DIY cake decoration for New Year and Christmas. Christmas figures made from sugar mastic

Today it has become very fashionable to treat guests and pamper yourself with a beautiful designer cake for any occasion. Today we will present ideas on how to decorate a cake for... New Year with your own hands.

Every housewife has her own favorite and time-tested cake recipes, but you can experiment with decoration. Using various options cake decor, you can turn this sweetness into a work of art.

Let's look at some of the most interesting options how to decorate a cake for the New Year.

Today, cakes decorated with fondant are very popular. These can be confectionery structures of various shapes:

  • Multi-story cakes.
  • Cakes with three-dimensional figures and flowers.
  • Cakes in the shape of various heroes or objects.

Such works culinary arts require skill and accuracy, knowledge of recipes and algorithm of actions. Of course, mastic today can be bought in many stores or ordered online. But done with my own hands It will be tastier and more natural.

Let's look at a few recipes for mastic, this culinary “device” that helps create miracles. And then, we’ll look at some options for how to decorate for the New Year with your own hands using mastic, using it to cover the cake and create figures.

Mastic recipe No. 1

First we need to prepare everything we need in our work:

  • Powdered milk – 180 g
  • Condensed milk – 1 can
  • Powdered sugar – 180 g
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

When everything is prepared, we begin to make the mastic itself:

  1. It is necessary to combine the dry ingredients: powdered milk with powdered sugar.
  2. Then add condensed milk and mix everything thoroughly and knead.
  3. Then add a little lemon juice so that the mastic is elastic and does not crumble.

This is a universal version of mastic - it is good for covering a cake and for sculpting decorations.

Any mastic can be divided into pieces and given color. To do this, you need to mix any food coloring into the mastic pieces. You can also use natural natural dyes, such as:

  • – to create a reddish tint;
  • carrot decoction - to create an orange tint;
  • decoction of onion peel– to create a brown tint;
  • Broccoli broth - to create a greenish tint.

Mastic recipe No. 2

Let's prepare for the culinary process:

  • Gelatin – 10 g
  • Powdered sugar – 500 g
  • Water – 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Now let's start mixing the mastic:

  1. Prepare gelatin by soaking it in water for 20 minutes and then heating it over a fire, but do not boil.
  2. Now we need to mix gelatin and lemon juice into the powdered sugar. To do this, pour the powder onto the table in a heap and pour lemon juice and gelatin into the middle, mix everything thoroughly, adding powder if necessary.

This mastic is good for complex figures.

Mastic recipe No. 3

This mastic will be based on marshmallows. It's great for covering a cake.

For it you need:

  • Marshmallow – 100 g
  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon
  • Water – 3 tablespoons.

Let's start creating mastic:

  1. Melt the marshmallows in a water bath and add butter to it.
  2. Afterwards, you need to remove from the water bath and add powdered sugar.
  3. All that remains is to interfere. The mastic must be kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic. You can add a little more powder or starch during the process for hardness.

To cover the cake, roll out the fondant evenly with a rolling pin, but do not make it too thin, as it may tear when smoothing it onto the cake.

Important! Never put fondant on a cake that is topped with cream containing butter. This may cause the mastic to melt. If you used butter cream, then make an intermediate layer on top of fruit or other cream (for example, based on condensed milk), or from dry cake.

Let's look at a few photos of how you can decorate a New Year's cake with homemade fondant.

Decoration option with fruits

Cover the cake with fondant white. Roll out a green and red sheet. Cut out figures of Christmas trees and New Year's poinsettia leaves with berries. Attach the Christmas trees to the surface of the cake, and the leaves with berries along the sides.

You can attach the elements to thick sugar syrup. To do this, boil some water with sugar. Add more sugar to make the syrup thick and sticky. Using a brush, coat the flat figures with syrup and attach them to the cake.

White mastic

Decor with Christmas trees

Cover the cake with white fondant, and use green fondant to make three-dimensional Christmas trees. Place them on the cake. You can add snowdrifts and snowflakes from white or light blue mastic.

Box with decorations

Here the work will be more complex - we will try to make a box with New Year's decorations.

To do this, you need to make halves of New Year's balls and a bell from the dough, according to the recipe for the cake. They need to be covered with mastic and decorated with confectionery contours and beads.

