Decorating a children's cake with funny fruit faces. How to decorate a cake with jelly fruits

To decorate the cake with fruit, any seasonal berries and fruits are suitable - both fresh, canned, or frozen. You can select them either in the same color scheme or in different colors and sizes - here is the widest flight of your imagination for original solutions.

Today I’ll just briefly show you a few techniques for decorating a cake with fruit.
But first, fruits and berries need to be prepared.

Firstly, (especially in the summer) we choose very fresh and beautiful ones.
Secondly, if there are seeds (cherries, cherries, grapes...) - take them out, if there are peels (citrus fruits, kiwi...) - carefully cut them off.
Thirdly, (some “large-sized” objects) we cut according to our discretion and the chosen method of decoration - into slices, plates...

The first method, as I call it, is sectoral. To do this, divide the surface of the cake into the number of sectors we need and...

On each one we beautifully lay out certain fruits and berries of different colors or shapes...

Then it will be possible to decorate the boundaries of the sectors with cream or sprinkle with nuts, for example... i.e. give a finished look.

This method is good because if one of the guests is intolerant to some ingredient (an allergic reaction, for example), he will get a piece of cake with a “safe” treat.

The second way is to lay out some kind of pattern or ornament.
In this case, everything is laid out in a circle, again observing the contrast in color and texture of the selected material.

Well, in the third option - my favorite - everything is laid out in a chaotic order.
This method is the simplest, not requiring much effort or skill in design. After all, the variety of colors of the selected fruits and berries easily conveys all the elegance and richness of the chosen decoration.

If you decorate the cake immediately before serving, then you don’t have to worry about maintaining the freshness of the fruit.
Well, if you started decorating in advance, then you still need to take additional care of the appearance of the cake - the fruit and berry layer needs to be covered with a gelling composition.
It is very convenient to use semi-finished products specially designed for this purpose, from Dr. Oetker, for example. This filling is just perfect, suitable for any fruit and hardens almost instantly, which is very convenient.

You can use regular jelly, but there are some limitations. It is important to remember that when using this filling method, you cannot choose kiwi and fresh pineapple for decoration - the jelly around them will not harden! This is because they contain special enzymes that destroy the effect of gelatin.

This is probably all for now... perhaps this is a very short story about the main ways to decorate a cake with fruits and berries...

And I wish you creative inspiration and sweet compliments!

Very often, housewives use various types of fruits and berries to decorate desserts. It is thanks to the colorful fruits that the finished delicacy becomes beautiful and original. In addition, this design option allows you not to waste extra money and time, and you don’t have to use special devices for decoration; just choose a sharp knife. In this article we will tell you how to decorate a cake with fruits at home, using a photo step by step, to get an interesting delicacy design.

You can use almost any fruit to decorate a dessert, but it is worth considering that simply putting a piece of fruit on the cake is not enough; it will not make a bright decoration. To make the dessert look very attractive, you need to choose these fruits correctly; they must match each other in size, shape and color. It is important to note the taste qualities of the fruits; they should combine well with each other.

A few important rules

Before you begin the process of decorating the dessert, it is worth learning more about some rules that you will have to strictly adhere to so as not to spoil the finished dessert. These tips will help you create a beautiful design while maintaining the original shape of the product.

To begin with, they begin to prepare the cakes, they are soaked in cream, while more cream mass is spent on the layer than on the top layer. This rule is very important to follow, otherwise pieces of fruit will slide off the dessert. A wide variety of fruits are used for decoration; in addition, you can decorate the dessert with fresh berries to make the cake look more colorful. You can cut an unusual shape out of fruit, it could be a heart or a carved flower. Also, the pieces are laid out in a chaotic sequence, observing a combination of shades.

To ensure that the fruits are well fixed on the surface of the delicacy, it is best to fill them with liquid jelly. The easiest way is to buy ready-made jelly, dilute it with water, and then pour it over the pieces of fruit that are laid out on the cake. If it is necessary to use additional decoration, the hostess can take pieces of chocolate, powdered sugar, and melted chocolate. The design using fruits dipped in chocolate looks very interesting. There are many options for how to decorate a children’s cake with fruit at home, step by step from the photo, we’ll talk about this.

