The unique composition of apricot kernels, their benefits and harm to the human body. Fruit seeds: benefits and harms

Apricot kernels: beneficial features and harm

The kernels that are found in apricot kernels do not have pronounced taste qualities. It is mainly the oil that is included in their composition that is valued. Although the kernels in fried very tasty and filling. Let's try to understand why they are useful apricot kernels, and what damage they can cause to the human body in large doses.

For some reason, many of us believe that apricot kernels are very toxic and have a detrimental effect on our body. But in many southern countries, for example, in Uzbekistan, they are considered traditional dish. Also a real delicacy is apricot jam with a bone.

Useful components of the bone

Nuclei contain many substances. One of them is a very rare vitamin B 17 or amygdalin, the value of which in the fight against cancer cells is invaluable. Upon contact with a malignant tumor, poisons are released - cyanide and benzaldehyde, which are contained in the bones. Thus, they gradually destroy cancer. For healthy body These substances are quite safe in such small doses.

Also, 100 g of seeds contains:

  • fats -45 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g;
  • proteins - 25 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 40 mg;
  • saturated fatty acids - 3 g;
  • PP vitamins - 4 mg;
  • macroelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus) - 12 mg;
  • microelements (iron) - 7 mg.

The calorie content of apricot kernels is 450 calories (per 100 g), so they are contraindicated for people on diets.

Apricot kernels are eaten raw, fried and dried, in a recommended dose of 20 g at a time. Seeds are used in many industries: food, light, medical.

The benefits of apricot kernels

Bones apricot tree very nutritious, they contain large amounts vegetable oil, so they are perfect for daily diet athletes and people trying to gain weight.

Healing properties Apricot seeds were discovered many thousands of years ago. So in ancient China they were used to heal skin and joints. Today, thanks to the development of medicine, the seeds are used for the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics, as well as for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Apricot seeds brewed like tea - excellent remedy from cardiac arrhythmia. Also, based on them, you can prepare an excellent medicine for cardiovascular diseases. It is prepared according to old recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of lemon is crushed in a meat grinder or grater;
  • add 20 chopped apricot kernels;
  • the resulting slurry is poured with 0.5 liters of honey;
  • mix thoroughly and leave for 2-3 days in a cool place;
  • take the medicine morning and evening, 1 tbsp. l.

Almond milk, extracted from apricot seeds, has an antitussive effect and is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as kidneys and liver.

Harm from apricot kernels

In doses not exceeding 20 g (approximately 5 kernels) for adults and 10 g for children, apricot kernels are absolutely harmless. But if you exceed the recommended limit, this can lead to poor health (nausea, dizziness). Connected this property with the presence of poison - cyanide, which in small quantities has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, and in large quantities - on healthy ones.

Too bitter seeds are no less harmful, and not only because bad taste, but thanks to the large accumulation of amygdalin. Although there are types of apricots, the tassels of which have a pleasant sweetish taste. In recent years, breeders have been actively developing varieties with minimal amygdalin capacity and maximum kernel size.

Apricot kernels in cosmetology and cooking

Everyone knows how to grow apricots from pits, but not everyone knows that with their help you can prolong life, preserve youth and prepare delicious and flavorful food.

The longest-livers of the planet, the Indian Khuza tribe, eat exclusively vegetarian food, and one of the main dishes on their menu is apricots with pits. Surprisingly, according to scientists, the Hunza people live for so long (about 120 years) precisely thanks to seeds.

Apricot kernel oil, obtained by cold pressing, is used to prepare various cosmetics(shampoos, balms, masks, etc.). It is also famous for its moisturizing and warming qualities, which is why professional massage therapists use it for health procedures.

Apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which, of course, are important for cooking, since they are added to ice cream, glazes, creams, waffles, desserts and other dishes, and have a persistent almond aroma. It adds a touch of sophistication and unusual taste to canning and baking.

