooms to freeze. It is enough to defrost such a preparation and add it to stews, potatoes, meat and other dishes. It's very fast and convenient.

Dried boletus

Dried boletus is very popular among housewives. This is a fairly quick method that does not require special preparation of mushrooms. The only drawback is that before use they will need to be soaked in cool water for 30-40 minutes.

In order to get excellent results when drying butter, you need to know two main secrets:
Butternuts do not need to be washed before drying to avoid absorbing excess moisture.
You need to chop the mushrooms coarsely, taking into account the fact that when dried they shrink by about 3 times.

You can dry boletus either naturally or in the oven. If the weather outside is warm and dry, it is quite possible to dry boletus there. For this:

  1. Sort through the mushrooms, clean them of debris and dust, cut off rotten and darkened areas, cut off the soil from the stems.
  2. If the boletus is very large, separate the caps from the stems and chop coarsely.
  3. Thread the mushrooms onto a thread, piercing the center of the mushroom (or piece of mushroom) with a needle. Remember: there should be a small distance between the mushrooms so that they can dry evenly.
  4. Hang the threads with mushrooms on the street or on the balcony, and in 3-4 days they will be ready. If it is not possible to hang the mushrooms, lay them out on paper and dry them on a flat surface.

To cook dried butter in the oven, prepare them in the same way as in the previous method. Then:

  1. Place the mushrooms at a distance from each other and place them in the oven, preheated to 45-50 degrees, for approximately 4 hours. Then increase the temperature to 75 degrees Celsius. When the mushrooms are almost ready, dry them at a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius.
  2. Stir the mushrooms several times throughout the drying time. This will help them dry evenly.
  3. To check the mushrooms for doneness, pick up one piece. If it is dry and breaks easily, the mushrooms are ready.

Drying the mushrooms in the oven is faster, but the disadvantage of this method is that you need to carefully monitor the temperature and not overdry the mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms are stored in bags made of natural fabric or in glass containers with a closed lid. They should not be exposed to sunlight or moisture. By grinding dried boletus into powder in a coffee grinder, you will get a mushroom seasoning that will perfectly highlight the taste of sauces, soups and other hot dishes.

Salty boletus

Another tasty preparation for the winter is salted butter. They are perfect for salads, soups, stews, and meat dishes.

Mushrooms are salted hot and cold. When hot salting butter, they are boiled in brine and then sealed in jars. The cold salting method takes longer.

Recipe for salted butter (cold pickling)

To cold pickle butter you will need:

  • 2 kg. oily,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of salt,
  • 8 cloves of garlic,
  • 10 pieces. black peppercorns,
  • 8 bay leaves,
  • dill,
  • currant leaves.


  1. Place all ingredients in an enamel pan in layers:
    • 1st layer: mushrooms;
    • 2nd layer: currant leaves and dill;
    • 3rd layer: salt, pepper, chopped garlic and bay leaf.
  2. Continue adding ingredients, repeating the sequence of layers.
  3. Place pressure on top.
  4. After some time, the butter will release juice, in which the salt will dissolve, and the spices will release their aromas into it.
  5. After a day, the mushrooms and brine can be put into jars and placed in the refrigerator.
  6. After 3-5 weeks, mushrooms can be eaten.

Salted butter should be stored in a dark, cool place (not higher than 6 degrees Celsius). Otherwise, they may acquire a sour taste or even deteriorate. The more salty the solution, the longer the boletus is stored. But such mushrooms may be too salty and will need to be soaked before eating.

Marinated boletus

An equally popular way to prepare boletus is marinating. By seasoning with vegetable oil and adding chopped onions, you can get an independent dish. But often pickled mushrooms are used as a component of salads, sauces, pates, pie fillings, and snacks.