Afterwards, you need to cover the surface of the cake with mastic, but without smoothing it, but laying it like fabric in a box with folds and folds. Place decoration figures on top. Decorate the side with mastic of a different color. You can add a pattern along the edges.

Cake in the form of a gift box

Can you make the cake itself in the shape of a large one? New Year's ball. Please note that the cake must be stable. Make it flat at the bottom and rounded at the top, like it's in a box. Afterwards all that remains is to cover our sweet ball with mastic and add a fastening element and a rope made of mastic. You can decorate with liquid cream or chocolate from a syringe, beads or mastic elements: stars, petals, lace.

Now let's look at several options for how to decorate a New Year's cake with your own hands without mastic.

Chocolate fairy tale

You can use chocolate icing to decorate the cake. We will make it from dark and white chocolate.

The glaze is very easy to make. To do this, you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, you can add a little water so that it does not harden quickly.

Chocolate glaze

Now let’s look at several decor options with chocolate.


The cake itself can be sprinkled chocolate chips or cover with dark chocolate glaze. From the white chocolate glaze you will need to use pastry syringe, squeeze out snowflakes on baking paper and let them dry. They dry quickly. These snowflakes can be placed on the cake, coated with sugar syrup for fastening.

Christmas tree cake

Make a cake in the shape of a Christmas tree. Cover it with white chocolate frosting. Place balls of M&Ms randomly.

Cover the cake generously with chocolate chips. Make Christmas trees using white and dark chocolate icing. When the Christmas trees are dry, place them vertically on the cake. This way you will get a sweet New Year's forest. You can sprinkle golden confectionery powder on top.

Chocolate version with stencils

For this we need stencils. They can be cut from any thick paper. Stencils can be anything: stars, Christmas trees, bells, and so on. Covering the cake dark glaze. Place the stencil on the surface after the glaze has dried. Instead of glaze, you can simply use grated dark chocolate.

Sprinkle grated white chocolate or powdered sugar onto the stencil. Sprinkle generously. We remove the stencil and get a winter fairy tale.

Now let’s look at vitamin-rich options for decorating a New Year’s cake with fruit.

Vitamin decor

A very interesting cake design is obtained using fruits and berries. In addition, such a cake will be tasty, healthy, and lighter.

Let's look at several options for how to decorate a New Year's cake with your own hands at home with fruits and berries.

Strawberry and mint

For it we will need strawberries and mint leaves.

The cake should be thickly covered with cream. Cut the strawberries in half and make gnomes out of them. Place the bottom part of the strawberry on the cake, then squeeze out a layer of cream and place a cap of the second part of the strawberry on top. Add a drop of cream on top in the form of a pompom. Using chocolate from a syringe we draw a nose and a smile. We make several of these gnomes and then decorate them with mint leaves.

Kiwi, cranberry and blueberry

For it we need kiwi and cranberries and/or blueberries. Cover the cake with any white cream. Cut the kiwi into circles, then cut each circle in half. We lay out the Christmas tree from kiwi slices. Decorate the Christmas tree with blueberries and cranberries.

The New Year's mood is not only a Christmas tree, garlands, Santa Claus and the midnight congratulations of the President. First of all, this festive table. And its logical conclusion is a tea party with a delicious cake. And this despite the well-established opinion that “the holiday was a failure when it came to dessert.”

In fact, New Year's dessert is very important. And even if in New Year's Eve the matter never came to his attention, then in the morning the cake will go “with a bang.” However, it is not enough to prepare and serve a delicious dessert. It still needs to be decorated accordingly to maintain the charm of the magical holiday.

How to decorate a New Year's cake

So, it’s worth starting with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday. Any housewife runs around the shops for several days, prepares food, and on the eve of the celebration itself, practically the whole day does not leave the kitchen, constantly planing, chopping, boiling, frying and baking something.

Being in such time pressure, it is quite difficult to prepare everything. What can we say about dessert and especially about its decoration. That is why, if you still decided to make the cake yourself, then it appearance should be thought out in advance, and decorations should be as simple as possible.

What to make decorations for a New Year's cake from? There are no restrictions here. True, it is worth considering that on such a holiday there is quite a lot on the table. fatty foods. Therefore, you should not make the elements of confectionery decor too greasy. So butter cream It's better to use as little as possible. Well, the most suitable materials for decorating a homemade cake are:

  • ready-made decorations;
  • fruits;
  • powdered sugar and cocoa;
  • chocolate and chocolate icing;
  • caramel;
  • meringue;
  • confectionery mastic.

