Boiled pork tongue. How long to cook pork tongue and how to do it correctly

How to determine how long to cook the pork tongue until tender so that it becomes soft? How to properly cook a tongue that is tasty, tender, and so that it cleans well? How can you easily clean your tongue after boiling it for cold cuts, in salads, and for aspic on a holiday table?

Pork tongue and beef tongue are considered delicacy products; cooking tongue at home raises many questions when choosing a meat product and doubts among housewives about the correctness of cooking a festive dish from the delicacy of pork.

The tongue is added to salad, pieces of the offal are poured into jelly when preparing cold appetizers, it is fried, baked in the oven, stewed, put in jellied meat with gelatin but, as a rule, with preliminary boiling. Properly boiled tongue is tender, soft and tasty.

For home use, there are various culinary recipes, methods of preparing tongue, and how to cook pork tongue. Recipes with photos will simplify the task step by step for housewives, tell you how long to cook pork tongue, how to cook your favorite folk delicacy pork correctly and tasty.

Offal selection

Choosing the right pork delicacy when purchasing at the market is the key to a delicious boiled dish. Home-cooked pork tongue is tasty, soft, with the most juicy and tender meat.

When buying offal, try to adhere to some rules for choosing pork offal for cooking:

Calorie content of raw and cooked food

Boiled pork tongue is considered a dietary dish. The calorie content of cooked boiled pork tongue is 170 kcal per 100 grams. Fresh calorie content is 200 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The low calorie content of raw boiled pork tongue allows the use of a low-calorie delicacy for dietary nutrition. To reduce calorie content, it is boiled in water so that most of the fat is boiled away and remains in the broth.

What is the benefit or harm

The finished boiled dish is very tasty and very healthy for the human body. Pregnant women and children can and should consume pork tongue as a source of protein, a healthy food product for building new cells in the human body. When boiled, the product is rich in iron, phosphorus, copper, calcium and potassium. Cooking dishes from the tongue is useful for nursing mothers - the tongue contains iron, a large amount of nutrients that are beneficial for the health of the child and mother.

It is especially valuable for the vitamins included in its composition. Rare vitamins such as groups PP, B and vitamin E help normalize oxidative processes in the body, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and absorb most of the minerals coming from food.

The benefits of language are obvious. Eating pork tongue can cause harm to people who have contraindications to the use of pork and its by-products for nutrition.

Do I need to soak pork tongue?

Before starting to cook, the housewife is faced with the question of whether it is necessary to soak the pork tongue before cooking. To make the tongue tender, tasty and aromatic, it must be soaked in cold water. Soaking will remove excess blood, eliminate the characteristic pork odor, soften the meat fibers, and clean the raw product.

How to properly soak before cooking? As a rule, the tongue is sold already prepared for boiling separately from the pork head. After you have chosen, bought the tongue and brought it home, we prepare it for soaking.

How to cook pork tongue so that it is tasty, soft and juicy

In the traditional way, pork tongue is cooked at home, unpeeled, in a saucepan. After boiling, add bay leaves, herbs, roots, onions and various aromatic seasonings to the pan so that the tongue after boiling becomes very soft, incredibly tasty and the most aromatic.

There are subtleties of preparation, various methods of cooking tongue at home, using which you can prepare a delicious basic dish - boiled pork tongue. When cooked correctly, it will be soft and tasty. From such a boiled tongue, you can make cold slices for a festive table and serve as an independent dish, include them in salad ingredients, pour gelatin diluted in broth and add to jellied meat, or prepare a clear aspic.

Classic preparation, pork tongue recipe: how to cook and how much

How to cook pork tongue in a pan: recipe with photos step by step

This step-by-step cooking recipe with photos will help you properly cook pork tongue at home so it’s tender and tasty. According to this recipe, the offal is cooked in a saucepan on the stove in two broths. This cunning method of cooking removes the pungent smell of pork, reduces the calorie content of the dish by boiling fat into the first broth, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the finished product, and makes the dish tastier and more aromatic.