Recipe for marinated butter

  1. Pre-wash and sterilize the jars.
  2. Clean and wash 1 kg. fresh butter. Boil them in acidified and salted water for 15 minutes, then drain the water.
  3. Add 2 tbsp to a saucepan with water. sugar, 4 tsp. salt and stir well until dissolved. Then add bay leaf and 4-5 black peppercorns.
  4. Place the mushrooms into the boiling marinade and let them simmer for a few minutes.
  5. Add 3 tsp to the pan. vinegar and chopped garlic (4 cloves).
  6. Place the hot mushrooms in sterilized jars, then pour in the boiling marinade. Before sealing the jars with lids, pour a little sunflower oil on top of the mushrooms. It is advisable to store this snack in the refrigerator.

A variety of boletus preparations will help decorate your table in winter both on holidays and on weekdays. But do not forget that butter mushrooms are quite difficult to digest, and you should not eat them too often.


Boletus mushrooms: how to collect them?

Usually boletus appears in its former places of growth. Every mushroom picker knows them well. If you are a beginner and have gone to the forest for mushrooms for the first time, pay attention to the tubercles under the leaves, this is where the boletus lives. Carefully removing the foliage will reveal a large mushroom family. Collecting them is a pleasure; the basket fills up quickly.

Remember: mushrooms should be cut with a knife. If you pull them out by the roots, you can damage the mycelium, and next year there will be no butter there. It is better to collect young, small-sized, strong mushrooms.

There are a lot of stuck leaves, pine needles and other debris on the oily cap. Feel free to clean the mushrooms right in the forest; at home there will be less hassle about how to process the boletus.

Do not pick mushrooms near highways or big cities. Butterfly, like other mushrooms, well absorb salts of various metals, including heavy ones, and accumulate radioactive substances from the soil and air. Therefore, collect them only in the forest, away from roads and enterprises.

How to properly process boletus mushrooms?

Butterfly got its name because of the slippery mucous cap, the surface of which protects the mushroom from drying out. However, it is precisely because of the Maslenitsa surface that these mushrooms are difficult to peel.

How to process boletus? Different mushrooms are processed differently. Therefore, when you come home, sort the mushrooms you have collected and begin primary processing, which consists of cleaning, washing, sorting and cutting.

To thoroughly clean such mushrooms, place them in a bucket or basin of water for a few minutes and put pressure on top, then they will not float. Dry grass, leaves, branches on the surface of the caps will become wet and easily separate. After that, start cleaning. It is necessary to cut off the remains of the mycelium from the stem, scrape off all the dirt from the mushroom with a knife, free the cap from the film, which can be easily removed, cut out, if any, rotten places.

Start washing the oil. The fact is that, no matter how you select mushrooms, when collecting them in the forest, you will definitely come across wormy ones. So that the worms float to the top and the larvae sink to the bottom, place the mushrooms in salted water for three hours. After this, rinse thoroughly again with running water.

How to properly process boletus? After cleaning and washing, you need to start sorting by size: leave small mushrooms whole, for medium mushrooms separate the cap from the stem, and cut large ones into pieces.

To prevent the pieces from falling apart, you need to boil them for two minutes in water. You don’t have to cook the butter until cooked, but immediately fry or marinate the raw butter. After initial processing, they are dried, pickled, fried, stewed, boiled, and salted.

Processing oil by drying

How to process boletus by drying? This method is not very common, but it has found application. Despite the fact that butter beans become brittle and thin after drying, all the beneficial substances are retained in them. For processing, choose young, freshly harvested ones. Wash the mushrooms without damage, peel and remove the skin.

Dry them in the air, in the sun. To speed up the process, dry the mushrooms in the oven at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. Butterflies are strung on a thread and hung on the roof, attic or laid out on trays, a table, or in a sieve. The main thing is that the drying area is protected from dirt, dust and wind. In unstable weather, combine drying - in the sun and in the oven. You can dry boletus over a stove or oven on metal frames or in bulk on wooden shavings. After two days, the mushrooms will become brittle and brittle, which means the drying process is complete.

Dried mushrooms retain resinous substances, protein, and fatty acids, which help restore the body after various diseases. Dried butternuts improve digestion and cleanse blood vessels.

Don't have time to clean boletus? How to do this quickly?