How to decorate a cake with pieces of fruit

There are several options for decorating such a dessert; here we will offer the most interesting ideas. For example, you can take a mango and cut out a large flower from it; this decoration is placed in the middle of the dessert. Even a novice master can make a flower; all you have to do is cut out thin petals and place them one by one on the cake. After this, smaller petals are cut out and placed on larger petals. Finally, make a center of fresh berries or a drop of jam. The sides can be decorated with grape halves or tangerine slices.

There is also another option for decorating a cream cake with fruit at home; the photo shows several design options step by step. In this case, we suggest placing strawberries on the central part. In addition, fruits of different shades are used. Such pieces are laid out further from the center to the sides of the cake in a circle.

The easiest way is to make a beautiful rose from a canned mango or peach in the center. And then you need to lay out grapes and tangerines in a circle, do this one by one, thus decorating the entire cake with fruit. You can put small strawberries around the edges of the dessert; blueberries, blueberries or black currants look no less interesting. The decoration in the form of a rainbow looks attractive; here the dessert is divided into several equal parts, and then they begin to lay out pieces of fruit so as to create a kind of colored rainbow. It is advisable to use different colors here.

It is very beneficial to decorate a curd cake with fresh berries; for this, the sides are decorated with strawberries, and the central part is decorated with raspberries and kiwi pieces. The dessert turns out very bright and attractive. You can also decorate the middle of the delicacy with any fresh berries, and pieces of canned mango or peach are placed in a fan along the edges. If the housewife wants to know how to decorate a cake with fruits at home, in the photo, step by step, the dessert is decorated with tangerines in various variations. You can use this idea with other fruits too.

How to decorate dessert with frozen fruit

It is not at all necessary to use only fresh fruits; frozen fruits are also suitable in winter. But it’s worth saying right away that not all fruits here can be used to decorate delicacies. It is very important to use a fruit that will not lose its beautiful appearance after defrosting. Ideally, you should use pineapples, various types of berries and cherries. But it is worth considering that proper defrosting plays an important role here.

In order for the fruit to retain its beautiful appearance, it is worth transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and only after a few hours take it out to defrost at room temperature. The slow defrosting process allows the pieces to retain their shape.

After defrosting, to make the pieces more attractive, they are dipped in chocolate and then placed in the refrigerator for ten minutes so that the chocolate crust hardens well. The finished pieces are used to decorate the dessert. For this design, it is better to use a cream with a denser structure; it can be curd or butter. The dense consistency will make it possible to prevent the juice from the berries from leaking into the cake itself.

To make it more attractive, the top of the treat is covered with a thin layer of jelly to make the fruit look more delicious. To do this, you can buy instant jelly in the store; it is convenient to use, and you do not need to waste time preparing homemade filling.

Store-bought confectionery cannot be compared with delicious, aromatic homemade baked goods. When preparing a birthday cake, one of the main stages is its decoration. But not everyone knows how to decorate a cake beautifully at home. In fact, you don’t need to have the skills of an experienced pastry chef to do this. A homemade cake, decorated with soul and love, can in many ways surpass any store-bought one! Just try not to copy the design options that you saw in the store, but come up with your own unique design. So, let's find out what products and skills you may need to add beauty to your cakes yourself!

Cream decorations have not lost their popularity among housewives and confectioners for many years. Roses, leaves, cream borders are unsurpassed classics that allow you to decorate a cake beautifully. However, before you get down to business, you need to decide which cream you should give preference to and what equipment you need to stock up on.

Choosing cream for decoration

The cream must be non-flowing and non-settling.

Therefore, the most suitable and frequently used are butter and meringue, which hold their shape well. And you can prepare them in the following ways.

Decorate the cake with buttercream

Beat 100 gr. softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Then carefully add 5 tbsp. l. condensed milk (can be boiled), whisking continuously. The cream should be smooth and fluffy.

Options for decorating cakes with butter cream:

Preparation of meringues and examples of decoration

Beat 5 egg whites with a mixer until stiff. Continuing to beat, add 250 gr. Sahara. This should be done gradually, 1-2 spoons at a time. Set the mixer to medium speed and beat for at least 10-12 minutes until a thick, dense, fluffy mass is obtained.

Preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly grease with oil. Using a spoon or pastry syringe, place the finished mixture on a baking sheet and place it in the oven. The time after which the meringue will be completely ready is determined depending on its size and shape. On average, it may take about 1.5 hours.

A few examples of decorating cakes with delicious meringues:

Cakes with such decoration look truly solemn, but they need to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. And their shelf life is very short due to the use of oil and eggs.

What tools, molds and attachments will be needed

The tools for decorating cakes with cream are quite simple - these are pastry syringes (or bags) with nozzles of various shapes. Thanks to the attachments, it is possible to draw such beautiful curly curls, flowers, leaves and stems.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have such devices in your kitchen arsenal. Thanks to an ordinary paper cornet, it will be possible to do without them.

To make it, you only need a blank album sheet. It must be rolled up and the tip cut off (evenly or at an angle). The cornet must be held firmly in your hands, not allowing it to unfold. Fill the cornet with cream, roll up the top and, squeezing it, decorate the cake as you please.

Principles and interesting ideas

Depending on the shape of the cut of the cornet or the shape of the nozzle of the pastry syringe, you can draw both even stripes and all sorts of leaf-flowers on the cake. If you move your hand quickly and quickly back and forth, the strip of cream will turn out wavy, reminiscent of ruffles.

It’s not boring to decorate a cake with cream if you use dyes. It can be either ready-made food coloring or natural:

  • saffron diluted in warm water will give a yellow color;
  • freshly squeezed beet, cherry or cranberry juice – red;
  • carrot or orange juice – orange color;
  • spinach juice – green;
  • cocoa powder or freeze-dried coffee - chocolate color.

Learn how to decorate a cake beautifully with fondant

Pastry mastic can be an excellent alternative to cream decorations. Its consistency is very similar to plasticine. Therefore, if you know how to sculpt beautifully, you can recreate anything from it: from all kinds of flowers to animal figures and various objects.

The main difference between mastic and cream is that it can be wrapped in cling film and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

How to make mastic with your own hands

You can buy mastic ready-made in a specialized store, or you can prepare it yourself, which will be even better. There are several ways to prepare it:

Milk mastic

Want something interesting?

You will need to take in equal quantities:

  • powdered milk;
  • condensed milk;
  • powdered sugar.

Mix all the ingredients and knead them into an elastic dough.

That's it, the mass is ready for modeling! You can start creating. If you want to make the mastic multi-colored, the same food colors as for the cream are suitable for this.

Marshmallow mastic

To prepare it, white chewing marshmallows are used. The color of the finished mastic can be left as it is, white, or painted.

Melt a handful of marshmallows in the microwave or in a water bath. Add a little food coloring (optional) and some citric acid water (or milk). To make the finished mastic more plastic, add a piece of butter. Add sifted powdered sugar and potato starch (in a ratio of 1:3) into the resulting mass in small portions. Stir thoroughly before adding more powder and starch.

When the mastic becomes viscous and easily comes off the walls of the vessel, transfer it to a table strewn with powder. Knead in the same way as dough, adding powdered sugar, but do not overdo it. After about 10 minutes the mastic will become very flexible and will stop sticking to your hands. That's it, you can consider it ready to sculpt decorations for your cake.

Rules for working with this material

Mastic is a somewhat whimsical material for creativity. In air it dries quickly and hardens. Therefore, do not forget to wrap it in a plastic bag while working. You also need to roll out the mastic on cling film, while sprinkling it with powdered sugar.

To decorate a cake with fondant, do not sculpt elements that are too voluminous - they may simply crack. Floral arrangements with leaves, frills and ruffles, small figures of animals or people, and other objects that you can create will look much better.

Here are some interesting decoration options for inspiration:

Original cake decoration with fruits

Decorating a cake with fruits and berries is perhaps the most inexpensive, simple and beautiful way that many housewives have long used to aesthetically pamper their household. Both fresh and frozen fruits can be used.

Simple fruit and berry combinations

You can use one type of berry (for example, raspberries or strawberries) in combination with fresh mint leaves, or make a fruit and berry mix from multi-colored fruits (kiwi, bananas, strawberries, cherries, etc.).

