Watermelon fresh. Fresh melon, pear and cucumber Fresh watermelon in a blender

Melon is often eaten fresh; it is rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid). This substance has a positive effect on the female body, especially during menopause and pregnancy. In addition, vitamin B9 improves memory and normalizes mood. However, it is almost impossible to preserve this substance during heat treatment. Melon pulp is rich in beta-keratin and silicon, which are necessary for the beauty of our skin, hair and bone strength.

And due to the high concentration of iron, melon is recommended for people suffering from anemia.

Melon for anemia

For cardiovascular diseases, sweet melon is indispensable because it is a source of magnesium and potassium. This fruit of the pumpkin family is known not only for its wonderful taste, but also as a healing and even dietary remedy. Quite often, melon is one of the main components of diets and is considered “the body’s orderly.” One of its main advantages is a large amount of fiber, so this fruit is often consumed to cleanse the intestines and cleanse the entire body of toxic substances.

However, along with the benefits, this fruit can also cause harm. It is not recommended to consume melon along with alcoholic beverages or dairy products, as this can cause digestive disorders. For women who are breastfeeding, including melon in the diet can cause digestive problems in the baby. Since this dessert vegetable contains large amounts of sugar, it should not be eaten by people with diabetes. Also, melon is not recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis) and infectious diseases.

Melon is aromatic, tasty, juicy, it can quench your thirst on a hot summer day. For those who want to enjoy the taste not only in summer, but also in winter, we offer recipe options on how to preserve a piece of summer in a three-liter jar. You can make preserves, jams, juices and compotes for the winter from melon. There are many recipes for preparing compote for the winter; as a rule, it is prepared exclusively from melon or with the addition of slightly sour fruits. We have selected simple but original recipes for you.

  • Melon compote - a classic recipe

To prepare it you need 3 ingredients: melon, sugar (650g) and water (1 liter). First, let's prepare the sugar syrup: pour sugar into water and stir well, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for another 10-15. While the syrup is preparing, cut the melon into small pieces. After which it should be blanched in sugar syrup for several minutes. Transfer the blanched pieces into a prepared sterile jar, and then fill with syrup. Well, and finally, the jar must be sterilized in a saucepan for about 5 minutes. Then we roll up the lid and leave to cool. This compote will delight you and your household and remind you of warm summer days.

  • Apple-plum compote

To prepare this drink for the winter, you need the following set of fruits: plum 200-300 grams, apple 400-500 grams, melon 500 grams, as well as 3 liters of water and sugar 200 grams. Let's start peeling the fruit: separate the melon from the skin and seeds, cut into small pieces; peel the apples and chop them finely; We take out the seeds from the plums and chop the pulp. Prepare sugar syrup, add apple to it and boil for 6-8 minutes, add plums and bring to a boil again and boil for a couple of minutes. Then add melon pulp to the fruit in syrup and also boil for 10 minutes. Place the caramelized fruits in prepared jars and fill with syrup. Seal with lids and set upside down to cool.

Preparation of apple-plum compote with melon

  • Melon and watermelon union

This drink will certainly delight you in winter and remind you of the delicate taste and aroma of summer berries at any time of the year. To prepare it, you need 200 grams of watermelon and melon pulp, 700 ml of water and, of course, 200 grams of granulated sugar. First of all, boil water in a saucepan and add sugar to it. Over low heat, bring the sugar syrup to a boil again and remove from heat, let cool. Then add pre-chopped melon and watermelon pulp to the container. Let the fruit steep in syrup for at least 2-3 hours, then pour into jars and seal.

  • Grape-melon compote for the winter

You need the following products: 2 kg of melon, 500 g of grapes, 2.5 liters of water and 250 grams of sugar, as well as citric acid to taste. We wash the fruits thoroughly. It is better to choose seedless melon; cut the melon into medium-sized slices along with the peel, this will preserve the richness of the taste. We put all this into jars, sterilized in advance, in a ratio of 1:3. Then we start preparing the syrup: pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. Pour the syrup into jars of fruit to the top, add a little citric acid. Next we roll up the jars. Such a rich summer drink should be stored in a cool place, be it a basement, pantry or refrigerator.

  • Compote with spices

To prepare it, take: 0.8 kg melon pulp, 500 g sugar, a liter of water, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, orange or lemon zest. Using the method described above, prepare sugar syrup, then blanch the melon in it for about 5 minutes. Add spices and zest, put everything in jars and fill with syrup. Sterilize for 15 minutes and you're done!