Bottom line

Using apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by experts, you will get rid of many diseases, improve your skin health and prepare delicious and aromatic delicacies.

Apricot is a fruit whose country of origin is still unknown. Thus, some scientists suggest that the plant originally grew in Armenia, others are inclined to Kazakhstan. Now trees of this fruit can be seen where there are appropriate climatic conditions for them.

Some information about the fruit

Over the course of several hundred years, a number of varieties of this plant have been developed that are well adapted to frost-resistant climates. The trees can be up to a hundred years old. They can be seen in warm countries. Apricot fruits are somewhat reminiscent of peach, which are also similar in color. Orange color fruit indicates that it contains carotene, which is necessary for the human body. It contains useful microelements, vitamins, tannins, phosphorus, calcium, essential oils.

As a rule, apricots are eaten in fresh or dried. It should be noted that in any form the fruit is very healthy and retains all the beneficial substances.

What is the composition of apricot kernels?

One of the main components of the fruit is amygdalin. Today, there are a lot of questions and opinions about whether treating cancer with apricot kernels is a myth or reality. So, the B17 content in the fruit is compared to the chemotherapy procedure, but not harmful to health. Therefore, most people have a question: “Apricot kernels for cancer - how to take them when fighting this disease?” You will see the answer to this question in our article.

In addition, the seed of this fruit contains components such as proteins and acids, phospholipids and essential oils, and various microelements.

Also, amygdalin itself contains which is harmful to the human body when consumed in very large quantities. One of interesting facts kernels is that the more bitter they taste, the more toxic substances they contain. In this case, it is advised to take seeds with a sweet component, as they are the most useful and valuable in quality.

Can apricot kernels be eaten?

There is a judgment that states that there was a Tibetan settlement. Here residents took several kernels of the fruit every day. As far as researchers know, none of the settlers were sick oncological diseases. And women gave birth even at the age of 55, which was not outlandish and harmful to their health, despite their rather advanced age.

According to statistics, those who consume these components of the fruit, even in adulthood, have excellent physical condition and mind.

Regarding the effectiveness of treating cancer with apricot kernels, traditional medicine has been using them for quite a long time. And not only with this disease. But also for pneumonia and asthma. In addition, apricot kernels are an excellent remedy to satisfy hunger. A few pieces are enough for a person to work actively, without thinking about food, for three hours.

Why do apricot kernels taste bitter?

Having tried several types of grains of this fruit, you can note that some of them have a sweetish taste, while others have the opposite. But even in the first case, the presence of bitterness is felt.

Scientists say that this is a consequence of the presence of toxic substances in them. Only their concentration is different. In the case when the apricot kernel is sweet with a slight bitterness, it can be eaten in the absence of contraindications.

If you come across a seed with very bitter contents, then you don’t need to eat it. Since it is this terrifying taste that indicates a large amount of hydrocyanic acid in it.

What is the difference between almonds and apricot kernels?

It would seem that these are one and the same thing. But telling a representative of Central Asia about this will make them smile. Yes, because they are absolutely two different things, although in composition useful substances they are similar.

The difference between them is as follows:

  • the almond kernel is elongated and oval, while the apricot kernel is slightly flattened and roundish;
  • almonds are larger in size than the grain of our fruit;
  • the color of the first is more saturated compared to the first core.

Almonds are more popular than apricot kernels. They can be purchased at any chain of stores. It also contains a little more useful microelements than the kernels of an orange fruit.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harms, beneficial properties

The kernels of this fruit are considered interesting in various discussions by scientists due to its heterogeneous composition. Most people, having eaten apricot pulp, throw away their seeds along with the contents, not understanding their benefits.

The kernels of this plant are used both in perfumery and in medicine and cooking. They are used for pneumonia, bronchitis, apricot kernels are not a well-studied topic, so in traditional medicine the substance is used in small quantities.

Cooks, as a rule, use kernels to decorate a dish and to give it a specific taste.