How to process boletus mushrooms quickly? This question is especially relevant during mushroom season, when there are a lot of mushrooms and little time to clean them. How to do this quickly?

  • Pre-dry the mushrooms by leaving them in the sun for thirty minutes or in the shade in a draft for a couple of hours. After this, the skin is easily removed. Rinse the butternuts by placing them in a colander.
  • This method of quickly cleaning butternuts involves immersing them in boiling water for two seconds, so that the skin is removed quickly.
  1. Clean the stems of the mushrooms from dirt, inspect the caps, remove the skin, cut into pieces if they are large.
  2. Do not soak the mushrooms before cleaning; the film will swell and be difficult to remove.
  3. When collecting mushrooms in the forest, remove their skins. Then the cleaning process at home will take less time, and you will be in the fresh air longer.
  4. An oily, dark-colored coating settles on your hands, so when going into the forest to pick mushrooms, take gloves with you.

Marinating mushrooms is one of the ways to prepare

Butter is good in any form: boiled, dried, fried. But pickled mushrooms are especially tasty.

Before the sacrament of marinating, selecting spices, properly prepare the mushrooms, following the above methods of pre-processing them. Clean and rinse the boletus. Then place them in a saucepan with water, salt and add citric acid to taste, which prevents the mushrooms from browning. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Drain the water and wash the mushrooms.

Next, you have to choose how to process boletus mushrooms according to culinary recipes. Here is one of the easiest to prepare: add salt (50 grams), 80 grams of sugar, 100 milliliters of six percent vinegar, a few peas of black and allspice, cloves, and bay leaves into a saucepan with one liter of water. Cook the prepared marinade for three minutes, add two kilograms of the butter you prepared to it and cook until tender for another twenty minutes.

As soon as the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan and the marinade becomes transparent, place them in warm, dry, clean jars. Fill with marinade to the very top. Add 1 tbsp to each jar. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Once the marinade has cooled, place the jars covered with parchment paper and tied with twine in the refrigerator.

If you will not be storing your marinated butter for a long time, but plan to eat it quickly, then a quick recipe is quite suitable. Place the pre-treated 5 kg of lightly boiled butter into dry, heated jars, after placing a dry sprig of dill and a piece of lemon zest on the bottom of the container.

The marinade is prepared separately: 2 tbsp. l. salt, 3 - sugar, 5 peas each of black and allspice, bay leaf, chopped garlic - 2 cloves. Pour in a liter of water, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Fill the jars of butter with hot, freshly prepared marinade. Pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. vinegar. Close the jars with ordinary lids. When they have cooled, put them in the refrigerator, after a few days the butternuts are ready to eat.

Fried boletus: processing method

How to quickly process boletus? Just fry them after scalding them for about ten minutes. After this, place the mushrooms in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until the liquid evaporates.

For taste and smell, add onions and carrots to the mushrooms and fry for another 10 minutes. Season the butter with sour cream, pepper, and salt. Mix everything and your dish is ready.

Storing butter

Fresh mushrooms are considered a perishable product. But if you have learned how to process boletus correctly, you can save it for consumption in the winter. How should boletus be stored?

  • Boiled mushrooms are already ready to eat. Cool them, put them in bags, freeze them, so they will be stored all winter.
  • You can also freeze butternuts fried in vegetable oil.
  • Marinated in jars covered with parchment paper or an ordinary lid, placed in the refrigerator, mushrooms can be stored for several months.
  • Dried boletus should be stored strung on a thread or in a tightly closed container in a dry place. When the mushrooms become damp, dry them in the oven, otherwise they will become moldy and disappear.

You have learned how to collect, clean and pickle boletus, so feel free to go to the forest during mushroom season and collect as many mushrooms as possible. Boil, stew, salt, marinate, dry boletus, and your table will always have a variety of dishes made from them. Bon appetit and be healthy!

How to dry boletus at home

Butterflies are one of the most widespread forest mushrooms. These are tasty and healthy mushrooms that most cooks like. The oil can owes its name to its oily cap.