The cream goes perfectly with strawberries and chocolate glaze.

The exotic fruit design looks amazing. Place them on the finished cooled cake, creating a beautiful composition. Dilute store-bought jelly or regular gelatin in water (there should be much less water than indicated in the instructions). Using a wide brush, carefully apply the mixture to the fruit and place the cake in the refrigerator. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. This way the fruit will look juicier and the structure will not fall apart.

Artsy fruit crafts

For those who are ready for more sophisticated ways of decorating a cake, we suggest mastering apple roses. Of course, creating them will require some free time and skill, but we are sure that you will be able to do it!

So, first, let's prepare sugar syrup. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. sugar for 1 tbsp. water and boil well. If you want to give the roses a certain color, add a little food coloring to the syrup. Then cut the apple into thin semicircular petals and boil in syrup over low heat until plastic.

Remove the syrup from the heat and begin rolling the rose. Roll the first petal into a tube, and twist the rest on top until you get a flower. Turn the tips of the slices slightly outward so that the rose looks like it is in bloom.

Chocolate cake decoration

A special treat is decorating a chocolate cake with chocolate. In fact, there are a huge number of options for chocolate decoration. All of them are perfect and original in their own way. The choice is yours!

The easiest and fastest way to decorate a cake is with chocolate chips. To do this, you just need to grate the chocolate on a coarse or fine grater. But there is also a more interesting and unusual way to get chips: put the chocolate bar in a warm place for a while, and then cut thin chips from the bar with a knife. They will immediately begin to curl up. Place these curls on a plate and place them in the refrigerator. Sprinkle them randomly over the cake once they are completely set.

Openwork chocolate is a more sophisticated option for decorating a cake. Such jewelry looks so chic that it’s hard to believe how easy it is to make.

Melt the chocolate bar over low heat, stirring constantly, or use the microwave. You should not heat the chocolate in a water bath, otherwise drops of condensation will mix with it, which we absolutely do not want.

While it melts, draw whatever you want on parchment paper. These can be patterns, hearts, flowers, snowflakes, etc. Then scoop up some more hot chocolate with a confectionery syringe or place it in a plastic bag in which you will need to cut a tiny hole. Trace your drawings on parchment along the outline.

This must be done carefully, but quickly, because the chocolate hardens almost instantly.

The design turns out to be very fragile, so we recommend making several spare patterns. When finished, place your sketches in the refrigerator until completely frozen. After this, very carefully separate the openwork ornaments and transfer them to the cake.

Ready-made templates for openwork chocolate curls, which you can simply print out and outline with chocolate:

Chocolate leaves on the cake look impressive, and do not require much effort in terms of production. To create them, you will need leaves of any tree (in winter, leaves of indoor plants can help out). They need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Then apply melted chocolate evenly over them with a brush. Chocolate leaves will look more realistic if the chocolate is applied to the back of the leaf - the part with the veins. Once hardened, carefully separate the real leaves from the chocolate ones.

As you can see, decorating a cake with chocolate is quick and not at all difficult. A creative approach and a bit of imagination can create incredible things!

Fantasizing over a children's cake

To decorate a children's cake for the upcoming holiday, you will need special sophistication. After all, it should turn out not only beautiful, but also certainly childish! The following materials are good for decoration:

  • bright mastic from which you can make cartoon characters or funny figures;
  • various fruits;
  • sweets;
  • jelly or marmalade;
  • multi-colored confectionery powder used to decorate Easter cakes.

What’s remarkable is that for children, the appearance of the cake is even more important than its taste.. Therefore, to make the child happy, try to decorate the cake, taking into account his preferences and interests. Boys are usually delighted with cakes in the shape of a car or robot, girls are partial to Barbie dolls. And cartoon characters are a mutual favorite topic.