IN folk medicine Urbech is made from the contents of apricot kernels. It consists of grains, honey and butter. This remedy is very good for colds and is used to strengthen the immune system.

The harm of apricot kernels is that they contain a lot of sucrose. For this reason, people with diabetes mellitus and those prone to obesity should not use it. Another contraindication is the presence of the substance cyanide in it, which later turns into hydrocyanic acid. By eating apricot pulp and nuts, this poison can be neutralized. But if consumed in large quantities, you can get food poisoning.

Also, doctors do not recommend using this product for pregnant women, people with thyroid problems, or liver diseases. Children should not eat more than ten kernels per day, provided that they do not have allergies. In this case, you need to consult a specialist and take an antihistamine.

Apricot kernels against cancer: how to take them for prevention and during illness?

Amygdalin and pigmatic acid, present in the kernels of the fruit, are substances that have a detrimental effect on cells affected by oncology. Scientists have proven that moderate consumption grains leads to inhibition of the growth of affected tissues and to their regeneration.

Despite the fact that some researchers talk about the dangers and likelihood of toxic nuclear poisoning, this phenomenon rare. As stated, they should be taken in small quantities. Apricot kernels for cancer, how to take them? Firstly, kernels are needed only from wild plants that grow away from the road. Secondly, for the effectiveness of apricot grains, they are destroyed before direct consumption. You only need to eat raw kernels. And the brighter their color, the more useful substances they contain.

How many apricot kernels should I take for cancer? The number of grains depends on the person’s body weight. There should be one kernel per 5 kg. If the patient experiences unpleasant symptoms, the amount of grains should be reduced. They must be eaten on an empty stomach.

How harmful are fruit seeds? What processes occur in the body when we accidentally eat a bone? These and many other questions regarding fruit seeds are asked by most people. It's time to put aside your curiosity and find out whether you can eat the seeds and in what form.

Chief Editor

It often happens when you get carried away by juicy grapes or ripe apple, chewing the fruit avidly, we don’t even notice how we eat the seeds of the fruit. Of course, if your favorite fruit is, say, a peach, it is quite difficult to imagine that you are quietly eating its huge bone, which in size could easily pass for an independent fruit.

Children often get carried away with bones on purpose. And we, as caring mothers, cannot ignore this fact. However, in most cases, the only thing you really need to worry about is that your child might choke. For the rest, If you do not include bones in your usual daily diet, there will be no global harm.

General information about the beneficial and harmful substances of seeds and seeds

Many are convinced that fruit seeds and seeds are storehouses of valuable substances. Therefore, often creams and other cosmetics contain peach and apricot kernel oils. Nutritionists note the excellent properties of grape seed oil. And the Old Believers, when making jam, do not separate the fruit from the stone and seeds in order to preserve maximum quantity useful properties.

However, the valuable substances of the seeds, which many people love to talk about, are a rather controversial issue.

On the one hand, the kernels of most plum plants contain a substance hazardous to health - amygdalin glycoside. When broken down in the stomach, it releases hydrocyanic acid, which is known to be poisonous. Now you know why apple seeds They taste so bitter, although the concentration of toxic substances in them is very small. On the other hand, apple seeds contain a lot minerals and vitamins. And most importantly - Yoda. However, this does not mean that you can now absorb tons of bones, daily norm– no more than 5-6 pieces.

The situation is also contradictory with other fruits.

Grapes and pomegranate

Often, while enjoying grapes or pomegranates, we swallow the seeds without chewing. This is fundamentally wrong, because poorly chewed seeds of these fruits are not digested at all in the gastrointestinal tract. But at the same time, they contribute to increased peristalsis, acting like fiber. As noted earlier, grape seeds have excellent properties due to the content of many vitamins and phenolic compounds, which are very strong antioxidants. To ensure that these substances are well absorbed, you should not chew grape seeds by the handful; it is best to make tinctures from them.

Pomegranate kernels are rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. However, they are recommended only for those who do not complain of illness. gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, you can easily and simply get aggravated.