  • Mint compote

Preparing a drink according to this recipe will allow you to get a harmonious and pleasant combination of aromas of melon, strawberries, apples and fresh mint. So, take: 1 kg melon pulp, a couple of large ones; about 1 liter of water, a few sprigs of mint. Blanch the apples in the boiled syrup (1-2 minutes), and then the melon (3-5 minutes) and strawberries. Place berries and fruits in sterilized jars and add mint, pour in the remaining syrup and sterilize for about 10 minutes. This recipe will preserve your favorite taste until winter.

We talked about the beneficial properties of melon above, so melon lovers not only eat this fruit fresh, but also drink cold, healthy juice. This fresh juice can improve well-being in various diseases, since it is rich in vitamins (A, E, C), minerals, protein, dietary fiber, fatty and organic acids, which are involved in all kinds of metabolic processes . Melon juice can not only quench thirst, but also normalize the water-salt balance.

Melon fresh

During the winter-spring period, when the body is so lacking in vitamins, such fresh juice will be very useful; it can strengthen the immune system, improve memory and strengthen all systems of the body as a whole. If you have never tried this juice, read on carefully and head to the kitchen. Fresh juice should be prepared from the whole fruit, along with the skin, which contains valuable essential oils. Only a juicer is suitable for its preparation. It is better to drink freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach in the morning or between meals.

Here are the basic recipes for preparing delicious and equally healthy drinks for the winter from everyone’s favorite queen of melons. Any recipe for preparation for the winter can be varied and fruits added to your taste.

Even a child can understand that store-bought juices contain virtually no vitamins. One can, of course, hope that at least one vitamin is preserved in the so-called directly pressed juices. But nothing compares to freshly squeezed juice that has not yet lost its healing power.

Such drinks are called fresh drinks, they are served in restaurants, cafes, fitness clubs and special fresh bars, and in all spa hotels they are always present on the menu.

And what prevents us from making fresh juices ourselves, every day, trying out a new recipe and saving a lot.

Wean yourself off packaged juices, and don’t be afraid of the seeming high cost of freshly squeezed ones. The fact is that you can drink no more than one glass of fresh juice per day, which is comparable in price to a package of empty store-bought juice from concentrate.

Cleansing the body of toxins and getting rid of excess weight is always a good thing. The juice mix recipes that we provide below will help in such a difficult task. They will also strengthen the immune system and provide you with vitamins.

1. Fresh apple and pear

You can drink this mix twice a day before meals - this will reduce the desire to eat the entire contents of the refrigerator in one sitting. And in general, delicious!

For cooking fresh apple and pear juice you will need: 2 apples and 2 pears

Preparation: Prepare freshly squeezed apple juice in a juicer. Prepare juice from pears.

Mix apple and pear juices and enjoy life!

2. Cucumber-lemon fresh juice

If you drink cucumber-lemon juice at least twice a week, you will soon feel changes in the metabolic function of the body. The juice cleanses and gives extra energy.

For cooking fresh cucumber-lemon juice you will need: cucumber and juice of half a lemon

Preparation: Prepare puree from peeled cucumber. Mix cucumber puree with lemon juice.

3. Grapefruit-lemon fresh juice

Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium in lemon and grapefruits destroy harmful microorganisms in the body. For those who want to lose weight, sour grapefruit juice is much more effective than fresh juice from sweet grapefruit.

For cooking fresh grapefruit-lemon juice you will need: 2 grapefruits and a lemon

Preparation: Squeeze juice from grapefruits and lemons. Mix citrus juices and enjoy a fortified cocktail.

4. Fresh apple and melon recipe

The combination of freshly squeezed apple and melon juices helps to lose extra pounds and improve metabolism.

For cooking fresh apple-melon juice you will need: apple, 150 g melon pulp, 1 teaspoon honey

Preparation: Place the seeded apple and melon pulp into a juicer. Mix juice with honey.

5. Fresh apple-celery-beetroot

A mix of freshly squeezed apple and celery juices restores metabolism in the body and removes toxins.

For cooking fresh apple-celery you will need: 3 stalks of celery, an apple and half a small beet

Preparation: Place celery, apple and beets in a juicer. Stir the resulting mixture.