Each of these materials is worth talking about separately. Although in most cases it is best to combine several materials. But here it all depends on the imagination of the hostess, or rather on the design she comes up with for her confectionery product.

How to decorate a cake for New Year and Christmas

You can decorate a New Year's cake in different ways. The main thing is to think through the “design” in advance. There simply won’t be time for this on New Year’s Day. Inexperienced confectioners should generally practice preparing materials for decoration in advance. This will save a lot of time on December 31st.

To simplify the task, it makes sense not to worry about decorating the sides. If necessary, it will be quite enough to coat them with a small amount of cream mixed with cookie crumbs or crushed nuts.

But it's time to get back to more detailed description materials for decorating the top of homemade New Year's cakes.

Finished decorations

This is perhaps the easiest way to decorate a dessert. Almost every city now has a store where you can buy a wide variety of sugar or chocolate figurines for decorating cakes and pastries.

Of course, just buying figurines is not enough. First, you will have to think through the composition in order to select the necessary elements. In addition, you need to prepare the surface of the future confectionery masterpiece by making a background for the future composition. These can be cocoa, powdered sugar or glaze.


New Year's cake decoration fresh fruit also does not require special skills or much effort. As a last resort, they can simply be spread on the surface of the confectionery product coated with cream. But it’s better to use your imagination and build something more interesting, for example: post an inscription or make stylized Christmas tree or snowman figures from fruit pieces.

The best options for decoration are strawberries, bananas, currants, grapes, kiwi and pineapple. But you can also use other members of the fruit family. The main thing is that their taste is combined with the taste of the product itself.

Powdered sugar and cocoa

This option for decorating a New Year's cake will already require some artistic skills and diligence. But at the same time, it is perfect for novice confectioners, since it does not involve the use of special tools or the preparation of any additional materials.

To decorate the cake using cocoa or powdered sugar Simply cut out a stencil of the desired design from paper in advance, place it on the surface of the cake and sprinkle generously with the above-mentioned materials. Then the stencil is carefully removed, and the intended design remains on the surface of the cake.

It’s worth warning right away: it’s best to sprinkle your confectionery product using a strainer. Thanks to this device, powdered materials will lie evenly on the surface of the cake.

What exactly to sprinkle with? It all depends on the color of the main background. If the surface of the cake is covered with light cream, then it is better to make the design from cocoa, and on chocolate glaze just dark cake The white sprinkles will look brighter. You can combine these elements, for example: sprinkle the entire cake with cocoa powder, and make a pattern of powdered sugar on top.

By the way, the stencil does not have to be made of paper. Very beautiful designs are obtained when using lace napkins. The only downside here is that it will be almost impossible to wash the lace later.

Chocolate and chocolate icing

Decorating a cake with chocolate will never go out of style. It even looks quite presentable simple fill chocolate icing. Moreover, even the most inexperienced housewife can cook it. To do this you need to take:

  • chocolate (without additives) – 100 g;
  • milk – 75 ml (5 tablespoons).

The chocolate should be broken into pieces, placed in a heat-resistant bowl greased with butter, poured with milk and placed in a water bath. The mixture must be constantly stirred. The glaze is ready when the chocolate is completely melted. Optimal temperature“baths” – 40°C.

White glaze is made in almost the same way:

  • white chocolate – 100 g;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • milk – 30-50 ml (2-3 tablespoons).

Break the chocolate into a bowl greased with butter, add powdered sugar and half the specified volume of milk. Place the bowl in a water bath. Stir the mixture constantly until the chocolate is completely melted. Remove from heat, pour in the remaining milk and whisk everything well. By the way, if you add food coloring to this glaze, you can make it not only white.

Both of these frosting options are great for filling the top of a cake. And then you can do whatever you want: sprinkle with powder or cocoa, install ready-made figures, or make decorations from fresh fruit.

But you can do it differently by decorating the cake with figures or inscriptions made from the chocolate itself. It's not difficult to do this. However, for this you will need an additional tool - a pastry bag or syringe.

To make such a decoration, you first also need to prepare stencils or molds. The stencil can be cut out of foil. Everything else is simple. The chocolate is melted in a water bath, poured into a pastry bag or syringe and squeezed out on a flat surface covered with parchment along the contour of the future decoration. The parchment is then carefully placed in the refrigerator. After complete hardening, you can decorate the cake with figures or decorative elements. It’s even easier with a mold (cliché). The melted mass is poured into it and sent to the refrigerator.