It is unlikely that among the readers there will be lovers of cherry pits. However, very often it is swallowed completely by accident. In this case, we will do without panic and hysterics, despite the content of hydrocyanic acid in it, 1-2 eaten bones are not dangerous. You can also cook cherry jam with pits quite easily: high temperature destroys amygdalin. It’s not in vain that French cuisine there is very delicious dessert clafoutis with cherries and cherries, the kernels of which are not removed during cooking.

Peach pits are bitter and inedible. Despite the fact that they are very hard, if you really want to, you can bite through them and stumble upon kernels, which contain a large amount of amygdalin. So I advise you to take my word for it and forget about the idea of ​​trying to bite into a peach pit. In addition, this can have a very detrimental effect on your teeth.

But oil peach pit very useful because rich in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. And as noted above, dangerous hydrocyanic acid is the result of the interaction of amygdalin with water, and not fat. Therefore, you can safely add peach kernel oil to your salad dressings, For example.

We tend to see health benefits in the most unexpected things. One of the most popular ideas of this kind is the benefit fruit seeds.

Many people believe that fruit seeds and seeds contain valuable substances - it’s not for nothing that apricot and peach kernel oils are so valued by cosmetologists, and nutritionists extol the wonderful properties of grape seed oil. Of course, few people decide to eat a whole peach, but often for reasons of benefit, for example, they make jam without removing the seeds from fruits and berries.

It turns out that the benefits of fruit seeds are a controversial issue. Firstly, the kernels of many plants of the plum genus contain a substance hazardous to health: “The kernels of the seeds of apricots, peaches, apples, and cherries contain the glycoside amygdalin, which is broken down in the stomach to release hydrocyanic acid, which is a poison,” explains Irina Russ, nutritionist, endocrinologist Amygdalin is what gives apple seeds their bitter taste. Of course, the concentration of toxic substances in them is very small, but this fact should not be neglected. “At the same time, apple seeds are a source of many vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, iodine,” says Irina Russ, “however, you can eat no more than five or six of them a day.”

The situation with other bones is also contradictory.

Grapes and pomegranate

“Pomegranate and grape seeds, if not chewed, are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but can help increase peristalsis, acting like fiber,” says Irina Russ. Besides, in grape seed many vitamins and plant phenolic compounds - very strong antioxidants. True, if you simply chew the seeds, these substances will not be absorbed very well - it is much more useful to make tinctures. Pomegranate kernels contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

However, you can eat these seeds only if you do not have gastrointestinal diseases, otherwise they may cause an aggravation. In addition, take care of your tooth enamel: hard bones are not good for it either.


Swallow cherry pit It is possible, probably, only by accident: it is unlikely that anyone will intentionally eat something completely inedible. However, if this happens, there is no need to panic: despite the content of hydrocyanic acid, small amounts of the seeds are not dangerous.

You can also cook cherry jam without removing the pits quite calmly: under the influence high temperatures amygdalin is destroyed. For the same reason, there is no need to be afraid to make clafoutis with cherries and cherries the way the French do it, without removing the kernels.


Peach pit kernels are difficult to obtain, and if you do manage to do so, you will find that they are completely tasteless. Because of high content amygdalin, they are bitter, so you really don’t need to eat them. Another thing is peach seed oil. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, and since amygdalin is soluble in water but not in fat, there is no hydrocyanic acid in the oil, and it can be added to salad dressings.


The most edible bone is insidious: in addition to polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, it also contains the notorious hydrocyanic acid. There is no point in eating more than ten tasty kernels.

But heat treatment makes apricot kernels completely harmless, which is why they are so often used in the cuisine of Transcaucasia and the Middle East: just heat the kernels in the oven - and you can mix them with honey and dried apricots or eat them just like that. And Europeans have found a way to use apricot kernels: the bitter kernels are used to flavor jams and sweets (two or three kernels are enough) or for making Italian cookies amaretto.