How to cook

Pork tongue: how long to cook

Pork tongue: how long to cook in a saucepan, slow cooker, how long in a pressure cooker, so that it is soft, tasty, and how to cook it correctly?

If you don’t need to rush to prepare the main dish, you can choose any of the suggested recipes and cook the pork tongue in the traditional way in a saucepan, or choose the modern method of boiling it in a slow cooker; if you don’t have enough time, use a pressure cooker. Any chosen method will give an excellent result - tender, soft and juicy boiled pork tongue.

How long to cook in a slow cooker

In addition to the stove, cooking pork tongue in a slow cooker is simple and convenient, without unnecessary hassle. Throw it into boiling water, wait until the contents of the multicooker boil, add the necessary spices, season and cook. How long to cook the tongue in a multicooker until it is ready largely depends on the model of the multicooker - Redmond, Panasonic - and on the selected mode. During Braising, you need to cook the tongue in a multicooker saucepan for 1.5 hours; in the steam basket of a multicooker or a double boiler, the tongue is cooked longer - 2.5 hours.

How long does it take to cook in a pressure cooker?

The pressure cooker cooks quickly, to reduce the boiling time, use a quick recipe - boiled pork tongue in a pressure cooker, with a delicate structure, tasty and juicy.

How to determine the readiness of pork tongue

Readiness is easy to determine. To do this, pierce the tongue with a fork, or stick a toothpick into the fleshiest part; if the tines of the fork entered the boiled pork meat without much effort, and no blood leaked out of the slits, it is ready. It is better to salt the tongue in its finished form, so that it does not harden in the salty broth, but is cooked soft and tender, as the authors of culinary recipes write. But, if you cook it correctly, you can add salt both at the beginning of cooking and the already prepared boiled tongue.

How to clean a pork tongue

When the boiled tongue is cooked and becomes soft, it must be peeled off.

Boiled tongue can be given a beautiful, even shape in various ways by boiling and peeling, placing the tongues under a weight and leaving to cool. Pressed down with a load, the pork offal will be compressed and become homogeneous, but will retain its delicate soft taste.

How long to cook pork tongue, how to cook it at home, how to clean it and select it. You now know, and you can prepare a delicious delicacy at home yourself. We recommend adding recipes for boiled pork tongue in a saucepan, cooking in a slow cooker and a pressure cooker to your culinary repertoire.

Dishes made from boiled pork tongue are recognized as dietary in domestic cuisine. The boiled tongue itself is rich in B vitamins and is an excellent source of protein. The finished dish is not only tasty, but also healthy, both for children and pregnant women. The finished product contains calcium and potassium, iron and phosphorus, copper.

It also contains rare vitamins such as PP and E. They help reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as normalize oxidative processes.

How long to cook pork tongue

Cooking time will be 1.5-2 hours. After this, you need to immediately remove the thick skin from the tongue. In a double boiler, cooking the tongue takes longer - 2-2.5 hours; in a slow cooker, the process will take only 1-1.5 hours (if you select the “Stew” mode).

How to cook pork tongue

In a saucepan

  1. The pork tongue is cleaned and washed in cold water.
  2. Water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. After this, you can lower your tongue into the var. The water level should be 2 or even 3 cm above the meat.
  3. Bring water to a boil.
  4. Reduce the gas - the dish should cook slowly.
  5. Add (if desired) onions and carrots, allspice and bay leaves, salt and herbs to the broth.
  6. Cook the dish over low heat for 2 hours.
  7. After cooking, remove the skin immediately.

In a slow cooker

  • Pork tongue – 3 pieces;
  • Onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • Bay leaf, salt, allspice, herbs, parsley root - everything to taste.
  1. Rinse your tongue and then place it in a multicooker container.
  2. Add water so that it covers the tongue by 2 cm.
  3. Carrots and onions should be immediately added to the multicooker container.
  4. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.
  5. Salt and spices are also added to the tongue immediately.
  6. After cooking, you need to immediately remove the skin from the tongue.
  • You need to clean your tongue only after cooking. After cooking, you need to rinse it with cold water, and then, using a knife, remove the whitish dense skin.
  • During cooking, a variety of spices are used to add aroma and special taste. They are added to boiling water or directly with the tongue in cold water.
  • It is better to salt the product immediately after the water boils.