This method can be used to make almost any decoration, from simple borders, Christmas trees or snowflakes to complex chocolate compositions. The only caveat is that chocolate figures need to be placed evenly on the cake so that when cutting it into pieces, everyone gets a little chocolate delicacy.


Excellent decorations are made from ordinary sugar syrup, i.e. from caramel. To prepare it you will need:

  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • vinegar essence – 5 drops (you can use a solution citric acid– 10 drops).

Mix sugar with water and put on low heat. The mixture must be stirred constantly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, add to the solution vinegar essence or citric acid and continue cooking until thickened, constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon.

To make figurines or decorative elements from caramel you will need a cliche. You can cut it inside half a potato. The resulting form should be dipped into hot caramel and placed on a cold plate greased with vegetable oil. The caramel will stick to the plate while maintaining its desired shape. In the meantime, until it has completely frozen, you can modify the figure a little: bend it or add texture.


Without much effort, you can decorate the cake with meringue. But first you need to prepare the mass itself. To do this you need to take:

  • eggs – 5 pcs. (only proteins are needed);
  • sugar – 250 g.

Beat the egg whites until a stable foam forms. Then gradually – 1-2 tablespoons at a time – add sugar, continuing to beat thoroughly. When all the sugar has been beaten into the mass, you need to continue whisking it for at least another 15 minutes to form a fairly dense structure.

The base for the meringue is ready. Then everything depends on the design you come up with. You can bake a lot of small bezels to decorate the cake evenly or to lay out a design or inscription. You can also make several large “cakes” by giving the protein-sugar mass, for example, the outline of a castle with turrets before baking.

Bake the meringue at a temperature of about 100°C, on a baking sheet lined with parchment. You can spread the mass on it using either pastry bag, and with a regular spoon.

Confectionery mastic

Well, you can do whatever you want with this material. There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild. With the help of mastic, any cake can be turned into a real confectionery masterpiece. True, to prepare sweet mastic and work with it, you need to have certain skills, both culinary and artistic. Therefore, before making a final decision in favor of this type of decor, it makes sense to practice.

There are many recipes for cooking confectionery mastic. However for home use best suited milk option of this material. The point is that it is universal. It can be used to cover the entire cake (covering), and for sculpting various figures and decorative elements.

You can prepare this mastic from the following products:

  • milk powder – 180 g;
  • condensed milk – 180 g (1 can);
  • powdered sugar – 180 g;
  • lemon juice- 1 tablespoon.

In a deep bowl, mix the milk powder and powdered sugar well. Add lemon juice there and mix everything thoroughly again. Then you need to add condensed milk to the mixture. This should be done in several stages, each time thoroughly mixing the resulting mass. At first you can mix with a spoon, then you will have to knead the mastic with your hands, like dough. By the way, to sweet mass didn’t stick to your hands too much, you can lubricate them with a small amount vegetable oil or sprinkle with starch.

The result should be a homogeneous, slightly yellowish, dough-like mass, which should be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this you can work with mastic.

To give the mastic a different color, you need to add some kind of dye to it during the kneading process. We're talking, of course, about natural dyes. As such, you can use vegetable and fruit juices.

To cover the cake, the mastic must be rolled out and carefully applied to the leveled surface of the cake. After this, cut off the excess pieces of material. To make the mastic roll out better, you need to do this on a surface sprinkled with starch.

There is no need to throw away the cut pieces. The mastic can be re-rolled and some additional decorative elements can be cut out. Or you can make several “sausages” and braid them, getting an original border along the entire border of the cake.

As for the figures, everything is quite simple. The structure of the mastic is very similar to plasticine, and you can work with it in the same way. But in order to glue together two or three fragments of multi-colored mastic, you need to lubricate the glued pieces with water using a regular brush.

New Year's cake design theme

As has been mentioned several times above, the design option for a New Year’s cake needs to be thought out in advance. Of course, the most acceptable theme is a variety of New Year's symbols.

The simplest option is to decorate the cake with Christmas trees, snowflakes, or make it in the shape of a clock whose hands are approaching midnight. But you can also dream up.