With the help of apricot seeds you can expel worms, cure the heart and even prevent cancer.
The sweet, aromatic fruits that we all love to enjoy are not just tasty. They are very useful, right down to the bone. The aromatic grains contain a substance that can cure both cough and dermatitis. Exactly apricot oil always valued by the weight of gold.

What is the secret of apricot seeds?

Apricot kernels smell like almonds. They contain amygdalin - it is also called vitamin B17, says herbalist Elena Baklyukova. - It is also found in bitter almonds, seeds of apples, cherries, peaches, plums, and millet. This vitamin has been shown in some studies to prevent cancer, but recently this has been questioned. They also contain carotene and other vitamins essential for health, which make the seeds a universal medicine.

In addition, apricot kernels contain unique oil, which treats dermatitis, tonsillitis, runny nose, annoying cough, can replace expensive nourishing cream (vitamin F is especially useful for the skin, accelerates cell regeneration, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, restores balance, counteracts the formation of acne).

This oil acts as an antibiotic. If wounds (stomatitis) have formed on the tongue or gums, you can chew an apricot kernel; this greasy pulp relieves pain and inflammation.

Is it true that you can’t eat too many apricot pits?

Amygdalin breaks down in the intestines, forming hydrocyanic acid, which provokes severe poisoning. Therefore, apricot kernels can only be eaten a little at a time - a maximum of 3 - 5 pieces per day for adults and adolescents. By the way, this is a recognized anthelmintic. And if you add crushed seeds to tea one at a time, you will get good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritional value

Apricot kernels are a controversial health food and have been suggested for cancer prevention and treatment. The seeds contain monounsaturated fat and are good source squirrel and dietary fiber. The oil in the seeds has vitamin E. However, the seeds also contain cyanide, a potentially fatal toxin. Although your body can detoxify a small amount of cyanide, consuming too much large quantity apricot seeds or kernels may be hazardous to your health.

Bitter and sweet apricot kernels

The nutritional value and toxicity of apricot kernels vary depending on the variety. Some apricot seeds are sweet and contain cyanide. These sweet apricot seeds are suitable substitutes for almonds. Bitter seeds contain more high levels cyanide. The product label should indicate whether apricot seeds are considered sweet or bitter. However, expect a bit of a bitter taste even from sweet apricot seeds.

Calories, nutritional value

A 1/4 cup serving of apricot kernels contains 160 calories. Only 1 gram of fat is saturated fat. Apricot kernels do not contain cholesterol and contain negligible amounts of sodium or potassium. A serving of apricot kernels contains 7 grams of carbohydrates with 2 grams in the form of sugars and 5 grams of dietary fiber. One serving of apricot kernels contains 7 g of protein. Apricot seeds are not a significant source of most vitamins or minerals, but there are 4 milligrams of vitamin E per 100 gram serving of apricot oil.

Amyglalin and pangamic acid

Apricot seeds contain amygdalin, which some researchers believe helps prevent and treat cancer, and pangamic acid, which may be useful in treating coronary heart disease. Levels of these compounds are highest in raw, whole apricot kernels, as opposed to cooked or processed ones. You may find that amygdalin is referred to as vitamin B-17 and pangamic acid as vitamin B-15, but does not recognize these substances as vitamins and considers them unsafe for use in food products or medications.

Safe consumption

Cyanide occurs naturally in apricot seeds and related products, including cherries, peaches and almonds. The amount of cyanide per apricot seed varies depending on the size and variety, but the average apricot seed contains 0.5 milligrams of cyanide. The lethal dose of cyanide ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 milligrams per kg of body weight, depending on factors including age and liver health. Based on medical history, lethal dose for an 80-kg person ranged from 80 to 560 apricot kernels per day. For a 60-pound woman, the lethal dose would be 65 to 455 bones per day. Toxicity occurs at lower doses, so the lethal range should be considered as the extreme upper limit.