Boiled pork tongue salad recipe

  • 2 pieces of pork tongue;
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • Cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream to taste;
  • Boil the pork tongue and chop it finely.
  • Rinse fresh cucumber in cold water and chop.
  • The boiled egg needs to be cut into cubes.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  • Place cucumber and tongue in layers in a dish.
  • A layer of eggs and cheese is placed on top.

All layers will need to be greased with sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. You can decorate the boiled pork tongue salad with herbs. But do this just before serving. Bon appetit everyone!

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One of the most delicious offal - pork tongue - has a small mass, approximately two hundred to three hundred grams. In addition, differing, for example, from beef, it is much more tender. Since the pig does not have to chew the cud, its tongue is not rigid and muscular.

Therefore, it cooks much faster. It makes excellent dietary dishes with amazing taste and aroma. There are differing opinions about the complexity and duration of cooking this offal. There are various options for preparing it, which will shed light on how long to cook the pork tongue until tender:

  • First option: the tongue, cleared of blood, muscle membrane, fat (if purchased at the market - needs preparation, from the store - ready for cooking after thawing), must be scraped off with a stiff brush. Then rinse with cold water, rub with lemon to improve the aroma, and place in a saucepan with boiling water. Cook with salt and seasonings over low heat, avoiding boiling. In terms of time, this will take at least an hour (for an organ of a young animal), a maximum of three hours (when the animal is old), if the amount of product is 250–400 grams.
  • Second option: cook in the “second broth”. Place the prepared tongue in boiling water; when it boils again, cook for fifteen minutes, then drain the water completely. Rinse with cold running water. Then pour boiling water with spices, bay leaf, garlic and onion. This will help reduce cholesterol, remove foreign odors, and also add juiciness and flavor. Cook until desired softness is achieved. Check readiness with a fork: if it goes in easily, clear juice comes out, the center is pink, which means the pulp is ready.
  • Third option: beautiful boiled tongue. It is prepared first, as usual, but after boiling and peeling, it is again sent into the broth, placed under a little pressure. In this form it should cool completely. This secret method is already known to many specialists. Thanks to him, cutting becomes perfect.
  • Fourth option: very gentle. Cook the pork tongue in the same way as in the first option, but you don’t need to put salt and seasonings there first. When the dish is almost ready, peeled, the offal is again immersed in the broth, where all the spices and salt are added. Continue cooking for another twenty minutes to get a delicious and tender delicacy.

Advice: it is better to buy chilled rather than frozen offal. Before boiling, the semi-finished product needs to be soaked for thirty minutes, or better yet for one to two hours, in water, the colder the better. When cooking, be sure to cover with a lid - this will save the vitamins and microelements contained in it. You need to salt the already cooked tongue. It is worth peeling after cooking, immersing it in cold water for a few minutes, then it will be much easier to do. Do not allow it to cool too much, as it will be very difficult to clean later. They begin to remove the skin from the boiled pork tongue from its base, prying it with a knife, grabbing it, and pulling it slightly. To make it convenient, the flesh is lightly cut into it. When the skin does not come off well, this is a clear sign of undercooking, which means you should continue cooking. If a salted product is purchased, it is first soaked for about ten hours and then boiled without adding salt.

How to weld using household appliances

In addition to the stove and oven, improved “miracle pans” can provide assistance when boiling pork tongue: a multicooker - a pressure cooker and a double boiler.

In a slow cooker or pressure cooker you should cook it like this:

  1. The pork tongue is filled with water, which should cover it on top by about two centimeters.
  2. All the necessary ingredients are immediately added to it: salt, spices, etc.
  3. The “Stewing” or “Cooking” (“Soup”) mode is set.
  4. Prepare from 40 minutes to an hour and a half.

The most delicious boiled offal is prepared using a double boiler, because the taste and aroma do not go into the broth, but are completely preserved in the pulp:

    • The container is half filled with water.
    • The prepared product is lightly salted immediately.
    • Seasonings along with the tongue are placed on the mesh of the steamer.
  • The lid is closed and the steamer is set for at least an hour. Depending on the nuances of the semi-finished product and the softness of the finished dish, the process can take from 120 to 150 minutes.