Other simple and interesting ways to decorate

You can decorate the cake with your own hands in other simple, but no less enchanting ways:

  1. Drizzle chocolate or colored frosting over the top and sides of the cake;
  2. Use ready-made chocolate figures;
  3. Walnut kernels or almonds can be arranged in an original way, depicting a border and flowers;
  4. The combination of chocolate and whipped cream looks unsurpassed;
  5. To prevent fruits from losing their appearance, first dip them in transparent jelly;
  6. Another great idea for easy cake decorating: make a unique stencil! To do this, on a sheet of paper with a diameter slightly larger than the cake itself, cut out an arbitrary ornament that you like. Hold the stencil over the cake and sprinkle powder on it if the cake is covered with chocolate icing, or cocoa if it is covered with white cream;
  7. The sides of the cake can be decorated with cream stripes or chocolate shards;
  8. A palisade made of wafer rolls or long cookies around the cake looks great;
  9. You can simply grease the sides with cream and sprinkle them with cookie or nut crumbs.

As you can see, decorating cakes gives a lot of scope to your imagination. Don't be afraid to create, create unique masterpieces and share your ideas and their implementation in the comments!

Decorating cakes with fruits is the most beautiful of the simplest ways to decorate baked goods. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photographs of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruit. Below the photo I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated using cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or prepare it yourself using the recipe described at the very end of this publication.

17 stunning fruit-decorated cakes

Fruit cake photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. The outer circle uses tangerines and green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is made of canned mango (can be replaced with large canned peaches.

Fruit cake photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very beautiful on a white cream background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

Fruit cake photo 3 ( Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations of this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the alternation of laying out colored sectors of fruits. The following fruits and berries are used in this recipe: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

Fruit cake photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and grace. To my taste, it’s simply great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It’s also very tasty; when you bite into a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh, sweet mint-raspberry taste.

Fruit cake photo 5. What did you put on the dark layer of chocolate glaze? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating,” the strawberries can be cut and placed in halves.

Fruit cake photo 6. Red and green are a wonderful color combination. Strawberries and raspberries are a wonderful flavor combination. So just 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwis...and such beauty!

Fruit cake photo 7. The most authentic homemade recipe, everything is simple and everything is accessible. Fan-sliced ​​large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or black currants) placed in the center.

Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating the cake with fruit, the geometric arrangement of the fruit pieces is interesting. The fruit is fixed on a delicate buttery snow-white cream.

Fruit cake photo 9. This decoration is very suitable for huge cakes, which are cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

Fruit cake photo 10. This is the depicted and embodied “Basket of Abundance”. A good and very varied selection of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is “carelessly” filled with jelly for the cake.

Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children! Cake side: kiwi and currants. Owl: strawberries, banana, canned peach and currants for the eyes.

Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruit. The fruits used were strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to use canned peaches. Along with a piece of cake, the canned peach will be soft to bite and enjoyable to eat.

Fruit cake photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been laid out so professionally, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white creamy wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. Placed “cocktail cherries” soaked in sugar syrup in the center of the cake.

Fruit cake photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, from the pulp of a cold watermelon), the decoration idea can be used on ordinary sponge cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango using small cutters for children's creativity. You can see everything else in the photo yourself.

Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how gorgeous the colors are: red, black and blue. This is a fruit assortment of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the frozen section. Although the raspberries used are fresh. And this is an important rule, since it is raspberries that lose their elastic and chic appearance after freezing. But you can buy blackberries and blueberries frozen (but of course good quality frozen ones).

The berries are also laid out seemingly simply, but very thoughtfully, maintaining uniformity of color and taste.

Try it and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

Cake with fruit photo 16. It looks like all the same fruit, it looks like they just cut it up and laid it out. But an interesting solution: sides made of chocolate bars. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruit. Great solution! The only thing is, don’t get lost in search of white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called “dragon eye”. In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and blood orange. Sprigs of mint were added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before placing the slices on the cake, you dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). The fruit will shine!

Fruit cake photo 18. Shortcrust pastry cake (possibly with filling). The laid out fruits are covered with a special jelly for the cake. It gives shine and tenderness.

Fruit cake 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing is that you may need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be fragrant.

Cake is an essential element of any celebration. Nowadays, serving a regular dessert is not relevant. A modern cake is always decorated in the latest fashion.