A wonderful refreshing and nutritious drink with a velvety taste, prepared according to Dasha Malakhova’s recipe. No wonder she included it in one of her cookbooks. This fresh juice, with an interesting combination of products, deserves attention. Most of all, the taste of the drink is melon, pear is a slight hint, and cucumber rather adds juiciness.

The weight of products is indicated in purified form.

A very simple recipe for fresh melon, pear and cucumber in European cuisine, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 10 minutes. Contains only 187 kilocalories. Author's recipe for European cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 5 min
  • Cooking time: 10 min
  • Calorie Amount: 187 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 2 servings
  • Occasion: Fasting, dessert, snack, breakfast
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Type of dish: Beverages

Ingredients for two servings

  • Fresh pear 200 g
  • Melon 400 g
  • Cucumbers 100 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Prepare products for fresh juice: melon, pears, cucumbers.
  2. Peel the melon from peel and seeds. Coarsely chop the pulp.
  3. Wash the pears and cucumbers, cut off the skin from the cucumbers, remove the stems and core from the pears. Cut food into large pieces.
  4. Place pieces of melon, pears, and cucumbers into the juicer bowl.
  5. Squeeze out the juice.
  6. Fresh juice must be served immediately, as it must be consumed within 15 minutes after preparation.

Basically, everyone is used to eating melon just like that, so for some it will be surprising that you can make fresh melon from it. This wonderful drink can perfectly refresh and diversify your diet, as well as make it richer in vitamins and healthier. We think everyone wouldn’t mind treating themselves to such an amazing juice. Fresh melon can rightfully be called a recipe for beauty and health, true pleasure and excellent mood. We offer excellent recipes for melon juice, bright, interesting and incredibly tasty. We remind you that with the help of this drink you can significantly improve your health and get rid of many problems.

A huge amount of vitamins have a beneficial effect on the immune system, potassium and folic acid improve heart function and help cleanse the blood. With the help of melon juice, you can quickly restore strength, get rid of stress and lift your mood. By combining it with other components, you can further increase its beneficial properties.

Melon-orange fresh

As you know, the main ingredient is not combined with all products, but citrus fruits are not one of them. Melon and orange are a wonderful duet, which we suggest complementing with spicy ginger.


  • melon – 400 g
  • orange – 1 pc.
  • ginger – 2 pinches
  • ice - to taste

Using a juicer, squeeze the juice from the melon and orange, mix with grated ginger. Pour into glasses and serve with ice.

Melon-watermelon fresh

Using this recipe, you will get incredibly juicy, rich in taste and rich in vitamins fresh juice.


  • melon – 200 g
  • watermelon – 150 g

We cut the fruits into large pieces, load them into the juicer and get a delicious fresh juice. We decorate it with watermelon slices and drink with pleasure.

Fresh melon with mint

Refreshing, with a subtle mint aroma, this drink is simply ideal for a hot summer.

Have to take:

  • melon – 0.5 kg
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • mint – 3 leaves
  • brown sugar - to taste

Squeeze the juice from melon and lemon separately. Blend the lemon and mint in a blender, add sugar to taste and combine with fresh melon.

Melon-banana fresh

Required products:

  • melon – 300 g
  • banana – 1 pc.
  • lime or lemon juice - 2 tablespoons. spoons
  • mineral water - to taste
  • ice - to taste

Blend melon with banana and lime juice in a blender. Dilute to taste with mineral water and add ice.

Exotic fresh melon with coconut milk

If you want something extraordinary, bright and original, we recommend making this fresh dessert.


  • melon pulp – 500 g
  • coconut milk – 50 ml
  • mint essence – 2 drops
  • lime juice – 15 ml

Pass the melon pulp through a juicer, add lime juice, mint essence and coconut milk. Mix everything well and get a very interesting taste.

Fresh melon-pineapple

Another unusual recipe that will amaze even the most real gourmet.

  • melon – 250 g
  • pineapple – 100 g
  • orange – 0.5 pcs.
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Use a regular juicer to squeeze out the juice of melon and pineapple, and use a special one to squeeze out orange and lemon juice. We combine everything together and get a fresh vitamin for burning fats with a rich, rich taste.

Melon-peach fresh

If you need to get a mineral and vitamin boost for the whole day, we recommend preparing fresh juice according to this recipe.