If there is a need to boil pork tongue in the microwave, then this is not a problem. It is placed in a special container and completely filled with water. The oven is turned on at full power for five minutes, then it is reduced to medium. So you can cook until tender for at least forty minutes, maximum one hour and ten minutes.

Useful properties of the product

Pork tongue is used in a variety of cuisines around the world. It has special healing properties that influence the normalization of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, hematopoiesis, etc. It contains many useful amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Due to its high protein and fat content, it is recommended for athletes and people who work physically.

Of course, there are also contraindications. If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor. Healthy people need to take into account that everything needs moderation. Both in the use of this offal and in the time of its preparation. Otherwise, you can get indigestion, and in the culinary field - an undercooked product that is hard, like a shoe, or overcooked porridge. At the same time, knowing how long to cook pork tongue correctly, this easily digestible delicacy can be prepared quickly and simply.

Well-cooked boiled beef or pork tongue is an incredibly tasty delicacy. It is noteworthy that in addition to excellent taste characteristics, it is also dietary, useful for children and pregnant women.

There are many variations in serving boiled tongue; it can act as a meat base for salads, as a separate dish, cold or hot, and goes well with a variety of sauces: sour cream, tomato, and nuts. What can I say, boiled tongue with horseradish is just a song!

But in order to create a culinary masterpiece, it is important to know how to properly boil the tongue, how to peel it, no matter whether it is beef or pork.

In addition, when choosing, you need to take into account that veal tongue will cook much less than the offal of an adult, and even more so an old animal. It will also take less time to cook pork tongues.

Before you start cooking, you need to thoroughly clean your tongue; to do this, keep it in water for about half an hour (more is possible), and use a knife or a special brush to remove all dirt and mucus from the surface. Rinse well and then proceed.


  • beef tongue or several pork tongues;
  • carrots 1-2 root vegetables;
  • whole onion;
  • salt and spices - according to taste preferences.

Cooking process:

Place the tongue in a saucepan of boiling water. When choosing cookware, keep in mind that it will shrink during cooking, and the height of the pan may not be enough to add the required liquid. After removing the foam that appears, cook for a quarter of an hour, then drain the water and fill the pan with new boiling water.

Reduce heat to low, add peeled vegetables (carrots and onions) to the broth; if desired, you can add parsley and celery roots. These components will give the dish an appetizing aroma and enhance the taste.

Boil the tongue until ready. By immersing your tongue in boiling water, it will be more tender and juicy.

It is difficult to determine the cooking time 100% accurately; it depends on the age of the animal and the weight of the product. Veal tongue needs to be cooked for about two hours, the tongue of an adult animal for 3-4 hours. If it is still difficult to determine how long to cook it and understand whether the tongue is ready or not, after two hours of cooking, pierce its tip with a fork or knife; if it is soft - it is ready, it is difficult to pierce - you should cook more. Salt and add bay leaf with peppercorns towards the end of cooking.

It is recommended to immediately place the boiled tongue in a container with ice water for a couple of minutes. This simple manipulation will help you easily remove the skin from it. I don’t always do this, but immediately remove the whitish, rough skin from the hot tongue, without allowing it to cool. One of the main photos captures this moment. Now the tongue is ready! Using a sharp knife, so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the dish, cut it into thin or thick slices, depending on the chosen recipe.

Tongue with sour cream

If you want to pamper your guests with an unusual appetizer, serve the tongue with sour cream sauce. To do this, it must be boiled and cut into thin pieces. Separately, fry the onion with butter and flour, add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. Pour the finished sauce over the tongue and simmer for 5 minutes. Serve the appetizer cold, garnished with herbs.

Tongue in tomato sauce in the oven

Hot tongue with tomato sauce turns out no less appetizing. For this purpose, the finished tongue should be cut into slices.