  • A modern cake is not just cake layers smeared and soaked in cream. This is culinary art! Recently, the fashion for beautiful and delicious cakes has gained more and more momentum and now, in order to surprise someone, you need to work hard on decorating homemade baked goods.
  • The good thing is that with the growing popularity of beautiful cakes, manufacturers began to produce more decorations for this dessert.
  • In large stores and supermarkets we have the opportunity to observe a great variety of edible figurines, beads, mastic, lace, jelly molds, sweets, powders, waffles and so on.
modern decorated cake

Nowadays, cakes are richly decorated with fresh fruits and berries. These are not only bright elements, but also a way to add freshness and juiciness to the dessert.

It is not uncommon to decorate a cake at home with all sorts of bright sweets, tablets, chocolates and jelly sweets to decorate and add originality.

In more complex versions, they use confectionery paste from which you can make any figure.

How to decorate a cake with marshmallows?

  • Marshmallow - This is a type of candy. With their taste and texture, they are more reminiscent of marshmallows or even marshmallows
  • But unlike marshmallows, they do not contain egg whites and contain gelatin, which gives the candy elasticity and density.
  • Marshmallows are often roasted over campfires on camping trips or added to cocoa for a sweet crema and vanilla-sweet flavor.
  • Inventive housewives have come up with a way to decorate a cake at home using this candy.
  • It turns out that marshmallows can make quite good mastic, from which it is easy to mold a flower, a number or any other flat figure

marshmallow candy

You can buy marshmallows in almost any store. And in order to prepare mastic, you need:

  • Pour a package of marshmallows (about 200 grams in a pack) into a glass bowl
  • add a tablespoon of milk and butter to the candies
  • melt the candies in a steam bath or in the microwave for a few minutes
  • cool the mixture and add a glass of powdered sugar and a glass of sifted starch into it, stir until smooth
  • crumple the finished mass into a “plasticine” ball
  • This material can be rolled out with a rolling pin, patterns can be cut out of it with figurines or scissors, and the cake can be decorated with them.

cake decorated with marshmallow fondant

Of course, you can not bother and come up with a simpler use for marshmallows, for example, create animal figures from it or simply put it beautifully on the top of the cake.

marshmallow cake toppers

Try and experiment with the most original jewelry. Marshmallows are a very inexpensive, and most importantly, spectacular way to decorate a birthday cake.

How to decorate a mmdems cake? Decoration ideas

There is probably no such person who does not know and does not like M&M’s chocolate tablets. It seems that they have always existed and even in childhood such sweetness made us incredibly happy. There are two types of M&M's:

  • with chocolate fudge
  • with peanuts inside

These are bright and colorful elements that can make any dessert festive and interesting. You can buy candies at any store, and decorating them at home won’t take much time.

decorating the cake with chocolate M&M's

This version of the cake is, of course, complex. It depicts a package of crumbling M&M's. The candies themselves appear in their own role and decorate one edge of the baked goods with a lush scattering.

chocolate cake with M&M's

This method of decoration is simpler, but it is also complemented by chocolate bars that surround the side of the cake in a circle. M&M's are located on the surface of the dessert and create a rainbow mood with their bright colors.

How to decorate the cake is up to you. But when using M&M's candies, you need to know about their coloring feature. Therefore, it is recommended to place the candies on thick, buttery chocolate cream, where the likelihood that the candy will melt and the colored glaze will flow is minimal.

How to decorate a cake with fondant at home?

  • Do not assume that mastic is such a complex confectionery decoration that everyone is unlikely to be able to do it.
  • Such decorative sweet material has become possible to purchase in any confectionery store and even on the market. The fashion for decorating cakes does not leave ordinary housewives aside, offering them the opportunity to learn the art of mastering “culinary clay”
  • Both adult and children's cakes are decorated with mastic. It is easy to sculpt funny cartoon figures and colorful beautiful flowers from it.

Before you start decorating, you must clearly fulfill all the conditions for baking a cake:

  • bake the cakes the same size, try to make even cuts on them
  • When soaking the cake in cream, distribute it evenly so that there are no slopes or humps
  • Use a spatula to level the cake on all sides and only then proceed with mastic.

confectionery mastic

Mastic is a fairly flexible and viscous material. But if you roll it too thin, it may tear.