It will look beautiful on the surface of a New Year's cake spruce branch, decorated with two or three balls. You can make such a decoration either monochrome - using powdered sugar or cocoa, or colored, using multi-colored glaze or mastic.

In a similar way, you can turn the surface of the cake into a real painting. A snow-covered rowan branch with bullfinches sitting on it will look bright and festive. The materials are still the same - glaze and mastic, but to create a bunch of rowan berries you can use real currants.

I want to decorate the cake three-dimensional figures? No problem. Even an inexperienced “sculptor” can make a whole family of snowmen or something like penguins out of mastic. If you place them among Christmas trees made of chocolate or mastic, you will get an excellent New Year's story. Well, culinary experts with obvious artistic inclinations can create even more complex figures, for example: polar bears from cartoons or a whole zoo of animals sliding down an ice slide.

A cake whose surface is presented in the form of an ice-covered pond (bluish glaze) on which people skate will also be interesting. funny characters, again made from chocolate or mastic. The edges of the cake can be made in the form snowdrifts from whipped cream or cream.

Don't forget that the cake doesn't have to be round or square. A dessert in the shape of a Christmas tree will look great on the table. In this case, the upper part can be laid out from pieces of kiwi, dusting the “branches” with powdered sugar or spreading cream snow on them.

You can use other forms: a bottle of champagne, a bag of gifts, a cornucopia, and finally, just a Christmas ball. Fantasy is not limited here. So, go for it!

Happy New Year and... bon appetit!

Video “Decorating New Year's Cake”

Mastic decorations on New Year's baking, photo:

IN New Year's baking It is customary to add spices (cinnamon, vanilla sugar, pepper, ginger, nutmeg), a little cognac so that the pie exudes the aromas of celebration and sweet warm joy.

How to decorate a Christmas tree pie

The simplest thing is to draw patterns with cream: pine branches, Christmas decorations, garlands, snowmen... Cream for drawing on the pie can be used or.

And cut out Christmas tree decorations from orange peel, candied fruits, take fresh berries or small multi-colored dragees. Or make jewelry from .

The finished Christmas tree cupcake can be decorated with protein icing (icing) and confectionery decorations - sweet Christmas tree decorations. Either take regular cream and draw pine needles and garlands. Photo:

A Christmas tree made from confectionery sprinkles, snow made from powdered sugar (you can add coconut flakes), a skier made from mastic. A simple pie turned into a New Year's pie! Photo:

Or you can simply draw a Christmas tree using confectionery decorations on regular cupcake or a pie and add mastic figures to it... also very elegant! Or you can line the contours of the Christmas tree with nuts, make pine needles from colored coconut shavings, and make Christmas decorations from pieces of candied fruits.

This is Napoleon with a Christmas tree made of coconut and nuts

New Year's cakes

Girls. I found such cool cakes that look like either the reindeer from Santa Claus's team, or like Smeshariki!

Making them is elementary simple, and the children will have a lot of joy!

For such horned New Year's deer cakes, you need to roll them into balls. And for decoration: for the horns - snacks broken into halves (twisted small cookies), for the nose and eyes - chocolate dragee or pieces of candied fruits... in general, any edible sweet little things that you have on hand.

Hilarious deer. I really liked the idea.

You can also do Christmas tree cakes from some confectionery mass, which is usually used for cakes or pastries.

This is how easy it is to decorate regular cake Using protein glaze - draw a clock or a Christmas tree... or a snowman. Icing can even be applied to store-bought cake, covered with chocolate. Photo:

Or, as an option, draw a New Year’s picture on the cake if you don’t want to bake a cake.

New Year's cake decorated with egg white icing. Photo: Fotis Chrysanthidis
You can also draw a New Year's picture on the icing of the cake.

Snowman made of 2 cakes

Here's a simple option - how to make a Snowman cake. Take 2 or 3 cakes (larger and smaller in diameter), shape them into a snowman, sprinkle the top layer of cream coconut flakes or fill it with white icing (as an option, you can sprinkle the Snowman pie with powdered sugar). And then decorate with details - a scarf, insert a nose, eyes, lips, twig hands and buttons.

Snowman cake made from 2 cakes. Photo: Cookbook

Snowman cake, decoration option,

Decorating the cake with fruits and berries

Another way to decorate cakes, cupcakes, pies and pastries for the New Year and Christmas is to make them elegant and joyful. Let your baked goods have traditional taste, but you will delight your loved ones with a festive look of sweets. The first photo is New Year's.