Separately, brown the chopped onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, basil and pepper in a frying pan. Add tomatoes without skins, add salt and simmer under the lid. When the gravy has cooled slightly, turn it into a single mass in a blender. Slices of tongue should be placed in a fireproof container, poured with gravy and placed in a preheated oven for half an hour. Serve hot with mashed potatoes or a light green salad.

Do not throw out the broth in which the tongues were boiled. It can be used for cooking by adding gelatin.

Bon appetit!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Pork tongue is a delicacy that is used to prepare delicious holiday dishes. It consists entirely of muscle tissue, which is why it takes longer to cook than other offal. It is rich in lecithin, protein and contains virtually no carbohydrates, so it is preferred by diet lovers. How to cook pork tongue so that it is tasty, soft and juicy?


It is best to buy fresh rather than frozen product. This way you will save time. Immediately before cooking, follow these steps:

  1. Wash the pork tongue thoroughly under running water using a brush or scraper.
  2. If necessary, remove sublingual tissue, lymph nodes, veins, blood, fat, etc.
  3. Place the product in a deep container, fill with cold water until it completely covers it. Depending on the size, soaking time ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours.

Never peel raw pork tongue. Part of the muscle tissue will be removed along with the film. After cooking, the product will look unappetizing.

In a saucepan

The simplest and most popular cooking method is cooking in a pan. In addition to the soft, juicy pork tongue, you will be left with a perfectly clear broth for aspic.


  1. Pour enough water into the pan. If you are preparing aspic, the liquid should only lightly cover the meat.
  2. When the water boils, place the offal into the pan and, if desired, add peppercorns, bay leaves, peeled carrots, onions, and garlic. During cooking, the broth does not need to be salted. Pork tongue is seasoned with salt and spices in finished form.
  3. When the contents boil, set the heat to low. Do not cover the pan with a lid.
  4. As foam forms on the surface of the broth, remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. Bring the product to readiness over low heat.
  6. Remove the tongue from the boiling water and peel off the skin.

Some people believe that after removing the skin, the meat needs to be boiled a little more to make it softer. To do this, first the tongue is boiled in water without spices. After removing the skin, it is returned to the broth, salt is added and brought to readiness.

In a slow cooker

With the help of special kitchen equipment, the pork tongue will turn out especially tasty and juicy.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker:

  1. Place the meat in a bowl and add cold water to cover.
  2. Add salt, bay leaf, parsley root, onion, and tomato paste to taste.
  3. Close the lid of the bowl, select the “stew” mode and set the timer.
  4. After the signal, check the product for readiness. If necessary, extend the operation of the device.

In a multicooker to cook pork tongue, select the “stew” program.

In a steamer

Diet food lovers will love the following recipe:

  1. Pour water into the steamer compartment.
  2. Place the pork tongue in a special bowl.
  3. Add peeled vegetables if desired.
  4. Cover the container with food with a lid with a hole for steam to escape.
  5. Set a timer.
  6. After the signal, check your tongue for readiness.

In a pressure cooker

If you're short on time, you'll love the following quick cooking method. Let's learn how to cook pork tongue in a pressure cooker.

  1. Pour some water into the bowl and bring it to a boil.
  2. Then place the offal in it. Cut large tongues into small pieces; small ones can be used whole.
  3. Bring the meat to readiness over low heat.

How long to cook

The following factors affect the cooking time:

  • size of the whole tongue or pieces;
  • freshness: the longer the product is stored, the more time it takes to cook;
  • cooking method.

In a saucepan, slow cooker and steamer, small or medium-sized pork tongue is boiled for 1.5 to 2 hours. A large one takes 2.5–3 hours to cook whole. To speed up the process, cut a large tongue into approximately equal pieces.

In a frying pan, chopped meat can be cooked in 20–30 minutes.

Check the readiness of the offal with a knife or fork: it should be easily pierced.

How to clean properly

After cooking, the pork tongue needs to be cleaned. Remove it from the boiling water and place it in cold water. To increase the temperature contrast, you can add a little ice to the liquid.

After a few minutes, remove the offal and clean it. The skin of a young pig's tongue is thin and can tear. If it is too difficult to remove, then the meat needs to be boiled a little more.