Dried boletus contains more than 30% protein, amino acids, essential oils, and fatty acids. Dried butter also prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the benefit of such dried mushrooms is that they cleanse the body and promote digestion. They contain a lot of vitamin B and D, so mushrooms speed up the recovery process from infectious diseases.

For the winter, young, freshly harvested boletus is dried. Clean the mushrooms well, remove the skin from the caps, and cut into thin slices. You can dry them in the fresh air, in the oven, in the microwave, or in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits. Dried boletus should be stored in a dry, tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place.

The history of mushroom consumption goes back to the era of gathering. Even ancient people learned experimentally to select edible mushrooms, dry them and roast them over fires. In Ancient Rus', mushrooms were considered the main help for a hungry winter. In the summer, women and children collected them to store mushrooms for the winter. Forest and field mushrooms saved soldiers during wars.

An interesting fact, but 400 years ago the ancient Russians only collected milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms and saffron milk caps. Gradually, when forests began to be cut down due to urbanization, the abundance of noble mushrooms decreased greatly, so people began to pay attention to new types of mushrooms that could be stored for the winter. These were oak trees, honey mushrooms, and nigella. The oiler was one of them. Such mushrooms turned black when dried, which is why they were called ignoble. However, despite the fact that boletus is classified as a second-class mushroom, people love it. It’s not for nothing that the mushroom was given the beautiful, appetizing, touching and gentle name “oil dish”, and not some “slug” or “slime”, or even “snot”, as sometimes called, for example, russula fists, which also have a slippery hat. After all, usually slippery and cold things evoke disdain or disgust, but these mushrooms avoided such a fate. And the name butterdish mushroom is associated with something tasty cooked in oil, for example, butter pancakes or porridge with butter.

What are the benefits of boletus?

Boletus is one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms. They owe their name to their shiny, sticky, oil-drenched cap. The oiler cap measures up to 10 cm in diameter. Small mushrooms have a cap of 2-4 cm.

Oils are divided into three types:

I. Granular, which grow in pine forests, on soils rich in limestone.
II. Late boletus. They also grow in young pine forests and can be found from May to October.
III. Larch boletus grows in deciduous forests and is less common.
All three types of butter are marinated, boiled, salted, fried and dried. After drying, the butter mushrooms become very thin and brittle, however, all the benefits are fully retained, especially if the Isidri mushroom dryer was used, which greatly simplifies the work.

Dried buttermilk contains many essential fatty acids, essential oils, amino acids and 30% protein. They help cleanse the body, improve intestinal motility, and prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Due to the presence of a high concentration of vitamins B and D in them, dried butternuts contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after infectious diseases. Butter contains iron, calcium, fluorine, sodium, and manganese. They are especially rich in zinc. In terms of the amount of B vitamins, boletus competes with grain crops; in terms of the amount of vitamin PP, it is similar to the liver of beef and fish. Protein from boletus is absorbed by 85% by the human body.

Butter oil improves the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands, is useful for gout, obesity, and cancer. They have a wound-healing and bactericidal effect.

Rules for collecting, drying and storing butter

Mushroom pickers adore and appreciate butter not only for its amazingly rich taste, but also for the fact that while hunting for “forest meat” you can collect a full basket from one clearing. Even a beginner will not find it difficult to find them. You just have to pay attention to the tubercles of foliage on the edges or under the pine trees. It is there that you can find a friendly family of butterflies. When collecting boletus, mushroom pickers get excited, because such a mushroom family sometimes grows over a huge territory. It is best to collect strong and young mushrooms. Collection should take place in an environmentally friendly place, because boletus, like other mushrooms, absorbs salts of heavy metals.

Young and freshly harvested boletus is dried. The most difficult thing in processing oil cans is to clean them from forest debris that sticks to the sticky cap of the oil can. Primary cleaning is carried out in the forest. And at home, some experts advise placing mushrooms in a bucket of water and applying pressure. All debris will come off the caps and float up. True, if the butter beans are further subjected to drying, then it is better to process them dry, since if you put them in water, they will absorb excess moisture. And this increases the drying process. They should first be cleared of forest debris in the forest. At home, you already need to sort the spoiled mushrooms, distribute them by size, and wipe them with a wet cloth. Adult large mushrooms are cut into pieces, small ones are dried whole. Before drying mushrooms, you should not remove the skin from the caps of butter mushrooms, as is done before marinating or frying.