This is simple pecan pie, which was elegantly decorated with fruits and nuts for the New Year. Photo:

A beautiful cake for the New Year. Any housewife can decorate this cake, just choose the available fruits and berries. Here: strawberry. kiwi, blueberries and carambola (yellow stars from it). Photo:

And here greek cakes for Christmas from Costas Papadopoulos. Lots of chocolate, red (the color of joy) and sugar figures of Santa Claus, his deer, and Christmas trees. You can decorate any homemade cake this way.

Beautiful New Year's cake,

But really New Year's version, scarlet strawberries create a festive mood!

New Year's cake with strawberry snowmen. Photo: Marian Bachev

Simple Christmas gifts made from cookies

For those who don’t want to bother with baking, I offer the option of a New Year’s construction set. From plain cookies(Anniversary, Nut, Strawberry, Baked milk and the like), confectionery decorations and, which I have repeatedly mentioned above, you can make a simple and edible New Year's toysmall house from cookies.

For each New Year's house you need 3 rectangular cookies, the joints of which are coated and glued with cream. One cookie down, 2 on the side, and then close over the third. Based on the principle of a cake.

You can also glue cookies with condensed sugar syrup - caramel. Decorations are also glued onto cream glaze.

This is a fun gift you can prepare for your loved ones for the New Year. You only need cream, the rest of the parts can be purchased at the store. Photo:

  • In this short article we will discuss in detail the main ways to prepare delicious New Year cakes with different types of mastic. Very delicious mastic for a cake at home - far from a myth!

    Are you ready to try yourself as a chef at the best pastry shop in the city? Then let's begin!

    Mastic cakes

    Such dishes are becoming increasingly popular and are a favorite treat for most people with a sweet tooth. not only very tasty - they can be considered an undeniable decoration of any holiday table.

    For any holiday, you can order the main dish from those who bake them at home, or buy them in a store. But if you yourself have culinary talents, you can easily make a cake from

    Of course, this will require some ingredients, but they will be cheaper than the store-bought desserts themselves.

    New Year Cake

    New Year is considered one of the most beloved holidays by many, and everyone tries to celebrate it with a rich table with all kinds of dishes and drinks, snacks, desserts and fruits. That is, so that it is unforgettable, bright and elegant in all respects.

    A mastic cake for the New Year will be a stunning decoration for your table, and you will delight your family and friends with it.

    So, what recipes do exist and how to prepare the dish at home? To do this, consider several different options to choose the one that you like best.

    Invent original ideas to cook from mastic, and let them become a real decoration of your table and a symbol of the holiday!

    Bring your homemade sweet mastic dishes to life. various forms. Will it be roses, animals, nature, soccer balls, dolls or butterflies - it all depends only on your imagination and skill.

    Mastic cake for the New Year is a delicious treat for the whole family!

    Materials for work

    In general, you will need standard materials for baking, the same as when preparing other desserts. That is, this is a mixer with attachments (if you want to decorate the dessert with cream).

    The only thing that distinguishes mastic desserts from other cakes is the preparation of the mastic itself. There are simpler and more complex recipes preparations that require a sufficient amount of time and effort. But as a result, you will receive a wonderful gift - a mastic cake for the New Year!

    These are unique and attractive desserts for the real sweet tooth with an attractive vanilla aroma. If you've been dreaming of trying this cake, then now is the time to prepare it. New Year's table with your own hands!

    At home, you can overcome even the most difficult obstacles relatively unusual shapes and volumes, because the main thing is to study some aspects of the cooking process and master them in practice.

    However, preparing the mastic itself will require a certain amount of time and effort. It is important that it is made beautifully and placed on the cake in the same way. Choose one of the proposed options and decorate your holiday table with such an interesting dish as a mastic cake for the New Year! Please your family and friends with them!

    In fact, mastic will be the main part of the entire process of creating a dessert, so you need to start cooking with it.

    We present to your attention the basic ideas and recipes for mastic.

    Ingredients for cooking

    We will need:

    About 150 grams of marshmallows. It is sold in bags in any store. Therefore, first of all, you will need to acquire this component.

    About a tablespoon of butter.

    A bag of powdered sugar (100 g), with an extra supply just in case.

    For preparing colored mastic.