After you have rolled out the fondant (it should be twice the size of the cake), cover your dessert with it. Carefully tuck the material under each side of the cake and only then cut off the excess pieces with a knife in a circle.

covering the cake with fondant

From the leftover material you can make any decoration: flowers, figurines, ribbons and bows. If you want to make a pattern, use a special pastry stamp that will leave an indented pattern around the entire perimeter of the cake.

cake decorated with pastry fondant

Try this decoration every time and in the end your work will gain high professionalism.

How to decorate a cake without mastic at home?

  • Decorating a cake at home without using pastry mastic is quite possible using fresh fruits and berries
  • Moreover, this method has already begun to displace the boring sweet sticky shell, opening the way to naturalness and usefulness.
  • Cakes with fruits and berries are becoming popular at special events: weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.

It is believed that such decor is very healthy and not so high in calories, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating is a trend of our time.

cake decorated with berries
  • Light protein and yogurt creams go perfectly with such natural decorations on the cake.
  • Be sure that such a dessert will not stagnate on the table for a long time and your loved ones will demand more
  • To make the decoration spectacular, use large fruits and berries (for example, strawberries) in a cut
  • This allows the structure of the fruit to open up and reveal its colorful colors. For a light glaze and sweetness, sprinkle the fruit with powdered sugar and chopped nuts, if desired.

holiday cakes decorated with fruits and berries at home

How to decorate a cake with whipped cream?

Whipped cream is the easiest, fastest and most budget-friendly way to decorate a cake at home. You can buy this cream in any store in the dairy department.

Of course, you can whip cream at home, but you can only get high-quality cream if you have special equipment or a blender.

cream cake

There is one important condition for decorating a cake with cream. The fact is that such cream has the property of “floating”, which means the finished dessert should be decorated right before serving and stored in a cool place. Whipped cream goes well with fresh fruits, berries, nuts and chocolate chips.

How to decorate a cake with chocolate icing at home?

Chocolate icing or chocolate gommage (as it is called in cooking) is a very popular cake decoration at home. It’s not difficult to prepare it at home from store-bought chocolate, butter and cocoa.

chocolate glaze

In order to prepare a high-quality dense glaze, you need to melt the chocolate in a steam bath with the addition of butter.

You can choose either dark or milk chocolate. In any case, the color will turn out dark. The butter is necessary to give the chocolate a nice, rich texture.

If you don't add butter to the chocolate, it will harden to the state you purchased it in.

cake covered with chocolate glaze

You can make the glaze without using a store-bought sweet bar at all. To do this, add cocoa to the melted butter to taste - the more, the stronger the bitterness and the darker the color.

How to decorate a two-tier cake?

  • A two-tier cake is a decoration for any event. Firstly, it is big and enough for a huge number of people, and secondly, it is beautiful and looks like that idea of ​​​​the ideal cake that has haunted us since childhood
  • A two-tier cake can have one flavor, for example vanilla, or two: vanilla and chocolate.
  • A two-tier cake is a huge platform for the creativity of every housewife. Using mastic, fruit and cream you can create incredible decorations and patterns that will delight everyone

Flowers made from mastic in combination with lace, mother-of-pearl beads and chocolate figures look incredibly impressive on such cakes.

festive two-tier cakes

Adhering to the idea of ​​​​a healthy diet, it is not a sin to decorate such a dessert with fresh berries and natural cream.

fruit cake decoration
  • When decorating your homemade cake yourself, stick to a certain style and combine colors harmoniously
  • Try making some basic chocolate figurines for decoration. To do this, you will need to melt natural chocolate without butter or other impurities in the microwave or in a steam bath.
  • Using a spoon, pour the chocolate in a thin stream onto the parchment paper. You can draw both individual figures and simple abstractions
  • Place the finished drawing in the refrigerator for half an hour. Separate the finished product from the paper and decorate the cake with it.
chocolate figurines

In the struggle for beautiful cake decoration, all methods are good. Experiment with all materials, use mint leaves, roasted beans, nut and chocolate chips, various sprinkles and confectionery beads.

Video: “Decorating a cake with chocolate ornaments”