The butter is dried in the open air, in Russian stoves, in ovens. But if you want to save time and not have to worry about constantly turning them over, it is best to buy an Isidri vegetable dryer to get high-quality dried mushrooms.

Butter is considered ready if it has become brittle and brittle. High-quality dried butter beans are stored in jars, fabric bags, paper bags, and plywood boxes. But mushrooms are best preserved under vacuum lids, which protect against mold and moisture penetration.

Drying 7 kilograms of butter in an Isidri electric dryer

In the presented video you can see how to dry boletus for the winter. So, our actions:

The mushrooms were carefully wiped with a wet sponge to remove adhering debris and dirt, sorted and sorted.
. Cut into pieces and placed on electric dryer trays. Each tray held 500 grams of chopped mushrooms. In this way, all 20 trays were filled.
. The electrical appliance was turned on. The temperature was set to +60 degrees. We used the Ezidri Ultra FD1000 electric dryer.
. The oils were dried for 21 hours at a given temperature. In the room where the operating electrical appliance was located, it was + 14 ˚С.
. After the drying time was over, we carefully shook the dried product off the trays and dryer screens. From 7 kilograms of fresh butter mushrooms, we got 870 grams of dried product. That is, drying out occurred 8 times.
. We placed our dried boletus in glass jars. One jar was closed with a vacuum lid and the air was removed from it with a special pump. Another jar was placed under the screw cap.

Use of dried butter in cooking

Dishes with dried boletus can be very diverse due to the excellent combination of mushrooms with a large number of products: meat, cereals, potatoes, pasta, milk, cheese, eggs. Many people use dried boletus as mushroom croutons or croutons; they can be crumbled into freshly prepared chicken noodles, which will acquire an unusually pleasant mushroom aroma and taste. Put dried boletus in salads. They will be incredibly tasty in mushroom soup and borscht. They make excellent puree soups.

Mushroom appetizer

Dried boletus can be poured into a frying pan, add a little water, simmer a little, add vegetable oil and start frying. Then add finely chopped onions, grated carrots and cook over medium heat for 7-10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper, and sour cream. This dish can be served with hot potatoes or crumbly buckwheat porridge. And this fried dish is perfect as a cold appetizer.

Mushrooms in a pot

Traditionally, any type of dried mushroom goes perfectly with potatoes. And with boletus you can prepare an excellent dish - potatoes in pots. Mushrooms are lightly fried and stewed with butter, onions and carrots. Place raw potatoes, cut into slices, into a clay pot, filling the pot by a third, add mushrooms and fill it again to the top with potatoes. Sprinkle with dried herbs, pepper and salt, grate hard cheese. Place in the oven to bake for about an hour. A roast with a golden-brown cheese crust will look appetizing at a cozy home dinner and can decorate a holiday table.


Meat zrazy with dried mushrooms will be very tasty. To do this, soak dried butter in milk or water for a few minutes, then fry for a couple of minutes in butter with onions.

You will need viscous minced meat. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it at the store. You need to form several balls from the minced meat. You can simply scoop the minced meat with your hand and form balls, as if you were making snowballs. Each ball should be rolled out into a flat cake, minced mushrooms and onions should be placed in the middle, and the edges of the zraza should be pinched. When all the zrazy are ready, they are rolled in flour and fried in vegetable oil. Served with buckwheat porridge, pasta, boiled or fried potatoes.

In the same way, you can prepare potato cutlets stuffed with mushrooms.

And, of course, if we talk about dried mushrooms, then it is worth mentioning mushroom powder. This is the most rational use of mushroom residues or small particles of mushrooms remaining after drying, for which the Ezidri dryer was used. They should be collected and passed through a coffee grinder or meat grinder with a mill attachment. Sift and pack into a waterproof container. This mushroom powder is suitable as a seasoning for meat, salads and casseroles, gravies, and puree soups. It will add subtle mushroom notes to many dishes.