    You don’t have to use marshmallows in this recipe, you can make do with the rest of the ingredients. The main thing is that there is powdered sugar and the consistency during the cooking process is homogeneous.

    Cooking process

    To prepare the mastic, prepare a deep bowl. First you need to pour 100 grams of marshmallows into it. Then we add there butter, mix until smooth and put in the microwave.

    You need to keep this whole mass in the oven for no more than 20 seconds so that it softens slightly.

    In addition, the mass should increase in volume. Take it out of the microwave, add powdered sugar (100 grams) and mix until smooth.

    Gradually add powdered sugar and mix the mixture again until smooth.

    All that remains is to divide the mastic into parts and add dyes to each part.

    So, that's all you need to make mastic cream at home. Another thing you shouldn’t forget about is inspiration and care during the cooking process, so as not to make mistakes and not spoil anything.


    So, our mastic cream is ready. Now we are faced with the main task: prepare the cake and decorate it.

    In addition to mastic, you can use custard. He will complement her well. But under no circumstances should you experiment with protein. In this case, according to the structure and taste qualities it won't quite fit.

    You can make dessert from any dough you want. But custard and puff pastry are not quite suitable.

    But the best option there will still be a sponge cake. The prepared mastic for decoration can first be rolled out into thin layers, then placed between the layers of the dessert and coated with it on the top and sides.

    Additionally, you can cut out any figures using special molds, which can also be purchased in the store.

    As you can see, this is a simple recipe for making mastic at home. But there are even more complex methods, for example, the same dish made from gelatin. This recipe is radically different from the first. Not only that gelatin needs to be added to the cream, glycerin is also added.

    Ingredients for making gelatin mastic

    You will need:

    • 1.5 teaspoons of gelatin;
    • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of glucose;
    • 2 teaspoons glycerin;
    • about half a kilogram of powdered sugar;
    • a couple of tablespoons of water.

    To cook this interesting dish, like homemade gelatin cake mastic, you need to be more careful.


    So, the first thing to do is add water to the gelatin and put it in the microwave, but only for no more than ten seconds. You should not allow the gelatin to boil; you just need to warm it up a little.

    Add glycerin and glucose to the gelatin before it cools.

    The result should be a homogeneous mass, after which we gradually add powdered sugar into it and continue mixing until smooth.

    If, as in the previous version, you plan to use dyes, then ready-made mastic You should also divide it into several parts, add the desired dye to each and stir so that the color is saturated.

    There is another option - honey is ideal for those who love cakes with this ingredient.

    Honey mastic for cake, step by step recipe

    To prepare this cake mastic you will need:

    • approximately 400 grams of powdered sugar;
    • a couple of tablespoons of honey;
    • the same amount of butter (you can use margarine instead);
    • a pack of gelatin;
    • six tablespoons of water.

    This recipe is perhaps one of the most complex of those presented in this article.


    In order to cook honey mastic, you should first dissolve the gelatin in water.

    After the gelatin has dissolved, let it cool to room temperature.

    Then honey and butter (or margarine) are added and everything is quickly mixed until smooth.

    Add half of the existing powdered sugar, mix again and, pouring in the remaining half, also thoroughly knead the mass.

    Mastic with honey will turn out very tasty, but we must not forget that the consistency of the mass should be firm and elastic.

    At the end of preparing the dough, divide the resulting mass into several parts in the same way and roll out into thin layers (to place it on the cake itself) or create figures on the cake from mastic.

    This great option dessert for the New Year, and you can make honey cake"New Year's monkey" with figures of these animals. You will definitely love this dish!

    By the way, you can make cake figures from mastic either with your own hands or using special molds purchased in a store.

    To make the holiday fabulous and unforgettable, make mastic cakes for the New Year - believe me, this is the best solution!

    Decorate any celebration with these wonderful dishes, because they not only look quite original, but are also considered very tasty. Just don’t forget to soak the cakes with liqueur or cognac, but only in small quantities, because mastic does not favor moisture too much.

    Before preparing the main dish of this article, consider the options for master classes (MK). Mastic cakes will make your holiday unforgettable.


    Ready to cook? Then feel free to start creating delicious delicacy, which will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

    Homemade mastic cakes - amazing dessert which is definitely worth a try. Everyone will love this dish!

    New Year Cakes made from mastic are the best holiday gifts for both children and adults!