Perhaps there is rarely a person who would be indifferent to mushrooms. These forest gifts literally drive lovers of “silent hunting” crazy, who begin to wander through the forests from spring until frost, collecting baskets of a wide variety of mushrooms. No less lovers will enjoy delicious dishes with this forest miracle. Mushrooms are used to prepare both the simplest dishes and exquisite culinary masterpieces. In any case, they all turn out amazingly tasty, thanks to the aroma and taste of mushrooms. Unfortunately, fresh mushrooms spoil quite quickly. But people have long figured out how to preserve valuable gifts for a long time. And modern technology does this efficiently and quickly. Thus, the Ezidri vegetable and fruit dryer helps to quickly and efficiently dry boletus for further storage.

Every hospitable housewife always has jars and bags of dried mushrooms in her supply. These can be dried porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms. How wonderful it will be to surprise unexpected guests or simply delight your beloved household with a mushroom masterpiece. A simple lunch or dinner turns into a festive feast when mushrooms and dishes made from them appear on the table.

Dry and enjoy!


autoclave recipes! Make jokes recipes in an autoclave? Come here!

autoclave for canning

Autoclaves for home canning You can go to our Fermash online store. Our managers will help you choose autoclave whatever you ask! Here you will find both gas and electric (universal) models, with a capacity of 5 to 28 liter cans.

On our website we collect everything possible autoclave recipes! Make jokes recipes in an autoclave? Come here!

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first canned goods appeared, separated by thermal processing, in sealed containers. However, thermal processing is now being eliminated by the most common method of preparing canned food. Sterilization is one of the main technologies Sterilization of canned food and thermal processing of the product, which will ensure death bacteria by eliminating microbiological food at temperatures in a moderate climate (15-30 ° C), and sometimes at higher temperatures.It guarantees the safety of canned food for food (according to microbiological indications nikah).Basically, canned food is sterilized at a temperature of 120 ° C, sometimes above 100 ° C. Sterilization is intended for the preservation of canned products, which means the preservation of food value, organoleptic properties, and costliness. koristovuyuchi autoclave for canning If you change the hour for preparing canned food, you are guaranteed to lose all bacteria. It is recommended to use sterilization and packaging of all types of canned food in glass containers of various sizes from 0.2 to 3.0 liters in squeezed or sealed jars.

1. Seat the jars filled with food tightly.
2. Place balls in the autoclave - jar on jar, up to Golovin. Place a wooden lattice at the bottom.
3. Fill with water, making sure to cover the jars with a ball no less than 2 cm.
4. Close the lid of the autoclave and tighten the bolts.
5. Using a car pump, pump the autoclave up to 1 atm and visually (with additional water) or by ear check the tightness of the seal. The pressure is required to preserve the filling of the jars, especially when the wine is heated There is a difference in the pressure in the autoclave itself and in the middle of the cans .
6. Heat the water in the autoclave to 110 ° C (the pressure will increase). When the temperature rises to 110 ° C, wait an hour and soak the jars for 50-70 minutes. Be sure to do this so that the temperature does not exceed 120 ° C. This processing mode achieves both the death of pathogenic organisms and the savory taste of canned food.
7. Remove from heat (simmer) and leave to cool (you can also use cold water) to a temperature of no more than 30 ° C.
8. The cob giblets will be squeezed in an autoclave. Open the autoclave, pour water through the hose and remove the jars.

It is necessary to add that the pressure gauge of the autoclave will show pressure at a temperature of 110 ° C - 2.5-3.5 atm, and at a temperature of 120 ° C - 4-4.5 atm. Then, keep pressure on the heating temperature of the autoclave and the volume of air between the lid and the jars.

Sterilization modes for canned food

Instructions for drying oil in the oven, microwave and air.

Butterflies are small mushrooms with a slippery cap. With their help you can prepare roasts, pancakes, pie fillings, and delicious soups. Few people know that these mushrooms can be dried.

Is it possible to dry boletus mushrooms?

Even 400 years ago, in Rus', only porcini mushrooms and milk mushrooms were eaten. But due to deforestation, there were not very many noble mushrooms, so other, as they were called then, second-rate mushrooms were used. These are boletus, honey mushrooms, and saffron milk caps. The main advantage of boletus is that you can collect several buckets in one small clearing. This is due to the fact that mushrooms grow in whole families.

WITH You can sew boletus in several ways:

  • In the oven
  • On open air
  • In a special dryer
  • In the microwave
  • In a convection oven

The main difficulty is that the mushroom contains up to 95% moisture, so the drying process is quite long. Readiness is determined by breaking a piece. If it breaks well, it means the mushrooms are dry enough, they can be poured into a jar and poured into linen bags.

How to properly dry boletus mushrooms in the oven?

Oven drying is a simple and affordable method, but requires a decent amount of time. Be prepared for the fact that droplets of water may appear on the mushrooms during drying. In this case, you need to turn off the heat and open the door. These droplets will contribute to the darkening of the mushrooms. If you don't want them to turn black, you need to dry them in a special way.


  • Dry clean the mushrooms, select any debris, grass, and leaves. Under no circumstances should you wash the boletus, because it will become saturated with moisture and become wet.
  • Using gauze, wipe the mushrooms; you can wipe off the dirt with a damp cloth. You don't have to remove the skin from the caps. It all depends on her condition. If it is very dirty, you will have to remove it. If it's clean, leave it alone.
  • Large mushrooms are cut into four pieces or strips, and small ones are dried whole. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and spread mushrooms in a thin layer. The distance between the pieces should be 2 mm.
  • Drying occurs in several stages. At the first stage, heating should reach 50 degrees. In this state, the pieces dry for about 2 hours. After this, the temperature rises to 70 degrees and dries for another 2 hours.
  • Next, open the door, mix the mushrooms and reduce the temperature to 50 degrees. Dry in this mode for 2 hours. It is necessary that when cracked, the inside of the mushroom is completely dry. Cooked mushrooms can be stored in jars or paper bags. This kind of preparation is stored for 8-10 months.

How to properly dry boletus mushrooms in the microwave?

If you have never dried butter before, you will have to try a little, because at first you need to look into the microwave quite often.


  • Clean the mushrooms from debris and soil. You cannot wash mushrooms; you must remove all debris dry, that is, using a damp cloth.
  • Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and place them in an even layer on a plate, having previously laid parchment on it. Turn on the microwave at minimum power and dry the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  • If you see puffs of moisture, immediately open the door and let the mushrooms air out and cool for 10 minutes. This will prevent the product from darkening.
  • Again the product is sealed and dried. This manipulation must be carried out 3-5 times until the mushrooms are completely dry. If you do everything correctly and do not allow condensation to accumulate, moisture to evaporate and be deposited on the walls and door of the appliance, the mushrooms will not darken and will have a beautiful orange color.

How to properly dry boletus mushrooms on a string in the sun at home?

The classic method is to dry the oil on a thread. This method was used by our grandmothers. It was considered the simplest, because even children can dry mushrooms this way. Ideal for small mushrooms that do not need to be cut.


  • Clean all food from grass and leaves using a damp cloth. Cut off the stems with the soil, and use a thread and a needle to skewer the mushrooms. Tie a knot and you will get a kind of mushroom beads.
  • Hang them in well-lit areas. You can do this in the yard, in the sun, or at home on the balcony. In this way, the mushrooms are dried until they are completely dry.
  • You can also dry the boletus on the table or on the floor on the balcony, after laying down clean paper and cloth. Make sure it doesn't rain outside and the mushrooms don't get wet.

Drying boletus is an opportunity to pamper yourself and your loved ones in the winter with delicious soups and main courses. Dried mushrooms have an excellent aroma and pleasant taste. They will remind you of summer and warmth.

VIDEO: Drying butter